attollogame · 3 years
Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac
She rings like a bell through the night And wouldn't you love to love her? She rules her life like a bird in flight And who will be her lover?
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attollogame · 3 years
hi can we get “feeling their pulse” for Vasilisia and the MC from the prompt list? thanks so much!
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In an instant.
Isn't that what they always say it is?
She's read it religiously in reports and in newspapers, so much so that those three words are practically embedded in her mind. In an instant. It's how fast something can go from good to bad, especially in the field that she's in. One moment it's a routine check-up on one of the abandoned locations, and the next it's a shoot out that has you hiding behind the car door. She's seen so many people rise and fall in that period of time—an instant—that the very concept terrifies her.
Maybe this is why she's shaking so much right now.
Everything around her is a blur of confusion and fear; she can hardly tell who's shooting who or better yet where the shots are even coming from. She can hear them ricocheting off of the car doors and shattering the windows above her. She's already covered in sparking shards of glass, which glimmer maliciously in the other substance she's wearing—
This might be what really has her shaking. If she's injured, she either doesn't care or doesn't have the mental ability right now to comprehend what's going on. She's holding onto the body of her companion and she can't even tell if they're alive right now. They're warm, sure, but isn't everyone warm moments after dying? Rigor mortis takes almost a day to set in.
Her hands blindly fumble as flashes of lights from the guns above her illuminate the tunnel. Repeats of please spill past her lips, spoken to both no one but also everyone at once, as she fumbles to undue their collar. Their eyes remain shut throughout her endeavors and she's so, so terrified of what she will—or won't—feel when she presses her two fingers against their jugular.
Where are they even bleeding from? Where is she even bleeding from?
With shaking hands, she presses who two fingers against their neck and holds her breath. She can hear her heartbeat thrumming in her ears but also, ever so faintly, she can feel their heartbeat as well.
A sound between a relieved gasp and a sob escapes from her mouth as she hunches over them, pressing her forehead against theirs. She continues to feel their pulse for a moment longer, a reminder that all isn't quite lost, before she raises her head once more.
In an instant.
She still has time to end this.
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attollogame · 3 years
All this love for DW and Sysba, and I mean rightfully so theyre wonderfully complicated characters, but... im kinda gay... may we have some random facts about Vasilisia? Maybe Suha too if you're feeling generous? Spicy or not spicy, I'll leave that to your discretion
Bro I’m...def not straight either so ofc I can give you these <3 slightly spicy for some 
One of the spiciest things I can give you about our heart and soul Vasilisia Soloveva is that she is incredibly giving. If you wanted to be doted on and spoiled and made to feel like you own the world (god don’t we wish), she’s your partner
Speaking of, aftercare with Vasilisia? You’ll never be able to step into a spa again. It just won’t live up to your newfound standards. 
Probably one of the more family-oriented people in Attollo? She really cares for the younger generations and they’re one of her biggest motivators in trying to improve Attollo
Despite her ability to handle seeing a lot of shit thanks to her career, she struggles from time to time in distancing herself from a situation. In most police-oriented careers they tell you to perceive people as objects to prevent becoming too attached or affected at scenes, but this is one thing Vasilisia struggles to do
She did dance as a child, and she loved it! Jazz was one of her favorite types of dance, although she did take ballet lessons for a while 
She’s also a sucker for classic novels and yes, she is the type to write poetry in her free time. You gotta have some kind of an outlet. 
Vasilisia never pursued education after high school, which catches many people by surprise considering how valuable her creation of the powered database is 
An absolute blanket hogger, which is probably the biggest con for being friends/partners with her. You will never get the blanket equally. 
Loves to instruct you on how to do things and will top every opportunity she can get. If you want a partner who’s self-assured and completely open to pushing to the limits, I give you Suha. When people say ‘step on my neck’ she doesn’t take it jokingly. 
As with Vasilisia, any aftercare with her is god-tier. I mean, if you’re with her she must value you a fair amount, and she certainly isn’t someone to treat what she values poorly; you can probably expect to be spoiled for a while. 
Despite her hardened exterior, Suha’s weakness lies in her family and friends. Anyone can inflict any amount of pain on her without even seeing her flinch, but if someone were to harm her family, it would be a quick way to get her to negotiate (especially if it involves Alexander). 
Speaking of family, Suha only has vague memories of her mother (another Crowe's general), but Hypatia gifted her with a locket that has her mother's picture in it. This is one of Suha’s most treasured possessions. 
Suha has opinions about her family's practices involving law and punishment, but overall she’s mostly compliant in their actions. It would take a fair amount of persuasion from MC to open her eyes to their questionability. 
She loves the docks. Like Operator, she’ll spend a lot of time there, especially around dusk or dawn in hopes of potentially seeing the sun on the horizon. It’s a place she goes to to clear her head. 
If something were to happen to Hypatia and Markos, Suha would be next to inherit the entire Crowes Court, not Alexander. This was a decision made by the family after Suha took over the role of Judge. 
Suha has one of the best singing voices, but she very rarely sings for any reason other than a birthday. 
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attollogame · 3 years
❛  i am beginning to forget what i expect from the world i always knew  ❜
This one seems made for Dreamwalker
It’s a dance that he’s done before, so often now that the steps are practically etched into his mind. He moves with a delicacy that he rarely possesses, a smile on his face as he weaves between the guests. His hand, the one not holding the champagne glass, twitches—a familiar need—and before he even realizes it, he’s stepping out of the party towards the balcony. 
His breath escapes in a groan as he leans against the railing, tipping the champagne flute until its contents water the ground below. He drops the glass after it, listening to the sound of it shattering on the concrete, before he reaches into his pocket to pull out an orange bottle. 
He doesn’t even hear the door open behind him. 
“Hiding from the crowds as well?” It’s a playful tone, one that he recognizes immediately, and he glances over his shoulder with a half-interest. Vasilisia leans against the railing beside him, staring down at the ground he just dumped his champagne on moments before. 
She’s trying to ignore the pills he’s dropping onto his tongue. He appreciates that. 
“They’re particularly irritating tonight,” he finally murmurs, sealing the bottle back up before sliding it into his pocket. He can already feel the sedatives entering his bloodstream—perhaps tonight he will sleep. Vasilisia casts him a glance from over her shoulder with a smile.  
She wouldn’t be smiling if she knew who she’s standing next to. 
“I suppose you’d know better than I, having come from this world.” She straightens up, running her fingers through her hair. They both look out at the city, at the way the lights dance across the smog above. When he’s this far out from Attollo’s core, it’s easy to forget the way the city leeches the life out of him day by day. 
“Knew,” he replies, resting his body against the balcony. If he leans forward enough, he’ll topple over the edge, and his essence will mix with the champagne below. An artistic interpretation of the death of a bachelor, perhaps, full of drugs and drowning in champagne. “I am beginning to forget what I expect from the world I always knew.” 
A silence settles between them, but he isn’t oblivious to the weight of Vasilisia’s stare as she watches him. She’s more intuitive than he gives her credit for—her brow furrows in concern for only a moment before a thoughtful expression appears in its place. 
“Say,” she sighs, bumping him lightly with her elbow. “This isn’t your party, right?” 
He shakes his head in return. It isn’t his party—he’s here by courtesy. 
“Then they wouldn’t miss you if you left, right?” 
He glances over at her, at the sly grin spreading across her face, and raises an eyebrow in response. “What are you proposing, Miss Soloveva?” 
Vasilisia lets out a laugh at his formal addressment. It’s a warm, joyful sound, and he wishes he could play it back again. “Well, I’m not sure about you, but if I have to eat one more hors d'oeuvre I’m going to snap. Why don’t we get out of here and get some actual food?” 
This catches his interest. An escape from the gilded cage is exactly what he needs, and with Vasilisia, the event is sure to be an entertaining one. The effects of the sedatives are quickly repressed as he turns to face her with his own slight smile. “And where would we go?” 
“Harry’s?” Her smile grows, and he finds himself matching the enthusiasm. Even if this is temporary—even if she finds out who he is—the least he can do is embrace this moment while he can. 
“You know I can never say no to a Harry’s trip,” he sighs, offering her an arm. She accepts it without hesitation as they both turn to face towards the balcony doors. “Let’s hope we don’t get interrupted too much.”  
“God, I know. Hold me back if I get asked about C.A.P progress one more time.” This provokes a laugh out of him as he guides her to the doors. 
Midway there, she pauses, pressing her fingers into his arm, before facing him with a more devious look. “By the way, you’re using the black card for this, right? I mean, I am driving…”
He looks at her for a moment before turning his gaze skywards, an expression of mock exasperation on his face. “But of course, mi cariño. Nothing less for you.”
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attollogame · 3 years
Peony and Poppy for Vasilisia and Suha? 👉👈
peony :   what would a   ‘  happy life  ’   look like in your muse’s eyes ?
Vasilisia: A quiet, peaceful life. One where she can wake up each morning and not immediately get hit with a wave of anxiety over what she has to do that day or what news she may have missed overnight.
Suha: Similar to Vasilisia; she wants a life where she can wake up and the only thing she really needs to worry about is her garden. The only thing she wants to judge is which fertilizer is better, not which person is worth saving. 
poppy: what comforts your muse?
Vasilisia: Spaghetti Westerns—like, the old ones with the really bad special effects.  
Suha: Essential oils in a diffuser but it’s set at max speed 
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attollogame · 3 years
Quixotic for Vasilisia?
quixotic – adj. romantic and unrealistic; possessed by almost impossible hopes
When she was in second grade, her teacher had complained to her godfather that she spent too much time with her head in the clouds and that it would be nothing but a detriment to her future. It was a fair assessment—for a majority of the day, Vasilisia was too caught up in her own daydreams to pay attention to what was going on in class. 
Her godfather’s response was to pull her from school and teach her himself. 
He, by no means, dissuaded her from her far-fetched, and at times unrealistic, ambitions. It didn’t help that his collection of cheesy romance films—which he thought she didn’t know about—only further promoted these ideals. 
Vasilisia liked to daydream, not because it was nice to live in her head for a while (although it was a very nice headspace), but because it allowed her to ignore what else was going on. When she was in her imagination, she didn’t have to see her godfather drag himself home at the late hours, looking more tired than what he left like. She didn't have to hear the screaming of sirens or see the brilliant orange lights as the city was lit aflame by the revolutions. 
Instead, she could imagine it differently. She could imagine the world outside was the world she saw on television; sunlit parks, couples holding hands, kisses in the rain. All she had to do was plop herself in front of a film and she was immersed in an entirely new life. 
Of course, reality did set in eventually, but the fantasy never left her mind. It was molded by experience—instead of sunlit parks, she wanted safe parks. Instead of couples holding hands, she wanted couples to just be together. Instead of kisses in the rain, she wanted to hear laughter. 
They’re still romantic and still unrealistic, these quixotic fantasies of hers. and maybe she is a fool for persuing them so diligently. 
But truthfully, she’d rather be a fool working for a safer Attollo than a fool content in living in the current one. 
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attollogame · 3 years
Marigold and Vasilisia, thank you~ ♡
marigold :   is your muse prone to jealousy ? how might they handle envious feelings ?
Vasilisia has to be one of the least jealous people you can come across. She just doesn't let that kind of stuff weigh on her, or impact her. Envious feelings are often dealt by addressing the problem or talking it out!
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attollogame · 3 years
vasilisia and 2? miss her ;_;
LI comforting a scared OC
“Did you want to talk about it?” 
In the darkness of your room, her voice is a mere whisper, drowned out by the sound of your heart pounding in your chest. You can feel her hands rubbing small circles on your back, seeking to offer you some consolation in this time. She’s still in her work clothes, the sharp scent of leather flooding your senses from her jacket.
You feel bad; she comes home from work, only to find you in tears in the living room. 
“No.” Your voice is rough with use, and you unconsciously clear your throat to smooth it out. Glancing over, you see her watching you with her usual concerned expression, her blue eyes filled with empathy. 
You avert your gaze. She pulls you closer until her chin is resting on the top of your head, her hands still rubbing small, soothing circles. You sink in, drown yourself in her presence, drown out the remnants of the nightmares. 
You don’t want to talk about it because she was centerfold. Her blonde hair spread out across the concrete, her wide eyes—often filled with empathy—as empty as the cold night. When you woke up you almost called her. Then she had walked through the door, and all of the anxiety that had been built up in that moment released itself inside of you like a flood. 
She presses her lips against your forehead. You close your eyes. You don’t want to talk about it; you just want to be here with her right now.
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attollogame · 3 years
6 for my beautiful girlfriend Vasilisia
Anything for her ♡♡♡
6. chasing someone’s lips after they pull away
It's summer time—sort of. Despite the fact that the sun only come out once in a blue moon in a city like this, you still find yourself lounging on one of the beaches of Attollo, a mocktail in hand and the sound of the waves as your lullaby.
Well, that, and the sound of Vasilisia's phone.
"Didn't they give you the day off?" After the fifth chime, you lift your sunglasses—not that they're needed—to eye up your smug looking partner. She turns her head to look at you, letting you see your own dubious expression in her sunglasses, and smiles wider.
"Something like that, yeah."
You sit up on your elbows, staring at her in surprise. "Lis, you did tell them it's your day off, right?"
Vasilisia sighs and sits up as well, scooting closer to you as she does so, before she lies back on the towel. "Don't stress yourself, honey. I told my godfather—if he didn't tell everyone else, that's going to be on his head when I get back."
"I thought everyone knew everything on your force," Vasilisia's phone chimes again, and you chuckle as you lean over her, "but I guess not."
You tap the screen twice and watch the flurry of messages coming in. Vasilisia lifts her sunglasses and raises one eyebrow as she watches alongside you. When a message that simply says 'SOS' finally comes through, she huffs and lets her glasses drop.
"I have two minutes left on this side. When that's up, I'll deal with the children." A bark of a laugh slips from you as you lean in, pressing a brief kiss against her lips. When you go to draw away, Vasilisia's hand comes up and rests on the back of your head, drawing you back in for another soft kiss.
After a few moments together, you lie back on the towel, grabbing for another mocktail as you do so. "At least we can enjoy our vacation until then."
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attollogame · 4 years
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RO: Vasilisia Soloveva 
With duel roles as both a detective and a researcher, Vasilisia has worked hard to establish herself as a reliable figure in the eyes of Attollo. Having been raised in the city by her godfather after the passing of her parents post-Rapture, Vasilisia was introduced to the concepts of law and justice at a very young age. With her godfathers role as the chief of the C.A.P, Vasilisia also spent a majority of her time in the precinct, and was further exposed to the various degrees of criminality in Attollo during her youth. 
Growing up, she was told many stories about the way that Attollo used to be before the Rapture, both by her godfather and the other officers that she spent her time around. Through this, Vasilisia developed a strong belief that Attollo isn’t beyond redemption, and that with the right encouragement and the right leadership, the city can be restored to what it once was. It was through this mentality that she met Pariah and The Triumvirate. They happened across each other when she was called to investigate a powered-crime that Pariah also sought to examine, and through this meeting, a partnership was born. 
Vasilisia also has a strong role as a researcher in the city. She’s constantly seeking ways to help better the lives of the civilians, and her biggest contribution so far is the introduction of the powered inventory. Besides being a catalogue for powered abilities and their warnings, the inventory also serves to educate people about the different dynamics that numerous powered abilities can have, including how to assist someone who is having difficulties with an ability, thus also broadening interpersonal knowledge in the city. 
At the moment, Vasilisia is continuing to work closely with Pariah on the improvement of the city. She’s also recently taken over The Bone Collector case, a highly triggering case for many, which has begun to consume both her time and energy to a great degree. 
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attollogame · 3 years
🖤 for Suha, Vasilisia, Desdemona, Hypatia, and Archivist?
🖤— Random romantic headcanon
She loves at-home dinners compared to going out. A restaurant is nice once in a while, but home dates are far more intimate, and therefore more her style. 
She likes experiencing things with her partner. She’ll take you on dates to try things she’s never tried herself [like a crazy amusement park ride] just so you can have the shared experience together. She likes doing things with others vs alone. 
Unfortunately, Desdemona isn't the type to enter a relationship! She only cared about someone once and that kind of hit the rocks. 
To be her partner, she’d have to regard you as an equal first. If you get to that point, she’s going to make sure everyone knows just how capable you are (basically, she’s a bragger)
Like Desdemona, Archivist would probably not enter a relationship with anyone due to an issue of feelings for someone in particular. However, he’s a romantic kind of guy—he’d be the storybook partner. 
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attollogame · 3 years
mudita // मुदित for Vasilisia?
mudita // मुदित (sanskrit, n.) - sympathetic, vicarious joy; happiness rather than resentment at someone else’s well-being or good fortune
"We got him."
The words are spoken barely above a whisper, but they're audible enough that Vasilisia's head snap up. Across the room, Annica's eyes are glued to her computer screen with a comic-like expression of surprise, almost as if she's not sure of her own statement.
"The lab results came in?" Vasilisia pushes her own chair back—ignoring the cold case she's been staring at for hours—and moves around the table to stand beside Annica. On the screen are the results of the DNA comparison; by the peaks present, the suspect matches the obtained sample from the scene.
"Holy shit," Annica gasps, spinning to face Vasilisia. "Holy shit, Lis!"
An infectious smile splits across her co-workers face that Vasilisia can't help but reciprocate. When Annica's hand comes up to grasp her own, giving an excited squeeze, Vasilisia returns it in full. Despite the ball of anxiety sitting in her chest about her own lab results, Annica's joy at this major breakthrough wills it away.
"Annica this is fantastic—you can bring this to HQ, and from there you can get a warrant and get to business." Vasilisia squeezes her hand once more before letting go. "I'm so proud of you!"
Annica quickly shakes her head, pointing at Vasilisia's jacket. "I don't know why you were saying 'you'—I don't do business without my partner. Grab your jacket cause we got a warrant to get."
Before Vasilisia can respond, the other woman is already darting from the room towards the printer space, leaving her only moments to get ready. Vasilisia's smile turns to a look of soft affection as she moves back to her side, grabbing her jacket and shrugging it on. She clicks off the computer with the negative lab results and looks to the door.
At least one good thing came out of this.
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attollogame · 3 years
ohhhh 💙💢 for vasilisia pls.. love my detective wife
💙— How do they say/show that they miss their partner?
Their S.O can probably expect texts with things that remind Vasilisia of them, or even a ‘how is your day going??’ text; in person, she’d be affectionate (hugging, kissing, etc.) and want to spend time having a conversation with her S.O. She won’t ever directly say ‘I miss you’ unless she really misses them. 
💢— What are some habits of theirs that would take some getting used to?
Oh god, 5 am showers. Unless you’re someone who does it too, this is something that can take a hot minute to get used to. Also she has like a hyper-specific nighttime routine that takes like, 30 minutes to complete, so that too may take time to get used to. 
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attollogame · 3 years
22, 18, and 17 for vasilisia pls 😊
22. Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to?
Oh she don't mind it! She'll call other people nicknames as well depending on how close her relationship is with them; her usuals are sweetheart, or honey, which tends to be used with both friends and partners.
18. Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
Depends on the situation LMAO
17. Do they like children?
Yes! She gets along well with kids, so she doesn't mind being around them
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attollogame · 3 years
121 for vasilisia 🥲
Her fingers are entangled in her hair and she’s been staring at the files in front of her for twenty minutes. You’ve been sitting beside her this entire time, your own hands clasped together with an anxiety you didn’t believe yourself to possess. After a few moments of your shared silence, you clear your throat to speak. 
You’ve never asked her about it before. 
“What,” you begin, and her eyes snap to you as if startled by your presence. She probably forgot you’ve been here the entire time with how consumed she’s been with the papers. “Made you take this case?”
You’ve read the file, and seen the images, and they’re burned in your mind like some grotesque brand. You’ve even seen the aftermath of the scenes; the positioning, the necks, the eyes. It’s heavy content, and certainly not something that people would take on willingly. Which led you to question why Vasilisia, in particular, chose to do so. 
“My old partner had this case before,” she murmurs, her eyes going back to the paper. “They built up the bulk of the evidence you’re seeing right now. They never gave up, even when it seemed like there were only dead ends.” 
Her hand pushes the papers aside and she leans back, her eyes going to the windows beside you both. The lights of the parking garage beside the C.A.P are shining into the room, basking you both in a yellow glow, and her expression seems even more sombre than before. Rather than interrupt with the questions that are burning on your tongue, you elect to let her continue, deciding that this is the better course of action.
“I watched it consume them. When you get exposed to this kind of stuff day in and day out,” she pauses and gestures to the images in front of you both. You grimace as you glance at them. They aren’t pretty. “It digs into your mind and overtakes everything in your life. I watched it swallow them up away from their family, from sleep, from the happiness they used to have.” 
Her breath catches and she tilts her head back. “Not a lot of people talk about the trauma that can come from examining these cases, you know. That’s mostly because not a lot of people know about it. I, for one, didn’t know about it, right up until the moment that the trauma became so much that they finally decided they just couldn’t handle it anymore.” 
There’s an unspoken realization behind what she says. Your hand reflexively comes out to rest on top of hers, and she doesn’t pull away. Instead, she takes a slow breath and continues. 
“I visit their grave everyday, with the guilt that I wasn’t there to save them. That I was so blind to their distress, I let it get to the point where it was unsalvageable.”
“Is that why,” you say slowly, rubbing the back of her hand with your thumb, “You took the case on after their passing? I thought it was just because no one else was willing to take it.”
“Ah, well, no one was willing to take it. It’s a year away from being a cold case, despite the fact that it’s still ongoing.” She turns her hand over so she’s holding yours and sighs. “I also felt...obligated, I guess, as their former partner to take the case on. It felt wrong to let anyone else take it when it was my partner who lost their life to it. So, I decided I wasn’t going to let it take anyone else.” 
She glances over to you, her blue eyes burning with the very determination that made you fall in love with her. “If it’s to take another, I’d rather it be me than any of my coworkers. I don’t intend to let it get that far, though.” 
She smiles then, a brilliant, vindictive smile. 
“I’ll lock him up before it does.”
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attollogame · 3 years
I'm sorry to hear about your rejection :(. How about 255 or 285 with whoever you want?
If there’s one thing that Vasilisia truly, utterly loathes, its hospital waiting rooms. However, prisoners are people as well, and when one of them ends up in a fight that may have caused head trauma, someone has to take him to the hospital.
Which is what led to her sitting beside Malachi in the E.R waiting room at two in the morning, six hours after their arrival. He, staring at the ceiling, and she, eyeing up his cuffed hands with an unfair amount of skepticism. Malachi is a slippery enough bastard that he can wiggle his wrists out of them—and it wouldn’t be the first time he’s done it, either. 
“These doctors can’t do their job.” His comment slices through the heavy silence they’ve both been sitting in since Vasilisia dragged him through the door. She glances over and raises an eyebrow, her lips twitching into a frown.
God, she wants a coffee. 
“I suppose you’d know,” she mumbles, crossing her ankles and glancing at the door, “Being a doctor and all.” 
Speaking of doctors, where is the doctor? Vasilisia would think, with Malachi’s profile as a high-risk prisoner, that at least one of them would have poked their heads in by now. Instead they’ve been wasting their time listening to everyone else getting attended to in the rooms around them. An irritated hiss slips from her lips as she looks back to her companion. In the time that she’s been glowering at the curtains, he’s managed to shift into a sitting position, and is now staring at her with his empty black eyes. 
“Precisely,” he replies, reaching up with his cuffed hands to run his fingers through his long, dark hair. He winces like the gesture pains him, and Vasilisia supposes that getting several kicks to the head would, indeed, cause some pain. “I feel like they’re avoiding coming in here because they’re afraid of me. I don’t know why—I’m not a very hostile person.” 
Vasilisia stares at him. He’s completely serious, not an ounce of humor in either his expression or tone, and she almost admires the amount of belief he carries behind his own words. Then, she laughs. She’s running on an hour of sleep, she hasn’t had a coffee since yesterday, she’s sitting in the E.R with a man who could disembowel her before she could even blink, and he just called himself a completely non-hostile person.  
“Didn’t you stab someone with a yardstick?” She manages to get the words out between hysterical giggles as she sits up in her chair. “Malachi, what is wrong with you?” 
He seems unsure about what’s brought her to near-tears in her seat. He’s staring with the same blank gaze he’s been wearing since they arrived—that he’s had the entire time she’s known him, truthfully—but his expression has traces of confusion at its edges in the form of a downturn in his lips and a furrow in his brows. 
Finally, he shrugs, the cuffs on his wrists clicking together with the motion. 
“It wasn’t a yardstick, actually. It was the warden's cane. They just have an unfortunate similarity in appearance.”
This causes Vasilisia to pause again, her hands resting on her abdomen to soothe the ache from her laughter. The image of Malachi—in his 5’4 glory—facing down his well-over 6 foot opponent with nothing but the warden’s cane is something she never would have entertained before, but now seems impossible not to envision. The thought causes another wave of snickers to burst past her lips. 
Malachi huffs before falling back on the cot, wincing as he does so. 
Vasilisia has to admit, for all of his faults, he certainly doesn’t lack ambition.
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