thesnapshotcafe · 1 year
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我們在中秋節為這位非常友善,溫心的英國香港新娘和英國新郎提供了婚紗攝影和錄像服務。天氣轉涼了一點,但在他們所有的家人、親戚和客人的歡快熱情和情緒下,婚禮很是溫馨。這真是令人愉快的一天。我們前往安吉爾、伊斯靈頓和倫敦紐漢參加他們的婚禮。 http://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ 這是我們另一個具有挑戰性的婚禮日,總共有 14 小時的服務。典型的中英混合婚禮,有民間儀式和中式宴會,還有茶禮、舞獅、切蛋糕和跳舞等不同的慶祝活動。 我們一大早就開始在安吉爾的nHow酒店為新娘和伴娘準備拍攝。這家酒店是城市中東部的一顆隱藏的寶石!我們真的很喜歡這家充滿藝術氣息的古怪酒店。 https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ 有很多時尚的設計,不同的燈光混合,現代感的複古裝飾......所有這些都為拍攝照片提供了一個非常好的背景。之後,我們趕往伊斯靈頓市政廳參加儀式。 我們已經在這個市政廳服務了很多次婚禮照片和視頻。如果情侶們預訂這個場地舉行儀式,我們總是趕急。但這一次,更匆忙,因為這個地方已經訂滿了。不同的新人的婚禮。每 30-45 分鐘便有新人進去!儀式最多持續30分鐘。這給了我們 15 分鐘的時間在市政廳完成拍攝新人肖像。 我們的另一個地點是安吉爾酒吧/餐廳,客人可以在那裡享用美味的小吃和香檳酒會。這裡的客人更多,因為有些人不能參加民事儀式。原本計劃讓新郎和伴郎們玩接新娘遊戲和挑戰,但由於日程安排延遲到了,我們不得不跳過這環節。 我們的最後去的一個地點是倫敦碼頭路的一品中餐廳。我們非常想念這個地方。這個地方在整個 Covid 限制期內都關閉了。自2021年6月再次開業以來,很多東亞傳統背景的新人,包括中國人、越南人,都爭先地預定了這家餐廳。我們也來過這裡很多次,用我們的相機慶祝和見證了許多新人重要的一天。 我們與我們的新人和他們客人一起完成了中式茶禮、演講、切蛋糕、第一支舞和敬酒。這天過程很長,但對家人、所有客人和我們來說都是愉快的。客人對食物和所有安排都讚不絕口。 我們祝愿他們永遠幸福美滿的婚姻生活。 在我們的 Facebook 頁面、我們的網站以及我們的 Youtube 和 Vimeo 頻道上查看他們的照片、精彩片段和視頻。 謝謝你 #Chineseteaceremonyset #Chineseweddingteaceremony #chineseweddingteaceremonydress #chineseweddingteaceremonyset #modernchineseweddingteaceremony #chineseweddingteaceremonyinmandarin #chineseweddingteaceremonysayings #chineseweddingteaceremonyyoungersiblings #歐洲旅拍 #巴黎婚紗 #自助婚紗 #晒一晒我的婚紗照 #不一樣的婚紗照 #法國 #巴黎 #塞納河 #艾菲爾鐵塔 #婚紗照也可以很 #時尚感大片婚紗照 #街拍婚紗照 #巴黎街拍 #hkprewedding #chinesebridedowry #chinesebridego #婚禮相簿 #照片相簿 #weddingphotoalbum #婚禮照片相簿 #Idesignweddingalbums #婚禮相簿設計 (at The Langham, Hong Kong 香港朗廷酒店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrDpklDMSsB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thesnapshotcafe · 1 year
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We have provided wedding photography and videography service to this very friendly and lovely British Hong Kong bride and British groom in Mid-Autumn Festival. The weather turned a bit cooler, but the event was warm with their all families', relatives' and guests' cheerful passions and emotions. It is such an enjoyable day. We travelled to Angel, Islington and Newham in London for their wedding. http://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ This was our another challenging wedding day with total 14 hours coverage. A typical Chinese mix British style wedding with civil ceremony and Chinese banquet, also different parts of celebration like tea ceremony, lion dance, cake cutting and party. https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ We started early in the morning for bride's and bridesmaids' preparation in nHow hotel in Angel with photo and video shoot. This hotel is a hidden gem in central east of the city! There are lots of fashionable designs, mixing with different lightings, modern with a sense of vintage decor... We have been serving in this town hall so many times for wedding photos and videos. We always have to rush if couples book this venue for ceremony. This time, it was even more rush, as the place is fully booked. Different couples went in every 30-45 mins! Our another location was The Angelic bar/restaurant where the guests enjoy the drinks reception with delicious canapés and champagne. Our last venue was Yi-Ban Chinese Restaurant on Dockside Road, London. We done Chinese tea ceremony, speeches, cake cutting, first dance, toasting with guest photos and films with our couple and their lovely guests. We wish them the very best and a happy married life ever-after. #Chineseteaceremonyset #Chineseweddingteaceremony #chineseweddingteaceremonydress #chineseweddingteaceremonyset #modernchineseweddingteaceremony #chineseweddingteaceremonyinmandarin #chineseweddingteaceremonysayings #chineseweddingteaceremonyyoungersiblings #歐洲旅拍 #巴黎婚紗 #自助婚紗 #晒一晒我的婚紗照 #不一樣的婚紗照 #法國 #巴黎 #塞納河 #艾菲爾鐵塔 #婚紗照也可以很 #時尚感大片婚紗照 #街拍婚紗照 #巴黎街拍 #hkprewedding #chinesebridedowry #chinesebridego #婚禮相簿 #照片相簿 #weddingphotoalbum #婚禮照片相簿 #Idesignweddingalbums #婚禮相簿設計 (at Wan Chai 灣仔) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrDpPkYMZgz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thesnapshotcafe · 1 year
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我們在中秋節為這位非常友善,溫心的英國香港新娘和英國新郎提供了婚紗攝影和錄像服務。天氣轉涼了一點,但在他們所有的家人、親戚和客人的歡快熱情和情緒下,婚禮很是溫馨。這真是令人愉快的一天。我們前往安吉爾、伊斯靈頓和倫敦紐漢參加他們的婚禮。 http://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ 這是我們另一個具有挑戰性的婚禮日,總共有 14 小時的服務。典型的中英混合婚禮,有民間儀式和中式宴會,還有茶禮、舞獅、切蛋糕和跳舞等不同的慶祝活動。 我們一大早就開始在安吉爾的nHow酒店為新娘和伴娘準備拍攝。這家酒店是城市中東部的一顆隱藏的寶石!我們真的很喜歡這家充滿藝術氣息的古怪酒店。 https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ 有很多時尚的設計,不同的燈光混合,現代感的複古裝飾......所有這些都為拍攝照片提供了一個非常好的背景。之後,我們趕往伊斯靈頓市政廳參加儀式。 我們已經在這個市政廳服務了很多次婚禮照片和視頻。如果情侶們預訂這個場地舉行儀式,我們總是趕急。但這一次,更匆忙,因為這個地方已經訂滿了。不同的新人的婚禮。每 30-45 分鐘便有新人進去!儀式最多持續30分鐘。這給了我們 15 分鐘的時間在市政廳完成拍攝新人肖像。 我們的另一個地點是安吉爾酒吧/餐廳,客人可以在那裡享用美味的小吃和香檳酒會。這裡的客人更多,因為有些人不能參加民事儀式。原本計劃讓新郎和伴郎們玩接新娘遊戲和挑戰,但由於日程安排延遲到了,我們不得不跳過這環節。 我們的最後去的一個地點是倫敦碼頭路的一品中餐廳。我們非常想念這個地方。這個地方在整個 Covid 限制期內都關閉了。自2021年6月再次開業以來,很多東亞傳統背景的新人,包括中國人、越南人,都爭先地預定了這家餐廳。我們也來過這裡很多次,用我們的相機慶祝和見證了許多新人重要的一天。 我們與我們的新人和他們客人一起完成了中式茶禮、演講、切蛋糕、第一支舞和敬酒。這天過程很長,但對家人、所有客人和我們來說都是愉快的。客人對食物和所有安排都讚不絕口。 我們祝愿他們永遠幸福美滿的婚姻生活。 在我們的 Facebook 頁面、我們的網站以及我們的 Youtube 和 Vimeo 頻道上查看他們的照片、精彩片段和視頻。 謝謝你 #Chineseteaceremonyset #Chineseweddingteaceremony #chineseweddingteaceremonydress #chineseweddingteaceremonyset #modernchineseweddingteaceremony #chineseweddingteaceremonyinmandarin #chineseweddingteaceremonysayings #chineseweddingteaceremonyyoungersiblings #歐洲旅拍 #巴黎婚紗 #自助婚紗 #晒一晒我的婚紗照 #不一樣的婚紗照 #法國 #巴黎 #塞納河 #艾菲爾鐵塔 #婚紗照也可以很 #時尚感大片婚紗照 #街拍婚紗照 #巴黎街拍 #hkprewedding #chinesebridedowry #chinesebridego #婚禮相簿 #照片相簿 #weddingphotoalbum #婚禮照片相簿 #Idesignweddingalbums #婚禮相簿設計 (at Causeway Bay, HongKong) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrBif2OtLIv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thesnapshotcafe · 1 year
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We have provided wedding photography and videography service to this very friendly and lovely British Hong Kong bride and British groom in Mid-Autumn Festival. The weather turned a bit cooler, but the event was warm with their all families', relatives' and guests' cheerful passions and emotions. It is such an enjoyable day. We travelled to Angel, Islington and Newham in London for their wedding. http://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ This was our another challenging wedding day with total 14 hours coverage. A typical Chinese mix British style wedding with civil ceremony and Chinese banquet, also different parts of celebration like tea ceremony, lion dance, cake cutting and party. https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ We started early in the morning for bride's and bridesmaids' preparation in nHow hotel in Angel with photo and video shoot. This hotel is a hidden gem in central east of the city! There are lots of fashionable designs, mixing with different lightings, modern with a sense of vintage decor... We have been serving in this town hall so many times for wedding photos and videos. We always have to rush if couples book this venue for ceremony. This time, it was even more rush, as the place is fully booked. Different couples went in every 30-45 mins! Our another location was The Angelic bar/restaurant where the guests enjoy the drinks reception with delicious canapés and champagne. Our last venue was Yi-Ban Chinese Restaurant on Dockside Road, London. We done Chinese tea ceremony, speeches, cake cutting, first dance, toasting with guest photos and films with our couple and their lovely guests. We wish them the very best and a happy married life ever-after. #Chineseteaceremonyset #Chineseweddingteaceremony #chineseweddingteaceremonydress #chineseweddingteaceremonyset #modernchineseweddingteaceremony #chineseweddingteaceremonyinmandarin #chineseweddingteaceremonysayings #chineseweddingteaceremonyyoungersiblings #歐洲旅拍 #巴黎婚紗 #自助婚紗 #晒一晒我的婚紗照 #不一樣的婚紗照 #法國 #巴黎 #塞納河 #艾菲爾鐵塔 #婚紗照也可以很 #時尚感大片婚紗照 #街拍婚紗照 #巴黎街拍 #hkprewedding #chinesebridedowry #chinesebridego #婚禮相簿 #照片相簿 #weddingphotoalbum #婚禮照片相簿 #Idesignweddingalbums #婚禮相簿設計 (at Yi Ban Restaurant, Docklands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrBiWPfNWWE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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