#chief riftdale
fallow-horn · 1 year
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My two pieces for the CONFLICTS: TFR/PFI appreciation zine!
The Bart one is something I'm really proud of, and I loved painting Smith and Chief. It's obscure blorbo hours fr
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impmakesart · 4 months
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May 11 we remember a terrible loss.
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cmholdenart · 9 months
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Happy Kwannukustmas @thegempagel!
That awkward moment when your cosmic Dad invites you over for a cup of fresh hot cocoa but the person you hate the most is there.
Bonus under the cut ;)
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cagedvessels · 1 year
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hell’s coming with me
something something, they’re both angry and willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want. one driven by the need to forget, one driven by the need for revenge.
made for conflicts: a tfr/pfi zine !!
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thegempage · 1 year
me, knows i struggle with drawing christian tfr to the point where i put off a drawing idea i really liked for like three months: i should start this project by drawing christian tfr
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shamedumpster · 1 year
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Thank you again to everyone who donated during the WE DISSENT! charity event!! With everyone's help, over 19k was raised for Trans Lifeline!
I helped out a bit with @benjaminutes' stream; this is art for the raffle winner @impmakesart, who requested Chief and Christian from Tales From Riftdale.
Once again, a big thank you to everyone who donated!!
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actually-its-damien · 5 years
Tales of Riftdale(Sorted bc I have issues)
If I miss any, send it to me and in what playlist/placement they should get.
In order of(opinion) how you should watch them:
All Characters: All of the characters are in these videos and play important roles.
Riftdale town updates: They might not make sense yet but they will!
Dad: Episodes with Dad in them
Clairvoyance: Episodes with Clairvoyance in them
Bart: Episodes with Bart in them
Christian: Episodes with Christian in them
Mike: Episodes with.. uh.. someone in them.
Noir: Episodes with Smith and the chief in them
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Riftdale Camp AU Drapples
So, I pretty much joined in a Summer Gift Exchange with some friends and we each had to either write a fic or draw a piece of fan-art. This is my end of the exchange for @apocalypticdinosaur Hope you enjoy! (Also @talesfromriftdaleexchange so you can easily find it.)
It was another day at the Mount Riftdale Summer Camp. It would be like any other day at this mess of a camp except for one thing… the heat fucking reached triple digits. Chief, one of the camp counselors, was checking the thermostat in the dining cabin. The thermostat says it is 104 degrees.  Chief sighs, the kids can’t play like this. Bart’s craft activity already had to be moved inside into one of the activity cabins and Claire’s scavenger for clues to Area 51’s true location had to be canceled, much to Claire’s dismay. Not to mention the heat was making everyone irritated. Cristian’s normal terrible personality has been made worse and has already cussed five kids out. If Chris stays in this heat any longer, Chief is pretty sure that Chris would murder a poor kid. Even Smith’s normal cheerful demeanor has been brought down. He didn’t say thank you when Mike gave Smith his lunch. All in all, everyone was having a pretty shitty time. So everyone was glad when Dad, the head of the camp, called a counselor meeting.
Each of the counselors went over to the counselor cabin, after sending the kids to their own cabins of course, and found themselves places to sit down. Chief and Smith sat on the couch, Bart sat in the loveseat, Christian sat on the counter, and Claire… sat on top of the fridge. Dad was standing up and grinning even though everyone else was dying of heat.
“As I’m sure all of you know, it’s been a little hot today- “Dad started before being rudely interrupted by Christian.
“A little fucking hot?! It’s like a fucking volcano that has been thrown into the god damn sun! My face is literally fucking melting and turning into flesh goop!” Christian complained while pouring salt into his hand and eating it. Chief got up and took the salt away but not without Christian giving Chief a growl. Dad took some time to compose himself before continuing.
“Now kiddo, while I am very proud of you contributing to this discussion, I wasn’t done yet. Since it’s been so hot today I was thinking that it is time to use the recently opened pool we’ve acquired.” Dad finished his sentence by clapping his hand together. Claire looked over at Dad with a confused look on his face.
“When did we get a pool?” Claire asked.
“Like I said, it was recently opened!” Dad said with a grin on his face. Claire was still confused.
“But I didn’t think that there was any building going on recently- “Claire began while slowly climbing off the fridge to see if he can sneakily get a cookie from the counter.
“Anyways! I think today’s camp activity should be having fun and trying out the new pool!” Dad said with a smile.
Chief fumble with the keys as he unlocked the gate to the pool and let all the screaming kids in. Dad was already in there cooking some barbeque for the kiddos when they get hungry. There was also an ice-cream truck near-by for some reason.  Two figures could be seen in the window. Two figures that Claire recognized easily. Claire ran up the window and knocked. The window opened revealing… you guessed, our beautiful lesbians Stacci and Beckii!!
“Omg Claire! I missed you bitch!” Stacci said while peering out the window. Claire smiled up at Stacci and waved.
“Stacci! What are you doing here” Claire asked.
“So, like, the guy who runs this camp, I think he introduced himself as dad, paid us a lot of money to bring our ice cream truck around to the pool and, like, give the kids free ice-cream! Well, I guess it’s not free since Dad paid for it all but its whateves.” Stacci explained while picking out some ice-cream and handing it to Claire. “Here BFFLB! I know you, like, live under a rock and don’t have this a lot.” As Claire grabs the ice-creams his eyes lit up.
“Thanks Stacci! I owe you one. I’ll be right back, me and the other counselors need to change into our swimsuits!” Claire said while running off.
“Ice-cream is free babe!” Stacci called to Claire as he was leaving.
The kids have already all made it to the pool when the counselors finally finished changing into their swimsuits. Except Christian. Only God himself could make Christian show more skin then his ankles. Claire and Bart was in classic bathing trunks, one with little ufos and the other that looked like rainbow paint splatters. You can guess which is which. Meanwhile Smith and Chief… oh dear god… those two lovely bois were wearing a classic old-timey man’s one- piece. Chief with black and white stripes and Smith with what looks to be a monochrome paint splatter palate but is actually colorful…if it wasn’t on Smith that is. As soon as Christian saw Chief, he burst out laughing.
“Holy fuck Chief, you look ridiculous.” Christian snickered. He was having too much fun looking at Chief.
“Hey! I think I look quite fashionable in this.” Chief muttered while grabbing sunscreen from nearby. Then one of the campers passed by.
“Looking good Chief!” The kid complemented before running off into the pool.
“See, someone appreciates my taste in clothes.” Chief smirks at Chris.
“Wasn’t that one of the kids who ran around with a mask of your face for a month?”
“Actually, yeah, I think that was.”
Smith is rushing to the ice-cream truck with Claire and Bart in tow. Smith really wants some ice-cream! Give him it.
“Smith, you know I already had some right?” Claire sighed. He isn’t the biggest fan of being dragged around.
“Well yeeeah, but you said you wanted to come back here to talk to your friend so I’m bringing you with me and Bart to get ice-cream!” Smith beamed. After about five seconds of running/skipping, they make it to the lesbian ice-cream truck. As soon as Stacci saw them, she giggled a bit.
“Man Claire, I didn’t take you as someone who would wear rainbow trunks.” Stacci says while handing Smith and Bart their ice-cream.
“Pfft, really? They’re to ward off the invisible government lions since they get confused by bright colors.” Claire crossed his arms.
“Oooo, isn’t that the theory where you, like, connected the area 51 raid coming up to Buzzfeed Unsolved?” Stacci asked, which caused Claire to smile because some actually remembered one of his theories for once.
“Wow Ms. Stacci! How did you know exactly what ice-cream I would like?” Smith grinned while happily eating his ice-cream.
“Let’s just say I’m good with this stuff.” Stacci winked.
During the afternoon a black van pulled up near the pool.
“Oh look, the fun police have come here to ruin the party.” Christian scowled. Two people exited the van, a man and a woman both wearing black suits and red ties. The man’s name tag read ‘Oculus’ while the woman’s read ‘Lucidity’. Oculus looked at the pool party with an unamused look on his face. The two walked into the pool area… only to get squirted by a bunch of campers. Lucidity is laugh… Oculus looks furious.
“What is the meaning of this?!” He growled. From behind the army of children, there was Claire, leading the charge.
“…Revolution.” Claire said while loading his gun to shoot again. Lucidity quietly reminded Oculus that these are children just having fun. Oculus sighed and attempted to straighten out his shirt.
“You are needlessly childish Clairvoyance.” Oculus grumbled.
“I know what you are but what am I?” Claire responded back while sticking his tongue out. Oculus just growled and went back to his business.
Bart and Claire are sitting on a nearby bench while watching Oculus and Lucidity talk to Dad.
“What do you think they want this time?” Bart asked.
“Probably to show off some new little detail they discovered that violates their little rulebook.” Claire groaned.
“…Was it really a good idea to shoot water at them when they came in?”
“Of course! Lucy liked it and it pissed off Oculus quite well.” Claire chuckled
“Y’know, Lucidity? She told me to call he Lucy for short.” Claire explained.
“Oh, I guess she likes you then.” Bart sighed.
“…you sound upset?” Claire cocked his head
“Oh, well, it’s just… you seem to get along with other people well and I, uh, can’t really… get along with anybody…” Bart sighed again.
“Pffft, me? Getting along well with people? No one ever even believes me Bart… and we seem to get along just fine.”
“You… really think so?” A small smile appeared on Bart’s face.
“Yeah, Bart. I do.”
Dusk falls on the pool as kids get out to go and try some of Dad’s barbecue. There’s a rumor going around that it is so powerful, it can give you the ability to fight God in your dreams. Benches and towels have been set around for people to sit and eat. It is too hot for a fire, but the counselors found a giant fire shape lamp that is cool to the touch in shed. Luck, am I right? All the kids and all the counselors are sitting around the fire while wet. Even Christian, because after they shot Oculus and Lucy with water, the kid army with for the stink man. Speaking of Lucy and Oculus, they seemed to be here too for some reason. Most of the counselors think that they are trying to finding some evidence to shut down the camp with. Claire brings them each a plate of steak, much to Oculus’s surprise. Everyone is here and, although tomorrow may not see the same results, everyone is happy. Goodnight Mt. Riftdale Summer Camp, see you when the rift opens its eye again.
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uttertyranny · 6 years
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Chief | “You want to know how to get away with every single illegal thing you ever do? Don’t do anything illegal.”
Benjaminutes-The Riftdale Chronicles
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fallow-horn · 7 months
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The 2024 TFR/PFI Zine: Love and Loss is finally out, so I can show everyone what I've been working on! I participated in one of the two group projects in it!
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impmakesart · 1 year
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POV: you are Deathrow
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impmakesart · 1 year
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The greys.
Art made for Conflicts: a TFR/PFI appreciation zine, something that was cooking for a long time and finally released today!
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impmakesart · 2 years
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A commissioned piece for my dear friend @thegempage! THAT scene in Tales From Riftdale. Featuring their Claire design.
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thegempage · 9 months
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[image description: three scenes of Tales From Riftdale characters set side by side. In the first, Stacy and Becky are enjoying a sunset under Christmas lights wearing silly holiday sweaters; Stacy has a mug while Becky is holding a bag of candy. In the second, Chief is patting down a partial snowman to make sure it's stable while Smith brings a large ball for the head; Chief is smiling fondly at Smith, happy that he's excited. In the third, Clairvoyance is leaning back in his chair, smiling and laughing, holding his microphone and fiddling with a pen as he enjoys a calm night on the radio. end description]
hey guess what @cagedvessels you get to see this again jfskd;lajffjdskla but seriously, these prompts were such a delight and i had so much fun drawing everyone having a good winter season!! so i hope you enjoy this round's @talesfromriftdaleexchange piece from me : 3
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thegempage · 1 year
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[image description: two versions of the same digital art piece. Both depict Smith and Chief from Tales From Riftdale sitting in beach chairs at the edge of the water, enjoying time in the sun. They're both wearing mid-twentieth century striped one piece swimsuits, Chief's having sleeves while Smith's is a tank top. Smith is holding a fudge pop that he's taking a bite of and stimming with his other hand while Chief is holding his flask and wearing sunglasses. They are both smiling. The top image shows them in full color, showing that Smith's swim suit is pink and Chief's is blue, while the second has them in canon-compliant monochrome. end description]
my @talesfromriftdaleexchange piece for this summer edition!! this year my buddy was @fallow-horn and he wanted Smith having a good day and/or Chief in an old-fashioned bathing suit, so i went with both!! this was a super fun piece, and another in my line of summer exchange pieces of these characters having fun on the beach fjksdlafjdksl
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thegempage · 1 year
i. i think this counts has having farmer clairvoyance thoughts?? idk i want to get inside his head a little bit lmao ("who's farmer clairvoyance???" relevant playlist for context, tl;dw version is we took the main character of tfr and made him a stardew valley farmer)
kind of rolling with a dual hc that the 28 day seasons in stardew valley are compressions of what the farmer would, theoretically, experience as a full year and that this is tfr clairvoyance alternate situation (not necessarily ending) where he flees to the countryside at the behest of Someone™ when oculus becomes determined to get him to shut up one way or another
also that even tho we have yet to make any food except for one omelette for an emergency feast of the winter star gift, clair does have to eat food lmao
so yeah!
It's not... well it's not worse than Riftdale, here.
Not that it makes the ache to get back there any smaller or easier to deal with. In a lot of ways, someone would argue that Clairvoyance's life here is better than it was in Riftdale, because here in Pelican Town no one wants to kill him. Even discounting the fact that he's not cooped up in a bunker anymore, not sleeping only in sporadic naps out of a gut twisting fear that he would miss something, not draining his eyes and wrecking his brain with headaches from staring at so many screens for so long, not scratching his throat to hell by broadcasting whenever anything happened regardless of the effect on his throat, no one wants to kill him here.
That he knows of. The pour of the coffee pot stills as he takes a moment to consider whether any of the townspeople would have a reason to kill him. Probably not -- he has yet to become particularly buddy-buddy with anyone, not the way they are with each other, but whenever he does greet people they're generally kind toward him and they accept his offers of help with big smiles. He doesn't know the Mr. Qi whose note he picked up is, but anyone who challenges him to put beets in the mayor's fridge seems a bit more interested in watching him run around than being a genuine threat.
(He re-calibrates: Mayor Lewis might have a reason to kill him. That statue did not disappear into thin air and if Clair goes poking around, he can't be sure Lewis wouldn't at least take a shot.)
Smith rubs against his leg with a long, sing-song meow, his eye blinking slowly up at Clair. It snaps Clair out of the funk, resuming the flow of coffee into one of the mugs his "grandfather" had left behind.
(He remembers his first day here, sort of. The letter had told him they fixed up the inside of the house as best they could, but cleaning the outside would be too suspicious. Robin and Lewis had told him it would probably be dusty, so if he needed help cleaning he could ask and it would be freely given. He'd opened the door to an inside not modern, still as rustic as the outside of the cabin and as un-lived in as the empty, overgrown field outside, but comfortable. A dresser full of clothes that were mostly his size, enough dishware to get him through a week, maybe two, and a bed that was the most comfortable sleeping arrangement he'd ever had. The letter had instructed him not to ask where they'd gotten any of it.)
Smith hops onto the counter, sitting just far enough away from the stove that Clair can't scold him in earnest. Sure, some people wouldn't have let him up at all, but was Clair going to look Smith in his one eye and tell him no? Absolutely not. The cat, perhaps sensing how much forgotten love was packed into the name that Clair had given him without hesitation, knew he had Clair wrapped around his paw and used that power to mostly get places he wasn't supposed to be and get as many pets as possible in a single day. One would have been able to accuse him of being a terrible farm cat, even, except that he was fantastic with the slowly growing amount of animals on the farm.
Especially their first dinosaur, Chief. Clair had given the dinosaur the name mostly as a joke, but Smith loved to crawl up on the dinosaur's back and fall asleep there, soothing a creature that no one had seen alive for enough years that when Gunter had told him, it sent Clair's head spinning.
Clair finishes pouring his coffee. He stares into it, thinking, teetering on the edge of a winter-spurned spiral. Smith bumps against him again, purring and getting up under his chin, settling against Clair's chest with a contented sound. Clair picked up his coffee and, careful of Smith, took a sip.
Pelican Town wasn't worse than Riftdale, and in some ways he didn't regret moving here as much as he missed Riftdale.
In a perfect world, or even just a kind one, maybe he'd be able to make a home for himself in both places.
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