#cheap hotels in galveston
billa-billa007 · 1 year
Bars & Pubs | Stay Galveston
StayGalveston's Bars & Pubs located at the heart of Galveston, Texas! Take a virtual tour of the hotel and explore all the amenities and activities.
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anushkaanu · 1 year
Sideyeard | Stay Galveston
Welcome to Sideyeard by Stay Galveston! Enjoy a luxurious and stress-free stay at our brand-new hotel.
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theboysfromaustin · 8 months
2 nights in Houston for spring break.
I haven't been to the coast since the 90s.
Nice hotel for cheap, all the cheap ones around Corpus and Galveston looked skanky.
It's by the airport, which pleases me immensely.
There's a British market nearby, which is AWESOME. Gimme steak crisps.
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cheaphotelshub · 11 months
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prxcticalmxgic · 5 years
❛ i’m not in love with you. ❜ / galveston au!
She’s sitting at the foot of the bed, crossed legged and wrapped in a towel. She’s just had a shower for the first time after three days of driving and sitting in the passenger seat. She smells like cheap soap and hotel shampoo, and her still wet hair is clinging to the bare skin of her back. Harriet is watching the shopping channel because there’s nothing else on at that hour, and she likes to absently dream about the things she’d call up and buy on a whim if her life was different. There’s the crinkle of the bag of pub mix that’s settled between her legs, picking out the pieces she favors most and bringing them to her mouth. She’s chewing when he speaks from behind her and it takes her by surprise, because from his silence she had assumed he dozed off over ten minutes before. 
“I know…”
Her voice is a slow murmur and she doesn’t look back at him, deciding to keep her eyes on the tacky purses being sold to her on the screen by a lady that’s far to perky to be real.
How could he love her? She was a stranger he had allowed to tag along due to some unknown obligation. They shared a car together and cigarettes and occasionally a bed when they felt the most lonely.  
“I’m not in love with you either…”
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Dear Friend - Part 3
Dean x Reader
Summary: Dean meets a girl on a new hunter website and begins an online romance. The only problem is, they don’t know who the other person is. Could their love for one another last only in the confines of the computer screen or will their desire for something more lead them to finally meet?
Warnings: Language. A bit more of a slow burn
A/N: This is part 3 of my little series based on “You’ve Got Mail” and “She Loves Me.” I hope you guys are enjoying it as much as I am. A big thank you to the wonderful @hannahindie for betaing this for me. I’d love to know what y’all think of this, so please feel free to let me know. Enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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“Y/N, what are you thinking about?” the young woman named Christina laughed and waved a hand in front of her friend’s face to try to pull her from her trance. 
Y/N gave a laugh of her own and shook her head. “Nothing. Just turkey sandwiches with lettuce and tomato.” 
“Turkey sandwiches with…” Christina’s words trailed off as she continued eyeing her friend. “You’re a strange bird sometimes Y/N/N. Anyways, thanks for your help with this hunt.” She lifted her beer bottle for a toast. 
Y/N lifted hers and clinked the necks. “Anytime, girl. Besides, you know I love a good werewolf hunt.” She gave an innocent wink. 
“What’s on your mind that’s got you so distant? And don’t tell me it’s just sandwiches. I mean, they’re great and all, but not that great.” 
Y/N gave a sigh and set her bottle down in front of her. She took a moment to fiddle with its placement as she thought about what she was going to say. “Have you heard of that new hunter website?” her friend nodded. “Well, I go on there from time to time and I sort of met someone on there. A guy,” she clarified. 
“Oh really now? What’s his name? I’m sure I’ve heard of him.” Christina knew all sorts of hunters, both socially and biblically. She took no shame in it. 
“That’s the thing, I don’t know his name.” Christina started to give a look but Y/N continued anyway. “I said I didn’t want to know names. Keep a sort of mystery about things. I thought it was just playful and harmless until we started talking more. Now I want to know his name because he’s a really nice guy, but I feel like I can’t turn back on my rule. He could be anyone.” She picked a little at the label on her beer. 
“It could be Garth,” Christina said with a laugh, to which Y/N threw her bottle cap in response. 
Later that night Y/N sat at her computer biting her nail as she waited for her favorite website to load. She held her breath as she waited to see if there was a little number hanging above the envelope icon. Sadly there was nothing. It had only been a day since she last wrote to BabyDriver67, so she wasn’t very disappointed. But still part of her was disappointed there was nothing new to read. She looked away from the computer screen and to the photo of her and her niece sitting framed on her desk. She thought for a moment of the cute little girl, then turned back to the computer to click on “New Message.” 
I sometimes wonder about my place in this world. Does that make any sense? Like how there are people sleeping right now who have no idea of what we do for a living, and probably never will. They just live their lives going to work or school and go along their merry way. I feel like I can’t remember a time before I heard of werewolves and ghouls and all those other things that go bump in the night. What a strange life I lead. I’m not really looking for an answer on this. I went out tonight with a friend and had a little too much to drink, I think. I like to throw questions into the Void when I’m drunk. Goodnight, dear Void. 
“Goodnight, dear Void.” The words glowed from Dean’s computer screen. He was falling more and more in love with her with each new message. But his heart also ached for her. He knew that even drunk words had a bit of truth to them, so somewhere deep down she was feeling this insignificance. If only he could meet her and tell her she was’t insignificant. Not to him. 
“Hey, I think I found a haunting in Texas,” Sam said as he joined his brother in the library.
Dean shook himself from his thoughts and looked up from his laptop. “Texas, huh?” 
“Yeah, a hotel in Galveston.”
Dean frowned in thought. “Well, I have been wanting to see the beach lately.” Sam only then seemed to take notice of what his brother was doing. “Any new messages from her?” he hammed up the question a little to Dean’s annoyance. 
“Bite me,” was all Dean could think to say as he closed the laptop and got up. “We’ll leave in twenty!” he shouted as he walked down the hall towards his room. 
The case, on paper, was fairly run of the mill by Winchester standards. The hotel had long had legends of being haunted – harmless cold spots and creaks in the night – but now guests and staff were getting seriously injured. It was only a matter of time before it escalated to someone’s death. 
HellsBelle25 was still on Dean’s mind as they checked into their room at the hotel. He was so deep in thought he didn’t even hear what Sam was saying to him. He was brought back to reality with a pillow hitting his face.
“Dean?” Sam scoffed from his seat on the bed. “You’re not listening to a word I’m saying, are you?” 
Dean threw the pillow back at his brother as a reply. “I’m going to go talk to some locals. How ‘bout you get to work on the research. We’ll meet back up again later tonight to do some poking around.” 
He put on his cheap suit and grabbed his FBI badge as he headed out the door. Up the street he saw a sign for a seafood restaurant, which gave him a sudden craving for shrimp. When he walked through the door, he was greeted with the usual nautical scene that came with beachfront locales. He made his way to an empty booth and took a seat. 
“What can I do for ya?” the waitress, identified by a name tag as Judy, asked. She was an older woman who seemed to have seen her share of sailors and tourists pass through town. She looked like she would have her finger on the pulse of what was going on at the hotel. 
Dean ordered the shrimp and introduced himself as Agent Tyler. “I’m here looking into all the nonsense happening over at the hotel.” 
Judy twisted her face into a frown as she looked over his badge. “That hotel sure is drawing a lot of attention. First that reporter and now the FBI. What’s next, Secret Service?” 
That caught Dean’s attention. “Reporter?”
“Yeah, she’s sitting over there.” She pointed her pen towards a booth a little ways down from Dean’s. All he could see was the top of a ponytail that popped out from a downturned head. 
Dean nodded his thanks at Judy as she walked back to put in his order. He slid out of the booth and made his way over to the young woman. He found her hunched over a notebook scribbling away in a purposeful manner. “Excuse me,” he cleared his throat. 
The woman looked up from her work but kept writing as she slowly began to comprehend who was speaking to her. A half second too late, it seemed, she gave a warm smile. “Hello.”
“I’m, uh, Agent Tyler,” he flashed his badge again. “I hear you’re a reporter here to look into the hotel?”
She kept her eyes on his badge for a few seconds. “Uh, yes, I am.” She set her pen on top of her notebook. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” She held out her hand.
Dean took it in his and gave a shake, impressed by the firmness of it. He stood in silence for a beat longer. “Do you mind if I join you for a moment?” he finally asked. 
“Not at all, please,” she motioned for the seat opposite her and he took it. She brushed her Y/H/C hair away from her face, “How can I help you, Agent Tyler?”  
“Well, how about you fill me in on what you’ve found out so far about the hotel?” 
She eyed him for a moment as if searching for something. She must not have found it, or maybe she did, because she shrugged and began to share what she knew. “The hotel used to be an orphanage, back around the time of the hurricane. Kids from the city and even as far as Houston would be bussed in to live there. Guests and staff have talked about hearing things or feeling cold spots for years. Basic urban legend stuff. But over the past few weeks, people have been getting hurt. Staff members and guests with slashes and knife wounds on the arms and chest. Really interesting escalation.” 
Dean jotted down notes in his notebook and nodded, “Anything else?”
“Well, I’m still working on it,” her eyes narrowed on him. “So what brings the FBI out here?” 
“We go where the weird goes, and this is weird.” 
“Maybe I should start calling you agent Mulder instead,” she said with a lift of her eyebrows. 
Dean laughed off the idea and thanked Y/N for her time, returning back to his booth and his shrimp. 
“There’s an attractive reporter here looking into the case,” Dean casually mentioned back at the hotel later that evening as he swept the EMF reader in front of him. The device chirped and flashed red. “There’s definitely some ghosts here, too.” 
“Leave it to you to find an attractive reporter while doing recon,” Sam sighed. “And what about mystery girl?” He poked his brother’s side with the flashlight. 
“Oh come off it, man.”
They made their way down to the ballroom floor. All was still and quiet, the guests having gone to bed long ago. Dean’s EMF reader chirped back to life as the lights in the hall flickered. The brothers noticed their breath fog up in the cold air. 
Suddenly they heard a thump coming from the ballroom ahead of them. They ran over to fling open the doors and found a familiar Y/H/C young woman shooting a sawed-off shotgun into the ghost of a young child. 
“Fuck!” she cursed under her breath. 
“Y/N?” Dean asked incredulously. 
The young woman swung her head around to the brothers and her brows knit together. “Agent Tyler?” 
Before Dean could answer, the child reappeared behind Y/N and made his way quickly towards her. He held a knife and flashed a menacing smile. “Hey! Behind you!” Dean yelled as he shot his own shotgun at it again and it disappeared once more. He walked over to her and poured a circle of salt around her. “Reporter, huh?” He gave her a long look. 
“Agent, huh?” she returned the look. “Who are you guys, anyways? And why are you invading my turf?” 
Sam walked over and joined them. “I’m Sam Winchester, and this –” he pointed to his brother – “is my brother, Dean.” 
“The Winchesters?” Y/N scoffed. 
“Your turf?” Dean scoffed back. 
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Yes, my turf. I’m from Texas and this is a job in Texas. You’re invading my turf. Since when do you guys travel south of Oklahoma?” She stepped over the line of salt and walked towards the doors, her gun falling to her side, “I can handle this myself.” 
“Maybe we can help you,” Sam called after her. She turned to look back at him and he shrank a little under her glare. “It, uh… it would go faster,” he added. 
She rolled her eyes at them, “Fine. We’re looking for a teddy bear. It’s somewhere in the basement, I’m pretty sure.” 
“How do you know?” Dean asked. 
“Because I’ve been here for a week and I’ve done my research.” 
They made their way down to the basement. Every question Dean had for Y/N was met with curt responses; she seemed inconvenienced to be with them. When they got to the basement, they found it filled wall to wall with boxes. One of them contained the teddy bear they were looking for. 
“I guess we just pick a box and get started,” Sam shrugged. 
The three split up taking different sections. After about a half hour of searching, Dean was becoming irritated. 
“Find anything yet?” he asked. 
Y/N gave a loud huff. “No, Dean. I think I would’ve said something if I had.”
Dean stood up from the box he was searching. “You know what, Y/N, what’s your problem?” 
She looked up at him. “You are, Dean Winchester.” Dean was taken aback, but she pressed on, “You think you’re God’s gift to hunters. Swooping in and saving the day for a frail little hunter like me.” Her last sentence was dripping with sarcasm. 
Dean gave a wry laugh and licked his lips. “Me? God’s gift? Yeah, you’re right, sweetheart. Abso-fucking-lutely. We came all the way down to the fucking coast to help some inconsequential hunter I’ve never heard of with a simple haunting because she’s too weak but full of herself to handle it on her own. Woe is me, because this girl is going to come in and steal my thunder.” His words dripped with disdain. “Get over yourself,” he scoffed. 
Y/N stopped rummaging through the box in front of her and stared at Dean in shock. She was at a loss for words. 
The room grew cold again and the ghost appeared in front of Sam. It slowly made its way towards him, still brandishing the knife and a menacing smile. “Uh, guys? Can you hurry up with the search?” he swiped his iron pipe at the ghost and it dissolved once more. 
“We’re working on it!” Dean yelled over to him as he turned back to his search. Y/N still stood dumbstruck for a few seconds more before shaking herself back into action. She finished searching the box in front of her before moving on to a trunk in the corner. It was old and worn, and seemed like a good bet. 
“Guys?” Sam questioned. The ghost was back and getting closer than before. It seemed to grow stronger and more deliberate each time he appeared.  
Y/N and Dean continued rifling through their boxes and trunks. Her hand brushed against something fuzzy and she grabbed the paw of a tattered old teddy bear. She clumsily pulled out her phone to double check the picture she had and confirmed it was the one they had been searching for. “Got it!” she exclaimed. 
Dean stood up and joined her in an open space of floor. She dropped the bear to the ground and poured salt and lighter fluid over it. She looked up at Dean as he flicked open his Zippo and dropped it on the bear. They turned to look in Sam’s direction as the ghost began to catch fire and burn into nothing once more. 
“Aren’t you glad you had our help?” Dean cockily asked Y/N.
“So glad,” she bit back with a roll of her eyes.
The next morning the brothers caught sight of Y/N as she was packing up her car. 
“Heading out?” Sam asked as he walked over to her. Dean reluctantly followed behind. 
She closed the trunk and squinted up at him. “Yeah,” she shrugged, “the ghost is gone, and I’m not really one for the beach.” 
Sam gave a weak chuckle. “Yeah, we never get to see it, so we thought we’d stick around for a little bit.” 
“Thanks for your help, Sam,” she reached out to shake his hand. “Dean,” she turned to shake his. 
He looked at it for a moment before taking it. Once again, he was impressed with the firmness of it. 
“No offense, but I hope I never see you again,” she said.
“Likewise,” was all he managed to say in return.
Tags: @pinknerdpanda @hannahindie @wheresthekillswitch @emilywritesaboutdean @trexrambling @narisjournal-blog @jensen-jarpad @notnaturalanahi @simplydaisys @keepcalmandcarryondean @mrswhozeewhatsis @katymacsupernatural @boxywrites @ellen-reincarnated1967 @ravengirl94 @amanda-teaches @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @masksandtruths @just-another-busy-fangirl @sis-tafics @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @not-so-natural-spn @feelmyroarrrr @sherlock44 @jobean12-blog @diariesofthebeautyobsessed @akshi8278 @wonderstruckbyfandoms @wildfirewinchester @mogaruke @whimsicalrobots @winchesternco
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feralninjaprincess · 7 years
Sensei got us a dojo minivan.
And I'm the designated driver. That means I'm going to every tournament from here on out. Already got a room for the one down in Spring next month (shout out to my Houston Tumblr fam). There are 4 in Houston/Galveston left. The ones in San Antonio /Austin I can drive to and from that day. I'll have to get a cheap hotel for Midland. Dallas ones are also just day trips. They're actually closest to us but we got thrown into the West division because there aren't enough participating schools out that way. My tournament season literally went from zero to sixty.
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wikitopx · 5 years
Here are the best cheap hotels in Texas!
1. Comfort Suites Alamo/Riverwalk
We were here for a week-long convention at the convention center, this place seemed cheap and nearby, so we chose it. We walk everywhere we want to visit, have a really good free breakfast, and even free happy hour drinks.
It's very charming, has everything you could need (we even made time for the pool). And to be honest, the best thing about this place is the people !! Everyone has been so nice! All the staff we spoke to went out of their way for us! Amazing place, very highly recommended!!!
2. La Quinta Inn by Wyndham Austin Capitol / Downtown
The overall stay was pleasurable. The location can’t be beaten. The room was clean and check-in and out was fast. Very polite staff. No need to use my vehicle since it’s so close to Capital and the famous 6th St. We weren’t disappointed.
3. Hilton Garden Inn Houston/The Woodlands
I stayed here for one night and was amazed at how quiet this hotel was. Upgraded internet service is worth the extra money. There is plenty of parking and easy access to the ground floor from several access points.
My room faced the back of the hotel and looked out into the forest (literally) and it was quite peaceful. I was across the hall from the meeting rooms which had some noise in the afternoon but in the morning it was quiet.
I would check about meetings before staying in one of these rooms again, even though it was very convenient to the workout room. The workout room has good equipment and a great floor for high impact exercise. The breakfast buffet had lots of great choices from comfort food to healthy.
4. Harbor House Hotel & Marina at Pier 21
I stayed here pre-cruise and really liked it! The rooms were huge and very modern. The only thing missing was some sort of common space or lobby although there are plenty of nearby eateries. Breakfast was ok but they had a hard time keeping up with the pre-cruise crowd.
5. Crockett Hotel
I visited San Antonio for the first time in early February and needed to be in the heart of the city’s main attractions. Great location, clean and quiet hotel and very friendly staff. The historic building, very well decorated.
Everything is within walking distance and when not, public transportation is right at hand and in case you need to rent a car, Avis is just across the street. Several good restaurants in the area.
Breakfast is included but more vegan/vegetarian/healthy options could be included. Spacious room with a comfortable bed and nice chairs in the unit. Highly recommended if going to the Alamo and Riverwalk area; good value for the money; you will not be disappointed. I would definitely come again to this hotel on my next visit.
6. Days Inn by Wyndham Market Center Dallas Love Field
Recently stayed at Days Inn .. upon arrival, the staff was very quick and helpful to help us sign up. The room was very clean and the bed was comfy!!! I would and will stay again and again! Thanks a bunch.
7. Drury Inn & Suites San Antonio Riverwalk
First time here while on business. The location is good right on the riverwalk. The staff was all friendly. Very clean. Warm breakfast in the morning, three complimentary drinks in the evening with appetizers - or make dinner.
They are building a new high rise across the river but that’s not the hotel’s fault. Some noise in the morning but I got up early and went out. I will stay.
8. Galveston Beach Hotel
Now that my husband and I are empty workers, we have decided to take small trips. We decided on Galveston and stayed at Seawall Blvd. It was great. The view was nice and we could sit on the porch and see the water while sipping coffee.
There was no noise. Since we stayed on Seawall, everything with the exception of The Strand was within walking distance. We will definitely be returning.
9. Hyatt House Dallas/Uptown
The hotel is very convenient for restaurants and events. Nice hotel, clean, breakfast is great with a wide variety of food. The staff is friendly and the front desk is very helpful if you need tips on where to go for dinner.
10. Inn on Barons Creek
I noticed customer service. The little things. Isaac and Kelly at the reception received it and thank you for that. This convenient place is the start and end of the 290 wine travel trains. Located about a block and a half of Fredericksburg's main resistance - combining the fact that in the winter, the wine bus stops around 5-6 and this is almost the ideal location.
The rooms are clean and the front desk is ready to point out local eateries and help. I am a loyal fan of the Hilton hotel because I travel to the company but this place only reminds me of why Texas is owned and managed locally. Thanks for the great experience and stay.
More ideals for you: Top 10 Cheap Hotels in Ottawa
From : https://wikitopx.com/hotels/top-10-cheap-hotels-in-texas-711513.html
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galvestonflyer-blog · 6 years
The Best Way to Have Galveston Cruise Transfers
On the off chance that you are flying into Houston TX and are wanting to journey out of Galveston TX, gives us at a Galveston Flyer a chance to assist you with your transportation offering affordable Galveston cruise transfers. Here in Houston, we have two noteworthy airplane terminals and we offer you Galveston cruise transportation.
The options that we offer We at Galveston Flyer offer various options when you desire to have the best of Galveston transportation at an affordable rate.
Car rental: Numerous individuals do lease a vehicle to drive from Houston airplane terminals to Galveston. You can discover the entire significant rental Galveston Transportation from us at Galveston Flyer in the two air terminals. Our rental vehicle will transport you to and from the ship while offering affordable and comfortable Galveston cruise transfers.
Shared shuttle service: Our Galveston cruise transfers are fast and friendly. We at Galveston Flyer offer professional shuttle service from Houston to Galveston. Our team is happy to transport your group in a shared-ride shuttle for a price that is affordable. Our seamless, hassle-free transportation services will take you directly to the cruise port or to your hotel in Galveston. We emphasize friendly yet professional on-time Galveston cruise transfers to our customers at excellent rates.
The expectations you can have from us We at Galveston Flyer are the one who can be relied on to offer the perfect Galveston cruise transfers. We are available where you need us, we do not just meet your expectations, we surpass them. The Galveston Flyer serves the needs of residents in Galveston, Texas looking for cheap transportation to the Houston Airports as well as the needs of those looking for cheap transportation to the Carnival, Disney, and Royal Caribbean Cruise lines departing from the Galveston Cruise port. Since 2016, our company has been committed to being the best at what we do.
Having our Galveston cruise transfers you will have the ability to avoid the hassle of finding a cab when you reach Huston. We will be at your service when you require us and offer an affordable and comfortable ride to or from Huston airport to Galveston port.
So, when you require the best of Galveston cruise transfer do call us at Galveston Flyer dialing 409-939-9521.
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billa-billa007 · 1 year
Homepage | Stay Galveston
Welcome to StayGalveston's hotels located at the heart of Galveston, Texas! Take a virtual tour of the hotel and explore all the amenities and activities that Squeeze has to offer. Do check out the homepage of Stay Galveston to know more.
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anushkaanu · 1 year
Squeeze | Stay Galveston
Welcome to StayGalveston's Squeeze hotel located at the heart of Galveston, Texas! Take a virtual tour of the hotel and explore all the amenities and activities that Squeeze has to offer.
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Pure Bliss or Massive Mortgage? The True Price of Homes on 10 Islands Across America
Catalina Island
You’re aware of the allure of the aloha of the Hawaiian Islands and you’re familiar with the not-so-modest charms of Martha’s Vineyard. These notable island getaways offer amazing restaurants, pretty parks and beaches, and an oh-so-appealing vibe.
But what does it cost to live on an island? For you. Yes, you! We surveyed the prices on 10 islands across the country, and learned what you can expect to pay for a home or condo on these idyllic isles.
Some locales surrounded by water are surprisingly affordable while other island homes might leave you swimming in debt. Come island hopping with us, and see if you’re ready to take the leap into full-time island life…
Anna Maria, FL
Median list price: $1,224,000
Do you plan to have family visiting the Gulf Coast as soon as the first snowflakes begin to fall in the North? Then you’d better spring for this five-bedroom, four-bath home on the island’s north end. Built in 1967—but it’s not dated—the $1.5 million home comes with a pool. Prices hover under a million if you opt to live small, like in this two-bedroom, two-bath, 1,752-square-foot home listed for $799,900 and across the street from the beach. Check out the pond in the backyard!
733 Holly Rd, Anna Maria, FL
Mackinac Island, MI
Median list price: $469,000
This island is way more populated in summer, which means you have the trails (for hiking or skiing) to yourself the rest of the year. You can achieve your innkeeper dreams with this 10-bedroom, six-bath Victorian dating to the 1880s (listing for $2.95 million), or downsize to a darling three-bedroom condo for $399,900 near the famous Grand Hotel and boasting water views. Just don’t put a garage on your wish list: The island is car-free.
8155 Algonquin St., Mackinac Island, MI
Nantucket, MA
Median list price: $2 million
Summer is when this island off the coast of Hyannis heats up, but locals will tell you that the offseason is magic. That’s when you get beaches and restaurants all to yourself. While it isn’t cheap to call Nantucket home, listing prices can vary. Spread out in a five-bedroom, Federal-style mansion (listed for $5.12 million) on highly desirable India Street (a short walk to Main Street’s shops and restaurants), or live near the island’s South Shore beaches for $1.43 million in this cozy newer home with four bedrooms, a wide deck, and a finished basement.
30 India St., Nantucket, MA
Santa Catalina Island, CA
Median list price: $1,149,000
If you desire a Mediterranean climate and nightlife and access to the big city—Los Angeles County is a 22-mile ferry ride away—then the most populated of the Channel Islands might be your utopia. Try a one-bedroom villa in Hamilton Cove—which boasts a private beach—in Avalon, listed for $599,950. Or snap up this 1929 Spanish-style abode, also in Avalon, with a newly remodeled kitchen for $1.29 million. You can use the in-law suite to host all your jealous L.A. friends.
32 Camino De Flores, Avalon, CA
Mount Desert, ME
Median list price: $692,500
Maine’s largest island has just 10,000 residents and is anchored by Bar Harbor (where half of the locals live) and Acadia National Park. In Bar Harbor, this Victorian-era, five-bedroom beauty runs $695,000 and includes a Scandinavian wood stove and a sauna. For a perfect weekend getaway, this two-bedroom cottage in Bar Harbor will run you $249,900. It comes with a cedar-shake outbuilding and garden shed.
15 Roberts Ave., Bar Harbor, ME
Fire Island, NY
Median list price: $1.2 million
With Manhattan housing prices on the march, it’s tempting to put all your money into a Fire Island cottage. This four-bedroom home listed for $510,000—and new to the market—flaunts a private boardwalk to the beach plus multiple decks for grilling. There’s also this contemporary home, which comes with a pool. Listed for $1,150,000, it features a floating staircase and beamed ceilings.
605 Shore Walk, Fire Island Pines, NY
Orcas Island, WA
Median list price: $610,000
The housing stock on the largest of the San Juan Islands skews both cute and contemporary. A perfect example is this three-bedroom, yellow Craftsman with a farmhouse sink and vaulted ceilings, listed for $629,000. You could also make a statement with this octagonal four-bedroom home on a 10-acre lot, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright protégé Hank Schubart. It’s on the market for $4.98 million.
235 Loon Song Ln., Orcas Island, WA
Galveston, TX
Median list price: $275,000
Fifty miles southeast of Houston lies this barrier island hugging the Gulf of Mexico. A two-bedroom midcentury modern in Fish Village listed for $167,900 comes with updates in the bath and kitchen, and a fenced yard that’s perfect for a dog. This two-bedroom condo with water views—built in 1996—and across from Babe’s Beach is already plugged into a vacation rental program. It’s on the market for $265,000.
7000 Seawall Blvd, Apt. 214, Galveston, TX
Block Island, RI
Median list price: $1.2 million
Many homes on this island—with just 1,000 residents—feature cedar-shake shingle, including this darling three-bedroom home (listed for $2.3 million) hugging Cormorant Cove. Or you can realize all your design ambitions with this former church, on the market for $939,000. Five bedrooms are already carved out, and architectural details like the stained-glass windows have been thoughtfully preserved.
923 Cormorant Cv., Block Island, RI
Hilton Head Island, SC
Median list price: $489,000
Condos are affordable here. There’s a one-bedroom unit across the street from South Forest Beach listed for $210,000. Or you could go glam with this 4,214-square-foot property with four bedrooms, listed for $875,000. Located on Ribaut Island, and built in 1995, it features fireplaces, an elegant entryway, custom cabinetry, and a soaking tub in the master suite.
34 RIbaut Dr., Hilton Head Island, SC
The post Pure Bliss or Massive Mortgage? The True Price of Homes on 10 Islands Across America appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://bit.ly/2AtojPP
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davidoespailla · 6 years
Pure Bliss or Massive Mortgage? The True Price of Homes on 10 Islands Across America
Catalina Island
You’re aware of the allure of the aloha of the Hawaiian Islands and you’re familiar with the not-so-modest charms of Martha’s Vineyard. These notable island getaways offer amazing restaurants, pretty parks and beaches, and an oh-so-appealing vibe.
But what does it cost to live on an island? For you. Yes, you! We surveyed the prices on 10 islands across the country, and learned what you can expect to pay for a home or condo on these idyllic isles.
Some locales surrounded by water are surprisingly affordable while other island homes might leave you swimming in debt. Come island hopping with us, and see if you’re ready to take the leap into full-time island life…
Anna Maria, FL
Median list price: $1,224,000
Do you plan to have family visiting the Gulf Coast as soon as the first snowflakes begin to fall in the North? Then you’d better spring for this five-bedroom, four-bath home on the island’s north end. Built in 1967—but it’s not dated—the $1.5 million home comes with a pool. Prices hover under a million if you opt to live small, like in this two-bedroom, two-bath, 1,752-square-foot home listed for $799,900 and across the street from the beach. Check out the pond in the backyard!
733 Holly Rd, Anna Maria, FL
Mackinac Island, MI
Median list price: $469,000
This island is way more populated in summer, which means you have the trails (for hiking or skiing) to yourself the rest of the year. You can achieve your innkeeper dreams with this 10-bedroom, six-bath Victorian dating to the 1880s (listing for $2.95 million), or downsize to a darling three-bedroom condo for $399,900 near the famous Grand Hotel and boasting water views. Just don’t put a garage on your wish list: The island is car-free.
8155 Algonquin St., Mackinac Island, MI
Nantucket, MA
Median list price: $2 million
Summer is when this island off the coast of Hyannis heats up, but locals will tell you that the offseason is magic. That’s when you get beaches and restaurants all to yourself. While it isn’t cheap to call Nantucket home, listing prices can vary. Spread out in a five-bedroom, Federal-style mansion (listed for $5.12 million) on highly desirable India Street (a short walk to Main Street’s shops and restaurants), or live near the island’s South Shore beaches for $1.43 million in this cozy newer home with four bedrooms, a wide deck, and a finished basement.
30 India St., Nantucket, MA
Santa Catalina Island, CA
Median list price: $1,149,000
If you desire a Mediterranean climate and nightlife and access to the big city—Los Angeles County is a 22-mile ferry ride away—then the most populated of the Channel Islands might be your utopia. Try a one-bedroom villa in Hamilton Cove—which boasts a private beach—in Avalon, listed for $599,950. Or snap up this 1929 Spanish-style abode, also in Avalon, with a newly remodeled kitchen for $1.29 million. You can use the in-law suite to host all your jealous L.A. friends.
32 Camino De Flores, Avalon, CA
Mount Desert, ME
Median list price: $692,500
Maine’s largest island has just 10,000 residents and is anchored by Bar Harbor (where half of the locals live) and Acadia National Park. In Bar Harbor, this Victorian-era, five-bedroom beauty runs $695,000 and includes a Scandinavian wood stove and a sauna. For a perfect weekend getaway, this two-bedroom cottage in Bar Harbor will run you $249,900. It comes with a cedar-shake outbuilding and garden shed.
15 Roberts Ave., Bar Harbor, ME
Fire Island, NY
Median list price: $1.2 million
With Manhattan housing prices on the march, it’s tempting to put all your money into a Fire Island cottage. This four-bedroom home listed for $510,000—and new to the market—flaunts a private boardwalk to the beach plus multiple decks for grilling. There’s also this contemporary home, which comes with a pool. Listed for $1,150,000, it features a floating staircase and beamed ceilings.
605 Shore Walk, Fire Island Pines, NY
Orcas Island, WA
Median list price: $610,000
The housing stock on the largest of the San Juan Islands skews both cute and contemporary. A perfect example is this three-bedroom, yellow Craftsman with a farmhouse sink and vaulted ceilings, listed for $629,000. You could also make a statement with this octagonal four-bedroom home on a 10-acre lot, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright protégé Hank Schubart. It’s on the market for $4.98 million.
235 Loon Song Ln., Orcas Island, WA
Galveston, TX
Median list price: $275,000
Fifty miles southeast of Houston lies this barrier island hugging the Gulf of Mexico. A two-bedroom midcentury modern in Fish Village listed for $167,900 comes with updates in the bath and kitchen, and a fenced yard that’s perfect for a dog. This two-bedroom condo with water views—built in 1996—and across from Babe’s Beach is already plugged into a vacation rental program. It’s on the market for $265,000.
7000 Seawall Blvd, Apt. 214, Galveston, TX
Block Island, RI
Median list price: $1.2 million
Many homes on this island—with just 1,000 residents—feature cedar-shake shingle, including this darling three-bedroom home (listed for $2.3 million) hugging Cormorant Cove. Or you can realize all your design ambitions with this former church, on the market for $939,000. Five bedrooms are already carved out, and architectural details like the stained-glass windows have been thoughtfully preserved.
923 Cormorant Cv., Block Island, RI
Hilton Head Island, SC
Median list price: $489,000
Condos are affordable here. There’s a one-bedroom unit across the street from South Forest Beach listed for $210,000. Or you could go glam with this 4,214-square-foot property with four bedrooms, listed for $875,000. Located on Ribaut Island, and built in 1995, it features fireplaces, an elegant entryway, custom cabinetry, and a soaking tub in the master suite.
34 RIbaut Dr., Hilton Head Island, SC
The post Pure Bliss or Massive Mortgage? The True Price of Homes on 10 Islands Across America appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
Pure Bliss or Massive Mortgage? The True Price of Homes on 10 Islands Across America
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Carnival Cruise
Discover The New Planet By Booking The Cheap Cruises From Galveston
In case you are within the United states, you might have heard about Cheap Cruises. In case you have a dream of traveling on these cruises, you'll find trip organizers to assist you.
Get the hell off in the concrete jungle and jump onto a cruise ship to discover the planet inside the truest kind. Finding away with a girlfriend is great entertaining. For delighted and memorable moments cruising using the family is definitely the best way. What ever may be the purpose for the holiday cruising can turn out to become the very best with Cheap Cruises.
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What are the modern day living situations to decide on cruise vacations?
Modern day pressure as a result of living conditions and competitions each in individual and experienced life makes it required for each and every American to go on a holiday as soon as in a when. Cruise Vacations within a ship on the calm and serene waters from the seas soothes the mind and body.
All-Inclusive Cruises serve as the platform for all kinds of cruises including Alaska, Caribbean, Galveston Cruises, Hawaii, Bahamas, Asia and quite a few far more for the European rivers.
What areas do Caribbean Cruise Organizers Specialize?
As per the destinations, the facilities and also other places of concern are distinctive from one cruise provider to yet another. To decide on the top as per the need would be the challenge. Nevertheless, the most beneficial Caribbean Cruise trip organizers can make your experience hassle-free. Whenever you compare many such service providers, you'll have to check no matter if the organizer, you plan to pick out present the following points:
• Multiple destinations • Facilities • Timings • Food specialties • Best staterooms • Onshore amazing places • Diverse Packages • Special presents • Wave season provides and advantages • Final minute cruise offers • Discounts • All inclusive cruises • Low-cost and economical cruises • Ideas on travel • Hotels and resorts
Greatest ships with their specialized attributes like casinos, ice skating, little ones recreation, miniature golf, rock climbing walls, teens entertainment zones and many more are offered as per the need to have.
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galvestonflyer22 · 7 years
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The Best Airport Shuttle Services in Houston Airport
If you are looking for best professional airport shuttle services in the Hitchcock city, so here Galveston Flyer Airport Shuttles are one of the cheap transportation to and from the airport in Hitchcock city. The Galveston Flyer provides professional shuttle service between the Houston Airports (HOU + IAH) and the Galveston Cruise Terminal/ Galveston Hotels. Give us a call at 409-939-9521 to reserve your transfer today! https://goo.gl/VCNdPH
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wikitopx · 5 years
Here are the best cheap hotels in Phoenix!
1. Rodeway Inn Downtown Phoenix
Official description (provided by the hotel) Welcome to the Downtown Downtown Phoenix accommodation. Everything we do at our newly renovated hotel is driven by the desire to provide exceptional guest service and a clean, comfortable environment.
We offer free continental breakfast daily. Appreciate the convenience of our on-site laundry facilities and our 24-hour front desk and reception.
2. Comfort Inn & Suites
Travel with confidence by registering in New Comfort Inn & Suites Phoenix North, with excellent service to make all your trips easy and comfortable - with exceptional value.
With a great location near the Peoria Sports Complex, we are ready to welcome you with amenities such as thoughtfully designed guest rooms and lounges that allow you to work and relax, free WiFi in guests. hotel to stay connected throughout their stay and fitness facilities. It includes a pool, hot tub, and exercise room.
3. Sleep Inn Phoenix North I-17
Finding a family-friendly hotel in Phoenix is not difficult. Welcome to the Sleep Inn Phoenix North I-17, a great choice for travelers like you. Phoenix Sleep Inn is a family-friendly hotel offering a flat-screen TV in the rooms, and it is easy to stay connected during your stay as free wifi is offered to guests.
The hotel features a 24-hour front desk. Alternatively, guests can enjoy a free swimming pool and breakfast, making it a popular choice for travelers visiting Phoenix. For guests with cars, free parking is available.
4. Drury Inn & Suites Phoenix Airport
Travel Happy® with the Drury Hotel. You have enough to worry while you travel. Breakfast, Wi-Fi, snacks, soft drinks, popcorn, shopping malls, workout facilities and more - we've got you covered! A microwave and refrigerator can be found in all rooms. Drury Hotels is 100 percent family-owned and operated.
5. Best Western InnSuites Phoenix Hotel & Suites
Delight in magnificent Phoenix Mountain Preserve views. Enjoy nearby golf courses, renowned attractions, decadent dining, and spectacular shopping options, not to mention exciting sports events around the Phoenix/Scottsdale/Glendale area. FREE: Full hot breakfast, WiFi, Social Hours on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
6. Drury Inn & Suites Phoenix Happy Valley
Travel Happy® with the Drury Hotel. You have enough to worry while you travel. Breakfast, Wi-Fi, snacks, soft drinks, popcorn, shopping malls, workout facilities and more - we've got you covered! A microwave and refrigerator can be found in all rooms. Drury Hotels is 100 percent family-owned and operated.
7. TownePlace Suites Phoenix North
Welcome to one of the most comfortable long-term hotels in Northern Phoenix, TownePlace Suites Phoenix North. Our modern accommodation attracts long-term tourists, with suites from individual studios to two-bedroom rooms with fully equipped kitchens.
8. Hyatt Place Phoenix - North
Finding a family-friendly hotel in Phoenix is not difficult. Welcome to Hyatt Place Phoenix - North, a great choice for travelers like you. Rooms at Hyatt Place Phoenix North feature a flat-screen TV, air conditioning and fridge and guests can connect to free wifi.
In addition, while staying at Phoenix Hyatt guests have access to a 24-hour front desk, room service, and baggage storage. You can also enjoy a pool and a living room. Need a place to park?
8. Extended Stay America - Phoenix - Airport
Free take-away breakfast: Start your day with a free take-out breakfast that includes many breakfast bars and muffins, hot cereals, coffee, and tea.
9. Aloft Phoenix-Airport
An easy-breezy adventure awaits in the Valley of the Sun! Our free shuttle is available for airport transportation and anywhere within a 3-mile radius (4 am to 11 pm). We have located only 44th St. from Light Train Station. a few steps, making it easy to get around.
10. Super 8 by Wyndham Phoenix Downtown
This newly renovated property is located just minutes from the Phoenix Convention Center, Chase Field, and the US Airways Center. 100% Smoke-Free property. Full-service quality at less than half the price.
More ideals for you: Top 10 Cheap Hotels in Galveston
From : https://wikitopx.com/hotels/top-10-cheap-hotels-in-phoenix-710256.html
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