#children's indoor play tent
podsplays · 11 months
Sensory Tents: Explore, Discover, Thrive
At PODS Play, we believe that every child deserves a space where their senses can come alive, and their creativity can flourish. Our Sensory Tents provide a safe and inviting environment where kids can be themselves, express their feelings, and connect with the world. Whether it's a quiet retreat for reflection, an imaginative play space, or a social hub for making friends, our Sensory Tents adapt to your child's unique needs.
https://www.podsplay.com/.../pods.../diy-sensory-room-ideas +44 (0) 3302232454 [email protected]
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joels-shitty-puns · 5 months
Kings & Queens
Pairing: Post-Outbreak!Joel Miller x Reader
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Summary: I saw a list of reverse writing tropes, one of which was "too many beds" which I thought was hilarious until my brain went crazy. So here's where my mind went when there are oddly... too many beds.
Word Count: ~900
Warnings: None! This could even be read as platonic.
Other stuff: No descriptors. It can be romantic or friendly. Choose your adventure.
To those of you who are reading this: Thank you! I know I haven't written in months. I have barely even been on here. I want that again, but mentally I just haven't been feeling like much of anything lately. That being said, I saw the trope and I had an idea and quickly scribbled this down. It is short, not my best work, and doesn't have much emotion, but I did it :) To those of you who might also be struggling, I see you! You'll get through this. I hope all my tumblr buddies are doing well. I miss you guys.
It had been nearly a year of patrols with Joel. A year of nasty buildings and hard rocky floors to take shelter for the night, a year of either taking turns on watch, or being stuck sharing the same sleeping bag. Or the same mattress. Your only reprieve was your nice bed in Jackson, which you knew was safe, and warm, and most importantly… yours.
Joel was… alright. You two were friendly at best. But for the most part, it was all business. He didn't like to talk much, and you became tired of receiving looks or grunts when asking about Ellie, or Tommy, or his former life. But you worked well together, you made a good team, and you trusted each other to stay safe. You had run into trouble before, and you always had each other's backs. Words were often left unsaid, but you both knew what you meant to the other.
So when you stumbled upon an abandoned shopping mall while scoping potential areas of left-behind goods, it was a breath of fresh air. Malls could be dangerous with so much ground to cover, and so many potential hiding places and dark corners for the cordyceps to fester.
But the mall could also be a light at the end of the tunnel. A plethora of abandoned items to loot and sell or keep for yourself.
After hours of digging through every nook and cranny, you managed to fill a couple of bags full of items, and planned to make it a regular stop on your raids. But as the time grew later, the long-broken clock didn't tick on, and the windows grew dim, you knew it would be an overnight stay. However, choosing a sleeping spot was becoming exhausting with Joel around.
“I saw a sporting goods store. They probably have some sleeping bags, or maybe even a tent,” you provided.
“Nah, we're indoors. I wanna sleep like I'm indoors,” gruffed Joel.
“Oookay. How about that old food place? I think I saw a conveyer belt in the kitchen, next to the oven! It looks like it was used to make pizza,” you chirped excitedly. “I bet we could set up some blankets and make it like a bed.”
“Look, I know that machinery and oven have been dead for years, but on the off chance there's some malfunction, that just seems like a Final Destination event waitin’ to happen,” Joel shook his head.
“Wow you're difficult..�� you huffed. “What if we go into the old children's photography studio and make a fort! The walls are even painted to look like a sky,” you offered with doe-eyes.
Joel just looked at you before grumbling back a “no. My back would kill me. There's gotta be a bed in here somewhere.”
Upon finding an old, faded mall map, Joel studied it before picking up the pace with a clear destination in mind.
He came to a stop in front of “Royal Mattressty.”
You raised a brow before saying “royal… mattress-tea?? What?”
“It's a play on words. Royal majesty.” 
“That's the stupidest thing I ever heard,” you rolled your eyes.
“No, no, it's because mattresses come in Kings, Queens, and-” he broke off at your grimace.
“You're such a dad!” 
The two of you made your way inside, only to find nearly 100 beds. Memory foam, spring, water, reclining… the possibilities were endless.
“WOW!” You squealed, running from bed to bed. “There's too many beds. I can't choose!”
Joel stretched, moving to a bed near the back corner. “I'm gonna set up here for the night. Sleep where y’want,” he gestured.
Sitting on a few different beds, you finally settled on one. A perfect, firm yet soft bed at the far end of the store. It was against a wall, allowing you to still see the door and keep your back safe. Perfect.
But as the night ticked on, you tossed and turned. You weren't at your home in Jackson. This bed was nice… but it wasn't your safe, cozy cabin.
When you aren't home, you're with Joel. All this time you've been wanting space at night, but now you feel scared and alone. Even a bit cold. But Joel was over on his own bed, probably sound asleep. You wouldn't dare take that away from him.
Until what felt like an hour passed.
And then another hour…
Finally, it had been about an hour and a half when you gave in. You wouldn't be getting any sleep at this rate. Fatigue is a dangerous fate when you need to be alert in this world. So you swallowed your pride and walked over to Joel's bed in the far end of the store.
But he wasn't there…
You wandered back, a bit nervous, until you spotted him. Curled up on a mattress only a row away from yours, you saw him blink in the night.
“You moved beds?” you whispered.
“Yeah, there was a draft over there…”
“A draft? In a mall with no electricity and no windows in this store?” You asked skeptically.
“Mmhm…” he grunted, sleepily.
“Sure. Well… turns out there was a draft over in my corner too. Move over,” you nudged.
“Draft, huh?” He wiggled over, letting you in the bed.
“Mmhm…” you mimicked his earlier grunt, settling in next to him.
“Good night Joel,” you whispered.
“G’night,” he replied, pressing his body closer to yours in the king sized bed.
Maybe there is such a thing as too many beds after all.
Thanks for reading!!! Let me know what you think, and be sure to check out my masterlist for more. Reblogs are appreciated! Xoxo
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tv news
Inspired by this post by @animeomegas but it's reversed
You tend not to turn on Hero News channels anymore, to spare your young sons from seeing all of the real violence happening. Even though they were big fans of heroes, they'd been fine with just hearing stories and seeing recaps online—once you made sure they weren't showing someone actively dying in front of their eyes.
But there were days that you needed to be kept up to date.
And today was one of those days.
There was something in the air this morning. You could feel it in your bones.
Katsuki made breakfast as he usually does, while you got the boys ready—an arduous task if you do say so yourself, as your children are five and three respectively.
But it was a routine you settled into happily, loving Katsuki and the two little boys he's given you. It was nice—even moreso with your days off, being able to spend as much time as possible with your kids and being able to treat Katuski to dinner when he gets home.
When he left for his patrol, all three of you kissed him goodbye and stayed indoors, as the rain poured down hard.
The boys will get a kick at how wet daddy will be when he gets home, if it continues this way.
But dinner was hours away. And Kirishima delivered a hauntingly short phone call.
"Turn on the news."
Kirishima almost never calls you during work hours. He respects both his work and yours, knowing that you want to be as out of the loop as possible when it came to the dangers of Katsuki's job.
You already have too many stress dreams and nightmares about what could happen to him or the boys, every intrusive thought playing like a loop. You didn't need any more fuel to the fire.
But fuel was coming, whether you wanted it or not.
The boys were down for an afternoon nap. Tentatively, you turned on the tv, switching to the news network. The volume's low and captions scroll across the screen, allowing you to read it and not wake up the boys.
You can see that the onslaught of heavy rain hasn't lifted in the area, making the attack of the villain much more difficult to navigate.
The sky is grey and lit up by lightning cracking and your mate's explosions, propelling himself off of the fissuring ground and towards the villain duo.
He's not the only one there, but all of the heroes around him aren't as well known, aren't as well trained as Katsuki is.
He's leading the charge and it looks rough.
Civilians crowd around him and the news crew are too close for comfort. Casualties have no doubt happened already. The scene looks like it was pulled from your nightmares.
You're watching so intently that your baby boy has to knock you out of it, sensing your terrified scent and his mimicking yours.
In an instant the television is off and you try to force out a sweeter scent. Something that isn't soured, spoiled, rotten. And with sleep in his eyes, your baby asks you what's wrong.
You can't bare to tell him. So, you grab your phone with several missed phone calls and messages, and leads him back into your shared bedroom with Katsuki, letting the boys slip into Katsuki's nest.
He'll probably gripe about it being messed up, but you let yourself take a breather. And your son's scent reacts to your own. In the nest, both of them go back to sleeping. It'll mess up their schedule, but in all honesty, that's at the least of your priorities.
You take to watching the news on your phone, silent, hoping everything is alright.
Kirishima's on the scene now. So is Mina. They've probably been at the agency, rushing as soon as they saw what happened and told you about it.
Slight relief comes, but having Deku would ease your mind more, not that you'd ever tell Katsuki that. You trust him and his team as much as you can. But the more the merrier, in your opinion.
People are liveblogging the event, sharing what's happening in real time. It's a madhouse online, wondering why other pros aren't coming in, why Deku isn't coming in.
Of all the days to start his maternity leave, it would be the one where Katsuki would need him more than ever.
He's fighting like he always does, but the angry smile and vicious glee are gone. No, he's being scrappy, giving it all he's got. He's not showing off, he's not giving up. And you can only watch from your omega's nest as it all goes down.
Some time later, you get a call from Kirishima. He's sent Deku to watch the boys while you meet him at the hospital.
Leaving your boys behind isn't something you'd do in a normal circumstance, but they don't need to see their dad in whatever mess of wires, burns, and cuts he's received from this fight.
Kirishima said he was knocked out cold from a part of a collapsing building and that you should see him. You should be there when he wakes up.
And you didn't even hesitate, getting in the car, dropping off the boys at Uncle Deku's place, and then speeding to the local hospital, lead to your mate's room.
The scentless body of your lover haunts you. Even with supressants, Katsuki's always has something lingering on him. But nothing. Kirishima tries to calm your sent down with his own, but yours is back to being sour.
He's stuck here, healing with a chance of never waking up again. And all you can do is sit here and wait, like you had been doing all day.
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purkinje-effect · 2 months
The Anatomy of Melancholy, Chapter 98: Рентгениздат
Table of Contents Third Instar, Chapter 29. Go to previous. CWs: unreality, dissociative hallucinations, delusions, explicit intrusive erotic minutiae
So in love with the wrong world. [98-1]
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They exited through the Upper Level checkpoint in Anchor Inn. See’s did little more than look them over. Still, ‘Choly found himself unclenching once they were out of earshot, not just for the sharp shift into the overcast natural afternoon light, but for the reflexive expectation of getting mentally manhandled. In Covered Parking, most of the inhabitants had relocated to the Upper Level as those had done inside. Makeshift tents comprised a majority of their shelter, and it took some navigating to traverse the dense congregation of nearly homeless. He and Angel ambled down the ramp to ground level.
“Surely, if only the Mayor would permit further restoration, these people could have proper arrangements indoors.”
If Angel could frown, it would have.
“I’m sure for most people, it’s unnatural to live inside Ant Lane. I for one don’t blame them.”
They could have easily found Little Boy Blue by the presence of Children of Atom scurrying about on mechanic’s errands, but ‘Choly trusted the clicking of his Pip-Boy to inform him just how close he could get. He shuffled nearer until the Geiger counter’s feedback accelerated into a rapid, irregular pace, then took a few steps back in compromise. With a pleasant, melancholy murmur, he found a cracked bumper block to sit upon, and he watched from a distance.
Sticks eventually surfaced from the hood at the back of the blue coupe, laden with sweat and grease. Despite the workout, the challenge had the ghoul grinning and bubbly. He pulled a rag from his apron and wiped his face down, before rounding back to the driver’s seat to root around in the cabin.
‘Choly next identified Fresnel emerging from under the hood, in her plaid flannel and a pair of jeans, worn over a high-neck undergarment. He couldn’t make out what she told the three Atomites nearby, but they rushed off to abide by it. Sticks emerged and glanced around, only to roll his eyes and shoulders and flapped a hand at whatever request their assistants had left to accomplish. Fresnel vanished back under the hood, and for some time, Sticks resumed his preoccupation with things in the front seat.
He decided to put on his radio drama. The tape would be safe out here for an afternoon, and he could tell if any risk arose by any observable changes in the quality of the playback. He slid it into the tape deck of his Pip-Boy and clicked it shut, then selected ‘audio source: holotape’ in his Radio menu. He stretched out his legs and glanced over to Angel, who had curled up its tendrils under itself just like it had inside.
At times like this, his nerves craved a cigarette.
The hallmark introduction clanged, and the play started. He had enjoyed Lights Out all his life, and remembered this episode, but he didn’t remember details all that well. The two women began to bicker over the appropriateness of horror as a genre, only for their shared office to fall to near-total darkness.
“Well, you’re scared, too!”
“I’m not, I’m not, I’m not! Series of coincidences, that’s all. What could it be? I mean, what? Who ever heard of anything happening in a place like this? Well, what are you looking at me like that for? This is no haunted house--"
‘Choly found himself spacing out a ways. His eyes watched the mechanics labor over the car, but his gaze was miles beyond it.
“Up at the ceiling. Ohh. Oh no. Green. The lights now… It’s green. Green. All the lights. Green. You lied to me. You said it was the electricians. Look at the light. It’s green! Makes your face green. You look dead. You hear me? Dead! You’ll be dead. I’ll be dead. We’ll be dead, dead, dead--"
“--Stop it! Stop it! You’re not going to drive me crazy just because there’s something wrong with the electricity. You look around. Everything’s all right. Everything’s all right. Nothing’s wrong here. Nothing.”
Daria finishes up her transcription after hours. It's just us in the wide, empty office. I pace nearby, hands in my pockets blindly jumbling their contents. She fumbles through a passage; from her skewed, scrunched lips, I presume the handwriting confounds her. Compulsion snags me. I straighten in place.
“ ‘A note to the sound department:,’ ” I announce in English, pantomiming my annotation, “ ‘At this point in the play, I want the sound of a body being turned inside out. I suggest the use of a wet rubber glove to plant the picture of a human being deliberately turned.’ ”
She doesn’t look up from her work, or even really pause, despite my restrained chuckles. Her poor attempts at ignoring my nuisance endear me.
‘You’d get in so much trouble if someone were to find out about your American radio habits.’
A trace of lyric etches her tone.
‘Now who do you know that doesn’t collect their share of bones? I don’t see you handing me to Gosteleradio.’[98-2]
She slides over the carriage to return with a click and whir, and scoffs.
‘Where else would I get such entertainment? You don’t need wiped holotapes to bother me with strange stories.’
Dripping with sleaze, I hop up on the corner of her desk, shoving over stacks of papers in the process. She almost scrambles to right the paperwork, but stops herself short. I lean over to her, to plant a smooch on her smooth, bright cheek.
‘I’m nothing if not entertaining.’
Her smirk wins out over her frustration, and she pecks a short kiss onto my lips. Starting with a pat at my lapels, she slowly caresses them along my flat chest, only to throw her hands in her lap.
‘You damned stilyagi, wearing men’s clothes, tempting women.[98-3] But you can't have my undivided attention. Not yet.’ Her breath staggers, belying her composure. She flusters. ‘You’re such a terrible influence on me. Can you stop and let me finish? The sooner I’m done, the sooner we can go back to your place.’
‘Choly straightened. His heart raced, and his blood ran hot. Both clammy hands shot behind to steady him. He focused on his breathing. Though the recording had finished its playback, he couldn't say how long ago. He could still visualize and feel every naked, ravishing curve of Daria, from her pale pert nipples to her lush ebony hair perfumed with amber and cherries. How they would go at it until they ached the next day. A soft, distressed moan escaped his lips at the raw arousal and intent he once had felt for the woman.
That was a lifetime ago--if it were true. Yet, far too vivid, and far too foreign to him, it couldn’t have been a daydream. And it had to have been true, because he had never in his life felt attraction to any normal human being, let alone for it to feel so right and replete. Had he? The way his body only throbbed more intently when he tried to calm himself, it repulsed him. God help him, the sex had been so good.
“Perhaps we ought to set aside the horror genre for a spell, Mister Carey. The twist seems to have hampered your attempts at relaxation.”
He stared at the tape deck of his Pip-Boy at length. His throat adhered to itself, despite repeated attempts to swallow.
“Series of coincidences, that’s all,” he murmured, pale and hollow. “Someone wanted me to pick this holotape, to hear it now.” His eyes strained out toward the still-choked river. “Why do I remember it. Why do I remember it now.”
Angel lifted itself up on its tendrils, and urged ‘Choly to stand.
“Come along, Sir. Everyone’s taking a break above us. Why don’t we go see Mister Sticks?”
In a dull haze, he struggled to his feet.
“You’re right,” he told Angel. “I need to be around people right now. Not all these… ghosts… in my drafty skull.”
“There we go,” it encouraged as best it could.
As it shepherded him back up the ramp, their rickety joints would rightfully have produced a horrid din of scraping and scrabbling. Or, they felt that way, anyway. Gradually, the Pip-Boy’s sputtering clicks faded before ceasing altogether.
“I wasn’t a virgin,” he mouthed silently, through an eye twitch. “Wasn’t, even then…”[98-4]
Since then, have I grown queerer still?
On the Upper Level, Sticks and Fresnel sat around a communal cooking pit fashioned from cinder blocks, rebar, and concrete rubble. He hadn’t noticed Maury until now, sitting comfortably with Sticks, Fresnel, and several Satellites. A warm chat wove amongst them.
“Ah, ‘Choly’s here,” Sticks said. He patted a welcoming knee. “I’m surprised you stepped out here. I was beginning to think you were getting allergic to sunlight, and between that and your smoothies…”
“Worry when I cast no reflection,” ‘Choly muttered. He rolled his eyes and squeezed into the circle to sit across Sticks’s leg. He needed the proximity of leaning into his chest more than he would admit. The bouquet of engine grease, rust, and river scum invited him in, to spite his drab olive. A sigh punctuated his anxiety. He retained a twinge of self-awareness. “It’s been a while since I smelled fresh cooking other than razorgrain porridge.”
“We’ve been making kitchen sink stew for weeks,” Maury replied. “Minus an actual kitchen sink, as you can see. A little bit of whatever we can find. The variety is getting tiresome.”
“I can respect the desire for a little consistency,” Fresnel said. She smiled at ‘Choly, but his eye contact faltered in favor of getting a better look at her dark under-armor’s moto-quilted leather collar. “Even if it isn’t the same food each time, it’s nice when food can be predictable.”
“Anything is better than porridge and prewar rations,” Sticks groaned. Warming to grin, he rubbed at ‘Choly’s shoulder, and wrapped his gloved hand around it to squeeze. ‘Choly leaned into Sticks’s chest. “Of course, these fine folks know their way around improvised recipes. I don’t even have to ask what’s in it, to know I’ll like it.”
“You know what they say about necessity and invention,” Maury chirped.
Like strands of spiderweb trailing the air, potent recollection of appetent lips and heaving flesh persisted after ‘Choly. He disguised the prickling of his skin as an attempt to get more comfortable in Sticks’s lap. The ghoul picked up on the surreptitiousness, and decided to take credit for the untoward shiver by dragging him closer by the hip.
As he tried to sit back up, his head grazed Sticks’s shoulder. The thread count of the cotton shirt loosed no more than a few strands of hair. Sticks tucked them behind his ear with an absent smile. ‘Choly’s breath stitched in his ribs, and the corners of his lips twitched. He'd kept his shoulder length hair tucked into a neat semblance of a duck’s arse for years, before succumbing to the exhilarating fuck-you of chopping it all off himself into a chubchik when conscripted.[98-5] This shorn, masculine style of bangs had served to tether his sense of gender while a soldier, but it took years for his hair to grow back out after his time in the Soviet army, so he could resume his tendency toward a trim, tidy updo. He had always preferred it pinned up, and yet he also often caught himself savoring the ways Sticks might loose its fine chignon waves. The ghoul evoked so many unexpected proclivities in him, and yet--
“Perhaps Mister Maury would be inclined to help me update my recipe database,” Angel wondered. “I struggle direly with ingredient definitions these days. Mister Sticks is supposed to help me as well, but things have been quite hairy as of late. Soon, then, perhaps…?”
“The robot wants to learn from me?” Maury glanced up from stirring the stew pot. His other hand gripped the layers of scarves draped around his shoulders. “The robot can want?”
‘Choly teetered ever so slightly.
“One thing at a time, chap,” Sticks said. ‘Choly attempted to match breathing patterns with him as he spoke, to self-regulate, but it only served to entangle himself in physicality. “I made you a promise. I'll keep to it. Unlike those stiffs in The Hall, my word means something.”
He wanted to neck so badly in that moment, convinced thoroughly that if only he could lay into his lover with impenitent, gnawing osculation, he could rewire this short circuitry. That's all this was--he'd simply gone too long without indulging his sense of eros. A part of him, still toeing the past, must crave plump, warm lips against his own, but nothing could really, truly satisfy his sensibilities quite like a cracked, leathery, gnashing mouth. Until this moment, he wouldn't have even questioned whether any fraction of his past self could have survived.
He kept repeating to himself, You have Sticks. You have everything you've dreamed of, and then some. Happiness, beyond all things best left forgotten. What's the use in remembering who you used to be? What's the use in pretending you haven't changed as much as you think? Besides, if you're so convinced everything's as made-up as you insist, what's stopping you from having made all this up, too! Narrative be damned! Whatever may be, just enjoy it.
“What did they do to you now?” Fresnel teased.
“Not just me, but all of us. This whole Certs debacle… They really tried to screw us over for good this time.”
I'm nothing, if not entertaining. …If not entertaining, I'm Nothing.
“You gripe about Certs every opportunity you get.” Maury shrugged at him. “This again…”
Daria’s spectral fingertips traced ‘Choly’s hips, and dipped between them. His buttocks clenched, only to tremble pathetically against Sticks's leg as he tried to forget the woman's touch. Her ravenous, impassioned sucking. Her digital adroit. She would work him to a begging, sopping mess before letting him tuck her entire fist deep inside him. He quaked inside with grief that any slip in his body language might betray the illusion of his attempts to sustain attentiveness or decorum.
“They've really shown their true colors today. They don't intend to pay out. They never intended to pay out. They're cheapskates.”
Sticks sat up straighter, still balancing ‘Choly on his thigh. The ghoul bounced his leg ever so slightly. It couldn't have been a simple restless tic. ‘Choly squinted his eyes tight, and gagged. Eventually, he pushed through his mental viscosity to place a begging hand on Sticks’s knee. He gripped it with firm intent. Sticks’s leg stopped.
“Think about it,” Sticks said. “Why else would The Hall freeze repairs on the property it owns? They're shooting themselves in the foot because it's the cheaper option. Classic bureaucratic maneuver. Just think of the good we’re doing, to go on this little ramble. It’s going to be more important than ever for Ant to keep its economic ties with the outside world.”
“--What, what are you even on about?” ‘Choly put his limp, haggard cheek against Sticks’s shoulder. “I didn't hear the announcement this morning, and I don't know what these ‘Certs’ are.”
“You're Lucky to keep being out of the loop on some of this malarkey, babe. The Hall’s been paying everyone for the repairs to the mall in Certs. Mall certificates. You remember those, right?”
‘Choly nodded, mentally sapped. Just this context alone started to percolate incredulity, but Sticks continued, much to the malaise of everyone present. Yet, ‘Choly welcomed any clinical, economic topic over his present preoccupation.
“Certs are worth what The Hall says they're worth. You know what they say about invention…” The ghoul wagged a lyrical finger at Maury. Maury chuffed and smiled, shaking his head. “These things work a lot like how they did before the War. You can only spend them in the Concourse, and only with Laners who abide by the logic of face value. Everyone thinks The Hall will just… pay up, all up front, the moment repairs are done, but I've said it before, and I'll say it again: that pay day will never come. See, it isn't just that they haven't got enough pulls to pay everyone the value of their labor. If it were that simple, they'd pay people in caps when they ran out of pulls, then in cash, and so on. They lose equity if they exhaust their coffers in full. It's no coincidence they'd value Certs in the only currency exclusive to the settlement, either: even if they do pay out one day, a guy can still only spend his earnings here. The Hall can't afford to invest in their own population here, but they're simultaneously reliant on us to fix everything. Cheapskates.”
“Your theory makes an alarming amount of sense, if true,” Fresnel uttered. “I've spoken with several Laners who believe Certs will accrue value, not lose it. It's going to destroy people who've been stockpiling Certs, thinking they've amassed great wealth during a harrowing time.”
“Some, more than others. I hate to break Orqueida’s heart, but poor soul, she really thinks those Certs are worth something. I didn't want to be right.”
“Perhaps the girl will do the smart thing,” Maury supposed, ”and use them to buy all the supplies you all will need next week. They might not even be worth the paper they're written on before you return.”
“You make it sound like no one's cashing in their Certs right now,” ‘Choly said.
“No one can,” Maury continued. He started ladling out servings into bowls, and started with the two Satellites sitting nearest him. “Certs have what Sticks calls ‘speculative value.’ The idea is that people hold onto them, in the hopes they'll eventually be paid.”
“One big whopping I.O.U. is what it is,” Sticks went on. “Write up however many slips of paper that say they’re worth pulls. Draw the Mayor's face on it, for all I care. The only thing that's worth a pull is a pull. Thing is, Mindy. What you've got to understand… These Certs have a clause written on them. They've got this fine print. You know how fine print goes.”
Again, ‘Choly nodded.
“There's a clause that states, clear as day, that The Hall will only cash in on Certs once repairs are completed in full. And as of this morning, The Hall will not contract another minute’s worth of labor for said repairs. It would take them disregarding the terms and conditions of their own damn play money, for this to amount to something. Or, I don't know, requiring the remainder of the work be done completely pro bono. I saw this all coming a mile away.”
The two Satellites ‘Choly didn't know groaned.
“Sticks is so financially bright,” Maury praised, perking up. “He advised all of us in Covered Parking to trade away our Certs, so we wouldn't end up holding mere slips of paper when the time came and passed without us being paid. It wasn't easy to keep the Laners from jumping to some conclusion that we're rejecting their money. We respect pulls, not Certs.”
“You had their best interests in mind, but couldn't convince Orqueida not to hoard them?” ‘Choly snipped, trying not to seethe. “If you're so smart with money, why are you screwing over Laners over this, instead of scheming up some way to screw over The Hall for engineering this inconceivable exploitation?”
‘Choly felt Sticks’s fingers tracing the laces of his Surgical Leathers through his shirt. His irritation sublimated into awkwardness, and his heart ratcheted, between his lusting after the specter of Daria, and Sticks’s lusting after the specter in his lap.
“Don't blow a gasket,” Sticks soothed. “One, I can't just make people do whatever I want, even if it's for their own good. The more I've tried to convince her, the more adamant she's gotten that I'm just trying to get rich off this. She's not the only one this situation has made paranoid as sin. If she wants my help sorting all this out, she'll ask me for it. Hopefully, she'll come around before the Concourse catches on to what The Hall is pulling. Two, give it time. Have a little faith in me, why don't you.”
Something about the whole situation felt off. He wondered what currency the Mayor had been donating to Sutter Grove. But he was too tired to hash out whether speculating were constructive, or if he were simply inventing reasons to worry. It would take little persuasion on his part at this point, to coax his leather-skinned companion to act on all those little nips and teases once they retired for the evening.
He resigned to a coy smile. Just the notion of bedding Sticks tonight cast out a tether to moor him to reality.
“We've all had a long day. Can we stop talking business and just… eat? So we can have some quiet, and maybe get to bed at a reasonable hour?”
“Grandpa ‘Choly, looking to get in bed before the sun’s even down,” Sticks ribbed.
And yet, ‘Choly found that the more pyretic his recollections became, the less he genuinely desired to act upon them. He knew he craved some unknown nourishment, but remained unconvinced Sticks alone might provide it.[98-6]
“Another proof that I'm not a vampire. I'm not nocturnal.”
“All right, then, Daywalker,” Maury smirked, clever and delighted. He ladled up a shallow metal bowl and gave it to ‘Choly. “Don't bite.”
For a while, conversation quietened with everyone's mouths full. ‘Choly couldn't place any one particular ingredient or even flavor to the strange stew, but true to Sticks's description, he found it delicious nonetheless. It would stick to the ribs, and had an indescribable complexity to it. He thought briefly to ask whether it contained any dairy, but it seemed unlikely, all things given, and he doubted Maury or any who'd helped him prepare the meal would have remembered anyway. He couldn't help but agree with Sticks: This was leagues better than razorgrain porridge or ancient preserved rations.
“So how much work do you suspect you have left on Blue?” he asked them.
“Less than either of us believed,” Fresnel replied. She ate another bite, chewing thoroughly, before elaborating. “The rads which saturate Blue have energized me as I work. That said, much of the restoration is the interior. Engine damages were minor. It surely is a shame it couldn't just be myself and Sticks, to go North. It feels like something of a waste, to scour Atom’s touch from the inside of the auto.”
“You and I might enjoy that glow,” Sticks started with a smirk, “but you and I both also know I would prefer it if my vehicle could have passengers who aren't immune to it.”
“I can respect that.” She grinned into her dish. “After all, Her Light still courses through the engine itself.”
“The, ah, sooner that engine can be secured,” Maury uttered, the corners of his mouth twitching, “the sooner Covered Parking can rest easy. I admit freely, that I started helping Sticks with the vehicle, prior to the storm, because I had wanted to keep an eye on the invertible. I hope you understand that I appreciate that you haven't invited me along, despite my involvement. I fear my heart would give out on the spot if I so much as thought of stepping inside one myself.”
“Quite all right, pal,” Sticks replied. “We can't have that. You're best suited to holding down the fort here, and we all know that. We appreciate all you've done for Blue. We appreciate you. All of you,” he added, motioning around at the six or so who'd since joined the circle once servings began making rounds.
“Thank you for dinner,” ‘Choly agreed, quietly.
“It's nothing,” Maury chirped, beaming.
“Oh! mais it is everything!” Fresnel insisted, with warmth and enthusiasm. “Come now, Monsieur Maury. Accept the praise! Acknowledge all Atom has provided us.”
She rose from her seat and extended both hands to Maury, encouraging him to stand. He hesitated, but complied, and she had him escort her back down to ground level.
Sticks pressed his face near ‘Choly's ear.
“You good to sit tight while I help these fine folks with the dishes?” he asked him. “Not much daylight left.”
“That's sweet of you,” he agreed, letting Sticks squeeze out from under him. A bit unlike him, though, to take on a menial task like that, when numerous others could handle it.
“It's the least I can do for their hospitality.”
“Oh! Do let me help, Sir,” Angel begged in delight, following him.
As the group rounded up the various tins and dishes to rinse, ‘Choly sat by the fire and watched. He still had so much to take care of before they headed out in two days. He needed to craft a fresh batch of Melancholia. And he needed to do one more pass of maintenance on Angel, and refuel it. And he needed to return the Lights Out holotape to Sacristan Haidinger, along with a copy. He could ask Sticks to copy the holotape with his more advanced dual-deck Pip-Boy model, while he drew the blood required to concoct the Melancholia. But, he shook the idea from his head with the two-fold dread, not just from a likelihood he’d have to confess the cause of his sexual restlessness was not Sticks, but more so for the certainty that he would insist ‘Choly then owed him a favor--he was forever adamant to be repaid in kind for just about any favor, no matter how small or convenient, and this would be no different.
He whet his lips and hemmed.
No, I’ll duplicate it without bothering him with it. Yes. I’ll format one of the JBD holotapes, and use that. But… I think I’ll give it another listen first. Maybe… several.
He rattled back to the present when someone rustled his shoulder.
“Did you really mean it that you wanted to go to bed early tonight?” Sticks ribbed.
When ‘Choly glanced up at him, the ghoul winked. He extended both hands to ‘Choly and helped him stand. Despite the mixed messages, all that mattered in that moment was the opportunity to spend time with the man of his dreams. Nonetheless entangled in the silvering cobwebs of the past, he needed more than anything to acclimate to the present, and be elated for the future.[98-7]
[98-0] Arch Oboler’s Lights Out, episode “Murder in the Script Department.” To pair the audio with the text, if desired: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPqvsdjJq1M
[98-1] “So in love with the wrong world.” Florence & the Machine’s “Blinding.”
[98-2] Рентгениздат. Röntgenizdat. During the Soviet era’s deep censorship, Russia saw extensive black market trafficking of all sorts of non-Russian media, most notably music. Also called ribs, bones, or bone music, old x-ray film was repurposed to cut “blank” records, upon which would then be recorded music from all over the world. The records made this way retain their x-ray images.
[98-2] Гостелерадио СССР (Gosteleradio). A prominent authority in Soviet censorship, this state committee regulated all television and radio media, especially non-Russian content. A separate committee also regulated printed work.
[98-3] Стиляги (Stilyagi). The prevalent Soviet counterculture in the post-WWII era, it embraced whatever Western fashion trends and culture it could get away with. Many stilyagi fashioned their own clothing from old textiles because it was otherwise impossible to obtain garments in the styles they sought, both in cut and color.
[98-4] Chapter 50, “Mouthful.” The first time ‘Choly and Sticks laid together, ‘Choly swore to him he was a virgin, entirely convinced at the time that his recollection of this particular aspect of his past was accurate.
[98-5] Чубчик (chubchik), duck’s arse. A common rebellious hairstyle amongst drafted Soviet soldiers in WWII was a shorn head with clean-cut bangs, often thought to have originated from a desire to find ways to fly in the face of rules and regulations, by finding acts that still follow them. The military regulation merely stated the maximum length of hair and the neatness of the style, and said nothing of the appropriateness of bangs. The average Soviet porting chubchik was considered a hoodlum or bad boy, and it still has a reputation to this day. A duck’s arse was one of several mid-century Western styles quintessential to stilyagi fashion.
[98-6] Unknown nourishment. Kafka’s Metamorphosis. What sets a human apart from any other creature is the pursuit of some intangible quality, of which Gregor Samsa recognizes that his sister has found and benefits from, but which he himself never quite grasps.
[98-7] Серебряная паутина (Serebryanaya pautina), silvering cobwebs. Again with the motif of the dramatic irony commanded by the flickering threads of circumstance.
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travelif3 · 1 year
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What are the best family-friendly resorts in France?
Top 5 Family-Friendly Resorts in France: Perfect Vacation Spots for Everyone
Are you planning a family vacation in France and searching for the best family-friendly resorts? Look no further! In this article, we have compiled a list of the top 5 resorts in France that cater specifically to families. From exciting activities for kids to luxurious amenities for parents, these resorts offer a perfect blend of relaxation and fun for the whole family. Let's dive in!
Club Med Opio en Provence, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur:
Located in the picturesque region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Club Med Opio en Provence is a dream destination for families. This all-inclusive resort features spacious family rooms, an array of sports activities, a dedicated Kids Club with age-appropriate programs, and a stunning water park. Parents can unwind at the spa or enjoy a round of golf, while children engage in supervised fun at the kids' club.
Les Villages Nature Paris, Île-de-France:
For families looking to combine the magic of Disneyland Paris with a relaxing resort experience, Les Villages Nature Paris is an excellent choice. Situated just a few kilometers from Disneyland, this eco-friendly resort offers comfortable accommodations, an impressive water park, farm animals for kids to interact with, and various outdoor activities such as hiking and biking. It's an ideal destination for a memorable family vacation.
Pierre & Vacances Belle Dune, Hauts-de-France:
Nestled on the scenic coast of the Hauts-de-France region, Pierre & Vacances Belle Dune is a fantastic resort for families seeking beachside fun. The resort provides self-catering apartments with fully equipped kitchens, a large aquatic center with pools and slides, a golf course, and a range of family-oriented activities. With direct access to the beach, it's perfect for building sandcastles and enjoying coastal adventures.
Center Parcs Les Trois Forêts, Grand Est:
Surrounded by lush green forests, Center Parcs Les Trois Forêts offers an idyllic getaway for families in the Grand Est region. The resort features comfortable cottages nestled in nature, a tropical swimming paradise, an indoor play area for kids, bike rentals, and a host of outdoor recreational options such as hiking, boating, and wildlife spotting. This resort provides a peaceful retreat for families seeking tranquility and outdoor adventures.
Domaine des Ormes, Brittany:
Situated in the beautiful region of Brittany, Domaine des Ormes is a resort that caters to families of all ages. The expansive estate offers a wide range of accommodations, including treehouses and safari tents, as well as a comprehensive selection of family-friendly facilities. Kids will love the adventure playgrounds, horseback riding, and mini-farm, while parents can enjoy golf, fishing, or simply unwinding in the serene surroundings.
When it comes to family-friendly resorts, France has no shortage of incredible options. From the sunny south to the charming north, these top 5 resorts offer unforgettable experiences for the whole family. Whether you seek beachside relaxation, thrilling activities, or a mix of both, these resorts have you covered. Plan your next family vacation in France and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
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uksresort · 2 years
Best Resort Near Pune and Mumbai for One Day Picnic - UK’s Resort
With the busy life of the city of Pune, you always need a break to freshen up. There are many resorts near Pune, but one in UK’s Resort should be mentioned. 2 hours drive from Pune city, and enjoy serene views, and beautiful nature. The One Day Picnic Resort in Khopoli with the best accommodation packages and different accommodations with food and live music.
UK’s Resort is a great place for group activities to help you have fun with your loved ones. You can enjoy exciting sports such as indoor and outdoor games as well as competitive games such as rifle shooting, archery, darts, etc. Compete with each other and achieve the best scores as it not only helps you improve your skills. You can also enjoy exciting activities to make your weekend more special.
Wide Opportunities for Children
Take advantage of the extensive lawns to play games such as cricket, football, badminton, ball toss, etc., or enjoy a game of table tennis/carr with your family. Impeccable hospitality and a variety of entertainment give the event a unique flavor. We have a spacious 5-acre open space for corporate and educational institutions to organize sporting events.
Stay Packages
UK’s Resorts offers several stay packages that offer you the perfect combination of comfortable accommodation, sumptuous food, and rewarding entertainment. You can enjoy these packages with family, friends, relatives, or even office colleagues. UK’s Resorts has a variety of accommodation facilities where you can spend time with your family in comfort and privacy. Living conditions are better than in the best resorts near Pune.
One day packages
UK’s Resorts also offers all-inclusive day packages that give you all the fun elements of a resort smartly built into a day itinerary. You can enjoy all the amenities and taste delicious food for breakfast, lunch, and Hi-Tea, as well as take part in more than 50 adventure activities.
Accommodation options range from luxurious rooms to large dorms. If you are a large group and want to spend a memorable time then UK’s is the Best Resort in Pune that loves to stay together for endless fun, we also have a very homely villa that can accommodate you all together. And if you're adventurous, you'll love our camping tents. Sing around a campfire with millions of stars above you, which is the essence of a great camping experience. We also have a daytime picnic option where you can have unlimited fun and connect with friends and family all day long.
Being in nature, and communicating with loved ones is the best way to use time. The amount of time spent somewhere does not matter as much as how you spend that time.
Sanitation and Hygiene
We ensure your safety while taking the necessary hygiene and sanitation precautions. Cleaning and disinfection standards are maintained through rigorous processes and employee training to ensure that our guests have a cleaner and safer stay from check-in to check-out. Our number one priority has always been the safety and well-being of our guests and employees.
Staff Training and Preparation 
At UK’s  Resort, we teach good respiratory etiquette, which includes simple, effective steps like covering coughs and sneezes, washing hands properly, and keeping a safe physical distance. Housekeeping and service personnel must wear masks at all times.
Why Us?
UK’s Resorts is the ideal location for your next vacation. Why travel further to enjoy the beauty of nature when there is a facility nearby? Choose the UK’s Resort in Khopoli.
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partypluss-blog · 11 days
Create Unforgettable Moments: Planning a Children’s Birthday Party in Singapore
When it comes to organizing a Children Birthday Party in Singapore, making the event special and memorable is a priority for every parent. From a fun-filledballoon house to exciting mobile soft play rental, Singapore offers a wide range of options to ensure your child’s party stands out. For those seeking something unique, an inflatable bubble tent rental can create a magical atmosphere that will leave the little ones amazed.
Choosing the Perfect Venue for a Birthday Party
The first step in planning a birthday party is selecting the right venue. Many parents opt for traditional options like parks, community centers, or at home, but thinking outside the box can add an extra element of excitement. Renting a balloon house or considering an inflatable bubble tent rental provides a unique setting that will capture the imagination of children and parents alike. With Singapore’s pleasant weather, an outdoor party using these rental services can create a delightful backdrop for games and activities.
Why Consider an Inflatable Bubble Tent?
Aninflatable bubble tent rental adds a distinctive touch to any birthday party. These transparent, inflatable structures offer a great way to bring the outdoors indoors or create a whimsical space for the party. The bubble tent allows for a controlled, cozy environment while still giving the illusion of an open, airy setting. Children can play safely inside, away from the elements, and it’s the perfect setting for both indoor and outdoor games. Moreover, decorating the tent with vibrant colors, streamers, and party supplies can elevate the experience.
Mobile Soft Play Rental: Perfect for Active Kids
Children love to move around, and providing them with an engaging space to do so can make the birthday party even more enjoyable. A mobile soft play rental offers an array of fun-filled activities for kids of various ages. These mobile play setups come with cushioned structures designed to encourage safe, active play, making it ideal for toddlers and young children. Whether it’s climbing, sliding, or jumping, mobile soft play ensures that kids stay entertained while developing their motor skills.
For busy parents, mobile play rentals offer the advantage of being set up anywhere, from the garden to a community hall, and can be tailored to your space requirements.
Balloon House: A Party Favorite
What’s a birthday party without a balloon house? This inflatable structure has become a staple at children’s parties due to its universal appeal and simplicity. Kids can jump around in the safety of an enclosed space filled with soft air cushions, while parents can relax knowing their little ones are entertained. A balloon house also adds a visual element to the party, acting as a centerpiece that draws children in for hours of bouncing fun.
For a more interactive experience, Party Plus offers themed balloon houses that can match the party’s color scheme or concept, be it superheroes, princesses, or animals.
Organizing a Hassle-Free Party
Planning a Children Birthday Party Singapore can be time-consuming, but renting the right entertainment can reduce much of the stress. Party Plus, for instance, provides all-in-one solutions, including setup and takedown services, leaving you free to enjoy the celebration. By utilizing services like mobile soft play rental and inflatable bubble tent rental, you can transform any venue into a dream playland for your child and their friends.
Decorating Ideas for a Themed Birthday Party
No children’s birthday party is complete without decorations. Singapore offers many stores and online platforms that specialize in party décor. Whether it’s balloons, streamers, or themed table settings, decorating your venue can help create the festive atmosphere every child looks forward to. When paired with a balloon house or bubble tent, the right decorations can bring the theme to life.
Safety First: Ensuring a Fun Yet Secure Environment
Safety is always a concern when planning an event for children. Renting play equipment like balloon houses and mobile soft play rentals from reliable providers ensures that the inflatables are properly set up and supervised by professionals. Make sure the equipment is age-appropriate and that there is sufficient adult supervision to monitor the play areas. Inflatable play structures are designed to be safe, but it’s always best to follow safety guidelines provided by the rental service.
Why Choose Party Plus for Your Child’s Birthday?
Party Plus is your go-to provider for fun, reliable entertainment for anyChildren Birthday Party in Singapore. With a wide range of rentals like balloon houses, inflatable bubble tents, and mobile soft play, they have everything you need to create a memorable event. Their professional team ensures seamless setup and teardown, allowing you to focus on making lasting memories with your child.
Planning a memorable Children Birthday Party in Singapore can be both fun and stress-free with the right resources. From renting a colorful balloon house to an exciting mobile soft play rental, there are plenty of options to make the day unforgettable. For parents looking to create something magical, an inflatable bubble tent rental can be a fantastic addition. With Party Plus, you can ensure that every detail is taken care of, so your child’s special day is filled with joy, laughter, and lots of play!
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moonkidshome · 18 days
Pick the Best Play Teepee Tent Online for Active Children by Moonkidshome
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Children's playtime is a sacred, imaginative world where creativity knows no bounds. Creating a special space for this imaginative play can be magical, and what better way to do so than with a play teepee tent?
Moonkidshome offers a fantastic range of teepee tents that cater to the adventurous spirits of active children. Here's why choosing the best play teepee tent from Moonkidshome will elevate your child's playtime experience.
Why a Teepee Tent?
A play teepees tent for kids is more than just a plaything; it's a doorway to countless adventures. It can transform into a castle, a pirate ship, a cozy reading nook, or a secret hideout. The versatility of a teepee tent encourages children to let their imagination run wild, providing hours of engaging and active play. Moreover, it offers a personal space for kids to retreat, fostering independence and a sense of ownership.
Features of Moonkidshome Teepee Tents
Moonkidshome specializes in creating high-quality, child-friendly teepee tents. Here are some standout features that make their products the best choice:
1. Durable Materials
Moonkidshome Play teepee tents are crafted from durable, non-toxic materials. The sturdy cotton canvas and solid wooden poles ensure the tent withstands the rigors of enthusiastic play. Safety is a top priority, and these tents are designed to be both strong and safe for children.
2. Easy Assembly
Parents will appreciate the easy assembly process of Moonkidshome teepee tents. With straightforward instructions and minimal components, setting up the tent is quick and hassle-free. This means more time for fun and less time wrestling with complicated setups.
3. Attractive Designs
The designs offered by Moonkidshome are both aesthetically pleasing and engaging for children. From classic white to vibrant patterns and themes, there’s a teepee to suit every child’s taste. These designs not only enhance the play experience but also add a charming touch to any room decor.
4. Portable and Lightweight
These teepee tents are lightweight and portable, making them easy to move from room to room or even outdoors. Whether it's an indoor playdate or a sunny day in the backyard, Moonkidshome tents provide a versatile play environment.
5. Customizable Options
Moonkidshome offers customizable options, allowing you to add personal touches to the teepee. From choosing specific colors to adding name tags or themed accessories, you can create a unique play space tailored to your child's preferences.
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ymabouncycastles · 24 days
Children Party Bouncy Castle Hire in UK Safety Tips For a Fun and Secure Bouncy Castle Experience
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When it comes to planning a memorable function or party, bouncy castle hire is a perfect choice for both kids and adults. These party rentals can keep guests entertained for hours. However, ensuring a safe and secure bouncy castle experience is crucial. In this blog post, we will provide you with essential safety tips to guarantee a fun-filled and worry-free time in your rented bouncy castle. Whether you’re considering a cheap bouncy castle for hire, or an indoor bouncy castle rental, these tips will apply to all types of inflatable rentals.
Choose a Reliable and Reputable Rental Provider
The first step to a safe bouncy castle experience starts with selecting a reliable and reputable bouncy castle hire service. Look for companies that specialize in inflatable rentals. Read customer reviews, check their safety certifications, and ensure they follow industry standards. By choosing a trusted rental provider, you can have peace of mind knowing that you’ll receive a well-maintained and safe bouncy castle.
Properly Set Up and Secure the Bouncy Castle
Once you have your inflatable party rental, it’s crucial to set it up correctly to ensure stability and safety. Follow the provided instructions or seek assistance from the rental company if needed. Place the bouncy castle on a flat, level surface away from any sharp objects or obstacles. Use secure anchor points, such as stakes or sandbags, to prevent them from tipping or shifting during use. If you’re renting an indoor bouncy castle, make sure it’s properly secured to the floor or wall as per the rental guidelines.
Establish and Enforce Safety Rules
To ensure a safe bouncy castle experience, it’s important to establish and enforce safety rules for all participants. Post visible signs near the entrance outlining the rules, such as:
Remove shoes, glasses, and sharp objects before entering the bouncy castle.
Avoid rough play, pushing, or overcrowding.
Prohibit climbing on the walls or netting.
Assign adult supervisors to oversee the bouncy castle and enforce the rules.
Monitor Weather Conditions
Weather conditions can impact the safety of the bouncy castle. Avoid setting up or using the inflatable rental during strong winds, thunderstorms, or other adverse weather conditions. Instead of this, you can ask for indoor bouncy castle hire to keep the party on in any weather condition. If you’re hosting an outdoor event, consider renting a gazebo or tent to provide shade and protection from light rain.
Hire the Right Bouncy Castle
When hiring a bouncy castle, it’s essential to consider the age groups and separate options for kids and adults. For the younger ones, choose a kid’s bouncy castle for hire specifically designed with safety features and an appropriate size. Adults can also enjoy the thrill by selecting the Adult Bouncy Castle hire service.
A fun and secure bouncy castle experience is achievable by following these essential safety tips. Whether you’re choosing a cheap bouncy castle for hire, or considering other inflatable rentals such as slides or soft play equipment, prioritize safety at all times. By taking the mentioned precautions, you can create lasting memories with bouncy castle hire services.
For premium bouncy castles and inflatable party rentals in North London, West London, Essex, and Enfield, look no further than YMA Bouncy Castle.
Check out our exclusive bouncy castle collection and Contact us today to book your bouncy castle for a fantastic experience.
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jjaybrown4-blog · 1 month
Poison Garden Legacy by rose supports sims
Legacy rules - Every Generation
Complete the relevant career, aspiration and max the skill(s) 
I’ve tried to leave room for creativity and your story inc. a trait slot per gen. Feel free to change rules to match your packs/story idea. The only thing you must keep is the “poison” trait for each gen, and keeping the challenge level the same by swapping out a maxed skill for another skill etc.
Each heir should try and have their urn saved and a portrait painted. 
Kids can be biological or adopted except in Gen 9. 
Play it berry/banilla or vanilla with the colours used in decor/clothes.
If you decide to try and wanna let me know tag #poisongardenlegacy or #simspgl and I’ll boost. I’m currently playtesting under the same tag and tweaking as I go.
GEN ONE | Aconite 
Beware; A Deadly Foe is Near
Raised by a paranoid mother, your founder has been taught to fend for herself and trust no-one. After running away from a dark event in your past, you live in almost complete isolation, nature is your family and your protector, and your bite is worse than your bark. You swear you need nothing and nobody but yourself for the rest of your life.
Colours: Pale Green & Deep blue || Traits: Loner, Loves Outdoors + Your Pick
Skill to Max: Herbalism || Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Living situation rules
Private + Off the grid lot traits. Try and pick an isolated lot in a rural-ish world. 
[OPTIONAL Cottage Living - Simple Living Lot Challenge] 
Indoor space limited to 32 tiles (tiny home). 
Vibe - Use hedges/trees to hide your lot’s buildings. Once you build up money, house style is up to you, but in theory you’ve built it yourself so keep it simple, keep it tiny!
Start up
This is a rags to riches gen - you can use your start-up funds to buy at most a water collector, solar panel, a grill, a woodworking bench, gardening stuff with basic seed packs x 1. With leftover cash you can set up either an indoor sleeping space or a tent, an outhouse etc. Make it as hard as you like
You should not start out with a generator, fridge or oven or any sort of nice house situation. You want em you better save up!
Decorate in a survivalist type style, then reduce funds to 100 simoleons to start play. 
You may only meet/romance/socialise with other sims in a vacation world (Granite Falls or Selvadorado - if you don’t have these, choose a neighbourhood you don’t live in to act as your “vacation” world) where you go to gather ingredients. You can change this rule to suit your story, but the main thing is that you basically pick one off-lot location that is your hunting ground for any relationships.
You should not tell the other parent about any children and the children should not leave the lot aside from school (foraging, for story purposes) until they’re teens. At school they may not use the socialise interaction. 
You may only leave your lot to “trade” (vacation) or “forage” (travel to other neighbourhoods in search of seeds). You may only forage at night.
Any sims who auto interact with you you must be mean to, if they persist, you fight them. If they seriously wont stop… maybe they die
Money Making 
You make what you can and fund what you can’t by selling your produce/makes/finds etc.
If you have Cottage Living, you MUST go to the stalls in town or Creature Keeper in order to sell your produce (and items from your inventory). For an extra challenge, you may choose only do this while the Finchwick Fair is on on Saturdays.
Optional Extras
Grow a death flower and pass this through all the generations when each heir reaches teen. You shouldn’t use it. 
Grow a Wolfsbane (Aconite!) flower and [CL] enter it in the Finchwick Fair as a low key evil joke
Make Every Canning Recipe and have em on a survival shelf
Have an evil chicken (Cottage Living)
Gen Two | Lily of the Valley  Sweetness/Tears
You’ve been shielded from the world but a chance encounter as a teen made you dream of a bigger world than your family plot. Running away on your 18th birthday, the big wide world may be uglier than you dreamed.
Colours: Green + White || Traits: Foodie, squeamish + your choice
Skills to Max: Wellness, baking || Aspiration: Soulmate
Relationship Rules 
You become infatuated with the first stranger you meet as a teen, sneak out with them, they will be your only external contact until you move out.
Give them the non-committal trait. They should never become a boy/girlfriend or marry you, or even share a room with you. 
Living situation rules 
Your teen obsession takes you in when you run away on your YA birthday, but it’s an unequal partnership that leaves you as lonely as you ever were in the wild. Once you move out you may not have any contact with your parent. 
You effectively become a live in housekeeper, cook and then nanny when you have their child. Baking is your one outlet aside from your love for your child. 
When your child ages to child, you steal enough money to leave. You may cheat if necessary to have the funds to buy a basic starter home (under 20k) in a new neighbourhood where you know nobody. A kindly neighbour offers support and a second chance at love… if you can let yourself trust them.
Making Money: 
You may not have a job until you get your own place. Then you may take any part time job/jobs to support you or own a bakery.
If you have the cupcake machine while at your baby daddy’s you can sell cupcakes to the bakery to make money for your escape/life afterwards
[CL]As a child, befriend a wild animal who is your only friend until you move out.
Max the child motor skill due to your parent’s obsession with you being able to run away from stuff.
[HSY] - sneak out to a teen hang lot to meet your secret crush/love. 
Don’t take up yoga/wellness until after you leave your toxic first love.
Your child(ren) should never eat quick meals. Always cook, as many recipes as possible, and make sure to bake a cake for every birthday. 
Write a cookbook [Cottage Living]
Gen Three | Rosary Pea  Pretty poisonous
You grew up in a financially struggling household with a parent who believed a deep breath and a cookie could fix everything. You’re pretty sure that money is actually the answer. You pursue fame and the adoration that comes with it. Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy security.
Colours: White, Deep Red || Traits: Self absorbed, materialistic + your choice
Skills to max: Charisma + the skill associated with the flavour of fame you’re pursuing
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Relationship: Marriage is just another transaction. You prioritise a savvy partnership that will help you climb the ladder. Folks say you’re a gold-digger - you say you’re just gold.
Your spouse should be more famous/wealthy/connected than you. 
Once you have locked them down, you look to meet your needs elsewhere. Have at least one affair. It is up to you whether you regret this, leave/kill your spouse/have a series of not so secret lovers. Whatever fits your character. 
You may have children with whatever combo you like, though your heir should be born during your status spouse’s lifetime to inherit their wealth. 
Living situation rules: the flashier the better 
Prior to your marriage, live in the most expensive rental lot you can afford, even if you can’t keep the lights on. Take as much of your parents money as you can.
Move in with your status spouse as soon as possible. Add 5k for “wedding pictures” and spend their money on all of the upgrades and status symbols you desire
Making Money: Depending on your packs, pursue either the entertainer, or actor careers.
Optional Extras
Complete the Admired Icon teen aspiration
Pursue fame - up to you how successful you are! Are you forever a z list wannabe or do you make it big and find it hollow?
Maintain a specific image - pick your style and look and regularly update your outfits as you try and cling on to youth and status.
Enrol your kids in afterschool drama clubs, social clubs and make sure they are socialising with other wealthy “celeb” children. 
Gen Four - Lantana  
An Invasive Species
Your parents believed only in status and wealth and it left you rich, but with an empty feeling inside. You decide to find meaning by giving back to those less fortunate than yourself, whether they ask for your help or not…
Colours: Red/Orange/Yellow || Traits: Adventurous, snob + your choice
Skill to max: Photography, Selvadorada culture (or Vampire Lore if you’re into that)
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Relationship rules: There are just soooo many interesting sims in the world and you can’t limit yourself or them to monogamy. 
You collect lovers around the world the same way you collect artefacts and memories, and if you sometimes end up with a souvenir in the form of a child, well that’s just another gift. 
Have at least two kids from different parents, only one genetic donor per homeworld. Up to you how deep the relationship goes. 
Partners can’t move in. 
Have a distant relationship with your kids, make sure they have a nice nanny or whatever but you shouldn’t be the one doing their skills or homework, just bringing them inappropriate gifts!
Living situation rules: Live wherever you want, you’ll hardly ever be there! You can stay in your parents gaudy home or sell it and buy yourself a pied-a-terre. And keep it classy, you might be on an endless gap yah but you still like nice things.
Making Money: Live on your parents earnings - that’s what they’re for! If you do need a job (ew?) then you can be an influencer, a photographer or an archaeologist. You just love exotic culture after all!
Optional Extras: 
Develop a following on Trendi and make the town wear your amazing (or terrible) designs
Complete as many collections as you can, display them.
Eat every world food from the streetfood stands
Spend a game week in each vacation world you have (Granite Falls, Selvadorada, Mt Komorebi)
Explore the Jungle Adventure temples, hoard as much stuff as you can
Gen Five - Tansy 
This Means War
One parent viewed you more as a curiosity than as a person and the other was never about. Worse, they completely squandered your family fortune. With nothing left but a name, you don’t have much choice but to pursue less savory means of survival
Colours: Yellow - 2nd colour your pick if you like Traits: Evil, Creative + your choice
Skill to max: Mischief, Handiness   | Aspiration: Public Enemy
Set Up: Move all the collection items and treasures your parent amassed to the family inventory and leave it there for Gen 10. They were “lost”, along with your fortune in a series of shady “charity” ventures.
Relationship rules: You don’t trust easily and you don’t trust often. 
Your prospective partner must reach BFF and Partners in Crime status before you can initiate any romance. 
Once partnered, only death can part you. Interpret that as you will. 
All children - have at least 2 - must be with this partner.
The children should be opposites and you should have a clear favourite who is not your heir.
Living situation rules: 
At the start of the Generation you inherit your parent’s estate… and their debts. Take over one of their properties (their actual primary residence or a vacation home), sell all the furniture except bathroom and kitchen basics, then set your money to $1000. Their debts are settled, but you’re on your own in an empty shell. 
Once you’ve rebuilt, you build a hidden lair which must be locked to all but you. Anyone entering your home should see the home of an upright citizen. Your kids are seemingly perfect, things are tidy, but all is not as it seems. 
Making money:��Be a criminal. Take what you can, wherever you can to restore your fortunes. You deserve it right?
Infiltrate the most exclusive in game club and take it over, turning it to evil and expand it to maximum members. Have the dastardly club perk
Pass as many diabolical NAPs as possible
Groom one of your children (not the heir) to take over your criminal empire, max their toddler skills and make sure they age up with the emotional control trait. Make this child head of a club that the other kid isn’t allowed to join.
Gen 6 | Bittersweet Nightshade 
 Effective Against Bitchcraft
You grew up hating your seemingly perfect sibling, and how your parent clearly preferred them. Your goal in life is simple, to beat them, and the world at everything. (If you like playing with magic, you could make the sibling magical, just to really rub things in).
Colours: Purple + Yellow  | Traits: Jealous, Ambitious + Your Pick
Skill to max: Whichever your sibling is best at when you age to YA + Research and Debate
Aspiration: Mansion Baron OR Villainous Valentine
Relationship rules: 
Steal the partner(s) you want from someone else. Ideally your sibling’s true love but really anyone you take a liking to. All romantic partners should be in a relationship/married when you initiate romance.
Become enemies with their former partners
Take all their money when you move them in
Do not adopt any step children. Either your partner (or a nanny) should stay home and ensure your kids max toddler skills, gets As and generally make you look good.
Living situation rules: The best house ever. Huge. Expensive. Your sibling could never, Bonus points if you live next door to them and dump trash on their lot. Bonus bonus points if it’s a McMansion
Making Money: Politics call to you - if you run the world then you can make your sibling and everyone that reminds you a bit of them illegal. No you don’t think that’s problematic at all. 
Optional Extras
Complete the Drama Llama teen aspiration
Have a bad reputation
Only be friends with people you consider beneath you. If your friends ever beat you at something or get promoted above you, you must be mean to them until you’re enemies.
Start a club for hangers on whose activities include being mean to your enemies and is bitter rivals with your siblings club. Fight them.
—————— Gen Seven | Digitalis 
 Light fingers, light touch
Your parent was possessive, destructively intense and you are more interested in just drifting through life, banking on your innocent looks to fly under the radar and your athletic skill to run away very fast from bad situations. You never meant to start stealing things, but you prefer your way of getting what you want to your parents, and its kinda fun knowing that your lifestyle could destroy their legacy!
Colours: Pink & Purple | Traits: Kleptomaniac, Romantic + your pick
Skill to max: Athletic | Aspiration: The Curator
Romance: It really couldn’t have been much less convenient for the person who stole your heart to be a detective(or military/secret agent). They’re rigid and law abiding while you’re a free-spirited thief, but having seen what a marriage of convenience and control did to your parents, you decide that you’d rather hide your less legal activities and follow your heart. 
Living Situation Rules: Having grown up in an ostentatious monstrosity of a house, you prefer simpler things. Your one extravagance is a gallery to proudly display your “collections”. Your partner thinks you’re just a big thrifter
Money making: Your primary income as a singleton should be stealing/collecting and selling your “finds”. If required, you can supplement this with odd jobs. Once you’re partnered you can join the decorator career if you choose, which may also help with your thieving! Alternately you can become a digital artist but only do the illegal jobs. 
Complete the Live Fast Teen aspiration
Access as many hidden worlds (Sylvan Glade/Cave of Sulani/Sixam etc) as you have access to an bring back a souvenir or stolen item from each
Maintain an excellent reputation - you may be a thief but you’re a damn good one!
Get involved in your kids lives, encourage their interests, your moral compass may not point north but you believe in them 100%
Take at least one family adventure holiday, ideally to Mt Komorebi and climb the mountain with your boo/ski with the kiddos
Gen Eight| Hydrangea 
Understand I’m Heartless
Growing up in the dazzle of your parents fairytale love, you thought the world was a magical place, until the sudden death of one parent left the other one broken. You vowed never to give someone else that power over you. Like the hydrangea whose flower colour is changed by the acidity of its surroundings, you are changed by this shift in environment. Will you ever feel differently?
Colours: Pink & Blue | Traits: Non-committal, childish +  your pick
Skill to max: Mixology + Juice Fizzing |  Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Romance: Romance is fun, until it isn’t and you’re terrified of love ruining your life so you’ll do anything in your power to stop it happening. You’ll take on responsibility for any kids you unintentionally parent, because you quite like children, but it would take something truly miraculous to make you let someone into your heart.
Living situation rules: Do not move in a partner sim until you have completed the serial romantic aspiration. Any children you parent must live with you, you can cheat a 5k “child support” payment for any kid you move in.
Money Making: Culinary (mixologist) branch. Juiced lips reveal their secrets and when you know someone at their worst, they can’t surprise you. You never expected to make a living getting people drunk - but it’s honest work
Own a bar - if you choose instead of doing the career you can run a bar/restaurant that focuses on booze, and helps you pick up partners
Take full custody of any children you create. If you play with mods, always use risky woohoo. If you don’t, flip a coin every time you want to woohoo to decide if it’s a woohoo or try for baby. 
Moonlight as a depressed comic or musician 
Complete the poster collection
Mix every type of drink
Throw a party once a week
Gen Nine Lobelia 
Malevolent Pen
You don’t have a terribly high opinion of people. Growing up knowing that you weren’t an intended child has always made you critical of yourself , which has made it easiest for you to just pass that criticism along. Turns out you can get paid for the kind of bitchy writing you excel at.
Colour: Blue and white | Traits: Perfectionist, mean + your pick
Skill to max: writing | Aspiration: Bestselling author
Romance: You choose a partner you feel superior to, and always keep them guessing. 
Use at least one mean interaction a day on any live in partners you try to “improve them”. You write novels about terrible wives and scheming husbands but can’t recognise the behaviour in yourself.
If your partner drops into the red for two consecutive days they will leave you. Give them half of any money you have when you move them out.
You must have a child with someone. Don’t adopt this generation, You’d hopefully fail the screening.
Living situation: You’re vain, judgy and kinda terrible, so of course you have the kind of fantastic home that looks great in the types of pretentious magazines that love to profile you and not so subtly imply you’re a diva.
Money making: Your poisoned pen is in demand from the moment you start a gossip column in the school paper. Pursue a career as a writer or critic and give any books you write suitably bitchy names. 
Optional Extras
Never have any real friends, only acquaintances. Introduce yourself to every sim you see. If you get too close to someone, you must push them away.
Use neighbourhood stories to break up/mess with your community’s progress. Write books about it
Gain a bad reputation
Have a pet that you actively prefer to your child, pamper them, build them a bedroom, love them in a way you never could a kid
You have terrible fomo. Every time you’re invited to do something, flip a coin and if it’s heads you have to go, even if it interrupts your wedding!
Gen Ten Hemlock 
I Will Cause Thy Death
Your parent kept detailed records of family history, and looking back, you’re pretty sure your line deserves to die out! Some of them have been ok, but mostly terrible. You dedicate your life to scholarship of your lineage, sure that if you don’t reproduce and take care to make known the misdeeds of your ancestors then others will avoid repeating their mistakes. 
Colour: Black & White | Traits:  Gloomy, hates children + your pick
Skill to max: Logic  |  Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Romance: You plan never to date, but in later life a research assistant becomes a friend, and becomes more. You decide that denying yourself love would be counterproductive, so you enjoy it while it lasts, confident that you’ll still never become a parent…
Living situation: You build a house with a room dedicated to each generation that has gone before, collecting in it any artifacts, portraits or urns you have held on to. This serves as a daily reminder why your line must end with you. Your love understands this fully….right?
Money making: Pick any career or skill that you feel like exploring and makes narrative sense for your final gen. Detective or lawyer could be good. Complete this career.
Extras: Visit each world where a previous generation has lived and try and do a good deed. (e.g join a protest, clean litter in Sulani, give money to a performer - hell save Strangerville if you’re feeling ambitious) - interpret this how you well but the main point is that you try to make amends… so much so that you ruin your own life by getting lost in the past
If you’ve managed to hold on to it, plan and grow a death flower plant.
The legacy ends when your lover vanishes in your old age following a suspicious illness. You try not to dwell on the fact that they had symptoms similar to pregnancy…
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javedali1 · 2 months
A story from Javedabro on Medium
Read “Top 50 Baby house Cheap price in Canada“ by Javedabro on Medium: https://medium.com/@javedabro665/top-50-baby-house-cheap-price-in-canada-a9138a5141d7
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podsplays · 1 year
Sensory Exploration with PODs Play Sensory Room Ideas
Welcome to the world of sensory wonder curated by PODs Play. Elevate any space with our enchanting sensory room ideas. From vibrant visuals to captivating sounds and tactile textures, embark on a multisensory adventure that sparks joy and nurtures development. Join us in creating unforgettable moments through sensory exploration. 🌈✨ Website:- https://www.podsplay.com/pages/play-tents Phone:- +44 (0) 3302232454 Email: [email protected]
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funoutdooractivities · 2 months
Outdoor Fun Activities for Kids and Families: Creating Lasting Memories
Outdoor activities are a wonderful way to create lasting memories with your children while encouraging them to enjoy nature and stay active. Whether you're exploring a local park, embarking on a family hike, or simply spending time in your backyard, outdoor fun activities offer numerous benefits for children and families. Here are some fantastic ideas to inspire your next outdoor adventure, brought to you.
Nature Scavenger Hunt
A nature scavenger hunt is a fun and educational activity that can be tailored to suit any age group. Create a list of items for your children to find, such as different types of leaves, rocks, flowers, and insects. You can make it more challenging by including specific colors, shapes, or textures. Not only does this activity promote exploration and observation, but it also helps kids develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world.
How to Get Started:
Prepare a list of items to find.
Equip your kids with a bag or container for their treasures.
Set boundaries to keep the hunt safe.
Celebrate their discoveries with a small reward or a group discussion about what they found.
Backyard Camping
Transform your backyard into a campsite for a night of outdoor fun. Backyard camping is a great way to introduce kids to the joys of camping without the need to travel far from home. Set up a tent, roll out sleeping bags, and gather around a campfire (or a fire pit) to roast marshmallows and tell stories.
Tips for a Successful Backyard Camping Experience:
Involve your kids in setting up the campsite.
Plan a simple outdoor meal or snacks.
Have a flashlight or lantern handy for nighttime activities.
Prepare for weather changes by having extra blankets or a plan to move indoors if necessary.
Garden Projects
Gardening with kids is not only fun but also teaches them about responsibility and the environment. Start with easy-to-grow plants like sunflowers, tomatoes, or herbs. Assign your children tasks such as watering, weeding, and harvesting to give them a sense of ownership and pride in their garden.
Fun Garden Ideas:
Create a fairy garden with miniature plants and decorations.
Start a vegetable patch and let your kids pick their favorite veggies to grow.
Build a butterfly garden to attract these beautiful insects.
Outdoor Art and Craft
Take your art supplies outside and let your children's creativity flow. Nature provides endless inspiration for crafts and artwork. Collect leaves, flowers, and sticks to create natural collages, or use sidewalk chalk to draw colorful masterpieces on the driveway or sidewalk.
Craft Ideas:
Leaf rubbings: Place a leaf under a piece of paper and rub a crayon over it to reveal its texture.
Nature mandalas: Arrange collected natural items in a circular pattern.
Rock painting: Paint small rocks with vibrant colors or designs.
Bird Watching
Bird watching is a peaceful and engaging activity that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Equip your kids with binoculars and a bird guidebook, and head to a local park or nature reserve. Encourage them to observe different bird species and take notes or draw pictures of their findings.
How to Enhance the Experience:
Set up a bird feeder in your backyard to attract local birds.
Create a bird-watching journal to record sightings.
Use a bird identification app to learn more about the species you encounter.
Water Play
Water play is a perfect way to cool off on a hot day while having fun. From simple activities like running through a sprinkler to more elaborate setups like water balloon fights or slip-and-slides, there are endless ways to enjoy water play.
Ideas for Water Fun:
Set up a small inflatable pool for splashing and playing.
Organize a water balloon toss or relay race.
Create a DIY water wall using recycled materials and a fence.
Family Hikes
Hiking is a fantastic way to explore nature and get some exercise. Choose family-friendly trails that are appropriate for your children's ages and abilities. Bring along snacks, plenty of water, and a map or GPS device. Encourage your kids to observe their surroundings, look for wildlife, and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Tips for a Successful Hike:
Start with shorter, easier trails and gradually increase the difficulty.
Dress appropriately for the weather and trail conditions.
Pack a first aid kit and any necessary medications.
Plan for breaks and allow time for exploration and rest.
Biking Adventures
Biking is a great way to explore your neighborhood or local parks. Make sure everyone has a properly fitted helmet and that bikes are in good working condition. Plan a route that includes interesting stops, such as playgrounds, nature areas, or ice cream shops.
How to Make Biking Fun:
Organize a family bike parade with decorated bikes.
Create a scavenger hunt that can be completed by bike.
Plan a picnic at the halfway point of your ride.
Stargazing is a magical activity that can spark a lifelong interest in astronomy. Find a spot away from city lights, bring a blanket, and lie down to observe the night sky. Use a stargazing app to identify constellations, planets, and other celestial objects.
Enhancing the Stargazing Experience:
Bring a telescope or binoculars for a closer look at the stars.
Plan your stargazing on a night with minimal moonlight for better visibility.
Share stories or myths about the constellations you see.
Sports and Games
Playing sports and games outside is a great way to keep kids active and entertained. Whether it's a game of soccer, frisbee, or tag, there are countless options to choose from. Set up a designated play area in your yard or visit a local park with open spaces for running and playing.
Popular Outdoor Games:
Capture the Flag
Relay races
Tug of war
Outdoor fun activities provide endless opportunities for children and families to bond, learn, and enjoy nature. From simple backyard games to adventurous hikes, there's something for everyone to enjoy. By spending time outdoors, kids can develop a love for nature, stay active, and create cherished memories. So, grab your sunscreen, pack a picnic, and head outside for some unforgettable fun with your family, brought to you.
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clubcabana-posts · 3 months
Resorts Near Devanahalli For A Perfect Day Outing - Club Cabana
Looking for a perfect day outing near Bangalore? Devanahalli, located just a short drive from the city, offers a range of fantastic resorts that promise a day of relaxation, fun, and rejuvenation. Whether you’re planning a family outing, a romantic getaway, or a corporate retreat, these resorts have something for everyone. Here are some top picks for resorts in resorts near Devanahalli for day outing that will make your day outing unforgettable.
Top Resorts Near Devanahalli For Day Outing:
1. Club Cabana:
Club Cabana is a standout resort near Devanahalli, which is perfect for a memorable day outing resort in Bangalore. Known for its extensive range of activities and facilities, Club Cabana offers something for everyone. The resort features multiple swimming pools, including a wave pool and a kids’ pool, ensuring fun for all ages. One of the major attractions is the water slides, which provide an exhilarating experience for adventure enthusiasts.
2. Clarks Exotica Convention Resort & Spa:
Nestled amidst lush greenery, Clarks Exotica Convention Resort & Spa is a paradise for those seeking tranquility and luxury. Spread over 70 acres, this resort offers a variety of activities, including a large swimming pool, tennis courts, a spa, and multiple dining options. The resort’s well-manicured gardens and spacious lawns are perfect for a leisurely stroll or a picnic. For those looking for some adventure, there are also facilities for cycling and indoor games.
3. Signature Club Resort:
Signature Club Resort is a contemporary and stylish resort located in the heart of Devanahalli. It boasts a swimming pool, fitness center, and a variety of indoor and outdoor games. The resort’s multi-cuisine restaurant serves delicious food that will satisfy your taste buds. Signature Club Resort is perfect for families with children, offering a dedicated kids’ play area and activities to keep the little ones entertained.
4. Goldfinch Retreat:
Goldfinch Retreat is a haven for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. This resort offers a serene environment with beautifully landscaped gardens and a tranquil ambiance. Guests can enjoy the resort’s swimming pool, fitness center, and spa. The resort also offers a range of outdoor activities, such as badminton, volleyball, and cycling. The in-house restaurant provides a delectable array of dishes, ensuring a delightful culinary experience.
Read more: Resorts in Bangalore For Day Outing For Family 
5. Fantasy Golf Resort:
For a unique day outing experience, head to Fantasy Golf Resort. As the name suggests, this resort features a mini-golf course along with a plethora of other activities, such as swimming, badminton, and indoor games. The resort’s lush green surroundings and well-maintained gardens provide a perfect backdrop for a relaxing day. The resort’s restaurant offers a variety of cuisines, making sure there’s something for everyone.
Read more: Day outing resorts in Bangalore 
6. Windflower Prakruthi Resort & Spa:
Windflower Prakruthi Resort & Spa is an eco-friendly resort that offers a perfect blend of luxury and nature. Set amidst a sprawling estate, the resort features a range of activities, including ATV rides, zorbing, paintball, and more. The resort’s spa is a great place to unwind and relax after a day of adventure. The in-house restaurant offers a farm-to-table dining experience, using fresh ingredients from the resort’s own garden.
7. Olde Bangalore Resort and Convention Centre:
Step back in time at the Olde Bangalore Resort and Convention Centre, which offers a unique experience with its luxury tent accommodations. The resort’s expansive grounds are perfect for a variety of outdoor activities, such as swimming, cycling, and archery. The resort also has a well-equipped gym and a multi-cuisine restaurant that serves delicious food. The serene ambiance and rustic charm make it a great spot for a peaceful day outing resort in Bangalore.
8. Shreyas Yoga Retreat:
For those looking to rejuvenate their mind and body, Shreyas Yoga Retreat is the ideal destination. This luxury yoga retreat offers a range of wellness programs including yoga, meditation, and spa therapies. The retreat’s organic garden provides fresh ingredients for their gourmet vegetarian cuisine. The peaceful surroundings and holistic approach to wellness make Shreyas Yoga Retreat a perfect escape from the daily grind.
9. Mount Palazzo:
Mount Palazzo is another excellent option for a day outing near Devanahalli. The resort is known for its scenic beauty and a wide range of recreational activities. Guests can enjoy the large swimming pool, children’s play area, and various indoor and outdoor games. The resort also offers facilities for adventure activities like zip-lining and rope courses, making it a great spot for thrill-seekers. The on-site restaurant serves delicious food, ensuring you have a delightful culinary experience as well.
For those who prefer to stay dry, Club Cabana offers a variety of indoor and outdoor games, such as bowling, cricket, badminton, and table tennis. The resort also has a well-maintained bowling, adding to the thrill. With beautifully landscaped gardens and spacious lawns, it’s an ideal spot for a relaxing picnic or a leisurely stroll.
What Sets Club Cabana Apart:
Extensive Water Activities: With multiple pools, water slides, and a lazy river, Club Cabana offers an unparalleled aquatic experience.
Variety of Games: From paintball to bowling, the range of indoor and outdoor games ensures there’s never a dull moment.
Family-Friendly: With dedicated kids’ areas and activities, it’s perfect for a family day out.
Corporate Facilities: Equipped with conference rooms and team-building activities, it’s a great choice for corporate outings.
Devanahalli offers a variety of resorts that cater to different tastes and preferences, ensuring a perfect day outing for everyone. While each resort has its unique charm, Club Cabana stands out with its extensive range of activities, family-friendly atmosphere, and exciting water rides. Whether you’re looking for adventure, relaxation, or a bit of both, these resorts provide the ideal setting to unwind and recharge. So, pack your bags and head to one of these amazing resorts for a memorable day out!
Have you visited any of these resorts near Devanahalli for day outing? Share your experiences and let us know your favorite spots for a day outing!
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beingmomandmore03 · 4 months
Fun-Filled Summer Activities for Kids: Discover the Best Ideas with BeingMomandMore!
Now that summer has arrived, it's time to spend as many long, bright days as possible with your children! BeingMomandMore is aware of how difficult it can be to keep kids occupied and happy throughout the summer. For this reason, we've compiled an amazing list of summertime activities that will keep your kids occupied while also giving them unique and memorable experiences. We offer everything from imaginative indoor projects to thrilling outdoor experiences. Let's get started with the best summertime fun guide!
Outdoor Adventures
There's nothing better than being outside, soaking up the sun, and taking in the scenery. These are some thrilling outdoor pursuits that your children will adore:
The Scavenger Hunt in Nature
A nature scavenger hunt is a great way to add excitement to a straightforward stroll in the park or a tour through the woods. Make a list of objects, like particular kinds of leaves, rocks, or flowers, that your children need to locate. They will learn about the natural world and get some exercise from this activity.
Day at the Beach
Arrange a beach day if you live close to the shore! Sandcastle construction, shell gathering, and wave jumping are ageless pastimes that never get old. Don’t forget the sunscreen and plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Camping in the backyard
Transform your backyard into a campsite. Gather around an improvised campfire to tell stories, roast marshmallows, and pitch a tent. This is a fantastic way to introduce camping to your children without having to leave the comforts of home.
Rides on Bikes
Plan bike rides with your family along the local trails or around your neighborhood. It's a great way to discover new places, work out, and spend quality time in nature with your significant other.
Original Indoor Projects
These inventive indoor activities will keep your kids occupied on days when the weather isn't cooperating:
Do It Yourself Craft Projects
Try your hand at some DIY crafts, such as painting rocks, constructing friendship bracelets, or crafting personalized picture frames. These exercises not only increase creativity and enhance fine motor abilities, but they are also enjoyable.
Baking and Cooking
Make simple recipes with your children to get them involved in the kitchen. Try creating a bright fruit salad, baking pastries, or creating handmade pizzas. In addition to imparting useful skills, cooking may be an enjoyable opportunity to try out new flavors and ingredients.
Science Tests
Simple, secure scientific projects will inspire your child's inner scientist. Make crystals, slime, or a volcano out of vinegar and baking soda. Children of all ages will find these experiments to be both entertaining and educational.
Narrating and Reading
Make a nice reading nook to foster a love of reading. Together, spend some time reading books, or allow your children tell you their own stories. Both literacy and creativity are aided by this activity.
Water Activities
Water play is a great method to cool off and have fun when the heat is on:
Sprinkler Good Times
Install a sprinkler system in your backyard and let your kids play in it. It's a fun and easy method to beat the summer heat.
Games using Water Balloons
Arrange competitions, races, or water balloon tosses. These games are excellent for enhancing hand-eye coordination in addition to being refreshing.
Go to a Water Park or Pool
Spend a day swimming and making splashes at the water park or pool in your neighborhood. In the summer, swimming is a great way to stay cool and active.
Instructive Exercises
With these entertaining yet instructive summertime activities, you can keep your children's minds active:
Program for Summer Reading
Join a summer reading program at the library in your area. These initiatives frequently provide enjoyable tasks and incentives to encourage children to read more.
Check out Zoos and Museums
Make plans to visit zoos and museums to learn about science, history, and animals. There are plenty of locations with kid-focused interactive displays and activities.
Growing a garden
Initiate a petite garden in your backyard or perhaps a balcony container garden. Kids learn about the natural world, taking care of others, and the benefits of perseverance and hard effort via gardening.
For children, summer is a wonderful season that offers countless chances for enjoyment, education, and memory-making. We at BeingMomandMore hope that these suggestions will encourage you to give your kids an exciting and joyful summer. There are many of ways to keep your kids occupied and happy, whether you choose to engage in educational activities, get creative indoors, or explore the great outdoors.
Recall that the most enjoyable summertime pursuits are those that strengthen family bonds and produce enduring memories. Thus, go outside, have fun, and cherish the magical summertime times with your children!
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wakamotogarou · 6 months
I said I'd return but I broke that promise. It's been fleeting lately... time passing quick with numerous distractions to keep me occupied. Vernal Equinox has finally arrived. It's a tentative season, a Spring where one 'holds their breath in anticipation'.
April 8th, 2024: The 2nd crossing in the USA, completing the sequence which started with the 1st crossing in 2017.
This crossing arrives with a 'devil comet' and it passes through 7 towns named Nineveh. (biblical associations)
I recommend you do not participate in viewing an eclipse. Our ancestors knew that this was a time to remain indoors. There is much going on with our Earth, Celestial cycles and pole shifts. If anything I will return to enunciate this knowledge unto you, my dear followers. As an eschatologist I have been through every imaginable Rabbit-hole, explored all through historical records, cross referencing across cultures. My findings have been enlightening and a source of joy for me. The cycle has always persisted here on our realm and finally we near the end of a long dark age known as the Kali Yuga cycle. (It completes 2025) Meanwhile we are experiencing solar storms, vulcanism, earthquakes on a frequent basis. The oceans are turning blue-green-- and then with the Red Shift, they will turn red as the Sun grows hotter and inhospitable becoming more and more blue, starting with blueish hues on the fringes of white. We are living prophesy being played out in real-time. Clearly the sun no longer yellow, it too, my friends, is apart of the grand cycle. The sun is like a chariot and it's reigns pass over as it goes through the phases of it's existence. From Red... to Orange.. to Yellow... to White.. to Blue.. to Black.. to Ultra Violet (purple)... back to Red... etc...
Of course Sol is not our 1st sun. It arrived after creation. Our first "Sun" was Saturn which held a polar position. It's rings allowed the inhabitants of Earth to track time. This period was known as "Purple Dawn of Creation."
Saturn has a deep history with everything. It is also known as Khronos, "Father Time", aka the Devourer of his children. He was never nice. These days he is worshiped by 666, and a black cube in the middle east, by carbon. Observe the pole of Saturn: a hexagram. The Saturn matrix is quite the rabbit hole, as you begin to understand what exactly a "matrix" is, and how it influences us and our world.
How is it used as a means of control? The beast system is whole other can of worms! Another post for that.
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