#charile seed
zacklover24 · 6 years
Far cry Back tattoos
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tom-the-phone-man · 4 years
*cuts a plum open* *eats the seed*
(its not charlie btw)
dale softly throws a table. “ ya i know your not charile. hell if you where youd bug tom. but god why the fuck eat the seeds thats gross.” he says. nick is amused at this shit. 
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What the Wonder Woman Movie Tried to Do
(Disclaimer: Any quotes are as I remember them from my three viewings and almost certainly not word for word. I unfortunately do not have unfettered access to the movie.) 
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In the wake of the release of this amazing movie, many people have talked about the decision to set the movie during World War 1. I’m not historically informed enough to get into details, but it’s not hard to learn that World War 1 wasn’t nearly as 'good vs evil' as World War 2. Nazi’s weren’t a thing yet, the holocaust wasn’t happening, and neither side had much in the form of moral high ground. 
And that was important to the message of the movie. At the end, Diana—in a voiceover—sums the message up, stating that there is a darkness inside people’s hearts, a terribleness, that each individual must battle, and it is through love that the light they also carry can defeat the dark.
I want to look at the ways the movie was telling us that this battle exists in everyone, and then articulate how it failed to effectively show this: articulating to us that the battle had never been black and white and that the Germans were not strawman villains. 
Diana begins the movie naive, and through the course of it, her understanding widens, and we follow her journey. We’re first introduced to the Germans by Steve Trevor after he crashes into Themyscira. Right away, he tells Diana that he’s a good guy, and those “are the bad guys.” Pretty juvenile language. He’s trying to convey something very quickly, and in doing so, he gives the audience the ‘layout’ of the movie.
Unfortunately, we never really leave Steve’s perspective on this. He is Diana’s POV and guide through this war. And this sets up how the movie fails in showing us that the Germans are also as whole and complex indiviuals as the English.
Despite the fact that Diana is portrayed naive in many ways, when first discussing the war, she insists to Steve that Ares has corrupted these Germans, and if she can just defeat him, they would be free of his influence.
And in fact, the first German she speaks to, she wraps in the Lasso of Truth, asks where Ares is, and declares she is asking for his own good. Despite him having just attacked them, she’s insisting that, if only a corrupting force didn’t exist, he would be a good man.
I think it’s important that our heroine never truly believes that the Germans are all bad guys. In the end, it is what tests her faith in humanity, the moments when she discovers Ludendorff wasn’t the god of war and when Ares, under the power of the lasso, says he never made anyone do anything—merely showed them the way.  The corruption, the darkness, cannot solely be laid at Ares’s feet.  And her faith before this, and the faith that results in the end, are all the more powerful for it. 
But our villains are decidedly a German commander, Ludendorff, and his scientist, Dr. Maru. In each of their scenes—to which there are several—they are depicted as agents of destruction, relishing in the power of the gas weapon Dr. Maru created to the point of sadism. This emphasizes Steve’s statement at the onset: Germans are the bad guys.
The Englishmen need to fight them.
And yet, when Diana arrives in England, she sees men talking over pleas for peace. She asks Steve why they won’t let Sir Patrick talk when he’s discussing peace. I wish they would have followed up on that better, because despite it, the next time they’re in conference with the heads of the army, they refuse Steve when he asks to go in and take out Ludendorff’s new weapon on account of the peace talks. Steve presses the need to do this or else “hundreds of thousands will die on both sides.” The fact that he includes ‘on both sides’ to a room full of men who almost certainly don’t care about the Germans is an interesting piece of dialogue to include… an important one. Steve may have oversimplified: “me good; germans bad” at the beginning, but this expresses a belief he holds—one I suspect he develops over the course of the movie until he asks if he is just as much at fault. That sounds like another meta though.
The general replies to Steve’s plea: “They are soldiers; it’s what they’re supposed to do.” [die] This is coming from one of the supposedly ‘good guys.’ Fortunate for us, Diana is having none of it. She calls him out, telling him that he’s a bad man if he sits and does nothing while thousands die. And I think the fact that we, as the audience, don’t see this general’s statements as actually 'evil’ is our own perception of what becomes necessary in war—something Wonder Woman would clearly, adamantly, disagree with us about.
On a somewhat side note: he asks who this woman is and dismisses her berating of him on account of it and has, so far in the movie, repeatedly shown her nothing but contempt; something we only see from the English side of this war interestingly enough. Diana, Princess of Themyscira, has her presence repeatedly questioned because she is a woman, but Dr. Maru exists in Germany with seemingly no issues surrounding her gender.
But Diana and Steve are going to save those hundreds of thousands anyway. He takes her to collect 'backup,’ and they pick up Charlie and Sammy, two men she initially dislikes for being a liar and a murderer. She immediately questions their goodness, which I think was an important step for this movie. For this to be their message, she had to have allies that even she doubted. She does seem to accept it quickly enough though despite neither of them proving for quite time yet that they are, in fact, good people.
She’s starting to learn. People are complicated. The good guys are leaving their own to die. The good guys won’t stop Ares. The good guys dismiss her because she is not a man. So… what are the bad guys like anyway?
They board a train and head for “the front.“ As they get off, we see a crowd of English soldiers, singing war songs, looking hopeful and ready for a fight. Feels a lot like naive Diana, but they don’t have the purpose she does, so instead, it comes off feeling far more like they’re experiencing a nationalistic fervor—a blind loyalty to stay on mission, follow orders… just like the soldiers in Veld later must have felt. And then Diana and co. continue on, and we see those who have already fought, and they are shell shocked and wounded and far from cheerful. It is an exchange much like you can’t help but imagine is happening in kind on the German lines. And each nation chooses to continue this exchange, sending more sheep in the place of those who come back wounded, unable to continue fighting.
And then we meet Chief. And Chief… he’s especially interesting. He does two things with this narrative. He is introduced as a smuggler: he provides goods to both the English and the Germans for profit. This means, he’s the closest we get to a POV from the enemy side that isn’t evil. And when she calls him on it—for aiding, even in a small fashion, the other side—he says it’s what he has left after his people were destroyed, and when she asks who destroyed them, he points to Steve.
Steve. The good guy The Englishmen. The English destroyed a people They are not paragons of perfection
The movie doesn’t linger on this or even have Diana question it, but she also doesn’t call Chief a liar. She seems unsettled, and she lets the subject go, and later, we observe Chief interact with Steve’s men in the trenches, and he is like a saving grace to them. Diana sees no evil in him despite what she is told he does/who he associates with.
And then we have Diana, talking to Sammy about Charlie, the man who kills without honor. She remarks on how he couldn’t do what he said he can, and Sammy replies that “Not everyone can be who we want to be all the time.” What a wonderful, beautiful, human line. I LOVE this line.
“Not everyone can be who we want to be all the time.”
And it’s so true. Interestingly, the way he responds to her question, it sounds on some semantic level like Charile wants to be the murder her claims, but that’s not what Diana sees. This reveals to her a man who never wanted this sort of life and who suffers because of it (his flashes of PTSD/nightmares), and she knows he isn’t evil. He’s… complicated. Yes she saw a darkness there, but now she sees a light.
Sammy reveals to her he always wanted to be an actor, but his 'skin is the wrong color.’ That has nothing to do with the war. The way she was treated as a woman had nothing to do with the war, nothing to do with Ares. This is complicated in a way she’s not prepared for and sowing the seeds of understanding later on. And the exchange ends with  Sammy telling her, “We’re all fighting our own battle Diana.” We all are.
BUT, the Germans we got to know are unquestionably evil. Only, there are some hints that perhaps Ludendorff and Maru do not represent all Germans. We get a scene where the Germans are revealed to be cold (huddling around trash fires) and starving and without sleep. The German man we see trying to defend his men and their plight to Ludendorff gets killed brutally and without warning by him. Ludendorff is evil, even to his own people.
And then we get to meet Germans arguing for the armistice. Sure, they appear to be doing it because they have nothing left to fight with, but even when Ludendorff insists there is, they refuse him. After all, we had plenty of Englishmen yelling at Sir Patrick, trying to drown out his talks for peace. But Ludendorff kills those Germans who would do the right things, viciously and brutally and with great pleasure.
And we have the gala. We have Steve and Diana in a position to take out the key players, and Diana insists on doing so… but Steve stops her. He lets Ludendorff get away and order the strike against Veld. If he hadn’t stopped Diana, an entire village would not have perished, because Ludendorff would be dead. Even though he wasn’t Ares, in the confusion and without a sadist at the helm, Veld would not have perished. This does not make Steve guilty of their slaughter, but it still stands that if he had acted differently, they would not have died, and Diana tells him as much. (I think this is the closest the movie was willing to get to make Steve culpable, so I find it important to read it as such. It was an attempt at showing one of the English, someone close and important to our protagonist, make a human error of destructive proportions. They didn’t want to make Steve look too bad and lose the audience’s sympathies though, so it was played down and maybe even lost some of it’s impact/purpose.) 
And then, then Ludendorff is dead, killed by Diana, but the war is not stopping. And Steve arrives and tells her he needs her help. She realizes, quite on her own, “It’s all of you. My mother was right, you do not deserve me.” Steve doesn’t contradict her statement that it’s not ‘all of you’ and instead, he seems to finally fully take it to heart. It is all of them. Humans. Perhaps… even, it’s him. He has reached a realization that there has been complicity on each side. He certainly has a certain weight on him after what happened to Veld. He asks her, “Don’t you think I wish I could tell you there’s one bad guy making this all happen? But what if it’s not? What if it’s us… Maybe it’s me.” And his guilt and this realization drives him. It drives him to beg Diana to see that although he has caused harm, his belief was in saving those people and his belief now is to save more and to end the war, that he’s going to back up those beliefs with action, and if that isn’t good for something, what is?
And it’s so… so fascinating that Diana’s arc includes her coming from a naive sense of nobody being evil unless corrupted, to seeing that no, there is evil within humanity, and then to return to something adjacent to her original conclusion but with more nuance and more accountability on those who fight those battles… it’s just… it truly is beautiful. The corruption isn’t just Ares, it’s inside them all along, and only they have the power to overcome that.
There are two things left—I know, this is getting so long—that tells me the movie was truly trying to convey that Germans weren’t just 'the bad guys.’ The first is that Ares turns out not to be a German at all, but English.
This is actually a bit strange, given that his origins do not make him English and it’s also undercut by the fact he isn’t a human. BUT!  He had a position of power and was allotted that power by the English. And it makes it all the more clear that he was influencing both sides of the war, a puppet master driving his dolls to destruction. He reveals that he didn’t make anyone do anything, merely gave them the thoughts and the knowledge and the power to do them. He kindled their darkness where Diana would have kindled their light.
But the final, and perhaps most obvious attempt at this, comes from the Germans, realizing their leaders were gone and their weapon destroyed, standing down. Taking off their gas masks, showing they are all but children, and showing utter relief that it’s over. Chief even grabs and hugs one of them. Remember, Chief smuggles for them too. He might actually know some of these kids.
So yes. I believe the movie in many, many ways did attempt to portray the Germans as not entirely evil and not entirely culpable. I’m just not sure they effectively managed to show us this.
I get the sense that the movie really, really wanted to surprise us with Sir Patrick. Wanted to surprise us with their message. We’re so inundated with imagery of the Evil German, that it was so easy to prey on this iconic representation of evil without question, that we would be unprepared for when they reveal that  no, this struggle of good and evil exits inside everyone, not just the Germans. In doing so, they gave us more than two full hours of confirming our long set bias in this matter and listening to the characters call the Germans bad, watching our heroes kill them, and being disgusted by Dr. Maru and Ludendorff’s sadism, that there simply needed to be MORE to provide a counterweight.
We needed something clearer.
We needed a German character to assist—perhaps one of those occupying Veld who switches sides and tells them he could get them into the gala to stop Ludendorff, because patriotism isn’t worth it when weapons like those are being created.  A German soldier switching sides upon learning a German commander would kill hundreds of his compatriots in order to obtain victory over their enemy.
We needed the English to have created an awful, terrible weapon they would threaten to use against the Germans if the armistice wasn’t signed. An English scientist eager to try out their invention. We needed, somehow, to see the English be an Active participant in the war and not just responding in defense of… what? 
We needed Diana telling someone that the Germans are truly good, just under the influence of Ares, and have someone ask her how it is then that she can fight and kill them so easily, without hesitation. What I wouldn’t have given to hear Wonder freaking Woman tell someone that stopping people from hurting others, despite what they might think their intentions are, is more important than letting them do so.
We needed clear cut articulation that there are bad (human) Englishmen (that don’t transform to goodness) and good Germans. We never really got 'good Germans.’ We just got 'Germans who are glad the fighting is over.’
Like yes, it’s poignant that the Germans we see at the end are practically children, but the scene passes so quickly and without even a line from Diana such as 'They’re children!“ to drive it home to the audience, that it doesn’t outweigh the two+ hours we got of seeing them be villains.
If the movie hadn’t tried to save the punchline of this message until that last moment, there truly was so much room in the narrative for it to have been obvious, and the message would have been cleaner, more poignant. As it stands, there’s a certain emptiness to the message unless you really look into the examples I mention above, and on a first watch, one where the movie likely successfully fools you with it’s 'Germans bad’ misdirect, it’s so easy to overlook the other examples as unintentional or having different implications.
I do think they were intentional though. I just believe that without presenting a good German character, one who battles their darkness and finds their light, there was no way for the movie to manage it. A message like the one the movie aims toward should not be subtle. It’s a message too important to let the audience walk out of unsure about.
I know I, for one, will be watching out for an extended cut, where I hope they will have included either an improvement I suggested, or something else to that effect.
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zacklover24 · 5 years
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One of Charlie jobs back when she was a teen was singing at the mirror lounge at the mirage hotel for CC. She was paid $300 a night and she worked Friday, Saturday and Sundsy. Thanks to CC she got her favoriter leather jacket and the above is what she wore. Charlie is hella bi and this, this, drove her ex mad.
@lokighost , @hopecountylovin
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zacklover24 · 6 years
Oc body language meme
Tagged by @deputyshitlordsantana
Charlie Seed 
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arms cross on chest / crossing legs / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / karate chops / stiffening of shoulders / tense posture / curling of lip/ baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures / head tilted / stroking chin / peering over glasses / taking glasses off — cleaning / putting earpiece of glasses in mouth / pipe smoker gestures / putting hand to bridge of nose / pursed lips / knitted brows
arms crossed / sideways glance / touching or rubbing nose / rubbing eyes / hands resting on weapon / brows raising / lips pressing into a thin line / strict, unwavering eye contact / wrinkling of nose / narrowed eyes
hands behind back / hands on lapels of coat / steepled hands/ baring teeth in a grin / rolling shoulders / tipping head back but maintaining eye contact / chest puffed up / shoulders back / arms folded just above navel / wide eyes / standing akimbo
chewing pen or pencil / rubbing thumb over opposite thumb / biting fingernails / biting lips / hands in pockets / elbow bent / closed gestures / clearing throat / “whew” sound / picking or pinching flesh / fidgeting in chair / hand covering mouth whilst speaking / poor eye contact / tugging pants whilst seated / jingling money in pockets / tugging at ear / perspiring hands / playing with hair / swaying / playing with pointer/marker/cane / smacking lips / sighing / rocking on balls of feet / flexing or cracking fingers sporadically
short breaths / “tsk” sounds / tightly-clenched hands / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / rubbing hand through hair / rubbing back of neck / snarling / revealing teeth / grimacing / sharp-eye glowers / notable tension in brow / shoulders back, head up – defensive posturing / clenching of jaw / grinding teeth / nostrils flaring / heavy exhales
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zacklover24 · 6 years
So since I'm home all tomorrow, and going to try and power through homework and writing. I'll have my ask box open if anyone wants to ask question about my deputy or security captain
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zacklover24 · 6 years
So in burn baby burn or swing swing with a swing both John and Charile are singing a song. This is the song 'Well meet again.' By Vera Lynn. This is the version of the song that I know about and love. It fits the pair and the story.
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zacklover24 · 6 years
1, 23, and 24 for Sharky/Charlie please (:
1-How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals? 
Normally sharky stays up later then charlie due to her being a cop, and when he does get into he, she rolls over and use him as a pillow. She runs hot just like jacob does, so it’s good in the winter bad in the summer. Charlie gets early to run and has to drag sharky out of bed, before she goes. He makes breakfast for them and she packs his lunch, they text when she are both on break. 
23-How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort? 
So charlie is not a fan of physical affection at all. It has to do with her adopted family not being affected with her, and the fact that her  arms are horribly scarred she hates people seeing them. She lets sharky and family hug her but that’s it.  She does kiss him first, and teases him by walking around in a work out bar and short shorts. They are both bad at flirting. She enjoys letting him come up and hug her from behind her, or sitting on his lap and enjoys not talking. 
24- Any doubts about the relationship? 
Sharky talks a big game, but he doesn’t see why she likes him. Like have you seen her? She is hot. He can’t wrap his head around it at all. That and her family is fucking scary. But all that goes away when they are cuddled up togeather in bed watching some old movie that she likes 
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zacklover24 · 6 years
Come ami qualcuno, chi ti ha ferito? part II
Addie was never happier to see charlie. The youngest seed was standing at the entrance of the marine with Houston behind her both in uniform. A thin trail of ice starting at charlie boots and ending at lex. The ice crept up lex legs stopping at her waist. Xander was off to the side with his phone out and a smirk on his face.
“Good job Xander.” Addie whispers sitting sharky down on the ground, “How do you feel honey?”
“It hurts aunty.” He whines holding his stomach, shit, shit, shit, shit not good.
“What the hell is wrong with you!” Lex shierks, but charlie calmly walked down the path towards addie and sharky.
“Joey can you keep an eye on Xander?” Charlie asks keeping his voice calm and cool. As she got closer to aunt and nephew.
“You got it rook.” She responds. Charlie ignored lex screams and demands as she kneeled down in front of sharky.
“Hey shark man.” She coos softly cupping his face, “Full offense but you look like complete and utter crap.”
Sharky gave her a weak laugh, “I do try for you bebe.”
“What's wrong with him?” She asks addie as charlie gently rubbed her thumb over his check.
“Three weeks of no blood suga.” Addie supplies watching lex  try to break free and then looked at charlie.
“Well that's not good.” She cooes in a soft voice, “Joey calls a bus!” She yells.
“You got it Charlie.” Joey calls back pulling the radio off her belt. The young wolf looked at sharky, she then pulled out a knife and made a cut on her palm.
“What are you doing?” He asks as blood pooled to the surface, charlie presented her bloody palm to sharky. “I can't…bebe I can't.”
“Yes, you can. You know I don't mind at all. Please.” She urges him, “Just enough to take the edge off.”  
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” Lex yells trying to get free, “He doesn't need that!”
“Fuck you.” Charlie yells back flipping her the bird. Sharky licked his chapped lips, he was hungry and here was some fresh blood,  he took her hurt hand is his knowing  that cut would heal soon and then he started to lick the blood off her palm, he was starting to feel a little better.
“Easy shark.” She soothes rubbing his back, he licked a bit more before pulling away. He looked a tad better.
“Bus will be here in 5.” Joey tells her. Charlie gave her a thumbs up, as sharky did a look a little better, he pushed himself up off the ground and looked at lex, but then his eyes rolled into the back of his head has he pitched forward and hit his head hard on the ground. Blood started to pool on the ground around him. Lex could only laugh at the sight.
“SHARKY!” Addie and Charlie yell, he just passed out from lack of blood and who knew what else, and then lex started to talk,
“Oh boy, how long do you think I could have had off his blood?”She laughs breaking free of the ice. Charlie didn't care sharky was more important at the moment.
“Fuck off you little whore!” Charlie growls, checking sharky over, he was breathing and his head wound didn't look that bad she hoped, so that was a plus, he had  weal plus but it was there. “Your kind is the worst thing ever. Why him?”
“Why not?” Lex answer with a casual shrug, “An easy fuck that would do anything to please me, he practically gave himself to me. And he was so lonely, so ready to give me anything and everything, and all he had to do was say yes and he did.”
Charlie growled but stopped herself the ambulance was here, lex saw this has her chance to get out of there as joey was getting the emts, so lex booked it, huston tried to go after her after making sure the emts were tending to sharky but the girl could run and run she did.
The emts took addie and sharky to the hospital, while xander was left in charge of the marina. Charlie and huston went looking for lex, but didn’t find her. They spent the rest of the day looking for her, and by nine that night whitehorse called and told them to call it a night. He also told charlie that she had the next two days off, after she told him that lex was not a normal human and for her to take care of it. But not while she was on duty. By nine-thirty, charlie pulled up to sharky house. It reeked of sex, she opened all the windows and washed all the bedding and by evlen, after she took a shower and put the bedding into the dryer, she changed the bedding she landed face first into the bed.
The bed smelled of sharky and only sharky, it smelled of burning wood, a warm summer’s night and pumpkin. She had taken one of his hoodies out of the closet and pulled that on over a pair of sleep shorts. She had had opened all the windows, trying to air out of the small tailor it stank of lex and sex she wasn’t worried about getting sick, to early for that. With a yawn, she buried herself under the covers trying to sleep.
“Will you ever get into bed?” Charlie asks from the bed, it was first night that they would ever share bed since there time fighting peggies. It was nothing unusual or anything. But he was taking forever and she was lonely.
“Yea, yea, I’m coming shorty, just need my blood.” He calls back.
“First or second?” She asks getting comfy in the bed as she pulled the blankets over herself, she loved sharky natural scent, it was like a warm hug to her.
“First, going to have my second day after tomorrow.” He tells her coming in just wearing a pair of boxers.  Sharky could only smirk, charlie had wrapped herself up in the blankets he wasn't sure the how but, he shut off the lights and got into bed next to her. Sharky got comfy and then charlie rolled over and using him as her pillow.
“You know you smell really good.” She sleepily tells him nuzzling him.
“Got to ask what do I smell like?” He ask her as she yawned.
“Hmm, burning wood, warm summer nights and pumpkin. It's like being wrapped up in a warm hug or being wrapped up in nice warm blanket.” She tells him with a loopy smile not that he could see that.
“Huh, never thought of that thank you.”
“Your welcome. It's so super comfy and it's way better than that fucked up bliss. Gah made me so sick.” She says making a fake gag sound.
“Please don't remind me.” He says with a sour expression on his face.
“I love you.” As she kissed his chest.
“Love you to.”
Charlie woke feeling like she was being held in warm hug with strong smells of pumpkin and burning wood, with hints of warm summer nights. She had missed this smell, missed waking up to feeling comfy. Sharky had been attacked and the targeted by a succbi, a fucking succbi. How did a fucking succubi get here? Well she knew the how, but why sharky?
“Gah!” She groans, as she checked her phone and saw a text from Xander. Seemed that addie spent the night with sharky not much change. The doctors who knew of his condition had given him blood, but he was still unconscious from the fall but, the doctors were confident that the blood they have given him would be kicking in soon and should be fine within a few days.
“Thank god.” As she texted a thanks to Xander and texted her dad that she as going go see sharky. She felt bad, she had been a right bitch to her dad and uncles. She hadn't meant to be but she was hurt and wanted to vent but she tried not to rant and rave at them for this. They had only tried to help her. She dialed her uncle Joseph she needed to talk to him.
“Good morning lamb, what can I do for you?” He asks. She knew that he was in the middle of doing his morning yoga.
“So I wanted to say I was sorry. I've been a right bitch to you, uncle John and papa. And it's not fair to you guys.” She tells him turning on her side and curling up into ball.
“Lamb, thank you, I know that you've going through a rough time and the lord rewards those who have been patience. But something is troubling you isn't it?” He asks her.
Charlie let out sigh, “I know what that bi- woman was. She was a succbi. I can't believe I never figured it out.”
Joseph was quite for a moment, “We have a demon among us. How could any of us been so blind?” He asks her.
“Succubi are crafty little whores. I've run into a few of them  back in new york.” She admits to him.
“So you have a plan I take it?” With a smile on his face as he went into downward dog, she could hear her uncle John softly humming in the background.
“Yea I do. It involves you, pastor Jerome, uncle John, papa and nick and the lamb of God church.” She tells him.
Joseph let out a hum, “I'll have John contact pastor Jerome about binding a demon to our world.”
“So I take it you know how to then?” She asks him yawning a little. Sharky scent was a little too comfy.
“Yes, I'm sure Jerome does as well. Dont worry well set everything up.” He tells her, “Are you going to go see sharky?”
“I plan to after I eat and shower. Addie been there all night. Xander said that the doctors gave him blood but, he's still unconscious but there sure he's going to be okay.” She explains to him.
“I'll be praying for him. Lamb he's strong and he will be fine.” Joseph tells her.
“Thanks uncle Joseph.” She says with a smile.
“Your welcome, lamb. I'll contact you later when we have everything together for the binding.”
“There's no rush. No rush. She's not going to try anything any time soon.”
“Charlie I don't think I need to tell you to be cautious right now. If there is one of these beasts in our garden there are more to come.” He warns her.
“I know uncle Joseph. I won't let her get away with this.”
“Thank you.” And then he hung up. Charlie let a yawn as she got out of bed, she tossed on a new hoodie and her jeans and took the hoodie she was wearing with her to the hospital. She was told that sharky was on the third floor and after showing her badge she went up, to find him.
Addie was slumped over in the chair next to the bed, fast asleep. Shakry was still sleeping but looked a lot healthier and not close to death like he was yesterday, charlie could see that the blood bag was half empty but wasn’t sure if was on his  second or first bag that they had give him or whatever number it was and around his head were some bandages. She set the bag of clothes down and woke addie, up.
“Addie, hey wake up.” She whispers shaking the blonde shoulder gently but keeping her voice at a whisper. Addie woke with a small start,
“Hey suga’ what time is it?” She asks yawning and rubbing the sand out of her eyes.
“It’s almost nine, I just got here.” Charlie tells her, “How’s he doing?”
Addie gave her a smile, “Our boy is a fighter, docs say that it was a close call. He will be fine, just taking awhile for him to wake up due to the lack of blood in his system, head’s fine to just hit it a little too hard.” She tells the deputy.
“I’m glad, look whitehorse gave me today and tomorrow off so I can stay if you want to go home, shower, change, eat and check in on Xander.” Charlie tells as she took sharky hand in hers and ran her thumb over the back of his hand.
Addie could only smile, “I would love that, thank you honey.”
“Welcome.”  Soon addie was gone and charlie took her seat keeping a close hold on sharky hand. This was her fault, if only she had picked on lex scent sooner, if only she had listened to her dad and addie, if only.
“If only, if only," the woodpecker sighs,
"The bark on the tree was as soft as the skies."
While the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely,
Crying to the moo-oo-oon,
"If only, if only.”  
A man sings, coming in. The man was tall with a black hair, and black bread and he was wearing scrubs and a lab coat. He was sporting a neck tattoo of the grim reaper with a gold ring on his left ring finger with mother pearl in the center, around his neck was black cord necklace with a scythe hanging off of it, in his ears were two earrings, one was prue onyx while the other black diamond, but the man had bright yellow eyes. The man smelled of death. Charlie grip on sharky hand got tighter, and she started to growl and the room got cold. She knew who this man was.
“I thought death drove a white horse, not wore a white lab coat.” She barks at the man.
“I actually drive a white ford mustang.” The man says sitting down in the other chair, “It’s nice to finally meet you Miss. Seed.” He greets with a smile.
“Hello death, what do you want?” She growls out, she had no chance against one of the four horsemen.
“You can relax I’m not here for him or you. Those….” He says trailing off with an eye roll, as he pulled out a cigarette, he wagged a finger at her, “Don’t worry.”
“So what do you want?” She asks him as he light the cigarette with a slight flourish.
“Again, I’m not here for him or you there are more than just you here. I am here to talk about Lex, and what she is.” He explains blowing out a smoke ring that looked like a skull and crossbones.  
“What does she have to do with this?” She asks him.
“She making my job a lot harder than it should be. As you and him as well, back when the peggies and ardyn pack where a thing, not the point those. Lex has killed over fifteen men, sharky would have been number sixteen. You know how succubi can be.” He explains to her with an eye roll as he leaned back in his chair.
“How is lex making your job harder?” She asks him as he inhaled a deeply from his cigarette,
“She’s messing up my natural order, the natural order of things must be kept in check.” He says as his eyes flashed in angr. Charlie sank back into her seat, “Right sorry, so lex has been killing men that should have not be killed. I’m very mad.”
“What does this have to do with me?” She asks looking at him.
Death smirked as he reached into his lab coat and pulled out a large manila envelope and tossed it to her as he blew out a second skull and crossbones smoke ring at her, “That is what you need to put her away, bind her to this earth and get rid of her.”
Charlie eyes went wide, “I can’t accept this.”
“Why?” He asks with a bored tone of his voice.
“How in the ever loving fuck am I going to explain to this to my boss? There is no way in hell I can tell him that death, the death gave me this. There is no lawyer who could argue that this all legal.” She tells him.
Death blinked at her, and gave her bored look, “Don’t worry about it.”
“Yea, I do have to worry about it. I’m a cop, we need to collect evidence legally.” She hisses at him.
“Don’t worry about it, it will be alright.”
“How can you say that?”
“I’m death.” He states in a matter of fact tone.
“Not vague.”  Death gives her wink and stand blowing one last smoke ring,
“It’s not vague my dear little seedling, now I’m be off, do take care of that thing tonight if you will.” And with that death was gone.
“What a dick.” She whispers out feeling the urge to look at the contents in the envelope.
“I don’t think calling death a dick is a good idea.” Sharky tells her, charlie eyes light up upon seeing him awake.
“SHARKY!” She cheers leaning over and giving him a kiss, she knew he didn’t have the energy to deepen the kiss, but she was happy to see him awake again. She pulled back gave the hand she was holding a few more kisses.
“So baby, you come here often?” He jokes as charlie sat back down next to him.
“Don’t even with me sharky.” She tells him smiling as she let out a sigh, “I owe you an apology.”
Sharky looked at her confused, “What no you don’t. Charlie I owe you the apology, lex she came on to me and I should have told her no, but I couldn’t fight her off. I’m sorry.”
“Sharky you have nothing to say sorry for, it’s not your fault.” She tells him shaking her head. “Lex isn’t human she is something more, she’s a predator something so dangerous that we should be lucky that you're alive and not dead.”
“Charlie I, don’t understand.” He says watching her sig as she kissed his hand again.
“I’ll have to explain later okay? Just don’t worry about it for now.” She tells him with a smile.
“I’ll be holding you to that.” He says with a wink.
Lex let out a giggle as she  was being led off, being led by some hot man away from the bar. Mary may had been giving her the stink eye all night. As she was going to give up, this hot guy came up and bame he was taking her to his place. And man, she was hungry. She didn’t get a last meal from sharky like she planned.
“Where are we honey?” Lex purrs, as the man gave her chuckle.
“It’s a surprise.” He says with a wink, helping her out of the car and into the building that they had pulled up to. Lex could only giggle as he led her into the dark building,
“You know it’s not as fun in the dark.” Lex pouts as he led her to the center of building.
“From what I hear you will have sex in any position and in place how’s here any new?” A cold voice rings out, lex froze as the lights came on. Sitting down in a pew, with a redhead man she had never seen before was charlie.
“WHAT THE HELL!” She screams glaring daggers at charlie and the redhead. Both shared a look as charlie let out a whistle and three more people joined them, two pastors and a man with a cane.
“Good job pup, your trap worked.” The redhead praises.
“Why thank you papa, I just had to use the right bait after all. Thanks nick.” Charlie says to nick.
“No problem charlie, sharky’s a good guy, he doesn’t deserve this bitch being back in his life.” Nick says walking over to where the pastors were and picked up a gun.
“I don’t understand my charm should have worked on you, it always works.” Lex says sounding scared.
“Not on married it doesn’t.” The pastor with the sunglasses says, “Nick is married and happily so with a daughter, your power is nothing to him.” Lex went still, fear talking form on her face.
“You didn’t know that?” Charlie mocks, “See uncle joseph you and pastor jermon were right.”
“You can’t be serious!” She yells look at the group, “My powers work on any man.”
The redhead rolled his eyes, “Not on married men it doesn’t or werewolves. Think about that.”
“Your all wolves.” She asks looking at them,
“Nick and the pastor aren’t but the rest of us are.” Charlie correct with a dark smile, “And man oh man, I can’t wait for you to be bound so the fun can really start.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Lex demands.
“Your going to jail.” The man with the cane finally says, “This is going to be so easy.”  Lex was seathing but she couldn’t use her powers nor could she fight them.
Joseph and jerome soon bound lex, stripping her of her demon powers and she was arrested  by huston an hour later. The next day, kim, nick and the seeds along with addie were visiting sharky along with hurk.
“Wait you had her arrested?” Sharky asks charlie who was sitting on the bed next to him still wearing his hoodie.
“Sharky, she has committed fifteen counts of murder, fifteen counts of credit card fraud, and identity theft. And that’s just here, who knows where else.” Charlie tells him with a smile.
“Seems a little cruel.” Hurk says.
“Either that or we kill her.” Charlie reminds everyone.
“At least this way she is out of everyone hair and she can’t hurt anyone.” Addie tells sharky patting him on the shoulder, “A succbi, what else is out there ?”
“To be fair, I’ve meet succubi and incubi in new york they are really cool.” Charlie admits, as everyone just looked at her, like she was crazy, “What? There nice people, and they work as hookers and they never go after the same person twice, and I would buy them doughnuts so.”
“And you just chat with them?” Nick asks her.
“Well yea,” As she shrugged, “They are nice and said I have a nice body.”
“Bebe, you and me are going to have a private conversation later aren't we?” Sharky asks her.
“So it seems.”
End of line
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