#chiphop imagines
khhunniewriting · 5 years
It Happened So Fast
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“Four years Kris, I waited four years for you. The least you can do is give me a few months to have you all to myself.” Even though you got married months ago Kris had been off filming for a movie, postponing your honeymoon.
Kris knew you deserved way more than what you were asking for. All these years he had put his career first and you second. There are plenty of women who would have given up and left. You stayed, you loved him so much that you were willing to wait patiently for him. “I never knew you loved me that much Baby.” He gently tilted your head up by placing one finger under your chin. The height difference had him crouching down to meet your lips no matter how high he tilted your head.
The kiss was a little unexpected, his silence made it seem like he was searching for a way to gently let you down. You thought he would say work was just too good right now for him to take such a long break but the slight smirk he showed right before the kiss gave you hope.
When his lips left yours Kris kept his eyes on their parted state, noticing how they quivered with the loss of contact. The constant rise and fall of your chest made him sure of the fact that he had just taken your breath away.
His gaze was making you uncomfortable, not in a bad way. The way he was staring at you made your face redden and your legs tighten. “What was that for?” you asked when you couldn’t handle the silence any longer.
“To show you what you can expect from me when we are alone for three months.” He loved you more than anything and would properly show it.
“We’re really going?” your voice rose in excitement.
“Yes but first I have to finish the movie promotions.”
Kris was careful to enter his home as quietly as possible. The sun had yet to rise, he was sure you were still fast asleep. He took a look around as he rid himself of his suitcase and other belongings. Nothing seemed to have changed in his perspective. It was almost like he hadn’t been gone for the past four weeks.
When he got to the bedroom he was welcomed by the sight of you sleeping in the middle of the bed instead of your usual side. The blankets were kicked off to the foot of the bed, as usual, the only difference he noticed was your hair. It would usually be tied up but right now it was crazily laid out on the pillows and all over your face. You would normally tie it up for his sake. to keep it out of his face but with him gone you let it fall as it pleased.
He approached you silently with no intention of letting you know he was home. However, he couldn’t resist the urge- he had to kiss you. In one swoop of his hand, he moved your wild stray hair out of the way and kissed your forehead.
The kiss tickled, causing you to wake up with a smile. As soon as you saw Kris you remembered everything and proceeded to deprive him of the warm welcome he was expecting. “Oh, you’re back,” you deadpanned. You had gone to bed feeling upset and his face just rekindled that feeling.
“Is that all I get after all this time?” Kris asked unaware of the reason you were acting indifferent.
“I’m sorry, is it upsetting?” you sarcastically asked. “It can’t be as upsetting as finding out your husband is back but hasn’t bothered to call or show up until the next day at...what is it like three in the morning?”
Kris chuckled, it was past four but he wasn’t going to make things worse. He actually liked seeing you get mad but there was a limit. If he got you too mad he would end up sleeping alone on the couch. What he wanted most after being away was to cuddle up next to you.
To your knowledge, Kris wasn’t coming home for another three days. That’s why it was so shocking to see his face all over the internet as he walked through the airport then later a party. All day you waited for him but he never got home.
"Sorry Y/N but the whole reason I came back early was to attend the party. It was all work and no fun.”
“I knew it was work,” you sighed. Sometimes it was hard to love Kris...
“Baby I’m sorry, I should have told you.”
“You should have,” you agreed moving over to the other side of the bed. “But it’s too early for apologies. Just go to sleep and we’ll talk later.”
Kris smiled realizing you were no longer upset. He immediately got into bed, not bothering to undress. Without a word, he reached over to your side pulling you in until you were up against his chest. He gave a satisfied sigh at the much-needed comfort this brought him.
You held back a giggle as you thought of how hard it was not to love him when he acted this way. “Comfortable?”
“Very,” he kissed the top of your head before falling asleep.
There was no way you could be mad at his arrival. Even if he snuck in another work-related party into his schedule it was all forgotten because you knew soon you would be on your way to your honeymoon. You couldn’t wait to go to France and binge on all the cheese, wine, and pastries the country had to offer
Only a few days later Kris was invited to another party. This time it was a formal event where he was encouraged to bring his new wife along. This was going to be your first appearance as a couple since your wedding. You wanted to look your best so you put on a dress one of Kris’ designer friends gifted you. “Can you zip me up?” 
“Of course.” There was a sly smile on Kris’ face when you turned to reveal the open back to him. Sure you could have asked the stylist that had done your makeup to also do this for you but you knew he liked to do the honors. 
As he zipped the dress up Kris ran into a problem. “Ummm...Baby, it’s not closing.”
“What?” You began to panic knowing you had no backup outfit. The dress was the same size as all your other dresses so you never imagined there would be a problem. 
He tried again but was met with resistance. “Did you maybe...gain weight?” Immediately after the last word was spoken Kris regretted asking the question.
You whipped your head around to show your anger. “Did you seriously just ask me-” you cut yourself off and walked away to find the stylist. “My husband is useless, can you please zip up my dress?” You hoped he wouldn’t notice but you had put on some weight unexpectedly.
“Baby I didn’t mean it in a bad way.” Kris had actually noticed a difference in your body after having been reacquainted with it. Your hips, thighs, and even your chest seemed fuller but he wasn’t complaining. On the contrary, he was wanting to embrace you even more. He followed you to the stylist watching with an amused look on his face as she too failed to zip up the designer gown. "I’m just saying if you need another dress we can get you one. It’s no big deal.”
From the front, in your perspective, the long sapphire blue dress seemed to wrap itself around you perfectly. You were especially loving the way your chest and hips seemed to stand out. The problem lied in your abdominal region. No one was able to zip the dress past that area meaning the zipper was stuck at your lower back.”I don’t want another dress, I want this dress!”
Kris was taken back by the tears that threatened to spill out of your eyes. You were never one to cry for something minor like this. He looked to the stylist desperate for a solution.
She quickly looked at her phone checking how much time was left. There was a little over an hour before you two had to leave. “I think I can let out the seams a bit.” After the nodding approval from Kris, she turned to you reassuring that she could get it done. “We only need a tiny bit of wiggle room to get this closed.”
“Really?” you instantly cheered up. It was a good thing too, your makeup was at risk of running down your cheeks if you let those tears out.
She nodded and immediately helped you out of the dress.
Kris came over with your black silk robe, “See Babe, everything’s fine.” He held it up for you as you slid your arms through.
“Yeah,” you beamed at him, glad he had such a wonderful team working for him. Going a step further you stunned him when your arms wrapped around him and rested your head against his chest.
He held you for a moment raising a brow as he wondered if you were always this moody.
At the party, you were arm in arm with Kris. 
You received many compliments on your dress making you forget the whole meltdown instead focusing your efforts on giving your best smile to those who approached you.
Being newlyweds meant everyone expected you to be attached at the hip with nothing but love in your eyes. They were not wrong but there was still something Kris was trying to figure out. 
His answer didn’t come until a few weeks into your honeymoon when you experienced lower back and abdominal pain. Your lower abdomen had become swollen. 
Kris instinctively put his hand over the bump despite your scowl. 
“Stop,” you warned. Kris insisted you looked pregnant but the multiple pregnancy tests you took said otherwise.  The more he insisted, the more you became worried. Your nerves were at an all-time high as you experienced more and more of the quintessential pregnancy symptoms.
Kris didn’t stop. “We should take you to the doctor.”
"Oh-” the gynecologist gasped at the image that appeared on the screen. She knew you were pregnant from her previous examination of you but it wasn’t till now that she realized exactly how far along you were. “Your baby is already in position.”
Kris didn’t even need the doctor to point it out. He could see it clearly on his own. 
“Is it safe for her to travel like that?”
“Commercial airlines consider up to 36 weeks as safe but you are flying privately so that won’t be a problem.”
“But is it safe,” Kris repeated worriedly about his wife and daughter’s safety.
“Both the baby and mother are healthy,” the doctor assured. “For optimal comfort make sure to wear loose clothing, take regular walks around the plane to allow proper circulation, and watch for nausea.”
Even with the doctor’s approval, Kris hesitated to put you in an airplane. 
“Kris, I was pregnant when we flew here.”
“If I would have known I wouldn’t have brought you.” He tightened his hold on your hand as he anxiously scrolled through his phone. 
“What are you doing?”
“Setting my timer. The doctor said you have to get up every thirty minutes-”
“Relax,” you held his hand in yours reminding him to breathe. 
He exhaled loudly as he looked over to you, his eyes immediately going to your belly. The flowy floral print dress you sported lifted slightly in the front because of it. It was so surreal how he had left with only his wife but was now coming back with a daughter.
“How can I relax when I’m going to be a father so soon? I don’t even have anything ready for her.”
“Neither do I.”
“You’re already doing most of the work.” He sunk back into his seat looking like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. “I didn’t really do much.”
You laughed, “Well we both enjoyed ourselves in the process.”
“We did,” he agreed with laughter of his own. “It’s also going to be fun seeing the shock on people’s faces when they see you come back pregnant. Maybe we should hide wait until the baby is born to go back and really shock them.”
The two of you laughed at the thought of arriving at the airport with a newborn baby to the point where you felt you could literally pee yourself. “Stop making me laugh,” you lightly slapped his thigh. “The baby is already squishing my bladder.”
Kris’ alarm went off signaling you had to get up and stretch your legs. He helped you up and walked right behind you down the small yet spacious aisle of the private jet- afraid you would fall in the occurrence of turbulence.
Once you sat back down you felt her moving. “Yifan she’s kicking again.” You quickly grabbed his hand and placed it on the spot you could feel her movements. 
He forgot all about setting the timer once more as he was absorbed by his little girl. “She needs a name,” he thought out loud.
"Why don’t you name her?”
“Lucy,” he immediately answered. 
"That was fast.” It took Yifan four years to marry you yet he came up with his daughter’s name in seconds. “You sure you don’t want to think about it for four years?”
His answer came in the form of a kiss. Whether it was to silence you or punish you for making fun of him, you didn’t know and didn’t care.
A/N: Drop by my inbox if you realize where the name comes from. (Hint: it appears in another fic.)
I really didn’t know what to tag. What kind of scenario is this? He’s an ex-KPOP member but he’s no longer there. Maybe CPOP but he does more hip-hop music with American artists so... I just put it all -_-  (not to mention the man is an actor)
Also here is a brief explanation of how someone might not be able to tell they are pregnant like in this fic: Crypto Pregnancy caused by hormone imbalance. If you have PCOS or just any other type of hormonal imbalance, irregular periods, low HCG levels or none at all that can be detected by at home pregnancy tests and sometimes doctors. 
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