#chara: sagramore delacour
fairywilds · 7 months
At the local grocery store, Sagramore and Olive strolled through the aisles in search of artisanal treats for a charcuterie board. The idea had originated with Olive, but Sagramore eagerly jumped on board, offering to drive and eagerly looking forward to the opportunity to indulge in some delicious snacks. As they perused the shelves, Sagramore's attention was caught when he spotted a particular item. Grabbing it and holding it up, he called out to Olive who was a few steps ahead. "Hey, isn't this the fancy cheese you wouldn't stop talking about?" he asked, a small smile across his face. ( @nctural )
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fairywilds · 5 months
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Born into the Luna bloodline, he has spent his life mastering the art of shapeshifting, seamlessly transitioning into various animal forms. Over time, he discovered that among his lineage each member usually harbors a preference for a specific animal transformation. For him, that preference unveiled itself in the form of medium-sized, long-tailed rodents, particularly rats. Aware that this choice may seem peculiar to others, he remains undisturbed, finding solace and tranquility in his chosen form, despite the lack of understanding from those around him. He shares a close bond with his sister Olive Delacour, emanating a strong twin-like connection despite not being twins. His actual twin, Sawyer Delacour, adds to this dynamic, forming a trifecta of understanding born from shared experiences while growing up. Their upbringing under strict, religious parents inflicted its share of trauma, leaving him grappling with deep-seated religious wounds and the burden of unlearning backward teachings imposed upon him. Nevertheless, his loyalty to his siblings remains unwavering, forged through shared hardships. Sage is steadfast in his commitment, willing to go to great lengths to support and protect his siblings. During his high school years, Sage delved into the world of music, finding passion in learning and playing the upright bass. In his spare moments, he also honed his skills on the bass guitar, expanding his musical ability. This foundation served him well when he later joined Cassie Reese's band, Jupiter Moons, where he plays the bass. He is really immersed in band life because he found a way to express his innermost thoughts and emotions through the band where-as he has struggled in with that before in his life. He also relishes the opportunity to share his musical talents on stage whenever they play the gigs they manage to secure. Around this time, during young adulthood, he embarked on a journey of self-discovery, eventually embracing his bisexuality, a realization that required considerable courage to acknowledge openly. Taking the initial step, Sage confided in Olive and Sawyer separately, engaging in heartfelt and supportive conversations that paved the way for his self-acceptance. Sawyer's acceptance, especially, held significant weight, given their close bond as twins. With their understanding and approval, Sage found the strength to come out to others, although he specifically excluded his parents due to their deeply ingrained religious beliefs. Opting for a life of authenticity and happiness while away from his parents and Sage maintains this sense of autonomy by living independently from his parents, allowing him to navigate his identity with a sense of freedom and separation from their expectations.
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fairywilds · 8 months
wanted connections
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Malakai Westmore — OLDER BROTHER: brother who always looks out for him and kind of taught him everything he knows they are close and this was the brother Kai was closest to but when kai died they had a hard time reconnecting due to kais death and yet kai was still around as a ghost so things were different but they're still there for one another it just feels different and more distance between them now
OTHER SIBLINGS (BIOLOGICAL BROTHERS): (abuse tw, brainwashing tw) he comes from a lil culty family where they believed in some really weird shapeshifter shit and kinda fed it to their kids where animal shapeshifters are like the best species and it's a lot of elitist but also like... religious abuse, forced solitary confinement, ugly gross things !!! but i imagine it's all brothers and there's a weird hierarchy uGh it's gross and its the worst but the boys secretly looked out for each other until their dad got sick and died /: the mom was never the same and gave up all the beliefs and barely leaves her room bc she went into catatonic schizophrenia and now lives in a medical ward and they would visit her sometimes bc that's still their mom but they were essentially brainwashed to think weird things and have a lot of healing to do. all of their last names would be Westmore! first names are up to you but none can be older than the older brother connection above! ROMANTIC SHIP: can be any gender <33 and kai is up for any type of person so i think most charas would work.... maybe there could some type of forbidden love vibes to it idk we can go wild lol
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Eitan Mars — SIBLINGS (ADOPTED OR FOSTER): big ass family with lots of kids and they all have cool unique names because the mars family is weird! like cheaper by the dozen type shit lol where parents got together when eitan was young so they grew up in a tall house with like five stories and constantly had people coming in and out and it was messy and wild and full of energy and fairy magic everywhere and filled with lots of love and support so! there would be a few kids from before the parents got together then a few kids after so the before kids (like eitan) would have the last name mars and the after kids (younger than eitan) would have a hyphenated last name with Mars and something that you decide or completely something you decide it's up to you EXES: someone that eitan has dated in the past but they have broken up and their dynamic and reason is up for plotting and the ex-partner can be any gender(: i just need more exes for this loser bc he would have dated ppl in the past haha
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Aristotle Sloane — ENEMY & PAST HOOK-UP: where they just do not like each other anymore maybe they never liked each other but they have hooked up because they were both hot lol so maybe ari regrets it maybe they were drunk or whatever but now ari can't stand this person
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Nereus Pan — SISTERS (ADOPTED, FOSTER, OR BIOLOGICAL): i imagine nereus has a ton of sisters of different ages and he's the only boy lol the sisters can be older or younger than him but they all have the last name pan to keep up appearances
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Sagramore Delacour — ROMANTIC SHIP: can be any gender <33 and sage is up for any type of person so i think most charas would work.... maybe friends first tho?? dare i say a lil bit of a slow burn if we want?? lol the partner could struggle with being hurt in the past paired with sage's want to give them a better life and is willing to shower them in love with affection and compliments it could be really cute
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Octavia Mercy — VAMPIRE/HUMAN: a relationship with a human male. where we can portray the changing and difficult aspects of a relationship between a vampire and a human. we can explore immortality and forbidden love and also be melodramatic asf and sappy and romantic and uGh he would be a feeder and he is her favorite human yes pls i feel like it could give: the one who hates absolutely everyone x that one ray of sunshine that they love with all their heart
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