zanephillips · 2 years
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Kapil Talwalkar in Charmed 4.07 “Cats and Camels and Elephants, Oh My...“
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bramblewatchescharmed · 9 months
“Charmed reboot fandom, take out your own trash and quit blaming ‘toxic’ OG Charmed fans for everything” challenge 2k24.
Case in point: the Twitter, YouTube, and r/CharmedCW subreddit sections of the Charmed (2018) fandom.
Apparently any OG fan who doesn’t like the reboot is automatically “toxic” and “unhinged”, according to them, but especially OG fans in the r/charmed subreddit.
Funny how reboot fans say shit like this and then are all surprised_Pikachu.jpg when nobody wants to engage with their side of the fandom nor watch the reboot.
Reasons why shit like this is doubly funny for me: I wouldn’t have even known about OG Charmed writer Curtis Kheel posting about the reboot finale and then getting into a Twitter argument with the reboot’s writers if not for Charmed reboot fans pitching a hissy fit about it.
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giniusitsreal · 3 years
Abimel is endgame
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As much as the new sister seems nice and all (love that they gave her such an interesting power), I miss Macy a lot. I could relate to her because we were both minorities (I’m Hispanic so I can kinda relate to them all) and for her love of science. I wish they would’ve shown more with her science career (Maggie got to go back to school, Mel went back to teaching & protesting, we even got a lot more of Harry (which I loved honestly don’t get me wrong), but there was barely anything with Macy). Anyways I’m excited for Jordan’s character development and we finally got a kiss between him and Maggie (about time!) 😂 I’m excited to see where they take Kaela’s character.
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ayo-edebiri · 4 years
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shionnes-imeris · 4 years
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Jordan Chase and Maggie Vera in Witch Way Out
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bluemoon86 · 4 years
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Rupert Evans Appreciation Post
That’s it. 
That’s the post.
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ellastar1980 · 4 years
Charmed end of season wrap up
Season Two thoughts...
That has been some roller coaster. Not even sure I know what the **** is going on, who knows who, what happened to, well take your pick.
Saying that, I can sense a distinct difference in tone for the last few episodes and something like a return logical, organic progression of events.
I want to acknowledge that this season has been subject to some unfortunate circumstances, not least the pandemic that cut it short, but throughout it all I have not had such an uplifting experience as I’ve had on Twitter and Instagram with the amazing people that make it happen. 
From the actors to the writers, wardrobe to visual effects and make-up, it’s clear this production is filled with incredibly talented people who have made this more than another job. They’ve made it, and us watching, feel like family. I know we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and I hope we can return the favour over the coming months.
Each of the characters have had so much to contend with the past season after their lives were turned upside down. Some have been left reeling and coping with their current situations, while others have flourished and stepped up as the events needed.
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In the first season things were as comfortable and everyday for Mel as they were going to get. She was however the first to embrace the idea of being a witch. Season two shows how innate that choice was.
Never one to be happy left behind, she uses her wits to excel. She laps up all the information she can get and takes chances following her gut. Never afraid to put herself out there she’s a driving force, filling the role of eldest even though she’s technically not. 
She still has a fire - it drives her - but is recognising more and more when to step back. It’s not in her nature to do so, with such a high sense of justice. More recently, when Maggie and Ray had their issues, I was impressed that her silence and feeling of powerlessness in this situation led her to stop. It’s devastating to realise there’s nothing you can do. Maggie needed to do it herself.
With her love life, I loved the sweet dynamic with Kat and the powerful connection with Ruby. I have no idea how things would have progressed had Kat still been in the picture but the reveal in 219 felt so compelling, it felt like it needed Ruby. I’m not sure how it will progress or even if Ruby can forgive being drawn back into the Witch world without resenting Mel, that’s something that will be interesting to see.
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I’m astounded at the progress Maggie has made this season. Much like Mel, she adjusted to each situation as needed and took on more responsibility i would have ever expected from a 20 year-old sorority student. Establishing a basis as part of Safe Space was essential and she stepped up to the plate like a champ.
It’s clear from early episodes she resents being seen as powerless and young. This is her growth story, her chance to break free. 
She’s also dealt with her family history instead of hiding. For someone so connected with how others feel, it’s difficult to turn that on yourself. It’s much easier to just make everything seem OK. The only time she could confront Ray was with Mel by her side. It must have been jarring to have to do it on her own but she did, and with that asserted her independence and voice. 
Her relationship with Jordan is truly lovely. Since it’s a deep platonic basis in a shared supernatural situation, the whole scenario doesn’t have a trope. Is he still with his girlfriend? I don’t know but I’m not sure it matters. Nothing that’s happened between them is remotely cheating, Maggie has a support as does Jordan, arguing the question - is this something that qualifies cheating? Having a caring, deep relationship with another woman is not allowed? Maybe if you’re related but... and that is truly sad. 
However it proceeds, I appreciate this time. The moments where he really does look at her in awe. Where she cares about him. Where there’s something there but it’s not what you expect. Were that all relationships as deep.
Her story has so many ways to go but right now, it’s where it needs to be. She has grown from the childish ways to being a force to be reckoned with and I look forward to it.
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The chaos of episode 201 was just the kind of circumstance Macy Vaughn would hate. It’s out of control, vulnerable mayhem where her abilities are useless and where events left her the most unnerved. 
Worry for their Whitelighter, poisoned, her mind violated, her sisters in danger, almost dying, finding a new demon power and finally being under the most pressure to protect the witch world - she had it bad and that was just the first episode.
It didn’t get any better - the pressure got worse, she thought she’d found an ally in a fellow demon/witch hybrid, kidnapped by Darklighter... the list goes on! The ‘love affair’ with Julian was of no comfort since her heart was being twisted up by Abigael’s relentless and VERY predatory pursuit of Harry. Never have I witnessed a more uncomfortable storyline - from the bargaining for sex, the goading, the kneeling... Macy was diminished in every way possible and I’m still trying to figure out why or if there is some satisfying pay-off yet to come? I hope so.
The only bright spark - and seriously, it was very late in the game, - is the burgeoning relationship with Harry that was beautifully set up in season one but had to be ‘adjusted’ for season two. Macy and Harry were lovable dorks. I sincerely hope that comes back in the future - you can be both sexy and dorky.
The only other life line was her first love - science. Her face came alive at the world opened back up to her, so much so Julian received the afterglow. I hope her future effortlessly combines her magic and science just as it did before. 
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I can’t possibly do justice to the incredibly complicated intricacies of Harry, Jimmy and James. Three totally different parts of the same man has left the Whitelighter we know so well questioning his existence and character. I can’t even imagine.
It’s horrific to wake up to the idea that you are not you because you want to be, you are you because others wanted it. How do you begin to discover who you are when all you’ve ever known is what’s been programmed? Would you still be a good person? Would you hurt the ones you love? 
In this case I can more than make peace with his behaviour - it drove poor Helen to the depths of despair. My only frustration is relenting to Abigael - but I will always believe her permeating his mind and subsequent gestures were her attempt to influence him. I will hold onto that even after I’m told otherwise (la la la I can’t hear you what was that no still can’t hear you oh well).
Again his feelings toward Macy has been a saving grace. When questioned about ‘the attic apology’ I felt it would be for not being open with Macy, braving rejection and laying it all out rather than chastising her for not being sure where she stood.  I did look for more there, I have to be honest.
But this might be why he’s considering using Maggie’s power. He’s not himself, and I don’t feel he truly will be until he merges with Jimmy.
Should be part of the family. He’s there for them, he knows all the ins and outs and I NEED a bromance with Harry. That whitelighter needs it so much too... A++
What a delight! I love a quirky and interesting but dynamic cookie. A+
I shall require spirit Marisol in the future. I was promised she would see Macy again and I’m holding her to that. Heartbreaking in 218. A++
Sorry man. Auntie’s lacky left a bad taste when you mentioned she’d already messed in previous relationships and you said NOTHING to her? Went downhill from there so no. D-
Poppy A++, Abigael F-
Who came up in my estimations significantly? Why yes it was you Ray, well done. I’m so interested in the dynamic of Marisol and Ray meeting again, I need it. Add in Dexter and I’ve got the popcorn.  B+
Why, you powerhouse, where did you come from? One episode and I need to know more...  (wishlist: Macy’s demon sister, willing to broker peace with witches to fight human threat.) A+
I do hope we get to check back in with the medium at some point - her abilities were so interesting and her dynamic with Mel so sweet B+
I feel such a need for expansion on her distaste for witchcraft when she so clearly loves to do it. B+
No-one could fail to be devastated by Helen. Incredible. If only it didn’t have to end that way... A++
How complicated can a situation get... abduction is not a good way to communicate young man. D
Aunt Vivienne
Definitely the powerful, evil one... fine for now as the bad guy. C
Sidelined but formidable. I hope he sticks around. B
A nice throwback to S1 that turned so dark. Once he decides which side he is on I’m going to have to insist he commits to it. D
The elders are no more, know your place! Adjust! Work with the Charmed Ones and BE BETTER.  D
I cannot praise the cast enough - I’ve had so many ups and downs but the portrayals of Mel, Macy, Maggie and the double time for Harry and Jimmy, are more than we could have hoped for. I am in awe of all the factors that go into each episode and the traversing of issues dealt with daily to keep it going. 
Thank you so much. Everyone.
I still see so much hope for the future and can’t wait for the final 3 episodes. 
Here’s to Season 3! 
Be safe, be well, be happy.
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charmedwhitelighter · 4 years
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Charmed Opening Titles [Episodes 101-105]
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reppyy · 4 years
so... a week ago i've decided to start doing my reactions in english. Why is that? I've been thinking about it for a couole of years now... i love the language and i can understand it pretty well... but the moment i open my mouth i feel like shit. I am shy in my normal life and i struggle alot with it... the Idea of talling in english makes me wanna puke lol. But oracticing it is the only way to get better right? Living in Italy... i dont get the chance to use it and the times i go out in the world... i feel too bad to try talking for real. So i thought... this is the only thing i do constantly that i could turn into a english thing. And that's what i did... i'm doing reactions in english and it gives me headaches and i feel so tense but at the same time i feel sooooo good that i am actually doing it. And probably my spaghetti english will never become better but mayne i will get to the point where i wont give a fuck anymore about the way i sound.... soooo... here we are... i will share the 3 links of the videos i did in english till now... if you wanna correct my grammar please do cause it sucks so badly... please dont kill me... i'm a softie...
Charmedd s02e18 https://youtu.be/KLoQv6vmWhc
Westworld s03e05 https://youtu.be/o_nYl9SP5XA
Killing Eve s03e01 https://youtu.be/BCq2T3IcUP8
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bramblewatchescharmed · 10 months
It’s been months, but occasionally I still think about that time someone in the r/CharmedCW subreddit made the most insane take that season 1 of the reboot was better than season 1 of the original 1998 show … and then never gave any concrete reasons why they thought so and were a complete dick to everyone who respectfully pointed out with evidence from both shows that OP is wrong here, actually.
Actually, no, they stated that reboot!s1 was better because the Veras are actually given a reason for choosing to stay as witches whereas the Halliwells weren’t. (… And no, this person apparently was not joking.)
I mean, if you’re going to take everything people who have seen both shows and calmly provide points disproving your claim as a personal attack and be an absolute asshole for no other reason than you’re mad you can’t actually prove your claim (or hide behind “but it’s an opinion!!!”), sorry, you deserve to be laughed at and reported for being an incredibly rude dick.
What’s also weird is that this OP didn’t seem to like the reboot as a whole but was still claiming Charmed 2018 season 1 was better than Charmed 1998 season 1.
… Okay, then.
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giniusitsreal · 3 years
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Abby in the next 2 episodes
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I love the original Charmed but I do like the reboot. I'm sad we won't get another season.
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tea-and-cardigans · 5 years
Slipping Away - Hacy - CharmedCW
Summary: A short one-shot from Dark!Harry's POV. Macy is injured by a demon and no matter how much he wants to save her, it's not him she needs.
“Macy!” Her name is torn from his lips. The sight of her collapsing to the ground as the demon vanishes in a flash of flames almost knocks him to the ground himself. Not much has an impact on him anymore, he can sometimes remember what it was like to hope, to feel, to love. 
He could almost feel it again when he sees her. The pull towards her, the need to reach out and feel her skin against his own. He can’t resist when he comes to her in her dreams. He knows the Harry that she knows would never, never break that trust, to be so forward as to give in to what he actually desires. 
But the first time she wraps her arms around him, he is lost. He can’t help but run his thumb along her cheek, to cradle her jaw in his hand, feeling an invisible pull towards her lips, before she is lost to him again as the connection severs. 
Macy has always been his weak spot. 
The connection to her is flimsy at best, his reach only strong enough to catch her when she is vulnerable, in her sleep, or when she is kidnapped while attempting to rescue another witch. He reaches out to her again, telling her that he can help, if she would just tell him where they are. 
But now she is on the floor, the gash across her stomach evident as the lilac of her top is slowly enveloped by the deep red liquid. 
This wasn’t part of the deal. 
She was to be allowed to live. The other two they would take, he had made peace with that decision long ago, but Macy would be safe, they could be together again. They could be happy again. 
“Macy,” he says again as he cradles her body against his, his hand placed against her wound, a vain effort to try to stop the bleeding. 
“Harry?” she murmurs, quietly at first, her eyes fluttering open a look of fear crossing her face before it is replaced with relief, “It’s you,” she says as her eyes flutter closed a small smile forming on her lips. 
He wills the magic to return to him, his fingers outstretched as he begs the healing magic to flow through his fingers into her body, mending her wound, and bringing her back to him. 
But his magic is gone, replaced only with a power that creates havoc, destruction. He couldn’t save her then and he can’t save her now. 
He presses a kiss against her forehead before he lays her back down. Backing away into the shadows created in the old abandoned warehouse. 
At the loss of his arms around her, she begins to stir, her head moving from side to side, her hand outstretched in front of her, where he just was. 
“Harry?” she asks, as she tries to rise up, but her arms are weak and can’t support her weight. “Harry?!” she screams, and he wants to go to her, his hand gripping the edge of the wall to keep himself in place. 
“Harry!”, she screams again until a flash of light and magic is beside her. The man she is calling for beside her and scooping her up into his arms, holding her close like he wishes that he could. 
“Please,” he whispers to himself, “please save her.” He can’t bear to watch her slip away again. 
It’s not her time not yet, as the glow emanates from Harry’s fingers and envelopes the wound, knitting her skin back together in a matter of moments, while the whitelighter strains under the spell. She gives a deep breath as her eyes open and she clutches at his forearm. 
He watches on as they embrace. Harry’s face buried in her neck before they then pull back, staring into each other’s eyes. The wall strains under the pressure of his fingers as he deepens his grip. Memories flooding into his mind, as he no longer has the strength to keep them at bay. 
She’s not yours, a little voice reminds him. A voice he has continued to silence on this journey. A voice he can’t deny any more. 
“I know.” 
The last thing he sees before he turns his back, is Harry leaning down to press his lips against hers, more than a tinge of jealousy in his heart until he sees her smile against his lips. 
Starting their own story.
He hopes it has a happier ending than his own.
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shionnes-imeris · 4 years
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perhapsblues · 5 years
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Good Luck! You, too.
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