#chromedome has the power of brainstorm on his side which is both a blessing and a curse in roughly equal measure
bad-tf-fic-ideas · 8 months
(150) Regency AU, but everyone is still a robot. Chromedome and Rewind aim to get married within the year, but they're both hiding wild skeletons in the closet. Rewind, you see, is not actually a land owning gentleman: he's a scandalously elevated servant who is, super duper technically, impersonating his late not-exactly-a-legal-husband. And Chromedome is a land owning gentleman, sure, but... he's already married. To, like, three other people. In Regency AU style, though, they have to be married by banns—a declaration read out at the Church of Primus every Sunday for several weeks, which gives anyone who knows why these two robots should not be joined in holy matrimony the opportunity to lodge a protest.
There are many, many possible reasons why these two robots should not be joined in holy matrimony. Both Chromedome and Rewind have mustered all their friends and allies to try to prevent, um, certain truths coming to public light. They are going to be married. They're gonna. They're GONNA.
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bad-tf-fic-ideas · 3 months
(304) Today's fic idea is: a CDRW fic in which Dominus Ambus never falls afoul of the DJD.
Despite the inducements of his conjunx by his side, Rewind still ends up carrying on a relationship with Chromedome. This time, it's a sordid affair, and instead of searching for signs of his lost husband, Rewind is doing his level best to avoid his notice...
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