antifainternational 4 months
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ellefingers 4 years
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馃帹 by Slinky
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ellefingers 4 years
My Molotov
As you run in circles, you burn a hole in the ground
You were always there but never around
I'll light up your fantasy and burn your reality
You wore your ignorance like a crown
I will burn all bridges to stay warm
I burnt this bridge that led to your arms
I'm not beautiful
I'm much more than that
My flame will burn this doormat
You won't see me until it's too late
Until all that's left is hate
I'm too old to regret
Too young to forget
I am a feminist fuck
You were just a fuck
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ellefingers 4 years
The Colour of My Voice
How can they hear me
when your privilege is too loud
How can they not hear me
When I'm equally proud
My voice is never white enough to be heard
The colour of my voice as dark as my words
Thank you for saying all the things I've said before.
Thank you for being the Christine to my phantom
Thank you for being too white to be ignored
Thank you for adopting my anthem
The colour of my voice
Comes with a price
The colour of my voice
Was demanded to play nice
The colour of my voice
Needs to be white washed
Only then they'll see my screams
And the coloured lives at cost
For it's only you they will listen to
It's only you they believe to be true
You're the voice of reason
While I'm hysterical one
You are the shining beacon
While I'm invisible one
I'm the unreasonable one
I shout I scream I swear
My tone too brown for you to wear
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ellefingers 4 years
The Model Minority
Model minority is a lie
Be the model minority
In this western society
Pull your weight
Serve their capitalist state
Remember to comply
If you want to qualify
The model minority is just another fucking lie
Why don't you assimilate
Not your model minority
In your colonial fantasy
You expect me to be
Part of your society
Play by your rules
A good immigrant
A law abiding servant
The Model minority is yet another fucking lie
I'm trying to live my life
I don't wanna be your Asian wife
I'm not some exotic sex object
I deserve some respect
What did you expect?
You colonised my country
And you have displaced me
And now
you want me to be the model minority
Is this liberty
From oppressive society?
Did you save me from me?
Save me from my anger
Oh white saviour
It doesn't matter to me
What the majority
are expecting from me
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ellefingers 4 years
The Band Played On
Get onstage
play to a crowd
Play it loud
play it proud
Behind closed doors
Tear your partner apart
Back on Centre Stage
Act the fuckin part
And The band played on
The show has to go on
The silence
The violence
The fake alliance
Black and blue
She pried herself apart
She stood brave and loud
Her voice filled the crowd
As her other half
Gets pats on the back
He's a good guy
a great musician
She's a liar and a hack
And The band played on
The show has to go on
The alpha
Female hysteria
The drama unfolds
An ugly story was told
Centre stage
Filled with rage
The audience, loud with silence
Here for the music
Not here for the politics
Who cares if it's wrong
Just play a fucking song
And The band played on
The show has to go on
I'm a feminist fuck
You are just a fuck
A fuckhead with a mic
Take a fucking hike
The band played hypocrisy
The crowd danced to apathy
The band drank the flattery
The crowd stroked their vanity
You put DV on a pedestal
Your silence is unethical
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ellefingers 4 years
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The last show Chickspit played at was in January 2020 at The Rosemount in Perth. How good is the first show gonna be once the COVID19 restrictions are over? Using the down time to write more lyrics and songs. Make no mistake we'll be back with more angst. Sorry mum, it wasn't a phase.
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