#charlus potter & edmund potter
Summary: Heir Charlus Potter must perform the Death Rites for the babe Heiress Dorea Potter lost in the wake of being poisoned. He is terrified that he might yet lose his lady-wife to the poison as well.
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Summary: Heir Charlus Potter must perform the Death Rites for the babe Heiress Dorea Potter lost in the wake of being poisoned. He is terrified that he might yet lose his lady-wife to the poison as well.
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Title Tale: You finally found your feet (and they run only to me). How are you doing Ellory? I hope the Sun is blessing you like it is us today. :)
Tired, but okay. We got snow again. 😭 Enjoy the sun on my behalf!
Charlus Potter & Edmund Potter genfic.
Whenever Master Edmund Potter has a problem, he runs right to his older brother. Heir Charlus Potter can fix anything.
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TT: So Long Shall My Legacy Last (Good and Bad, I Call On it All)
Oooh. This is interesting.
Charlus Potter & Edmund Potter genfic.
With Master Edmund Potter, his beloved younger brother, bleeding out in front of him, Heir Charlus Potter wields blood and dangerous magic to reach through time to draw on the magic of every Potter who will ever descend from him so that he can heal Edmund with brute strength of magic.
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