chmergess4ever · 7 years
The Chmerkovskiy’s (Part 14)
Hey Guys!!! Here is the next chapter!! I really loved writing this one so I hope you enjoy reading it. I’m thinking two or three more chapters to wrap it up!! Thanks for all the support! You guys are the greatest! 
After the wedding everyone, all normal guest went back to their rooms as they had two hours before the reception. All the bridesmaids and groomsmen gathered for picture time as they had decided that the pictures should be taken after the ceremony. The girls posed first, doing every position that the photographer suggested, and the guys followed. They then came together to take photos as one big group. Afterwards, they all watched as the photographer took photos of Sharna and Val alone in different poses. All together it took about an hour. The photographer showed a few of them to Sharna and Val to make sure they were happy. “Is there anyway, Me, You and Val can take one more?”
“Sure? You have an idea?”
“Sort of involves taking a trip somewhere.”
“We have time.”
Val smiled, knowing exactly what his wife was thinking.
The three of them got in the car and drove to the hospital. Everyone was looking at them as they walked through the hall whispering congratulations, smiling and waving. Sharna knocked on Peta’s door and they both peaked their heads in, “Surprise.”
Peta gasped, “Oh my god. Oh my God. You’re married!!” They each bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“What are you doing here? What about the party?”
“We had some time. I couldn’t not get a picture with my maid of honor on my wedding day.”
“Shar, I look awful.”
“You look beautiful.”
“Except, she knew you would say that. So she made me bring this.” Val handed her a palate of makeup. Peta laughed, “Thank you.”
“Where’s the little munchkin? Can i see him?”
“You can!!” Peta turned to the nurse, “Can you go get Sam?”
The nurse nodded and left. Peta put on light makeup while the nurse was gone but when she returned, she gave Peta the baby in her arms. Sharna sat on one side of the bed, as Val sat on the other. All three of them were look down at the baby, admiring him.
“Wait. Stay there.” The photographer changed her lens and snapped a few shots. “That’s the perfect picture.”
Peta turned to Sharna, “I’m so so sorry. I don’t know how I’m ever going to make this up to you.”
“Godmother?” Sharna threw her head back and laughed, “I’m kidding. This day couldn’t be anymore perfect. You’re not there, but you’re in here.” Sharna pointed to her heart. “Nothing changes that.”
Peta gave Sharna a one armed hug as she held the baby with the other. “I love you, babe.”
“That makes two of us.” Val crossed his arms. “We should go.”
Sharna nodded, “We’ll see you on facetime soon.” She have Peta a kiss on the cheek.
They got back in their limo, Val took her hand as they sat in the backseat together, “You ok?” He stroked her hand with his thumb.
Sharna nodded. “I’m the happiest I have ever been.” She leaned in to kiss him and rested her free hand on his cheek. “You’re my husband.”
The party started soon after that. Everyone was mingling at the cocktail hour as the wedding party prepared to make their entrance. Nicole fluffed out Sharna’s dress so it was perfect for the entrance. She then straightened Val’s bowtie. She put her hand on his chest and then brushed his cheek, “I can’t believe you’re married.”
Sharna laughed as she watched Nicole’s interaction with him.
“Thank you for everything, Nicole. You really made this day so special for the both of us.” Sharna put her hand on her arm.
“It’s my pleasure. You guys are kind of my family.” Nicole said sarcastically as she laughed. “Let’s go make an entrance.”
The DJ started by welcoming everyone to the reception and then began calling the names of people in the wedding party. Maks once again, entered alone but this time he was carrying an ipad with him which had Peta on facetime. Everyone then silenced and waiting for the next words, “And now. It is my pleasure. To announce, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Valentin Chmerkovskiy.” They walked out and everyone stood up and cheered. They walked to the center of the floor, and their first danced music began to play. Val pulled her into him as they started dancing in slow circles. He mouthed the words that they knew all too well. She looked up at him and whispered, “Do you remember what happened that last time we slow danced together at a wedding?”
“I do.” He leaned over and kissed her just as he did that night during Maks and Peta’s party. Thank goodness we have some pretty pesty friends that wouldn’t let us get away with it, right?”
“Yea, I’d say we’re pretty lucky.” She rested her head on his shoulder and they continued dancing. The other couples in the room joined them on the outer edge of the dancefloor and they all danced to the beautiful song the couple had picked.
“Everything but you.” Val whispered as he kissed the top of her head when the song ended.
Everyone clapped as the song had ended and Val kissed his bride one more time. They moved to sit at their table wit the wedding party as everyone took their respective seats at their assigned tables. They were served the appetizer first, followed by a salad and then the main meal. There was a large segment of dancing but when everyone settled back down for dessert Maks got on stage and clinged hus glass. Emma was standing next to him but back a little bit so he was slightly in front of her.
Everyone went quiet and listened to him speak. “So, as many of you know Val and Sharna selected Me and my beautiful wife as Best Man and Maid of Honor. We graciously expected but our second child had plans of its own and decided to arrive two weeks early last night, so my wife is currently in the hospital recovering. Emma will be reading Peta’s speech on her behalf and Peta is right over there on the ipad watching. Maks waved at the ipad that Alan was holding. I’ll go first though. So, when Val first asked me to be his best man, I said to myself “Oh shit. How am I going to top the speech he gave me at my wedding. Because the truth is, he summed up our relationship perfectly. Val is my best friend and will be my best friend for the rest of our lives. When I was 7 years old, my parents told me that I was going to have a little brother. I never in my life imagined what that little brother would mean to me.  I’ve watched him grow up, make something huge out of nothing, follow in my footsteps and become a badass ballroom dancer, and even make his mistakes. And believe me he’s made plenty of them.” Everyone laughed as Maks continued, “But that’s ok, because we learn from mistakes. He finally learned that Sharna, my sister in law, was the one for him, and he finally learned what he deserves in life. Someone who loves him for him, someone who lets him be himself. He found someone who is practically the feminine version of him. And thank God they found each other because I think all of us might have blown a fit if the two of them didn’t figure out what was right in front of them every day of their lives. Val, Sharna, I’m so happy you guys have come together and love each other immensely. A love, like the two of you have, nothing can break. I love you guys with all my heart. Emma?”
Emma stepped forward, “Oh wow. This just became real.” Emma looked up from the paper, “That’s not me saying that. Peta literally has it written down that she was going to say that. But anyway, back to the paper.” Everyone laughed. Sharna shook her head giggling as Val threw his head back smiling. Emma continued once they had settled down, “I’ve never had the opportunity to do this before, and I can say without a shadow of the doubt that I wouldn’t rather do it for anybody else. Sharna you have been my best friend for years I can’t even count and I am so lucky that Dancing with the Stars brought us together. Although I haven’t know you for as long as Maks has known Val-unless we’re long lost sisters which is totally possible-I feel like I’ve known forever. You are my best friend and have seen me at my worst and my best. And I think I can say the same for you. See, the job of a best friend is to help a friend when their upset, but I haven’t really been able to fulfill that duty because Val makes you happy all the damn the time. Sorry for my french, but ya know it’s true. And I couldn’t be happier. To watch you go from being that single girl at my wedding, to a taken girl, to an engaged girl, to now a married girl as been such a joy. To see your relationship with my brother in law, flourish has been amazing. The love you two have each other can’t be replicated by anything and I now know that it will never have to. You know, I said to you on my wedding day, that there is a possibility you already met your guy, and boy was I right!!” Everyone clapped and laughed, “Not only had you met him, but you practically saw him every day. I’m so happy he makes you so happy because you deserve everything and more. I love you, S. Burgatroyd Forever. She’s mine, Val. Don’t ever forget that.” Emma paused and then looked back up to take in everyone enjoying the speech and then saw a few more sentences scribbled at the bottom, “Well it was supposed to end there but now I have to add this. My baby decided to come two weeks early. Misbehavin from the start, and I’m so sorry I couldn’t share your special day with you. But, know that we have plenty of says to share now, cause not only are we now sister-in-laws, We’re all The Chmerkovskiy’s.”
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chmergess4ever · 7 years
The Chmerkovskiy’s (Part 13)
It’s wedding timeeeee. Let’s do this!!! Like/Reblog! And let me know if there is anything you would like to see happen at the party! I know where I’m going from here so just bare with me for a few more chapters to sum it up!! Thanks for the support!!
“Peta, are you sure you’re ok if I go?” Maks had gotten all dressed in the hospital bathroom and was standing at the side of Peta’s bed, where she was holding the baby.
“It’s bad enough that I can’t go. The maid of honor, not in the pictures. Quite the explanation.”
“Sharna’s ok. She’s not upset.”
“I know, but I still feel bad. I just wish someone would walk in here and say I could go.”
“Unfortunately love, I don’t think that’s happening. But, I already made some calls and there is going to be a livestream set up for you at the ceremony and I’m going to facetime you in for the reception.”
Sharna and all her bridesmaids were in the pamper room getting their makeup done. Sharna was getting final touches on the up-do of her hair and corrections to her makeup. There was light chatter but it was relatively quiet in the room, so when they heard a males voice in was evident.
“You look beautiful.” Paul was standing and leaning in the doorway with one leg over the other. He had a tiny present in his hand.
Sharna turned and gasped as the rest of the girls quickly moved so they were in position to block her, “Stay away from her, you asshole.” Witney yelled.
Emma shook her head, “Seriously, what even makes you think you have the right to be here?”
Paul looked down at the ground and then stood up straight, he spoke past the girls and directly to Sharna as he started inching forward, “I’m not here to cause trouble. I’m really not. I wasn’t in a good place when I last made a visit to you. But I got the help I needed and I’m better now. I just wanted to come see you, and say congratulations. You really do deserve everything and I’m really happy for you.”
She was quiet and watched his every move. He moved towards the nearest table and placed down the box he was holding, “This is for the two of you. I didn’t know what registry you were on or anything so I just tried to get something you’d like. I’m sorry. I really am.” Paul turned around and began walking out of the room. When he had one foot out of the door, he heard her voice. “Paul?”
“Mhm mm?” He turned back to her.”
“Thank you.”
He smiled and nodded, and then left.
Everyone went back to what they were doing and Sharna felt content with having closed that open chapter in her life.
“Ok, I’m headed out P. You have everything you need?” “Everything that you’re capable of getting me.” She smiled as he kissed her. “It’s going to work out, I promise.”
“Can you do me one favor?”
“In our room, There’s a small blue box sitting on the dresser. Can you give it to Sharna?”
Maks smiled knowing it was a side gift going from his wife to her best friend, “A Burgatroyd thing?”
“You know it. It’s for her something something borrowed. She gave it to me for my something old. Just sentimental.”
Maks nodded, “Got it.”
“Ok, Sharna. You ready?” Her dad stood in the pamper room looking at his girl staring herself down in the mirror. Everyone else had gone to be where they were supposed to be.
Sharna turned to her father and looked at him, “I’m scared.” She whispered.
“Natural, My love. But here’s one thing I know, that man standing, waiting for you out there, he loves you more than anything in the world. I know it, because he would not stop talking about you all morning. He is going to share a beautiful life with you, and I wouldn’t want to give you away to anyone else.”
Sharna got filled up with tears.
“Don’t cry. You’ll ruin your makeup. There’s one more thing.” Her dad pulled out the box, that Maks had instructed him to give her, “I was told to give this to you. Straight from the maid of honor.
Sharna gasped as she opened the box, knowing it was the same gift she gave to Peta. She put the earrings in and smiled, “Now I’m ready.”
“Let’s do this.”
Together they walked down to the outside platform that had been set up on the terrace for them. The bridesmaids and groomsmen started walking down the aisle paired up with one another. Maks walked down himself, missing his wife-the maid of honor, and then the music changed. Everyone stood up and Sharna appeared in the back doorway. She smiled when she saw him and felt the tears raising in her throat. She saw him start crying, as tears rolled down his face. Maks put his hand on his brother’s shoulder until Sharna started walking with her Dad. Once they reached him, her dad removed her veil and handed her over to Val, he whispered to her, “You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen.”
“I’m shaking.”
“Me too.”
They joined hands and stood across from one another as the ceremony started. They just looked at each other and smiled as the words were spoken unable to say anything.
“We will now take our vows. I believe you two have written your own to say before the traditional.” They both nodded.
“Sharna, you may go first.”
“Valentin Chmerkovskiy. My heart. My life. My love. Today on our wedding day, I am ready to fully give myself to you. You are the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing before I go to sleep. I can’t imagine a day in the life where you weren’t mine. You are my beginning, my future, and my end. I love you more than you will ever know.”
Val took a deep breath and shook out the nerves, “I really don’t think anything could make me more anxious.” Everyone laughed as she sighed. “Sharna, the first day I saw you, we were standing in the ballroom. I was in my huddle of friends and you were in yours. I looked at you, and I said “Maks, who in the world is that?” He replied, “some new girl.” Little did I know that, “some new girl” would become easily the most important person in my life. You’re my rock, my anchor and the love my life and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our days showing you just how much I love you. Before being with you, there was a piece of me missing, and you’ve made me whole. I can’t imagine a day without you and I am so glad we don’t have to. “I’ll  love you forever.”
“Sharna, please repeat after me.” The officiant looked at her as she repeated each line after him.
"I, Sharna,  take you, Val, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."  
"I, Val, take you, Sharna, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part." The two exchanged rings, placing them on each others fingers.
The officiant smiled, “I now pronounce you husband and wife! Val, you may kiss your bride.”
Everyone cheered as Val dipped her and pressed his lips to hers. He looked down at her, “My wife.” He whispered.
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