#choices book club blades
choicesbookclub · 10 months
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Welcome to the Choices Book Club! We are currently reading Blades of Light & Shadow II. The book releases a new chapter every Friday on the Choices App.
This Week’s Chapter: Chapter 14: A Night to Remember
Question(s) of the Week: 
How would you rate this chapter? [Vote Here]
What do you think about the new premium outfit? [Vote Here]
How do you feel about nearing the end of Blades II?
Did you acquire the Elite Skill (Shatter) with Valax? [Vote Here]
What do you think of the Ash Empress? (If villain, why so hot?)
Who did you choose to dance across the floor with? [Vote Here]
Did you "get revenge" with Nia and Valax? [Vote Here]
What are your thoughts and theories about the ending with both the Watcher and Valax?
Aerin stans, how you doing? How/what do you think your boy is doing?
Newly added questions in purple
How else to Participate:
Post reactions, screenshots, videos, ramblings, theories,… whatever comes to you while playing
Create drawings, edits, moodboards, fics, headcanons, songs, poems, etc based on the chapters and/or characters
Create a profile page for your MC and submit it to our MC directory
Catch up on any of the previous week's questions/prompts
Posts that tag @choicesbookclub and use “#choices book club” will be reblogged here. Please note that tags “#choices book club” seem to be more reliable than mentioning the blog.
If your post is not reblogged within 48 hours, please dm me a link @lovealexhunt. Thank you!
[Please read the full guide to the event and how to participate here]
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zhoras-bitch · 1 year
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The way she went into an absolute spiral after MC disappeared. Imtura is the real one.
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saibug1022 · 1 year
I know we aren't going to get it because this is Pixelberry but I am hoping and praying we get a scene where MC gets to have a breakdown. Our friends were traumatized, their lives sucked, yes, I want more of that. But I also want a scene where someone mentions again that MC was just unconscious for that year, kinda disregarding it, and MC snaps. They pointed out they lost their brother and went on an entire quest to get him back, got betrayed by Aerin, had to kill Nia who they may or may not have been in love with, and then they get back and not even a week later they got kidnapped to the dimension that traumatized them by people they knew nothing about. They were experimented on for a year and the worst part is they have absolutely no idea what was done to them because they were DRUGGED and UNCONSCIOUS the whole time! Then they have to fight to escape completely on their own and they get back only to learn that they lost an entire year of their lives, all their friends split up, and now they're being thrown right into another world saving quest without any time to breathe. They came back to a completely different world that just went on without themafter losing an entire year. I want MC to scream about the year they lost qbr the fear of not knowing what the hell was done to them, how they were alone, and how fucking scared they are
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mal going from never staying too long with a crew to seeing himself as a protector of the group. from putting his own survival above all to growing self sacrificial in the worst possible way. from being the cheery, funny one to the more withdrawn, hurt one. from avoiding danger to jumping into it. he finally let people in and it hurt so much and now he's scared and at the same time he's willing to do anything to keep what he has and his old coping mechanisms don't cut it anymore and he's desperate to cling to whatever's left of their friend group even if it means he wears himself thin and he was keeping tabs on imtura and he thought mc was dead but he kept looking anyway and he's still mourning a death that never happened but also it did happen because so much was lost and
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storyofmychoices · 10 months
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From "I don't have time for some kit (derogatory)" to "You're always worth waiting for, (my) kit (affectionate) "
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mikaelsrose · 1 year
I believe this chapter properly showed us how grief stricken our group really is. Mal is exhausted but is keeping to himself, which is exactly in character for him. Nia tries to overcompensate for not rescuing MC by using her light for good. Imtura does not want to discuss her feelings but just one look at her is enough to see she's been hurting for a long time. Tyril is very protective, bordering on overprotective, of MC, and as we know from the previous chapters, he also feels guilty for not being able to have helped. They're not over this, even though MC is back, and I think it's a really good portrayal of grief.
I like how the writers handled this subject. I like that Mal told MC she does not understand their pain because for her it was a matter of days. I know being held captive and tortured is not fun either, but they didn't really feel that, you know? All we know is that she remembers experiencing Valax drawing her blood.
I think they needed to have that conversation and I believe it was healing, at least a little.
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cassie-thorne · 1 year
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I love him so much
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 1 year
How It Started:
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How It's Going:
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enemies to besties is superior i love them😭💖
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rosepetals1 · 1 year
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did i mention that i love kade? because i love kade. this is a kade appreciation post ❤
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peonyblossom · 9 months
Blades of Light and Shadow Heroes Character Sheets
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uselessgay10101 · 1 month
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Nia what are you doing here-
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choicesbookclub · 1 year
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Welcome to the Choices Book Club! We are currently reading Blades of Light & Shadow II. The book releases a new chapter every Friday on the Choices App.
This Week’s Chapter: Chapter 7: Conflict and Compromise
Question(s) of the Week: 
Since we are only getting 4 outfits this book, are there outfits or HCs for outfits that you have for what your MC would wear during their quests?
How would you rate this chapter? [Vote Here]
Did you acquire the Binding Skill with Tyril? [Vote Here]
Did you complete the social quest with the Shadow Court? [Vote Here]
How do you feel about trusting them? Do you? Or are you with Tyril, they'll stab us in the back, while Valax stabs us in the front?
Did you complete the social quest with Aerin? [Vote Here]
How did you approach the unicorn? [Vote Here]
How do you feel about heading to the dwarves next week?
Regardless of your LI, which LI do you think has been written the best so far this book? [Vote Here]
*Newly added questions are in purple
How else to Participate:
Post reactions, screenshots, videos, ramblings, theories,… whatever comes to you while playing
Create drawings, edits, moodboards, fics, headcanons, songs, poems, etc based on the chapters and/or characters
Create a profile page for your MC and submit it to our MC directory
Catch up on any of the previous week's questions/prompts
Posts that tag @choicesbookclub and use “#choices book club” will be reblogged here. Please note that tags “#choices book club” seem to be more reliable than mentioning the blog.
If your post is not reblogged within 48 hours, please dm me a link @lovealexhunt. Thank you!
[Please read the full guide to the event and how to participate here]
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zhoras-bitch · 11 months
So in chapter 8, when MC has their flashback of being held in Valax's dungeon, it's your LI who helps them come back to their senses. And if it's one of the main four, they all say something sweet along the lines of, 'It's alright, I'm here for you.' But if it's Aerin, he says, 'I know what you're feeling.' And I mean, obviously, who else can relate to MC's experience more than the man who spent the year locked up in a dungeon himself, but omg. The writers are so real for adding this detail.
Screenshots from Abhiro on Yt @masked-alien-lesbian @ganakoo @lantsov-vanserra (and me lol).
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saibug1022 · 1 year
I know most of us are disappointed by the Mal reunion scene at first and trust me I was too. But like, this is Mal. Even in the first book the only times he really opened up were in solo scenes which we didn't get with him yet. I wouldn't be surprised if next chapter or maybe the one after that we get a diamond scene or a scene where he pulls us aside and that's when emotions happen, because if you look the hints are there. The way he completely froze in the rafters? The fact that of ALL places to say he was from he said our hometown, a poor and small village? The way he grinned so wide during the chase scene? For all we know he was lying and it is a depression haircut, this is Mal we're talking about. The emotions are there in the little things, we just have to be patient
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storyofmychoices · 1 year
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I wish I could believe that babe, but evidence tells me it's not 😭
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