#choco cig
shouga-nai · 2 years
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@kisumshi said:
"Yo Hakkai, check this out!" blows heart shaped smoke at him - from Gojyo
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"W~ow, how long have you been working on that? I'd imagine it takes dedicated mouth muscle practice."
A lot trickier than it looks, it's the sort of quaint skill Hakkai could come to appreciate, perhaps even find rather charming... if he wasn't getting cigarette smoke blown at his face.
The smile ever present, he stepped closer and pressed a little box in Gojyo's hand, the brand new pack the redhead asked for before his trip to the stores.
"Keep it up. Maybe two hearts next time?"
Only... if one were to pay enough attention, they'd realize that it was actually a pack of milk chocolate cigarettes. Quite the novelty! ~ ♥
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miuji · 24 days
   ﹒⁀ ❀ㅤ 𓂂 ׅ 𓏸𓍯ֶָ֢
fleur, love, amour, kiss, vr, 00h, hrt, hye, miu, shu, ette, yr, digital, tulip, calico, nerdy, boo, angel, only, lace, pink, doe, jyu, seoul, sea, blue, rain, gf, bf, cig, dot, virtual, plug, cam, rec, req, archive, arquivo, tokyo, jelly, i4, i5, 143, 127, 119, 5678, 3243, tapioca, yuzu, meiji, choco, latte, pup, cafe, cat, kitty, mew, creme, jpg, peach, lotus, melon, vanilla, doll, pizza, lavender, pie, deco, letters, poema, sweet, trauma, crucifix, sangre, lacito, diary, nebula, terror, rkive, soju, flora, heavenly, msg, txt, png, tape, vhs, film, horror, central, city, file, dalgi, miffy, nature, charm, drama
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elmaxlys · 1 year
Go TS main5, Senya and one more character from TSA of your choice for character ask. Yes a lot. Yes no TS-Juo. Yes I'm merciless =D
Hahaha alright I'll do my best! xD
one aspect about them i love
Yuri: how despite it all she still deeply remains a 16yo girl and how even her trauma and reactions to it reflect that
Nise: her thing with Hayabusa
Yu-chan: his fear of heights. hard same, big man. it puts everything differently for him like, everyone else is like uwaah it's high and the lad is 10 seconds away from passing out and still kicking ass hard
Kuon: the way she's ruthless in a way even the villains find disturbing. I suppose it's not surprising coming from me but it's really what makes her character so compelling 🙏
Rika: I love everything about him help god if I have to mention only one here.... his unconditional love for Yuri. He'll do anything for her. He'll brag about her to near strangers. He'll die if it means protecting her. He's ready to lay down his life if it means she won't be abandoned the way he was. He taught her everything. She means everything to him. He's just. He's so!! you know?
Senya: his obsession with space!! The way he goes ":O an alien!!" at literally anything. Cutie.
Shika: she's the only person that asked to be taken. She didn't know shit about what was on the other side she just knew Shintarou had disappeared and she wanted him back and that was enough. Impulsive but oh so badass.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
Yuri: She's only 16!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cut her some slack!!!!!!!!!! I hate how people (irl/fandom) judge her actions when!!!! they make sense? regarding 1) her age, 2) her personality, 3) it was in the heat of action most often than not. Of course she's imperfect! She's a 16yo kid tasked to keep the entire world running!! Bitch!!!
Nise: she has extensive traumas from before the realm and she's more than just a "knife lesbian"
Yu-chan: he's completely and utterly pathetic (I say this with love). Also. very important to me. He's not a fucking perv. He kills pervs. Come on!!!!
Kuon: she is absolutely and completely terrifying
Rika: he is the damsel in distress. He is the Mary Sue. He is the coolest. He's everything fandom has pushed onto the other mains 😤 (still accurate but slightly more desperate answer: he exists in the story. haha. *cries*)
Senya: I don't know how to say this. I haven't seen a lot of people talk about arrive, apart from you and Choco. I saw some complaints once but I don't remember them much, only that my reaction to them was he's 14. he's a baby. he's a freaking KID. So there you go.
Shika: never saw anyone talk about her i have no idea what way people misinterpret her :v
Globally, though, what I wish people would remember are the characters' age. A lot of actions they take make sense once you keep their ages in mind. And from the way they're written, it's clear Miura keeps it in mind - so y'all should too.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
Yuri: "what's the point of being bi if you only like boys who look like girls" (aka she is weak for pretty boys)
Nise: post-canon the Honjo fam take her and Hayabusa in until she can accomplish her dream of having her own place. She then stays friendly with them (Honjo parents) throughout her life
Yu-chan: caffeine addict. He spends the entire time in the high-rise world with a killing headache bc unlike his cigs he can't get his coffee fix
Kuon: After all is said and done she starts experimenting with her appearance in the psychic realm. What's the point of being incorporeal if she can't have fun with that
Rika: He wants to get in law so that situation with his father's will doesn't happen again. (flimsy hc i have thought about exactly once in my life but it's the only one that comes to mind atm)
Senya: Has cried to his parents to "buy a star" at some point (you know that program that lets you buy/name a star? that.)
Shika: metalhead just needing the slightest push to awaken
one character i love seeing them interact with
Yuri: I'm not gonna lie, nothing beats seeing her with Rika
Nise: Sniper. Besties material.
Yu-chan: yeah, I'm going with Nise too
Kuon: Yuri
Rika: :3 You Know. Everyone Knows. I have to say his name at least once, JUO.
Senya: Mochizuki. Wish we had more...
Shika: I can count the times they were together on the fingers of one hand but. with Shintarou. I love themmm
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one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Yuri: Faceless-kun. Can't explain this one
Nise: Kuon, for the "more" category
Yu-chan: White Feather. Raised in foreign countries solidarity
Kuon: yeah, Nise. also Juo.
Rika: Aikawa's angels post canon. I am so curious. (also, the other Juo. I have to see that.)
Senya: Oribe
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
Yuri: she never gets over her Sniper trauma but it gets slightly better once he starts going without mask
Nise: she becomes very protective of Mayu and treats her like she would a younger sister.
Yu-chan: He and Nise have silent hanging out times where she sits with her knives and he reads
Kuon: I want to say something about Nanami here but the most I have are static noises
Rika: he desperately wants a talk with Yuri about the whole siblings thing but she won't let him and it's killing him. He wants to apologize but she doesn't mind; he wants to explain but she already know. It changes nothing for her so that's a relief to him but still, you know?
Senya: he'd be friends with Yoshida is what I'm thinking
Shika: all my hcs here depend on whether she's Shintarou's in-law or step sister....
Give me a character and I will give you my thoughts on
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himeronous · 7 months
Valentine’s Day fell pretty hard on Shoko. As one of the only women on campus, she was basically the only person who was going to be giving out chocolate, which meant it would be noticeable if she skipped or slighted anyone. She’d picked up small boxes of giri-choco for most people, wincing as she’d read the receipt after the purchase. Her only comfort was the fact that, come White Day, she’d be the only recipient of many, many treats. (Though she kind of hoped they wouldn’t all be chocolate.)
In addition to the premade bonbons, she’d also stopped by the grocery store on the way back to Jujutsu High. Giri-choco was all well and fine to give to everyone else, but she couldn’t give her boyfriend something seen as obligatory. And, well… she could give Satoru giri-choco, but he’d sulk for weeks. No, she had to step up her game for her two classmates. Hence her purchases: butter, heavy cream, white and dark chocolate, cocoa powder, sea salt flakes, blue sprinkles, mini wrappers, and two pretty boxes.
She knew, in theory, how to make truffles. There’d been a recipe in an old cookbook of her mom’s, and she’d copied it down while she was home over New Year’s in anticipation of this exact moment. She’d decided to go with white chocolate truffles with blue sprinkles on top for Satoru and his insatiable sweet tooth. For Suguru and his more refined tastes: extra dark chocolate truffles topped with sea salt. I’m putting too much thought into this… she mentally chided herself. Still, she couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t pleased with the idea. Now to see if she could actually execute it.
As luck would have it, the aforementioned classmates were out on a mission and not expected to return until late in the evening, so Shoko had the tiny dorm kitchen all to herself. Afternoon light streamed in through the small windows as she laid out all her ingredients. Hmm… do-chi-ra-ni-shi-yo-u-ka-na. White chocolate to start.
Thankfully, aside from a minor burn where the cream bubbled a bit too high (easily healed), the actual process of making the truffle mixtures went smoothly. As the two mixtures were chilling in the fridge, Shoko headed up to the roof for a quick cigarette. Leaning against the railing, her eyes traced over the familiar treeline. Smoothly, she shook a single cig out of the pack in her pocket before pausing. She patted her pocket again. Patted the other. Then she laughed ruefully to herself. She wasn’t much used to smoking without Suguru around, as evidenced by the fact that she’d completely forgotten to bring a lighter. Slipping the cigarette back into the pack, she once again turned her attention to the forest. Just looking at the trees calmed her. The firs proudly spread their needles amidst the dormant skeletons of the deciduous trees. But she could see the buds beginning to form on their branches—spring was on its way.
She returned to the kitchen and began the messy work of rolling the mixtures into bite-sized balls, melting chocolate in the microwave, and coating each ball in its respective chocolate. She then had to top each truffle with either sprinkles or salt flakes, put them back in the fridge to harden again, and finally place each one in its wrapper before nestling them in the boxes. Finally, the fruits of her labor lay before her: two boxes with fifteen truffles each. They probably wouldn’t pass muster at a chocolatier’s gallery, but she was proud of herself nonetheless. No sooner had she put the lids on the boxes and placed them back in the fridge for storage than she heard familiar voices coming down the hall. Shit! It’s already that late? A glance at the window confirmed: only the barest tinge of sunset’s edge was still clinging to the night sky. She scrambled to dump the dirty dishes in the sink and immediately started running the water, not wanting to give away what she’d spent the afternoon doing.
She was scrubbing diligently when Satoru and Suguru came in, still half-arguing about something that had occurred during the mission. “Welcome back, you two.” she remarked. “How’d the mission go? Either of you need patching up?”
“Nah- but you shoulda seen the size of the curse we were dealing with. It was a semi-grade-one, but if you’d told me it was a grade one, I’d’ve believed you!” Satoru took up even more space than you’d assume by looking at his 6’3 frame, simply due to his habit of expansive gesturing.
Suguru, ignoring his companion’s boasts, crossed the room to Shoko. He leaned next to the sink and cleared his throat. Smiling despite herself, she turned to look at him. “Yes, Suguru?”
He returned the smile. “Just wanted to say hello. What have you been up to today?”
“Oh, nothing much.” Shoko said, a little too quickly.
“Yeah? Then what’s this?” He reached out to rub his thumb across her cheek, wiping away a chocolatey smear.  He sniffed it, and his eyes widened. “Shoko, did you make—” “You’ll see,” Shoko said primly, interrupting his sentence. “And on a related note, if either of you open the boxes in the fridge before I give them to you tomorrow, I will either break up with you”—she pointed at Suguru—“or tell Yaga about who really stole his best crochet yarn.” She pointed at Satoru. “Got it?” “Understood, Shoko~” said Satoru with a wink, his eyes sparkling even behind his glasses. Suguru just smiled, his eyes soft. When he directed that gaze at Shoko, it always made her melt a little. She still couldn’t quite believe she’d pulled it out of him.
“Don’t worry, angel, I won’t peek.” Suguru smirked, just slightly, and Shoko resented the fact that she could immediately feel her ears going pink.
“Well—good. Good! Glad that’s settled, then.”
“Can we go get dinner now? I’m starving, but Suguru wanted to wait until we got back to eat anything.”
“Stop whining, Satoru, you had snacks.”
“An onigiri is not a balanced meal.”
“I know for a fact you’ve had meals that consisted solely of soda and gummy bears.”
Shoko smiled. Tomorrow was going to be good. 
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rantbabe-milkshake · 1 year
See, I ate 1 corn dog with pepsi. Smoked one cig. Then I bought a choco bar, literally devoured that shit. Another cig. Then I munched on some crackers I had in my locker with some zero Coke, and then i ate ruffles dbsnsncddzx
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aquacure · 6 years
gakuto's thought on other 15 students? (Besides his brother)
SORRY FOR THE WAIT but i went into p decent detail, under the cut we go
kaede akamatsu: though he likes her how take charge and fiery she can be, he also doesn’t like how she’s stubborn and how she’d lie to make others feel better. she’s probably tried to help him with his issues with gonta (out of concern and a genuine want for them to get along) and he really doesn’t like that, it’s very personal business so he doesn’t want anyone telling him what to do about it
shuuichi saihara: not into his timid personality and his lack of self confidence but he’s got a feeling that there might be more to it so he holds back from being annoyed with him completely. gonta seems to trust him, but then again gonta trusts everyone… he’s a bit mopey but relatively pleasant… gakuto won’t start a conversation with him tho thats for sure
tenko chabashira: he puts a shutdown on the degenerate thing really quickly. he doesn’t like how loud she is and how she’s presumptuous about men (he loathes it when people think they know him, especially when they think they know enough to judge him) but he’s also jealous of how easily she can express her feelings.
himiko yumeno: originally he got put off by her laziness and childish tendencies but he finds out he has more in common with her than initially thought. doesn’t express it much, but feels a lot of really strong emotion on the inside, can’t communicate it well.. funny enough i don’t think he can say how he can relate to her so easily either. awkwardly supports her from waaay in the sidelines when she’s improving herself, gakuto probably needs to follow her example
korekiyo shinguuji: hates their guts. they’re a know-it-all, lecture heavy, creepy… gakuto will immediately shove them aside if they get within three feet of gonta. he also doesn’t appreciate their snark, it sounds much more irritating from them. no matter if they get polite or more casual, he can’t stand them. gakuto’s personality clashes with kork’s pretty bad
miu iruma: at first he really didn’t like her (props to her for having the balls to get in his face for a few insults tho) but after realizing that she doesn’t mean half the things she says, he started warming up. they’re both pretty blunt too, he loves it when she goes off on people like togami, and he’s one of the only people that thinks her jabs are funny
kokichi ouma: NO GOOD ROTTEN BAD CLOWN RAT. he knows how he’s a wildcard, he knows he’s crafty and more level headed than he lets on, so he avoids him as much as possible and makes gonta avoid him too. gakuto has attempted to assault ouma on several occasions. he’d have a semblance of respect for him if he wasn’t so irritating.
ryouma hoshi: actually gets along pretty well with him. hoshi’s gentle but firm with his advice so gakuto doesn’t go on the defensive and gakuto’s very clear that he doesn’t care about hoshi’s criminal record. no harsh judgement on each other for their anti-social habits. it’s actually kind of pleasant to hang around him, he’s sweeter and funnier than most people think
kiibo: doesn’t believe he’s actually a robot for like two weeks. but even after learning that, gakuto’s still confused by him, like genuinely perplexed, so he spends a lot of time trying to figure him out. on the outside, it looks like gakuto’s trying to kill him with his stare so he intimidates keebs a lot
angie yonaga: he’s not thrilled with how manipulative she is and the way she’s always smiling creeps him out. does she ever get upset…? he tries to avoid her too, but unlike with ouma, where he gets irritated, he’s genuinely uncomfortable around her. once she tried out her “atua looks like-”  schtick with him and she said “he looks like a happy younger brother,” he went pale and immediately isolated himself
tsumugi shirogane: she makes an awful lot of references he doesn’t understand… a couple times she tried convincing him to dye his hair black, even temporarily… weird. other than that, she’s pretty nice and not too judgemental of him when he gets snappy, so he doesn’t think too badly of her. won’t go out of the way to hang with her tho.
rantarou amami: he’s the big bro archetype so he feels a little bit of a one sided rivalry with him and some empathy, with both of them having lost a younger sibling and blaming themselves over it. but at the same time he’s immensely pissed with him for losing 11 more little sisters after losing the first one. what do you mean all of them went missing how do you lose track of them that consistently what the fuck is wrong with you
kaito momota: tbh kaito reminds gakuto of what he was like when he was younger, before gonta disappeared, loud mouthed, hot headed, fiercely protective and maybe a little too macho, so he feels a little melancholy looking at him but at the same time he’s like “you remind me of my 6 year old self and i don’t know what that says about you” other than that kaito’s a well meaning n stubborn idiot so it just depends on the situation, if gakuto doesn’t like him
maki harukawa: oh he thought he related to himiko, he REALLY relates to maki. not sure how to start conversations with her, though they’re both not so good at making friends…  but he’s gonna try. when he lashes out and maki happens to be part of the general group he’s talking to he feels awful. he’s not talking about you, please don’t hate him. he’s too prideful to say that in the moment, but he hopes she knows.
kirumi toujou: oh hey mom respects how dedicated she is to her job, he knows it pretty well since he grew up around butlers and maids. kinda wishes she did things for herself every now and again, even the workers back home had that kind of self expression, feels like she’s really suppressing her interests. he will very rarely will make a mom joke but it comes off very serious if you aren’t looking at him. he’s got the tiniest smile on his face.
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coollyinterferes · 3 years
🍫 heck ye pocky!! She's got the cookies and cream one this time uwu
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It’s Pocky Day! 【accepting today only】 @iiguess
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As a man who has a soft spot for pastries, biscuit sticks included, the only thing that's better than being able to enjoy some of those sweets is being able to enjoy those sweets with those he loves and cares about. These are the main reasons why Robert's smile is as bright as a sunny day when Sam approaches him, pocky box in hand.
Little does the young girl know that he was well aware what day today is.
"Hope ya didn't think I wouldn't come prepared~" Robert informs her as soon as she's standing before him, happily showing her a box of strawberry cream pocky. He's holding a bag in his other hand.
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"Wasn't sure if these would be alright, though, so I took the liberty t' bring a few more." And, by a few more, he means at least five more boxes, all of them different flavors, so they have more to choose from. "Hope it ain't too much!" He adds, visibly happy at the prospect of sharing sweets and spending some time with Sam.
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hirako5hinji · 4 years
Hiyori: -has her giri choco rejected by Akon and is big sad- 🥺🥺🥺 Shinji:  How dare that idjit not accept yer giri choco? all those cigs musta killed off his tastebuds since he obviously has NO TASTE B||
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calpio · 4 years
kento n goushi: * fighting * yuuta taking a drag out of his choco cig: i hate gay people
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biscuit-drivels · 4 years
Been tagged by the precious @oh-violette​. Thank you darling, I am honored, because your blog is very much to my taste, I feel like I could reblog the whole of it if I didn’t restrain myself :DDDD Our aesthetics are on the same wave lenght
Rules: answer the 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you’d like to get to know better
Tbh I think I did a reeeally similar tag not too long ago, but I am creative enough to answer differently every time (and this is the reason why lying exhausts me :DDDDDDDDDDD because you can say the truth in many different ways, but if you lie, you have to repeat it the same way, otherwise it doesn’t seem reliable :DDDD)
1. name: Klaudia
2. nickname: - Ok the obvious one is Klaudi, it gets me purring for the people I like, but when someone I am only an acquitance with uses it, it is mostly because they want a favour from me, so it is a no-no for them :DDD Also quite a few weird ones, that always make me laugh: - Uvi, derived from my surname, it makes me crack up everytime because it is similar to Hungarian for cucumber :DDD - Night owl - because guess what, you can still spot me online at 3AM, 4AMish - Cardia (according to wikipedia:  From Ancient Greek καρδία (kardía, heart) - also one special person calls me a Little Bird and it makes me go really emotional (also Bohun uses that term of endermeant a lot in Ogniem i Mieczem, so when I saw that, I knew this is a character to stan)
3. zodiac sign: Cancer
4. height: about 1.65 meters (also, I love how you are 1,6 , thats so cutee ♥ I am usually the tiniest, so I feel so happy when there are smaller people around, it is instant cute points in my eyes)
5. languages: Slovak Hungarian English, reeaally tiny bit of Korean and German, maybe some random French (I used to self study it at a time)
6. nationality: Slovak
7. favourite season: summer, so I can laze around
8. favourite flowers: roses and orchideas, like those posh aesthetics types :DDDD even if they are too mainstream now
9. favourite scent: hmm, i have this problem with parfumes, the most of them smell like alcohol to me. I have a sensitive nose. But for flavouring ones - cinammon, vanilla. Also... if you ever had a crush on someone who smoked, there will always be something romantic about cig smoke. It brings back memories of warm nights of sneaking out??? Yeah, unhealthy habits and all that jazz, but I cant help myself with that one.
10. favourite colour: some colors are pleasing to my eye, but I don’t wear them?? Also I love wearing red dresses for drama. I just ordered a new one for really cheap and it is HOT AF. 
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Like I have a body shape like that , so it is perfect for me?? Also, a bit provocative but still decent ;))))
11. favourite animal: well, i used to think I am a dog fan, but since I had cats in recent years??? ♥♥ kitty cats and dogs!! also horses and wolves.
12. favourite fictional character: ok so for women it is the bitches (Scarlett) and for males it is those rough characters that are reaaaly sweet on the inside?? 
13. coffee, tea or hot chocolate? I am a sweet tooth, so hot choco, but I am getting used to coffee. I used to hate it ardently, but it is the thing I need if I sleep 2 hours at night :))))))))) and I do that quite a lot :DDDDDDd also, green tea for its properties, but I cant get over the fact that it stains teeth and I don’t want to whiten my teeth all the time
14. average sleep hours: 8 h for the days I am studying for the exam, 2 h before exams, 14-16 h when I am in lazy mood :DDDD
15. dog or cat person: cats and dogs bth
16. number of blankets you sleep with: one but I can’t sleep without it
17. dream trip: to see the sea with my fave cunt
18. blog established: too lazy to check
19. followers: too lazy to check
20. random fact: I love wearing men’s fashion at home?? Like if mum doesn’t pick her phone as always and I am the one that has to fetch a parcel from the delivery company, it isnt that obvious that I have no bra on. Also, the material is much more organic??? Like I sweat much less?? So men’s fashion is the way.  Ok, @lady-lavandula​, I promised to tag you in my next tag, so here you go, I think I completed a similar tag recently, but I think you missed it due to technical difficulties, so here is your chance :DDDD  Tbh, I am not tagging anyone else, because I feel like I am bothering you all too much since my dash after Tumblr purge is so empty and I feel like a clingy child, reblogging half of your blogs so :DDDDDDDDDDDD If anyone feels like doing it, you can put it down it as if I have tagged you, tags are such a rarity these days compared to golden days of tumblr :DDDD
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angelica-song · 7 years
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Hello everyone,
Any NANA fans out there? NANA is one of my absolute most favourite japanese novels of all time which also became an anime and movie. This is a story about two girls who met with a very simple encounter, but as their friendship deepens, their lives go for a roller coaster ride of events, though there is no real ending to this, I really enjoyed the realism the author kept in this story.
Ever since I saw NANI’s opening gift hair and HAIKEI’s lovely apartment build from the novel, I’ve always wanted to create a lookbook in dedication but I never got round to completing it fully. It was mainly due to difficulty putting Hachi’s outfit together, in particularly the hair I could not similarities to the character, though there were many close matches, they were still slightly off, so I decided to take on a more inspired by Hachi approach. For the NANA fans, I hope you enjoyed this picture I put together of these two, this is kind of like a little frozen memory/a mixture of the last episode of the anime *TEARS* but I will spoil no more haha :x
Have a lovely day♥
Hair: [NANI] Aiko.Hair (old gift) Mesh Head: CATWA HEAD Catya Eyes: AMITOMO.Eye Collection Eyeliner: :: MOMOCHUU :: Glitter Moon Eyeshadow - Thick Eyeliner (CATWA) Skin: more more. nari skin Ears: ^^Swallow^^ Punky Ears
Choker: #Foxy Play Nice Choker Necklace: Wednesday[+] ~ Alien Necklace @The Arcade !NEW! (free) Jacket: AMITOMO.Leather jackets Top: BOYS TO THE BONE tragic gacha Skirt: -Pixicat- Autumn.Skirt (Plaid01) Shoes: VCO ~ U & I Knee socks (Gradation) _Maitreya Exp . RARE Cig: [ kunst ] - Slim Cigarette
Hair: tram G0911 hair !NEW! Mesh Head: CATWA HEAD Koura Eyes: AMITOMO.Eye Collection Skin: more more. hansol skin_honey (catwa) Cheek Blush: OCHA . Sweet Stickers GACHA
Headscarf: *_M.birdie Story_* Matryoshka look handkerchief 2-7 Outfit: AMITOMO / Falling In Love GACHA / XS / 7 Tights: Izzie's - Sheer Tights Boots: =Zenith=autumn leather boots /Socks (Choco) -Maitreya @C88 !NEW!
:HAIKEI: Gray wall pence house gacha RARE :HAIKEI: Gray wall pence house gacha {1} :HAIKEI: Gray wall pence house gacha {2} :HAIKEI: Gray wall pence house gacha {3} :HAIKEI: Gray wall pence house gacha {4} :HAIKEI: Gray wall pence house gacha {5} :HAIKEI: Change Your Mind _ Gacha / {5} :HAIKEI: Change Your Mind _ Gacha / {4} :HAIKEI: The Way I Feel_Gacha / {2} :HAIKEI: The Way I Feel_Gacha / {4} *::.who what.::* -sukashi BANGASA- [HANABI] Soy. Accordion Curtain 27 - DRD - AE - Train Car - Baggage - Wendy's Things c/m [ keke ] glass of tea - white (photoshopped strawberries)
thank you all~ ♥
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