#choi han is the teasing uncle
hajidumps · 2 years
Choi Han: you look dashing as always Cale-nim!
Cale: you didn't even look up?
Choi Han: [smirking while wiping his sword] no but Alberus heart rate increased when you walked in
Alberu: [chokes on his tea]
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author-luna · 3 years
TCF AU pitches
I haven’t posted in a very long while, especially anything related to my fic on AO3 (yes i know that I havent updated it since I posted it-)
But in the mean time, I did write a couple of things, ambled ideas and pitched a few AUs on discord which I will be putting up here (and maybe flesh out and post on AO3)
Without further ado, there ya go:
Modern day where KRS and Cale are siblings, with KRS being like 10 or 12 years older (this has a purpose I swear)
KRS went to a different city for colleges, and Cale was das because his big brother is now gone and not many people are there to talk with.
It that’s alright, he still has his mum and , albeit very busy, dad , right?
It takes only 2 months for Jour to become bedridden because of an unknown disease, 2 more years and she’s gone.
In those 2 years, 8 years old Cale had to watch as his father loses his sanity with each passing day.
At first he held it in for the sake of his sons, but when Jour doesn’t make any progress, he starts slipping away
In the end, after the funeral where Cale had to comfort his father, Deruth loses his last thread of sanity
Cale is so so scared because his once warm and loving mother isn’t there anymore, there is no big brother he can hide behind and even his father starts screaming and crying whenever he looks at Cale
He thinks he has to endure it, because his father still loves him and he can’t abandoned him, but he’s only 8 and an 8 years old can only take that much
It takes him a wine bottle being thrown at him to muster up the courage and call KRS in the dead of the night, at first with an icy voice
But when KRS hoarsely takes the call and asks “Cale, is that you? Why are you up so late?” He starts crying and bawling
Through hiccuped sentences, KRS finally understands what’s happing and tells him to lock himself in a room with enough food and water to last him 3 days, he’ll come to get him.
Cale can’t help the glimmer of hope that spars indeed of him, the thought of seeing his brother again and having someone finally help him
When KRS finally comes home, he knocks on the door of Cale’s room and Cale doesn’t answer at first
KRS talks to Cale, asking him to open the door, and when Cale realizes it’s KRS, he flings open the door and throws himself at his brother
KRS hugs Cale’s trembling figure, mentally swearing at himself for not noticing that something was wrong. Cale almost always called him. When the calls dwindled and eventually vanished to almost none, he hadn’t thought anything of it
They admit Deruth into a hospital for mental trauma and he starts getting treated
Legally, custody is transferred over to KRS as he is an adult with the capacity to take care of Cale
All of the money and other things that belong to the Henituse family Also belongs to KRS, which he used to buy a better place for him and Cale
He takes Cale with him to the city he’s studying in, and enrolls Cale at a nearby school after a while (it takes Cale almost a year to be able to go to school due all the trauma) and gets him a therapist to deal with the loss of his mother and father
Cue Soos moment
LSH and CJS are KRS friends in college, and when they find out he is taking care of his little brother, they help him out
And Cale got used to calling them sometimes as uncles
Or calling them hyung because they are KRS friends and CJS and LSH tease KRS to also call them hyung
In school, Cale gets to know Choi Han and Alberu (I know that CH is supposed to be CJS uncle once removed but here he is younger)
At first he doesn’t like Alberu, his face so blinding it hurts his eyes
But after a series of accidents, they become friends and soon CH joins them
Cale also takes a side job in his teen years, where he takes care of his neighbors kids (On, Hong and Raon)
All of them adore him
Years pass by, and Cale and KRS heal from their wounds
When Cale turns 16 (KRS is around 26-28) their father gets out of the hospital
At first, they don’t have much contact, but it grows overtime
They’re very awkward around eachother, mainly because Deruth realizes that both of his sons are grown up and he didn’t get to see Cale’s growth
When he falls for Violan and eventually married her, Cale feels like a wall stands between them
When they visit over their breaks, he feels the slighted sting of jealousy as he watches Deruth laugh and talk with Violan and Basen (*I used to have this as well*, he thinks to himself)
But he soon gets over it, and is instead happy for them, even if he longs to fit into the picture
When Lily is born, the rift continues to grow
It’s almost like KRS and Cale don’t belong into the Henituse family, like discarded puzzle pieces that no longer fit into the new and shiny picture
He feels bitter, and so does KRS
But after a talk together, They realize that maybe they’ll never fit into the new family, at lest, as long as they don’t try
Deruth is ashamed and scared, he had hurt and abandoned his sons
But one day, they ask him to talk
And they talk until the night, spilling all the words they kept bottled up, talking about the burdens they carried for so long
It’s awkward at first, but with time the conversation flows
They clear up misunderstandings and understand eachother
When they walk out of the room, if feels like they flipped to a new page, a new chapter, where life might even look a bit brighter
Maybe they go to family therapy or sth as well, but they improve their relationship and the wall that stood between them slowly crumbles
Or alternatively:
KRS and Cale decide that maybe it’s better to walk away from the burdens and to return to their new family, where they are right home and fit in just perfect.
They go low contact and enjoy their lives with their friends and family
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I lied. I had to do it tonight I'm so excited. Since you guys wanted to hear about my RFA Kids Au, I had to actually write about the children for you guys. So, I don't really have any partners for the RFA, I left that open ended mainly for the cast except for Jihyun and Saeran, obvious reasons being spoilers, but the children are my precious babies and I'm glad to share them with you all.
If you want more of them, let me know.
Su-Jin Kim
Sujin is the precious apple of his parent's eyes. He is perfect to them, and he always does what he's told to do. He is loud and he is always showing his love and affection towards others. You could often find him as a kid trying to hug the legs of anyone he could get his hands on. He's very empathetic, and seems to always feel the emotions of others just as strongly if not stringer then they do. Because of this fact, he is a very big crybaby and people often tease him for it. He tries to take it in stride but sometimes it's hard for him to cope with that. His Dad gets it, and that's why his Dad is his idol; Because he knows what Sujin is dealing with firsthand and he reassures him that he should always be himself and it will be okay in the end because of that.
Sujin is also deaf, rather, hard of hearing in both of his ears. One is better then the other but he really has no depth to most sounds. He has implants but he heavily relies on KSL(Korean Sign Lanaguge) to communicate with people. This barrier is what makes it hard for him to connect with others at times. Sujin does struggle to make friends of his own, but he is close to the other RFA kids because they're often around each other and interacting. He's a positive boy and does his best to be kind. He's friends with all of the other RFA kids because he's just that sweet.
Ha-Yun Ryu
Hayun is a very sweet girl, and she's always had this air about her that makes other people want to be her friend or be close to her in some way, shape, or form. She's always looking out for others and a lot of people feel like they can come to her when they need someone to speak with. Zen's daughter is a princess and she's always been spoiled rotten by her parents. That doesn't mean she's a bad egg! She's actually very polite and always minding her manners with people, and like her Father, she has a way of dazzling people with her outward beauty since she heavily took after him rather then her other parent with her red eyes and white hair. She's got a good head on her shoulders as she aspires to be a famous Idol, and fashion icon. She's very bubbly and always smiling, she's kind of oblivious but in that way that makes her a pure blessing on this planet that you want to protect. Is it because Hyun has tried to shelter her? Probably, but God, she's an angel on this Earth.
She's very active on her social media and has a very positive presence with the public! Just don't you dare think about trying to flirt with Hayun because her Dad is always warning her about the dangerous of men out there! He would do anything for his daughter, and I feel had personally for the boy that ever makes Hayun cry. Speaking of boys and loving them, Hayun has a big crush on Jun, and she has since they were children but she thinks that he doesn't like her more then a friend.
Ji-Yeong Kang
Jiyeong was adopted and she cannot remember a time in her life without Jaehee and her other parent as they've been with her since she was a very young girl. They've always been there. She loves them and they love her so much; She wouldn't have her family any other way at all. She's an outgoing girl who is always trying to study and reach the next peak on her journey without bothering others along the way. She's polite and very straightforward, a trait she picked up very quickly from her Mom and it just stuck to her like glue as she got older; However, she is quick to upset, her exterior may look tough but it doesn't take much for her to be on the verge of tears.
Unfortunately, her hot temper can land her in some bad places sometimes and she is always scolded when she gets into trouble but rewarded for having such a strong moral compass. She is a dedicated friend, and kind tend to be the Mom of her friend group just because she wants to make sure that nobody gets hurt.unless they deserve it. She's close friends with the Choi Girls, mainly Minsu, causing some kind of havoc.
Jun Han
Jun is so much like his Father that it might strike you with whiplash. He looks like his Dad, but his eyes are his other parent's eyes. He's intelligent, and got this brand of humor that could only come out of the Han household. He's very soft spoken, and he often doesn't express it when he's upset or depressed. He just grows quiet and balls it up inside when he knows he shouldn't. He struggles with his Dad being so busy all the time, but he makes up for it as best he can by hanging out with his friends or petting Elizabeth. He's very good friends with not only Jihyun's daughter, Lucy, but Yoosung's son, Sujin, as well.
Jun is his chosen name, and its the name that he's gone by since he was young. He will not respond to any other name that you call, as he refuses the feminine name that was attached to him at birth. You see, Jun is Trans, and he's always known that he was a boy, even if he didn't have the words to express it. For a long time in his youth, he was angry and often threw tantrums when he would have to wear dresses and hang around others. His parents knew that their baby needed help for his problems, and they realized very quickly that Jun was well, Jun, and the rest is history. There was a small struggle with Jumin as he can to grips with what it meant for Jun to be Trans, but, he and his partner are more then supportive of their son and they would do anything for him to ensure his happiness.
Min-Ji & Min-Su Choi
Minji is the older twin by five minutes, and Minsu is the younger twin. They both are the spitting image of their Dad, with the red hair just as vibrant now as it was the day they were born. The small difference between them is that Minji was born with heterochromia, having one golden eye and one brown eye, instead of both golden. They are polar opposites" much like their Dad and Uncle are. It's a kind of cute dynamic when it comes down to it. These two are the world to Saeyoung and he is happy to say that they are great kids. Minji is shy, and she often doesn't know how to cope with people. She often struggles with crippling social anxiety and Minsu is always there for her sister, she took the big step when they were young and held her sister's hand when she cried or became too scared to speak with other people. She is quick as a whip, and picks up language just as easily as her Father does. The first thing that she learned was KSL so that she could better communicate with Sujin, who she has the tiniest crush on. She's very close to her cousin, Nari, as the both of them are quiet and tend not to get noticed by others.
Minsu is encouragble and has the biggest prankster tendencies out of anybody in her family. She picked up on Saeyoung's tricks and improved them without even trying. She's always laughing and having fun, but it can land her into trouble if she's not careful, its great that Jiyeong is with her to stop her from doing anything too dumb, but it really doesn't make that much of a difference. She's bubbly, and she's always quick to speak for herself and her sister without being asked to do so. She's always trying to be a good sister, if anyone hurts Minji she will destroy them with her bare hands. She's got the smallest crush on Jiyeong but she's not about to admit it.
Lucy Kim
I don't even have to say a lot about Lucy because she is pure and honest and kind. She's not my OC, so I haven't really fillet developed how I want to write her just yet. The best daughter that Jihyun Kim could have ever have asked for, and he spoils that girl rotten. I read her as sweet, and very close with Jumin's son out of pure choice.
Nari Choi
Nari is literally sunshine and she deserves everything that the world has to offer and more than that. She is the daughter of my MC Lila, and Saeran, and she's always smiling. She's got her Mother's brown eyes and her messy hair, and her Father's hair color. She's named after a Lily, and its clear that Saeran did that deliberately, and Lila liked the sentiment just as much as he did. Nari never really has had a lot to say, she was a quiet baby and she always held onto people's hands for silent comfort. She is a soft-spoken girl who often doesn't go out of her way to get attention because she likes being in the background, and she absolutely adores gardening because it's the one thing that her Parents are always doing together and sharing together in and around their house. Nari is often found underneath trees and amongst the tall grass just bathing underneath the sun rays, and she aspires to be a florist when she gets older! She very well may be able to do that because her parents are always behind her back and supporting everything that she wants to do or try even if it seems silly to others.
She's very close with her cousin, Minji, and you often don't see one without the other attached. They just floated to each other because they silently understood that the other didn't want to jump out into the spotlight. They often share each other's company in the quiet, and its a normal thing for them to read books in the same room.
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Character Refs for the RFA kids, will be updated in the future.
Nari Choi
Age: 17
Race: Korean/Caucasian
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Blood Type: A+
Date Of Birth: February 16th
Sexuality: Demisexual
Likes: Gardening, sweets
Dislikes: Social interactions where she doesn’t know what to do
Family: Saeran Choi (Father), Lila Choi, nee Lancelet (Mother), Saeyoung Choi (Uncle), Unnamed Aunt/Uncle, Minji Choi (Cousin), Minsu Choi (Cousin)
Height: 157cm (5’2ft)
Hair Color: Brownish red, curly and frames her face with bangs that cover her eyes when she looks down, usually has half of it tucked into a pink that her Mother gave to her as a present.
Eye Color: Brown  
Lucy Kim
Age: 17
Race: Korean
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Blood Type: B-
Date Of Birth: November 5th
Sexuality: Pansexual
Likes: Photography, and reading 
Dislikes: Sweets, and ignorant people
Family: Jihyun Kim (Father), Unnamed Parent, yet to be named sibling
Height: 162cm (5′4ft)
Hair Color: Light brown, messy and with kinky curls that can only seem to be tamed by a strong hairbrush. She typically tucks it back into a tight low bun to keep it casual. 
Eye Color: Blue
Jun Han
Age: 17
Race: Korean
Gender: Male (FtM Trans)
Pronouns: He/Him
Blood Type: A+
Date Of Birth: September 17th
Sexuality: Demisexual  
Likes: Hayun, and cats
Dislikes: Eccentric girls with red hair, and the fact that he’s too shy to face his crush. 
Family: Jumin Han (Father), Unnamed Parent
Height: 175cm (5′9ft)
Hair Color: Black, a messy mop that he works very hard in the morning to style so it looks like it’s natural when it’s very much not. He tends to favor his Dad’s style from back in the day. 
Eye Color: Blue
Hayun Ryu
Age: 16
Race: Korean
Gender: Female 
Pronouns: She/Her
Blood Type: A+
Date Of Birth: April 15th
Sexuality: Pansexual 
Likes: Vlogging, modeling, and singing! Don’t forget about Jun. 
Dislikes: Spicy foods, and being teased 
Family: Hyun Ryu (Father), Unnamed Parent, and yet to be named sibling.
Height: 165cm (5′5ft)
Hair Color: White, she tucks most of her hair back into a ponytail with a scrunchie that she’s totally bringing back into style, leaving some loose bangs out front to frame her face. 
Eye Color: Red
Mijeong Kang
Age: 16
Race: Korean
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Blood Type: O
Date Of Birth: January 7th 
Sexuality: Lesbian
Likes: Reading, sweets, and trouble
Dislikes: Being told to do something, and not being able to sleep
Family: Jaehee Kang (Mother), Unnamed Parent
Height: 160cm (5′3ft)
Hair Color: Blonde, with bangs that have been cut to look fashionable and tough at the same time. It’s curly and shoulder length by choice because otherwise, it gets in the way. 
Eye Color: Brown 
Minji Choi
Age: 16
Race: Korean
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Blood Type: A-
Date Of Birth: June 3rd
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: Sujin, animals, and learning more about languages as much as she can
Dislikes: Time limits, not being with her sister, and being woken up too early
Family: Saeyoung Choi (Father), unnamed parent, Minsu Choi (sister), Saeran Choi (Uncle), Lila Choi (Aunt), and Nari Choi (cousin) 
Height: 160cm (5′3ft)
Hair Color: Red, just like her dad. It used to be longer which gave her a different look than her sister, but she decided to change things recently, cutting it short and changing up her bangs to part one way rather than in the middle. 
Eye Color: One gold, one brown
Minsu Choi
Age: 16
Race: Korean
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Blood Type: AB
Date Of Birth: June 3rd
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: Mijeong, causing trouble, and eating everything in sight without question. 
Dislikes: Rudeness, when people don’t get her jokes, and when she can’t be with her sister. 
Family:  Saeyoung Choi (Father), unnamed parent, Minji Choi (sister), Saeran Choi (Uncle), Lila Choi (Aunt), and Nari Choi (cousin)
Height: 160cm (5′3ft)
Hair Color: Red, just like her Dad. She has a layered cut that frames her face delicately and puts off contrast to her naturally naughty nature that will only hurt you. 
Eye Color: Gold
Sujin Kim
Age: 15
Race: Korean
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Blood Type: B+
Date Of Birth: December 10th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Likes: Games, naps, and being kind 
Dislikes: Not being able to communicate, missing out on things, and strangely, when he can’t speak with Minji or Lucy. 
Family: Yoosung Kim (Father), Unnamed Parent, yet to be named sibling
Height: 170cm (5′7ft)
Hair Color: Brown, and it’s styled just with intention. His bangs were cut to keep out of his eyes so he could read people’s lips better as he tries to communicate with them, and he tends to comb it down in the morning and it still pops up. 
Eye Color: Purple
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