#chzburger writes: an interactive experience
I’m aiming for the next part of the story to be up around Friday this week!
I think I underestimated how much y’all would
a) care about this dog (foolish of me, admittedly)
b) think that I would hurt or do anything bad to a dog in my kink fic
either way, I’m having fun and I appreciate everyone participating 🧚‍♀️
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Idk what the first was but how about faeirie realm stuff like eating fae food and getting kept as a feedee pet as consequence ...
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I posted 1,305 times in 2022
438 posts created (34%)
867 posts reblogged (66%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,201 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#chzburger answers - 248 posts
#personal chub - 152 posts
#tw intox - 31 posts
#chzburger submission - 27 posts
#🥵 - 21 posts
#intox kink - 16 posts
#chzburger writes: an interactive experience - 15 posts
#tw alcohol - 14 posts
#ffa - 13 posts
#submission - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and let’s be real i wasn’t perfect either and i was also super mentally ill and also a budding alcoholic so i did some shit im not proud of
My Top Posts in 2022:
i rly love when people develop a lil extra roll in between their chest and belly as they gain weight bc it’s like your body didn’t know what to do with the weight so here, have an extra roll
656 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Tuesday vibe:
Going to a feedism party with a bunch of feeders and you thought there were going to be more feedees to find out youre the only one. All the feeders hungry eyes on you. Then they sit you down and start feeding you constatly until the banquet of food you saw at the beginning is now all stuffed into your belly
good vibe for the cute bratty feedees who always want attention. defo would be fun to give them what they wanted until they realize there’s no slowing down and that they might have made a mistake. :3
842 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
i think what makes intox in feedism so hot to me is the shamelessness it inevitably brings. feeling the buzz in your body and head, making you eat much more than you thought you could, showing off your fat, stuffed belly and knowing what it does to your feeder, begging for belly rubs and attention, asking for more food, more drinks, more of everything.
860 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
someone eating too much and saying “I couldn’t help myself” is like top tier shit
1,048 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
reminder that you can eat whatever you want without guilt
food does not have morality
you don’t have to exercise if you don’t want to or don’t have time or just need a break
you’re doing great things but not despite your body, but because your body provides for you
your body size is not indicative of your self worth
1,462 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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All Inclusive Resort: Part Two
a cheeseburgersinparadise interactive feedism fic 
Notes:  people wanted to check out the resort, so we get to go swimming and enjoy the pool for awhile.  The voting is a little different this round, so please read til the end to make your decision!  
part one 
CW:  intox 
I see you think for a minute, your hand idly sliding to rest on your belly, as if you are consulting it to make a final decision.
“I can wait if I eat a quick snack,” you say. “I want to be able to check out the pool and relax a little before I get carried away.” I see a familiar glint in your eyes, one that means you are committed to getting carried away as much as possible this week.
“Okay, sounds good,” I answer, beaming. “Let’s get to the pool and then I’ll get you something.”
We change into our swimsuits and head down to one of the large pools at the resort. Setting up our stuff I squeeze sunscreen on my hands and motion for you to turn around so I can get your back for you. I take my time, making sure to rub the lotion all over, leaving no skin untouched. As I slide my hands down to the small of your back, I squeeze the love handles spilling out of your almost too tight swimsuit.
“Gotta make sure we get all of you,” I say as I move my hands to your front and take two handfuls of your gut. “And there seems to be more of you all the time now.” I hear you gasp a little and look around, seeing if anyone has noticed me feeling you up in public. I press my hands into your soft middle and jiggle ever so slightly, watching the ripples across your pudgy frame. You shift, and I can guess without looking that you’re bright red without the help of the sun.
I pat your belly one last time before having you lotion my back as well. Once you’re finished, I spring up from my chair and scan for a place to grab some food. “Wait here,” I say, already making a beeline for the bar, “I’ll be right back.”
I return with a basket of fries, mozzarella sticks, an array of dips and pita bread. “I couldn’t choose so I just got all of it,” I say with a shrug. “Plus I mean it’s all included so no worries about money. Eat up.” I grab a few fries for myself and lean back in my chair just as a staff member approaches with our drink order. Sparkling water for me and a huge fruity beverage with two straws, packed full of liquor and sugar.
“I want you to eat everything I put in front of you this week,” I say casually, sipping my water. “Is that clear?”
You blush again and nod. “Yeah, I got it. Eat everything you put in front of me.” You start working through the appetizers, humming happily as you munch through fries, dunking cheese sticks in marinara and ranch dressing, and sucking down big gulps of that boozy frozen drink.  I watch you, occasionally snagging fries but mostly just enjoying the warm sun on my skin and the sight of you stuffing your greedy face.  
You finally lean back in your chair, balancing the last of the basket of fries on your belly. You stifle a belch and rub your gut without thinking. “Thanks baby, that hit the spot.” I can’t tell if your face is flushed from the sun or the booze or both.
I keep the stream of snacks and drinks steady, so once you finish one item, another replaces it. After a few hours of sunbathing with trips to the pool to cool off, I can tell you’re getting full. It’s harder and harder to heave yourself up off the chair to get to the pool and your belly jiggles less, the mass of food and booze causing you to sway a little as you walk.
You smile at me, goofy and relaxed and I know you’re enjoying yourself. I swim up behind you on one of our pool breaks and wrap my arms around you to feel the damage. You instinctively lean back into me and I massage your bloated gut, dislodging several burps you can’t bother to hide. I chuckle and kiss your neck, murmuring into your warm skin, “excuse you, don’t be rude.”
“Can’t help it,” you say with a sigh, shifting so my hands press more against the fullest parts of your belly. The water is cool around us and for a second I forget there are other people in the pool and let my hands trail a little too low on your hips. It’s my turn to blush and I’m grateful you can’t see my moment of weakness at how warm and pliable you are right now. I have half a mind to take you back up to our room and have my way with you, but there’s still dinner, dessert, and much more waiting for us. I could order room service and keep things private, or I could make sure to show you off in public, make you a spectacle for everyone as you eat yourself to capacity.
COMMENT ONLY with your vote: 
A for an intimate night up in the room 
B for a public display of gluttony 
OR send an ask with your choice, anon or not.  
Voting will be open until 5pm EST on April 7. 
part three
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Chzburger Writes: An Interactive Experience
Hi all!  Here is the outline for what I want to try and do with this experiment.  I would like to write a feedism story that is guided by the audience.  Here’s how it’ll work: 
i will write an opening scene based on one of the options outlined below.  
after each section of the story, I will have 2 different pathways for the story to take.  you can vote on each post for 24 hours by either giving it a like, or commenting on it.  (plz reblog too if you like it; they will not count as votes though). 
each next section will be written as separate posts, but I will include a link to the previous part of the story at the top of each new post so people can go back and read the whole thing should they want to.  
i will clearly mark which post is the last one, and once the story is complete, I will likely compile it into one whole post for ease of access 
everything will be tagged under “chzburger writes” and “chzburger writes: an interactive experience” so it will be filed as its own separate thing but also show up with my other musings and drabbles. 
things will likely be in first person, as if i am the one feeding the universal “you” so you can imagine whoever you want in that place
i will also tag any relevant themes so people are able to seek out or blacklist accordingly 
if you do not feel comfortable using your own blog to like or comment, you may send an anonymous (or not anonymous ask, just clarify if you want it public or not) but please only send one per person and keep the fun of the game alive. 
I hope you all like!  for now, please vote on either of these two scenarios to start: 
leave a LIKE for a romantic getaway at an all inclusive resort, full of buffets, plenty of booze, tight swimsuits, and a kingsize suite 
leave a COMMENT for a local bakery, fresh pastries, cakes and pies, a willing customer and a blooming romance 
also!  this is a whole new thing for me, so if people have ideas on how to make it better please let me know.  the post will be up for 24 hours before something is decided!  
Voting ends at 5pm est!
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i think I’m finally gonna finish that fuckin story I started a million years ago.
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Too shy to touch the post but bakery sounds nice :3
we got one last +1 for bakery, but sadly, it is 10/28 in favor of the resort.
thank you all for the response! I will have the first part of the story up in a little bit.
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the next part of the story will be up before the end of the night - sorry for the delay! I will keep the voting up for an extra day so everyone gets a chance to see it
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new part of the story will go up later this evening. :)
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B, pushing limits, this can be posted publicly or not. Also this is a really cool idea and I'm in love with the story and writing so far!! Even if B doesn't get chosen, I will still thoroughly enjoy this story :) 💗
🥰🥰🥰 🥰
I am so glad y’all are loving it so much. I’m having a blast.
I’m debating on if I want to eventually go back and flesh out the whole story so you can really do a choose your own adventure as you click through the posts but we’ll see (cuz that’s a lot of work lol).
also man B is in the lead rn and I should have known y’all were nasty like that 😉
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B for part three plz!!
just to give y’all an update, B is currently leading 12 to 9 after tallying up the responses on the post and in my asks. I don’t wanna spam y’all with the asks but if you want proof I’m happy to post them!
really happy with the response so far. thanks all for making this as fun as it’s been.
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voting for bakery!! 💗
yay! bakery is trailing behind right now but there’s still time to get your votes in!
here is the post
thanks all for being so fun with this. I’m excited to get started.
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I like B but I also understand your dilemma about trying to write sex while still remaining gender neutral. I think it would be interesting to see what you come up with so I'm not all that picky with how it turns out!!
Some possible suggestions could be maybe more focus on other areas of the body instead of just the genitals if that makes sense? Like areas like breasts, nipples, mouths, the belly ofc, ass, anus, areas that most people have (im sorry if that was worded in a really awkward way, I'm not very used to giving advice on this kind of topic). But again, it's your story and I don't want to tell you how to write it, especially since each part has been so wonderful and I don't want to steer too much away from your vision!
hi! This ask was from forever ago but I’m getting around to it now so sorry whoops.
I plan on being vague, I think. I’m gonna try to focus on senses rather than physicality and think I can make it work. Thank you for the kind words and the feedback! I am gonna try and have the next part up within the next couple days.
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(hi this is skipperafterdark, is voting still open?) bakery all the way 🙏🙏🙏🙏
voting will be open until 5pm EST and then the idea is to have the section posted either that night or the next morning for everyone to enjoy and then vote on the next pathway.
+1 for bakery :3
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