deathblacksmoke · 1 month
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pretty vin ❤️
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circle-with-me · 6 months
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daily fave vinny ❤️
trap demon 😈 // hometown bf 🥰
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digitalflown · 10 months
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#sleepingfaceless #skillmanstrong #benefitforricky #sdharleydavidson #canon #canonr5 #chenzo #oldno11brandphotography @mice_cube @oldno11brandphotography @sleeping_faceless (at San Diego Harley-Davidson) https://www.instagram.com/p/CitmwZuD6R4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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164 notes · View notes
foliosriot · 7 months
Am I Fuckable?
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my gif, please give credit if you use it. thank you!
pairing: vinny mauro x reader
warnings: lots of teasing. vinny being an annoying fuck (affectionate). unprotected p in v sex. hair pulling. vocal vinny for the win!! lots of love bites and hickeys. if i missed anything please let me know! 18+ only MDNI or i’ll block you.
a/n: this is heavily inspired and based on Photoshoot BTS 2019 from ricky’s youtube channel hehe
tags: @concretenoah @circle-with-me @smokeynaomi @popppylove @somebodyels3 @rottingfern @monotoniscreaming @bngurngheart @agravemisstake
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New York City is insane.
Simply trying to find a parking spot in the middle of the night is difficult, and that alone is reason enough for you to never move here.
Ryan had been driving around the same couple blocks for what felt like hours searching for somewhere to park. You could hear AJ talking to, what you assume is, Ricky and his video camera. However you can’t tell what’s being said, everyone’s voices having melded together in your brain a long while ago.
You have your head resting on Vinny’s shoulder, the same position you’ve been in long before arriving in NYC. You had been attempting to sleep, and was successful at one point! Then the frustration and exhaustion permeating throughout the van was stifling and forced you awake.
The only place you know you’ll be able to properly fall asleep is the hotel bed that’s waiting for you.
It feels like an eternity before Vinny moves his hand from your thigh to your hand that had been resting limply in your lap. His fingers slot between yours, followed by a gentle squeeze.
“Hey, mama.” His voice is quiet in your ear. “We we can go up to the hotel now. Come on.”
You groan into Vinny’s shoulder but lift your head anyways. The interior lights of the van are on, and everyone is filing out. Vinny gives you a loving smile as he hops out as well, then turns to take your hand. You graciously but tiredly accept and allow him to help you exit the van to get your bags from the trunk.
With bags in hand and the vehicle locked, Ryan leads everyone back towards the parking garage entrance. You’re holding onto Vinny’s hand and attempting to lean your head on his shoulder once more as you walk. It’s proving to be a bit difficult, but you manage just well enough as you walk inside the hotel.
Your friends go a different direction as you, Vinny, and Ricky walk another way. You struggle to move your legs as exhaustion is settling into your limbs. But then Ricky’s unlocking one of the room doors and leading you and Vinny in.
Once in the hotel room, you blearily watch Ricky set his bags down before heading to the bathroom. While he’s in there Vinny helps you get undressed and into your pajamas, which consists of one of his t-shirts and a pair of leggings. The feeling of his warm hands against your skin is making you even sleepier.
He’s got you situated under the covers and your pillow is so soft and you’re just so tired…
What seems like only a second later Vinny is sliding in to bed next to you. In your half awake state you inch closer to him until he’s curling one of his arms around your body and pulling you into his chest. With your face buried in his neck you comfortably fall asleep.
In the morning, you’re rudely awoken by Vinny jostling around. Without opening your eyes you can tell he’s trying to get out of bed, but you still have your body wrapped around him, much like a koala bear.
“Baby, baby.” You feel Vinny’s hand running up and down your back. “You gotta let go of me so we can get ready.”
You mumble a bout of nonsense without releasing him from your grip. He chuckles softly. Then he’s kissing your head and proceeds to gently pry you off of him. You grumble and groan as your hands and arms are dislodged from your boyfriend, thus freeing him from the bed and you.
Vinny maneuvers you back in to a comfy position, and plants a trio of light kisses to your cheek.
“You can sleep for a few more minutes,” he murmurs in your ear. “Then you gotta get up, okay, babe?”
His voice is gentle as he talks to you, but you don’t want to listen to him. You want to stay in bed all day with him and cuddle until you’re set to leave New York. But you know you’ll have to get up eventually. So you grunt in response and listen to Vinny make his way to the bathroom.
A couple minutes later the hotel door opens and you lift your head at the smell of coffee. Ricky enters your line of sight and you see that he holds a tray of various drinks. He smiles when he notices you peeking out of the covers.
“Morning. Vin told me your order,” Ricky tells you as he approaches the bedside. He takes one of the drinks from the tray and holds it out for you. He waits until you’re shoving yourself out of the hotel blankets, and you go to take it from him.
“Thank you, Rick,” you say in a sleepy voice.
You go to take a sip of the drink he got. And as soon as the liquid meets your tongue you sigh in satisfaction. Vinny knew exactly what you would have wanted, and that has your heart swelling. You continue to drink the beverage as you watch Ricky set his and Vinny’s drinks down and go to pick up his camera. He does a quick little update while walking around the hotel room, appearing to be mindful to keep you out of shot because he knows you don’t like being on camera all that much.
Once you’ve downed most of your drink you decide it’s probably time for you to get ready. With the remainder of your drink on the nightstand and your feet on the floor, you gather the clothes you’ll need for the day and your toiletries before knocking on the bathroom door. You find it unlocked and go in.
From behind the shower curtain Vinny calls out your name.
“Yeah, it’s me,” you answer back, setting down your things on the countertop and on the lid of the toilet. “Hope it’s okay if I’m in here getting ready.”
“Totally okay, babe,” Vinny replies over the sound of the water. “Almost done anyways.”
You pay no mind to his words whilst changing out of your pajamas, letting them settle in a pool of fabric off to the side on the tile. You’re slipping on a fresh pair of undergarments just as the shower water turns off. Then the curtain is pushed open and you watch Vinny step out through the condensation that’s accumulated on the surface of the mirror. He pauses when he sees you standing there. Then he’s stepping up behind you, the heat of his body radiating at your back. The smell of his shampoo is suddenly overwhelming. And his hands are resting tentatively on your hips.
The small space is steadily growing more and more suffocating. Your stomach is tightening at the feeling of Vinny’s hands on your skin, now firmly holding onto you. The buzzing hum of the fan is the only sound, and it has your head spinning. Or it’s because Vinny is now pressed up right against you.
There's a slight warning in your voice, but you’re quiet when you say it. You can feel Vinny’s breath on your shoulder and neck. You then meet his gaze through the mirror’s fog. His eyes are dark and there is a very specific emotion nestled in their depths that ignites a dull fire deep down in your gut.
This time, you force your voice to be firmer. Your heart is racing, your ears are ringing, and you can feel slivers of water running down your backside from wherever Vinny’s own body has made contact with yours. He blinks slowly, humming his acknowledgement.
“You need to dry off,” you remind him, your voice undoubtedly wavering.
Vinny doesn’t say anything. All he does is lean in and presses his lips to you, his breath scalding hot against your bare skin. Neither of you speak while he’s leaving prolonged, open-mouthed kisses from one shoulder to the base of your neck, and then all the way across to the other shoulder.
With each touch of his lips a wave of goosebumps flutters down your body. Your spine is tingling and you’re struggling to repress a shudder. Vinny’s hands are ascending slowly, his fingers grazing roughly along your stomach and ribcage.
You aren’t quite sure what’s gotten into him, but you’re enjoying it. He nips gently at your flesh and it has you leaning your head back.
At one particular spot on your shoulder, Vinny takes his time. He’s gnawing and sucking at your skin. His tongue meets the hickey before he’s biting at it, and you’re seeing stars.
But then he’s pulling away. The warmth of his body suddenly disappears, and your head is forced back up. You whip around to see Vinny casually drying himself off, to which he proceeds to wrap the towel around his frame and then exits the bathroom with a soft click of the door.
And now, you are incredibly confused while simultaneously craving Vinny’s touch once more.
What the fuck was that for?
With confusion encasing your veins, you manage to finish getting ready in the confines of the tiny bathroom. Your breathing is slightly labored and you have been muttering to yourself for the past few minutes, cursing Vinny’s name.
When you’re done in the bathroom, you gather your things and walk out into the room. Sitting down on the bed you’re sharing with Vinny you pull on your shoes and throw your hair up with the hair-tie on your wrist, then proceed to scroll through your phone.
Ricky has his camera out and you’re only half listening to the conversation at hand. You had seen Vinny fiddling with the buttons of the suit jacket he had on, but you rightfully ignored him.
“Are you not supposed to button the top one or the bottom one?” Vinny asks.
“Uh, I don’t think you’re supposed to button the bottom one,” Ricky answers him hesitantly.
Vinny continues messing with his suit as he faces the large mirror on the opposite side of the room, the one hanging on the wall behind you. You look up from your phone to see him looking at himself in the mirror, then turning your attention back to the screen with an inaudible scoff.
“Dang, I’m fuckin’ hot,” he says. And it’s almost embarrassing how quick you are to glance back up at him.
God, you have no idea, you asshole.
You bite down on your tongue, and say nothing.
“What do you think, camera? Am I fuckable?” You’re beginning to taste copper on your tastebuds. “I think I’m not.”
Vinny laughs softly, and it has your pulse thumping even harder. You barely hear his exchange with Ricky because the blood roaring in your ears is far too loud.
He steps past you and gives you a sweet smile. You aren’t able to properly process the gesture until he’s already out of sight.
You’re hoping Ricky doesn’t notice how your demeanor has changed now that Vinny isn’t present. You can feel your face reddening with blush, and you know your overall vibe has shifted. If Ricky does notice, that’s a disaster just waiting to happen.
Once Vinny is done in the bathroom, after having changed his clothes, the three of you gather all of your things before leaving the room. You were the one to grab the keycards so you hung back to stuff them into your bag while Ricky and Vinny headed towards the elevators.
And with this moment to yourself you take a very deep, grounding breath. Then you’re walking away from your little bubble of quiet, trying to ignore the simmering heat at the base of your stomach.
Vinny is talking to the camera when you walk up. You choose to remain at Ricky’s back.
“We’re about to go to the photography studio.” The elevator dings and the doors slide open. You watch Ricky walk in backwards as he keeps the camera on Vinny. You hesitate before stepping in. “And wait a really long time to get our pictures taken. And then once our pictures are taken, they’ll be added to publications, posters, tour ad, MADS. Just anything you can think of.”
Through the floor to ceiling mirrors of the elevator you can clearly see Vinny smile at the camera just as the doors are opening. Vinny reaches back to grab your hand and pull you after him, with Ricky following close behind.
Ryan, Justin, and AJ are waiting for you when you step out of the hotel proper. Their voices bounce off the concrete walls of the parking garage and accumulate just to harshly harmonize in your ears. You grind your teeth as everyone finally gets in to the van.
In the van you choose to sit beside Ricky in the second row, leaving Vinny and Justin alone in the back. Vinny had pouted when he saw you slide into the seat next to Ricky, but thankfully hadn’t said anything. You’re not sure what you would have done if he had, indeed, said something.
Ryan is pulling out of the parking garage and AJ is addressing the camera in Ricky’s hands; meanwhile, Vinny has shifted forward in his seat to press a kiss to your head. It has your potent anxiety easing its death grip on your heart. Until he’s pressing another kiss to the exposed skin just behind your ear. Your anxiety immediately spikes as he rests his head to the back of your skull for a few more moments.
“I love you,” he murmurs. With one more kiss to that exposed skin he finally leans back in his seat.
You mumble the three words back to him, though you know he couldn’t hear. You loose a light sigh and internally prepare for a long day.
Because of your position as Motionless In White’s MUA, the only reason you came on this trip was to help with makeup. Well, that, and because Vinny wanted you to come with so badly.
So, having arrived at the photography studio, you began setting up the things you would need at one of the vanities provided.
And you know the guys would have been just fine doing their own makeup without you there. However, Vinny is ever persistent and slightly annoying when it comes to these things. So you had agreed to come with, despite having told Chris it wouldn’t be a big deal if you couldn’t tag along.
But Chris being Chris, he had been more than happy to have you be there.
Now, here you are, helping Ryan with his makeup as you watch Vinny and Ricky mess around with Ricky’s camera. You keep them in your periphery as to not get distracted and mess up what you’re doing. But that duo is severely distracting, and you nearly mess up what your current task when you catch yourself watching Vinny for a moment too long.
(Actually, it was Ryan asking if you were okay, thus snapping you out of your daze.)
As you’re finishing up helping Ryan, Vinny waltzes over to you. He casually grabs at your waist when he halts beside you. You’re surprised you don’t implode at the contact.
“Okay, you’re all good to go,” you rush out to Ryan.
Ryan gives you a small smile. “Thanks,” he says as he looks into the vanity’s mirror. “You always make me look so much cooler than I actually am.”
“Pfft, shut the fuck up, you’re always cool,” you tell him, as you’re desperately trying to ignore Vinny’s presence.
Ryan thanks you again whilst getting up from the seat you’d had him sitting in, and he walks over to where Chris is currently getting his photos taken. Which leaves you alone with Vinny for the time being. You can feel the heat radiating off his body, and it’s causing your head to spin like a top.
Vinny pulls you closer to him, until you’re falling into his chest. He has himself propped up against the vanity and had simply tugged you towards him until gravity took over, and had you almost toppling over onto him. But the arm now around your waist is tight and firm as he keeps his hold on you.
“Hi,” he greets you in a soft voice.
“Hi,” you say back, and you hate how breathless you sound.
“You okay?” he asks. He takes his free hand and plays with a piece of hair that had come loose. His fingers keep brushing your heated cheek, and you are almost at your limit.
You don’t respond right away. Instead, you flick your gaze all over Vinny’s face for a few moments, just taking in his features and the makeup that is painting his skin. That burning hot knot is sizzling in your stomach, and sinking lower and lower as the seconds go by. It’s honestly remarkable you haven’t dragged Vinny off to a secluded corner yet.
You breathe in deeply.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you tell him.
Vinny locks eyes with you and smiles softly; you’re sure you could even call it innocent with the way his eyes are crinkling just slightly.
“Just wanted to make sure,” he says.
Someone calls his name and you both know it’s his turn to get his individual photos taken. He leans in to kiss you, and you think you may be hallucinating when you feel his tongue shoving its way into your mouth.
But you don’t have time to process that before he’s stepping away and heading over to the photographer. You’re left even more confused than this morning. And you definitely do not like whatever game Vinny is playing.
Now that you have nothing to do, you step off to the side and watch Vinny get his photos done, despite the anger and frustration rippling through you. Seeing him be so nonchalant and unbothered has your blood boiling and your head pounding.
“Yeah, fuckable, my ass,” you mutter under your breath.
“Sorry, what?”
“Holy shit!”
The jumpscare’s origin comes from your right, to which you turn and see Chris looking at you. He has a concerned look on his face, despite the bemused quirk of his lips, and almost seems sheepish as you brace a hand on your chest. Your heart is racing from beneath your palm as you face him. With your other hand you swat at him.
“Don’t fucking do that, Chris!” you scold him. “You could’ve given me a heart attack, you dick.”
Chris chuckles. “Jesus, sorry,” he says through the small smile he wears. “I won’t do it again.”
You roll your eyes. You know he’ll do it again.
“Okay, but I’m curious now. What were you talking to yourself about that had you saying ‘fuckable, my ass’?” he asks. “And don’t say nothing.”
You sigh heavily, dropping your arms to hang limply at your sides. You glance over at Vinny for only a moment. But Chris is not very discreet as he follows your gaze.
“Ohhhh,” he muses. He looks back at you. “Yeah, that’ll do it, I’m sure.”
“Shut the fuck up,” you mutter as you whack Chris in the chest once more. “He’s an asshole. And it would make me feel better if you just agreed with me.”
Chris gives you a small smile. “Oh, yeah, of course. Vinny is an asshole for reasons unknown.”
“I hate you.”
The smile on Chris’ face grows as he says, “Love you too.”
You glare up at him before he walks away. You’re beginning to nibble on your lip when you see him approach Ricky, and the two men immediately fall in to conversation.
But they’re both glancing over at you from time to time. And your blood is uncomfortably hot.
Throughout the rest of the time you’re at the photography studio you keep to yourself. Vinny is still pissing you off and seems to have noticed your mood. And whether or not he knows he is the sole cause and primary aggravator, well, that is still up for debate. He hasn’t tried to touch you or talk to you since you had finished Ryan’s makeup, however long ago that was. But it’s honestly quite alright; if Vinny had tried to even step towards you, you probably would have done something you’d regret in the end.
Once the photoshoot is complete, you begin packing up your things as everyone else changes and removes their makeup. The studio staff are taking down the lights and the backdrop the band had been posed in front of. You tune out all the noise as you continue putting all of your makeup supplies back into your bag, hoping you can finish your task without anyone acknowledging you.
But god forbid you have any peace.
Justin comes up to you, his face clean and wearing his normal attire. The sight of him does, however, release a minute amount of tension from your chest.
“Hey, we’re gonna head to a bar for some drinks and food,” he informs you. “You wanna come with? It’s, like, a block from the hotel so you could leave whenever you want.”
You could not be any more thankful for Justin than you are in this present moment. He is unknowingly giving you an out so you could rot alone in the hotel room until everyone gets back from the bar. You could fucking kiss him right now.
You’re about to give Justin your answer when Vinny sidles up next to you. He immediately throws an arm around your torso, and he slips his hand beneath your shirt before he is subtly digging his fingers into the flesh of your hip. Your pulse is positively erratic at the contact; it would be a miracle if Vinny couldn’t hear your heartbeat.
“You comin’ out with us?” he asks you as he shoots Justin a glance. You watch Justin scowl at Vinny for a split second before they’re both looking at you.
And the way Vinny is staring at you has you burning all over.
His soft brown eyes are tracing your features, but there is a heat to them that you have seen countless times today alone. The blood coursing through your veins no longer feels like a raging, untamable fire. Instead, it burns like an acid eating away at your nervous system and sheer will. And god fucking dammit, you can’t say no to Vinny.
“Uh, y-yeah, I’ll go,” you tell the two men. You look back at Justin. “I’ll go for a couple hours, I guess.”
“Awesome. Let’s go,” Vinny says with a smile.
Justin turns and walks away, thus abandoning you in your time of need. Your heart is beating out of your chest. You need Vinny to back away, or you’re going to burst into flames.
Vinny pecks your cheek but his lips linger on your skin. He squeezes your side, and you can feel the gentle stroke of his thumb on your hip bone. His mouth shifts to yours, but he doesn’t kiss you. No, instead of kissing you, he just lets his lips rest against your own. You’re dizzy as you breathe him in and your eyes have slipped closed and you need him so badly—
“Mama,” Vinny breathes into your mouth. “We gotta go.”
He’s moving back before you find the strength to speak. But he’s already pulling away when you manage to blink away the haze over your eyes. Frustration encases your heart and mind when he sticks out his hand, wordlessly asking you to take it and follow him. Well, good thing you would follow him to the ends of the earth, or else you would be feeling very differently right now. You say nothing as you thread your fingers through his, letting him lead you out of the studio.
On the drive back in the direction of the hotel, you were able to convince AJ to let you have shotgun, so he could be stuck in the back and you could theoretically be miles away from Vinny. You were quiet as Ryan drove, once again blocking out the conversation in the van and watching New York pass by in a blur.
Ryan parks back in the hotel’s parking garage. Everyone hops out and then makes their outside in the direction of the bar. Vinny hurries to your side to hold your hand, and doesn’t try anything on the short walk. It honestly has you infuriated.
The bar is small and cozy. It’s got a comforting rustic vibe to it, and there are already a handful patrons scattered around. There’s a few sitting at the bar itself and a couple others seated at the tables throughout the space. You notice that no one is over at the pool table playing a game. You almost walk over there before Vinny is detaching himself from you just to do the same with AJ, Justin, and Chris.
Grumbling under your breath you step towards the bar instead. You sit down on one of the stools and patiently wait for the bartender. The music playing through a series of speakers is distracting you, at least.
The bartender, a large man with a short bushy beard and tattoos crawling up his exposed neck and arms, approaches you. He has a kind smile on his face as he stands in front of you on the other side of the counter.
“Evenin’. What can I get for ya, darlin’?” he asks, a slight twang to his voice. There’s a kind gleam in his eyes as he watches you.
You hesitate for a moment before you say, “Gin and coke, please.”
“Comin’ right up.”
He steps away to make your drink, and your eyes immediately trail back to the pool table on the opposite end of the room. Vinny is clearly taking his turn in the game happening right now. He’s bent over the table with the pool cue angled at one of the scattered balls atop the green felt. Then he jerks his arm and the white ball strikes into a cluster of solids and stripes. You hear him groan in frustration.
His hair bounces on his shoulders as he steps back for the next person’s turn. There’s still that ache all the way down in your center, and you cannot possibly stand it any longer. You slot your tongue between your teeth and bite down as hard as you can.
Just then, the bartender walks back over to you and sets down your gin and coke on the wooden surface of the bar with a napkin beneath it.
“There you go, darlin’,” he says.
“God, thank you so much,” you tell him with a slight smile. You reach into your bag and hand him your card.
The man takes your card to pay for your drink and you’re left alone once more. You sip at your beverage, relishing in the feeling of the alcohol on your tastebuds. You’re wanting to get some sleep tonight so you are only planning on the one drink, so you’re going to savor the taste.
But then your card is back with you and your eyes are darting around the bar. And there is Vinny, that motherfucker. It doesn’t seem to be his turn yet, so he’s leaning up against the wall and watching Justin play. Vinny’s face lights up when he smiles at his friend’s obvious failure. His laugh carries across the room, the sound ten times louder than the music to your ringing ears.
It’s difficult, but you manage to finally look away from Vinny, purposefully ignoring his presence in your peripheries. You need to distract yourself from the image of him laughing and talking with his friends.
That’s how you end up making eye contact with Ricky, who had definitely already been watching you. He’s sitting at the bar closest to the pool table. There’s a barely-there smirk on his face. You pinch your eyebrows together in confusion and tilt your head a bit in a silent question of what’s up. All he does is raise his own brow in reply.
Then he’s flicking his gaze off to the side, and you don’t have to guess in order to know what he’s referring to. Ricky meets your eyes once more and you send him a mean glare with your middle finger aimed in his direction. You see him chuckle a bit before you’re turning away.
You’re trying your best to keep both Vinny and Ricky out of your sights, which results in you playing with the hair-tie encircling your wrist. But then your phone buzzes from its position on the bar before you.
Ricky Whore-or: Chris said I can bunk with him tonight btw. We’re gonna leave in a few minutes to grab my stuff from our hotel room
You’re going to kill that man.
You look up from your phone to see Ricky looking at his own phone as he talks to Chris. Then he sets the device down and you receive another text.
Ricky Whore-or: P.S. you’re not very subtle, so don’t ever say I’ve never done anything for you ;)
Yeah, you’re gonna fucking kill him.
You don’t bother replying to his texts or acknowledging his existence any more. The alcohol settling in your stomach suddenly feels like lead.
A few minutes later you’re joined at the bar by Ryan. He has a beer in his hand and he strikes up a conversation with you. He may not know it, but he is doing you a great service by distracting you. Because you aren’t sure how long you two had been talking and laughing for before you notice your glass is empty and his is gone as well, another opened bottle sitting next to it.
Before you know it, you see Ricky, Chris, and AJ waving goodbye and leaving the bar. Ricky sends you a smug smile that you flip him off for. He just laughs and disappears from view.
Maybe another twenty minutes later is when Vinny finally comes over to you. Justin is on his heels, and sits down on the stool on the other side of Ryan. Vinny chooses to stand right behind you with an arm curling around you. You notice his grip is much tighter than what it has been previously today.
“You guys staying?” Vinny’s question is directed at his bandmates. There’s a vague hardness to his voice that has your eyebrows scrunching with confusion.
“Yeah, we’ll catch up in a few minutes,” Ryan says as Justin nods.
Vinny is then immediately tugging you to your feet and dragging you towards the door. You quickly say goodnight to Ryan and Justin before you’re outside of the bar.
The short walk back to the hotel is fast paced, with Vinny gripping your hand and essentially dragging you after him. You consider saying something to ease the apparent tension mingling in between you. But Vinny doesn’t appear to be interested in conversing so you keep quiet.
When you make it to the hotel and go for the elevator, Vinny keeps an arm around you, like you would float away if he let go. And then you’re stepping out of the elevator then down the hall to your room. You fish out the keycard and unlock the door.
The moment the door shuts behind you and you hear the indicating click of it being locked once more Vinny’s hands are on you. He turns you around to face him, and his lips are immediately on yours.
Your hands cup either side of his face while his are grabbing at your waist. Your lips are moving against each other haphazardly, with little to no grace in the act. He’s licking into your mouth and you whine as he shuffles you backwards.
The backs of your legs make contact with the bed, then Vinny is lowering you onto the mattress. He leans down with you, careful not to break the heated kiss.
Vinny’s hands are roving all over your body; he can’t seem to make up his mind and touch you in a singular place. One of his hands snakes up your shirt and the other moves to rest on your neck. You shudder slightly at the sudden sting of his cold rings on your skin.
But then he’s pulling away. Disappointment flashes in your chest as you watch him sit up through hooded eyes, although he keeps the one hand gently gripping your neck. You’re caged in by his legs, and you can’t help but wonder if he’s going to continue this stupid game of his.
You grab at his shirt and tightly bunch the fabric up in your fists.
“Vin, what the fuck?” you snap.
He looks down you with a weird look on his face.
“What?” he pants above you. “What do you mean what the fuck?”
“First, the bathroom this morning—“ His thumb brushing at the center of your throat has you faltering for a moment. “A-And then constantly touching me and teasing me. I have needed you all day. God, you’re a fucking asshole.”
Vinny’s lips stretch into a grin in realization.
“I love teasing you and getting you all worked up,” he admits. He leans back into your space and begins pressing kisses to your jawline. “It’s just.. so much fun.”
Your eyes are threatening to roll back in your head as Vinny makes his way down your jaw to your pulse point. He stops his kisses and proceeds to nip and suck at your skin, carelessly giving you a hickey that will definitely be hard to cover up in the morning.
“But at the bar…” His voice vibrates against your throat. “Maybe I’d teased you a little too much. Maybe I was being an asshole … But you were too close to Ryan and he was making you laugh—“
“Oh, my god.” You laugh at Vinny’s halfhearted admission. He bites your skin in retaliation. “Y-You were jealous of Ryan? Jesus christ, Vin. I love Ryan, but is he the one on top of me right now?”
Vinny mumbles into your neck before he’s pulling away and looking down at you. His face is flushed and his lips are swollen and red. You speak again before he has a chance to.
“Maybe I should flirt with your bandmates more often if it means you’ll take me to bed afterwards,” you remark casually with a smile.
You were trying to be joking and playful, but Vinny doesn’t look amused. He’s glaring down at you with his mouth in a tight line. You then prop yourself up on your elbows so your face is closer to his.
“Hey. I love you, okay?” you tell him. You see his eyes catch on your lips as you talk. “I’m in love with you, not anyone else. I’m sorry, baby. I love you.”
Vinny stays quiet for a moment. Then his hand is back at your throat, a very light pressure being applied by his fingertips. You gasp sharply at the suddenness of the act, but you can see Vinny’s eyes gradually softening at he continues to look down at you.
“I love you, too,” he murmurs.
You offer him a smile, to which he returns.
“Now, can you do something, please?” you ask.
“Yeah? Like what?” Vinny leans back in to kiss you. But this is slow and steady, an agonizing pace compared to a few minutes ago.
You hum into the kiss without bothering to attempt at replying. Vinny is languidly kissing you, taking his sweet time and savoring every touch of your lips. He pries your mouth open with his tongue and there’s a sliver of your being that believes he may be trying to devour you whole.
You’re growing restless, however. As much as you love the slow make outs, right now, you need more.
So you’re fisting Vinny’s shirt and trying to push it up his body, but he stops you before you’re able to achieve your goal. He wordlessly sits up and pulls off his shirt and jacket. You reach out to touch him, but again, he’s stopping you before that can happen. Because his hands are dragging your own shirt off of you and his mouth is all over your stomach and chest.
His teeth sink into your flesh at random intervals. You know there are going to be countless hickeys and love bites from your navel all the way up to your neck, and you are totally fine with that.
Vinny works his way down your torso until he reaches the waistband of your pants. He looks up at you and grins when he sees how flustered and red you are. The sight of him smiling between your legs should not be that hot, but you love it too much to stop it.
As he’s working on getting your pants off, you slip out of your bra and toss it away blindly. The way he looks back up at you once your legs are free of your bottoms (and underwear) and your chest is bare has you biting back a moan.
“Sit up,” Vinny says. His voice is low and rough, and you do not hesitate to sit on the bed with your legs bent beneath you.
Vinny takes off the rest of his clothes at the foot of the bed. Your bottom lip is trapped between your teeth as you watch him undress, until he is completely naked. You think you taste blood, but it’s a little too late to check or care with Vinny crawling back towards you.
He grabs the back of your head and pushes you into him, your hands grabbing at the roots of his hair. He’s kissing you with much more aggression and hunger, and there’s nothing you can do from moaning against his lips. And the sound of Vinny also humming and moaning into your mouth has a persistent pulse throbbing in your cunt.
With his other hand, Vinny gently shoves your legs open. The unexpected cool air against your pussy has your grip in his hair tightening. Then his fingers are gliding through your wet folds and you keen against him at the sensation.
A high pitched moan escapes you when one of his fingers presses its way inside you. The feeling has you breaking the kiss and throwing your head back as Vinny slowly works you open.
“Doing so good, baby,” Vinny murmurs into your collarbone. His teeth scrape against your skin just as he’s shoving another digit inside of you.
Your walls seize around his fingers when he begins to pick up his pace. You cry out in pleasure and relish in the strained noises Vinny’s making against the column of your throat.
That white hot coil that has been plaguing you all day is finally going to meet its end. You can feel your orgasm approaching, and you grind down into Vinny’s hand to make it come sooner. And he obliges, by pressing his thumb into your clit, adding just enough pressure and extra movement to have you coming undone.
You moan loudly at your much needed release, and Vinny continues to fuck his fingers in and out of you until you’re relaxing against him.
It didn’t take much for you to come, but Vinny doesn’t seem bothered. With hazy eyes you watch him take those same fingers that had just been inside you and lick them clean. You moan lightly at the sight.
Vinny doesn’t wait for you to recover before he’s pulling you into his lap. His hard cock is pressing against your folds, and that stupid heated knot is finding its way back to its original place deep down in your belly.
“Vin,” you whine at him. “Vin, please—“
But he’s reconnecting your mouths and you taste yourself on his tongue. It makes your head spin and you’re humming into him again.
And you’re so lost in the kiss that you don’t notice right away how Vinny is working his cock into you. With one arm around your waist and the other carefully guiding you down onto him. The feeling of finally being filled by him is nearly overwhelming.
When he’s bottomed out he pulls away from you by a few inches. His eyes are blown with desire and you think you can see your own reflected back at you.
Vinny begins moving and you tug harshly at his hair. He hisses at the sharp pain that splices through his scalp, but keeps thrusting up into you. You push back down against him, and you work out a steady rhythm that has the head of Vinny’s cock hitting that one spot inside you that makes you see stars.
An entire galaxy flashes across your vision. There are now two arms around your torso, and the tightness of them is comforting as you continue rocking against Vinny.
In the space between you there are the sounds of shared panting and moaning and you swear you hear a muttered “Feel so good, mama.” Even if you had imagined it, it still makes you move your hips faster.
You can feel your second orgasm approaching rapidly. Your body is clenching around Vinny, his thrusts growing more uncoordinated. You’re both so close.
“Vin— Ah, ah—“ He’s biting your neck again. “Vinny baby, ‘m so—“
“I know. Come on, baby.” His breath is scorching hot on your neck and shoulder. “Ah— Come for me, baby.”
A moment later you’re coming with Vinny’s name on your lips, another brilliant series of stars and nebulas dotting your vision. His continued thrusts helps you through your high, especially when his arms tense around you as you feel him stiffen then he’s coming in you.
Everything feels amplified — every breath, every inch of skin being on fire, every bead of sweat that drips down your body.
All you feel is Vinny.
Vinny, Vinny, Vinny.
And god, the friction of skin on skin as he’s pulling out makes you dizzy.
Vinny lays you back on the bed and you blearily watch him enter the bathroom then return a few moments later. He hovers above you as he gently wipes your legs and pelvis clean with a damp washcloth, his touch comforting and light. He’s cautious in his work.
Your fingers are aching from how hard you had been clutching at the strands of hair on Vinny’s head, much like a vise. As he gets you both under the covers, he sees you flexing your hands lazily. He begins to massage at the joints of each individual finger and you let him.
You shift closer to him so your head is resting in the crook of his neck. He absentmindedly tangles your legs together as he keeps on with his task.
“I love you,” you murmur, pressing a soft kiss to his jaw.
“I love you, too,” Vinny says back. And you can hear the smile in his voice.
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thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed! likes and reblogs are very much appreciated <3
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sherifftillman · 7 months
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#chaos gremlin x
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motionlussyinwhussy · 2 years
Shevy’s Tiktok
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damndnn · 8 months
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scoring the end of the world
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deathblacksmoke · 8 months
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pretty boy 🤍
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circle-with-me · 6 months
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daily fave vinny ❤️
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ciginatree · 2 months
Pretty- Vinny Mauro x female!reader
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Content Warnings: fluff, smut, unprotected p in v sex, language, teeny bit of angst. 18+ MDNI.
Word Count: 2k
Author's Note: Okay, this is my first one shot I have ever written so please give me feedback. Also it's unbetaed so... yeah. Enjoy!
This story is a complete work of fiction portraying a real person or persons in a fictional situation.
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“Seriously?! You expect me to believe that you think I’m pretty?” You yell at the man before you.
“Yes! Because you are pretty!” Vinny gestures wildly at you.
“Bull. Shit. I don’t believe you.” 
Vinny groans in frustration as he drags his hands through his hair, pulling at the strands in annoyance. “Why? Why is it so hard for you to believe me?”
“Because I’ve seen the girls at the meet and greets! I’ve seen the girls you follow on Instagram! You’re more delusional than I am if you expect me to believe that I’m even half as pretty as any of them!”
Neither you, nor Vinny, could pinpoint exactly how long you two had been fighting in his hotel room, but it felt like hours. It might as well have been. At this point you were just chasing each other's tails, resorting back to the same points and reasoning. An unstoppable force versus an immovable object. You had been touring with the band for the past few weeks, working as an assistant sound tech. You had toured with them once before, and you and Vinny immediately hit it off. There was just something about him that you were instantly drawn to, but you immediately smashed and trashed any feelings that might develop. As much as your heart yearned to pursue him romantically, you knew logically it just wasn’t possible. You needed this job, you couldn’t risk losing it over a crush.
At times, you thought that maybe he could feel the same way about you. Instances where you caught him looking at you before quickly looking away, sometimes he would sit just close enough so you were touching knees or shoulders. But Vinny’s flirty with everyone, that’s just how he is. So you didn’t even dare to get your hopes up. You tried not to anyway.
Now, you bring your hands to your face, shrieking angrily into them briefly before holding them out in front of you. “I can’t deal with this right now. I’m going to get a drink or something.” You turn to walk out of the hotel room, but you only make it two steps before a strong, calloused hand grips your wrist. “Vinny, what the fuck-” He cuts you off by yanking you towards him. Placing a hand on each of your hips, he backs you up into the wall with a thud. He tilts his head so his lips brush the cusp of your ear, his warm breath puffing into your hairline.
“Why don’t I show you how pretty you are?” Your heart is pounding in your ears and you’re panting from the proximity. His body heat is radiating off of him and seeping into you. He brings his head back to look you in the eye. You glance at his lips before crashing yours into his. The kiss is fiery, passionate, and breathless. The lips you’d thought about kissing for months were parted and warm against your own. A soft whine of a noise escapes from the back of your throat and Vinny groans lowly in response. Finally, you both break apart, panting for air. Only a moment passes before Vinny dips his head down, attaching his kiss swollen lips to your neck. You gasp and tilt your head back against the wall as he caresses your pulse point with his lips, fingers flexing against your hip bones. The quiet noises you make are driving him crazy and he works faster leaving a wet trail of hickeys and love bites along your neck. 
“Vinny…” you whimper quietly, bringing a hand up to tangle in his dark curls, tugging softly at the roots. His hair is still damp from his post show shower, a drop of water rolls from the base of his hair and down your arm. He leaves one more sloppy kiss below your jaw before drawing back to look at you again. His pupils are wider than you’ve ever seen them, and he’s breathing heavily. Vinny kisses you again, slower this time, but no less passionate. He swipes his tongue tentatively across your bottom lip and you part them, meeting his tongue with your own. There is no fight for dominance, just a slow movement against each other. Savoring the feeling. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” Vinny groans in between kisses. He presses in tighter against you and you can feel his erection digging in just above your core. The kiss becomes sloppy, a tangle of tongue, lips, and teeth as you start to grind against each other. Sultry moans and pants fill the space between you and a dull ache blossoms between your legs. Vinny breaks the kiss momentarily to catch his breath before he returns to your neck, not kissing, but simply nuzzling his lips and nose into the bruises he painted there.
“Here’s what I’m thinking,” he rasps into your skin, “I think I’m going to fuck you slowly and sweetly to show you just how pretty you are, and then I’m going to fucking ruin you.”
You pause for a moment, the lust filled fog breaking momentarily to bring a moment of clarity to your situation. What if he sees your body and changes his mind? What if this changes things between the two of you? Fuck, what if someone finds out and you lose your job? Vinny notices your hesitation, he furrows his brows slightly, hoping he didn’t do anything to make you uncomfortable. Gently, he pulls back, bringing a hand up to brush his fingertips along your cheek.
“You’re allowed to say no, sweetheart.” Your eyes snap back up to his, and any doubts are immediately blanketed. The look in his eyes is so sincere, so intense.
“I want this. I want you to fuck me Vinny.” The corner of his mouth twitches up and hunger sparks in his eyes.
“Jump.” Vinny quickly snakes his arms underneath you as you wrap your legs around his waist. He briskly walks you both to the queen bed in the corner of the hotel room, dropping you onto the mattress. He rips his shirt off, tossing it god knows where before grasping the hem of your top, lifting it over your head. He returns to you, devouring your lips like a starving man. Lifting one hand to cradle the back of your head, Vinny leans you both down onto the pillows, sinking down on top of you. As he kisses you he trails the fingertips of his free hand along your side, brushing the skin lightly, exploring it. He sweeps his hands up to your bra, kneading and cupping your covered breasts as he revels in the melody of your moans. “Can I take this off, baby?” His voice is low and breathless.
You nod in response, arching your chest to give him access to unhook the bra. His hands draw the straps down your arms and Vinny’s breath escapes him in a quick exhale at the sight of you. His hands draw subconsciously to your tits and his eyes don’t leave your chest for a second as he begins to work your nipples between his fingers, stiffening them to hard peaks. You gasp and arch your chest further into him. “Fuck,” Vinny whispers under his breath, barely audible. He slides his hands down and away from your breasts to unbutton your jeans and you slide down his pants along with his boxers in return. Now that you're both fully naked, Vinny leans back, absorbing every aspect of you. The city lights filter in through the gaps in the curtain, brushing your body with a kaleidoscope of colors, blending with the warm glow of the bedside lamp across your face. He groans, losing himself in the sight. “You’re better than anything I could’ve ever imagined.”
 He returns his palms to your breasts, running the pads of his fingers over the very tips of your now almost painfully sensitive nipples, teasing you. You squirm and whine at the contact that was not nearly enough to satisfy you. He smiles, chuckling lightly to himself. “Mmm, you like that, baby?” 
“Fuck, yes Vinny. Stop teasing I need you to fuck me.” You writhe under him, grinding your hips up in an attempt to gain some of friction. Any kind of relief. He shifts his hips back before you can make contact.
He smirks down at you. “Say you’re pretty.”
“Say you’re pretty, then I’ll fuck you.”
“Vin seriously-” you cut off with a gasp as he pinches your nipples.
“I won’t fuck you until you say you’re pretty.”
You relent, dropping your head back onto the pillows with a huff. “Fine. I’m pretty.”
Vin smiles warmly down at you as he threads his fingers with yours, clutching your hand on the pillow beside your head. He places a soft, lingering peck on your lips and rests his forehead on your own. “You’re more gorgeous than you will ever know.” 
He pulls back just enough to grab the root of his dick, lining it up with your entrance. Slowly, he pushes the tip in, moaning in unison with you. He waits a moment before pushing in further, then pulling back. Rocking back and forth, bit by bit pushing further until he’s completely inside you. He presses his head into your shoulder, moaning your name softly, pausing to allow you to adjust to the feeling. He then draws his hips back slowly, both of you relishing the pull of his cock along your walls. Vinny begins to find a steady rhythm, rocking in and out as you both moan, pant, and whimper against each other. You wrap your free hand around his shoulder while the other one remains grasped tightly with Vinny’s. 
“Fuck you feel so good Vin,” you whimper, tilting your head back against the pillow as you rock your hips up to meet his thrusts.
“So- mnh- so tight babygirl. Fuck you’re so perfect, so perfect for me.” He speeds up, thrusting harder into you as you both start to glisten with beads of sweat. You slide your hand up from his shoulder to brush the hair out of his face, gripping the crimson and chocolate locks against his scalp. Vinny takes a moment to appreciate the sight of you; eyebrows furrowed together with your mouth dropped open in pleasure, chanting his name like a prayer. He shifts his weight onto the arm that’s holding your hand, bringing his now free hand down to your swollen clit. He rubs fast circles on the hard bud before repeatedly strumming it lightly with his fingertip. “Shit!” Vin gasps as your pussy clamps down harder around his cock. 
You moan lewdly, a sultry noise escaping you as you arch further and buck your hips. Wrapping your legs around his back, your mind blanks and all you feel is overwhelming pleasure. The warm pressure building deep between your legs feels like it’s going to release at any moment. “Vin, fuck, I’m gonna- I’m gonna c-cum!” you pant desperately. You feel a heavy twitch of his dick inside you and you know he isn’t going to last much longer.
“Fuck, me too. Cum with- ahh- cum with me.” Vinny relentlessly pounds into you as you release. Your pussy clamping down on him as you convulse and cry out in an echo of Vinny’s name. Your back arches violently and your hand grips his hair like a vice. Vinny groans out a strangled shout of your name as he buries as deep into you as he can get, spreading his warmth into you. Dropping his head to pant into your shoulder, he clutches your hand like you’ll disappear at any moment.
Spent, you lie limp together, breathing shakily with Vinny still deep inside you. Slowly, he removes his head from your shoulder to capture your lips in a dizzying kiss. Fuzzy and fucked out, all you can feel is Vinny. A whine escapes you as he slowly pulls out, flipping you over gingerly so you’re resting on his chest. His heartbeat is thumping gently against your cheek, lulling you further into relaxation. Vinny strokes your hair as you doze off, holding you against him with his other arm. As you fade into sleep, you hear Vinny whisper into your ear: “You’re my pretty girl.”
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#sleepingfaceless #skillmanstrong #benefitforricky #sdharleydavidson #canon #canonr5 #chenzo #oldno11brandphotography @mice_cube @oldno11brandphotography @sleeping_faceless (at San Diego Harley-Davidson) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiteFznLw9v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ebechnasheim · 2 months
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So, so, so proud of them
📸 Triple H
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collapsedglasshouses · 4 months
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no thoughts just vinny
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cind6547 · 4 months
Yall isn’t vinny just so ethereal when he’s playing the drums
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