luigis-love · 5 years
 He waited patiently for her to come to him. No need to make a scene over something so delicate, especially not in front of everybody else.
 Goku, now without a halo over his head, was rambling about all the adventure he just lived with Vegeta, and amazingly, Mr. Satan.
 Bulma was talking about a party at Capsule Corp, and everybody seemed ready to provide their opinion over one thing or the other  (Except of course Vegeta, who was standing over the edge of the platform, probably thinking everyone was an idiot).  The namek, however, was looking at the woman who so recently, barely a couple of months, had become even more important than ever in his life, and that currently, was slipping from his fingers like water.
 Chichi was holding Goku like dear life, (not that he was reciprocating the embrace) and messily crying, while Goten stayed close to his mom, still looking with curiosity at his father.  Gohan… well, Gohan loved Goku, so it was normal for him to be so close to the saiyan.
 Something hurt on his chest, something was burning, and Piccolo clenched his fist. It was probably for the best…
 Chichi lacked a soul mate phrase, and so did Goku. He had had the displeasure of seen him naked enough times to know that he didn´t have one… so, maybe that was it… At the end, they were meant to be together… and he… he was meant for someone else.
 The boys were sleeping, and Chichi was washing her face in the bathroom, the door open to her bedroom, listening to Goku going over how different the house was, how delicious dinner had been and how much he had “lived” in the other world.
 Chichi by her side, stared at her in the bathroom mirror.
 Piccolo did not come home with them… he flew away from The Platform, he was just… gone… and Goten, oh her sweet baby Goten, he had asked where Mr. Piccolo was going and if he was going to arrive home later.
 How could she explain him the reality? The one and only father the child had ever known was gone without even saying goodbye and all because Goku was back…  Chichi bit her lip, feeling the ghost of her soul mate words in her skin. It happened from time to time, but she knew it was just a ghost sensation from something that had not been there for a long, long time.
 -          Hey Chichi?
 Came the voice from the bedroom, and she did not answer.
 A few seconds later, Goku looked at her wearing only his underwear. She looked at him and recognized the small hint of light in his eyes.
 She understood that in order to want her, he apparently needed to be away from her for seven years.
 Without making sound, Piccolo landed on the window and slowly opened it. He went inside and looked at the tiny figure sleeping there. He of course did not want to wake him up, but it was necessary. He looked at the larger figure on the other side, and smiled, even if he didn’t want to.
 -          Goten?... Goten?
 The child blinked a few times, and finally saw the visit. His eyes sparkled and he almost jumped from bed screaming with joy, but a green hand on his mouth prevented him from doing so. Piccolo muttered a soft “shhh” and the child nodded, so he stood up and hugged to his father figure. On the other bed, Gohan stirred and looked at the situation.
 -          Mr. Piccolo?
-          Don´t make a noise, Gohan.
 The teen accepted and sat on his bed, while Piccolo accommodated his child on his lap.
 -          Did you come to say good bye?
-          I am afraid so…
-          WHAT? BUT…!
 Twin “shhhhs” made Goten quiet, and he pressed both of his hands on his mouth.
 -          Goten, your… your dad is back, and… and is not correct for me to stay here.
-          Mr. Piccolo, are you sure?
-          Yes Gohan.
 The teen signed with obvious sadness. And Piccolo felt a pain stabbing deep inside him.
 -          I´ll still be around but…
-          But why are you leaving Mr. Piccolo? Do you need a place to stay? I bet mom won´t mind if I let you sleep on my bed! Or you can sleep with Gohan! Right Gohan??
 Gohan did not answer, but by the look in his eyes, Piccolo knew that the teen knew… so much more about his reasons for leaving than just Goku coming home.
 -          I am sorry boys.
-          It´s ok Mr. Piccolo. I get it. I… I… well… it would hurt me, I guess, to see Videl with someone else too, you know?
 Piccolo didn’t deny it. This was his son, his very, very smart soon. To try to fool him would be an insult to his intelligence.
 The woman felt like the world was crumbling around her. She had dodged Goku´s advances that night claiming “womanly problems”, but the week was out, and thankfully, her real period had come and gave her another week. She had explained to Goku that maybe the stress, maybe this, maybe that had made the messy business of her body longer… that had been two days ago, and her husband had taken the kids to travel and know each other.
 Goten had been sad since Piccolo had said good bye, at least he had been good enough to do that for her children, she just… she just expected a good bye for her. Not that she deserved it or something, after tossing him aside without a single word and a bunch of negative actions.
 And then, she felt him more than hear him. She just knew he was there.
 Chichi ran to the backdoor in the kitchen and saw him there, standing in the backyard with his cape floating on the air, apparently doubting if he should talk to her or not.
 -          Piccolo!
 He turned to face him, and all she knew is that one second she was inside the kitchen, and the next one, she was hugging him and sobbing like a lost girl who found her way home.
 Piccolo did not interrupt her, just let her cry and scream and punch him on the chest just to hug him again and scream some more. Her legs gave out and he held her. She was much quieter now.
 -          I am sorry Piccolo…
 She said for the last time.
 -          He is the father of my children, please understand that.
 He wanted to growl that HE was the father of the children. His body tensed with anger, and she probably felt it because she instantly backed away.
-          No, I don´t understand shit.
 Now Piccolo seriously growled, his ki spiking a little bit, enough to make the grass beneath violently move.
 -          You DO realize you are taking EVERYTHING from me, DO YOU?
-          T-Taking? Are you insane?? I am taking nothing from you!
-          I have been the father of those two children for years!
-          His real father is back!
-          Oh really? Do you want to tell THAT to Goten? And besides, you think I am ONLY talking about them??
-          Whatever we had was a mistake, all right? Just a stupid mistake from lonely people.
-          Mistake?... MISTAKE?
-          YES, MISTAKE!
-          What I feel for you is NOT a mistake.
-          What can you feel for me that is nothing but a mistake? I am married woman!
-          Those vows you made ages ago are now a pile of crap, and you know it!
-          How dare you!
 Piccolo covered his forehead. This was getting out of hand.
 -          Listen, Chichi. I was going to give up. Just like that. Let you be happy with him and that´s it. But I just can´t, ok?
-          I won´t let you stop me and my family from being happy!
-          Happy? YOU CALL THIS LIFE HAPPY??
-          You have lost weight Chichi! The children are sad! Gohan comes to see him every time he can and I can see him SAD, and PREOCUPIED.
-          That is NOT true!
 He stepped to the front and took her by the shoulders. Their heights were so different, so she was looking up and he was looking down.
 -          Chichi. Listen. Please, just listen.
 She went silent, her eyes glassy and her cheeks red after screaming so much.
 -          I should have said it earlier, ok? But I love you.
 Her eyes grew and her mouth felt open. He caressed her cheek, and put her lose hand behind her ear.
 -          Y-You c-can´t… Piccolo, no…
-          Chichi…
-          You are going to destroy everything.
-          Chichi, listen.
-          Please no, no, don´t…
 Piccolo bent down a little more, and touched his forehead against hers.
 -          Please listen…
-          No… no… I don´t want to.
-          Chichi…
 She pushed him away and covered her ears.
 -          Chichi!
-          No!
-          Listen!
-          Chichi, I would never…!
-          WHAT!
-          THIS IS YOUR FAULT!
-          It is not my fault I love you!
-          SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!
 And she ran off and slammed the door close.
  The door slammed behind her, and someone started to madly scream, it was a piercing sound, and a spike of ki that made things fly and crash in all directions, someone was hugging and calling desperately for her name, but Chichi just kept hearing a buzz and the knowledge that someone was screaming.
 Piccolo held Chichi, which was not an easy task since he didn’t want to crush her in his strong arms, but at the same time, he wanted her to stop trashing in every possible direction while she screamed with that horrible piercing sound.
 -          Chichi! CHICHI, COME ON CHICHI, STOP, STOP!
 There was another crash and the table just flew away and exploded against the wall, the chairs followed, all of them flying in different directions.
 She stopped suddenly and just fell in his arms, wailing while crying in such a way that anyone would believe that Gohan or Goten had suddenly died.
 -          Shhh… shhh….
 Piccolo rocked her in his arms back and forth, whispering sweet nothings while carefully sitting in the floor with her on his lap, holding her tight against his chest.
 The namek noticed that her ki had just died down, and looking around he saw that a whole wall had been blown up in a blast that he was not even aware had happened. The whole kitchen was gone.
 Slowly, her crying slowed down, her right hand holding his clothes in a tight grip while her eyes were spaced out. Piccolo remained silent, looking down at her with worry, until he finally rested his head against the wall and closed his eyes. He felt her hand move a little, but he did not react to that.
 -          “Shut up! Just shut up!”
 She whispered in a low, empty voice. He looked down.
 -          What?
 Her hand had moved a part of his gi, and she was looking at his soul mate words. His eyes widened at that, first, wondering when the hell the patch of fake skin had disappeared, and second…
 The words… they were gold.
 He was speechless. He looked at Chichi, and she was looking at him lovingly, her eyes all red and her face all puffy, her hair a wild nest. Never had she looked so beautiful for him.
 -          I thought you died… you…
 Something crossed on her face, something he did not understand, probably because he was frozen of every reaction aspect.
 -          You… you died… you protected Gohan…
 New tears formed in her eyes, while she pulled herself up, and kneeling between his legs she embraced him, hiding her face in the crook of his neck.
 -          Oh my God it´s you… it´s you, it´s you… how can it be…
 Piccolo held her still confused, but slowly, he understood.  And he held her against him.
 She was his… HIS… chosen by fate to be HIS…
   It was like this that Gohan, Goten, and Goku, found them only a minute later.
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luigis-love · 5 years
 The namek looked at the table and tapped his finger on the table cloth, wondering how long it would take Gohan to figure out that he had forgotten his folder with all his papers to the school inscription.
 Chichi had not noticed, luckily she was outside fussing with the laundry or something like that.
 The sound of kinton at full speed allowed the namek to know that the teenager was back, he stormed the kitchen, took the folder from the spread arm of his father figure, gave him a stupid smile that was a copy of the ones Goku used to make and ran out again.
 -          Mr. Piccolo, Mr. Piccolo!
 The door re opened, and this time, it showed a small copy of the strongest saiyan of the universe, the boy came shaking a book in the air, and the namek moved his chair to allow the boy to jump and sit on his leg.
 -          Look! You remember we were reading this book about birds?
-          Yeah, I remember.
 There was a hint of amusement in his voice, as if he would forget something that happened… last night.
 -          Well, I took the book to the nest I told you about! And it turns out…
 Goten kept talking like there was no tomorrow, showing his notes, drawings, maps, book and everything to Piccolo, who could not avoid to listen to the child like he was unraveling the secrets of the universe.
 The sound of steps made him move casually a finger and the door opened to let Chichi in, she smiled, a basket of clean laundry in her arms, and went in. The door closed behind her without a sound.
 Piccolo fake gasped and the child started waving his arms in all directions while still going with his story. He was not as smart as Gohan had been at his age, but he was indeed smart. It made the green alien so proud to see his boy so engrossed in those topics and using real book facts to back up his knowledge. He had spent hours… long, long hours teaching him, being his master in more than one field, a nice perk that came from being a god for so long.
 He looked up at Chichi, who had left the basket in a chair and was watching the events unfold.
 She smiled at him, and he smiled back.
 She screamed in pain. The doctors had offered some drugs to deal with the pain, but she denied. She had had Gohan the natural way, and this second child was going to be the same.
 However, there was something that she truly needed.
 She arched, screeched like a proud banshee and called for the one thing she wanted in that difficult moment.
 -          PICCOLO!!!!
 The door banged open and the nurses jumped scared, from outside, someone said “Sir, you can´t go in there!” someone mentioned to “Call security” but it was completely impossible for any of them to stop him.
 In a short second, Piccolo knelt down next to her and took her hand, she whimpered while the pain made her moan between rapid breaths.
 -          It hurts, Piccolo… it… it was not like this with G-Gohan… what if... what if…
-          Nothing is wrong Chichi, nothing.
 Security came, but the doctor inside stopped them. It was not the first time he saw a stubborn mother saying “no” to the pain drugs, and it was not the first concerned mate, husband, boyfriend or whatever that he saw being supportive of the mother in labor while being an ass to the hospital personal. So he signed and just asked the nurse to give him some proper attire… which he doubted they had, since the guy was big as a mountain.
 It took way too long, Piccolo stayed by her side, holding her hand and promising she was going to be ok, she and the baby. And she believed him.
 The first time, she had done this alone, in her house with a midwife, it had been painful, but not like this… and now… now Piccolo was there, holding her.
 For a second, she knew that if Goku had been alive, he would have been training somewhere in the planet and would not have even been there. The fact that he was around when Gohan was born had been almost a miracle, since her water broke while they were having dinner.
 With a Spartan cry and a final push, with her forehead covered in sweat and a mess of blood and other liquids covering her lower body, Chichi gave birth to her second son, who after a few seconds, started to cry with a mighty pair of lungs that made Piccolo wince, since it seemed that now Chichi´s screeches had found a rival.
 -          It´s a boy.
 Piccolo said, and his voice trembled for a second. His eyes were glued to the tiny thing being cleaned by the doctors.
 -          Chichi, is a boy.
 She hiccupped and laughed and cried and closed her eyes.
 She was so, so tired. She missed Piccolo´s eyes on her. Missed how he admired just how beautiful she looked through his warrior´s eyes, seeing a woman who just won a battle of life and death, a victory of her own, a warrior way stronger than him in a battle that he would never face… he could, of course, but he wondered if he would ever dare to challenge the amazing feat she had just done before his eyes.
 -          I have someone who wants to meet you, Sir.
 Piccolo turned around at the nurse, who was holding a small bundle in her arms. He panicked, he was terrified that he was going to just destroy this very tiny being in his monstrous arms and he would vanish from existence.
 But before he could say or think, or do anything to back away, his arms spread before him and he received him, and cuddled him against his chest.
 Chichi blinked tiredly, and looked at the scene of Piccolo holding a baby, th-her baby, for the very first time in his life.
 -          Chichi, I… I… he…
 She was able to see the exact moment when Piccolo silently bowed himself to the child. To rise him protect him, love him, die for him if necessary. She saw it happen, and she believed in him, she silently vowed herself not to ever separate him from th-her… her little one.
 Piccolo knelt and offered her the baby, she took him in her arms and saw the tiny, red and puffy face of her new born son.
 -          Hello there… hi… hi baby boy…
 The baby whimpered, making them smile.
 -          Look at him Piccolo… he is so small…
 And he definitely was. Compared to Piccolo, he was just tiny, barely bigger than his emerald hands.
 -          Hello Goten… Hello… I am your mommy.
 Without even thinking, Piccolo embraced Chichi, and she cuddled up to him, looking for his warmth, his protection… she turned around and smiled brightly, and he kissed her forehead.
 The phone in the living room rang and Chichi went to answer it, while Piccolo was working in a few sums with Goten in the kitchen table.
 -          Goten? It´s for you.
-          Oh wow! I wonder who it is!
 The namek rolled his eyes in amusement. The one and only person who called Goten was Trunks. The fact that he still wondered who was calling him by phone was just hilarious.
 Chichi came over and took the notebook, quickly reviewing the work made by her two men. She smiled when she saw that Goten´s writing was slowly coming better, it didn´t look like ink spaghetti anymore. It was at least… understandable.
-          Is Bulma ok with that?
-          I DON´T KNOW, LET ME ASK!!!
 Piccolo and Chichi stared at each other for a few seconds, and the answer came.
-          Then yes sweetie, you can go to visit Trunks.
 The human woman fell on the chair, wondering how was Gohan doing in the inscription to Orange School. It was a shame that Trunks had not called a couple of hours ago, or her oldest son could have taken his brother to Capsule Corp and then went to the college. But still, it was what it was.
 The child came and hugged his mother, thanking her for the permission. Then he jumped over to clean his studying materials, hugged Piccolo and went away to put (or throw) everything in his bedroom.
 The namek stood when Goten came back, Chichi held him and kissed him goodbye, telling him to be good, to behave, not to get in troubles, NOT TO ANNOY VEGETA…
 -          Come on boy.
 Piccolo advanced with Goten, Chichi went after them.
 In the backyard, the namek looked at the blue sky and then at the kid.
 -          Be careful, ok brat?
-          Yes Mr. Piccolo.
-          Remember to call your mother when you arrive to Capsule Corp.
-          Yes Mr. Piccolo.
-          And don´t give troubles.
-          Yes Mr. Piccolo.
-          I hope so.
 Goten floated and cuddled himself with arms and legs over Piccolo´s wide torso, he patted his back, a faint purple touching the tips of his ears.
 -          Come on, be gone now.
-          Sure!
 He mid jumped in the air and then took speed. Piccolo looked with pride how the child went away in the air, something he taught him to do barely a year before, and the kid was good at it.
 He screamed from across the distance, in a matter of seconds, he disappeared. He kept looking at the distance… and a small hand curled around his waist, and a head rested against his ribcage.
 He casually hugged her back.
  The dishes were piled in a quite dangerous form in the sink, and Chichi signed. It had been Gohan´s sixteen birthday party. It was late, very late, and now that everyone was gone, the children were happily sleeping, and the house was quiet, she was able to look at the all mighty disaster the entire house was in.
 She signed and pulled up her sleeves to start washing dishes, because there was no way in hell that she was going to allow all of this mess to see the light of the morning. Chichi heard a noise outside and she perked up. Closed the water that she had just opened and peeked outside.
 There was Piccolo, with a big black trash bag picking up items from the floor, plastic cups from the tables, smashed pieces of cake, and everything was going to the bag. He looked up for a second and stared at her at the window, and said nothing, he just kept cleaning.
 The raven haired woman couldn´t hold a few tears in her eyes. And without a word, she went back to wash the dishes.
 Almost an hour later, the door opened and Piccolo went inside. She was almost done, and he went to the living room, a broom in one hand and a garbage collector in the other.
 She followed him almost fifteen minutes later with a mop and a cube of water.
 At almost four in the morning, the house was sparkling clean.
 Piccolo sat in the couch with a groan, and Chichi fell on the couch right beside him.
 Not caring much about property or whatever thing her brain could come out with, Chichi placed her legs on the couch and snuggled against Piccolo, who maybe unconsciously accommodated himself to make her more comfortable.
 It took a few minutes of very comfortable silence for both of them to realize the position they were in, but instead of freaking out, Chichi just… allowed it. She raised her hand and took one of Piccolo´s, and she dedicated to play with his four green fingers, bending them, comparing the size of their hands, making a fist, touching his sharp nails…
 Eventually, the hand she was playing with became quite heavy, and she felt a soft rumble above her head. Piccolo was sleeping… she was sleepy too… and so comfortable.
 So she encircled his arm around her and closed her eyes, her face partially on his chest, almost on his hearth, and her back warmly pressed against him.
 It felt nice…
 When? He wondered, did they started to develop such a… mutual, calm, and accepted intimacy?
 When did she start to casually hug him? When did he start to sit by her side while she cleaned the dishes so she had someone to talk to while doing something only she did? When did she start to casually touch him, to casually caress her cheek, or allow her hand to linger a little too much when patting his arm?
 When did he start to feel such joy from the small little things with her?
 His chest ached, his soul mark was warm under the fake layer of skin… probably warning him about him making a mistake with someone that was not his soul mate. Well… sorry, not sorry, he was staying right in this place, next to her, with their children, for as long as he could…
 -          Piccolo?
-          What?
 He turned down to see her. To appreciate the woman she was now, with her white blouse that fit her so well, with her purple long skirt that embraced her hips and then flowed like water, with her hair lose and blowing in the air.
 -          Kiss me.
 She said.
 And he did.
 All seemed right, over food, Chichi looked at Piccolo drinking his water, and he tried not to blush when he felt her eyes on him. Goten was eating his bowl of rice. So was Gohan.
 And then, Gohan told them that Goku was coming back for the martial arts tournament.
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luigis-love · 5 years
 Sorry for the delay. This is the last chapter, THANK YOU SO MUCH for joining me in this travel.
See you in next Chiccolo Week with my new story, “SEVEN”.
 -          Hey Goku! Are we going to train or not?
 Said Paikuhan opening the door of the saiyan´s room and founding him sitting on the bed looking at a brilliant orb.
 -          Oh, are you checking on the family? How are them?
 The warrior approached and saw the image in the brilliant orb, identical to the one he had in his bedroom. They all had one to check on their loved ones.
 -          They are fine. My wife is ok, I guess.
 Said Goku with a strange tone looking at the image, Paikuhan raised an eyebrow.
 -          You mean your widow, right?  
-          What? No, no, my wife. Look. That one there is my wife.
-          Yeah but… you know what? Never mind.
 In the orb, Goku´s widow was looking at the distance with a smile on her lips and a tall well build green alien holding her by the waist. Paikuhan looked at his friend and then at the image, then back at his friend.
 -          Hey, well… uhhh… the other one is your… uhhh… friend, right? Piccolo.
-          Yeah, he is so nice you know. He has taken care of my family. He is good to Chichi.
-          I bet he is…
 The raven haired woman turned around and said something that none of them could hear, but Paikuhan could guess then the warrior bent down and kissed her on the lips. Goku was silent.
 -          Look, man. I think that your widow has moved on, she is fine and all. What do you say? Want to train?
-          Sure, yes, I mean… he is taking care of her, right? I mean, when I come back everything will be normal…
-          When you go back? Goku, I hate to give you the news but… you are dead.
-          Of course I am dead! But I won´t be for longer, I don´t know, I can feel it.
-          Riiiight… and you plan to go back to your widow…
-          Yes.
-          And be her husband again.
-          Yes.
-          Aaaand you think THAT is normal, even when it is kind of obvious that she has healed and moved on.
-          Yes.
 Paikuhan looked back at the image of the couple, the tall warrior had taken her up and she was sitting on one of his arms while the other was hugging her. On her side, both of her hands were holding his face, like she was afraid he would disappear in the wind.
 -          Whatever you say man… whatever you say…
 For a blissful moment, Chichi was not aware that her husband and her children were there, until the ear piercing scream of “MR. PICCOLO!” from Goten made her jump just in time for her little boy to jump between them and hug the green alien with arms and legs, smiling like it was early Christmas.
 She immediately looked back, and found the unreadable gaze of her husband.
 Chichi tried to jump and separate herself from Piccolo, a million things racing around her head, but she did not make it far, since her soul mate… that sounded good… her soulmate held her by the waist, and he slowly stood up, holding her against him in a protective embrace, his black eyes holding Goku´s gaze.
 -          Hi Goku.
 The saiyan did not answer, he was just looking from his wife to his friend over and over, he looked confused.
 -          Oh Goku…
-          This is not the way I wanted you to find out. I am sorry, Goku.
-          Dad…
 Gohan held his father shoulder, a concerned look on his face.
 -          Dad, I am sorry, I should have told you earlier or something.
-          Oh no, Gohan, Gohan no…
 Chichi denied with her head.
 -          It was not up to you to tell your father.
 The woman turned to Piccolo and placed a hand on his chest, he let her go, and Chichi walked closer to Goku, whose eyes were on her, his mouth moving like he wanted to say something. She held his hands.
 -          Goku?.... Talk to me.
 The unreadable expression became confusion and hurt, Chichi caressed his cheek, biting her lip with worry.
 -          Goku?
 He finally looked at her, and then at Piccolo. And tears started to form in his eyes.
 It was the first time ever that the namek saw Goku cry, and even when he wanted to feel bad for the emotional struggle, he did not.
 Never in his life he had felt what he felt for Chichi, never did he imagine he would be capable of needing someone as much as he needed her. To need to be right beside her. And to lose her to another man… He knew how that felt.
 -          Goku, honey, come on, talk to me…
 Among the destruction in the kitchen, the saiyan seemed to be the most destroyed one.
 Gohan stepped aside from his parents, fully aware that this was not something he should be intervening with, so he moved closer to Goten, who seemed very confused and eager to ask a million questions all at once. Piccolo put down his child and ruffled his hair, pushing him then to his brother, who held him by the shoulders and made him walk away among the rubble in direction of the living room.
 Goku looked at her, then at Piccolo, back at her, and in a second, he fell on his knees and hugged her waist. Chichi made a quick whimper when his arms embraced her with more strength than the one she was able to handle, but the saiyan flinched and rapidly loosened a little his tight grip. However, he did not let her go.
 Piccolo felt like tearing him off his woman, his soulmate. But refrained.
 He knew Chichi, she was a strong woman, and if she had wanted, she could just have screamed off Goku from her and told him to go to hell. If she did not, he was not going to be the one to make an even bigger scene than the one they already had on play.
 He saw her how she caressed the wild black hair of Goku, just allowing him to calm down, while whispering over and over how sorry she was.
 To see him defeated like that was not pleasant. Chichi was well aware of Piccolo behind her, and she was grateful that he was not intervening. Not because he wanted nothing to do with the problem, like Goku would, but because he respected whatever thing she was doing, and he was just as an emotional back up.
 It felt nice…
 Chichi turned around to see him, and she smiled.
 This was her fault… if only she had spoken to Goku the day he came back, if she had been honest, if she had realized that she was making a big, big mistake…
 She wanted to be with Piccolo, she was meant to be with him… but it was not that… soul mate or not… she was in love with him. She fell in love with him even before she knew they were meant to be together. It´s been a long time since she last thought of her soul mate, and she did not care anymore about him, all she wanted, was Piccolo… and now she had him.
 Chichi looked down, and looked at her… her husband? Was he even that anymore?
 -          Goku?
 He looked up at her, and maybe something in her expression made him aware that things were not going to be as he expected.
 -          Goku, I am so sorry… I… I did not mean to hurt you. You see… me and Piccolo…
 Goku denied with his head and buried himself back in her clothes.  Chichi signed.
 She was well aware that the saiyan did not have a wide range of complicated emotions and understanding of social situations. He was just… comfortable with life, and when he was tired of it he just moved on, not even realizing if he was hurting someone in the process.
 For him to have taken away everything he had for granted when he was not ready to let it go for his own decision… it was just too difficult.
 But she felt it… she knew he understood, maybe that´s why he was so destroyed… he knew. They all knew.
 The namek carefully pushed with his fingers the last tiles of the new kitchen roof. Then stood up and easily jumped to the floor.
 Goten smiled widely, he was dirty and covered in only Kami knew what. The kid loved to help with the re built of the Kitchen, and thanks to his strength and eagerness to help; they had to re-start a few times, since the boy did not really know the meaning of “don´t carry all the blocks at once”.
 Piccolo smiled and ruffled his son´s hair.
 His son… every time he thought about the word, he could not avoid feeling something warming up in his chest.
 -          Come on Mr. Piccolo! Let´s tell mom we finished with the roof!
-          I am following you, kid.
 He said, calmly walking behind the child, who rushed throw the door Piccolo had installed two days ago.
 The namek stopped and looked behind him to the blue sky, the dancing trees and the peace and quiet of the mountain. He wondered where Goku was.
 On that catastrophic day a month ago, the saiyan had cried himself to exhaustion, something he would never had guessed was even possible, and had fallen sleep on the pile of rubble of the kitchen that Chichi had destroyed during her panic attack.
 It had been a long night, and Chichi had insisted in not moving him. Both of them stayed there, and somewhere along the night, they fell sleep, way too tired emotionally to just keep prolonging the situation. Piccolo sat on the floor and took Chichi on his lap, making her sleep on her chest, just above his golden soul mark. She had smiled and took his hand, placing it behind her waist.
 Next morning, Goku was gone.
 -          MR. PICCOLO, MR. PICCOLO!!!
-          Yes, yes Goten, I am here and I can swear to you I am not deaf.
 The boy came running waving a piece of paper in the air.
-          Oh, that´s good, Goten.
 The namek turned to see at the woman cooking, she was listening to them and smiling.
 He had been talking with her for months now about sending Goten to school to complement his home schooling. And now, their kid was going to school. He was proud.
 -          Hello?
-          Good afternoon?
 The door opened, and Gohan went inside with his new girlfriend, Videl.  Chichi squeaked like a toy and went to embrace the girl. Piccolo rolled his eyes and looked at his oldest, who had a huge sweat drop above his head, trying to comprehend how his mother had come to hate the girl to absolutely loving her.
 Videl turned to Piccolo and politely greeted him also. He answered with a polite nod and sat at the head of the table.
 No more than ten minutes later, everyone was eating, in Piccolo´s case, drinking water. He looked around, and wondered how in the hell he had managed to get this…
 Chichi looked at him and smiled, taking his hand on the table and caressing one of his fingers.
 Goten made faces when he realized his parents were having some sort of romantic moment.
 Gohan looked at the couple and then at Videl. He wished that his future with… well… with Videl, probably, allowed him to share those loving looks… that necessity to share happiness.  He unconsciously rubbed the words in black ink on the back of his neck, “There is an easy fix for that, don´t feel bad”.
 Videl slowly chewed the delicious food the woman of the house made, and she felt… little envious. She didn’t have clean memories of her mother, and even less of her and her father together, but she surely hoped that what she had with her dad had been even a little bit like what Gohan´s mom had with his stepdad.  Her eyes darted to Gohan, and she smiled, placing a hand on her left thigh. “I feel bad because I can´t get you anything”. She giggled and took a sip of juice.
 Everyone on the table was happy.
  Sitting on the bed behind her, Piccolo opened one by one the long line of small pearl buttons in her long silk dress, the one she had used for their small wedding ceremony.
 The dress fell and pooled at her feet, but the namek did not care much about it, his eyes glued to her back, to the place where his own words, written in golden ink, adorned her flesh.
 Piccolo held her by the waist and kissed her soul mark. Then turned her around, and allowed her to open the white buttons on his shirt. She took it off, and she too bent and kissed her golden words, just over his hearth.
 They held each other in the completely quiet house.
 Piccolo caressed her face.
 -          It is not my fault I love you…
 He whispered, she smiled and placed a finger on his lips.
 -          Shut up… just, shut up.
 She told him, and pushing him back, she joined him on the bed.
The end
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luigis-love · 5 years
 “It is not my fault I love you!”
 The young girl giggled at her words. They have appeared just a few days ago, and since then, she could not stop looking at them.
 The servants of the castle knew that they should not interrupt her, and over everything, her father knew not to enter her bedroom unless he wanted a vase threw at him like the last time.
 It was hard to understand, but his little girl was of age now, and she was spending a lot of time looking at her special words, the one that appeared on her lower back… and the reason she now spend a lot of time half naked in her bedroom looking at herself in the mirror.
 Chichi smiled once more looking at the words in her flesh.
  “It is not my fault I love you!”
 Something very warm and special was moving inside her, and her fingers caressed once more the words from her soul mate. He loved her. Of that she was absolutely sure. They were perfect for each other, she knew it. And they were going to be so, so happy…
 Chichi smiled, finally deciding to put on some clothes.
 In a few weeks, the Martial Arts Tournament would happen, and she was more than ready to display what an amazing fighter she was. There, she would find Goku, and he… he was going to recognize her; he was going to explain her why it took him so long to go back to her…
 Her poor Goku… he was most probably working hard to ensure their happy life together. She just knew it… and she was going to assure him that they could be happy together even if things were not perfect…
 And when she explained everything to him, then he would say the words, he would say that he was working so hard for her, that he could think in nothing but her, he would be grateful for her love, and he would say it…
 “It is not my fault I love you!”
 And everything would be perfect.
 Since the moment the sun rise, Piccolo had felt something that was wrong.
 He was not able to point what exactly, all he knew that his chest felt heavy. He scratched his pectoral, thinking about any sort of thing that could be wrong with him, but nothing came to his mind.
 The ki of Vegueta distracted him. The prince landed gracefully in Kami´s palace and crossed his arms, using his unique personality to look down at the namek that was obviously taller than him.
 -          Feel like punching something that actually bleeds. What do you say, namek? Feel like losing a tooth of two under my fists.
 Piccolo smirked at those words.
 He knew he was no match for Vegueta. He could stand his ground for a long time. But actually winning? That was indeed an impossible. And he was ok with it. Unlike the prince, he lived in a world of realities.
 They both flew away with ease, neither of them exchanging any sort of words. Both of them were of the silent type, except when there was something actually important to say.
 Goku had not said them yet.
 The young bride looked at her plate and briefly chewed on her lip. In just a few hours, her husband would see her naked, and his eyes would land on the words written on her flesh.
 She knew that it was tradition to cover the soul words even from the partners. Her eyes traveled among the guests to her wedding and she could not avoid looking a few people with bandages in arms or legs, there were even some tattoos visible.
 Soul words were meant to remain a secret until the very moment they were said from the perfect person, in the perfect moment, until then…
 Chichi looked at her husband, currently eating his fourteen plate.
 Would he say them before they were naked and together? Or would it be in a year, or two, or ten…? Her eyes roamed around him, blushing slightly.
 She had seen him shirtless, she has seen his legs, and she saw no trace of her soul words. The ones she was meant to tell him. Could they be on his butt?
 The blush became a deep crimson at the thought. It was not unheard of people having them on their neither regions.
 However, she smiled.
 Goku was THE ONE. She knew it. Sooner or later, she would hear those words.
 “It is not my fault I love you!”
 She knew it.
 There was a faint smell of smoke in the air, the song of birds and the roar of some wandering dinosaur looking for breakfast.
 The namek scratched his itching chest while refusing to fully wake up.
 He and Vegueta had been over a week on the desert, training nonstop except to eat, or drink in his case, to sleep and pee.
 It has been an interesting week. One that was about to end. Piccolo knew that even when Vegueta loved to train, he would end up running back to his wife, he always did, and he cared way too much for her to abandon her more than a week. There was also his two year old son. The brat was the pride and joy of the prince of the saiyans.
 There was a faint groan close to the green warrior, and he knew that Vegueta was also waking up.
 Again, Piccolo scratched his chest. His upper clothes had been destroyed and discarded the day before, and since they were in the desert, the namek had decided to just rest like that, enjoying the cold breeze in his emerald flesh.
 The saiyan´s steps went a little away and the unmistakable sound of pee pouring to the ground reached the sensitive ears of the now fully awake namek.
 It was nice to be like that, just two guys doing nothing.
 Once done, Vegueta yawned in a way that would make a lion jealous and step closer probably to kick the still lying namek in the ribs. But suddenly, his steps came to a halt, and the alien warrior made a quick intake of breath that made the eyes of Piccolo open.
 The saiyan was wearing first a shocked expression that quickly transformed into open mockery, and ended up in a howl of laughter.
 Piccolo looked around, but was not able to find whatever thing that was making the other warrior laughing like a mentally retarded seal. It took him a few seconds to notice that Vegueta was pointing at his naked chest.
 The namek looked down, and his hairless eyebrows shot up in surprise.
 -          What the actual fuck…
 Was all he could say before reading the words in his skin.
 “Shut up! Just shut up!”
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luigis-love · 5 years
 The phone rang. Chichi looked over at her one year old Goten peacefully sleeping in a blanket and pillows nest in the living room, so she hurriedly dried her hands from the soapy water and rushed to answer. Last night, her baby had been a little sick, and she wanted nothing to disturb him when he was finally sleeping.
 -          Hello…
-          Oh my God, Bulma?
-          HE SAID IT OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!
-          Who said what? Are you ok???
-          VEGUETA SAID IT!!!
 For a moment, Chichi was confused and took away the phone from her ear to look at it like it was a two headed toad, but suddenly, it just clicked, and she could not avoid gasp, squeak and bark into happy noises all at the same time while trying to keep quiet and not to disturb Goten. She put it back in her ear.
 -          Oh Kami! Bulma, congratulations! I am just SO, SO happy for you! I can’t believe it!
-          Oh well I… umm… well you see, Goten was sick last night.
 Chichi laughed awkwardly while a drop of sweat went down her forehead, wondering when, among all the screaming, she could have mentioned that piece of information.
 -          He is better, don´t worry. He had a little bit of colic, but he is better now.
-          Well, I am sorry if I sound like a bitch, but seriously, I. NEED. YOU. Like… NOW! If you can´t come, would you mind if I go to your place?
-          That would be lovely Bulma! I am dying to hear everything about it!
-          I´ll be there in an hour!
 Goku was an asshole. Not the first time he thought about it, and most probably not the last. He was sure.
 The green alien growled, listening to the muffled sounds of Gohan crying… AGAIN.
 It´s been two weeks since those blasted Cell Games, and the young boy could not spend a single day without blaming himself for the tragedy that had happened in his family.
 Standing on the roof, Piccolo scanned the surroundings of the mountain. It was such a quiet place, meant to peace and happiness, not to…
 -          Oh God no…
 The namek promptly turned around at the breathy voice somewhere along the house.
 It was Chichi. Under normal circumstances, he would have destroyed a wall to go see what was wrong with her, but he knew better than that. That woman was insane, and he wanted to keep his ears without bleeding.
 So he floated to the sound of the woman, who now was crying, making the namek uncomfortable, since now there were two people crying in the same house. He located the source of the sound and he looked throw the small window up in the wall of the bathroom.
 Chichi was sitting on the closed toilet, her face hidden on her right hand, while in the left she was holding a small and weird white plastic thing.
 -          What am I going to do, what am I going to do? Oh Goku, why…?
 Piccolo was completely lost. All he knew was that whatever was happening right now, Goku was an asshole.
 As soon as the door opened, Bulma jumped over Chichi and hugged her until she was starting to turn blue.
 -          Oh Chichi! I am so, so, so so, so happy! I mean, I KNEW he was my soul mate, I have known it for years now! But to actually hear it!
-          Yeah well…
-          I mean, WHO ELSE could be such a disrespectful bastard like Vegeta! On that phrase?? I mean IT HAD TO BE HIM!!
-          Aja…
-          When we started to talk back during the whole Namekusein thing, I swear I almost dropped dead! I could not believe it was him! Something had to be wrong!
-          Bulma…?
-          But then time went by, and I started to feel, you know all that…
-          Bulma…?
-          And then somehow I knew, I just KNEW everything was going to be ok!
-          BULMA!
-          What??
-          Do you want a cup of coffee in the kitchen and we can sit? Maybe… breathe and talk instead of just talking and going insane by yourself? Piccolo and Gohan shall be back in maybe an hour or something. And…
 Bulma smiled brightly and just hugged Chichi again, this time in a normal way. The black haired woman smiled and hugged her back.
 Even with everything that happened to her, she was happy for her friend.
 Chichi was starting to get round.
 The namek blinked a few times, but then he decided that that weird light coming from her was not a mind trick of a strange effect of whatever thing his brain was trying to pull on him.
 Chichi was glowing.  And she was gorgeous.
 The namek shook his head. Where the hell where those thoughts coming from? He scratched his chest.
 -          Piccolo?
-          What?
-          I need you to drive me to my doctor´s appointment.
-          And why would I do that?
 Piccolo groaned, and that sound seemed to make her screech even more. Goodbye to the stupid glow, now she was a bitch, a loud bitch and nothing more. Oh how he wanted to just toss her out the window and never have to deal with her ever again.
 Why was he even here? Is not like he cared about this damn woman…
 But he did care about Gohan, and he loved his mother.
 Piccolo groaned. He had to take care of her because she was important to Gohan, nothing more. Nothing!
 His chest itched, and he ignored it this time.
 Bulma took a sip of her coffee and smiled. No matter what she did or who did it, no one made food or drink like Chichi. She looked at the other woman, and seeing little Goten sleeping made her calm a little bit.
 -          Yesterday, Vegeta and I were arguing.
-          No surprised there.
-          Yeah well… he had been gone for quite a while, after… well…
 Bulma seemed uncomfortable, and the widow knew why.
 -          Because of Goku, I guess…
-          Yeah… since he… well… since that day, he kind of… changed, he was gone most of the time, me and Trunks almost never saw him, and when he was around, he was always training in that stupid gravity chamber.
 Chichi said nothing, trying not to make the parallels between the saiyan prince and her late husband.
 -          Maybe… a week ago, I was sleeping, and I heard noises coming from Trunks intercom.  So I woke up scared, but I recognized Vegeta´s voice… I… I don´t know what he was saying, I think he was talking in his native language or something, whatever, but at the end he just, he just left Trunks and came to the bedroom, he went inside the bed and he held me from behind. I know he knew I was awake, but I didn´t want to say anything…
 The dark haired woman placed a hand on her hearth unconsciously at the romantic story, awwing at the prince´s actions.
 -          I thought things were going to change… BUT I WAS SO FUCKING WRONG!!!
-          Bulma! Shhhh!!!
-          Oh yeah, sorry, sorry. But the next day, SEIOUSLY! He kept being a stupid manner less monkey with a severe lack of education UUURGGG!!!!
-          Right…
-          And then yesterday…
 Bulma´s expression softened.
 -          Yesterday, we were arguing again, I was so pissed, so hearth broken, and… and so sick of all of this… and then well… then I opened my mouth…
 Being around a pregnant woman was just WAY too much for Piccolo. It has been seven months now, Chichi looked like a freaking balloon and she was always, always complaining about something or the other, her sore feet, her lost figure, her late husband, being hungry for this or that… he was just TIRED…
 But then, well…
 Piccolo smiled, remembering the sound of the child´s heartbeat, a sound that seemed to be made for his ears only.  Chichi felt him kick, but he heard him, and it was truly a beautiful sound, he was just in love with that sound… not that he was going to ever admit it, of course.
 And then there was that time when she invited him to touch her round beach ball stomach. That moment had been…
 The namek smiled as an idiot.  He did not know who had him more like an idiot… the mother or the unborn child. And then there was of course the older brother. Gohan smiled, laughed, made plans of how to take care of his baby brother, and everything he was going to teach to his baby brother, and all the books he was going to read for his baby brother. He was madly in love with the little one, and he was not even born yet.
 -          Is there a reason why you are smiling like an idiot? Or is it just your normal state?
 Piccolo rolled his eyes, because yeah, he loved them and all of that. Again, he was NOT going to admit it. But being near them was a little bit of overwhelming for his limited set of emotions. So he was just training with all mighty prince of the saiyans himself.
 From his position sitting on the floor, Piccolo turned around and saw Vegeta adjusting a bandage that he always used in his ankle. Seriously, he had never seen him without it, which was weird.
 In that moment, he came up for a surprise. He had been God of the planet, he knew they existed, but he did not expect Vegeta to have one.  There in his leg, in clear words going up his ankle it said “I know that you love fighting more than me”.
 Bulma opened her blouse and showed her friend a part of her right breast that up until now had been covered in layers of makeup.
 In clear golden words it read “God dammit woman, you are an idiot if you think I love THAT more than you”.
 -          And what is “that” if I can ask.
-          Fighting.
 Chichi´s eyebrowns shot up and she opened and closed her mouth like a fish.
 -          That´s quite a declaration there…
-          I know.
 Bulma covered herself again and smiled, covering her breast with her hand.
 -          Well… umm… wow… just, wow… coming from him…
-          I know.
 Both ended up in silence, and Bulma saw her friend, who seemed a little bit sad.
 -          Chichi?
-          Um?
 Neither of them heard the namek and his student landing outside. Gohan was very tired, and he just allowed himself to fall on the grass, arms and legs spread out. Piccolo just shook his head with a small smile. Goten had been sick the last night and he had promised Chichi that her older son would arrive well fed and not bothering her after such a long night. Which he complied in the form of a freaking gigantic fish that the young saiyan had whipped off of existence in minutes. Seriously, it had taken the blasted thing longer to be cooked than to be eaten. His ears twitched at the voice that had not been there when they left earlier in the morning.
 -          I… I know that is private and all, but… what about you? I mean, I am sorry for being noisy but I am really, really curious… what does your mark say? Where is it?
 Piccolo´s ears twitched. Vegeta had said that was not information to be shared. He told him to cover his stupid words. He looked down at the barely changed gi he wore since that day in the desert, just a little bit wider than the normal ones he wore… big enough to cover that forsaken phrase.
 -          Oh… oh that well… you see…
 Chichi sounded uncomfortable. Piccolo wondered if he should be listening, he was seriously debating himself.
 -          I… I don´t have them.
 Bulma and Piccolo froze.
 -          What?
-          Yeah, well… I… I don´t have them.
 Chichi did not want to talk about how she used to have them. She did not want to talk about how they disappeared. She wanted to keep private the reason that there were almost no mirrors in her house.
 Bulma understood and hugged Chichi, who unaware of herself, started to silently cry.
 Outside, Piccolo flew away.
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