#chapter 2 with pregnancy and monster babies potentially in the works. gotta see what the spoon situation is
queen of the underworld: transfem stevie gets bred by kas!eddie while theyre both stuck in the upside down.
tags: monsterfucking, oviposition, breeding, implausible resilience of the human body
warning for slight dubcon bc stevie has no idea whats going on in the beginning and monster!eddie cant speak or be normal, but once she catches up she is. Ready And Willing.
also on ao3 here
Stevie hoists Dustin above her head, pulling on the last of her adrenaline to propel him through the gate in the ceiling of the trailer. The gate is closing rapidly now, the link between the dimensions decaying quickly following Vecna’s death. Stevie took her role as babysitter seriously, making sure everyone else was through the gate first, but now, with everyone else on the right side up, she’s now realising that without anyone’s help and the rope cut, she’s going to really struggle getting through herself.
She frantically looks around the trailer, looking for something to stand on for the extra boost as her friends desperately call her name through the portal. The demobats had done a number on the room, wrecking tables and chairs and anything else Stevie could have used to reach the gate. Her eyes fall on the couch, turned over against the wall on the opposite side of the trailer. It's heavy, and after a moment of pushing she's only moved it about a foot closer to the hole in the ceiling. 
She looks back at her friends through the gate, which has now shrunk to the width of her shoulders. She's not gonna make it. 
“Stay there, guys!” She yells. Nancy’s already trying to climb on a coffee table, and Robin is holding Dustin back with tears in her eyes. “Don't come back for me, okay? Keep it closed.”
“What??? No, we're not leaving you-”
“Dustin!” Stevie shouts, interrupting the sobbing boy. The gate is about the size of her head now. “It's okay. I love you, kid.”
The strange sucking sound of the closing portal cuts off Dustin's scream of anguish. And then it's quiet, except for the sound of rolling thunder in the distance. 
Stevie sits on the floor and sobs. 
She's not sure how long she stays there, curled up crying on the floor of the Munsons’ trailer as she comes to terms with being stuck in the Upside Down, but eventually she straightens herself out. Picks up her bat and braves the outdoors. 
Eddie’s body is still on the ground outside. 
They'd tried to carry him back, at first, before they realised the gates were closing and they were out of time. He's lying there, eyes closed, guitar tucked under his arm where Dustin had placed it like you would a bouquet of flowers at a funeral. Whoever said people look peaceful in death was full of shit. Eddie looks like he was eaten by bats and died in pain, his features still kind of scrunched up like being dead hurts just as much as dying did. 
Stevie should bury him, she thinks. He deserves that much. 
She looks around, but can't find a shovel. The ground is weird and hard, anyway, and with her injuries she probably couldn't dig much of a grave without tearing something. Instead, she finds a bunch of rocks, and piles them on top of his body, like a very shoddily made tomb. She places his guitar gently on top, and works a stick into the ground as a headstone. She'd considered tying two together to make a cross, but figured it didn't really fit his aesthetic. If nothing else, she knew Eddie loved his aesthetic. 
She sits with him for a moment. Doesn't say a prayer, knows even if there was a god to hear it he wouldn't be listening to prayers from this place. But she sits, and she thinks about Eddie, about a boy who by all rights should have been terrifying, and instead was one of the warmest people she'd ever met. She hopes he gets some peace now. 
And then she wanders off into the Upside Down. 
She manages to last two weeks before it all goes to shit. 
At least, Stevie thinks it's been two weeks. It's hard to measure time here, where there's no sun or moon and none of the clocks in the empty houses actually work. She doesn't seem to need to eat or drink, although she does still sleep, seemingly more out of habit than anything else. Sleep comes fitfully, her ears constantly straining to hear if the chitters of this dimension's creatures are coming closer, but it seems as good a way to measure the time as any. 
She's surprised by how… calm the Upside Down feels now. She remembers Nancy saying something about how Vecna came from their dimension and used the hive mind for his own purposes. Now, with him dead, the place seems to be settling back into some kind of natural order. The demobats don't attack if they're on their own- they recognise that she's bigger than them, and wouldn't be worth the effort it would take to eat her. Possibly they remember how she ripped one of their siblings in half with her bare hands. She's still pretty proud of that one. The demodogs aren't a threat either. While they do travel in packs and are more likely to attack, they can't deal with doors very well. All she has to do to avoid them is get indoors. It's almost funny to hear them whining and scrabbling at the door like a dog put in time out. And by funny, she means terrifying. 
The real problem is the demogorgons. She hasn't seen many, but they're big, strong, and smart, a dangerous combination. They are weak to fire, but the lighter in her pocket is running dangerously low on fuel, and the wood from the twisted trees that grow here doesn't burn well. Her best bet with the demogorgons is running. Running like hell. 
Which is what she's doing now. 
She'd cut her hand boarding up a broken window in the house she's staying in (not hers, she's not opening that can of worms), and not five seconds later, the demogorgon had appeared, drawn to the scent of her blood like a shark. 
She races through the woods, not chancing a look behind her because she's seen too many horror movies to risk a cliché trip. There are less vines now that Vecna’s dead, but she avoids stepping on them anyway, unsure if the creatures are still connected to them and unwilling to risk drawing more attention if they are. She can hear the demogorgon closing in on her. Its shrieks are getting closer, and after one particularly close growl she thinks she can feel the barest hint of claws brushing against her back. 
And then, the flap of wings, another shriek, followed by the unmistakable sound of flesh tearing. 
Almost against her will, she turns, desperate to know what happened to her pursuer even as her mind screams at her to keep running. Something is crouched over the now motionless corpse of the demogorgon, tearing at it with claws and teeth. It seems humanoid, but huge, over seven feet tall with giant bat-like wings that obscure most of its ashy grey body. Multiple tails wrap around the demogorgon’s body, holding it in place as the creature uses its hands to rip it apart. 
Stevie whimpers, backing up on instinct. And then, like all the girls in horror movies Stevie swore she'd never be, she trips and falls on her ass. 
The new creature whips its head towards her instantly. Its face is humanoid, too, head covered in a riot of black curls, and with big, round eyes that literally glow red, like two stoplights sitting in its head. And beyond that, when she really looks, it's… familiar. 
“Eddie?” she squeaks, a little breathlessly. 
The creature- Eddie- looks at her for a moment, head tilting with some emotion Stevie can't place- and then it pounces, scooping her into its arms and flying off into the stormy sky. 
Eddie brings Stevie into some kind of cave system. As soon as they're no longer so high in the sky she'd die if he dropped her, she starts fighting, pushing at his arms and wriggling desperately. He merely tightens his grip, growls a warning that has Stevie going limp in his arms. 
He carries her deeper into the caves, taking so many turns so quickly she knows she doesn't have a hope of finding her way out of here on her own. And that's if he doesn't, like, eat her. This seems like a lot of effort to go through if he was just going to eat her though, and there had been something like recognition in his eyes when she'd said his name, so Stevie just closes her eyes and hopes for the best. 
She opens them again when she's placed gently onto something soft. She's in a cavern now, the room lit by the gentle yellow glow of strange flowers blooming from the cave walls, and she sits in a strange collection of various fabrics. It looks like… a nest? She recognises a few of the items it's made of- the curtains from her room in the Harrington house, a few pieces of clothing that seem to belong to both her and Eddie, all pilfered from the Upside Down versions of their homes and arranged carefully in a circle, pillows padding the walls of the nest. It's… strangely cosy, as much as it is confusing. 
“Wh- Eddie?” she asks, eyes lifting once more to the strange being in front of her. It's definitely Eddie, still has his tattoos, although they've warped and stretched from his massive growth spurt. There are patches of lighter skin on his face, chest, and stomach, and she recognises them as scars left over from his death. It's oddly comforting to see something that links him so clearly to the body Stevie had buried weeks ago, even though so much has changed. His wings, the black tipped fingers that taper into claws, the long fangs, all pale in significance to the intense stare he gives her, so like the one he'd had when he told her she was ‘metal’ for having the strength to transition in small town Indiana. 
Eddie rumbles a growl at her, low but still somehow nonthreatening, like distant thunder on a warm summer night. When he advances toward her, however, she instinctively rears back. Eddie whines plaintively, and she forces herself to remain still as he… scents her? He rubs his cheeks against hers, buries his nose in her hair and neck as he purrs like a seven-foot tall housecat.
“Eddie,” she chuckles breathlessly, burying her hands in his mane of hair and sort of petting his head. He seems to enjoy it, though, if the way he keens and purrs even harder is any indication. “What are you d- oh!”
Stevie’s words are cut off with a gasp as Eddie licks her, starting at the base of her throat and dragging all the way up her cheek to her temple. She jumps, trying to lean away, but Eddie merely circles a long arm around her waist and pulls her in even closer with a growl, continuing to lick up and down her neck. His tongue doesn’t feel normal, thicker, pointed, and strangely slimy in a way that seems to leave a light film against her skin. It’s long too, able to reach from her collarbone to her temple all at once.
Stevie shudders, pushing gently at Eddie’s shoulders and opening her mouth to say… something. She’s not sure if it would be a complaint or a request for more, but she’s sure she would have figured it out if Eddie hadn’t taken her parted lips as an invitation. He slides his massive tongue into her mouth, curling it deliciously around her own. She practically melts as it fills her mouth, and she can feel Eddie's rumble in return, travelling from her tongue down her throat and settling low in her stomach. 
Eddie’s hands travel to Stevie’s neckline, claws slicing her shirt to shreds as Stevie gasps as best she can around the thick tongue in her mouth. 
“Mmph-” Stevie fights a bit against Eddie’s hands, only succeeding in scratching herself up as he disassembles her bra. His claws travel lightly down her torso, teasing with a light, rumbling growl, before tearing into her jeans. He cuts through the thicker fabric like butter, taking her underwear with it, and Stevie can’t help but whimper in a combination of fear and lust.
Eddie’s tongue withdraws from her mouth, leaving her panting from the loss. He quickly slides down her body, leaving little kitten licks over each scratch his claws had left, before he reaches her dick and just. Stares for a moment. His head tilts and he voices a little trill that reads as something like confusion.
Eddie had known about her before, obviously, but it’s possible there’s not enough left of him in there to really understand. He seems to take it in stride though, lifting and parting her legs, inspecting everything she has to offer, before rumbling another purr and swiftly wrapping his beautiful tongue around her dick.
Stevie melts as Eddie tongues at her cock. It’s nothing a human could do, tongue wrapping around her like a tentacle and milking. She’s never experienced anything like it, and it’s making her lose her mind. Eddie’s hands find her hips, holding her still as she helplessly tries to thrust into his warm mouth. His claws dig in, leaving little pinpricks of blood blooming along her hip bones, and she keens at the sensation.
Eddie moves his head down further, wrapping his lips around just the head of her cock, his tongue sliding even further down her shaft, circling one of her balls before teasing at her hole. 
All it takes to make her cum is a second of light suction around her head and the feeling of the tip of Eddie’s tongue entering her ass. Eddie sucks it all down, retracting his tongue and collecting her release in his mouth. He pulls back, and- oh god. 
He spits her cum into his hand and then brings it down between his own legs, massaging it into a slit Stevie hadn't noticed before. Soon, with a rumbling growl, something begins to emerge from the slit. It's a dark red, pointed at the top, and it seems to just keep going. Stevie is both excited and terrified to have that in her. It looks like it would go up to her bellybutton. Fuck, there are ridges down the underside, that thing's going to tear her up.
Eddie grabs her around the waist (and yeah, the fact that one of his hands fits almost the entire circumference of her waist is definitely doing it for her) and himself around the dick, lining himself up with her hole and attempting to push in. He’s not getting far, and Stevie whimpers, hands desperately batting at his shoulders in an attempt to get his attention. 
“Wait! Wait Eddie please you're too big- I need prep, you'll hurt me-” she begs, tears forming in her eyes as the head of Eddie’s cock catches threateningly against her rim. 
Thankfully, Eddie pauses, head tilting with something like confusion as he seems to consider her words. Stevie almost sobs in relief as he releases her waist, pulls his giant cock away from her hole. And then she sobs with pleasure as he kneels between her spread legs once again and begins to circle her hole with his slimy tongue.
The pointed tip of it goes in easily, its path eased by the strange, slick spit his mouth produces. And then it burrows deeper, getting thicker and thicker with each centimeter that enters her. It’s still definitely a stretch, but it burns so good as he fucks her with his monster tongue, the wet squelching noises echoing off of the cavern walls along with her debauched moans and pants. Stevie goes limp in ecstasy every time it brushes against her prostate, slick but delightfully rough in both texture and movement. She comes again when he curls it inside of her, doubling back on himself in a way that has her screaming with both pleasure and delightful, delirious pain.
She loses track of how long he fucks her like that, limbs loose and mind hazy, until he finally deems her ready for his cock and retreats, letting out a soothing chitter when she mewls at the gaping loss.
And then he’s grabbing her waist again, lifting up her limp body like a ragdoll and lining himself up.
She still screams when he enters her.
He’s as gentle as he probably can be, and she’s probably looser and slicker than she’s ever managed herself, but that huge, strangely shaped cock still seems to split her wide open. He only has the flared head in, but he just keeps going, each ridge catching delightfully on her stretched and abused hole. Stevie’s beyond words now, babbling broken sounds and breathy moans as Eddie continues to slide inside, panting roughly with what must be the extreme restraint he’s showing in not just using her like a fleshlight.
It takes forever for him to bottom out, and when he does, Stevie swears she can feel him in her throat. He chitters again, and when he purrs it vibrates up his cock and into her core in a way that seems to shake more overstimulated tears from her eyes. He brings a clawed hand up to her stomach, presses on the bottom of her ribcage, and when Stevie finds the strength to move her head from where it’s lolled back against the bottom of the nest, she sees that he’s pressing on himself, on the tip of the giant bulge straining out from her stomach. Her poor, tired cock gives another valiant twitch at the sight.
Eddie seems to take her surprised moan as permission to move.
He starts slow at first, but soon seems to be too caught up in his own pleasure to worry about her comfort as he begins to fuck her hard and fast, growling animalistically as he does. He doesn’t even bother moving his hips much, just wraps two hands tight around her waist until they overlap and moves her up and down his cock. She’s never felt so weak, so used in her life, powerless to do anything other than hang limply off his dick while tears stream down her face and high, breathy moans tear themselves from her throat. Anything recognisable as Eddie in him seems gone now, replaced by something animal, something monster as he snarls down at her, red lamplight eyes fixed on the point where their bodies meet.
It’s a few minutes of being torn apart by his size and the terrible, amazing ridges on his dick when something changes. He presses her into the nest, folding her in half and laying his entire giant body against hers as his thrusts change from hard and brutal slams of hip against hip to something slower, more grinding, but so much deeper. And then something else changes too. Stevie’s weak body still jumps in surprise as Eddie’s cock swells enormously, first at the base by her entrance, and then seemingly travelling up the length of his cock until it settles deep in her abdomen. And then it happens again.
Eggs. Eddie’s laying eggs in her.
At this point, Stevie’s too tired and cockdrunk to really question it at this point. She simply lies there, letting herself be torn open over and over as the eggs pass through Eddie’s cock and implant themselves inside of her. Each one is accompanied by a rush of sticky, viscous fluid that fills her so completely it spills out even with Eddie’s monster cock plugging her up. Her stomach is definitely distended now, and she whines to see the bulge peeking out beneath the small swell of her breasts. She looks pregnant. Well, she guesses she is now.
With quadruplets. Eddie gets four eggs in her before he finishes with a keen, panting and looking down at her with such pride and affection on his face that Stevie would definitely start crying if she wasn’t already.
Eddie gently shifts them onto their sides, still fully seated within her but turning so they’re both lying down facing each other. He purrs contentedly as he pushes her hair back from her sweaty forehead, licks the tears from her face until she’s giggling, and then just rests his forehead against hers as he gazes lovingly down at her stomach, stroking gently.
“Baby,” he says. It comes out croaky and a little garbled, like his throat isn’t made for speech, but despite this he still sounds so much like Eddie, like the sweet and kind of weird guy that Stevie had started to fall for all those weeks ago, that it brings another tear to her eye.
She smiles, places her hand gently over his, over the bulge in her stomach where their eggs are resting. “Yeah,” she says, a little breathlessly, because she truly can’t believe that she has somehow ended up trapped in a hell dimension carrying a monster’s eggs, and even more than that, she can’t believe how happy she is about it. “We’re gonna have babies.”
And as Eddie’s face lights up, radiating a kind of warmth and happiness that Stevie can’t remember ever seeing on a person back in the Right Side Up, she realises: This is home. Right here, curled up with Eddie in their nest.
“Mine,” he murmurs, placing a gentle kiss on Stevie’s forehead. And Stevie can’t think of anyone else’s she’d rather be.
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