squeakadeeks · 6 years
concept: Bakugo and Karkat in the same environment. who would assume authority over the other, and/or who would step in to separate them? :p
NOT TO GET DEEP: but that does depend on if its late story Karkat and Bakugo, or first introduction? but in most scenarios, i never saw Karkat as being overly aggressive or dominering. just very defensive, and very controling, but in a  good natured way. so i think he would ether leave on his own accord if confronted, or end up letting Bakugo take the lead, but be snarky about it? 
I AINT NO CHARACTEROLOGIST but thats just my 2 cents 
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romansyria · 6 years
These data, supplemented by those provided by the historiography of the third and fourth centuries, help us to identify some fundamental features in the personality of Elagabalus. A characterologist would rank him among the “nervous”, ie in the same category as Baudelaire, Musset, Poe, Verlaine, Heine, Chopin and Stendhal. Here is Berger’s definition of this “emotional-non-active-primary” character: “Of variable mood, they want to surprise and attract the attention of others. Indifferent to objectivity, they have the need to embellish reality, which goes from lying to poetic fiction. They have a pronounced taste for the weird, the horrible, the macabre and, in a general way, the "negative”. Work irregularly and only to what pleases them. Need stimulants to break out of inactivity and boredom. Inconstant in their affections, quickly seduced, quickly consoled. Dominant value: entertainment. The same characterologist insisted on the importance of the mask and mystification in the behavior of the “nervous”. “I would like to be this gentleman who passes,” says Musset’s Fantasio. “I want to disguise myself as a scoundrel,” Heine writes in one of his Sonnets (Buch der Lieder). The « nervous » have an inextinguishable thirst for the new, like Baudelaire in the Fleurs du Mal, who, by praising makeup , proves Elagabalus right, always painted and disguised. The « nervous »  also have the “demon of  perversity”, as R. Le Senne strongly marked  in his Treatise on Characterology: taste of coarseness, obscenity, cruelty, even sadism. This does not exclude - quite the contrary - dilletantism and refinement, or even poetry, the preciousness or sophistication of sensuality and eroticism. Elagabalus’ loud and sudden laughs in the theater, where we « only could hear him » we read in the Historiae Augustae, is clearly a typical « nervous » trait. However, the individual goes beyond this typology. The circumstances of life, and in particular historical destiny, nuance, exaggerate or exasperate certain traits of character. Absolute power - Cruel wine - to the prince as to the peasant - He pleasantly intoxicates Elagabalus As he drives mad Mazaniel. (V. Hugo) All “nervous” people are not or do not become emperors. But “refinements in pleasures as in cruelties are an affirmation of power” (Stefan George, Algabal).
Robert Turcan, Héliogabale et le sacre du soleil, 1985
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Rex Murphy: If the eco-fanatics hate Justin Trudeau this much, imagine what they think of you He opined, first, that Trump was “a creep.” He offered no documentation to support the assertion, but I suspect we can be very confident he based it on the very best computer modelling, and at the very least 97 per cent of the world’s characterologists will agree with him.
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