thesnapshotcafe · 2 years
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我們為新人提供婚紗攝影和新娘、親戚和伴娘妝髮服務。新娘首先是在考文特花園的一家民宿化妝的。在新郎能夠見到新娘之前,伴娘,伴郎和新郎進行了接新娘遊戲。向新娘父母敬茶之後,然後前往新郎在伊斯靈頓地區的家進行了另一部分的茶禮。茶道結束後,我們來到了老馬里波恩市政廳,見證了這對新人的婚禮。他們的現代式的宴會在泰晤士河邊的Sea Containers舉行,這是一個相當浪漫的地方,我們有幸可以在這裡欣賞城市夜景。 儘管沒有太多限制,但我們仍處於病毒大流行之中。我們很幸運能整天和他們在一起,見證重要的一天。我們一大早就開始為新娘、親戚和伴娘打扮。這位新娘對我們來說是一位特別的新娘,因為她希望自己的髮型看起來非常自然。媽媽說,新娘的造型看起來比伴娘的“簡單”多了!她是對的,然而,當新娘穿上黑色機車夾克後,我們就明白了原因。 https://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ 她的風格是甜美、簡單但搖滾!對我們來說,新娘對自己的髮型和妝容感到滿意很重要,因為照片上確實顯示出自信。在他們的上門遊戲環節中,充滿了歡聲笑語和歡樂。我們的亮點是新郎需要玩尋寶遊戲,尋找新娘的鞋子。他終於在洗衣機裡找到了它們!在漢語中,“拿鞋”是一個聽起來很丟臉的俚語。伴娘幹得好!當然,我們知道那是為了取笑新郎。對於新娘來說,亮點很可能是“第一眼”。新郎需站在門外,向新娘表白,向新娘承諾。新娘批准了新郎演講,便讓他見她。這是一中式傳統。之後,他們向新娘父母敬茶。 之後我們一起去了新郎在伊斯靈頓父母的家,拜訪了他的家人,在那裡舉行了另一個茶道。這是較長的儀式。完成後,家人給我們傳統的中式老婆餅。非常美味可口! 然後我們去老馬里波恩市政廳參加婚禮儀式,並在市政廳周圍拍攝浪漫的結婚照片。這對夫婦一開始還有些害羞,因為他們不常在公共場合秀表現恩愛,但拍幾張照片之後,他們就放鬆了很多。當我們在舊馬里波恩市政廳時,我們經歷了幾十年來第一次火警鐘響起!由於市政廳是一個受歡迎的婚禮場地,有幾對新娘和新郎在市政廳外等候了大約一個小時。對我們來說,這成了一段有趣的回憶。 最後我們去了泰晤士河南岸的Sea Containers 參加他們的宴會、切蛋糕和宴會照片。這是一個別緻、現代式的場所!晚上我們去了屋頂,拍了幾張這對夫婦的照片。這個場地就在OXO Tower旁邊。霓虹燈,結合背景建築燈,為我們的新人創造了一個浪漫的場景。 我們祝愿他們從此過上幸福的婚姻生活。希望我們能在不久的將來再見到他們,拍攝他們懷孕和新生嬰兒照片。 看看我們的 Facebook 頁面和我們的網站,有他們更多婚禮照片! 謝謝你。 #TheOldMaryleboneTownHall #Marylebone #SeaContainers #SouthBank #OXOTower #SeaContainersLondon #BritishHongKonger #Chineseteaceremony #Chinesedoorgame #doorgame #teaceremony #brideandgroom #BritishHongKongerbride #BritishHongKongergroom #BritishChinese #Chinesebritish #Britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkonger #Hongkongbride #Chinesebride #Londonchinesewedding #Londonchineseweddingphotographer #Londonchineseweddingvideographer #Londonchineseweddingphotography #Londonchineseweddingvideography #Chineseweddingphotographer #Chineseweddingvideographer #Chineseweddingphotography #Chineseweddingvideography #HongKongweddingphotographer (at Repulse Bay, Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf6zSy2MsDV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thesnapshotcafe · 2 years
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我們為新人提供婚紗攝影和新娘、親戚和伴娘妝髮服務。新娘首先是在考文特花園的一家民宿化妝的。在新郎能夠見到新娘之前,伴娘,伴郎和新郎進行了接新娘遊戲。向新娘父母敬茶之後,然後前往新郎在伊斯靈頓地區的家進行了另一部分的茶禮。茶道結束後,我們來到了老馬里波恩市政廳,見證了這對新人的婚禮。他們的現代式的宴會在泰晤士河邊的Sea Containers舉行,這是一個相當浪漫的地方,我們有幸可以在這裡欣賞城市夜景。 儘管沒有太多限制,但我們仍處於病毒大流行之中。我們很幸運能整天和他們在一起,見證重要的一天。我們一大早就開始為新娘、親戚和伴娘打扮。這位新娘對我們來說是一位特別的新娘,因為她希望自己的髮型看起來非常自然。媽媽說,新娘的造型看起來比伴娘的“簡單”多了!她是對的,然而,當新娘穿上黑色機車夾克後,我們就明白了原因。 https://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ 她的風格是甜美、簡單但搖滾!對我們來說,新娘對自己的髮型和妝容感到滿意很重要,因為照片上確實顯示出自信。在他們的上門遊戲環節中,充滿了歡聲笑語和歡樂。我們的亮點是新郎需要玩尋寶遊戲,尋找新娘的鞋子。他終於在洗衣機裡找到了它們!在漢語中,“拿鞋”是一個聽起來很丟臉的俚語。伴娘幹得好!當然,我們知道那是為了取笑新郎。對於新娘來說,亮點很可能是“第一眼”。新郎需站在門外,向新娘表白,向新娘承諾。新娘批准了新郎演講,便讓他見她。這是一中式傳統。之後,他們向新娘父母敬茶。 之後我們一起去了新郎在伊斯靈頓父母的家,拜訪了他的家人,在那裡舉行了另一個茶道。這是較長的儀式。完成後,家人給我們傳統的中式老婆餅。非常美味可口! 然後我們去老馬里波恩市政廳參加婚禮儀式,並在市政廳周圍拍攝浪漫的結婚照片。這對夫婦一開始還有些害羞,因為他們不常在公共場合秀表現恩愛,但拍幾張照片之後,他們就放鬆了很多。當我們在舊馬里波恩市政廳時,我們經歷了幾十年來第一次火警鐘響起!由於市政廳是一個受歡迎的婚禮場地,有幾對新娘和新郎在市政廳外等候了大約一個小時。對我們來說,這成了一段有趣的回憶。 最後我們去了泰晤士河南岸的Sea Containers 參加他們的宴會、切蛋糕和宴會照片。這是一個別緻、現代式的場所!晚上我們去了屋頂,拍了幾張這對夫婦的照片。這個場地就在OXO Tower旁邊。霓虹燈,結合背景建築燈,為我們的新人創造了一個浪漫的場景。 我們祝愿他們從此過上幸福的婚姻生活。希望我們能在不久的將來再見到他們,拍攝他們懷孕和新生嬰兒照片。 看看我們的 Facebook 頁面和我們的網站,有他們更多婚禮照片! 謝謝你。 #TheOldMaryleboneTownHall #Marylebone #SeaContainers #SouthBank #OXOTower #SeaContainersLondon #BritishHongKonger #Chineseteaceremony #Chinesedoorgame #doorgame #teaceremony #brideandgroom #BritishHongKongerbride #BritishHongKongergroom #BritishChinese #Chinesebritish #Britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkonger #Hongkongbride #Chinesebride #Londonchinesewedding #Londonchineseweddingphotographer #Londonchineseweddingvideographer #Londonchineseweddingphotography #Londonchineseweddingvideography #Chineseweddingphotographer #Chineseweddingvideographer #Chineseweddingphotography #Chineseweddingvideography #HongKongweddingphotographer (at Community Church Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf4sd8FsC4n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thesnapshotcafe · 2 years
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我們為新人提供婚紗攝影和新娘、親戚和伴娘妝髮服務。新娘首先是在考文特花園的一家民宿化妝的。在新郎能夠見到新娘之前,伴娘,伴郎和新郎進行了接新娘遊戲。向新娘父母敬茶之後,然後前往新郎在伊斯靈頓地區的家進行了另一部分的茶禮。茶道結束後,我們來到了老馬里波恩市政廳,見證了這對新人的婚禮。他們的現代式的宴會在泰晤士河邊的Sea Containers舉行,這是一個相當浪漫的地方,我們有幸可以在這裡欣賞城市夜景。 儘管沒有太多限制,但我們仍處於病毒大流行之中。我們很幸運能整天和他們在一起,見證重要的一天。我們一大早就開始為新娘、親戚和伴娘打扮。這位新娘對我們來說是一位特別的新娘,因為她希望自己的髮型看起來非常自然。媽媽說,新娘的造型看起來比伴娘的“簡單”多了!她是對的,然而,當新娘穿上黑色機車夾克後,我們就明白了原因。 https://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ 她的風格是甜美、簡單但搖滾!對我們來說,新娘對自己的髮型和妝容感到滿意很重要,因為照片上確實顯示出自信。在他們的上門遊戲環節中,充滿了歡聲笑語和歡樂。我們的亮點是新郎需要玩尋寶遊戲,尋找新娘的鞋子。他終於在洗衣機裡找到了它們!在漢語中,“拿鞋”是一個聽起來很丟臉的俚語。伴娘幹得好!當然,我們知道那是為了取笑新郎。對於新娘來說,亮點很可能是“第一眼”。新郎需站在門外,向新娘表白,向新娘承諾。新娘批准了新郎演講,便讓他見她。這是一中式傳統。之後,他們向新娘父母敬茶。 之後我們一起去了新郎在伊斯靈頓父母的家,拜訪了他的家人,在那裡舉行了另一個茶道。這是較長的儀式。完成後,家人給我們傳統的中式老婆餅。非常美味可口! 然後我們去老馬里波恩市政廳參加婚禮儀式,並在市政廳周圍拍攝浪漫的結婚照片。這對夫婦一開始還有些害羞,因為他們不常在公共場合秀表現恩愛,但拍幾張照片之後,他們就放鬆了很多。當我們在舊馬里波恩市政廳時,我們經歷了幾十年來第一次火警鐘響起!由於市政廳是一個受歡迎的婚禮場地,有幾對新娘和新郎在市政廳外等候了大約一個小時。對我們來說,這成了一段有趣的回憶。 最後我們去了泰晤士河南岸的Sea Containers 參加他們的宴會、切蛋糕和宴會照片。這是一個別緻、現代式的場所!晚上我們去了屋頂,拍了幾張這對夫婦的照片。這個場地就在OXO Tower旁邊。霓虹燈,結合背景建築燈,為我們的新人創造了一個浪漫的場景。 我們祝愿他們從此過上幸福的婚姻生活。希望我們能在不久的將來再見到他們,拍攝他們懷孕和新生嬰兒照片。 看看我們的 Facebook 頁面和我們的網站,有他們更多婚禮照片! 謝謝你。 #TheOldMaryleboneTownHall #Marylebone #SeaContainers #SouthBank #OXOTower #SeaContainersLondon #BritishHongKonger #Chineseteaceremony #Chinesedoorgame #doorgame #teaceremony #brideandgroom #BritishHongKongerbride #BritishHongKongergroom #BritishChinese #Chinesebritish #Britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkonger #Hongkongbride #Chinesebride #Londonchinesewedding #Londonchineseweddingphotographer #Londonchineseweddingvideographer #Londonchineseweddingphotography #Londonchineseweddingvideography #Chineseweddingphotographer #Chineseweddingvideographer #Chineseweddingphotography #Chineseweddingvideography #HongKongweddingphotographer (at Chinese Church in London (CCiL)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf4q9rSskfs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thesnapshotcafe · 3 years
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We first met this British Hong Kong couple 2.5 years ago. The couple started to imagine their big day, and we have brain stormed a lot of ideas since then. Last year September, we had a magical pre-wedding shoot in romantic Bellagio, a town in Lake Como, Italy. This year August, we finally served in their wedding. https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ The beautiful hotel is in the country side of Kent - Buxted Park Hotel in Uckfield, East Sussex, UK. Originally, they have reduced the guest-list from 150 guests to 30 guests. Everyone tried to maintain social distancing. It just felt very different from those held in pre-pandemic days. https://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ This is one of our most organised couples, but as all of us know, there is not anything we could really plan in Coronavirus Pandemic. 'We just want to get it over. We just want to get married!' The bride told us on the phone when they adjusted their wedding date the second time. They are now looking to book a bigger place for a bigger Chinese banquet and invite those friends and family who could not join on their big day. 2.5年前,我們第一次見到了這對英國香港新人。這對新人開始幻想他們的大日子,交流了很多想法。去年9月,我們在意大利科莫湖浪漫小鎮貝拉焦(Bellagio)進行了一次奇幻的婚紗拍攝。今年八月,我們終於參與了他們的婚禮。這家美麗的酒店 - 布克斯特公園酒店,位於英國東薩塞克斯郡烏克菲爾德的肯特。他們將賓客表從150位賓客減少到30位賓客。每位都試圖保持社會距離。感覺與疫症前的婚禮大不相同。由於不允許在宴會上舉行宴會,他們將宴會轉移到當地的酒吧,與最親的親戚進行簡短的慶祝活動。 #BritishHongKonger #brideandgroom #BritishHongKongerbride #BritishHongKongergroom #BritishChinese #Chinesebritish #Britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkonger #Hongkongbride #Chinesebride #Londonchinesewedding #Londonchineseweddingphotographer #Hongkongprewedding #Londonchineseweddingphotography #Londonchineseweddingvideography #Chineseweddingphotographer #Chineseweddingvideographer #Chineseweddingphotography #Chineseweddingvideography #HongKongweddingphotographer #HongKongweddingvideographer #HongKongweddingphotography #HongKongweddingvideography #hongkongpreweddingphoto #preweddinghk #hkpreweddingphoto #chineseinuk #hkprewedding #hkpreweddingphotographer #chineseinlondon (at Surrey) https://www.instagram.com/p/COV3qvhhUrF/?igshid=whg53zfyvkzg
0 notes
thesnapshotcafe · 3 years
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We first met this British Hong Kong couple 2.5 years ago. The couple started to imagine their big day, and we have brain stormed a lot of ideas since then. Last year September, we had a magical pre-wedding shoot in romantic Bellagio, a town in Lake Como, Italy. This year August, we finally served in their wedding. https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ The beautiful hotel is in the country side of Kent - Buxted Park Hotel in Uckfield, East Sussex, UK. Originally, they have reduced the guest-list from 150 guests to 30 guests. Everyone tried to maintain social distancing. It just felt very different from those held in pre-pandemic days. https://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ This is one of our most organised couples, but as all of us know, there is not anything we could really plan in Coronavirus Pandemic. 'We just want to get it over. We just want to get married!' The bride told us on the phone when they adjusted their wedding date the second time. They are now looking to book a bigger place for a bigger Chinese banquet and invite those friends and family who could not join on their big day. 2.5年前,我們第一次見到了這對英國香港新人。這對新人開始幻想他們的大日子,交流了很多想法。去年9月,我們在意大利科莫湖浪漫小鎮貝拉焦(Bellagio)進行了一次奇幻的婚紗拍攝。今年八月,我們終於參與了他們的婚禮。這家美麗的酒店 - 布克斯特公園酒店,位於英國東薩塞克斯郡烏克菲爾德的肯特。他們將賓客表從150位賓客減少到30位賓客。每位都試圖保持社會距離。感覺與疫症前的婚禮大不相同。由於不允許在宴會上舉行宴會,他們將宴會轉移到當地的酒吧,與最親的親戚進行簡短的慶祝活動。 #BritishHongKonger #brideandgroom #BritishHongKongerbride #BritishHongKongergroom #BritishChinese #Chinesebritish #Britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkonger #Hongkongbride #Chinesebride #Londonchinesewedding #Londonchineseweddingphotographer #Londonchineseweddingvideographer #Londonchineseweddingphotography #Londonchineseweddingvideography #Chineseweddingphotographer #Chineseweddingvideographer #Chineseweddingphotography #Chineseweddingvideography #HongKongweddingphotographer #HongKongweddingvideographer #HongKongweddingphotography #HongKongweddingvideography #Hongkongbridemakeup #Hongkongbridehairmakeup #Chinesebridemakeup #chineseinuk #hongkongbridalmakeup #hongkongbridalhairmakeup #chineseinlondon (at Chinatown, Piccadilly Circus, London) https://www.instagram.com/p/COV3NHPBkqa/?igshid=1l76mxkafgule
0 notes
thesnapshotcafe · 3 years
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We first met this British Hong Kong couple 2.5 years ago. The couple started to imagine their big day, and we have brain stormed a lot of ideas since then. Last year September, we had a magical pre-wedding shoot in romantic Bellagio, a town in Lake Como, Italy. This year August, we finally served in their wedding. https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ The beautiful hotel is in the country side of Kent - Buxted Park Hotel in Uckfield, East Sussex, UK. Originally, they have reduced the guest-list from 150 guests to 30 guests. Everyone tried to maintain social distancing. It just felt very different from those held in pre-pandemic days. https://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ This is one of our most organised couples, but as all of us know, there is not anything we could really plan in Coronavirus Pandemic. 'We just want to get it over. We just want to get married!' The bride told us on the phone when they adjusted their wedding date the second time. They are now looking to book a bigger place for a bigger Chinese banquet and invite those friends and family who could not join on their big day. 2.5年前,我們第一次見到了這對英國香港新人。這對新人開始幻想他們的大日子,交流了很多想法。去年9月,我們在意大利科莫湖浪漫小鎮貝拉焦(Bellagio)進行了一次奇幻的婚紗拍攝。今年八月,我們終於參與了他們的婚禮。這家美麗的酒店 - 布克斯特公園酒店,位於英國東薩塞克斯郡烏克菲爾德的肯特。他們將賓客表從150位賓客減少到30位賓客。每位都試圖保持社會距離。感覺與疫���前的婚禮大不相同。由於不允許在宴會上舉行宴會,他們將宴會轉移到當地的酒吧,與最親的親戚進行簡短的慶祝活動。 #BritishHongKonger #brideandgroom #BritishHongKongerbride #BritishHongKongergroom #BritishChinese #Chinesebritish #Britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkonger #Hongkongbride #Chinesebride #Londonchinesewedding #Londonchineseweddingphotographer #Londonchineseweddingvideographer #Londonchineseweddingphotography #Londonchineseweddingvideography #Chineseweddingphotographer #Chineseweddingvideographer #Chineseweddingphotography #Chineseweddingvideography #HongKongweddingphotographer #HongKongweddingvideographer #HongKongweddingphotography #HongKongweddingvideography #Hongkongbridemakeup #Hongkongbridehairmakeup #Chinesebridemakeup #chineseinuk #hongkongbridalmakeup #hongkongbridalhairmakeup #chineseinlondon (at Uckfield) https://www.instagram.com/p/COSOBPLBwEn/?igshid=50u4esmpkhs2
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thesnapshotcafe · 3 years
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We first met this British Hong Kong couple 2.5 years ago. The couple started to imagine their big day, and we have brain stormed a lot of ideas since then. Last year September, we had a magical pre-wedding shoot in romantic Bellagio, a town in Lake Como, Italy. This year August, we finally served in their wedding. https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ The beautiful hotel is in the country side of Kent - Buxted Park Hotel in Uckfield, East Sussex, UK. Originally, they have reduced the guest-list from 150 guests to 30 guests. Everyone tried to maintain social distancing. It just felt very different from those held in pre-pandemic days. https://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ This is one of our most organised couples, but as all of us know, there is not anything we could really plan in Coronavirus Pandemic. 'We just want to get it over. We just want to get married!' The bride told us on the phone when they adjusted their wedding date the second time. They are now looking to book a bigger place for a bigger Chinese banquet and invite those friends and family who could not join on their big day. 2.5年前,我們第一次見到了這對英國香港新人。這對新人開始幻想他們的大日子,交流了很多想法。去年9月,我們在意大利科莫湖浪漫小鎮貝拉焦(Bellagio)進行了一次奇幻的婚紗拍攝。今年八月,我們終於參與了他們的婚禮。這家美麗的酒店 - 布克斯特公園酒店,位於英國東薩塞克斯郡烏克菲爾德的肯特。他們將賓客表從150位賓客減少到30位賓客。每位都試圖保持社會距離。感覺與疫症前的婚禮大不相同。由於不允許在宴會上舉行宴會,他們將宴會轉移到當地的酒吧,與最親的親戚進行簡短的慶祝活動。 #BritishHongKonger #brideandgroom #BritishHongKongerbride #BritishHongKongergroom #BritishChinese #Chinesebritish #Britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkonger #Hongkongbride #Chinesebride #Londonchinesewedding #Londonchineseweddingphotographer #Londonchineseweddingvideographer #Londonchineseweddingphotography #Londonchineseweddingvideography #Chineseweddingphotographer #Chineseweddingvideographer #Chineseweddingphotography #Chineseweddingvideography #HongKongweddingphotographer #HongKongweddingvideographer #HongKongweddingphotography #HongKongweddingvideography #Hongkongbridemakeup #Hongkongbridehairmakeup #Chinesebridemakeup #chinesebridehairmakeup #hongkongbridalmakeup #hongkongbridalhairmakeup #英國香港人 (at Emmanuel Chinese Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/COQ-KKJhRv5/?igshid=qbfrt7o7hhmz
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thesnapshotcafe · 3 years
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We first met this British Hong Kong couple 2.5 years ago. The couple started to imagine their big day, and we have brain stormed a lot of ideas since then. Last year September, we had a magical pre-wedding shoot in romantic Bellagio, a town in Lake Como, Italy. This year August, we finally served in their wedding. https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ The beautiful hotel is in the country side of Kent - Buxted Park Hotel in Uckfield, East Sussex, UK. Originally, they have reduced the guest-list from 150 guests to 30 guests. Everyone tried to maintain social distancing. It just felt very different from those held in pre-pandemic days. https://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ This is one of our most organised couples, but as all of us know, there is not anything we could really plan in Coronavirus Pandemic. 'We just want to get it over. We just want to get married!' The bride told us on the phone when they adjusted their wedding date the second time. They are now looking to book a bigger place for a bigger Chinese banquet and invite those friends and family who could not join on their big day. 2.5年前,我們第一次見到了這對英國香港新人。這對新人開始幻想他們的大日子,交流了很多想法。去年9月,我們在意大利科莫湖浪漫小鎮貝拉焦(Bellagio)進行了一次奇幻的婚紗拍攝。今年八月,我們終於參與了他們的婚禮。這家美麗的酒店 - 布克斯特公園酒店,位於英國東薩塞克斯郡烏克菲爾德的肯特。他們將賓客表從150位賓客減少到30位賓客。每位都試圖保持社會距離。感覺與疫症前的婚禮大不相同。由於不允許在宴會上舉行宴會,他們將宴會轉移到當地的酒吧,與最親的親戚進行簡短的慶祝活動。 #BritishHongKonger #brideandgroom #BritishHongKongerbride #BritishHongKongergroom #BritishChinese #Chinesebritish #Britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkonger #Hongkongbride #Chinesebride #Londonchinesewedding #Londonchineseweddingphotographer #Londonchineseweddingvideographer #Londonchineseweddingphotography #Londonchineseweddingvideography #Chineseweddingphotographer #Chineseweddingvideographer #Chineseweddingphotography #Chineseweddingvideography #HongKongweddingphotographer #HongKongweddingvideographer #HongKongweddingphotography #HongKongweddingvideography #Hongkongbridemakeup #Hongkongbridehairmakeup #Chinesebridemakeup #chinesebridehairmakeup #hongkongbridalmakeup #hongkongbridalhairmakeup #英國香港人 (at Buxted Park Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/COQ9ur8BJjm/?igshid=1ewzkctha6o1g
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thesnapshotcafe · 3 years
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We first met this British Hong Kong couple 2.5 years ago. The couple started to imagine their big day, and we have brain stormed a lot of ideas since then. Last year September, we had a magical pre-wedding shoot in romantic Bellagio, a town in Lake Como, Italy. This year August, we finally served in their wedding. https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ The beautiful hotel is in the country side of Kent - Buxted Park Hotel in Uckfield, East Sussex, UK. Originally, they have reduced the guest-list from 150 guests to 30 guests. Everyone tried to maintain social distancing. It just felt very different from those held in pre-pandemic days. https://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ This is one of our most organised couples, but as all of us know, there is not anything we could really plan in Coronavirus Pandemic. 'We just want to get it over. We just want to get married!' The bride told us on the phone when they adjusted their wedding date the second time. They are now looking to book a bigger place for a bigger Chinese banquet and invite those friends and family who could not join on their big day. 2.5年前,我們第一次見到了這對英國香港新人。這對新人開始幻想他們的大日子,交流了很多想法。去年9月,我們在意大利科莫湖浪漫小鎮貝拉焦(Bellagio)進行了一次奇幻的婚紗拍攝。今年八月,我們終於參與了他們的婚禮。這家美麗的酒店 - 布克斯特公園酒店,位於英國東薩塞克斯郡烏克菲爾德的肯特。他們將賓客表從150位賓客減少到30位賓客。每位都試圖保持社會距離。感覺與疫症前的婚禮大不相同。由於不允許在宴會上舉行宴會,他們將宴會轉移到當地的酒吧,與最親的親戚進行簡短的慶祝活動。 #BritishHongKonger #brideandgroom #BritishHongKongerbride #BritishHongKongergroom #BritishChinese #Chinesebritish #Britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkonger #Hongkongbride #Chinesebride #Londonchinesewedding #Londonchineseweddingphotographer #Londonchineseweddingvideographer #Londonchineseweddingphotography #Londonchineseweddingvideography #Chineseweddingphotographer #Chineseweddingvideographer #Chineseweddingphotography #Chineseweddingvideography #HongKongweddingphotographer #HongKongweddingvideographer #HongKongweddingphotography #HongKongweddingvideography #Hongkongbridemakeup #Hongkongbridehairmakeup #Chinesebridemakeup #chinesebridehairmakeup #hongkongbridalmakeup #hongkongbridalhairmakeup #英國香港人 (at Buxted Park Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/COQ9Q3Th5Bp/?igshid=c29yrc7166jj
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thesnapshotcafe · 3 years
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A simple classic wedding in the famous 'Paul McCartney room' inside The Old Marylebone Town Hall for the British Born Hong Kong bride and groom. After the ceremony, we went to Regent's Park near Camden for couple portraits. https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ We were supposed to provide hair styling and makeup service together with photography, but because of Covid, the bride preferred to do her own hair and makeup. And we could not serve her relatives for their hair and makeup too. Because of the restriction, their guests in Hong Kong could come over to witness the ceremony in person. We have provided them live broadcast service to show 360 degree of the room, so their friends and family members would feel they were in the room. https://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ The town hall only allowed 1 couple and their family in the town hall for maximum an hour. We had to wait for the previous wedding party leave before entering and the next wedding party had to wait outside town hall until we all left. Except these, the bride had to stay at home for 14 days quarantine period before actual wedding day! Their wedding banquet will be held in Orrery Restaurant in Marylebone. This is a very modern restaurant with a lovely roof top garden. 在老馬里波恩市政廳內著名的“保羅·麥卡尼室”慶祝英藉香港新郎和新娘一場簡單而經典的婚禮。儀式結束後,我們去了卡姆登附近的攝政公園拍了些新人照片。 我們原本應該提供髮型和化妝服務以及攝影服務,但是由於Covid的緣故,新娘想自己動手做髮型和化妝。而我們也無法為其親戚提供髮型和妝容服務。由於受到限制,他們在香港的賓客未能親眼見證儀式。我們為他們提供了現場直播服務,顯示房間的360度,讓他們覺得自己在房間裡。 #BritishHongKonger #brideandgroom #BritishHongKongerbride #BritishHongKongergroom #BritishChinese #Chinesebritish #Britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkonger #Hongkongbride #Chinesebride #Londonchinesewedding #Londonchineseweddingphotographer #Londonchineseweddingvideographer #Londonchineseweddingphotography #Londonchineseweddingvideography #Chineseweddingphotographer #Chineseweddingvideographer #Chineseweddingphotography #Chineseweddingvideography #HongKongweddingphotographer #HongKongweddingvideographer #HongKongweddingphotography #HongKongweddingvideography #Hongkongbridemakeup #Hongkongbridehairmakeup #Chinesebridemakeup #Chinesebridehairmakeup #hongkongbridalmakeup #hongkongbridalhairmakeup (at Regent's Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNCffKUhURA/?igshid=1dtmcz9q556a4
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thesnapshotcafe · 3 years
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A simple classic wedding in the famous 'Paul McCartney room' inside The Old Marylebone Town Hall for the British Born Hong Kong bride and groom. After the ceremony, we went to Regent's Park near Camden for couple portraits. https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ We were supposed to provide hair styling and makeup service together with photography, but because of Covid, the bride preferred to do her own hair and makeup. And we could not serve her relatives for their hair and makeup too. Because of the restriction, their guests in Hong Kong could come over to witness the ceremony in person. We have provided them live broadcast service to show 360 degree of the room, so their friends and family members would feel they were in the room. https://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ The town hall only allowed 1 couple and their family in the town hall for maximum an hour. We had to wait for the previous wedding party leave before entering and the next wedding party had to wait outside town hall until we all left. Except these, the bride had to stay at home for 14 days quarantine period before actual wedding day! Their wedding banquet will be held in Orrery Restaurant in Marylebone. This is a very modern restaurant with a lovely roof top garden. 在老馬里波恩市政廳內著名的“保羅·麥卡尼室”慶祝英藉香港新郎和新娘一場簡單而經典的婚禮。儀式結束後,我們去了卡姆登附近的攝政公園拍了些新人照片。 我們原本應該提供髮型和化妝服務以及攝影服務,但是由於Covid的緣故,新娘想自己動手做髮型和化妝。而我們也無法為其親戚提供髮型和妝容服務。由於受到限制,他們在香港的賓客未能親眼見證儀式。我們為他們提供了現場直播服務,顯示房間的360度,讓他們覺得自己在房間裡。 #BritishHongKonger #brideandgroom #BritishHongKongerbride #BritishHongKongergroom #BritishChinese #Chinesebritish #Britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkonger #Hongkongbride #Chinesebride #Londonchinesewedding #Londonchineseweddingphotographer #Londonchineseweddingvideographer #Londonchineseweddingphotography #Londonchineseweddingvideography #Chineseweddingphotographer #Chineseweddingvideographer #Chineseweddingphotography #Chineseweddingvideography #HongKongweddingphotographer #HongKongweddingvideographer #HongKongweddingphotography #HongKongweddingvideography #Hongkongbridemakeup #Hongkongbridehairmakeup #Chinesebridemakeup #Chinesebridehairmakeup #hongkongbridalmakeup #hongkongbridalhairmakeup #2022bride (at Chinese Church in London (CCiL)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNABVarh364/?igshid=3nh15lokq39y
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thesnapshotcafe · 3 years
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A simple classic wedding in the famous 'Paul McCartney room' inside The Old Marylebone Town Hall for the British Born Hong Kong bride and groom. After the ceremony, we went to Regent's Park near Camden for couple portraits. https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ We were supposed to provide hair styling and makeup service together with photography, but because of Covid, the bride preferred to do her own hair and makeup. And we could not serve her relatives for their hair and makeup too. Because of the restriction, their guests in Hong Kong could come over to witness the ceremony in person. We have provided them live broadcast service to show 360 degree of the room, so their friends and family members would feel they were in the room. https://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ The town hall only allowed 1 couple and their family in the town hall for maximum an hour. We had to wait for the previous wedding party leave before entering and the next wedding party had to wait outside town hall until we all left. Except these, the bride had to stay at home for 14 days quarantine period before actual wedding day! Their wedding banquet will be held in Orrery Restaurant in Marylebone. This is a very modern restaurant with a lovely roof top garden. 在老馬里波恩市政廳內著名的“保羅·麥卡尼室”慶祝英藉香港新郎和新娘一場簡單而經典的婚禮。儀式結束後,我們去了卡姆登附近的攝政公園拍了些新人照片。 我們原本應該提供髮型和化妝服務以及攝影服務,但是由於Covid的緣故,新娘想自己動手做髮型和化妝。而我們也無法為其親戚提供髮型和妝容服務。由於受到限制,他們在香港的賓客未能親眼見證儀式。我們為他們提供了現場直播服務,顯示房間的360度,讓他們覺得自己在房間裡。 #BritishHongKonger #brideandgroom #BritishHongKongerbride #BritishHongKongergroom #BritishChinese #Chinesebritish #Britishbornchinese #britishbornhongkonger #Hongkongbride #Chinesebride #Londonchinesewedding #Londonchineseweddingphotographer #Londonchineseweddingvideographer #Londonchineseweddingphotography #Londonchineseweddingvideography #Chineseweddingphotographer #Chineseweddingvideographer #Chineseweddingphotography #Chineseweddingvideography #HongKongweddingphotographer #HongKongweddingvideographer #HongKongweddingphotography #HongKongweddingvideography #Hongkongbridemakeup #Hongkongbridehairmakeup #Chinesebridemakeup #Chinesebridehairmakeup #hongkongbridalmakeup #hongkongbridalhairmakeup (at The Old Marylebone Town Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM-Pld2he6o/?igshid=18fyb9vh2km62
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thesnapshotcafe · 3 years
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A simple classic wedding in the famous 'Paul McCartney room' inside The Old Marylebone Town Hall for the British Born Hong Kong bride and groom. After the ceremony, we went to Regent's Park near Camden for couple portraits. https://www.facebook.com/LondonUKEuropeEngagementWedding/ We were supposed to provide hair styling and makeup service together with photography, but because of Covid, the bride preferred to do her own hair and makeup. And we could not serve her relatives for their hair and makeup too. Because of the restriction, their guests in Hong Kong could come over to witness the ceremony in person. https://www.foreverlovejourney.com/ The town hall only allowed 1 couple and their family in the town hall for maximum an hour. We had to wait for the previous wedding party leave before entering and the next wedding party had to wait outside town hall until we all left. Except these, the bride had to stay at home for 14 days quarantine period before actual wedding day! We all looking forward to their 'Covid-free' banquet next year (2021) summer. Hopefully everything will be fine for them and all the other couples. Their wedding banquet will be held in Orrery Restaurant in Marylebone. 在老馬里波恩市政廳內著名的“保羅·麥卡尼室”慶祝英藉香港新郎和新娘一場簡單而經典的婚禮。儀式結束後,我們去了卡姆登附近的攝政公園拍了些新人照片。 我們原本應該提供髮型和化妝服務以及攝影服務,但是由於Covid的緣故,新娘想自己動手做髮型和化妝。而我們也無法為其親戚提供髮型和妝容服務。由於受到限制,他們在香港的賓客未能親眼見證儀式。我們為他們提供了現場直播服務,顯示房間的360度,讓他們覺得自己在房間裡。 我們都期待明年(2021年)他們的夏季宴會。他們的婚禮宴會將在馬里波恩的Orrery餐廳舉行。 #Chinesebride #Londonchinesewedding #Londonchineseweddingphotographer #Londonchineseweddingvideographer #Londonchineseweddingphotography #Londonchineseweddingvideography #Chineseweddingphotographer #Chineseweddingvideographer #Chineseweddingphotography #Chineseweddingvideography #HongKongweddingphotographer #HongKongweddingvideographer #HongKongweddingphotography #HongKongweddingvideography #Hongkongbridemakeup #Hongkongbridehairmakeup #Chinesebridemakeup #Chinesebridehairmakeup #hongkongbridalmakeup #hongkongbridalhairmakeup #Chinesebridalhairmakeup #Chinesebridalmakeup #ChineseinLondon #ChineseinEurope #HongkongersinLondon #HongkongersinEurope #weddingphotography #TheOldMaryleboneTownHall #OrreryRestaurant #Orrery (at The Old Marylebone Town Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ1bFaLBJt9/?igshid=1p73sdafekcdi
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thesnapshotcafe · 7 years
What a long journey with a very friendly couple came from #MiltonKeynes We took their #preweddingphotos and video shots in #NaturalHistoryMuseum #SouthKensington , #11CadoganGardens #Chelsea , #NationalGallery #TrafalgarSquare , #RegentsPark #Camden , #TowerBridge , #LeadenhallMarket , #StPaul , #LondonEye and #Westminster We are so happy to spent our day running in central London. It is like a photo trip Marathon! :) Sincerely hope all the best for their wedding. https://www.facebook.com/TheSnapshotCafe/ www.foreverlovejourney.com #londonweddings #londonweddingphotographer #londonweddingvideographer #londonweddingphotography #londonweddingvideography #weddingphotographer #weddingvideographer #weddingphotography #chinesepreweddingphotoshoot #europeweddingphotography #chineseweddings #chineseweddingmakeup #weddingphotos #chineseweddingphotos #chineseweddingphotography (at London, United Kingdom)
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thesnapshotcafe · 7 years
What a long journey with a very friendly couple came from #MiltonKeynes We took their #preweddingphotos and video shots in #NaturalHistoryMuseum #SouthKensington , #11CadoganGardens #Chelsea , #NationalGallery #TrafalgarSquare , #RegentsPark #Camden , #TowerBridge , #LeadenhallMarket , #StPaul , #LondonEye and #Westminster We are so happy to spent our day running in central London. It is like a photo trip Marathon! :) Sincerely hope all the best for their wedding. https://www.facebook.com/TheSnapshotCafe/ www.foreverlovejourney.com #londonweddings #londonweddingphotographer #londonweddingvideographer #londonweddingphotography #londonweddingvideography #weddingphotographer #weddingvideographer #weddingphotography #chinesepreweddingphotoshoot #europeweddingphotography #chineseweddings #chineseweddingmakeup #weddingphotos #chineseweddingphotos #chineseweddingphotography
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thesnapshotcafe · 7 years
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What a long journey with a very friendly couple came from #MiltonKeynes We took their #preweddingphotos and video shots in #NaturalHistoryMuseum #SouthKensington , #11CadoganGardens #Chelsea , #NationalGallery #TrafalgarSquare , #RegentsPark #Camden , #TowerBridge , #LeadenhallMarket , #StPaul , #LondonEye and #Westminster We are so happy to spent our day running in central London. It is like a photo trip Marathon! :) Sincerely hope all the best for their wedding. https://www.facebook.com/TheSnapshotCafe/ www.foreverlovejourney.com #londonweddings #londonweddingphotographer #londonweddingvideographer #londonweddingphotography #londonweddingvideography #weddingphotographer #weddingvideographer #weddingphotography #chinesepreweddingphotoshoot #europeweddingphotography #chineseweddings #chineseweddingmakeup #weddingphotos #chineseweddingphotos #chineseweddingphotography (at London Eye, UK)
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