aquagirl1978 · 2 months
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notyournanny · 3 months
I love their silly interactions 💗
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yukina-otome · 11 months
Chevalier 4th birthday
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Emma is trying to surprise Chevalier. Will she fail or will she succeed?
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nica-my-beloved · 4 months
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But one millisecond earlier....
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What is this logic!?😅
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ikeprinces-stuff · 3 months
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Legendary Super Saiyan?
Me? A Dragonball fan? Who told ya that?
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autodeluxe · 5 months
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corpiote · 3 months
chev got me giggling
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deirdrecortini · 2 years
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I wanted to do fast sketches with ikepri bois, but again went into details -_- So, here it is Chevalier Michel from Ikemen Prince~
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chevcas · 2 years
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“Love’s the best kind of feeling isn’t it?”
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ezxthan · 2 years
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Soft Cheva is my fav Cheva 🥺
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Chevalier Michel. Propose to you.
Chapter 3. Premium. His POV.
Rio runs into the office. After apologizing to Chevalier, the butler spills everything he thinks.
Rio: Is it true that you didn't propose to MC when you got engaged?
Chevalier replies that it wasn't necessary, if that's all, Rio should leave.
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Rio: No, it is not unnecessary.
He sweeps the papers off the table.
(It is hard to find a dog that would snarl at the king, once a merciless beast, so much.)
Rio praises Chevalier for trying to convey his love for the heroine, but he's not sure MC "understands your love for her."
Rio: Propose to MC, please.
Chevalier waves it off.
Rio begins an angry tirade, but sees the little box.
The butler doesn't understand.
Rio: Oh, but King Chevalier, you said you didn't need it just now.
Chevalier repeats that it is not necessary, but it will please MC, Rio apologizes and collects his papers.
Throne Room.
Chevalier proposes to the heroine. She is shocked.
Chevalier on his knees.
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Chevalier: ...I'll never kneel to anyone but you, though.
MC replies that she still wants to be the woman Chevalier is proud of.
Also that she has a "pure desire" to love Chevalier.
Chevalier stands at the altar. Clavis appears. He is a witness and is needed to make the engagement official.
The younger brother tries hard to annoy the older brother. But it does not go well. The older brother reminisces.
And comes to the conclusion that he has grown as a person.
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With a sad face, Chevalier listens to the idle talk of his "silly brother".
The doors opened. The heroine came in.
Chevalier always thought she was like a rough diamond.
Even Clavis is delighted.
(My foolish brother, in a rare moment, gets quiet.)
Well, it's time to start the ceremony, Clavis, as if a real priest were saying that an engagement is an event where you can pledge your love.
Clavis: Chevalier, you are usually shy, but at times like this you have something to say to MC.
The older brother begins to guess why Clavis has come.
Well his brother looks like his fiancée's butler, which means he can ignore and interrupt him.
Chevalier: If you sign this document, you are officially the fiancée.
Clavis: ...Hey!
Clavis is not happy, for the order is broken.
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Chevalier: It's not the form that's important, it's the content.
Kiss. Clavis is surprised.
Does Chevalier just kiss but never say the words of love?
Clavis believes that MC wants to hear those words.
MC denies it. "I already got plenty."
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Clavis: You, too, should be more egotistical. Don't spoil him.
Clavis: One's feelings can only take shape when put into words.
Anyway, Clavis' idea: talk to each other.
Clavis: Chevalier, ordinary people. They can't read minds like you. Don't take advantage of MC.
Chevalier realizes that as a human being, unfortunately, Clavis is more capable than I am.
Chevalier also admits that it was quite a suggestion.
Clavis tries to make him say, "I love you."
Chevalier: ...Bullshit. We're leaving.
They walk through the garden in silence.
The newly minted bridegroom asks his bride if she was expecting?
MC: Chevalier has told me enough.
They walk in silence again. Chevalier thinks about how he hasn't felt the need to talk about feelings before.
The girl remembers that the next ceremony is coming up.
Chevalier stops her.
Chevalier: MC....
MC: Chevalier...
(Today is a special day...)
Chevalier says he's throwing an engagement party.
MC is pleased.
Then he whispers in her ear: I'll give you all my animal love.
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Chevalier: .... Be loved by me, it won't change in the future.
He realizes that he's never made it clear, and that it's not so bad to talk about his feelings sometimes.
They're kissing.
(You are my one and only).
Below, the cheering shouts of the crowd.
(For a year, while I was king and MC wasn't around, I greeted these people lonely.)
But from now on, he has MC by his side.
He sees a happy his woman.
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(Really, you're so stupid.)
Maybe she'll have more responsibilities in the future.
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Chevalier: Be proud. You are the only woman I approve of.
This is not the end. It's the beginning.
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aquagirl1978 · 6 months
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from Chevalier's Romantic Route, The Tale of Fabled True Love - His Side Story
...a dirty, worn-out rag.
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notyournanny · 3 months
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Sassy 💥
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yukina-otome · 2 years
Things Chevalier did for his mc
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-Bought her her own bookshelf in HIS library which is like his safe haven. It’s like giving her her own spot in his intimacy. 
-Stopped killing if not necessary. Chevalier has been killing since he was young. He does not enjoy killing and does not have any bloodlust but that was his way of dealing with problems yet he completely changed just for her.
-Agonised over her christmas present for days and even asked Sariel for help because he wanted to give her the BEST PRESENT EVER.
-Goes on date in the city and outside the castle. Knowing that Cheva dislikes going outside because he is that much of an introvert.
-Bought her an expensive painting because she said she liked it.
-Every night, when she sleeps, he whispers how much he loves her and how much she changed his world for the better.
-Many times he pretends to be still asleep in the mornings so that MC kisses him more.
-Eats her sweets no matter how good or bad they are.
-Try to be nicer, cook breakfast for her, visit her during her work hour, pat her head in encouragement, go on a walk with her in the garden while holding hands, because Clavis said he was not treating her well enough and she might get sick of him.
-Organized a Christmas ball for her even though he hates balls.
-Took her to meet his grandpa during valentine days and asked him to put good words for her with the other nobles, to make her job easier.
-Whenever they are together he keeps watching her instead of reading or doing his work.
-Did her hair for her, twice.
-Bought her an expensive hair ornament because she stared at it for too long.
-Read books to her.
-Let her sit on his laps A LOT.
-Carry her around A LOT. He always throw her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes before he remembers that she dislikes that and switches to a princess carry. This is like a running gag that happens every now and then during many events and even in his romantic ending.
-Bandaged her injured hand while she was asleep, during his route.
-Becomes moody and when she is not with him.
-Could listen to her talking for hours with a humanlike smile on his face.
-Try to be nicer to her in bed only for MC to tell him she likes it rough.
-Worry about her but still let her stand her ground alone. He does observe her from afar to make sure she is okay and hugs her to comfort her if she has a hard time.
Not yet released in the eng version: Beware spoilers
-In the jp version for MC’s birthdays, he bought her a room full of presents.
-Babysit MC’s friend’s kid.
-Makes a special ring for MC. He made it specifically for her long before he proposed.
-Got on his knee when proposing.
-Let MC sit on the throne even though she's not queen yet.
-Took her to a lake during summer even though he dislikes playing in the water.
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jhesite · 3 months
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ikeprinces-stuff · 3 months
Chevalier sequel spoilers chap 6 :
When I saw Leon I knew this a chapter worth reading:
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One Clavis is enough... Pls don't turn into Clavis 2.0...
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Like I said... Imma punching this fella's cheek so hard with my lips!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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French fries 🌚🤌🏻🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟
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Chevalier's jaw tensed
Next's gonna be, Chevalier draw his sword--
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Are you? 🌚 *Leon's route flashbacks*
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Not to worry love, I'll punch him for ya 👊🏻 no not with my lips, with my fists ofc--
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Man surpassed the police dogs...
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