moocha-muses · 10 days
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"I totally love heart-shaped food."
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moocha-muses · 8 days
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moocha-muses · 9 days
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"I've heard full-blooded Sixamites have blood that's blue, or purple, but you go really pink when you blush."
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"It's really cute-"
"*giggle* Thank you!"
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moocha-muses · 10 days
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"-my dad made heart-shaped waffles, which is so corny, but it's kind of romantic-"
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moocha-muses · 5 months
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"-and I like her even more than I thought! But she's going to college, and there are going to be so many new, cute sims there, and I don't want either of us stuck in a long-distance relationship-"
"Yeah, totally! But, like, what good are feelings that exist in a vacuum, you know? Like, Dyl and I still talk all the time, but sometimes it's about this cute werewolf he met in some folklore class, and like, maybe there's a cute werewolf in folklore class for me, too? Or maybe Dyl and I will see each other when I get on campus and he'll forget all about him? But this time we'll know we had options. No frog-in-a-well stuff."
"I mean, I did go on a date with Archie, but he's a frog in the same well."
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moocha-muses · 8 months
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"That's why the had to stop the eating contest part of the pie competition! Mom would not stop winning. She made some of the other contestants cry!"
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moocha-muses · 6 months
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"Can I have some of those?"
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moocha-muses · 8 months
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moocha-muses · 7 days
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"Sorry, Chai, but you're really not my type?"
"Fair enough. Sorry. Full moons always make me flirty."
"Oh, hard same. I can't even tell you how flirty I get round a full moon."
"You can flirt with me if you want, Del."
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moocha-muses · 8 months
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"Soooo . . . is this romantic enough? Or does this still feel like a regular ol' afternoon?"
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"It's more romantic if you don't ask me to grade you."
"Watch it, Chai. I ain't ever entirely over the urge to bite something."
"Well, maybe I'd bite back!"
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moocha-muses · 8 months
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moocha-muses · 8 months
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gosh i'm just the worst dang lesbian in the world
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"Can I play?"
"Chai? I thought you - aw, shoot! One minuuuuuuuu-"
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moocha-muses · 8 months
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"I sent in the applications last week, Mama!" *nudge*
"It's true, Mrs. Jenkins; I helped her with the essay." *nudge*
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moocha-muses · 8 months
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"Honestly, I'm still workin' out what it means that I get hungry when I think about you."
" . . . I think it's a compliment?"
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moocha-muses · 8 months
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"You know, I had a real good time on our second date . . . and I was wonderin'-"
"If maybe you'd like to be my girlfriend? I know I'm leavin' for school soon, so maybe there's nothin' in it for you, but I'd sure like to arrive at university knowin' that I used to date the prettiest girl in Owl Creek. Even if it was just for a little while. I guess really I just want to leave a lastin' impression on you."
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"A werewolf who wants to mark her territory? I'm shocked. Okay!"
"Sure. I'd like to make a lasting impression on you, too."
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moocha-muses · 8 months
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