#char: benjy fenwick
bbconfessions · 1 year
ritinha, quem você acha que é a pessoa mais beijoqueira da escola?
Você quer saber por amostragem ou por quantidade, meu querido fantasminha? Se estiver se referindo a amplitude de amostragem, essa pessoa só pode ser, sem dúvida alguma, nosso querido Sirius Black. Com esse aí, é assim: olhou, sorriu, alohomora no bombril. É bom ficar esperto, gracinha, que o próximo pode ser você.
Agora, caso esteja se referindo a quantidade de beijinhos e agarraçõezinhas e todo tipo de amorzinho... tenho um grande candidato em potencial. Um não, dois! Agora que finalmente nosso príncipe Frank Longbottom e sua vossa alteza real Alice Murphy estão finalmente namorando, não duvido nem um pouco que a Grifinória venha a perder alguns vários pontos por, ahm, excesso de calor humano. Ou vocês acham que alguém engole esse papinho de “ain, não sabemos o que fazer?”. É claro que vocês sabem, meus caros. Eu sei, vocês sabem, até a nossa grande personalidade beijo-virgem do momento, Benjamin Fenwick, sabe. Bora parar de ceninha e pular pra ação?
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@padfoock @slccpylixn @ohmurphy @fenwick-benj1
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clowplots · 1 year
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mês do orgulho lgbtqiapn+, sexualidade dos meus chars: barebones-hq edition
greta catchlove, lésbica
benjy fenwick, bisexual
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barebones-hq · 1 year
Quais sao os chars de vocês, mods?
Oi, chuchuzão. Ó, por enquanto estamos com o Caradoc Dearborn como único char livre!
Se chars ocupados, temos os seguintes:
Lily Evans
James Potter
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
Frank Longbottom
Alice Murphy (Longbottom)
Edgar Bones
Amelia Bones
Benjy Fenwick
Ophelia Diggle
Davey Gudgeon
Sturgiss Podmore
Hestia Jones
Mary Macdonald
Marlene McKinnon
Dorcas Meadowes
Emmeline Vance
Gideon Prewett
Pandora Dorellan (Lovegood)
Alastor Moody
Lucinda Talkalot
Lembrando que nosso activity check é feito diariamente. Se o char ficar 7 dias sem interagir, é postado o ac.
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endsinbits · 3 years
ϟ.  → aaron taylor-johnson : cis male : he/him : mechanic : icarus by bastille  ϟ  did you see benjy fenwick ? you know ,  28 year old muggleborn who was formally in gryffindor . some say benjy can be quite dynamic but are known to be impulsive. they are aligned with the order .  maybe that’s why they remind me of the lingering smell of engine grease, rolled up muggle notes and bloody noses.   ϟ  penned by char : 22 : gmt : she/her
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benjy was born to a working class, muggle family in glasgow, scotland. he had parents who adored him, friends that idolised him and a younger brother that lived in his shadow. 
he was a burst of life and energy. equal parts charming and troublesome. a little too loud, boisterous, careless.
at 11 he received his hogwarts letter, diverting his path from anything that could have been expected-- become a carpenter, an electrician if he was clever! he was a wizard and this was only further confirmation that he was special
under the guise of being sent to grammar boarding school, he went off to hogwarts. bright eyed and brimming with excitement, benjy realised quickly that this was not a place he was entirely wanted
once well-loved and popular, he was not told that the odds here were stacked against him. he was not told that family name is important and magical blood is everything
he sported a grin as he was sorted into the house of the brave and that was the first time someone sneered ‘mudblood’ at him
still, he did well with that chip on his shoulder. once he understood the rules of the games played, benjy took it in his stride
he was a mudblood and he was proud-- this was not such a dirty thing to everyone
benjy is not far off furious that he’s been dragged into a world that despises him at no request of his own
is it a fair point that he could leave the wizarding world after hogwarts? probably, but he underestimates the sense of purpose the war has given him
being a wizard changed him-- it removed his privilege and rebuilt him as someone that had to prove their worth
it gave him a quick temper and remarkably low tolerance when he was once laidback, amiable and self-assumed of his place in the world
pig-headedly chosing to not pursue a magical career after hogwarts, he works as a mechanic for muggles whilst co-existing in the wizarding world. he understands muggles and is never left blinking at a reference
joining the order of the phoenix was a no-brainer. he was much more comfortable being murdered in a blaze of glory and self-righteousness enabled him to believe he was thinking of the greater good
still, it is difficult to imagine winning most days. to him, the fight goes beyond defeating ‘evil’ and extends to overthrowing the entire social structure
the war gives him an excuse to remain fixed, immature, unwilling to face his problems. why would a dead man walking resolve his issues with the world?
so he drinks too much, snorts too much, shags too much. listens too little, cares too little.
war isn’t fun, but what else is there to do?
light at the end of the tunnel - a friend that reigns him in and helps mediate against his worst vices. someone that always brings a smile to his face
antagonist - give me someone that gets under his skin like no other. knows all the right things to say to make him snarl.
annoyance - an order member of good social standing. that ol’ chip on his shoulder works overtime and despite them dedicating their life to his rights, he struggles to get past their background
numbing agent - someone that helps him forget all the bad in the world for a while
lets figure it out ourselves, hmu
behind benjy--
hi hi hi, i’m char n excited to bring you my trash king
pls hit me up to plot !! i prefer messages on here bc i like to have everything in one place, but if it’s better for you then i’m ‘eek char#7216′ on discord
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mxrsmordre · 4 years
most wanted canon chars? would love to have some input from the members!
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Hello! I’m so excited to see this question!   I would say for boys;  Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, Amycus Carrow, Antonin Dolohov, The Lestrange boys, Frank Longbottom, Travers (which could also work as a female or nb character), Benjy Fenwick, Edgar Bones, The Prewett Twins, Arthur Weasley and Caradoc Dearborn!    And for the girls;  Alice Fortescue, Emma Vanity, Tilden Toots (same as Travers, could be male or nb as well), Hestia Jones, Dorcas Meadowes, Amelia Bones and Molly Weasley.  (Just to note that Arthur and Molly would have to be among the oldest in the rp.)   And to most wanted fc question, I would say;  Nina Dobrev, Candice Patton, Jenna Coleman, Lily James, Lily Collins, Christina Hendricks, Ashley Benson, Lucy Hale, Willa Holland, Melissa Benoist, Caity Lotz and Peyton List.    As for Boys;  Theres my boi Chris Wood, who is definitely open for apps!  Michael Trevino, Douglas Booth, Sam Claflin, Arthur Darvil, Franz Drameh, Dylan O’Brien, Dan Stevens and Carlos Valdes!   Members could you please add your suggestions below <3
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dominomortemhq · 4 years
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below the cut you’ll find those who were accepted. please remember to take a look at the checklist & to send in your accounts within 48 hours.
〔 RYAN POTTER, TWENTY THREE, DEMI MALE, HALFBLOOD 〕⟶ i believe TILDEN TOOTS just walked into the leaky cauldron. that is the former HOGWARTS student now working as a RADIO SHOW HOST AND HERBOLOGIST. i heard they can be NAIVE & NERVOUS these days, lets hope they are still CARING & EMPATHETIC as well. i believe HE/THEY are siding with the ORDER after the reconstruction of the ministry of magic
〔 MICHAEL EVANS BEHLING, TWENTY-SIX, DEMI MALE, HALFBLOOD 〕⟶ i believe STURGIS PODMORE just walked into the leaky cauldron. that is the former HOGWARTS student now working as a DRAGONOLOGIST. i heard they can be IMPULSIVE & REBELLIOUS these days, lets hope they are still INNOVATIVE & OPTIMISTIC as well. i believe HE is siding with the ORDER after the reconstruction of the ministry of magic
〔 BRIAN MICHAEL SMITH, THIRTY-SIX, TRANS MALE, PUREBLOOD 〕⟶ i believe KINGSLEY SHACKLEBOLT just walked into the leaky cauldron. that is the former HOGWARTS student now working as a HEAD AUROR. i heard they can be INATTENTIVE & RETICENT these days, lets hope they are still INTUITIVE & METICULOUS as well. i believe HE is siding with the ORDER after the reconstruction of the ministry of magic.
〔 AARON TAYLOR-JOHNSON, TWENTY-SIX, CIS MALE, MUGGLEBORN 〕⟶ i believe BENJY FENWICK just walked into the leaky cauldron. that is the former HOGWARTS student now working as a BARTENDER. i heard they can be CHALLENGING & IMPULSIVE these days, lets hope they are still DYNAMIC & SELF-ASSURED as well. i believe HE is siding with the ORDER after the reconstruction of the ministry of magic. 
 〔 MICHELLE PFEIFFER, FIFTY, CIS FEMALE, PUREBLOOD 〕⟶ i believe MORGANA MALFOY just walked into the leaky cauldron. that is the former BEAUXBATONS student now working as a/an PROFESSOR. i heard they can be PRETENTIOUS & VAIN these days, lets hope they are still ARTICULATE & PERCEPTIVE as well. i believe SHE is siding with the PUR SOCIETATIS after the reconstruction of the ministry of magic. [ jess, 27, pst, she/her ]
〔 ROME FLYNN, TWENTY-FIVE, CIS MALE, WEREWOLF 〕⟶ i believe SILAS ZABINI just walked into the leaky cauldron. that is the former HOME SCHOOLED student now working as a  TRANSLATOR FOR THE MINISTRY AND FORGER. i heard they can be GUARDED & SECRETIVE these days, lets hope they are still PATIENT & PERCEPTIVE as well. i believe HE is siding with the NEUTRAL after the reconstruction of the ministry of magic. [ alix, twenty-two, est, she/her]
〔 SHALITA GRANT, TWENTY-EIGHT, CIS FEMALE, PUREBLOOD 〕⟶ i believe KENZIE SHACKLEBOLT just walked into the leaky cauldron. that is the former HOGWARTS student now working as a PROFESSIONAL POKER PLAYER. i heard they can be A HOT HEAD & COMPULSIVE these days, lets hope they are still LOYAL & FOCUSED as well. i believe SHE is siding with the ORDER after the reconstruction of the ministry of magic. [ andy, 26, aet, so many ]
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crimsonrevolt · 7 years
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Nature’s Rebirth ( Part II )
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.”
April 1st, 12:00 AM -- 
Rumors swirl, infiltrating the Selwyn Ball with tales of an awaiting showcase of strength. A reminder that those pure of blood stand strong, unrelenting -- and that they’ll hold fast against any weakness the war might present in them. Magic runs through their blood, as it has always done, and this is their rightful place. But there are those present who don’t agree, who fear the gossip that reaches their ears, and Davina Selwyn sends out a warning to Amos Diggory, asking for his help should anything go wrong. After informing Alastor Moody and Millicent Bagnold of the situation, it is decided that the Order will infiltrate both of the events in an attempt to keep the peace at both.
Only merriment exits in the Diagon Alley celebrations, buzzed spirits wondering if they’ve finally found the break they needed from the chaos, and the ministry hoping that this show of unity will be one that carries throughout the upcoming days. But amongst all the revelry, Frank Longbottom and Selina Sapworthy hope to expose the bitter understring of complacency brought about by the Ministry, and attempt to question those in attendance about their beliefs. 
April 1st, 1:00 AM --
A skull beams brightly in the air -- smoke illuminating it’s presence at the Selywn manor, and distracted guests crowd around, wondering what is to come. As the murmur of excitement only grows louder, the figure of the Dark Lord makes himself known, muggleborns and those thought as traitors to their cause hovering under his spell -- sacrifices of their cause. Amongst them -- one Dorcas Meadowes. This is his dominion, and he is about to become their King. Alastor, Amos, Lily Evans, Benjy Fenwick, and Fabian Prewett watch on in horror as the first unforgivable is uttered. This is war -- but without the knowledge of who amongst the masks is on their side, the risks of throwing caution to the wind is too great to undertake, and with all calls for backup to Diagon Alley only resounding with a similar call of distress, they are left alone in the battle. They split up, one group attempting to rescue those under Voldemort’s control, the rest mingling amongst the guests in an attempt to distinguish foe from friend. They are quick to unmask the boasting of Bellatrix Lestrange and Rodolphus Lestrange, and after a brief skirmish, are able to pull them aside for questioning. 
Chaos ensures when the same dark mark hovers over wizarding London, it’s symbol one recognized as a harbringer of death, destruction, and it brings the tremble of fear into anyone not bearing the very same symbol on their wrist. Frank and Selina use this as their diversion, drawing upon the fear and attempting to inflame it, but  -- a piercing scream calls their attention. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is amongst them, a shield of magic protecting him from everyone who dares to enter into his vicinity. But who he’s carried with him is clear as day. Muggleborns, innocents, and a friend of so many in the Order. Millicent alongside Greta Catchlove, Edgar Bones, Hestia Jones, and Molly Weasley realize that the images they are seeing are merely a projection sent from the Selwyn Mannor, and attempt to quell the panic. However, with most in the street unawares, and Dirk Cresswell, Xeno Lovegood, and Florence Wilson joining in on Frank and Selina’s efforts to instigate the panic, the wizarding population is left attempting to fend for themselves -- with each person not wavering in doing something that’ll ensure their protection, even if it means harming someone else.
In a dark secluded house, Katrina Parkinson hears of the struggles going on in Diagon Alley, and certain that she cannot let such violence continue, she strikes a deal with Orion Black, with him promising to stop the torture and murder of Dorcas Olivia Meadowes in return for his freedom. Little does she know that he has more sinister plans in mind -- spurned on by resentment and anger at being left alone in capture.
April 1st, 2:30 AM --
Dorcas Meadows lays dead -- the first sacrifice. The one personally slaughtered by Voldemort himself. And the purebloods cheer -- this is the spectacle they’d been waiting to see, and it’s only the start of the monstrosities. The Dark Lord calls out to the onlookers, most still masked -- and asks for those amongst them who are brave to show their devotion to the cause. While Rabastan Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy are eager to prove themselves, Septima Vector and Arabella Figg are called forward as well. However, when the two refuse to educate the mudbloods in their midst -- their allegiances are made known, and Lucius and Rabastan turn on Septima and Arabella. Davina and Alastor attempt to usher in control, but the members of the Order and Aversio are left scrambling as the Lestrange family orders death to be unleashed onto any who dared to enter without being worthy of the Dark Lord’s presence. In amongst the fear -- Regulus Black, Peter Pettigrew, and Gilderoy Lockhart flee. Although, unbeknownst to them all, their allegiances have begun to shift -- Peter and Gilderoy in awe of the Dark Lord’s power, and Regulus disenchanted by the spectacle he has witnessed. Voldemort holds strength, there is no question, but his loyalty to the people who support his cause remains to be tested.
Dolores Umbridge and Druella Black attempt to bribe Marcus McKinnon and Charity Burbage to let them escape the ball unharmed. While Gideon Prewett and Gladys Gudgeon attempt to use the panic amongst the guests as a diversion for violence -- seeking the blood of those who have taken pleasure in seeing people who’ve done no wrong killed and tortured. But in amongst the chaos, their showcase of cruelty is witnessed by Fabian and Benjy.
Katrina and Orion arrive at Diagon Alley, where his true intentions reveal themselves. Instead of attempting to speak to the Dark Lord and stop the murder of Dorcas and the other muggleborns, he breaks free. Joined by Cassius Mulciber and the Carrow twins, Orion makes a stand -- and Cassandra Burke must make a choice for what she’s willing to stand for. In amongst the confusion, the crowd is left wondering -- was Aversio a part of the Death Eaters all along? Both masked, both prone to violence, both instigating a problem for the Order, and with Aversio’s motives under question and the image of Dorcas Meadows lying dead on the cobblestone streets -- before her body flickers and fades until it’s as if she’d never been there in the first place -- confusion and fear run rampant. 
With the uncertainty and the Aurors nowhere in sight, Caradoc Dearborn now leads the rebellion, joined by Marlene McKinnon and Sirius Black. Masks pulled tight over their faces, Aversio makes a stand that this is the kind of injustice that the Ministry stands for (not Aversio) -- and they will not let it continue. But violence is unwise in the midst of fear, and quickly they learn that it only turns to chaos and being seen as the enemy, their cause further linked to the injustices that the Death Eaters in attendance are instigating. Ted Tonks and Pandora Lightwood attempt to stop the violence portrayed by their cause, horrified of what they are willing to inflict on innocent people, and they are quickly joined by Hestia Jones and Greta Catchlove in an attempt to diffuse the tensions.
April 1st, 6:00 AM --
The streets of Diagon Alley lie filled with blood, it is a dark day amongst the Wizarding World. But despite the panic and confusion, Millicent Bagnold and Alastor Moody appear as a combined force -- announcing that they’ve managed to recover Dorcas Meadowes’ body, alongside rescuing several of those held captive by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named -- and that they’ve managed to capture two Death Eaters, Augustus Rookwood and Calliope Nott from the Selwyn Gala, who might hold crucial information. However, in amongst all of the panic, Amelia Bones has gone missing -- the young Auror’s whereabouts unknown. 
April 5th, 10:00 AM --
Dorcas Meadowes’ funeral.
April 6-12th
Riots, Disorder, Destruction continue -- instigated by Aversio and the Death Eaters alike, with the Order and the Ministry focused on putting an end to the violence. However, their focus has turned to the Death Eaters, with most of the wizarding population now fearing Aversio’s power, the danger they present is only one they inflict upon themselves.
April 13th, 9:00 AM --
Millicent Bagnold announces her run for Minister of Magic.
April 16th, 8:30 AM --
Death Eaters enter into the run as well, and amongst them -- Rodolphus Lestrange, Druella Black, and Orion Black all vie for power. But who amongst them all will win... still lies to be decided, and with the Wizarding World torn at all sides, there is no question that this will be a bitter war. 
April 16-30th -- 
The Death Eaters attempt to instigate further questions of the Ministry’s power by unleashing destruction of muggle villages, and attacking members of the Order, while the Aurors and the Ministry attempt to keep things in a precarious state of control. Aversio meanwhile is in an internal struggle, with a multitude of members questioning their alliance, and those who are set attempting to force those wanting to leave into compliance. The leader of Aversio -- still unknown to everyone in the organization, makes his stance clear: Attempt to leave at your own peril and he urges those who’ve remained loyal to attempt to dismantle the notion of having a Minister of Magic altogether. They need a new system in place, one that will not allow this to happen again.
April 3rd: Isaac Bones April 8th: Amos Diggory April 19th: Arabella Figg
*please message the main if you have any questions about this plot drop and we’ll attempt to clear everything up for you. your character can be a lot more involved than they are in this -- as it is only a rough outline and we tried to leave a lot of things open to interpretation, or for characters to step in. please don’t write past the end of April in game time.
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bbconfessions · 1 year
Tá sabendo do novo casal? Edgar vai mostrar a varinha pro Benjy #eushippo
Fantasminha, me diga uma coisa! Me diga se estou errada! Mas quem é que não ama enemies to lovers? Agora, honestamente... acho apenas uma judiação: Peter se envolve com Ophelia, Sirius se joga pra cima dela. Peter se envolve com Benjy, Edgar se joga pra cima dele.
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@fenwick-benj1 @edsbones @chamaleondiggle @padfoock
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bbconfessions · 1 year
corta pra ophelia colecionando admiradores secretos
De fato, meu caro, de fato... Se coração de macho valesse alguma coisa nessa vida, Ophelia Diggle estaria rica. Infelizmente ela vai continuar pobre mesmo, mas é interessante saber que nossa metamorfoga causa fortes emoções em Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black e Benjamin Fenwick ao mesmo tempo, não é?
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@chamaleondiggle @wormtraitor @padfoock @fenwick-benj1
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bbconfessions · 1 year
Falando de cabelo piolhento quem você acha que tem o cabelo mais cheiroso?!
O cabelo mais oleoso? Fico em dúvida entre o @padfoock e o @fenwick-benj1, fantasminha. Boatos que os dois andam trocando farpas por aí, discutindo quem ficou mais tempo sem lavar.
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bbconfessions · 1 year
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Só melhores amigos, é? @fenwick-benj1 @wormtraitor
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bbconfessions · 1 year
Ai rita, querida, estou com uma sensação de que alguém vai dar PT feio nesse festival! Alguma sugestão de quem será o primeiro?
Benjy. Ahhhhhh, mas COM CERTEZA O SENHOR FENWICK. Essa make que as meninas fizeram nele vai borrar rapidinho, meu bem. Aposto meus hipogrifos nesse querido para nos dar esse tipo de entretenimento.
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barebones-hq · 1 year
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A reserva de Benjy Fenwick foi feita para Ana. Lembrando que você tem 24h para entregar a ficha do personagem por chat ou submit. Qualquer dúvida, estamos disponíveis no chat. Não se esqueça de nos mandar seu pronome e a banda favorita do char, eim? Vai por mim, vai ser importante lá na frente, ok? ATÉ JÁ! <3
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