thelittlestaarons · 7 years
“Okay. Attempt number four at espresso making. And....Blech. That’s not right.”
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“Can somebody come be my guinea pig please? Try this.”
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vvenom · 4 years
moving was a tedious thing, but it was something khail had to become used to ( or at least, tell himself he was ) otherwise he’d never get anything done. supposedly there was a plethora of spooky and haunted attractions in north carolina, so there was a hope that he would be able to stay more than the usual month or two he awarded himself when he traveled. maybe this time, he’d be able to unpack more than one suit case.
with the amount of times he’s moved, unpacking boxes from the back of his u-haul, you’d think he could have become better at, you know, packing. “oh no, no, no !” he called, attempting to stop a box full of ( seemingly ) thousands of developed photos from tipping over with his knee, his hands full with another, fragile box full of trinkets. “fuck. shit. hey ! would you mind picking those up for me ?” he called out to a passer by, still awkwardly trying to maneuver the box in his hands out of the trailer. @chbstarters​
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outroct · 4 years
                                     *  𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫  :  @chbstarters​  !
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christian : why did i pick up the most dead shift ever tonight christian : im not even gonna make any money its just me and like 7 stingy old guys and their scotch christian : they dont wanna talk to me. its almost as if theyre here for other reasons. hate it christian : bet they have some crazy stories about the 1920s and theyre HOLDING OUT!  😩  christian : please for the love of god tell me something fun before i pass away
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imlukecastellan · 10 years
--En plena recolecta de fresas, Luke trabajaba con algunos otros semidioses, llevaba una de sus dos canastas llenas de los frutos rojos cuando tuvo la necesidad de afilar un poco su hoz; fue entonces, que en medio de la tarea percibió una sensación extraña en su interior, como si el roce del metal hubiera hecho clic en su inconsciente. Sin poder descifrar aquel sentimiento, quedó pasmado esperando a que algo sucediera...--
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mackenziepilmor · 10 years
¿Qué diablos es esa cosa? Me da más asco que Clarisse recién levantada.
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m-ashaivanova · 10 years
Sólo un poco más de sombras aquí y estará... --soltó al aire mientras continuaba concentrada en su dibujo con carbonilla en la cabaña de arte, tanto que apenas prestaba atención a lo que ocurría a su alrededor. No era fanática del arte ni nada parecido, pero al menos allí estaba sola y nadie molestaba, cosas que por el momento eran lo único que buscaba.
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Someone hold a pillow up to their face, I need to blow off some steam.
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stormyhawking · 11 years
Pensando em começar a escrever poesia.
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t-dorian · 11 years
Nha... não acredito que perdi a briga.
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imlukecastellan · 10 years
¿Clases de equitación?
Dionisio está loco, si cree que las voy a impartir... ¿Alguien ha visto a Quirón?
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One parenter, any takers?
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luke-died-a-hero · 11 years
Sorry Guys
I think I want to take my Luke out of the group for a while, there's no activity with the hiatus and everything and well....I don't want to have to leave him without use. I hope maybe I can come back after things have settled some more. If anyone still checks here, and wants to continue or start a new RP with my privately send me a message. If not...well I'm going public so i'll see you later. Good luck my friends.
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mackenziepilmor · 11 years
¿Annabeth? ¿Annie?
-dice con la cabeza asomada ligeramente dentro de su cabaña. Al no verla allí tampoco, suspira y mira a su alrededor, buscándola con la vista entre los árboles, las cabañas, los otros campistas.-
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callme--tom · 11 years
-- ¡Vamos que tú puedes! --Dijo con entusiasmo mientras bailaba con una pequeña niña de unos aproximados doce u once años, la noche anterior la habían asignado a la cabaña de Deméter y Tom quería darle una cálida bienvenida.-- ¿Ves? ¡Lo haces de maravilla!
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stormyhawking · 11 years
Olha, inacreditável estar vendo pessoas neste local depois de ontem...
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imlukecastellan · 10 years
Ninfas, qué ingenuas.
--Bufó en un murmuro mientras las observaba con un par de binoculares desde la colina del Puño de Zeus, uno de sus lugares favoritos del campamento.--
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