#chose it cuz it’s what I was good at 🤷‍♀️
zeherili-ankhein · 4 months
GUYS GUYS and @foreignink you my beloved
My school's gonna start on Monday, new new 11th class
I'm a Humanities student and I want some comments on my subject choice please 🥹 (I just wanna know what y'all think lol)
English – Yeah like 1st language is always so mandatory lmaoo
Painting – There was a choice between 2nd language and painting, my second language is Bangla but I took painting lol.
Me 🤝 subject related to art — inseparable 😤.
Thou I'd have loved Bangla tooo but school only let's me have 6 subjects 🫠
Geography – I dunno why I took that tbh... But I guess meh.. 🤷‍♀️
Sociology – I don't really know much about this subject... I'm just giving it a try, cuz my masi had it and she said it's a good subject... Also I would have had to take Economics otherwise and I hate economic :(
Mass Media – There was a option between Legal Studies and Mass Media, so I chose Mass Media.... I would like this subject I feel...
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mrs-monaghan · 11 months
Nah cuz these drags won't work for Jimin lol
First of all, JIMIN is literally a unisex name which is especially given for baby girls in SK. So there's no need to add anything to make it more girly lmao. His name is commonly used by girls anyway.. we have many girl idols named Jimin but uses stage names because JIMIN is owned by mimi 🤷‍♀️
Second, people really think saying he looks like a woman is offensive ? The same person who asked 'what the heck is men ?', Regularly wears women clothing, drew a bigender tattoo on himself, thinks he looks beautiful when dressed as a girl, calls himself pretty, pretite and delicate, chose modern dance and ballet as his major which are not commonly done by men and is frowned upon in SK, repeated he's NOT manly multiple times in a single interview, likes to keep his body dainty, want to make his booty even bigger, used a woman as his reflection and is VERY fluid with his gender identity representation 🙄🙄 More than anyone else Jimin knows his feminine side and fucking embrace it proudly
If him, his dad and mom, his partner, his members, his freinds and his stans doesn't have a single problem with him not being the usual 'manly' guy then who tf have a problem with how he carries himself ?
The way it's mostly JK solos trying to drag him for this.. are they worried whether he'll steal their man or what 👀👀 or that their 'straight' man won't be able to resist a pretty Jimin around ? Is JK that weak for pretty dainty boys shaz ? 🤔
While reading your ask it took me back to this moment
(Thanks @sarah2711)
RM literally short circuited 🤣😂😂😂 I can't with this clip coz RM takes me out every single time. 😆😆😆😆😆 Dead.
(Me digressing in 1....2.....)
I am surprised that JK doesn't seem to be simping here considering the fact that Jimin was super pissed during this bomb
coz JK wanted him to be in that snow white costume so badly.
Analysis no one asked for in 1....2....
Okay so Jhope says loser will have to dress up as snow white. If you look at Jimin's face, he is not happy
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But the best part for me is how JK is looking right at him 🤭🤭
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Yes... so are RM and Jhope but there is a reason I'm highlighting JK 😆😆
So Jhope says how this was all JK's idea. But look at Jimin's face when he says "that's right"
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This tells me Jimin knew why JK wanted him in that dress. He hee. Jin confirms that this idea is quite recent.
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RM concurs adding in this little detail:
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Thats the face of a cheeky man up to no good 🤭 Especially when Jhope repeats the rule... and while Jimin is frothing at the mouth 👇🏽 JK is watching him looking quite excited about the prospect of the loser being snow white
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We know JK expected Jimin to lose because that's what happens more often than not. Jimin always looses in RPS and JK was counting on this happening. But Mimi wasn't having it and not only can u tell because of how mad he looks, but also because he does the tongue in cheek thing
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And we all know depending on the context, this is usually a sign of annoyance.
So the members start to play and guess who JK is watching 😏😏
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The reason why this analysis is most probably accurate is because of the face Jimin makes when JK wins dramatically
Did you see that? Okay I will clip just Jimin's face since he moves too quickly for a proper screenshot. But just look how done he is. Zoom in and u can see it even better.
For reasons only known to Jikook, JK really wanted Jimin to be snow white and Jimin was 1300% done with his boyfriend.
Is JK that weak for pretty dainty boys Shaz?
Hmm 🤔
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pabro-picasso · 3 years
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i finally finished this, after a good 3 weeks to a month of working on it
of course when the AC update hit i went stupid hard on it and bulldozed the island and tried to complete every little thing so i neglected everything else, especially drawing
but i was so hooked to the point where i made sticky note doodles of arthur and alfred as villagers at work and then i thought about how the other main 8 plus matthew would look and thats where we are now
theyre grouped by relative geography, and i made the heights of the different villagers consistent across all three drawings B) every piece of clothing is something you can also find in game
ok some explanations under the cut cuz im assuming not everyone wants to read this
ok lets start with the top:
yao is based off of a red-crowned crane, a crane found all over east asia, and i believe the national bird of china? idk, if i got that wrong my bad cuz i was all over the place in researching stuff. i had the hardest time trying to figure out what he should be, and i chose his villager model last. he was gonna be a regular tweety bird villager, but someone mentioned using feathers as a pony tail and the ostrich villager model was the only bird type that does that
ivan of course is a big old bear. i took some creative liberties with the scarf, but i figured that theyll give extra bits to villagers on occasion (like raymonds glasses or audies sunglasses) i struggled a bit w the shirt, but i ended up w a yodel sweater because at the time it looked the best out of all the sweater options. i think if i were to do this again id give him a different one but drawing the knit pattern took too damn long to start over w something else
kiku was also a bit of a challenge. not because picking a villager species was hard, but because of the color scheme. idk, when i think of japanese color schemes my mind automatically went to red black and white and i already had made yao, and it just was feeling too stereotypical at this point. i went with the earthen greens and browns as a reflection of a lot of the vintage japanese furniture in the game. he’s a deer because i instantly thought of the nara deer park and i thought that’d be cute. his antlers and fawn dots also reflect that.
next pic:
francis!!! i originally was going back and forth between a skunk (because of pepe le pew lol) and then a rooster, because roosters are like the animal of france right? but i couldnt get a decent design with either of them. i was scratching and racking my brains when i realized that the literal in canon joke is him being a frog 🤦‍♀️ then the design was almost too easy. i went with pastel colors because i thought of the french courts in the 1700s. while he’s the only one i went anachronistic with, i feel like it still suits him with how cute it is.
ludwig’s a german shepard. p straight forward w this one. i struggled with finding an outfit for him because while there is the bavarian lil leiderhosen suit, it just didnt seem to fit. i went with the collarless coat because it seemed very modern german fashion.
feliciano’s villager species was picked second to last, just before yao. idk, i really struggled with him too because while the entire show’s about him, not much really sticks out to me when it comes to picking stuff for him. there’s not really any classic “italian” animals other than like.... a greyhound? idk im kind of an ignorant boob about the mediterranean countries 😬but, i ended up with a duck because i pictured a matching, angry romano and it seemed hilarious. it didn’t show well, but i based his color schemes off olives. his belly is red like an olive pit. the sweater shirt also seemed very italian to me.
bottom crew (pun intended):
alfred!!!!! we had to go with the obvious classics. not much else to explain about this one. he’s a bald eagle with his flight jacket. i tried to make his design different enough from apollo’s to where it wasnt a one-for-one copy but 🤷‍♀️ not much you can do with a bald eagle
arthur’s a little english rabbit. i thought it would be cute to see him be very little and very angry. i’m not a huge fan of the color scheme i ended up with but tbh i really didnt know what to do with him that would still look good. i tried navy, but it looked awful. i feel like he needed dark, moody colors and the other two boys already had browns and i didnt want to make them all look the same.
and finally, matthew 🥰 while i did say that feli and romano would be matching ducks earlier, you know i had to make this fool a moose. he’s technically a bull character model, but hey this shit aint real i can bend the rules. i tried giving him a maple syrupy color palette, while not being as all out food based like feliciano was, but this might be a bit too subtle. either way tho, coloring him made me hungry. he has a flannel shirt because of course he does hahaha
i had a sticky note with style preferences, personality types and all that but i dont feel like digging for it, this post is long enough anyways, and also its late and i just want to get this shit out already. i’ve been stressing about finishing it for too damn long
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atsubaka · 3 years
Hiiii! I have a request for the hq boys, basically it’s of a TikTok prank where you pretend they’ve got germs and you keep wiping your lips after he kisses you or when they offer you a drink you wipe the bottle of straw or something first (preferably for Sakusa, Atsumu and Tsukishima) thaaaanks
Wiping off their kiss
w timeskip! Sakusa, timeskip! Atsumu, and Tsukishima
A/N : u chose the saltiest, most dramatic boys for this scenario 🥲
Warnings: very offended bfs‼️, tsumu being dramatic as heck, tsukishima went swimming in the dead sea and came out ✨levitating✨ & clingy sakusa 🥺🥺
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everyone knows how much of a simp atsumu is for u
u know those overly affectionate couples who are all over each other in public?
ya, that's u two 🥰
which basically makes him the PERFECT target
last night osamu sent u this tiktok to try on tsumu
it involves wiping off his kisses
and u agreed almost too quickly
u were always an accomplice when it comes to pranking your boyfriend ✋
if u get to video his reaction and post it online
osamu will give u guys free onigiri for a week
bonus: he'll throw in free dessert if u can do it infront of other people
and who were u to deny free food? 😃
so anyway... u let bokuto in on ur plan so he could video atsumu's reaction while they were on break
atsumu's starting to get sus 👀
bc you rarely come to his practices
and suddenly ur tagging along ...??
hmm mkay 🤷‍♀️
Was it bc he styled his hair differently this morning?
atsumu went w that
you suppressed a grin when the setter jogged towards u and leaned down to give u a quick peck on the lips
as planned, u wiped ur lips w the sleeve of ur hoodie
he didn't notice the first time
"my sets are in good condition today! must be cuz yer here babe," he smirked, not the least bit suspicious
"you're amazing tsum," you smiled sweetly, and the setter swore his heart skipped a beat
"i always play better when yer watching, ya know?"
You smiled teasingly and pinched his cheek
"i know"
wrapping his arms around your waist he lifted u up from ur sitting position and rested his hands on ur hips
ur arms automatically wound themselves around his neck as he leaned down and gave u a longer kiss than the previous one
needy tsumu is a perfect victim
"angel," he frowned when u pulled away too quickly for his liking
the setter was about to smother u in more kisses until u did smth that made him freeze
u took out your handkerchief and dabbed on ur lips
atsumu's like 🤨
he thought it was weird but shrugged it off like the idiot he is
but after kissing u again you adamantly wiped ur lips w ur sleeve
the setter went from 😮 to 🤯 real quick
"yer not mad, are you?"
"of course not, tsum."
atsumu started panicking agressively
he learned from the years he's been w u that when girls say they aren't upset, they acc are
"uh, so - ... what did I do?"
"nothing, babe ☺️"
atsumu was definite he did smth wrong
he just didn't know what
"o-okay, u know I love you, right?"
u stifled ur laughter when he started stuttering, but u forced yourself to remain poised
he'll definitely whine abt this later and guilt trip u, but u didn't feel the least bit ashamed
ur bf will be thanking you when he's stuffing his face w fatty tuna at osamu's later
hesitantly, he landed a peck on ur cheek
instinctively u rubbed the spot he kissed with ur shoulder
atsumu's breath hitched-
he kissed u again, this time on ur nose
another wipe
then another kiss
x 100000 kisses later
wipe 💅
*sigh* if u get a dime for every kiss he gave u, you'd be on a yacht rn ✋
atsumu couldn't take this negelct any further
homeboy snapped 💔
"i'm not mad-"
why's he's so hysterical 😭😭
"tsum, calm do-"
his face = 😡
everyone watching = 😶
might as well tell him now before he becomes even more insufferable :(
"gee, it was just a prank. no need to be so dramatic," you rolled your eyes.
"HUH?" ☹️
"say hi to osamu baby!"
and surely, bokuto was right there videoing the whole ordeal
hinata was on the floor crying while sakusa was sporting the biggest grin anyone's ever seen on him
the setter blanched
he felt betrayed 🙃
after the incident, atsumu ignored u no matter how many times u apologized
he made it really obvious that he was still upset about what happened by scoffing whenever you'd show him affection
but after stopping by osamu's and raiding his shop, u managed to get him to forgive u by being extra clingy and spoiling him w kisses <3
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unlike atsumu, tsukishima knew right away this was a prank
yams found out abt the tiktok hinata and kags sent u to try on ur bf, so being the loyal friend he is, yams told tsukki ✋
yamaguchi u snitch smh
but if u wanna try messing w him, two can play at that game 😌
"hey babe," u innocently smiled at him w that cheeky look on ur face that tsukishima knew all too well
he knows ur expecting a kiss, so he did the exact opposite
he ain't initiating no affection 🥱
when ur boyfriend didn't give u ur usual kiss u were like ☹️
on the outside tsukishima had his usual poker face on, but inside - he was eating this all up
how the odds stacked against u 😭😭
"w-what's up?"
"oh nothing."
u chuckled awkwardly
after that tense exchange, everything seemed to go back to normal
the banter, snarky comments, teasing and etc. were all there-
except for the fact that not ONCE had your boyfriend tried kissing u
u abandoned ur plan of pranking him ages ago when he acted all weird
but ur still unsure of what to make of this situation
"hey, tsukki."
you poked his cheek
dude didn't even look up from the homework he was working on 🥲
you sighed
side eyeing u, the blonde almost let out a snort at the face ur making
the thought of taking this "prank" too far occured to him, but he was having too much fun getting under ur skin
he's so mean asklajslsklsf
"oh screw it." you murmured
leaning over, u closed the gap between u and kissed him
you could feel him SMIRK against ur lips
when u pulled away, he was looking at u with such a haughty expression that made u narrow ur eyes
but then he did something that had made your jaw drop
Um- what just happened?? 😀😀😀
your boyfriend stared at u innocently while u were processing what happened
He be "🙂" while u were like "🤡"
"y/n, ur breath stinks."
man said it w such a straight face i- 💀💀
u were fuming
tsukishima couldn't hold it in anymore
he took out the phone he used to secretly record ur reaction and mockingly held it over ur face
"u knew all this time," u glowered at your boyfriend
"i haven't the slightest idea what you're going on about, y/n."
you scoffed
tsukki was literally ✨ levitating✨
crossing your arms, u turned your body away from him and faced the other way
feeling petty and low-key embarrassed
a second later, u heard a notification come from your phone
frowning at the device, u cast tsukishima a deathly glare
he tagged u on tiktok w the prank u were supposed to do on him
"tell me your girlfriend is stupid, w/o telling me your girlfriend is stupid."
and it was trending ‼️
your eye twitched
"yamaguchi, that traitor," you gritted your teeth
somewhere out there, the green haired gremlin sneezed
feeling satisfied w himself, tsukishima sighed and flicked your forehead
"u should've seen the look on your face, y/n. it looked like someone was about to cry," he teased.
although, this time he subtly pulled u closer to his body
u attempted to shove him off, but the stupid bimbo was being persistent
"if it makes u feel any better, I did feel a little bit bad."
he said in a-not-so-apologetic-voice
"yeah?" you sneered
"good for you, now we know that u actually have a conscious that actually does it's job," you chuckled sarcastically.
you waited for him to jab back and insult u, but it never came
"you aren't actually upset about this, are you?"
the blonde spun u around to face him while u avoided eye contact
"well, telling the entire human race that I have bad breath definitely didn't lower my self-esteem."
"not like u had any to begin with."
u were THIS 🤏 close to murdering your boyfriend
"well, i am sooooo sorrryyyy oh-great-and-mighty-tsukishima-sama, not everyone can be as perfect and capable as you. especially not ME, a measly peasant who has catastrophic breath." you spat, huffing aggressively after finishing all that in one breath.
"no need to be so salty," he muttered
"insensitive and a hypocrite," you added.
tsukishima rolled his eyes
"ironic, because last time I checked, you were the one who was planning on making a fool out of me."
touché beanpolé, touché ... ✋
"but i'll forgive you," he sighed aghast
as if u were the one at fault here 🙄🙄
"let's screw homework and just watch that stupid movie u wanted to see."
he flicked your forehead and u pouted
glancing down at your lips, your boyfriend leaned down to give u a kiss
u averted your eyes, but made no indication of move away
but when u looked up again, u just about caught him wiping his lips again teasingly
y/n.exe//http has stopped working
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contrary to popular belief, your boyfriend is actually very clingy
he won't do much in public except for the typical hand holding
but behind closed doors, he loves cuddling w you and getting pampered
a literal attention seeker smh 😔✋
u weren't cruel enough to do this prank on him in public, so u patiently waited for kiyoomi to return home from practice
today's been an especially rough day for sakusa, and he couldn't wait to just gather u in his arms and bask in the attention you'd give him
after all, u always were extra caring when it came to him :(
the door creaked open, alerting you of your boyfriend's arrival
"y/n! i'm home!"
you pretended not to hear him just to see his reaction
he shuffled awkwardly and frowned at your lack of reply
pls go to him before he wakes up your neighbours 😭😭
you always greet him by the doorway when he comes home, and boy was upset u weren't there 💔
u forced down a giggle and went to assist your high maintenance boyfriend
this man literally refused to move from where he's standing, w his arms crossed over his chest and an annoyed scowl on his face until u came to attend to him
talk about spoiled smh 🙄
"omi, ur back!"
u cupped his cheeks and squished them together before he leaned his head on top of your shoulder
"why weren't u here when I came home," he muttered but wrapped his arms around your waist to pull u closer
"it was only for a few seconds, i was just preparing dinner."
sakusa took one of your hands and guided it to his head
getting the message, u began stroking his hair and playing w his curls
after a few minutes of bliss for sakusa, u gently nudged him
"omi, u should shower first."
hesitantly, he pulled away but not before placing a gently peck on your nose
scrunching your nose, u tried to smoothly rub the spot he kissed with your fist
boy narrowed his eyes and slapped your hand away from ur face 💀
"what are you doing?"
u smiled, and played the oblivious card
"my nose is itchy."
his gaze was unrelenting
after a while of assessing u, he leaned down to give your forehead a long kiss
this time, he caught your hand before it could even reach your face
his face = 😡
your face = 🥲
bby's really upset w you </3
"i'll shower later."
your eyes widened when be carried you and flopped the two of u down on the couch
his body was entangled w yours as he latched onto like a koala
"you always shower when u get home," u stated, confused.
maybe even bewildered, bc HELLO? your boyfriend always showers whenever he comes home
even if he already showered at the gym
it's like second nature to him
"why are u wiping my kisses away?"
you shifted in a more comfortable position w your boyfriend buried in your chest while you spoon him
u secretly UWU when he looked up at you w glassy eyes :(
"what do you mean?"
he held you tighter and you wondered if u were taking this prank a lite too far
"y/n, do u not like my kisses?" he mumbled against your collarbone and your heart sank at the dejection in his voice
"oh no, baby of course i love your kisses."
to support ur point, u peppered his face w sweet kisses
give an extra long one on each of his moles
exhausted kiyoomi = sensitive sad boy hours 🥺
he scoffed lightly, but snuggled closer to u anyway
"why'd u rub the parts I kissed earlier then."
u decided to just tell him to get it over w
"it was just a prank omi," u twirled a strand of curly hair on your finger while your boyfriend mulled this over
"it was that disgusting twerp, miya," he spat and you nodded.
"that's your guy, baby."
RIP ATSUMU 💀💀💀 u just used him as a scapegoat
"i've always liked the other one better..."
"me too," u agreed.
the miya twins both sneezed at that exact moment 🤧
naturally, your boyfriend didn't let go of u the entire night, so u were forced to sleep on the couch and suffer back pain tomorrow morning 😔
taglist: @tetsuukuroo
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sunshinemunchkin · 3 years
(i’m gonna hurt my own feelings with this one)
I feel like knowing about Ron and Hermione’s connection to each other would make me insecure :/
“You’re being ridiculous y/n.” Tears clouded your vision as you looked at this boy who’s love tore you apart.
“You never loved me like you loved her. I know that now.”
pairing: Ron Weasley x Reader
summary: your relationship with ron has been on the ropes for a while now. since it began, you had your doubts. but this was your breaking point.
warnings: yelling, anger, angst, heartbreak
word count: 834
a/n: omgg!! thank you for being my first ask ily sm. i tried my best 🤷‍♀️🥺 also sorry if it’s kinda lengthy, i love this concept cuz i agree, romione makes me insecure. again thank you!!
you couldn’t stand it anymore.
the way he looked at her and how she looked back. as if you weren’t sitting right there.
their shameless glances and giggles as if your heart wasn’t breaking once you caught on.
ever since you met ron you knew what he had with his friends was inseparable, especially hermione, whom he claimed was so annoying but you saw the signs. and yet, you chose to ignore them, because you felt like being selfish.
for once, in your damn life, you want to have something, someone, who’s heart belonged to you.
you’re beginning to realize that maybe you should’ve listened when they said that what you and ron had was too good to be true.
with these thoughts mulling about in your head, you tear away from your friends, giving them some bullshit excuse that you were tired and wanted to lie down before dinner.
they didn’t question it as they probably figured you were going to meet up with your boyfriend anyways, however that wasn’t your intention.
following the corridor to the gryffindor common room, you feel a tug on your wrist. and with the familiar scent of leather and butter beer filling your senses, you roll your eyes before meeting ron’s gaze.
“what?” you voice, his face held worry but also confusion.
“i was calling after you, why didn’t you stop?” you resisted the urge to roll your eyes once more when you pulled your wrist from his grasp rather harshly.
“no reason.” taking off once more, you ignore ron’s protests for you to talk to him as he follows you down the hall, allowing for his heavy footsteps to pair with yours.
“y/n. are you mad at me?” a heavy sigh falls from your lips at how oblivious he was.
“yes, ron! as a matter of fact, i am mad at you.” waiting for you to continue, ron stares you down, going through everything he could’ve, and probably did do, wrong.
“i’m tired.” you say with clenched fists. your eyes linger shut for a moment longer before they open to reveal your confused boyfriend.
“tired? of what?” running a hand down your face, you roll your eyes one last time before allowing for your feelings to freely fall from your lips.
“i’m tired of pretending that you’re in love with me.” your words paled ron’s face further than it already was. guilt spread clean across it, as if he were caught in a lie.
“i see how you look at hermione. how you’ve always looked at her.” ron’s nose flares with anger at such an accusation against him and his friend, trying to salvage what was left of you and him. but your tone of voice makes him think there’s no use.
“that’s absurd, y/n. you’re being ridiculous.”
“am i? am i being ridiculous, ron? because all i see is how in love you look, except it’s not directed towards me anymore. it’s towards her.” the hallway filled with anger, a silence falling over the space between you as neither of you dared to speak.
“i should’ve known.” you say, finally breaking the silence as you wipe away tears of emotion and rage that had slipped from your waterline. “that you’d eventually leave me for her.”
when you meet ron’s gaze, he didn’t know what to say. his mind was swirling with a plethora of emotions that he couldn’t comprehend as guilt and shame were at the forefront of it all.
“well, here’s your out, ron. here’s your chance, i’m handing it to you. because i was stupid enough to believe that you could ever love me like you love her.” with a final declaration that your decision was made, you move to take off the necklace ron had gifted you on your birthday. one that read “my love” in scribbled letters.
ron’s heart felt like it was physically breaking, his eyes welled up with tears despite the fact that he knew you were right.
“here. maybe you could put it to some better use.” along with the action of you placing the gold chain in his calloused palm, both your hearts were torn in two as ron simply collected the token in his hand and closed his fingers around it.
“i’m sorry.” he voiced, remorse rooted deep in his words as they broke, but you couldn’t bare to listen to it.
“it’s okay. i just want you to be happy.” and that was the truth.
stepping forward, you lean up, placing a gentle but broken kiss to the boys cheek, relishing in his warmth once more.
however, unlike before, his strong arms did not come to wrap around you, encapsulating and protecting you from the harsh world.
now you were left alone to face the cold wind blowing against you.
“goodbye ron.” was all you could manage before gathering yourself once more and continuing your trail down the hallway without so much as a single glance back at the love you left behind.
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Okay, lemme ask you very random questions cuz idk.
If you had a chance to fix something you did in the past, what would it be??
Do you believe in superstitions your parents/you heard as a kid?
What's your ideal vacation plan?
Ok, lemme answer your questions cuz my wifey asked them ;)
I wouldn't really change much because the bad things that happened to me weren't my fault so maybe just like the color of hair dye I chose to buy once, idk
I don't really believe in superstitions except that I knock on wood for good luck... isn't that a superstition? 🤷‍♀️
Going somewhere that rains a LOT and laying down on the road/sidewalk. That's it.
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1tarot1with1k1o · 3 years
Hi not me rushing to get shit done cuz I’m like that🥴
Klo’s question : how might the first meeting with my FS happen?
I pulled 5 cards: first 2 representing you and your FS separately
Yours : page of pentacles rx - first let me tell you the page in my deck is in the Thinker position💀you are bright, abundant, but not optimistic! Hyper fixated on a task perhaps it’s bothering you! Maybe at that time you’re busy with work, or analysing things too deeply to notice the surrounding. I can definitely see someone typing away on their laptop, with the ice Americano on the side.
Theirs : knight of cups - then there they are all shining and confident. They are holding a cup of coffee too🤣from the spread I see that you definitely notice them but they have their back to you. I’ll elaborate this point later but they seems to be all ready for love, being their best self, just…not aiming at anyone? They are a confident person, perhaps a higher rank than you? I don’t think they play games or go around with people tho🥺
And I pulled 3 cards to read the moment, perhaps in a sequence?
Five of pentacles - it’s directly under the page card. Well this is explaining your rx page, perhaps you face financial or work problems, maybe even finding a new job! Money is the thing bothering you, perhaps what you pay did not grow into a fulfilling fruit, but it’s ok to be down sometimes. Either way you aren’t in your best self in that moment, worrying about material stuff.
Five of wands rx - before anything I’m elaborating on the fact that all 5 men are facing the page card. This could mean there ARE competition for your attention happening, there may be chaos behind the scene but you’re too focused to notice.
You know what, this may even be a work situation - ppl either fight against you or fight for your attention, either way the chaos is affecting YOU leads to your loss making you all bothered😫but your FS isn’t, in fact still being their best self all unbothered. You may already have an eye on them before this, the reading did not show admirers of them but you certainly are one of them! Plus can u just notice the men kneeling under you😫they’re BEGGING
Anyways😼 And the last card is hanged man rx - it’s directly under the knight card. Damn this person is really not observant💀but they for sure is intuitive. Now that I start to THINK, maybe the cards are playing me😠 at first I’m like “they’re NOT paying attention to the chaos huh” but the more I tap into it, I feel like they chose to keep quiet in front of y’all but secretly work behind the scene. Maybe they see things in different angle and think it’s not THAT bad, but the hanged man being a well respected card, tells me they eventually will give a helping hand or perhaps talk you out of the situation. Aww, you having a secret crush on them and they secretly do favours for you🥺for SURE you did not notice but they are way smarter than they let on.
Either way things will have a good turn cuz I pulled king of wands to clarify the ending. Things WILL get controlled and perhaps, you both confess after this chaos die down and go on a coffee date🥴
Btw I just realise it’s not the first meeting it’s a whole ass prelude to a love story but take it as u will😩
Hahaha the iced americano detail seems so on brand for me😭I honestly do consider myself as someone pretty optimistic regardless of which situation I’m in, but in a work context, I might get stressed enough to get my life sucked out of me lol I’m also likely to get a crush on someone that doesn’t seem to notice me at all…sadly, it’s another thing that seems to be very on brand for me💀Men fighting for me, on the other hand, seems like such a wild concept to me hahaha. Perhaps at some point, the universe will decide to make up for the absolute lack of suitors I had in the past; who knows🤷‍♀️It’s so nice that my crush would decide to help me?!?!😭finally something going right in the love department lol. I would absolutely love to finally manage to solve the situation together, and go on a coffee date. It sounds really lovely!!
Don’t worry omg! I really liked the cute details you got hahah. It all sounds like it’s straight out of a wattpad story asfjkds😩
cards I got: knight of swords, 6 of wands (reversed), queen of pentacles
I feel like this could easily be a karmic connection. It’s kind of “negative”, but at the same time, it’s a relationship that might help you both grow, and learn new things.
I see you becoming competitive as to who achieves more, or who receives the most attention from others. But ironically, this might spur you to work harder for your goals, and it will actually help you succeed. The wrong formula but the right results basically lol
I see you having pretty contrasting opinions, and sometimes engaging in discussions because of that. Perhaps it might be hard to come to a compromise, because like I said earlier, there will be this constant vibe of a competition going on between you two; so neither of you will step down, and you’ll both want to be the one who’s right, even if that’s far from the truth.
The relationship might develop very fast, and happen unexpectedly. You might be preoccupied with other things, and then poof, a week later you’ll be in a relationship with someone haha (btw…“a week” is just a way to say that it’s likely gonna happen in a very short time. It doesn’t necessarily mean it will ACTUALLY happen in just a week).
You might both be very opinionated people, and you’ll make your thoughts be known, regardless of the nature of them.
You might be a very active and fast moving couple! I see you doing many things together, and going to fun places often.
The message of “revenge” is coming up. So perhaps if the one person gets hurt by something the other said/did, they’ll want to make them pay for it, and they’ll use their weak spots to hurt them just as much as they did, if not more.
You both might need lot of care and attention from your partners, so if there won’t be balance in this aspect, it could create further problems between you two.
All of these issues, if unresolved, could form a pretty narcissistic and egotistical relationship. If it becomes too toxic, it’s much better to let go of the ego, and walk away from the connection. Holding onto it because of pride, won’t bring you anywhere good.
cards I got: ace of swords (reversed), the moon (reversed)
They might be a smart person, that although can get too lost in rational thinking. They might be unable to wonder, and be creative. They’re not in touch with their inner child, and they feel pressured to conform to society’s standards. Because of how oppressed the situation makes them feel, they might almost think they’re going crazy.
They might be someone who resorts to lies and controlling behaviors. They might like to create chaos and drama out of nowhere, just to spice up their life.
They’re someone who might easily jump to conclusions, and easily doubt other people, even if they have no proof whatsoever, for what they’re claiming.
They probably can’t communicate very well, and they might have a hard time choosing the right words to express how they’re feeling (but regardless of the effort to do so, they still fail).
They might even come off as vulgar, or as someone unnecessarily “extra”, sometimes. They might appear as someone chaotic, and who’s constantly followed by total anarchy.
Thank you a lot for the exchange, and for very patiently waiting for your reading. You’ve truly been an angel…bless you fr!!
Sorry I didn’t manage to have really good news for you, but apparently, my purpose lately, is to call out everyone 🥲
Take care sweetheart!!
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