#christopher lightwood x fem!reader
parkerslatte · 6 months
Below The Stars
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Christopher Lightwood x Fem!Vampire!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: none
Summary: Christopher has been acting strangely for the past few months and the rest of the Merry Thieves want to find out why.
The Shadowhunter Chronicles Masterlist
The sun was setting and Christopher immediately shot to his feet, surprising his friends around him. The small black book he always carried around with him fell to the floor and the Lightwood made no move to pick it up. Thomas, who was sitting beside Christopher, raised his eyebrows at his cousin.
“Where are you off to?” Thomas questioned as Christopher shrugged on his tattered jacket, stains from his many experiments still visible in the dim light of the room.
“I promised my mother I would help with something,” Christopher so obviously lied. It was rare for the Lightwood boy to lie but he didn’t want anyone to know where he was going. “I shall see you all tomorrow.”
Christopher left the room rather quickly after that, leaving Thomas, James and Matthew in stunned silence. 
“He was clearly lying, wasn’t he?” Matthew spoke, eyes glancing down to the notebook that  never left Christopher’s side. 
“Clearly,” James replied. “He never leaves this lying around.”
Thomas shrugged. “If he didn’t want to tell us, then we should stay out–”
“Thomas, don’t tell me that we should stay out of this,” Matthew cut him off. “You want to know what is going on with him just as much as I do. All three of us have clearly noticed a shift in his behaviour.”
“But we still shouldn’t pry,” Thomas reasoned with the blonde.
“But don’t you want to know how he has been spending his time? He always leaves late in the day and the following morning he looks exhausted.” Matthew suddenly gasped. “What if he is seeing someone?”
James looked at Matthew, a hint of amusement on his face. “You like to jump to conclusions, Math.”
“Think about it,” Matthew began, “he always leaves us with some obvious excuse. Whenever you two bring up your relationships, Christopher has that small smile on his face that indicates that he is clearly thinking about someone!”
“Matthew, we can’t know for certain,” Thomas reasoned.
“Then we find out,” The blonde said, rising to his feet. “Don’t you want to see who has captured the heart of our Kit.”
Thomas looked conflicted before rising to his feet. “This is a bad idea.”
Matthew smiled. “You are still agreeing.”
“Let’s go before I change my mind.”
Christopher waited at the usual meeting point. The sun was set and the sky was dark. The stars were barely visible under the thick smog of the London air. He had already planned on a trip to the countryside to view the stars more clearly. There was a slight chill in the air and Christopher shivered, looking around the area. It was empty and void of any life. The only light shone from a flat above him, casting onto the cobblestone street below. 
As Christopher shivered once more, two arms wrapped around him from behind and he smiled, immediately recognising the bracelet on the wrist. The person was cold yet Christopher only felt warmth as he gently caressed the soft skin of their hands. 
“I missed you,” the person muttered, voice muffled by his jacket. 
Christopher spun around to face the woman he had fallen in love with over the past few months. The smile was bright on his face as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her body flush with his. “I missed you too.”
Y/N smiled and leaned up to press a soft kiss against his lips. Christopher responded by cupping her cheeks and kept her in the position, deepening the kiss. Y/N unwrapped her arms from around his torso to wrap around his neck, pressing her body even closer to his. She savoured his warmth.
It had only been three months since Christopher had met Y/N, and it was completely by chance. One night when he was walking back from James and Cordelia’s house after a dinner, he stumbled across Y/N injured in an alleyway. The burn on her arm was a very clear indicator to what she was. Y/N was only turned a year ago and before that she was simply a maid for a wealthy family but once the family had figured out what she was, they kicked her out of the house with nothing but the clothes on her back. Even though Y/N did heal faster than normal, the burn on her arm still needed to be attended to, so Christopher brought her back to his house and helped her out.  
Only after that night would Christopher go out of his way to seek her out and Y/N did just the same thing, they both simply couldn’t stay away from one another. Christopher would show Y/N his experiments. And he even tried coming up with solutions to combine science and shadowhunter technology to create something that would mimic sunlight. However, despite his many conversations with Henry and his many failed experiments, Christopher still hadn’t found a way. 
Y/N was the first to pull away from the kiss as she smiled up at Christopher. “Follow me.”
Christopher laced his fingers with hers and let himself be pulled along by Y/N. His heart fluttered every time she looked at him with that adoring look in her eyes that only he would witness. He never expected to fall in love but he enjoyed the feeling. 
“It’s just through here,” Y/N said, leading him through a park. 
Of course there was no one else here at this time of night, the only movement in the park was the shuffling of the squirrels and possibly other small creatures. 
“Ta-da,” Y/N said as she presented a picnic blanket with a basket in the centre. 
Christopher felt his heart beat increase as he looked down at the loving gesture. His arms were immediately around Y/N’s waist as he pulled her into a hug. 
Y/N giggled. “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” Christopher replied. “Thank you.”
Y/N smiled at him as they both took a seat on the blanket. “There is a bakery that is open a long way into the night so I bought you your favourite food.”
Y/N reached into the basket and pulled out two lemon tarts and handed them over to Christopher. He took them gratefully and offered his thanks to Y/N. 
Christopher shuffled on the blanket so he could pull Y/N to his side, wanting physical contact with her as they enjoyed the picnic in the moonlight. Y/N had a small mug of a thick liquid that Christopher already knew was blood. Y/N always tried to hide it whenever she fed in his presence but Christopher didn’t care in the slightest, he wanted her for her and he didn’t want her to hide herself from him. 
As she drank, Christopher took note of the slightly saddened expression on her face as she stared down at the liquid in the mug. His arms tightened around her the smallest amount. 
“I know that you would probably prefer this in the daylight where you could actually see everything,” Y/N began, her voice small. “But with my condition, this is the best I could do.”
Christopher’s eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t care about that, the only thing I care about is being here with you.”
“But don’t you want someone you can take walks in the sun with, bring to family dinners, have a normal life with,” Y/N said, insecurity lacing her tone. 
“Where is this coming from?” Christopher asked.
Y/N shrugged. “I’ve just been thinking over the past few days that you will never be able to have a normal life with me. I can’t have children. I can’t eat or drink anything that isn’t the blood of an animal. I can’t walk in the sun. I am doomed to a lifetime of darkness and I don’t want to force you to join me in it.”
Christopher placed down the tart and took Y/N’s hands in his. “Y/N, I do not care about any of that. You are who I have fallen in love with. You are not forcing me to do anything I don’t wish to do. I want to stay awake all night to spend time with you, I don’t care what anyone says. I love you for you, every single part of you.”
Tears welled in Y/N’s eyes as she flung herself at Christopher, sending them both down onto the blanket. “I love you too.” Christopher pressed a kiss to her forehead, fingers tangling in her hair. 
“Sorry for being emotional,” Y/N mumbled. “It’s coming up to a year since I was turned.”
Christopher tightened his grip on her, the only form of comfort he knew she would need in that moment.
“I am just missing the sun a little more today,” Y/N confessed. “Even the stars would be nice to see.”
Christopher’s fingertips brushed across her arm as he spoke. “I have been planning a trip for us to take to the countryside. Out there you will see as many stars as you wish and we can get away, just the two of us. I have a carriage prepared with blackout curtains so we can travel during the day and have the whole night to explore.”
Y/N pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I would love that.”
Christopher smiled as Y/N buried her head in the crook of his neck and closed her eyes. “I was thinking of leaving in a few days' time.”
“We can leave whenever you wish,” Y/N replied, her lips brushing against his neck. “The sooner we leave, the sooner I get to spend every moment with you.”
“Then we will leave tomorrow,” Christopher said. “We can leave just before the sun rises.”
Y/N smiled. “That sounds absolutely perfect.”
“I love you,” Christopher muttered against her forehead. 
“I love you too, Christopher,” Y/N replied. “And thank you for everything you have done for me.”
“I will continue for as long as I shall live,” Christopher replied and pressed his lips against hers. This time, neither of them broke away for a while. They simply enjoyed being wrapped in each other's embrace. 
Thomas, James and Matthew quietly left the park and headed for James’s house, each one shocked by what they had just witnessed.
Matthew stepped ahead of the Herondale and the Lightwood, a smirk toying on his lips. “I told you so.”
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mortalfaerie · 3 years
To Fake An Engagement (M.F.)
part 1/?
matthew farichild x (fem) reader
word count: 2118
synopsis: reader has had a crush on matthew for years, but has never acted on it. after a night of drinking at the devil’s tavern, reader and matthew jokingly exchange family rings, a gesture of engagement. at least, she thought it was a joke. no coi spoilers.
If there was one good thing that James and Cordelia’s faux engagement had afforded your friends, it was the ability to stay out as long as you liked, feigning to help with wedding preparations or attending social events with the young couple.
In truth, most of those nights were spent you would have all longed to have spent it anyway: in the rooms above The Devil’s Tavern, idling away the time with cards, experiments, and telling stories. This was how you intended to spend this night, seated at the table in the center of the room, playing poker for hairpins with The Merry Thieves, Cordelia, and Lucie. Not having poker chips on hand, and not equally having enough coins to play for real money, Cordelia had scoffed and begun to pull out the ridiculous amount of hairpins that held up her locks- intended for a night of festivities in society- and placed them on the table. 
“Well, that will have to be at least thirty.” She said, nodding at the pile.
“Ah, well, I’ll contribute as well.” Lucie had agreed amiably, and discarded twenty or so pins to the pile. The rest of the group looked to you, your hair still contained in its chingon. 
“Oh, well, sure.” You conceded, and discarded your hairpins to the table, and idly ran your fingers through your hair, trying to smooth it out. “But I am sticking you all with the blame if it is horribly knotted by the end of the night.” You stated, jokingly.
From beside you at the table, Matthew gave you an appraising look. “Seems well enough to me.”
You gave an eye roll, as you often did, and let your hair fall over your shoulder between you and conceal the blush. It was fairly common knowledge to at least a few members of the group that you had a crush on Matthew, for better or for worse, since your family had come to London two years ago. Of course, Matthew, who had long been your friend, had appeared to be infatuated at different times, with everyone except you. You had resigned yourself, complaining to Lucie that it was hopeless, but she of course had denied it, not wanting to see you upset. Now, he seemed to be bewitched by Cordelia.
You all knew that Cordelia and James’ marriage was fake. In some ways, you thought it was rather funny. That said, Matthew seemed eternally bittersweet at the thought of it. A marriage was a marriage, was indeed a marriage, whether fake or not.  
You played cards and laughed, exchanging drinks at intervals, and nipped a bit of Matthew’s brandy while whispering about Christopher’s strategy and Thomas’ lack of proper poker face. After a game, when unsurprisingly, Lucie took the lot of hairpins, you talked idly with your friends as Lucie gloated.
“So, what will we do once James and Cordelia marry, and we can no longer feign that we have very important wedding business on dull nights?” Thomas asked the group.
“Ah, well, we could create another marriage blanc among the group, y’know?” James laughed, not noticing the slight wince Cordelia gave at the reminder. 
Lucie laughed. “Well, I am not volunteering myself as the bride. I have many things I yet need to do before marrying, blanc ou non.”
Matthew, who had been studying his glass of brandy for the past few minutes in an odd quiet, looked up and said humorously “Well, that leaves us with Y/N,” and, turning to you, asked “So do you accept such a nomination?”
You laughed, feeling your cheeks flush rapidly. “Oh, my, well I don’t see anybody proposing to me?” you reasoned, and took a brisk sip of your drink. 
“Ah, but you can have your pick!” James said, poking a finger about the table. “You could choose to be Y/N Lightwood,” he gestured to Christopher and Thomas, the latter of the two punching him playfully in the shoulder to dissuade him, but he concluded, “Or you could be Y/N Fairchild!”
The group roared in approval at the suggestion, and though it was all a joke, you couldn’t lie that you enjoyed the sound of it. 
“Oh, come now, we still have months before you marry.” You laughed. 
“And so months to plan our next deception of the Enclave.” Christopher nodded. He, probably more than the rest, loved the idea of deceiving the Enclave. 
“Certainly more time to plan than we had.” Cordelia said, with a half smile.
“Shall you accept petitions of marriage in the meantime?” Lucy asked, a sparkle of mischief in her eyes. “I think it would be most romantic, and surely, the most diplomatic means to decide.”
Mathew, in response, snorted. “Oh, Lucie, you’re beginning to sound like Charles.”
Lucie’s face screwed up in momentary dissatisfaction. “Oh, by the Angel, I should hope not.”
You smiled. “All the same, I rather like the idea of you all presenting why I should marry you, and not the others.” 
“Hm, well,” Thomas began, carrying on the ruse you seem to have created at the table. “Well, Lightwood is a good name, and you would never want for comfortable conversation.”
Christopher nodded enthusiastically at Thomas, and added “And Aunt Sophie would love Y/N.”
“Oi! Conjecture!” James said accusingly. “You can’t advocate for someone else.”
Christopher raised his hands in mock surrender. “Alright! I-” he began, but then paused. The group laughed in response. “Uh. Okay, well, you would always be entertained.” he decided, and gave a toothy smile. 
You nodded to him obligingly, and then turned to Matthew, expecting him to contribute. He started when you looked at him.
“Hm? Oh! Yes, my petition.” He said, setting down his glass. “Though I am certain to be an eternal bachelor, I could assure that you would always be fashionably dressed,” he said, considering. “Your bed would always be warm, if by me or by Oscar,” he added with a smile. You laughed in response, he knew you loved Oscar. You had always wanted a dog of your own, but your parents would never oblige you. “You would be the Consul’s daughter, I should add, and Fairchild is also a good name,” and he gave you an indulgent smile and thumbed your nose as he concluded, “And I must say, our children would be beautiful indeed.” 
You flushed even redder than you had before, and the group whooped at your shock. 
Cordelia shook her head. “Matthew, nobody said anything about children. It would be another blanc marriage, after all.”
He sketched a bow to her and answered, “I will not apologize for having a flair for the dramatic.”
“Mm, well then,” James interjected, eyes shining. “Your verdict, Y/N?”
You looked around the table, surprised to see they were all looking expectantly to you. “Oh, well, if I must choose,” you began, and cleared your throat. “I think I would have to take Matthew’s offer.” And apologetically, added for Christopher and Thomas, “I am sorry, I could never say no where Oscar is concerned.” 
Matthew winked at you. “And who could blame you? He is most charismatic.” He patted your hand beside him and then said, “It is decided then, after Cordelia and James have wedded, Y/N and I shall become engaged, and you may all fuss over us in turn.” 
Surprising all of you, Matthew removed his Fairchild ring and held it out to you. “Shall we?” he asked, still smiling. Your mind raced. He was drunk, of course, and you weren’t much better. Of course, it was a joke. A ruse, and you would probably return rings in the morning after a good laugh. You bit your lip consideringly, and then decided to have fun. You reached for your family ring, and placed it in his hand. He slid the Fairchild ring onto your finger, and placed a kiss to your hand. You giggled, and the group applauded and laughed.
“My bride to be.” He said to the group, gesturing to the ring on your hand.
 The next morning, when your family’s maid drew open the curtains of your room, you blocked the light with your hand and was surprised when you recognized that the ring on your hand was not yours, but Matthew’s. You couldn’t remember all of night, but you must have not returned his ring before parting. You made a mental note to return it upon seeing him later, as you were likely to see him at the park, where a picnic- this time, without daylight demons- was planned.
You were enthusiastically listening to Lucie’s latest edition of The Beautiful Cordelia alongside the Lightwoods, Anna included, and Cordelia when the Consul’s carriage arrived, and Matthew and James together exited to join you on the blanket. You had tried to find the time during conversation and food to return the ring, but it evaded you. As the afternoon pulled on, you gathered your coat in a pile and reclined against it, watching the moving clouds. You had closed your eyes a moment when abruptly, the sun disappeared above you. Your eyes flew open in shock as you reached for your dagger, but stopped when your eyes landed on Matthew, standing over you and looking down. 
“No demons, only me.” He said with a smile. As always, you rolled your eyes. “Will you take a turn about the path with me?” He asked, and offered a hand to help you up. 
You accepted it, and brushed off your skirts. You looped your arm through his and began to walk in silence. After a few minutes, you blurted out, “I expect you’ll want your ring back.”
He shot you an odd look, and answered, “I was about to offer you yours. Though, I admit, I was tempted to keep it.”
“What?” you asked, incredulously. 
“Well, it seems to be great fun to pretend to be engaged, don’t you think?” He said, looking straight ahead.
“Oh, I’m sure, but, Matthew,” you sighed, and he stopped to regard you. 
“Ah, yes, you would not want to be engaged to me.” He said, looking inexplicably through and past you. “I would not blame you. I accepted a fate as an eternal bachelor long ago.”
“No, Matthew, that’s not-” you began, but he cut you off.
“You would want to be engaged to me?” he asked, brows raised.
“Matthew, please let me finish a sentence!” you exclaimed, and he fell silent.
“Thank you.” you sighed. “I was saying, I am sure it would be great fun to pretend to be engaged, but I would want-” you gestured aimlessly. “A husband who loved me.”
He looked at you earnestly and said quietly, though you were alone, “I could love you, Y/N.”
Your heart wrenched at his words. “I would want you to love me, Matthew, not simply be able to.”
You passed a moment of silence, regarding each other, and then he said, “Will you keep the ring?”
You shook your head in disbelief, and reached to take it off, but he stopped you. “Don’t. Keep it. You can have yours in return, but keep mine. It does me good to see someone else wear it. It’s unlikely to be given to another.” and there was a loneliness to it that hurt you.
“Matthew.” you sighed, and laced your fingers in your own. “I can’t believe I’m saying this,” you began, and he met your eyes. “What if- what if, we had a deal.” you suggested.
“A deal?” he asked. You nodded. “Yes, a deal. What if I kept the ring for… a year?”
He raised an eyebrow. “You will have to explain your reasoning.”
You cleared your throat. “You say, you could love me. If I keep this ring for a year, and at the end of the year, you love me-”
“You’ll accept my offer in earnest?” he supplied. You nodded in response. 
His eyes lit up, but he nodded with a schooled expression. “Very well. A year. Keep my ring for a year.”
“I shall.” you replied. You smiled oddly, and regarded your interlaced hands. “I do quite like the Fairchild ring.”
He smiled warmly. “It is quite superior, as far as family crests are concerned.”
You nudged him playfully. “You are biased, Matthew Fairchild.”
“Perhaps I am. Am I the worse for it?” he replied.
“Oh, no more than the rest of us. We shadowhunters are terribly prideful.” you said, and looked up to him. To your surprise, he pressed a kiss to your temple. You squeezed his hand without thinking, and he smiled. “A year. A winter wedding then, or spring?”
All you could do was laugh in response, but your stomach was tied in nervous, hopeful knots.
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parkerslatte · 8 months
Come Back To Me
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Christopher Lightwood x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: near death experience. mentions of injury and blood.
Summary: While Christopher is close to death, Y/N is the only one who can save him.
Shadowhunter Chronicles Masterlist
Y/N watched the knife fly through the air and embed itself into Christopher’s shoulder. A scream echoed around her and Y/N didn’t realise that she had made it herself. She was running to where Christopher had collapsed on the floor, his glasses knocked on the floor beside him, the lens cracked. His face was contorted in pain as Cordelia kneeled down to him. As Y/N collapsed next to him she immediately felt the tears spring to her eyes. 
As if he could sense her next to him, Christopher opened his eyes and looked at Y/N. No matter how much he tried to hide it, Christopher was in a lot of pain, it showed clearly in his violet eyes. The knife still protruded from his shoulder.
“Y/N,” Christopher said but his eyes were focussed on Tatiana. She wore a wicked smile.
Cordelia stood up and chased after her as she ran leaving Y/N and Christopher alone. Once she was gone, Christopher reached out for her hand and gripped it with surprising strength. 
“Does it hurt?” Y/N asked. She knew it was a stupid question but she didn’t care.
Christopher couldn’t find it within himself to lie to her as he nodded and groaned at the movement. 
“What happened?” Anna asked as she fell to the ground beside her brother. 
“He jumped in front of Cordelia,” Y/N answered, her hand gripping the smallest amount. 
Anna brushed his hair out of his eyes. Christopher’s eyes jumped from Y/N to Anna before slowly scanning everyone approaching around him. Cordelia was nowhere to be seen. 
“Is Cordelia okay?” Christopher asked.
“She’s fine,” Y/N said. “She went after Tatiana.”
“Someone should go with her,” Christopher said as he tried to sit up, which only caused him to yell out in pain. 
Anna tried to sooth him while Y/N pushed him back gently to lie on the floor. “Cordelia is strong. She will be fine.”
Christopher only nodded and closed his eyes, his breathing becoming more ragged. “I’m tired,” he mumbled.
“This isn’t the place for a nap,” Anna said, trying to joke but it didn’t come out the way she intended. 
“Just give me…” Christopher said, his voice breathless. “Just give me a minute.”
Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed. “He shouldn’t be this tired. He’s barely bleeding.”
Her and Anna shared a look as the Lightwood girl passed Y/N a knife and Y/N immediately cut away at Christopher’s shirt, exposing where the knife pointed out of his shoulder. Everyone stilled.
Black veins spiralled out from the wound and began to spider out across his chest, close to his heart. Christopher’s chest rose and fell rapidly, as if he couldn’t get enough oxygen into his body. 
“The blade was poisoned,” Y/N confirmed. “Christopher, don’t close your eyes.”
His beautiful eyes opened the smallest amount, looking directly at Y/N. “I’ll try.”
Y/N tried to give him a reassuring look but she couldn’t stop the tears from falling. “My bag, I need my bag.”
“What bag?�� Ariadne asked from beside Anna.
Y/N couldn’t answer, her words were stuck in her throat as she looked down at Christopher who fought to keep his eyes locked on her.
It was James who answered. “Antidotes for different poisons. That’s what’s in her bag.”
“It’s not here,” Y/N said, her tears falling freely. “I didn’t think I needed it.”
Christopher’s breaths became more laboured and few and far between. The grip he firmly had on Y/N’s hand had slackened and he was barely clutching it, his skin grew colder. 
“There is one here,” James said, as if remembering. “In my old room, you asked me to keep in in case of an emergency.”
Y/N didn’t think twice before shooting up and running through the institute. Her legs burned but she didn’t care, her pace didn’t slow for a second. If she lost Christopher, she would never get to tell him how she feels. If she lost Christopher, she would never sit by and watch his experiments explode in his face while she sat and laughed at the surprised expression that blessed his face. If she lost Christopher, Y/N would lose herself. 
Once she made it to James’s old room, she ran over to the cabinet in the corner and threw it open, it shook from the force. The bag was still in the same position she had put it years ago. Once she secured it in her tight grip, she was sprinting back through the institute.
As she made it outside, she had noticed Lucie and Jesse now standing to the side, Lucie crying freely. In the distance she saw Thomas and Alastair sprinting towards where the group crowded.
Y/N fell down on the ground next to Christopher, bashing her knee against the ground and pain shot up it but she didn’t care. Her focus was on Christopher. The black veins had spread even further across his chest, now dangerously close to his heart. 
“I need to remove the knife,” Y/N whispered. 
Christopher’s eyes were not open anymore. They were closed as if he were sleeping peacefully. His chest barely moved and his breathing was incredibly shallow. Y/N knew he didn’t have long left.
“Then do it,” Anna said, not tearing her gaze away from her brother's face.
With shaking hands, Y/N clutched the handle of the knife and removed it from his shoulder. Blood immediately flowed from the wound and across his chest. Y/N pressed her hand against it causing Christopehr to inhale sharply. Good, she thought. He was still aware.
The blood ran between her fingers as she tried to stop it as she turned to her bag and flipped it open with one hand. 
“I don’t know what poison she used,” Y/N said, pulling out different vials. 
By now Thomas and Alastair were standing just behind Y/N, Thomas collapsed next to Y/N. 
“I don’t know what poison it was,” Y/N said, her vision becoming clouded by tears as she desperately tried to find an antidote that would work. 
There were many different antidotes in the bag but she knew exactly what each of them could be used for. Christopher didn’t have the time for her to check them all. 
“I don’t know…” Y/N cried. “I don’t know how to help him.”
His blood painted her whole hand and wrist red. His chest was still. Y/N’s head snapped to him.
“No, no, no, no,” Y/N muttered. “Christopher, wake up!”
There was no response. 
Y/N screamed as everyone cried. She felt Thomas shake with sobs behind her. She couldn’t let Christopher die. She couldn’t let him.
Y/N removed her hand away from his wound and dug through the bag until she reached the bottom. There was one vial smaller than the rest, it was one she had never used and had forgotten about. It was the only chance to save Christopher. 
She pulled the cap off and poured it onto the wound and rubbed it in, smearing blood across his chest in the process. 
Y/N fell forward, rested her head on his cold chest. “Please…” she begged. Not just to Christopher, but to any force that could save him.
“Please wake up,” Y/N muttered. “If not for me than for Anna. For Thomas. For James. For Matthew. For everyone.”
Y/N closed her eyes as she silently cried upon Christopher’s chest. If he died then she would too. Nothing could move her from his body. 
If he didn’t wake up, she would never see his beautiful eyes again. She would never see his shy smile whenever she complimented one of his experiments. She would never see how his eyes would light up when he spoke about anything to do with science. She wouldn’t hear his laugh or the way he spoke when he was just with her. She wouldn’t get to hug him or kiss his cheek to make him a flustered mess. She would never get to see the person she loved more than anything again.
“Please, wake up,” Y/N croaked out. 
There was only the sound of sobs and sniffles, other than that it was silent as the world seemed to stand still. 
Time only seemed to resume when Y/N felt the smallest, shallowest movement.
“Y/N,” Thomas whispered from behind her. “Look.”
Y/N opened her eyes and lifted her head from Christopher’s chest. The black veins began to retract back to the wound in his shoulder before coming out in black bursts that trickled down his side until nothing was left. 
Thomas’s stele was in hand as he began to draw many iratzes on Christopher’s arm. Colour came back to his face and everyone watched in amazement. 
Christopher’s eyes opened the smallest amount, his eyes locking on Y/N’s. “Y/N…”
They fell closed again as he was pulled back into unconsciousness. His chest fell up and down rhythmically. He was simply just asleep. 
Belial was gone. Tatiana was gone. And Christopher lay in an infirmary bed. The blood had been cleaned from his face and body. There was a scar from where the blade dug in deep. Y/N only wished that she would rid him of it, rid himself of the memory. 
While everyone stayed in London, Y/N was the only one to go through the portal to Idris. Y/N wanted to stay and help but with her shattered kneecap, she was in no position to help. And they all felt reassured that she could explain everything that happened to Christopher. 
Y/N would never forget the look on Gabriel and Cecily’s faces as Christopher was wheeled through the portal. Despite Y/N knowing he was only in a deep sleep, he looked dead. His blood covered his chest and he was deathly pale, despite some colour returning to his face. She would never forget the tight hugs Christopher’s parents gave her when she explained the whole story. 
She sat next to his bed, her hand clutching his. Ever since he had arrived, she had barely moved only to allow the silent brothers to look over him. He still hadn’t woken up but she occasionally felt his fingers twitch in his sleep. She wondered what he dreamt about. 
It was two days before Christopher finally woke up. Y/N was still by his side reading a book aloud to him. She was in the middle of a sentence when he spoke up, his voice hoarse. 
“Can you start it again? I like this story.”
Y/N’s head snapped to look at him and found him looking at her, smiling. 
“You’re awake,” Y/N said, tears brimming her eyes. She moved to sit on the edge of his bed as he beckoned her closer. 
“You saved me,” Christopher said, clutching her hand in his. 
“I thought I lost you,” Y/N said. “There was a moment where you stopped breathing.”
“You saved me,” Christopher repeated, squeezing her hand. 
Y/N smiled. “I would stop at nothing to save you.”
Christopher sat up. The silent brother told Y/N that he would still ache for a while during the healing process so Y/N quickly helped him sit up, propping a pillow behind his back. 
When he was fully sat up, Christopher reached forward and cupped Y/N’s cheek and wiped away the tear she didn’t know had escaped. She leant into his touch.
“I am never letting you leave me again,” Y/N said. 
“Good,” Christopher said. “Because I don’t want you to leave me.”
Y/N leaned forward and rested her forehead against his and closed her eyes, savouring the moment. “When you stopped breathing, I thought I would never have this opportunity.”
“What opportunity?” Christopher questioned.
Y/N sighed. “To tell you that I am in love with you.”
Christopher smiled. “I am glad I lived to hear you say that, because I am in love with you too.”
Before Y/N had the chance to respond, Christopher pressed a kiss to her lips. Y/N kissed him back with just as much love and compassion he kissed her with. 
Y/N broke it soon after to simply wrap him in a hug, burying her head into his neck, careful to avoid where his shoulder ached the most. 
Christopher’s arms wrapped around her waist and hugged her back tightly, not caring at all about the ache in his body.
“Thank you,” he mumbled. “For saving me.”
“I would save you a million times over just for you to come back to me,” Y/N said. The sound of his heart beating was a welcome one.
“I will always come back to you,” Christopher said and the two remained together on the infirmary bed. Nothing could harm them if they were together.
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parkerslatte · 8 months
Nervous Encounters
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Christopher Lightwood x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: Y/N is new to London from the York Institute. She doesn’t know anyone and is normally quite nervous around new people. When she meets Christopher at the London Institute, the two spark up a friendship.
A/N: This will be a slight AU where the demon attack at the picnic in Chain of Gold does not happen and everything is fine and no one is injured :)
Shadowhunter Chronicles Masterlist
The ballroom was bustling and Y/N remained near the wall, her heart beating rapidly. After she had her introductions with Will and Tessa Herondale, she parted from her parents and remained on the outskirts of the dance floor, quietly watching everyone. The groups of Shadowhunters all seemed so friendly with one another and Y/N felt too awkward to intrude. 
Y/N played with the ends of her hair as she stood by the drinks table, picking up a glass of water for herself. She could have easily stood with her mother and father but then she would be a part of boring conversation that she was sure she would die of boredom. Being alone was a better option. 
People danced in the centre of the room and Y/N watched them intently. She loved to dance, she always had ever since she was little. Before she had her first rune, her mother had even sighed her up to ballet classes. It pained Y/N to think about. She wanted nothing more than to return to them. 
Y/N was so invested watching people dance that she failed to notice the presence of someone standing next to her. The boy was taller than her and wore gold rimmed glasses, accentuating his violet eyes. 
Feeling eyes on her, Y/N tore her attention away from the dance floor and directly to the boy who stood next to her. She offered him a soft smile.
“Hello,” she greeted quietly. “I’m Y/N.”
The boy was silent for a brief moment, his eyes studying her from behind his glasses. “I’m Christopher.” 
The smile didn’t leave Y/N’s face although her heart began to beat rapidly as she spoke. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“You too,” Christopher said. “You’re new to London? I haven’t seen you before, I don’t recognise you.”
Y/N nodded. “My family moved here a week ago, it’s the first time I’m really meeting anyone.”
Christopher nodded and looked out at the dance floor. “Would you like to dance? I noticed you have been on your own for a while and thought I’d offer. I wouldn’t wish for you to spend the whole night alone.”
Y/N’s face heated up. He had been watching her? 
“I didn’t wish to impose on anyone,” Y/N said. “Everyone seems to know each other well already.”
Christopher offered her his hand. “You won’t be imposing.”
Y/N looked at his hand and took it gently afraid that he would run if she held it any tighter. Christopher smiled at her and firmly grasped her hand and led her to the dancefloor.
“I noticed you looking at people dancing,” Christopher said as they passed a group of three boys, each looking between Y/N and Christopher as if they couldn’t believe their eyes. Christopher simply ignored them. “You seemed to enjoy it.”
As the two made it to the centre of the dancefloor, Y/N nodded. “Before I bore my first rune, my mother took me to ballet classes. I’ve always loved dancing.”
“Then I apologise as I am not the best dancer,” Christopher said.
Y/N smiled at him and positioned his arms. Christopher froze when she positioned his arm on her waist. “Then I will teach you.”
Christopher offered her a nervous smile in return as she began to talk him through the steps and soon enough he was picking them up with ease. 
“I think you’re getting the hang of it,” Y/N said with a smile. 
“I am?” Christopher said as he stumbled a little over his feet. His grip on Y/N tightened the smallest amount. “I don’t feel like I have.”
“You have,” Y/N said, laughing softly.
Christopher’s focus shifted from his own dancing to his friends standing at the side of the dance floor. Each with a smile on their face. As he looked to his friends, he stumbled over his feet once more. 
“Hey,” Y/N said, lightly tilting Christopher’s head back towards her. Once their eyes met, Christopher suddenly became aware of the hand on his face and a deep blush spread across his face.
“Just focus on me,” Y/N said and grasped her hand in his once again. “Pretend no one else is here.”
Christopher nodded and blocked out everyone else around him but Y/N and miraculously it did help with his dancing. 
Y/N smiled. “There you go.”
Christopher smiled back at her. “I apologise that you are teaching me how to dance. I’m the one that asked you so I should be able to keep up with you.”
“It’s okay,” Y/N said. “I’m having fun.”
Christopher thought for a second. “So am I.”
Y/N looked into Christopher’s eyes. “Do you want to get a drink? Possibly give you a small break from dancing and stepping on my toes.”
Christopher’s eyes widened. “I didn’t step on your toes, did I?”
“I was joking,” Y/N laughed. “But I wasn’t joking about getting a drink with you.”
Christopher smiled as the two stepped off the dancefloor and to a more secluded area of the room.
Y/N’s heart was nearly beating out of her chest as she and Christopher slipped out of the ballroom and into a more secluded room. As the two conversed it seemed to get louder in the room and proved impossible to focus on their conversation, so slipping away was the best thing they could do. As Y/N took a sip of her water, Christopher smiled to himself. Y/N thought that it was beautiful.
“I would love to come and see some of your experiments,” Y/N said. 
Once Christopher had begun to talk about what he was interested in, he had suddenly perked up even more, explaining nearly everything he knew to Y/N. Even though she didn’t necessarily understand it, she was hooked onto every word. 
“You would?” Christopher questioned, surprise lacing his tone.
Y/N nodded. “They sound interesting. I must admit I will be a bit useless in helping you but I’m willing to learn. Science is fascinating.”
Y/N watched as his smile widened and he pushed his glasses up further onto the ridge of his nose, a habit she had seen him begin to do more and more as they conversed. 
“Your smile is beautiful,” Y/N admitted. “It lights up your whole face.”
Christopher blushed and looked down at his lap. “Really?”
“Really,” Y/N said. 
His hand rested in his lap and she wanted to grip it and intertwine their fingers together. But she forced herself not to, she didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. 
“No one has told me that before,” Christopher admitted. “I only hear people talk about my eyes and how they are wasted on a boy like me.”
Y/N frowned. “People say that?”
Christopher nodded and looked up at her. “All the time.”
“Your eyes are beautiful,” Y/N said.
“But wasted on a boy?”
Y/N shook her head. “They are not wasted. They only enhance your beauty.”
Christopher didn’t dip his head again but he did break eye contact. Y/N slowly brought her hand and brushed her fingers over his, silently asking for permission. Christopher granted it as he inched his hand closer to hers as she intertwined their fingers. There was a small cut on the back of Christopher’s hand. Y/N gently brushed a finger over it. 
“How did you get this?”
“One of my experiments blew up,” he answered. “A glass beaker exploded and cut me. I forgot about it until now.”
Y/N brought his hand up to her mouth and pressed a gentle kiss to the cut. She didn’t know what had overcame her to make her do that but the gentle and flattered look on his face made it worth it. 
Christopher’s thumb gently rubbed across her knuckles and Y/N wasn’t entirely sure that he realised he was doing it. She only shuffled closer to Christopher until her leg brushed his. Despite her layers of skirts, Y/N flushed. She had never been this close to a boy before. 
Christopher met her gaze and his eyes roamed alla across her face, lingering on her lips for a second longer than anywhere else. When his eyes finally reached hers his gaze softened. 
“Your eyes are beautiful too,” Christopher said, his voice strangely quiet. “Even more so than mine.”
“None can be as beautiful as yours,” Y/N said, avoiding the compliment knowing that it will only get her flustered. 
“Yours are,” Christopher said. The hand that wasn’t grasped in her’s slowly trailed up her arm and cupped her cheek, his thumb ghosted over her cheekbone. 
By now, Y/N was sure her heart was going to leap out of her chest, she was pretty sure Christopher could probably hear it.
“You are beautiful,” Christopher whispered. 
Y/N leaned into his touch, her hand caressing his wrist. “You are too.”
“None can be as beautiful as you,” Christopher said. 
Y/N smiled softly, her gaze flicking down to Christopher's lips and back to his eyes. She wasn’t entirely sure what to do. Christopher didn’t seem to know what to do either but he slowly began to lean closer to her. They would find out together. 
They both let out heavy breaths as they neared one another. Their hearts raced as if they had run a marathon although they had only moved centimetres at most. Y/N flet Christopher’s breath lightly fan her face as their faces were inches apart. 
Christopher’s hand remained on her cheek but slowly moved lower until it cupped her jaw, tilting her head up. Their lips were now in line with one another. Their eyes met, both held a look of unsureness. 
Y/N closed her eyes and began to move the final few inches to connect their lips before the door to the room creaked open.
Y/N and Christopehr both jumped away from one another. Christopher blinked rapidly as if snapped out of a daze. 
“Y/N L/N?” A boy with golden eyes questioned.
“Yes?” she said breathlessly.
“Your parents were looking for you,” he said. “They mentioned that they were leaving soon.”
“Leaving but it’s only…” Y/N trailed off as she glanced at the clock on the wall. “Midnight?”
The boy only nodded.
“Kit, I think aunt Cecily and uncle Gabriel are leaving too,” the boy said, looking between the two Shadowhunters who now sat opposite ends of the couch.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” Christopher said, avoiding looking at Y/N.
The boy only nodded and left the two in the room, not before he sent a look Christopher's way. 
Y/N and Christopher didn’t look at each other as they were left alone. 
“I should get going-”
“Would you like-”
They both spoke at the same time. It made Y/N smile. 
“Please, you go first,” Y/N said.
“There is a picnic happening at Regents Park tomorrow, and I wondered if you would like to attend?” Christopher asked, pushing his glasses up on the ridge of his nose. 
Y/N smiled. “I would be glad to attend.”
Christopher let out what sounded like a sigh of relief. “I can pick you up in my carriage at eleven?”
“That is good with me,” Y/N replied.
Christopher nodded. “What were you going to say?”
“I was just saying that I should get going,” Y/N said. “I don’t wish to keep my parents waiting.”
Christopher nodded. “I don’t wish to keep you from them.”
Y/N only nodded before she slowly stepped up to Christopher. He was tense so she didn’t want to startle him in case he ran away. 
“Thank you for tonight,” Y/N said. “The night could not have gone better.”
Christopher finally met her gaze and smiled. “It was a good night for me too.”
Y/N smiled and reached up and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “I will see you tomorrow Christopher.”
Y/N left the room without another word. Her lips burned where they had made contact with Christopher’s skin. She brought her hand up to touch them and let out a sigh. If only that boy hadn’t walked in.
Regents Park was bright and sunny and Y/N was grateful for it. Ever since she had arrived in London a week ago it had been raining nearly everyday. The sunshine was a welcome change. 
Christopher walked at Y/N’s side through the park. The two hadn’t spoken much except for their greeting and Christopher telling her who would be in attendance. She was nervous to meet so many people, especially the people he was close friends and family with. 
What nerved Y/N more was Christopher’s adamant refusal to look her way. Her stomach churned at the way he would avoid eye contact and stay silent. Even when she tried to link her arm through his, he pulled away and began to fiddle with a contraption he had brought with him. Even when Y/N asked what it was, he only gave a very brief answer. Nothing like the in depth discussions the two had had the night previous. 
“Kit!” A tall boy ahead of them exclaimed as he took long strides to meet them. He towered over both of them. 
Christopher lifted his head in greeting before his gaze returned to the contraption in his hands. 
Y/N smiled up at the tall boy in greeting, recognising him from when she walked past in the ballroom. 
“I’m Thomas,” he greeted, smiling down at Y/N.
“I’m Y/N,” she replied. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Thomas nodded and fell into step with Y/N and Christopher. “I heard that you moved to London recently.”
“I did,” Y/N said. “From Cornwall. It’s quite a big change but one I’m slowly getting used to.”
Thomas nodded. “If you need any help with anything, locations of things, training, that sort of thing, let me know. I’d be happy to help.”
Y/N smiled. “That’s very kind of you.”
As Y/N turned her gaze away from Thomas to look forward, she caught Christopher’s head inclined toward her. When he noticed her change in focus, he quickly snapped his attention back to his hands. 
Y/N sighed internally. She had tried her best to get Christopher to talk but she shut her down every time. If he regretted anything from last night, he was definitely showing it.
Thomas led the two towards a picnic blanket, many people already sat around it and Y/N tensed up. Many eyes were on her and she tried her best to smile. 
“Hello,” she said. “I’m Y/N.”
The boy who had interrupted her and Christopher the night before, James, smiled at her in greeting, his gaze once again shifted between her and Christopher. 
It was the girl next to James who spoke up. “It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” Her red hair seemed to glow in the sunlight.
Y/N felt her body relax as every one sent greetings her way. She sat down on the picnic blanket as conversation resumed. 
“So, Y/N,” Anna, who sat to her right, spoke up. From the carriage ride, she had come to know that this was Christopher’s sister. “Christopher tells me that you are a dancer.”
Y/N looked at Christopher who seemed to busy himself in writing in a small black notebook.
“Well I was when I was younger,” Y/N said. “I don’t do much dancing nowadays, only at social gatherings.”
“It’s a shame,” Anna said. “You seemed to teach my brother well last night.”
Y/N waved her hand. “That was nothing, just simple steps.”
“That my brother has never been able to get right until you showed him,” Anna said, glancing at Christopher as if she knew he was listening.
Y/N wasn’t entirely sure how to reply so she simply nodded. “People can learn at any age to dance. Some might not perfect it until later in life while some master lit early.”
Anna nodded and leant back on her elbows. “I’m glad that my brother has taken notice in something other than his experiments. He smiled a lot more at the end of the night.”
Y/N felt her face heat up. “Well I’m sure that has nothing to do with me.”
“I’m sure it does,” Anna said, lowering her voice slightly. “Didn’t you and him disappear for two hours last night?”
Y/N’s mouth opened and closed in search of an answer but none came. Anna simply winked at her and turned her attention to the blonde sitting next to her. He gave her a wink as well before falling into conversation with Anna.
Y/N picked at the edge of the blanket as she looked at Christopher. He was still looking at his notebook but he stopped writing in it. She knew for sure that he had been listening to her brief conversation with Anna. If he was seemingly so happy at the end of the night, why wasn’t he showing it now?
Y/N leaned closer to him. “Can I talk to you? In private.”
Christopher glanced at her hands still fiddling with the edge of the blanket. “Okay.” Was his response.
Y/N stood first and then Christopher. By now everyone’s attention was on them, Y/N couldn’t find it within herself to be embarrassed. 
She led him over to the carriages and slipped in between them, knowing that they couldn’t be seen. Y/N folded her arms across her chest as she looked at Christopher who still refused to meet her gaze.
“What is going on with you?” She questioned. “Yesterday you were full of conversation and now you won’t even look at me.”
Christopher looked around at anything that wasn’t Y/N. Despite agreeing to the conversation, he wanted to immediately find a way to leave. 
“Was it something I said?” Y/N said. “Or did?”
She thought to their almost kiss the night before. In the moment, Y/N was sure that they both wanted the same, but thinking about it now. Maybe he didn’t want it and Y/N made him feel uncomfortable.
“I didn’t make you uncomfortable, did I?” Y/N said nervously. “If I did, I seriously apologise, Christopher. That wasn’t my intention at all and I understand if you don’t want to talk to me or-”
“You didn’t make me uncomfortable,” Christopher interrupted. 
Y/N’s eyes met his for the first time that day. Christopher pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. His eyebrows were furrowed in concern.
“I apologise if I ever made you feel like you made me feel uncomfortable,” Christopher said. 
Y/N watched as Christopher took her hands in his. They shook with nerves. 
“Then why won’t you look or talk to me,” Y/N asked. “You invited me here.”
“I know,” Christopher said. “But after last night and what nearly happened– I can’t seem to get it out of my mind. I don’t know how to feel– I tried to write up some of my experiments but I couldn’t.” Christopher sighed.
Y/N squeezed his hands and stepped closer to him. “Did you want it to happen?”
“Yes,” Christopher breathed. “I wanted it to happen more than anything.”
“Then why won’t you talk to me?” Y/N questioned.
“Because I was nervous,” Christopher said. “I have never done anything before. I haven’t kissed anyone. I haven’t ever thought about anyone this way.”
Y/N brought Christopher’s hands up and pressed gentle kisses on each knuckle. “I haven’t kissed anyone either. I’ve never even been this close with a boy before.”
Christopher removed his hands from Y/N’s and cupped the sides of her cheeks gently. If he gripped her any tighter he was afraid she would break. 
“I like you, Christopher,” Y/N said.
“I like you too,” Christopher said. “I’m just not entirely sure what to do.”
“Neither do I,” Y/N smiled at him. “Shall we find out together?” Christopher smiled before leaning down and captured her lips with his own in a sweet kiss. His lips were slightly chapped but it suited him. Christopher pulled away, his breath fanned her face. 
Both of them looked into each other’s eyes before Y/N pressed her lips against his once more. This kiss lasted slightly longer than the last. Both Y/N and Christopher slowly figuring it out. 
“I think we are figuring it out,” Y/N mumbled as she quickly pecked his lips.
Christopher smiled, thumbs brushing along her cheekbones. “I say we are near experts at it.”
Y/N laughed and pecked his lips one final time before stepping away, taking his hands in hers. “We should get back to the others. We have been away long enough, they will have questions.”
Christopher agreed and began to lead Y/N back to where his friend and family were. His hand ghosting her lower back. 
The others were silent as they approached and sat down. To both Y/N and Christopher’s surprise, no one asked any questions as the conversation resumed. 
However everyone shared a secretive smile with one another at how Christopher and Y/N’s hands were clutching each other’s behind them. They also didn’t fail to notice how Christopher never looked back in his small notebook, instead his full attention was on Y/N as he watched her talk with his family.
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