chvlr-only-option · 1 year
Dice Roll Result 3
Ace of Diamonds
3/9/2024 20:00
Designation: Amb57.89 
Unit: DRGN12
Just when I thought they couldn’t get more careless and desperate. The Southern Cross attacked a major metro area, Kansas City. I was deployed in defense but it was a suicide mission for the pilot. He detonated his core, killing himself, knocking me back into a skyscraper and nuking half the city.
It was impossible to know the death toll. I just avoid the news now. There’s no point in worrying about it. It will just bring me down.
DRGN12 initializing. Systems Green
Amber Riley,
signing off.
9 of Hearts
4/14/2024 20:00
Designation: Amb57.89
Unit: DRGN12
One year ago, Dad said he’d get me out. He’d fix everything. This morning, I was allowed one phone call to my next of kin. I heard my mother’s voice, but she was crying.
Dad killed himself.
Apparently, it got out that I was the pilot involved in the Kansas City disaster. He got a lot of hate, a lot of death threats. It broke him. 
I just... didn’t feel anything. I thought I’d burst into tears or fall to the ground crying. But... I was just numb. I told my mom I was sorry and that she should just forget about me from now on.
I have instructed the mail service to return all letters to me.
8 of spades
The enemy has grown more and more desperate. The only people left are the radicals who are too indoctrinated to ever be persuaded to end their endeavors. And that’s what makes me nervous. The suicide bombing was a change. Will every pilot I face now be ready to blow himself up? If that’s the case, then my death is almost assured. A year has passed and now I can call myself a true veteran. Not many survive active combat duty as long as I have.
Amber Riley, Personal Journal.
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chvlr-only-option · 1 year
Dice Roll Result 4
3 of diamonds
4/16/2024 20:00
Designation: Amb57.89
Unit: DRGN12
They let me have a few days off to mourn. I feel sad, but I can’t bring myself to cry. Maybe one of these days I’ll just break and freak out. I heard that’s what people do. I asked to take my CHVLR with me and I’m surprised they let me. But then I get a call. 
Oh well. At least I have the war to distract me. It’s a nice beach, but it’s not doing anything for me. I did like the feeling of the sand between my toes. I wonder if they’ll let me have a little sand box in my barracks. Ha. They’d probably just start calling it my litterbox.
DRGN12 initializing. Systems Green
Amber Riley,
signing off.
4 of Clubs
5/1/2024 20:00
Designation: Amb57.89
Unit: DRGN12
Well... today sucked. Like it does more often than not. I was part of the May Day parade in Washington DC. Some idiot wanted to protest the war and ended up under my CHLVR. Just instant death. I didn’t know what had happened until I was told to stop by the Mission control. I didn’t even see the guy. 
Witnesses say he squirted blood like a grape. What an idiot. But I guess even I forget how powerful this machine is.
DRGN12 initializing. Systems Green
Amber Riley,
signing off.
Queen of Spades
5/11/2024 20:00
Designation: Amb57.89
Unit: DRGN12
I manage to survive yet again, this time with a trophy. The enemy had a sweet energy blade that I managed to recover undamaged. Plus, if it can be retrofitted I get to keep it. Sweet.
They also give me a gold chain that had been on the pilot’s neck. That was kinda gruesome. Someone else took that. It’s kinda disturbing. You don’t just loot someone’s corpse like a video game. That’s just messed up.
DRGN12 initializing. Systems Green
Amber Riley,
signing off.
Queen of Clubs
5/15/2024 20:00
Designation: Amb57.89
Unit: DRGN12
The new voice on my syscheck AI sounds kinda familiar. It’s weirding me out. I want to change it back to standard voice. But they can’t... for reasons. This is driving me nuts. Where have I heard this voice before??
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chvlr-only-option · 1 year
Dice Roll Result: 6
7 of Spades
11/17/2023 20:00 Designation: Amb57.89 Unit: DRGN12
I was soaked in sweat and shaking with fatigue. Our mechs had battled for hours. I could smell the metallic smoke and hear the vain hissing of the heat regulators. As though my mech were sweating too. 
We were at a standstill. I was waiting for the next motion, not planning on an attack, just an instinctual reaction.
The enemy went in for a thrust but he was off. All it took was one downward strike. 
The mech’s arm fell completely severed. The mech responded to its master’s fear, backing away and looking at its stump. I don’t hesitate to run him through. He’d do the same to me.
Was that too dramatic? I can record again. Oh it’s fine? OK Great.
DRGN12 initializing. Systems Green
Amber Riley,
signing off.
3 of Clubs
12/15/2023 20:00 Designation: Amb57.89 Unit: DRGN12
Provisionary incident report for official record.
Theft attempt of CHLVR DRGN12. Pilot attempted to subdue the suspect and was shot. Suspect then boarded the mech. An unknown error occurred due to incompatibility with the machine. The Suspect is now listed as deceased. DRGN12 pilot is in critical condition.
Staff number 124890
3 of Hearts
12/25/2023 20:00
Designation: Amb57.89 Unit: DRGN12
Merry Christmas. I’m in the hospital. My family hasn’t visited me. It just occurred to me that they don’t know where I am. I got some cards but the return addresses were redacted. Why? Are they afraid I might flee back to them? I guess it makes sense. Since they’re the only ones who care.
Amber Riley, private journal.
2 of Hearts
1/24/2024 20:00
Designation: Amb57.89 Unit: DRGN12
First mission out of medical. And I’m untouchable on the battle field. It’s like I can read their thoughts, I know what they’re going to do before they do it. I can also feel their fear, their hatred, their desperation. I immediately call my superiors and they proceed as normal. Proceed as normal? What’s so normal about this? What did they do to me in the hospital? I won’t get any answers... I know they’re forcing me to be their guinea pig ever goddamn day.
DRGN12 initializing. Systems Green
Amber Riley,
signing off.
J of Clubs
2/22/2024 20:00
Designation: Amb57.89 Unit: DRGN12
Great, she turned on. Phew. I better record this before something else happens. My sortie into enemy territory did not go well. I just got hammered by STA missiles. I got out with my life but my CHVLR’s toasted. I just got her running so hopefully I can make it back for repairs.
Wait what is that. Oh hell the core is over heating! Damnit! The coolant pressure’s falling. I have got to shut her d-.
End entry.
8 of Diamonds
3/9/2024 20:00
Designation: Amb57.89 Unit: DRGN12
While the mech is in for repairs I’m doing regular missions with the adult soldiers. This time its simply to patrol a ghost town for booby traps. 
You could smell the house before you got there. Dead people had to be laying there for weeks. None of them were soldiers. They probably thought this shelter was safe. What killed them? Maybe chlorine gas? 
They brought out all the bodies and tried to identify them. But this was an abandoned town. There was no one to pick up. So they just did a mass funeral pyre and basic service. I attended with a few others of my crew. How many things were going on outside my mech that I wasn’t worried about? How many people had actually died? It was impossible to tell now. The war was still raging and had raged long before I was aware.
Amber Riley, personal journal.
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