"Logical Phalluses" on the Falling Out podcast with Elgen Strait
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See below for an explanation of this diagram.
Falling Out Series 2 Episode 5
Chung-hwa Pak, who wrote the “The Tragedy of the Six Marys – the real Satan is Sun Myung Moon!!” book, was never in any of Moon’s mass marriages. It is important to know there were three other people who contributed to this book. (see chapter 7.) They never retracted their testimonies and ALL of them went on national TV in Japan together with Pak and confirmed Moon’s sex rituals. See illustrated video transcript HERE.
Tragedy of the Six Marys website https://tragedyofthesixmarys.com/
Chung-hwa Pak Interviewed About “SEX RELAYS” https://tragedyofthesixmarys.com/pak-interviewed-moons-sex-relays/
Moon used a Honey Trap to ensnare a very wealthy man, Seong-mo Choi, who the grandfather of Sam Park https://tragedyofthesixmarys.com/moon-used-a-honey-trap/
Sam Park’s mother, Annie Choi, explained how she had sex with Sun Myung Moon in a circle of six women. Moon mounted each of the women in turn. From 1953 to 1959 this Choi family were central to the providence, according to Moon. Then in 1959 Soon-shil Choi left and Moon hurriedly married Hak Ja Han.
see Mother Jones interview, link below.
The meaning of the diagram with six women. “Gods’ Day” was established in 1968 by Moon having sex with six women in a circle. There was a trinity led by Won-pok Choi and a trinity led by Hak Ja Han = six women. Moon claimed to be restoring Jacob’s course. Won-pok Choi represented Jacob’s wife, Leah, and Hak Ja Han represented Jacob’s second wife, Rachel.
Sun Myung Moon’s secret love child (Sam Park) – Mother Jones magazine https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/12/reverend-moon-unification-church-washington-times-secret-son
Unification Church logo https://images.app.goo.gl/4ihW7yY6rZvqW79t5
Chung-hwa Pak did not write “I Am A Traitor – At that time Satan possessed me!”  (The Unification Church of Japan ghost-wrote and published it.) A full explanation can be found HERE
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▲ Chung-hwa Pak, who was in his eighties and sick, is third from the left. Following a stroke, he could not use one arm. Pak is surrounded by UC leaders, including Mr Ishi, in a hotel in Japan. Pak had just signed the book cover artwork for “I Am A Traitor – At that time Satan possessed me!” The UC chose the worst photo of Pak they could find. Obviously no author would make such a book cover. The purpose of the Traitor book was to discredit Pak’s Six Marys book and to keep the Japanese members on the ‘money for Moon’ treadmill.
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▲ The Tragedy of the Six Marys – the real Satan is Sun Myung Moon!! (published by Chung-hwa Pak) is on the left and I Am A Traitor – At that time Satan possessed me! (published by the UC of Japan) is on the right. Chung-hwa Pak is in the back row on the left in the 1954 photo with Moon. Shin-hee Eu, who confessed to pikareum sex with Moon (in Six Marys chapter 7), is in the front row on the right.
How “God’s Day” was established by Sun Myung Moon in 1968
Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives
“Restoration begins within the woman’s womb” – Sun Myung Moon
Sun Myung Moon’s Hidden Gospel
Support the Falling Out show http://supporter.acast.com/falling-out.
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joycysanchez · 3 years
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Saturday night! 🍹 #saturdaynight #saturday #datenight #springtime #happiness #smile #beauty #look #chiwake (en Chiwake) https://www.instagram.com/p/CURUL4qNeck/?utm_medium=tumblr
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percivalias · 4 years
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monkeywrench mlp au.....
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survivorclaim · 5 years
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hey neat it’s some (relevant) mafia members
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kaikatani · 5 years
Basic Character Introductions (Part 5)
Iwao Nakadou, Kaoru Kizakai, Towa Namichi, Takashi Ibarame, Shion Budouhara, Chihaya Hyoudou, Emi Chiwake, & Miho Kaketari
Credit to Picrew for the art! This one for the first four and this one for the second four!
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Name: Iwao Nakadou (中道岩夫) Gender: Male Birthday: June 26 Height: 6'1 (186 cm) Color: Yellow
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Name: Kaoru Kizakai (気境風織) Gender: Male Birthday: March 1 Height: 5'7 (171 cm) Color: Dark Pink
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Name: Towa Namichi (奈路永遠) Gender: Male Birthday: May 31 Height: 5'5 (166 cm) Color: Red
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Name: Takashi Ibarame (茨目登志) Gender: Male Birthday: March 7 Height: 5'11 (180 cm) Color: Jade Green
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Name: Shion Budouhara (葡萄原紫音) Gender: Female Birthday: February 22 Height: 5'4 (162 cm) Color: Light Gray
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Name: Chihaya Hyoudou (兵動知準) Gender: Female Birthday: August 2 Height: 5'6 (168 cm) Color: Aqua
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Name: Emi Chiwake (血分咲) Gender: Female Birthday: November 30 Height: 5'7 (170 cm) Color: Pink
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Name: Miho Kaketari (掛足真歩) Gender: Female Birthday: October 24 Height: 5'4 (164 cm) Color: Light Brown
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nextitisyourturn · 4 years
Chiwake Mori
Chiwake Mori (森)
Age: 22
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday: February 5
Affiliation: University Student
Hero Name: Siamese
Height: 175 cm
Hair Color: Platinum blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Family: Chiwake (nee Tsuchikawa) Ryuko, Chiwake Totoro (Brother)
Quirk: Nekomimi (has cat ears and a tail, as well as cat-like senses)
Other: Studying to be a teacher at UA High School, so she interns often. Very flirty and popular among men. Also a part-time Pro Hero (with many fanboys).
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all the oc talk has made me revisit my own bnha ocs, which are a u.a. student and their family, and i might even draw them out sometime soon. the parents are Fumi Sumikawa and Kentarou Chiwake. Fumi is a mangaka with a quirk that allows her to manipulate ink and bring drawings to "life" until the ink dries out, and Kentarou is a cardiologist with a quirk that allows him to literally smell irregularities in a person's blood, and can very mildly control their blood flow like to loosen clots,- (1/4
(2/4) - control blood pressure, and prevent internal and external bleeding. they have two kids, Irisu Sumikawa who is a first year student at u.a., and Nagane Chiwake who is a first year middle schooler. Irisu’s quirk is a lot like their mom’s with a distinct twist; their blood is an ink-like fluid which they can control just like Fumi’s quirk. they can manipulate it and when used to draw with, it comes to “life” until it dries out. writing in kanji has the same effect, as long as they have -
(¾) - a specific definition in mind. writing on themselves in kanji with their blood-ink can be used as a temporary buff (like in defense and stamina) which lasts until it dries out or is washed away. Irisu’s blood is also kind of toxic when consumed by others, causing stomach pains and vomiting. their body will also not accept any sort of foreign blood transfusions, not even type O- blood, which puts them at a very high risk in the case of excessive blood loss. -
(4/4) - Nagane’s quirk is a lot more similar to her dad’s; she doesn’t have the ability to sniff out irregularities in the blood, but her potential to control a person’s blood flow is much greater than her dad’s. in theory, she would be able to do stuff like control people’s limbs ala bloodbending in atla and induce heart attacks or aneurysms, though these would take very huge tolls on her body with extended use. she currently has no interest in exploring what her quirk can do.
!!!!! i was really invested in the parents quirks when i read them, but the way you fixed and changed/ fused the quirks onto their children is really interesting too!! i can imagine a cute family bonding moment where fumi uses her quirk to create cute imagery to play w/ her kids when they were really young :’D and v interesting for nagane having no interest in a strong quirk like that, hoe you develop more in the future, regardless of it being bnha ocs or not!
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078 (1) – La Cola del Mono y la Espiral de la Vida. -
La fascinante historia de la Espiral de la Vida en la mitología peruana, que está representada por la cola del mono, en las líneas de Nazca y es utilizada como símbolo de la Marca Perú.
La mayoría de los profesores disfrutamos investigando, es una de nuestras razones de ser y existir. Por supuesto, uno de los temas más atractivos es la historia y sus aspectos mágicos y religiosos.
No soy una excepción y estos capítulos son para mí los más apasionantes y además es una forma de entender él porque de muchas cosas.
Una de las primeras investigaciones académicas que realice en este aspecto, fue tratar de descifrar el mensaje mitológico de la cultura peruana.
La información a llegado a nosotros en base a la transmisión arqueológica y oral, y por lo tanto algunos elementos se han perdido en el tiempo y otros quedaron algo escondidos.
Si a esta situación, le añadimos que son pocos los investigadores que se han dedicado a los temas mitológicos, el grado de dificultad para encontrar información es mayor para los que se interesan en estos menesteres.
Otra de las características anecdóticas para este trabajo, fue mi profesión de ingeniero, muchas veces he escuchado comentarios como el siguiente:
¿Qué hace este matemático inmiscuyéndose en temas de historiadores, arqueólogos, sociólogos ó chefs?
Literalmente, tuve que estudiar durante muchos años estas disciplinas, para poder recorrer senderos que estaban completamente cerrados para un “simple” ingeniero.
Uno de los objetivos que rondaba en mi mente era descubrir al heraldo de los dioses en el antiguo Perú. Su búsqueda fue uno de los primeros objetivos de esta investigación.
En todas las mitologías existe un vehículo de comunicación entre los de arriba – los inmortales – y los de abajo – los humanos – y los de más abajo todavía – los que habitan en la oscuridad del infierno, los demonios del más allá.
Generalmente se repiten las figuras - en el ámbito de la mitología mundial - el heraldo tiene la apariencia de un hombre joven, apuesto, bueno, que realiza diligentemente la tarea de transmitir información y entendimiento entre el mundo mágico y la realidad terrenal.
Comencé estudiando a un personaje de la mitología griega, pensando que me serviría de modelo en la búsqueda de nuestro heraldo nativo. El elegido fue Hermes, el hijo de Zeus y de la náyade Maya, que desde su nacimiento en la cumbre de la montaña Cilino, en Arcadia, dio señales de especial creatividad y simpatía. Invento la lira y a través de la poesía de su música pudo comunicarse con mucha empatía y deleitar a cuanta persona lo escuchaba.
Por otro lado, valiéndose de sus facultades y conocimientos, ayuda a muchos con gran sagacidad y prudencia. También les enseña oficios, especialmente relacionados con la agricultura y el campo.
Hermes, durante toda su vida ofrece provechosa ayuda, está cerca de su padre Zeus, quien lo elige como a uno de sus hijos predilectos. La misión de Hermes como el interlocutor oficial entre los dioses y los hombres, la realiza perfectamente.
Aplicando estos indicios, dedique algunos años de paciente búsqueda para encontrar un personaje similar en el mundo mágico andino. Por fin la investigación dio sus frutos, fue una gran logro descubrir a nuestro heraldo, que precisamente no se parecía a Hermes, me refiero a Chiwake.
Tenía una importante iconografía en la cerámica y textilería, incluyendo una hermosa figura en las pampas de Nazca y era nada menos que un singular colibrí. - luego vino lo mejor, el premio a la constancia, cuando encontré la explicación de cómo Chiwake, nuestro heraldo, había enseñado a cocinar a los antiguos peruanos con la misma habilidad que los Dioses, entonces sentí una plena satisfacción... al añadir a mi intelecto algo importante, trascendente los peruanos cocinan como los dioses.
Quedaban muchos temas pendientes y tenía el firme propósito de ampliar la misión cuanto fuese necesario. El siguiente objetivo, muy importantes, era encontrar “la espiral de la vida” el símbolo que representa el inicio de todo y señala la trayectoria hasta llegar al infinito y que une a través de un común denominador a la mitología universal. Por supuesto, este logro nos guiaría al concepto de los Círculos de Confianza y de esta manera podría completar la mágica trilogía. [email protected]
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g1noticias · 7 years
Festival gastronômico reúne chefs de todo o país em restaurantes de Pernambuco
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Evento acontece em 14 locais do Recife, Olinda, Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Ipojuca e Fernando de Noronha, entre 1º e 3 de março. Pratos inéditos serão elaborados à quatro mãos, por chef anfitrião e convidado de cada restaurante Rodrigo Moreira Mendes/Divulgação O festival gastronômico Pernambuco Bom de Mesa vai reunir chefs de vários estados em 14 restaurantes pernambucanos, entre a quinta-feira (1º) e o sábado (3). Os menus são inéditos, elaborados em conjunto pelo chef da casa e o convidado. Os estabelecimentos ficam no Recife e em Olinda, Ipojuca, Cabo de Santo Agostinho e Fernando de Noronha. Com o tema Herança de Sabores, cada dupla de chefs, anfitrião e convidado, tem a missão de resgatar a memória afetiva de receitas tradicionais. O menu deve conter entrada, prato principal e sobremesa. Os clientes que frequentarem os restaurantes participantes durante os dias do evento e aceitarem a sugestão do menu do festival ganham uma cerâmica do Prato da Boa Lembrança, item de colecionador, criada com desenho exclusivo para a ocasião. O Festival Pernambuco Bom de Mesa é dedicado à culinária regional e acontece em Pernambuco há 16 anos. Cada restaurante terá um menu com entrada, prato principal e sobremesa Rodrigo Moreira Mendes/Divulgação Confira o menu de cada restaurante participante Beijupirá | Olinda Chef: Monica Rangel (MG) Entrada: Camarão crocante de castanha, vinagrete de abacate e manga Prato principal: Robalo em crosta, sopa de vinho do Porto Sobremesa: Chocolate, caramelo, framboesa e suspiro Beijupirá | Muro Alto (Ipojuca) Chef: Fabrizio Abatte (Italiano, proprietário de restaurante na Bahia) Entrada: Lagosta Atolada: Lascas de lagostas temperadas com limão, sal e pimenta, envoltos em creme de macaxeira no caldo de peixe, acompanha farofinha de abacaxi Prato principal: Fregola Sarda com camarões e pernil de porco defumado ao molho caprese Sobremesa: Triunvirat: Terrine de sorvete artesanal de tapioca, café, creme de goiabada e bolacha, com chantily polvilhado com café e café no melaço de cana Oficina do Sabor | Olinda Chef: Marcondes de Deus (BA) Entrada: Polvo crocante com tomate e cebolinhas, confit e purê de favas na manteiga de garrafa Prato principal: Filé de peixe e camarão ao bisque com rostie de macaxeira com queijo coalho ou Mignon do sol entremeado com queijo manteiga, cebolinhas confit, mel de engenho, banana grelhada e farofa crocante de cebola roxa Sobremesa: Cuscuz de tapioca com baba de milho verde, sorvete de canela e chips de coco Wiella Bistrô | Recife Chef: Alexandre Sharin (RS) Entrada: Chicken Tilka: Frango assado com iogurte, pão indiano nan e chutney de manga Prato principal: Tandori Duck: Magret assado no forno indiano com fumê de curry panang, creme de alho palak ou Nasi Goren de camarões com arroz basmati. Sobremesa: Gulab Jamon: Bolinhas de leite reduzidas e recheadas com nozes embebidas em calda de cardamomo com água de rosas e folha de ouro Varanda | Fernando de Noronha Chef: Daniela Martins (PA) Entrada: Ceviche de Cavala com Tucupi Prato principal: Camarão com Leite de castanha do Pará e purê de abóbora Sobremesa: Creme de Bacuri com Ganache de Chocolate Nez Bistro | Recife Chef: Claudio Guastella (Italiano, chef em Rondônia) Entrada: Spinaci e Gamberi: espinafres refogados ao vinho branco, salteados com parmesão, camarão e bacon crocante Prato Principal: Mare e Monti: massa farfalle com camarão, presunto, funghi, cebola, molho de tomate, molho bechamel e salsinha Sobremesa: Dolce alla Maiori: tortinha de berinjela frita com coração de ricota doce, ganache de chocolate meio amargo com um toque de geleia de pimenta. Chiwake | Recife Chef: Jaime Barcelos (SC) Entrada: Camarão no abacaxi, figo seco, ao creme de mascarpone e limão siciliano Prato Principal: Peixe intercalado no pão de migas ao creme de polenta branca e grana padano, com toque de azeite trufado branco, acompanhado de confitado de polvo na crosta de milho mostarda e mel Sobremesa: Brisas do conde: creme de ovos moles, nozes pecã, envolto em chocolate belga, finalizado com sorvete de canela e vinho do Porto Tio Pepe | Recife Chef: Joana Galo (RJ) Prato Principal: Nhoque da batata doce orgânica com camarões flambados em manteiga de coral, farofa de bijou com castanhas Ponte Nova | Recife Chef: Rodolfo Mayer (RJ) Entrada: Biscoito de cebola assada, ricota, pickles e brotos Prato Principal: Bœuf braisé com agrião, pirão de queijo mineiro, legumes e sagu Sobremesa: Brigadeiro branco, morango, goiaba e granola especial Beijupirá | Reserva do Paiva (Cabo de Santo Agostinho) Chef: Ramon Júnior (RJ) Entrada: Pastel aberto de camarão e palmito Prato Principal: Polvo Arrepiado Sobremesa: Manjar de cupuaçu com calda de mel de engenho Oma Patisserie Bistrô | Recife Chef: Vitor Generoso (AL) Entrada: Espaguete com fumet de peixe cremoso e ovas Prato Principal: Bife a rolê: Rosbife de filet enrolado com linguiça caseira e cenoura glaceada, farofa de milho crocante, purê de batata com mostarda, jus de carne, pétalas de cebola roxa e rúcula ou Filé de robalo grelhado, mil folhas de macaxeira, mousse de cogumelos frescos e pancetta Sobremesa: Entremets laranja capim-santo: Biscoito sablé, bavaroise ao capim santo, coulis de laranja, chocolate amargo Porto Mix | Porto de Galinhas (Ipojuca) Chef: Lui Veronese (DF) Entrada: Casquinha de anchovas e cream cheese Prato Principal: Peixe da casa glaceado em missô com purê de alho cremoso Sobremesa: Mil folhas de chocolate com caramelo salgado La Comedie | Recife Chef: Paulo Pinho (RJ) Entrada: Cogumelos da serra com queijo pernambucano Prato Principal: Bacalhau ao forno em cama de pão do Alvorada Sobremesa: Banana no melado com gengibre e sorvete de frutas vermelhas Mirage | Recife Chef: Maria Victória (RJ) Entrada: Camarões a Bulhão ou pato com broa torrada. Prato Principal: Polvo grelhado com salada morna de feijão de corda e azeite negro, arroz malandro de pintada (arroz caldoso com galinha caipira refogada em vinha d'alhos, cogumelos frescos e castanha de caju). Sobremesa: Pudim do Abade de Priscos ou Pudim de claras com damascos ou Compota de abacaxi source https://g1.globo.com/pe/pernambuco/noticia/festival-gastronomico-reune-chefs-de-todo-o-pais-em-restaurantes-de-pernambuco.ghtml
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“If you really want to please True Father then have sex with your spouse in front of him.”
One wife from the 36 couples said this to Japanese members at Cheongpyeong in the 1990s.
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▲ Three couples at the 72 couple mass wedding
When Sun Myung Moon was conducting the 72 couple mass wedding, he became too tired to womb cleanse the wife of Hyo-min Eu. Moon told Mr. Eu to have sex with his wife in front of him and that would be sufficient for them to be a purified couple. There was at least one other person in the room. It may have been Hak Ja Han. This was Hyo-min Eu’s own testimony.
An official church record: “The 72 couple Holy Wedding was held on June 4, 1962. Couples entered the hall in sets of three, and separate ceremonies were held for each set. As the couples entered, a congratulatory poem and song were offered, wedding vows were recited and rings were exchanged. Reverend and Mrs. Moon's blessing prayer followed, and finally, commemorative photographs were taken. A one hour intermission was held after eight sets of couples had participated in the ceremony. The entire marriage ceremony was completed at 5:30 p.m., more than eleven hours after it had begun!”
About 10 of the 36 couples had left the UC by the 1980s. The Hyo-min Eu couple, and others, were promoted to be in the 36 couples to fill the gaps.
Sex in front of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han happens in a symbolic way during the “Three Day Ceremony” which must be done in front of a photograph of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han. In the official instructions, it is optional to have “two cushions to designate the places of True Parents” so that they can have greater presence in the room.
Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives
Ritual Sex in the Unification Church – Kirsti L. Nevalainen
Hyo Jin Moon is rumored to have held a loaded handgun to Peter Kim’s head at East Garden and threatened to pull the trigger. Why?
Hyung Jin Sean Moon told women to proclaim their intimacy with the Christ – sermon April 26, 2015
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percivalias · 5 years
Kyo 👀
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kyo laughs at me and threatens my job security asmr
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survivorclaim · 5 years
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some oc doodles from last night !! yee
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nextitisyourturn · 4 years
Chiwake Totoro
Chiwake Totoro (土々呂)
Age: 29
Pronouns: He/Him
Birthday: June 6
Affiliation: Pro Hero
Hero Name: Snowshoe
Height: 190 cm
Hair Color: Dirty blond
Eye Color: Blue
Family: Chiwake (nee Tsuchikawa) Ryuko, Chiwake Mori (Sister)
Quirk: Earth Flow
Other: UA High School Teacher. Very quiet and reserved. Likes to sculpt.
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078 (1) – La Cola del Mono y la Espiral de la Vida. -
La fascinante historia de la Espiral de la Vida en la mitología peruana, que está representada por la cola del mono, en las líneas de Nazca y es utilizada como símbolo de la Marca Perú.
La mayoría de los profesores disfrutamos investigando, es una de nuestras razones de ser y existir. Por supuesto, uno de los temas más atractivos es la historia y sus aspectos mágicos y religiosos.
No soy una excepción y estos capítulos son para mí los más apasionantes y además es una forma de entender él porque de muchas cosas.
Una de las primeras investigaciones académicas que realice en este aspecto, fue tratar de descifrar el mensaje mitológico de la cultura peruana.
La información a llegado a nosotros en base a la transmisión arqueológica y oral, y por lo tanto algunos elementos se han perdido en el tiempo y otros quedaron algo escondidos.
Si a esta situación, le añadimos que son pocos los investigadores que se han dedicado a los temas mitológicos, el grado de dificultad para encontrar información es mayor para los que se interesan en estos menesteres.
Otra de las características anecdóticas para este trabajo, fue mi profesión de ingeniero, muchas veces he escuchado comentarios como el siguiente:
¿Qué hace este matemático inmiscuyéndose en temas de historiadores, arqueólogos, sociólogos ó chefs?
Literalmente, tuve que estudiar durante muchos años estas disciplinas, para poder recorrer senderos que estaban completamente cerrados para un “simple” ingeniero.
Uno de los objetivos que rondaba en mi mente era descubrir al heraldo de los dioses en el antiguo Perú. Su búsqueda fue uno de los primeros objetivos de esta investigación.
En todas las mitologías existe un vehículo de comunicación entre los de arriba – los inmortales – y los de abajo – los humanos – y los de más abajo todavía – los que habitan en la oscuridad del infierno, los demonios del más allá.
Generalmente se repiten las figuras - en el ámbito de la mitología mundial - el heraldo tiene la apariencia de un hombre joven, apuesto, bueno, que realiza diligentemente la tarea de transmitir información y entendimiento entre el mundo mágico y la realidad terrenal.
Comencé estudiando a un personaje de la mitología griega, pensando que me serviría de modelo en la búsqueda de nuestro heraldo nativo. El elegido fue Hermes, el hijo de Zeus y de la náyade Maya, que desde su nacimiento en la cumbre de la montaña Cilino, en Arcadia, dio señales de especial creatividad y simpatía. Invento la lira y a través de la poesía de su música pudo comunicarse con mucha empatía y deleitar a cuanta persona lo escuchaba.
Por otro lado, valiéndose de sus facultades y conocimientos, ayuda a muchos con gran sagacidad y prudencia. También les enseña oficios, especialmente relacionados con la agricultura y el campo.
Hermes, durante toda su vida ofrece provechosa ayuda, está cerca de su padre Zeus, quien lo elige como a uno de sus hijos predilectos. La misión de Hermes como el interlocutor oficial entre los dioses y los hombres, la realiza perfectamente.
Aplicando estos indicios, dedique algunos años de paciente búsqueda para encontrar un personaje similar en el mundo mágico andino. Por fin la investigación dio sus frutos, fue una gran logro descubrir a nuestro heraldo, que precisamente no se parecía a Hermes, me refiero a Chiwake.
Tenía una importante iconografía en la cerámica y textilería, incluyendo una hermosa figura en las pampas de Nazca y era nada menos que un singular colibrí. - luego vino lo mejor, el premio a la constancia, cuando encontré la explicación de cómo Chiwake, nuestro heraldo, había enseñado a cocinar a los antiguos peruanos con la misma habilidad que los Dioses, entonces sentí una plena satisfacción... al añadir a mi intelecto algo importante, trascendente los peruanos cocinan como los dioses.
Quedaban muchos temas pendientes y tenía el firme propósito de ampliar la misión cuanto fuese necesario. El siguiente objetivo, muy importantes, era encontrar “la espiral de la vida” el símbolo que representa el inicio de todo y señala la trayectoria hasta llegar al infinito y que une a través de un común denominador a la mitología universal. Por supuesto, este logro nos guiaría al concepto de los Círculos de Confianza y de esta manera podría completar la mágica trilogía. [email protected]
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Sun Myung Moon’s justification for sex with the wives of the first 36 couples
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▲ Here are many of the 36 wives that Sun Myung Moon ‘womb cleansed.’
This post was copied from The Tragedy of the Six Marys website.
The starting point for complete restoration of the blood lineage is a man’s seed going into the woman’s womb.
Change of Blood Lineage: The Real Experience of Salvation by the Messiah Sun Myung Moon: speech given on October 13, 1970 in Seoul, Korea
“The realm of total perfection cannot be achieved without a condition for restoring fallen Eve. The Holy Spirit and Jesus must give rebirth centering upon original love. In order for Jesus to be born, God in His providence prepared a certain historical foundation of heart. That providence must involve the womb of a woman.”…
“A person is born through a man’s seed going into a woman. Where does the way of reversal begin? It is within the woman’s womb. The condition must be established so that history is reversed in the womb. For complete restoration, the starting point is the seed which exists in the body of a male. The condition must be established in which the seed within a male is united with God’s love. Without establishing that condition, complete reversal of the blood lineage cannot be established. Religion must follow God’s way. That is why a world level religion must teach the necessity for rebirth. Therefore, Christianity has become a world religion both in concept and in reality. It teaches that everybody must be reborn, just as Jesus told Nicodemus, ‘Unless one is born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’ (John 3:3)”
1991-92 Pikareum lecture notes introduction
The lecturers were Mr. Yoshiaki Hiro, Mr. Kunio Sano and Mr. Yasutomo Shirai. The one-day and four-day workshops took place at the Miyazaki Dai Center near Tokyo (where 300 members attended January 9-12, 1992) and in about four other cities in Japan between summer 1991 and spring 1992. The workshops were held because many Japanese members had heard about Moon’s pikareum sex rituals and were asking questions. Also the publication of The Tragedy of the Six Marys was anticipated. This book was an exposé of the early history of the Unification Church written by Chung-hwa Pak who had started to follow Sun Myung Moon in 1949, but finally left in the 1980s. He wrote the book based on his 6,000 pages of handwritten notes and included information about the early versions of Sun Myung Moon’s theology. Many of the 49 photographs in the book were supplied by Hyo-min Eu. He was one of the 36 couples who had left and also contributed to Pak’s book. Hyo-min Eu published a Korean edition of Pak’s book in 1996. The Unification Church failed in their legal efforts to block the book in either country. The book stood up to scrutiny as factual.
The Unification Church held the workshops to “inoculate” the Japanese members against the now proven facts revealed in the book. Moon’s sexual theology was too much for some of the members and they left. The pikareum workshops were terminated in 1992. (Interestingly, there had also been some pikareum workshops for members in Japan in the 1980s.)
The following pages of notes and diagrams are based on the notes of four workshop participants who were at different workshop locations. They all left the Unification Church and shared their notes with others. Their notes were consistent with each other.
A 1975 FBI report from San Francisco documents Moon’s sex theology. There are many Korean and Japanese language accounts of Moon’s peculiar activities. Young-oon Kim, Won-pok Choi, Young-hwi Kim, Won-pil Kim and all the top Korean leaders kept the pikareum well hidden.
In the past few years two of Moon’s sons, first Hyung Jin and then in 2017 Kook Jin, have clearly and publicly explained (on video)  the “necessity” for their father to perform pikareum (chiwake in Japanese) sex rituals to cleanse original sin. In Korea, since the 1930s, there have been other messiahs who also did sexual womb cleansing, for example Baek-moon Kim and Tae-seon Park.
It seems that Jeong Myeong-seok (JMS, Jesus Morning Star), leader of the worldwide Providence Church, may have the same theology. He is a former disciple of Sun Myung Moon. He was released from jail in Korea in 2018 having served ten years for multiple rape. JMS VIDEO
What was Sun Myung Moon’s secret pikareum sex ritual?

In Korean, pikareum 피가름 means blood separation ( 피 pi = blood and 가름 kareum = separation. ‘Blood separation’ refers to dividing the blood from the ‘satanic blood’ supposedly introduced by the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. (Adam and Eve never actually existed.) According to Sun Myung Moon, the fall was caused by the Archangel Lucifer seducing Eve in the spirit, and she in turn seduced Adam in the flesh. This sexual intercourse produced a bloodline tainted by the ‘original sin.’ All mankind allegedly carry this sinful, satanic blood.
Sun Myung Moon taught that to reverse the illicit sex that caused the original sin, sexual intercourse had to be performed with a sinless man in a ritual called pikareum. The process is also called ‘womb cleansing’ – consequently no contraception should be used.
Moon said Jesus was the second Adam and that he himself was the third and sinless Adam. Moon said that pikareum had to be done three times, with himself, to purify the women. This represented the three stages of ‘formation, growth and perfection.’ He also said that there had to be a witness for the process to be valid. The reason for the witness was to ‘remove the element of shame.’ This is because Adam and Eve hid from God in their shame at having ‘fallen.’
Sun Myung Moon personally performed pikareum with all the wives of the first 36 couples which he ‘blessed’ in marriage, as well as every wife from the 72 couples. (Hyo-min Eu was one eyewitness.) Those couples all became known as Moon’s tribe, or ‘the Royal Couples’ from the ‘Holy Weddings.’ Purified men and women had a duty to restore others in a ‘sex relay’ that should have expanded to cleanse all mankind.
In the Unification Church today a very similar expression, ‘change of blood lineage,’ is used. The words are slightly different but the meaning is the same. When Sun Myung Moon’s mass marriages became too large, he introduced the ‘three day ceremony’ which symbolized pikareum. The couples themselves had to do three days of ritual sexual intercourse in different positions.
Sun Myung Moon started his sex rituals in Pyongyang in 1946 and was soon arrested on “morals charges.” In 1948 he was again arrested for “disturbing the social order with women.” He was sent to Heungnam prison for five years for that, and for bigamy (ref. bigamy of Sun Myung Moon in the Los Angeles Times). In 1948 Sun Myung Moon was also excommunicated by the Presbyterian Church of Korea which “ruled the Unification Church (FFWPU) as heretical for three reasons: (1) Sun Myung Moon has placed himself, more than Jesus Christ, as the object of faith; (2) their doctrine violated the morals of modern society; and (3) they would destroy the church by deceiving pure and sincere Christians.” (William J Petersen, 1975)
It is indeed official UC teaching that Jesus had sex with Mary Magdalene.
Andrew Wilson, PhD, Unification Theological Seminar (UTS): “According to True Father [Sun Myung Moon]’s first Principle text, Wolli Wonbon (written in the early 1950s), Jesus was indeed married to Mary Magdalene. It was a conditional marriage, however, because Mary Magdalene also had been sleeping with another man in the Archangel position (Judas Iscariot), who was supposed to give her to Jesus. Mention that Jesus would have to restore Eve in this way is hinted at in Exposition of the Divine Principle in the discussion of Abraham and Sarah in Egypt”
Bible quotation omitted
“God set up this situation to restore the Fall of Man. God had created Adam and Eve to become husband and wife, but Lucifer slept with Eve and stole her from Adam. To restore the Fall, this action had to be reversed: an Archangel-type husband would have to give up his wife, representing Eve, to a man in the position of Adam — and do it voluntarily. Thus Pharaoh (the Archangel) was induced to give up Sarah (Eve) to Abraham (Adam).
In this regard, Wolli Wonbon describes a triangular relationship between Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Judas, who were in the positions of Adam, Eve and Archangel: Jesus tried to set up Judas’ wife as the woman in the position of Eve who would fulfill the original purpose of the Will. Mary Magdalene was this woman. Although she was Judas Iscariot’s lover, she absolutely obeyed Jesus’ will. Thus, as Satan had taken Eve from Adam, Jesus would try to take Judas’ wife for himself and thereby fulfill the Will according to the Principle.”
Source: http://www.utsalumni.org/news/the-wife-of-jesus-seen-from-the-perspective-of-divine-principle-by-andrew-wilson-ph-d-uts78-5075/
Passages in [ … ] have been added for the sake of clarification.
The “Six Marys” theology of Sun Myung Moon explained Why did Sun Myung Moon choose married women, one after the other, to perform “sex evangelism”? According to Mr. Chung-hwa Pak’s book, The Tragedy of the Six Marys, the reason is Moon’s peculiar interpretation of Christianity.
Adam and Eve were the first human beings. Eve had sex with Satan and so all mankind became descendants of the devil. Therefore God sent Jesus Christ to earth as the second Adam. The mission of Christ was to take Eve back from Satan who had stolen her. To do this Christ must have sexual intercourse with six married women, including Mary his own mother, in order to cleanse the blood. (Moon called it “the return” or “the restoration.”) But Jesus Christ left this world having failed to save even one married woman by doing pikareum with her.
So God sent Sun Myung Moon to earth as the third Adam. His mission was to cleanse the blood of six married women, namely the Six Marys. This was to be done by sexual intercourse with Moon three times [formation, growth and completion]. Through a kind of sexual intercourse relay with these Marys, humankind could be cleansed and saved and brought back to God’s side for the first time. [Moon required each cleansed person to have sex with many others to purify them.] It was Moon who preached this “Principle” to Mr. Pak. LINK
According to Sun Myung Moon, the most important relationship is that between parent and child. Satan claimed that relationship at the fall in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, to restore that relationship, incest on the side of God must be performed. That is why Jesus should have restored his mother, Mary, by having sex with her.
Sun Myung Moon also explained about this heavenly incest is his speech of August 9, 1997 “Chil Pal Jeol” given to 7,000 Unification Church leaders from all over the world at the Central Training Center in Guri near Seoul. (The Korean and Japanese texts are the most accurate; the English translations were heavily redacted. From some point around this time, or maybe earlier, UC lawyers were involved in vetting any translations of Moon’s words from Korean or Japanese.)
On August 9, 1997 Moon said (from the Japanese) that “incest started from Satan” and is evil, but “incest started by God” is said to be noble. “absolute ideal relationships with close relatives” are good, but “incestuous relationships” are not good.
Change of Blood Lineage Lecture
1991       広 Hiro  義昭 Yoshiaki     講師 lecturer
John the Baptist had a mission to testify to Jesus as the messiah, to become Jesus’ first disciple, and to lead Israel to follow Jesus. However, John was quite proud and was older than Jesus. After he initially testified to the people that Jesus was the messiah, he saw the reality that the people were going to Jesus to be baptised. This left John with a feeling of diminished power and less influence. His love for Jesus declined and he did not want to be Jesus’ main disciple. As a result, John the Baptist failed to fulfil his mission, and so he brought the providence to failure.
Since John the Baptist failed the providence of restoration, Judas, whom Jesus trusted the most, was asked to carry out the mission in the place of John the Baptist. (He was the most educated man among the 12 disciples, and was [entrusted with] doing the accounting.) Being asked to replace John meant that Judas had to pay an indemnity condition to overcome John’s feeling of experiencing less love for Jesus. Judas was showing his feelings of attraction to Mary Magdalene who was among the crowd that came to Jesus at that time. Jesus took her and had sex with her [even though she was involved with Judas]. This was to create the opportunity for Judas to overcome [the same feeling that had been too difficult for John to overcome]. However, Judas [should have willingly offered Mary Magdalene, whom he loved, to Jesus, but Judas] couldn’t overcome his feeling of diminished love [for Jesus]. Judas finally betrayed Jesus for money. [Because of this Jesus couldn’t marry and have children, and so there was no new lineage free from original sin.]
In the providence of restoration centering on Teacher Sun Myung Moon, Baek-moon Kim was the person in the position of John the Baptist. However, he too couldn’t overcome the feeling of a decrease of love for Teacher Sun Myung Moon, and so Baek-moon Kim failed. The indemnity for this failure had to be paid by the 36 blessed couples, whom Teacher trusted the most. Accordingly, each of the 36 husbands had to offer his beloved wife to Teacher Sun Myung Moon, in order to overcome the feeling of a diminished sense of love. This was called the Body Ceremony, which was also known as the Three Day Ceremony. The contents of this Body Ceremony were clearly explained by Teacher Moon, and it was a fact that he himself also practiced it.
Baek-moon Kim had originally also revealed very similar contents [in his books], Theology of the Holy Spirit and Fundamental Christian Principles. Baek-moon Kim carried out the Body Ceremony in front of his disciples. [He wrote about the ‘fall’ and a ‘three-day ceremony to purify the blood’ on pages 128-130 of the first of his three books, Theology of the Holy Spirit, which was published in 1954. Sun Myung Moon’s first book of theology, the Divine Principle was not published until 1957. Before that a few handwritten notebooks were circulated by church members.]
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Adam and Eve should have married after having achieved their perfection of character [or the fulfilment of the first blessing, Genesis 1:28] and established a sinless lineage. However, because of the Fall with Lucifer, they left behind a fallen lineage.  (Genesis, Chapter 3) (Divine Principle, Chapter 2)
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Tamar was married to Er and then to Onan, two sons of Judah. However, both of these men died [before fathering any children], and there was no lineage from them. When Tamar realized that she couldn’t marry Shelah, Judah’s last son, she decided to trick her father-in-law into a sexual relationship to [conceive a child and] continue the blood lineage.  (Genesis, Chapter 38)
[King David later came from this lineage.]
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King David took Bathsheba to be his ‘wife’. [He got her pregnant while her husband Uriah was away fighting a war. David called Uriah back to Jerusalem, but Uriah would not have sex with his wife. For this reason] King David sent Uriah to die on the battlefield.  (Second Book of Samuel, Chapter 11)
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In response to a revelation from God, Mary went to [the house of] Zechariah. [There,] she had a sexual relationship with him and became pregnant with Jesus.  (Luke, Chapter 1)
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Mary Magdalene was the lover of the most trusted disciple, Judas. To change the lineage and to leave one without original sin, Jesus should have taken Mary Magdalene and had sex with her.
• At the time of Jesus
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[At first John the Baptist was positive towards Jesus and baptised him.] John should have become Jesus’ first disciple and testified to the world that Jesus was the messiah. But because John’s love for Jesus decreased he failed. [John separated from Jesus and went his own way.]
Judas really loved Mary Magdalene. He should have overcome his feelings of jealousy towards Jesus [and dedicated Mary to him. This would have reversed the failure of John the Baptist.] However, Judas could not overcome his feeling of reduced love for Jesus, and he betrayed Jesus for money.
• In the case of Teacher Moon → he is in the position to restore through indemnity the failure of Jesus
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Since Jesus didn’t have original sin, he wanted to have a change of blood lineage [ceremony] with Mary Magdalene, so that he could leave sinless descendants. However, Jesus was not able to have a family and leave children without original sin in the world, so he failed.
Sun Myung Moon [comes with pure blood, and he] must perform the pikareum blood cleansing ritual. He must leave a new lineage free from original sin.
[In summary, including points from notes by other workshop participants: Sun Myung Moon has the duty to do the pikareum sex ritual with the 36 wives to cleanse them of original sin. The husbands must overcome any feelings of jealousy they may have. They should be happy that their wives are being freed from original sin by Sun Myung Moon. The husbands can then be cleansed by having sex with their wives. Moon had to go this path because of the failures of John the Baptist, Jesus and Baek-moon Kim.]
At one of the workshops Mr. Ueyama said, “There was a good possibility for this kind of thing (pikareum) to take place for True Father to be victorious as the Messiah.”
Another point was about Hyo-jin Moon [the husband of Nansook Hong]. Mr. Ueyama asked the workshop participants if they had heard about Hyo-jin Nim’s fall (adultery) from the Christian ministers who opposed the Unification Church. (He asked the members to raise their hands.) Mr. Ueyama said when ‘Black Heung-jin Nim’ came, Hyo-jin Nim confessed this adultery as a fact.
A further topic at the workshops was on how to deal with the serious persecution of the Unification Church / FFWPU from the Christian churches of Japan.
Gil Ja Sa Eu, one of the 36 couples, and wife of Hyo-won Eu who wrote the Divine Principle, said: “Because the first three blessing groups, up to the 124 Couples, are part of ‘Father’s royal family,’ Father was very careful in selecting who should be part of that group.” LINK
Moon restored all the wives of these first three blessing groups (3+33 = 36, 72 and 124), therefore they are known as the Father’s Royal Family.
VIDEO: Hyung Jin Sean Moon confirms his father, Sun Myung Moon, had sex with Six Marys and more women than that as part of his messianic mission
FBI Report (San Francisco office) on the Unification Church, September 1975
A letter from the Church of the Nazarene in Seoul, reproduced on pages 9-11 of this FBI Report gives an interesting summary of the official and the unofficial theology of the Unification Church.
The following doctrinal statement [was] filed with the Korean Government by Moon’s Unification Association. Here are the secretly observed other beliefs and practices:
1) Founder Moon is the Second Advent Jesus. 2) A believer receives a spiritual body by participating in a ceremony known as blood cleansing which is for women to have sexual intercourse with Moon and for men to have intercourse with such a woman. This idea of blood cleansing comes from the teaching that Eve committed immorality with the Serpent and she passes on to all of us serpent blood. 3) Secretly observed doctrines are Holy covenant and are of more value than the Bible. 4) Members who have experienced blood cleansing can produce sinless generation [children]. 5) Founder Moon is sinless.
LINK to Chicago Tribune article and the 1975 FBI report
Pak Chung-hwa interviewed about Moon’s “SEX relays”
Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
Sun Myung Moon found guilty in 1955; started two year jail sentence
Sun Myung Moon used a ‘Honey Trap’ – Choi Soon-yeong explains
Pikareum sex emerged at Ewha Womans University in 1955
Sun Myung Moon’s “Gigantic lie” by Eu Hyo-min (36 couple)
Moon’s first wife, Choi Seon-gil, and Kim Deok-jin interviewed
How “God’s Day” was established on January 1, 1968
Change of Blood Lineage through Ritual Sex in the Unification Church by Kirsti L. Nevalainen
Chicago Tribune: “The Moonies: Government Files Trace Church from Sex Cult to Korean CIA”
The original Japanese workshop notes are HERE
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Sun Myung Moon’s Ejaculate in the Holy Wine of the Unification Church
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Shamanism: Moon used his own body fluids to influence others
Question: “When Father couldn’t complete the sex relay womb cleansing ceremony with one of the young ladies because she was in Japan, he would put his sperm in a cloth or pair of panties and send it to her telling her to wipe herself with it in her private parts. This is where we get the holy handkerchiefs for the three day ceremony. My question is… Does the holy wine, which is on the holy handkerchiefs, which we used to wipe ourselves and our private parts with, have Father’s sperm in it?”
Answer: Four different Korean Unification Church members have confirmed that the ‘Holy Wine’ did contain Moon’s sperm.
Those members include Hyo-min Eu (cousin of Hyo-won Eu who wrote the Divine Principle), Deok-jin Kim (who wrote many of the UC ‘Holy Songs’) and one other person who joined in the 1950s. A fourth member who joined the UC in the 1960s, and left after 20 years, also gave confirmation about Moon’s sperm in the ‘Holy Wine.’ Dr. Warren Lewis, who was professor of Church History at the Unification Theological Seminary for many years, also explained that Moon’s sperm was in the ‘Holy Wine.’ That is why in the ‘Holy Wine Ceremony’ the wife must drink the first half of the cup of ‘Holy Wine’ before the husband drinks the remainder. According to Moon, Eve must be cleansed first. There are shamanistic beliefs that if a person can get someone else to imbibe their body fluids, they then can have some influence over the person who drank.
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Here are Sun Myung Moon’s own words:
“What is inside the holy wine? It has an ingredient that symbolizes parents' love. Also, it has to have something in it that symbolizes blood. Accordingly, when you drink that, you become one body with parents' love and one body with parents' blood. Then how is the holy wine made? It is wine which is made from ingredients that symbolize the earth, the seas, and heaven, and that symbolize the whole cosmos. In the holy wine there are three kinds of alcohol. Besides that, it has an ingredient which symbolizes all things. The fact of drinking this means that one is being born spiritually and physically. If this ceremony did not exist, original sin could not be removed and the lineage could not be converted. Without converting the blood lineage, one cannot become one body with God's love by passing through the standard of perfection. The holy wine ceremony is the ceremony which indemnifies all of this.
The holy wine contains all the essential elements of things which are without Satan's accusation. If some person does an act that defiles him after receiving the holy wine and becoming one with the True Parents, he comes to stand in a position more fearful than Satan's. Satan defiled and violated the perfection level of the growth stage, but if a person who received the Blessing makes a mistake, he commits the sin of treason against God's substance in the perfection level of the perfection stage. Therefore, the person will not be forgiven through eternity. That is truly a fearful thing.
In the holy wine, there is the flesh and blood of parents. The holy wine is the wine of love, the wine of the husband, and the milk of mother. It represents the water of life, the blood of parents, the manifestation of all glory, and the love of bridegroom and bride, and it contains in it the life force of the Father.
With the holy wine I am giving out the substance of the Father's heart and blood lineage. Through it I am giving out the life force and forming a connection of lineage.
I give out the holy wine in order to cleanse the body's defilement and bring it into God's blood lineage. The holy wine results from the substantial marriage (True Parents), hyung sang marriage (36 couples), and symbolic marriage (72 couples).
The process of restoration went through Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, and Perez and Zerah. But for original restoration, one has to set a condition of having gone through Jesus' body.
One must come to stand in a position like having been born through the womb of True Mother. After having passed through Adam, to Jesus, and arriving at the Second Coming, one must stand in a position of having been born at the same instant as a baby born from Mother.
“The holy wine, which is made of 21 ingredients representing all things and levels, is given to the wife first. At the fall, Satan first tempted Eve and then Adam was lost; therefore we first establish the restored woman in a position to find the man. The man receives the wine, representing parents’ flesh and blood, through the wife. By drinking this wine in this way, he comes to stand in the position of having passed through the internal body of mother and makes the indemnity condition for the separation from Satan.
This time is the same as when an innocent, young bachelor first enters the room of his bride. We must achieve the purpose of love by centering on God, with left and right becoming one.
Even Eu Hyo-Won does not know one of the meanings of this wine. Drinking this wine has a meaning equivalent to Jesus' saying that one who drinks the water of life will have eternal life.
Your existence before and after the moment you drink is entirely different. Drinking this wine is more important than husband and wife's making a relation of love. This wine represents the connection of life.
This wine represents the original core of life. …
‘Sex and Marriage in the Unification Movement’ by James H Grace (1985) may also give some clues.
Is Hyung-jin going to perform the sperm duty now, to continue the connection to Moon’s lineage?
How “God’s Day” was established on January 1, 1968
UC Instructions for the ‘Three Day Ceremony’
Three Day Ceremony manual PDF
Pikareum emerged at Ewha Womans University in 1955
Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives
Sun Myung Moon explains pikareum
Sam Park reveals Moon’s hidden history (2014)
The FFWPU / Unification Church and Shamanism
Hak Ja Han and Sun Myung Moon bow to a pig’s head
The FFWPU is unequivocally not Christian
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