#cheyrolls university
unfinishedzizzy · 4 months
Mango. La🎵
SIAMES - The Wolf
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Cheyrolls University Bad AU where Mango just fucking eats Adrik first thing
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remnant-cain · 3 months
Cheyrolls University: Chapter 3
Warnings: Mentioned Death and Trauma, implied speciesism
AN: No art because I had no fucking clue what it should look like since this is just walking and talking and my brainstorming was taking way too long. Anyway get ready to learn about some of the mysteries of Cheyrolls!
That first morning was a tense one. Even with Mango being out cold for the whole time Adrik was getting ready, they couldn’t help but be terrified of him waking up. It almost felt like that fairy tale, Jack and the Beanstalk. Everything in the dorm was seemingly built for someone of Mango's massive stature, and even though they too lived there, Adrik was still on edge about leaving anything out of order. But now that they were out of the room, there was a whole new issue.
School Orientation.
Admittedly, they had to look up what that entailed. It sounded like something they wanted absolutely no part in, but unfortunately they had no idea where they were supposed to even go so they decided to go on the tour at least. After this though, no more orientation activities. They were just going to kick back and unpack their stuff.
“Oh, are you also a freshman?”
Adrik was pulled from their thoughts by another voice. They had to actually look down to see the person talking to them, a pretty average, stout… they really could not make out this person’s gender. Their hair was very badly dyed red though.
“Are you also a first-year student?” They clarified.
“Oh, yes.”
“Ok, good!” They cheered, “Do you know where the fuck the auditorium is?”
“I… nyet.” Adrik mumbled, very confused. 
“Well shit, guess I have to take Angel up on her offer then.” 
“Are you her roommate?”
The person nodded with a big smile, their messy red bun coming even more undone. They dipped into the room opposite their own and called inside.
“Hey Angel? Neither of us know where to go.” 
A small giggle, and then a loud voice, “I’ll be there in a moment!”
They propped the door with their foot, and looked back at Adrik.
“I guess I should prolly introduce myself if I'm gonna be staying on the same floor as you. The name's Daniel.”
The two shook hands as the door opened. Adrik was almost awe struck at Angel and how accurate her name was. She had golden wings, a golden tail, a melting gold halo, but her eyes remained sealed shut, even as she stared directly at them.
“Ah, Dobroe utro, miss.” They greeted with a smile
“Hm, you must be Adrik. Mango already told me a lot about you,” They could almost physically feel her happiness, but they were more concerned about how she could still see them with her eyes shut.
“Yes, nice to meet you. Kind of wish I could tell the same,”
Daniel snickered at the obvious familial favorites game as Angel turned her attention to the massive door across from hers and back. 
“Mango's a bit better than the other two, but even he can have a bit of a stubborn streak.” She suddenly gestured them over to the stairs, “Come along now! We don't want to be late now do we?”
“I see choosing the stairs before the elevator is a familial ordeal…” Adrik chuckled as they made their way down.
“I mean she told me she was the shortest in her family, so I don’t think anyone can fit inside.” Daniel scoffed. “Uh, no offense.”
Angel nodded with a tiny smile. “That is true. I’m the shortest in the family, although no one ever takes the elevator. It’s pretty broken; my former roommate got trapped in it for over an hour.”
Adrik nodded as they passed by the fourth floor. There were a lot more rooms on this floor than the top floor. It felt very weird, but they shook it off on the first day. Daniel raised an eyebrow at this though, clearly they’d taken the elevator on the first day. 
“Hey, is our floor just small?”
“Oh? I think so. I’ve never actually questioned it before, Mrs Fosille said it was for our own safety,” Angel answered. “Mango and Ludenberg came here a couple years before I arrived, and based on how they turned out I’d say it was for the best.”
Daniel let out a little hum and shrugged. Adrik nodded as well, not wanting to bring up the rumor about Mango. They weren’t sure of how to think about it either, it felt like there was too close a call last night for it to be completely false.
“Um, what do you mean with ‘how they turned out?’” Adrik asked, hoping to get a bit of detail on Mango.
Angel shook her head. “Both have… issues. Ludenberg essentially never leaves her room anymore, and well, I'm sure you've heard the rumors about Mango. No one outside our floor really likes him. He’s much better than his sister.”
The third floor was just as big as the fourth. It wasn’t something Adrik paid attention to until now. The fifth floor had seemed specially built for the… they weren’t sure what to call them. Monsters, but it felt extremely rude to consider them that.
“I see. That why you don’t want to talk about your brother? He turned out similar?” Daniel asked. Angel’s demeanor noticeably shifted.
“Well, it’s more that he… how do I put this nicely? He’s… not a very good person. He’s very hedonistic, uses up his partners and when he’s gotten what he wants, just throws them away. I don’t want him to define what people think of me.”
“Meh, fair enough. I have… well, had an older sister who was much better in school than me, I know the pain.”
Adrik didn’t notice anything was weird until Angel’s trembling voice came out, “Had? What happened? If you don’t mind me asking” 
“Dead. A freak accident happened while she was donating a kidney. It’s been like ten years, it’s not too bad to talk about anymore.” Daniel said, with a tiny shrug.
“Ah, I’m sorry for your loss.”
The second floor passed too slowly for Adrik’s comfort. They didn’t want to hear more about dead relatives. It felt weird, wrong to hear about from strangers, and brought back bad memories. Painful memories.
“What about you Adrik?”
“Hm?” Their attention was drawn away from their thoughts, thankfully.
“Do you have any siblings?” Angel innocently asked. A very simple, easy, icebreaker.
“Nyet, I am an only child.”
Angel’s face fell a little, into a slightly empathetic, sorrowful look. As if there was something she knew that she didn’t want to say, maybe she just didn’t know what to say.
“By the way, who bleached your hair? It looks really well done.” Daniel asked. “As you can see, I need the tips.”
“It is not bleached. I think it is called Marie Antoinette Syndrome, but I do not know if that is the real name.”
“Oh. Nevermind then. Uh, sorry about whatever happened to cause it.”
“You are normal, I get that question a lot.” They stated, as they reached the ground floor.
By the administration desk was a tall, well-dressed woman with deep blue dyed hair, pinned back in a braid. She was talking to the receptionist, but Adrik wasn’t able to catch the conversation.
“Good morning Mrs Fossile!” Angel chirped.
Mrs Fossile looked over at the trio, a smile gracing her wrinkled face. “Good morning, Angel. Are you showing these two to Orientation?” She nodded, still smiling. “How nice of you. Don’t forget about our meeting in two weeks.”
“Don't worry, I won’t!” Angel giggled.
As they left the building, Adrik heard a single sentence, from the interrupted conversation.
“He usually deals with them within the first day.”
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unfinishedzizzy · 7 months
Also, Images used in the video
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unfinishedzizzy · 5 months
Oops! Did it again!
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remnant-cain · 4 months
Cheyrolls University: Chapter 2
Warnings: Vague mentions of Murder
AN: Dialog fun, my eyes hurt, Let's see how Mango's coping with the new roommate!
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*Anacardiaceae has joined the call*
“Hey! Citrus boy joined!”
“Wrong family Dev.”
“Eh, they taste basically the same.”
“Annnnd I’m putting in headphones.”
“Oh right, Audio’s sleep schedule is actually halfway decent. How is he by the way?”
“...Well I mean they're alive. They’re REALLY not looking forward to repeating calc two.”
“Who would to be honest? That course was HELL"
“I'm just glad I got that shit over with in highschool.”
“I’m looking back on it positively cause now I get to help them.”
“Alright you mushy banana-”
“...Hang on, is Angel on call?”
“Nah, she doesn't like us.”
“We’re just too good for her!
“Hey, she’s decent… When we’re not in public.”
“Tch, doesn’t matter if in public or in private. She’s a dick either way. She only likes her human friends, I swear...”
“We can hang out without her, we don’t need her.”
“Only asking cause I heard a something break.”
“No, that was just me. I'm doing dishes since I have nothing better to do and may or may not have obliterated a mug.”
“...It is midnight and school starts in four days.”
“All of my courses are online or video calls this year.”
“Hush. You are also awake at this ungodly hour.”
“Shhhut up.”
“Changing the topic, how’s your new roommate? Heard from Amber you ate like eight crepes in a row when you went out with them.”
“Fucking narc.”
“For the love of- those crepes aren’t even that good!”
“Wh- You take that back right now, those crepes are the food of the gods!”
“No! Rot!”
“Bold words from a mold creature.”
“Devvie? Devvie. Buddy. I have been tolerating your existence since I was bored, but I’m about to go right back to wishing for your death.”
“As for my new roommate… Well, they’re nice. So far at least. I just… I just couldn’t. They were just so… so sweet. And I mean, kind of pathetic, but y'know in a good way. But they were terrified of me. I just… you two understand what I'm going through right?”
“Welcome to the club bestie.”
“We’ve both been there.”
“Well, I mean, I didn’t meet Amber for an entire year even after they were assigned my roommate, but, yeah. First sight, I decided they were worth the trouble.”
“Took me a bit to get attached to Audio, but once I did... I made sure they were safe.”
“I don’t know if they’ll stay nice though, I'm a bit scared of them turning out to be an asshole.” 
“Hey, hey. Don't worry. If they break your heart, I will break their legs.”
“You'd break their legs for looking at you wrong, what are you talking about?”
“Heh, thanks for the offer but I'm more than capable of dealing with them myself. They only go up to under my chest. If I have to, there shouldn't be too much of a struggle.”
“Tiny bit shorter I'd guess.”
“I… damn.”
“Oh right you got all the short roommates.”
“He's only had one roommate?”
“Hamg on, Didn’t-”
“Leave Amber alone, it's not their fault they're small enough that Luden could pick them out without any issues.”
“WOW, OK. MANGO I CAN HEAR YOU, stop laughing, you’re enabling this!”
“Assigned twink by cryptid.”
“This is bullying, I am being bullied by my own family, this is why I isolate myself.”
“I mean, you’ve been doing better lately.”
“If by better you mean them using you or Audio as a therapy dog to prevent them from doing something stupid then yes.”
“Shut up Devvie, I have been so brave lately, you could never understand you damned extrovert.”
“Ok, ok, calm down, I’ll lay off you about it.”
“Also, what I was going to say before you so RUDELY cut me off, didn’t Mango have that one roommate, I don’t know how many years it was now, they were literally less than half Angel’s height.”
“Yep, Charlotte. That would've been back in freshman year, so five years ago.”
“Yeah, you should remember her! I don’t know how you dealt with her for so long, she was a fucking bitch.”
“I mean, she was my type though. I do have a bit of a preference for dealing with the bratty type. Honestly had Mango not dealt with her? Heh, well-”
*The_Lichen_Queen2089 has left the call*
“I was NOT gonna go into detail on what I would've done, don't worry- oh shit it wasn't kidding.”
“Always count on the Asexuals to ditch you.”
“Hey, I’m asexual myself!”
“You aren’t doing yourself any favors, you know.”
“What are you- oh. Ok that was justified, shut up!”
“Nah, I got some precourse reading to finish up on before Monday, I just started, and my favorite podcast doesn’t update until next month, you're stuck with me.”
“...You are a walking disaster.”
“Thank you.”
“That wasn’t a compliment.”
“I know."
“Hey, you on call with Crepe Boy?"
“AUGH- Don't jump on me like that.”
*Cough* “NOT ANYMORE.”
*Anacardiaceae has left the call*
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remnant-cain · 4 months
Cheyrolls University: Chapter 1
Warnings: Implied Bullying, Implied Death, Implied attempted murder, All mispellings and strange wording is intentional
AN: Hi, welcome to my writing blog, happy Valentine’s Day, have a fun little series about a Russian transfer student spiraling into madness over a sexy sea monster
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Entry one:
I’m not sure how to explain this. I’m not sure if I even can explain this. But I’ll try.
First, I am Adrik Kotik. At least, that’s what it says on my student ID. Most of my legal documents still use my mother’s last name for me. I much prefer Kotik though; I do not associate myself with that woman anymore. I am 23 and am studying to be a geologist in America, specifically Montana. I’m keeping this journel to help me practice my English and gauge my progress in it by the end of the year. I will attempt to write in it every day. 
I arrived at Cheyroll’s University of Montana this morning, and learned that my classes do not start for another week. That was completely fine with me, as I still needed to explore the campus and get moved into my temporary home. The people at the desk were very nice and did their best to help me understand what they were talking about. In hindsight, I think some of them were trying to put me down, but I didn’t let it bother me at the time. I had filled most of this out online back during the summer. I was put in room 4-E, which is on the fifth floor. The woman helping me prepare looked scared when I told her this, and told me, in her own words that, “Your roommate is notorius(?) for eating everyone we try to put with him. I dont know why they keep trying to put people with him. Be careful.”
I pushed this off as rumors at first. I have had to deal with several rumors like this about myself back in highschool as well. I went up the stairs to the fourth floor with plans to make a good first impression. He was probably just shy, and I am sure that living with someone who struggles with their English would not help his situation. Since I had learned he clearly enjoys eating enough for rumors to be spread, I decided to take him out for breakfast and pay. I know now that American breakfast is so much worse than Russian breakfast, but at the time I believed it was a good idea. He did not seem upset with it though so I think that was a success.
I am getting ahead of myself though. When I met my roommate, I should mention his name is Mango, he was much taller than me (and I am already 203 centimeters, so I have never met someone taller than myself. He must be well over 300 centimeters). He was a very big man, but was also very clearly not a human. He has grey scaley skin, a tail, legs like a lizard, yellow eyes, and tentacles as his hair. He looked as if I had just woken him up, which I do not blame him for being upset with me about, especially since he apparently slept shirtless. At the mere sight of him I paniced and spilled my intentions to him. I did not think he got any of it at first so I went to repeat myself, but he told me to shut up because he was thinking about it. I think I only realized that those likely were not rumors at this point. He did say yes, thankfully, however he did grab me by my collar to throw me onto his couch while he got ready which frightened me.
I did get to see some of his interests at this time though. Apparently Mango is quite the fan of retro gaming as I saw an old Nintendo 64 console under the TV and at least 4 different controllers for it. There were a few posters for bands I did not recognize, but I assume he is a fan of. The most confusing thing I saw though was that the second room was almost completely converted into a storage room. Mango got really defensive once he noticed I’d seen the storage room, so I immediately faked ignorance and asked if we were sharing a room. He just laughed and told me that most of his roommates don't last long.
This campus seems to be in its own little town, so we didn’t have to go too far to get to the restaurant; however, Mango still pulled me almost the whole way from the room to the restaurant. Thankfully, he didn’t attempt to get in the elevator, likely because the door frame was too small for him to fit. I understand his pain, I too have to duck under most doorframes. I do not think he slowed down until we reached the restaurant. He was really excited for the free breakfast, and he must’ve been hungry as he ate enough to feed eight people. I was able to learn a few things about him too. He has a twin who lives next to us, Luden, and two cousins who live across from us, Angel and Devvie, who are also twins. He didn’t talk much about his other family, but he talked a lot about them. Angel is a really Catholic person, Devvie is also religious but he refused to talk about his beliefs, and Luden is a very reclusive guy but is studying video making. It was pretty funny hearing about how much he liked Devvie and Luden, and when he got to Angel all he said was that she was a bit of a bully, but she meant well. He also knew the person at the counter. Their name was Amber, and when they saw him they looked angry. I do not think they like each other very much.
We went home around noon, and Mango was very insistent on us spending more time together, despite me trying to go and check with the office. We played several videogames and I learned very quickly that he sucks at fighting games. I genuinely thought he was going easy on me until he complained. When it was late, and I tried to leave for the office, he would not let me leave for a moment. He looked down at me for a while. I swear my heart stopped for a solid minute. I was afraid he was going to eat me, before he finally broke eye contact and told me he’d clean out the room for me.
As of right now, I am writing in my new room. I plan to unpack my things tomorrow after orientation. Mango is in his room talking to someone. I am more than a little nervous for the coming days, however I will try to act as kindly as possible to Mango. I hope we can be friends, but I still worry.
- Adrik Kotik
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remnant-cain · 4 months
Pinned Time! Master list.
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Cheyrolls University:
(Start from beginning/Most Recent Part)
Fandom Related:
I'm me, not you! (That's not my Neighbor)
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