#cheap ugly post as an excuse to get this shit out there finally 👍
coulrology · 1 year
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'til we meet again
Junimir lore drop below
Vitimir and Juniper met -once- as kids. It was a quick encounter during IFWOT/HECK. Vit was backed into a corner getting bullied, but Juniper saw this and managed to deescalate the situation and get the other kid to leave. June decided to stick around Vit in case they came back. Being the shy kid that he is, Vitimir didn't say anything, just sitting awkwardly waiting until Terra announces the last challenge. But Juniper being a total chatterbox tries to start a conversation. They see that Vit doesn't have anything better to do, so they offer to paint his nails to break the silence. Vitimir of course too shy to say no, let's them do it. This small moment meant a lot to Vitimir as a kid. They never experienced an act of kindness like that from a stranger before. There was no love at first sight between them, it just started with a kid wanting to do something nice for someone else just because. It meant more to Vitimir than it did Juniper at the time. Vitimir still thinks of it to this day especially now that they're working alongside Juniper, but June doesn't realize Vit is the same kid from that day, so it's never brought up.
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