#char reacts to endwalker
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they give you a buff after you eat the curry agksdfhjlws;oi-
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autumnslance · 2 years
Miss Lyn, how do you handle 4 characters?! I have 2 and its a struggle lol
I really don’t, lol. At least, I don’t try keeping them all current with content.
I play through MSQ on Dark Autumn first. She’s my darling first character. Also running through on her lets me just vibe with MSQ as it unfolds and figure out WTF is going on and react to it myself in that moment. I don’t worry too much how it affects my fics yet; some ideas percolate, but overall I just focus on the story actually being told by the game.
Going through it again on Aeryn a little later lets me be a bit more objective and determine how it affects her, anything I need to change to make sense for her (or in general), and so on.
Then I tend to go back and forth on Dark & Aeryn for a bit until they’re both geared; depending on mood, I might alternate them each day, or each week. Once they’re geared up on their main jobs, I pick one of them and start leveling their alt jobs and doing side content. Right now, I am focusing this patch on Aeryn and getting all her jobs up.
Once that’s done—and there are a few more options!—I’ll worry about Dark’s crafts and alt jobs, when all Aeryn has left is current content as it releases, or random old stuff I wanna do (like finish the HW relic story). Aeryn’s the only one I’m going to worry about current relic grinds for too. But I can’t just do that many job grinds back to back, I need a break! There’s no rush, since Aeryn can craft things.
Also, I’ve decided at this point Aeryn is the designated Collector of Things. Others get pets, mounts, orchestrions, etc as convenient.
Later in the patch cycle, with the main 2 ladies caught up, I’ll get back to leveling up C’oretta; she’s poised to start 5.4, so I’ll be able to knock out the entire Endwalker story on her once more and likely, having had time to chew on things, hear dev talk, and it being a 3rd playthrough, I’ll notice things I missed, remember things I forgot/overlooked, rethink a few other things, and simply enjoy the story again. Then I’ll likely just focus on her main job for gearing (with crafted items) and any alt jobs as mood and time strike me.
Iyna’s still in Stormblood, so lots to still do on her, but I’m not fussed about it. As time and energy permit. Screenshots of her in Terncliff for a prompt response story were done with crime tools. I also don’t feel bad buying boosts and skips on Iyna and C’oretta, as I’ve done all the content on Aeryn and Dark already.
Iyna and C’oretta function as supporting characters and can appear whenever and whereever in fic. I have a rough idea of what they’re doing during Shadowbringers and Endwalker as Aeryn’s doing WoL things (where the other 3 chars are during Garlemald, the Moon, the Final Days, while the Scions are in Ultima Thule, are all things I’ve considered) but actually having them leveled up and current isn’t necessary for that.
In WoW it was expected, somewhat necessary, and honestly built to have multiple alts to do content with, since each character can only be 1 job. Alts on the same account in WoW share a lot of things, like pet and mount collections. FFXIV is far less alt friendly as the expectation is to do things on 1 Warrior of Light. Maybe an alt or two to play with friends on different worlds/data centers, but the intent is a focus on a main WoL.
I only made alts to replay content before New Game+, because I like character creation, and that writer and roleplayer part of me likes having character ideas and figuring out their stories. But I’m not going to keep multiple characters raid ready on all jobs; power to those who have the time, energy, and focus to do that, but it’s also not necessary for writing fic or even most roleplay.
Pick what seems fun for now—leveling a main’s jobs, replaying MSQ, catching up a relic—on whatever character strikes your fancy, alternate when you wish, and don’t sweat it if they aren’t tome capped each week and fully geared on all jobs by the next patch drop. This is a game played for fun, after all.
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lahabrea: this crystal amplified my wifes desires to discover until she decided to experiment on our son
also lahabrea: after i’ve been forced to kill her, i shall keep this crystal on me and this will be fine
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…..i know i said i wished golbez had killed azdaja but I didn’t mean i wished he’d tossed her into a pit to be eaten whole by the massive voidsent zeromus formed of zodiarks aether wtf why would you make me watch this yoshi-p
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one day
one day, shotla will forgive raha for that. i don't see it happening any time soon, honestly, but- one day
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....well. that's ominious
fuck when you know what happens- when themis sacrifices himself about comes back wrong and fuck
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in your defence, you were batshit insane at the time?
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well like
the guy we're echo visioning is wearing armour just like golbez (maybe) but also this durante guy sorta sounds like golbez? like idk one of you is golbez and the other died (less they fused) but which one is it?
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charlottedabookworm · 2 years
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it’s a miracle
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look at this dork i love him so much
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ayyy trip back to the first next patch!! maybe we'll finally actually do something with, y'know, the two people on the first who are from the 13th
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i was right the first time!
so og golbez died and durante took on his friends name and armour then, yeah? I'm not reading this wrong? i thought it was the same voice but I'm really bad at that lol
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oh yeah
maybe we can actually save azdaja (with added trauma) after all
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vrtra i’m sorry but i’m really not sure there’s much left of your sister to save anymore what the fuck
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oh no
this is worse. this is so much worse. i really wish he'd just killed her honestly because fucking oof
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