#charles lons
madreemeritus · 7 months
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crazymoonlight · 4 days
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They're so beautiful ✨
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strangelittlelad · 10 months
So I was thinking about it and-
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blogthebooklover · 11 months
Stop! I had no idea it was Phantom's birthday!!! Your reblog made me gasp. Do you have a favourite adaptation????? 🤌❤️
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Great question, @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds! I haven't seen too many of the film adaptations, like the Chinese "Song at Midnight" or its remake, or The Phantom Lover. I would like to thank the YouTube channel, Phantom Reviews, for introducing me to the other adaptations of Phantom. Here's a list of my personal favorite POTO adaptations:
The Phantom of the Opera (1925-1929)
This was actually the first silent film I ever watched as a kid, I was around 9 or 10 years old and it was also around the same time that the Andrew Lloyd Webber movie was coming out. I love Lon Chaney's performance as Erik, and his ability as a makeup artist as well. This holds a special place in my heart, because I remember watching it at my grandmother's house. I hope someone can make a proper adaptation of the book with today's technology; however, this is probably the closest one we have so far.
(look at the way he clenches his fist on his sleeve, A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!)
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The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
I remember liking this more as a kid and a teen, this has become more of a guilty pleasure movie for me now as an adult. I do appreciate some of the costume designs, I think my favorite is a tie between Christine's masquerade dress and her Think of Me dress. Minnie Driver is always fun to watch as La Carlotta, and Patrick Wilson did his best as Raoul. If it were made today with Emmy Rossum's acting abilities from being on Shameless, I think it could've worked beautifully, I'll give her some leeway because she was a teenager then.
(This is my favorite shot of Erik, btw)
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The Phantom of the Opera (1990)
Btw, this was actually my first introduction to Charles Dance before Game of Thrones. I know this is technically also an adaptation of another musical prior to Lloyd Webber's, Yeston and Kopit; regardless, I like how this version of Erik is more on the sweet side, but he does have his limits (and I love his sarcastic remarks about Carlotta lol). I wish we could have seen what his disfigurement looked like, however, I do appreciate how the filmmakers wanted the audience to imagine it for themselves.
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Goosebumps' The Phantom of the Auditorium (1995)
Okay, so I haven't actually read any of the Goosebumps books. I liked watching the TV show a bit more. This episode was a fun, kid-friendly version of Phantom.
(excuse the crappy quality of the photo)
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Phantom of the Paradise (1974)
Okay, this one is a lot of fun. I do like how it was more rock and roll, and I like this Phantom's design, it almost reminds me of Panna a Nevtor, or the Czechoslovak Beauty and the Beast movie. There's definitely some campiness to the film as well, especially with Beef (the La Carlotta counterpoint), and Winslow's court case scene.
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Phantom of the Megaplex (2000)
I have a soft spot for this one, because it was the first time where I saw clips of the Lon Chaney film featured in the beginning. On paper, I do like the premise of a guy haunting a movie theater, and I do like some of the more "Phantom" moments where he's disrupting each theater with something, like the projector bubbling out, or the dinosaur balloon. Also, I do like Mickey Rooney's speech about movies and movie-going.
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annah-the-compozer · 1 year
I just saw Renfield today and, as a POTO fan, I desperately NEED a new Phantom of The Opera adaptation where Erik has Lon Chaney's character design, Charles Dance's sense of humor and Nicholas Cage's Dracula's vibes.
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masqueradeball · 1 year
Phantom of the Paradise, Mall, Megaplex, and more etc will have their own poll next week, and a separate poll for musical Phantoms will follow as well.
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years
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Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein Lobby Cards (1948)
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esmiephan · 2 years
Listing my fave Eriks (Phantomverse Of Madness).
This is a post i was suppose to make a long time ago, but i only got the time to write it now. I will probably make a part 2 with the "Worse/Less Favorite Eriks".
Remember everyone, this is ✨MY OPINION✨. No adaptation is free from flaws, these 6 Eriks are my favorite but they won't escape from my critics. And if you disagree, feel free to comment about.
6. MazM!Erik (2018)
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We start with a polemic one. Mazm!Erik has an unique beauty and amazing hairstyle, his PTSD, the pain, the crying little boy inside of the man, the despair to be loved are still ON POINT. But let's not forget they turned him into a generic anime sociopath who does bad things because yes, and abuses Christine, and keeps Melek aprisioned, and other nonsense things of this mediocre script. However, MazM!Erik is still redeamable at some point and he has good stuffs.
5. Chaney's Erik (1925)
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Our first adaptation, the 1925s silent movie! In my opinion, NO ONE played Erik better than Lon Chaney. No one. Like, this man, he's just fantastic. Chaney's hands, movements, the PHANTASTIC make-up, the expressions of pain, madness, anger and tenderness, OH MY GOD THIS IS HEAVEN!!!
ok but let's not forget the ending sucks and the movie tried at best to villainize Erik, this is unforgivable.
4. Merik (1986-2004)
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Probably the most known version among us. Andrew Loyd Webber delivered us an amazing, outbreathing and beautiful musical that saved Broadway's story in the 1980s and brought Phantom back to popular tastes since then. Musical Erik has its questions, many people fan of the novel think Webber tried somehow to make him more manipulative and less redeeming. After all, even though people he killed weren't innocent at all, Erik isn't a man who runs out judging people and killing the ones he consider to be unworthy. He killed in EXTREMELY ocasional times in the novel. By the way, the way he constantely manipulates Christine and try to keep control as "the Angel" is just... no.
The original Erik wouldn't do this. He hates lying to Christine, he avoids at his best hurting her. Merik has more childish and toxic behaviour, even though he still ends up redeemed and changed out of his own will and kindness. We cannot deny Merik is one of a kind, one of the most iconic versions of the story. There are many actors who played Merik: Gerard Butler, Ramin Karimloo, Hugh Panaro, Norm Lewis, Ben Lewis, Michael Crawford, i could make a whole blog about my favorites and less favorites Meriks. And i'll probably do it.
3. Cherik (1990)
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Look what we have here ❤️
"MY GOD, THIS PLACE REALLY IS HAUNTED" -- this and other funny lines are a gift of Charles Dance's version of Erik. The minisseries isn't very loyal to the novel, however, it's not a bad adaptation at all. This Erik is funny, shy, awkard and more healthy than most of the other versions. I disaprove anything about his version? Yep. First, he wears too colored clothes and is less "dark and goth" like other Eriks. Second, his mother actually loved Erik in this version... I think this was an unnecessary changing. Because the horrible abuse committed by Erik's mother is something EXTREMELY important that can't be changed. Mommy issue is an essence of this character. Should I talk about the "Christine looking like his mom" problem?
2. Kerik (1990)
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Our favorite Susan Kay monologue! Yes, here it is. Kerik (or Serik as some people say) is funny, jerky and tragic, it's almost the same as Leroux's version, as it is supposed to be because "Phantom" isn't exactly an adaptation, but an explanation/expansion of what we've seen originally. Phantom is so good that we phans consider it as canon!
I can't help but say his relationship with Christine in this monologue is weird and a bit disappointing, though. Susan Kay actually started this "Christine looked like Erik's mom" shit, and it's not only weird, it literally confirms Erik's love for Christine was not real, that he only wanted to have a normal relantionship with his mother and Christine was a link to escape his pain. Ok, it makes sense Erik having mommy issues, but i disagree with Kay's vision about his love.
1. Lerik, The Original (1910).
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Claps to our king, sis and bros. Gaston Leroux wrote this character with passion. This is my favorite deformity and vision about the character, the lines and the emotions are all just perfect for me. No one ever surprassed the original novel. Erik is a symbol, and a figure to many people. A broken, tortured, emotionally unstable man, who wants to fix everything his way, who doesn't have anyone to trust, who searches for love, pity and compassion, who searches for inclusion and tenderness from the society... but had everything despised and wasted. Erik, originally, is not a villain or a romantic hero. He is an anti-hero. He's the representation of frustrated people and abuse survivors who are able to LOVE, even after everything they had to pass throught. People who are able to recognize and fix their mistakes, people who won't sacrifice their beloved ones happiness for their own problems and fears. Erik is all of us.
Thank you.
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phantomato13 · 9 months
Currently working on a ranked list of Phantom adaptations/retellings from most to least enjoyable. Just finished watching the 1962 adaption, which ranks 6/7 :( Now I'm gonna watch the '89 version and see how that goes. Here's a link to my SUPER subjective list if you wanna see: https://boxd.it/pm0bo
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Lon Chaney Jr. and Lou Costello in Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948).
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galacticrambler · 9 days
The first two episodes of The Acolyte came out this week, and I loved them. The latest Star Wars show is great. It���s 100% for me.
I’ve been really excited for this show ever since it was announced that it would be set in The High Republic Era of Star Wars. I’ve been a huge fan of the publishing initiative in the books, comics, manga, and audio books. The story and characters have been intriguing and I can’t wait to see how it wraps up in 2025.
With The Acolyte set 100+ years after the events after the books and comics, Leslye Headland has a somewhat blank canvas to do whatever she wants in this story. Things are exciting!
I was thrilled that they jumped out almost as fast as they possibly could with revealing that Amandla Stenberg was playing two characters in Mae and Osha. They didn’t let that linger in as a mystery at all.
So, what’s the story here…
The misdirection in the marketing was that this show would be about the mystery of somebody murdering Jedi, but we quickly learn that is not a mystery at all. We know immediately who has done the killing, and all of our main characters learn pretty quickly as well.
No, our mystery is the reason that Mae is targeting Indara (Carrie-Anne Moss), Torbin (Dean-Charles Chapman), Kelnacca (Joonas Suotamo), and Sol (Lee Jung-jae). What happened 16 years ago when they visited the village of Mae and Osha? It certainly feels like the Jedi screwed up here… Somehow. I can’t wait to see how
The opening fight scene between Mae and Indara was breathtaking. I loved that Indara didn’t reach for her lightsaber until the last possible moment. The choreography was beautiful, and it was shown again later in the night between Mae and Sol. Indara and Sol coolly and calmly handling Mae was fun to see.
I want to hit on some of the Jedi characters that we got here:
Sol: Watching him be in complete control of all of his emotions except with regards to Mae, Osha, and the night of the fire, certainly leads me to believe that we’re being misled about what actually happened.
Indara: Carrie-Anne Moss gave off “Jedi Master” vibes immediately. The opening fight scene was spectacular. I’m excited to see the flashback scenes to see the younger version of her.
Yord: I love that we got a straight-laced, by-the-book Jedi. He feels straight out of the Ki-Adi Mundi lineage. It felt like he was easing into the “Ok, sometimes things aren’t black and white.” line of thinking. I’m really interested to watch his development.
Jecki: She was funny. I like funny Padawans. I like how confident she was in her first mission. There was a recent video clip of Dave Filoni talking about how, when they were making The Clone Wars, they were going to make Ahsoka out of her depth in her first mission, but George Lucas was like, “Why would she be out of her depth in her first mission? She’s Jedi. This is what she’s trained for her entire life.”
Vernestra: I’ve seen some minor complaints that she’s different than she’s been in the books set during The High Republic, and… Yeah? It’s been 100 years, and she’s no longer a 16 year old girl. Why is this shocking? She’s seen some shit.
I can’t wait to find out more about Kelnacca in the next episode.
Let’s get to the second mystery? Qimir is 100% the Sith apprentice that’s training Mae to be his acolyte, right? It’s the most logical. The way he changed when speaking to Osha was weird and creepy. He’s definitely “Darth Teeth” (I can’t wait to find out his name.).
I really liked these first two episodes of The Acolyte, and I can’t wait for me.
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madreemeritus · 9 months
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kinemical · 2 months
I went to an oddities convention a while ago and found
The Old Dark House, directed by James Whale and starring Boris Karloff and Charles Laughton (1932),
Ghosts on the Loose, directed by William Beaudine and starring Bela Lugosi and Ava Gardner (1943),
and The Hunchback of Notre Dame, directed by William Dieterle and starring Charles Laughton and Maureen O'Hara (1939) on VHS!!
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Tapes and backs of the cases under the cut❗
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tallaxia · 1 year
Happy 73. Birthday Brad Dourif!
He had so many amazing roles in all this decades! Personally I can't decide which I like the most. He played in a few well-known movies with a bigger budget, but he has so many interesting characters in TV-Stuff and B-movies too. Lon & Jack are both my favourite, but his creepyness level in Exorcist and X-files gave me goosebumps too. And David Bell, Bud the horseplayer, Brother Edward and Billy broke my heart. I love his intense and tragic roles.
(I picked the most famous ones, but comment for other characters)
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frankendavis · 2 years
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This is the "square" version of a photomontage that I created for We Belong Dead magazine a while back.
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onenakedfarmer · 10 months
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Currently Watching
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