#chemzee rambles lmao
chemzee · 11 days
How likely are hpma characters to die tierlist yay!!!
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since Y4 is on the horizon, it's about time I post this silly lil tierlist I did a long time ago and explain my reasonings behind it. Unlike the dating option tierlist, this one is purely intuitive and there isn't any hard logic or facts behind it, it's just the vibes, basically.
(most of these are speculated to die due to a sacrifice and the last tier is more of a half joke, but I'll explain later)
You're free to disagree with me ofc and if you have any thoughts or your own personal theories, feel free to share! :D
Edit: just in case, please remember that this is just a theory and speculations based on pure intuition and I could be very wrong about all of this and your fav or just nobody in general will die. I did this tierlist for fun and fun only.
This tier is for non companion characters only, as I believe companion characters, in their majority, are not going to die at all (aka anyone below likely tier is most likely safe). Out of all characters that appeared in the storyline, these 3 give off the biggest death flags.
Elliot: he's an antagonist so it already means he's more likely to die hsdakd. But on more serious note, I feel like his personality and especially his life philosophy are what would lead him to his demise. Or to his arrest. It's either of these two,really.
Esme: as much as this one would hurt like hell, it's also a likely possibility. She was already used as a plot point for Daniel and his arc, her getting hospitalized and with high chance of being permanently damaged leaves me to believe the story killing her off isn't too far fetched. Just another way to traumatize Daniel, basically. CRossing my fingers that it aint gonna happen tho.
Winifred: same reasoning as for Esme, she's got a high chance of dying for sake of Ivy's arc. She was already kinda "killed off" after she accidentally evanesco-ed herself, so high chances are, she will die for real or she'll accidentally kill or seriously injure someone. A part of me feels that the twins,most likely, would not have a happy ending, with Winnie either being killed off or something else terrible happening to her. Perhaps she'll sacrifice herself for Ivy.
Here we start with the companion characters. As I mentioned earlier, I highly doubt anyone below this tier will die, but there's still a possibility I can't deny.
Colby and Fischer, however, are the exception, to me personally. And my bet is it's going to be one of the two, rather than two of them together. Given how in one of the interviews it's mentioned the twins's relationship would become more tense and distant at some point in the story, I feel like one of them dying would be a pretty likely outcome, for sake of development of the other twin and Cassandra. I suspect a sacrifice.
Question is, which of the twins it's gonna be. My bet is on Fischer, mostly because of how I suspect Colby's development is going to go, but Colby can still be the unlucky one lol.
aka not really. If anything, I doubt these characters are going to die. But if anyone out of rest of companions will face death in the storyline, these 3 are the most likely.
Daniel: Daniel is...well, Daniel. He's a loyal friend, someone who's described to never betray those he holds dear and we've seen him be really protective of his friends and family, deliberately putting himself in danger to save those he loves, especially during Y3. I smell sacrifice, likely for sake for MC and Ivy. Or one of his family members. Or- ok I'll stop here.
Ivy: pretty much the same reasoning like the one behind Daniel, her sacrificing herself for sake of MC, Daniel or Winnie. She too, is a loyal and protective friend, someone who hates injustices or bullies, willing to break rules for her friends, so again, I can smell a potential sacrifice. Or it's her anger issues and impulsivity that are going to lead her to her demise. But I feel like she has less chances than Daniel though.
Kevin: falls off his broom and dies lol. Ok on serious note, I can,sorta, imagine a "final stage of his character development" scenario where he becomes brave enough to be able to defend himself and his friends, especially Robyn. And, in the end, sacrifices himself for her. I doubt it would happen tho but it's still a possibility. But a lot less likely than the rest of the characters.
Self explanatory, I can see them dying, especially Cass, but I don't think it'll happen. Mostly because I don't see why would they be killed off, other than for shock. So it may or may not, again, hard to say.
Robyn: ehh, given her personality, her dying kinda makes sense but storywise why would they kill her off? I mean, she could die for Kevin's character development, but Kevin dying kinda makes more sense to me personally.
Cassandra: I actually wanted to put her in the tier list above, because I can see her dying after her redemption arc while protecting someone, you know, another noble death/sacrifice scenario. But like. I dunno, she doesn't strike me as someone who'd die because like,what for? Her personality also doesn't give me any reason to believe she'll die, unless someone would try to kill her, but she's confrmed to have a redemtion arc so I doubt the attempt would be successful. It makes a lot more sense to keep her alive from narrative perspective. I think, at least.
Lottie: game constantly ignores her existence so she will escape claws of death thanks to neglect writers give her/jjj. Ok in all seriousness, she literally has no reason to be killed off. Like. What for? Shock value is the only reason I can think of and I doubt they would go that route. She's safe, most likely.
bc of how often HPMA storyline parallels or straight up copies the original HP plot, a silly part of me thinks there would be a scene in like, Y7, where MC would have a false death moment. As in, either die and resurrect (I highly doubt tho despite the tier being called that (I did think that while making it tho but I changed my mind)) or they would appear dead but in reality, they were alive all along. Or they would recieve a very bad, potentially lethal injury, but would survive. I could be wrong tho ofc but a part of me feels like that's kind of a route they'd go with.
Doubt they'd kill off the player character fr lmao
ANYWAY this was longer than I thought it would be lol THANKS A LOT to everyone who read until the end hehehe :3
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chemzee · 3 months
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I'm never going to recover from this
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chemzee · 11 months
I can't stop thinking about a hypothetical scenario in which Daniel brews random ass potion that has a weird effect for shits n giggles and carries it around constantly and mc goes like "yo why do you even carry that?" and he says something among the lines of "it might help us in the future" and mc's like "uhhh whatever you say lmao"(they still think it's useless) and then there's like a major boss fight or something and the gang is about to get attacked by some random adult wizard and Daniel just. yeets the potion at their face, making them fall family guy style and he goes like "see? I told you it's was gonna be useful one day" and they win or whatever
I know this will never happen like at all and it's probably kind of ooc in a way but the image of that happening is kinda funny to me
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chemzee · 5 months
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What if this is a tomboy/butch lesbian actually?
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chemzee · 6 months
I already told this particular opinion before but gonna post it here too.
Terrible chemzee opinion 2636
If we look at it from Cassandra's perspective, I believe she was mostly absolutely justified in Y1. Because if some random girl tried to make me dissapear/seriously hurt/kill me (the way it looked like from her perspective) but failed I'd also do a background check on her too 🤨 like girl what if she already hurt someone before? Plus, Cass wanting Ivy to get expelled? DUH she though Ivy almost killed her! Plus she learned she allegedly wasn't the first one so she's even more justified.
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chemzee · 7 months
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I have no idea if this is universal to every model, but I find the difference in expressions between male mc and female mc really funny
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chemzee · 7 months
Guys would you still love me if I told y'all I think Victor Gridley is really hot? Like. I'm actually Gridley simp. Hypothetically tho? Would you still appreciate me and not bully me for my undeniably superior and quite frankly exquisite taste in fictional men?
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chemzee · 4 months
The one thing that I really want from Y4 is an explanation/reveal as to why exactly Daniel agreed to join Elliot. Because on one hand, I understand the "he wants to join Elliot/NOTME because of his beliefs against the Stature of Secrecy" and I won't be surprised if that's what happened but for several reasons (I'll explain later) a part of me believes there could be another possibility.
Look, I know it sounds very silly and such but something is telling me it's his attemp to clear his mother's name: now that Elliot told him it's him and 6 other students, Daniel knows claims against his mother are false and she's indeed "innocent",so he joins Elliot to basically get closer to him and therefore, gets closer to NOTME, to gather evidence against them and eventually, rat them out.
I mean, given what happened in Y3, it's safe to assume he doesn't trust Ministry to do a proper investigation and may fear they could arrest even more innocent people, even if he'd expose Elliot right away. So he "sticks to his story". Plus, despite agreeing with their cause, they are sorta responsible for his mother's accusation + Elliot is responsible for his sister's hospitalization and literally every single event of Y3, so he has all reasons to be against them.
Daniel was repeatedly described as someone who'd "never betray those he cares about" and I think it's pretty clear that he cares about his mother a lot. Plus this is what his official description says:
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"No matter what the cost."
Which could mean that he's willing to put himself in danger or even sacrifice himself in order to help his mom. Like get closer to an illegal group, which could potentially result in his own arrest.
I mean, at the end of the day, I just think he loves his mom more than he hates the Ministry, so even if he thinks of Stature of Secrecy as a "stupid law that should be abolished", he'd prioritize his mom more.
But again, I am pretty likely to be wrong lmao, wouldn't be surprised if what I just said wouldn't be the case and he joined Elliot for "politics" reasons (or even ends up joining NOTME for real).
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chemzee · 2 months
Tumblr didn't notify me of my blog's birthday so far so fuck it, it's been a year since my first post there so I'mma count it as my blog's birthday
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chemzee · 3 months
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Remembered that one day I made a joke account just for silly screenshots like these
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chemzee · 3 months
The first chapter of new season was definitely a chapter that exists.
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chemzee · 3 months
Just a small ramble about Cass, Wallpaper and my personal rewriting of hpma story so don't mind me. Might delete later. It's all my personal opinion tho so feel free to disagree with me.
As much as I defend Cassandra a lot (I'm afraid people from the server can confirm that) I would be lying if I said I can defend her bullying. Nothing against bully characters, I have a tendency to enjoy them (which is kinda weird given how I was bullied myself literally all my life and everywhere I go 💀) I genuinely don't like that part of Cassandra's character, I like her so much more outside the main story, like, don't get me started on how much I believe Y3 did her absolutely dirty and somewhat mischaracterized her (in my opinion that is) for sake of antagonizing her. And especially as someone who, unfortunately, happens to enjoy DanCass a lot, I do feel pretty iffy about that part of their canon dynamic.
I feel like Cass, as a bully, specifically in Y3, feels a bit overpowered. I understand why she wasn't punished in Y1, bc like, she almost got killed, but in Y3? I genuinely believe she'd work a lot better as a rival character, someone on equal grounds with the main cast, who just messes with us rather than bully, because her being a bully who gets away with pretty much everything creates a very unhealthy power dynamic and I'm not really a fan of that, especially given how it's clear our mc and Cassandra are friends or just enjoy each other's company enough, somewhat.
Which is kinda how I personally rewrote her dynamic with the cast and specifically Daniel: a rival character, who sometimes gets along with the main cast but often messes with them because she sees them as competition (which is how I feel they're portrayed in sidequests, Cass rarely, if ever, bullies the main gang, she's just mean to them or sometimes even actually kinda nice, in her own way, these sidequests being the main reason I love her sm). Yet because of her arrogance, she still judges people based on their family background, because for her, it's safe to assume you're going to be similar to those who raises you. And she just kinda takes things a bit too far in Y3 and the moment Daniel attacks her and McGonagall gives her a speech she's like "... Oh shit." and the realization that she really crossed the line for some petty rivalry hits her like a truck, which would initiate the whole redemption arc of hers.
But it's just my rewrite ig hehe
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chemzee · 9 months
Guys somebody PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add that shoes squeaking sound effect to that Daniel dancing video. I'M BEGGING YOU
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chemzee · 3 months
K I wanna ramble about something, just share some thoughts I have
Ivy and Winnie's mom is interesting to me for reasons and the sorta biggest one is that she's kind of a mystery.
So far, she was only mentioned once in the game (in one of Ivy's 10 Forbidden Forest lines) and according to Ivy, she only lives with her sister, Nana and father (who according to Nana is a muggle), so she doesn't live with them and high chances are, she's absent from girls' life, although she was involved in it at some point, esp for Ivy to remember she exists.
Yet, judging by the fact she has concept art with whole turnaroynd, she must appear in the story at some point and might have her own model, so the question is, where was she and why is she not living with her kids? Is she just divorsed from her their father or did something else happen?
(so if you wanna keep it a surprise for yourself, don't look, although it is public material)
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Ok here it is! It confirms that she is a witch (and she's the one who the girls inherented their magic from directly) and what catches my eye is that she looks pretty distressed here, her general color palette is muted and dark, she had dead mom hairstyle and her emotions sheet only show terrified, confused and sad expressions, so I suspect that there's some tragic backstory at play, perhaps involving Nana (who is pretty sus imo).
Also, something I wanna point out as well is that she's more closer in appearance to Winnie than she is to Ivy. At least, the way I see it. I think that's something they made deliberately, rather than it just being a simple random color choice. So she could have lot more in common with Winnie than with Ivy... Perhaps by the way she's treated in the family.
Given how rarely she is mentioned in the game, perhaps she is kept as a surprise/secret from the player deliberately, as she is going to have some major affect on the plot later on, specifically the Ivy's and Winnie's arcs.
I suspect that what's going on around her isn't just a simple case of divorse. It could be "leaving for milk" situation, but I feel like it's more complicated or even sadder than that. And that perhaps her introduction into the story will be what will set off a series if unfortunate events haha.
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chemzee · 10 months
To be honest, one of the things I'd really like is to have a reveal of all hpma kiddos' birthdays.
So far we only know their zodiac signs, like that Cassandra is Cancer, Daniel is Scorpio (bc of course he is),Frey twins are Gemini (bc of course they are). They do give some sort of indication as to when they were born, but I really wish we got actual dates.
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chemzee · 5 months
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Decided to pull just for fun of it, not expecting much AND OMG
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