#chengcheng packs
this was supposed to be a nested story where the boys told stories around the campfire, but I don't remember what stories I was going to have them tell. it was also an excuse to have wwx in tripp pants and that 'cute but kind of evil' happy bunny tee. XD
It had been a successful night hunt. Riding high on victory and an odd sense of nostalgia, Wei Ying had insisted that they spend one last night camping out before returning to civilization. Lan Zhan went along with his whim because of course he did, he was wonderful like that. Jiang Cheng agreed because Wei Ying suggested he'd gotten too used to cushy rooms at fancy hotels befitting the son of a sect leader. So there they were, all three of them sitting around a campfire, content in the golden bubble suspended in the blue lake of the night around them.
Stretching out his legs, Wei Ying grinned as the unnecessary grommets lining the equally unnecessary bright red straps decorating his tripp pants flashed with reflected firelight. The glow softened the black, and muted the red, stealing some of the contrast that he loved so much. He reached into one of his myriad pockets and pulled out a pack of Slim Jims...
...and a bottle of water...
...and a box of Hot Tamales...
...and a large bag of spicy nacho Doritos.
Enchanting the pockets to act as qiankun bags had been a stroke of genius, if he did say so himself. He dug into his snacks with relish.
“You guys can have some, if you want,” he crunched around a mouthful of chips. “I brought plenty!”
Lan Zhan reached over and took a single chip from the bag when Wei Ying held it out for him. The firelight warmed his calm face and danced in his golden eyes. He was always beautiful, but it lent him a sense of something elemental.
Like a phoenix, Wei Ying thought, grinning both because who could resist smiling when graced with his Lan Zhan's beauty? But also because the thought of a phoenix struck him as amusing paired with the funeral white of the Lan sect's traditional night hunting uniforms.
Unlike Wei Ying with his mall rat ensemble, or Jiang Cheng in his band tee and hoodie, Lan Zhan was dressed in full-on, white-on-white hanfu, a graceful, flowing, seven layer cake of elegance and history that was spelled against physical attacks, resentful energy, and dust of all things, and was also an absolute bitch to get Lan Zhan out of in a hurry. The robes suited him very well, though. With his long hair done up and crowned in jade, his forehead ribbon gleaming pure as the driven snow, and his sword, Bichen, in hand, he looked as if he had stepped out of a past shrouded in mystery and wonder.
The single, incongruous detail in Lan Zhan's outfit was his choice of footwear: a pair of sneakers he'd had for years, white, of course, but gone dingy with accumulated dirt that no charm could ever hope to banish. Wei Ying liked to tease him about them. Once, Lan Zhan had even responded, giving him a smile—one of those secret ones that only showed around the corners of his eyes—and informed Wei Ying that they were 'tried and true.'
Lan Zhan had a proper qiankun bag. He removed it from his sleeve, to pull out a Ziploc bag full of trail mix with a healthy dose of dried fruit. He offered some to Wei Ying, who accepted happily and tucked himself in at his side with a pleased noise.
“You two are disgusting,” Jiang Cheng grumbled.
“We're not even doing anything!”
“That level of affection is disgusting. It's too early for that.”
“It's almost eleven,” Wei Ying shot back. He snuggled closer in a way that would allow Lan Zhan to lean on him, as if he might be in danger of nodding off.
“Too early by a thousand years! Nobody wants to see you two cuddling.”
“So grumpy, Chengcheng.”
“I will kill you,” Jiang Cheng responded, in the same tone he might have used as a reminder to pick something up from the store.
Twisting, Wei Ying planted a wet, showy kiss on Lan Zhan's cheek, then settled back in. Even if Lan Zhan hadn't been accustomed to staying up past his family's usual nine o'clock bedtime, he wouldn't have been able to fall asleep anyhow, given how much Wei Ying was moving around at his side. He slipped an arm around Wei Ying's waist and squeezed, a silent request to be still...and a small jab at Jiang Cheng.
“You stole that shirt from me.”
“You don't even like The Red Hot Chili Peppers!” Jiang Cheng shot back.
Wei Ying shrugged, a careless grin on his face. “I like red hot chili peppers.”
“Eat a di—”
The broken-off retort, once one of Jiang Cheng's favorite ways to tell him to fuck off, sent Wei Ying into peals of laughter that had him toppling sideways into Lan Zhan's arms. Jiang Cheng was allergic to affection, and complained loud and long about how open Lan Zhan allowed Wei Ying to be with his. It made him think twice about saying such things when he knew Wei Ying might actually do it.
-Jelly bracelets, black and red and, depending on how well he'd refined the resentful energy, glinting with crimson sparks. Tripp pants that had gone out of style years ago, but were so useful that wwx hasn't given them up. Sure he could have switched to cargo pants, and maybe during a khakis-and-nice-ish-comfy-sweater weekend with Lan Zhan's family he would...but for night hunting, tripp pants were second to none. 'Cute but kind of evil' happy bunny tee
-also, if I'm setting this in the jelly-bracelets-are-in era, that means I have room to make mention that lwj is in the habit of finding and purchasing increasingly rare and expensive out-of-style tripp pants online for wwx.
-all of which is an unnecessarily fun collection of window dressing for the original idea which I actually like FAR LESS than the thought of wwx in tripp pants, a red tank top, and a hanfu coat thing thrown over his shoulders when it gets cold at night
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princetakoyaki · 5 years
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Fan Chengcheng messy layouts <3
Please ❤️ or 🔄 if you save or use !
Requested by @hqnbins <3
Requests are open !
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kseuls · 5 years
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fan chengcheng 90s icons
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cpopstuff · 6 years
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ninpercentpacks · 6 years
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|REQUESTED| Fan Chencheng packs. Like or reblog if you used. Let me know if you liked! Feel free to request me anything! (Also i'm looking for mutuals in twitter if anyone is interested let's be friends on @/lightsdowxnlow)
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iwasted · 3 years
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ャ◞ `fan chengcheng icons´ ◠ ⌗᮫ 𖥦
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nohcy · 4 years
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fan chengcheng icons (つ≧▽≦)つ (light ver.)
👉🏻click for dark ver.👈🏻
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yeolmaeyz · 4 years
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— messy icons
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bangjvnhyvk · 4 years
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Fan Chengcheng layouts
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@.fvxixi on twt
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forzhengting · 4 years
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nex7 messy layouts
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taewhois · 5 years
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nex7 icons!! rebloq or fav if you save
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neocult-icons · 5 years
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like or reblog if you save pls  ♡ 
vai ter icon de cpop sim
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getrektedits · 5 years
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kseuls · 5 years
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90s moodboard
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cpopstuff · 6 years
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softie-club · 5 years
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এ┆zeren & chengcheng color layouts.
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