#cia rly said I'll take five of thess twink bitches and did not wait before grabbing them by the scruff of their necks
thebleedingeffect · 4 months
Please I'm begging you please talk about the timeline I need to know
So!! Hyrules curse timeline is really, really fun for me to think about simply because time is not relative for all the time periods when the main events of the story transpire! For example, Warriors and Wild are still very much in the thick of their journeys when Sky, Twilight, and Time are all done with theirs. Because there's some time fuckery going on- thanks to Cia and Lana- none of the time periods are happening at the *exact* same length of time as the other.
But! Alot of hyrules curse timeline comes down to my own interpretation of the length of time that each of their adventures occur. For example: at the beginning of botw, in the cave of resurrection, Wild is around 17, but by the end of the game, he's 18. My personal interpretation is that the events of botw take around a year! And that there's around a 3 year gap inbetween the events of botw and totk. That allows more than enough time for hyrule to settle and for rebuilding efforts to truly get underway. Zonai artifacts also begin to be found in that time, and research on them had only just begun to flourish when totk begins. At the beginning of totk, Wild is around 21 and he actually *would* be close to the end of his adventure before Cia steps in.
Right before Cia arrives, Wild has done all four temples and the only thing he has left to do... is collect the master sword. Wild actually doesn't know that the light dragon IS Zelda before everything falls apart :( he never learns the truth before he's abducted. Funny thing is that Wild was actively going through the depths, trying to find the way into the lost forest, only to be helplessly cornered :( it really does not help that his run in with a gloom hands in the area only exhausted further.
Wild is captured nearly at the end of his adventure.
Warriors is captured in the middle of his.
I've actually already written how Warriors is captured- but I haven't talked about just how long the war has been going up to that point! So, in my personal interpretation, I believe the conflict in hyrule warriors is actually extremely short, as well as extremely violent. Before Warriors is captured, the war has barely been going on for a bit more than half a year and is very short in terms of how most wars go. It's just that this war has been so costly, so bloody, and just overall vicious that it feels like it's been much longer than it actually has been :( it doesn't help that for as much as hyrule is suffering, Cia barely experiences any of the same consequences. Most of Cia’s army is made up of monsters and most of her front lines are made of monsters and they're the ones taking the brunt of casualties, which doesn't really matter considering she can just bring them back to life.
The sole exception is the growing population of soldiers who have betrayed hyrule and have instead joined Cia. Funnily enough, most of the soldiers don't actually fill out the immediate front lines and instead form the defense. Cia purposely does this to inspire loyalty and the feeling that she actually cares for their survival, unlike the princess of course <3 let's not talk about how Cia effectively massacres any remaining soldiers still loyal to Zelda and takes over hyrule. That's a whole other thing <3
Sky and Twilight are both captured after their adventures, but roughly at the same amount of time afterwards funnily enough! Around 2 years have passed for the both of them by the time the events of the story begin :] though Sky is in much better spirits compared to Twilight... Twilight is currently struggling through some really bad abandonment issues and the fact that he feels so incredibly different from the life he left behind :( and just isn't able to rejoin Ordon like he did before. Sky, on the other hand, has been faring better, but he's still struggling with the loss of Fi :( though there are much less bitter, angry feelings on his side of things.
Now, for the extreme outliner of the entire story... Time is not captured by Cia until 15 years after the events of majoras mask. In my personal interpretation, I've always liked to imagine that oot link was around 12 during the events of both oot and mm. After majoras mask, he returns to hyrule and finds Sheik once more, after finally healing through his wounds just enough that he wants to continue and make something with his sibling </333 Time RETURNS to hyrule for Sheik and the promise that he would eventually come home. In those 15 years, he actually grows up and becomes an adult and the prince of hyrule. By the time of hyrules curse, he's around... 27 or 28, he's fully grown and has experienced both the life of a royal, a hero, and a forest boy, all of which have followed him until now.
Personally, I really like to imagine that by the time of the beginning of hyrules curse, Time has mostly lost his resentment for having so much of his childhood stolen because he was able to live through a new one with Sheik. He no longer feels like an adult trapped in a child's body and has actually had time to GROW and feel like a HUMAN BEING! There's still lots of trauma, sure, but before he's captured by Cia, he's had lots of opportunities to at least come to terms with most of them.
Which brings the timeline to this! ->
Cia captures Warriors first, kickstarting the entire story -> countless soldiers still loyal to hw zelda and impa are instantly killed in the the ensuing blast of Cia’s attack -> hw zelda, impa, and Lana are forced to retreat and figure out just what it is that Cia has done and where Warriors is
Warriors is put into a statis of sorts while Cia continues to hunt for the remaining heroes -> Volga joins her side once more -> Cia begins to collect the remaining heroes
This is the official order that they're all captured: Warriors -> Sky -> Twilight -> Wild -> Time
Cia captures all of the heroes inbetween arriving to hyrule castle and managing to win over hyrule -> She is crowned the queen -> all of the heroes are dragged to the furthest reaches of hyrule castle where their memories begin to be slowly fractured and molded -> Linkle arrives to hyrule castle -> Linkle joins Cia
This is the rough catalog of events before more time stuff happens! Or as in, hw zelda, impa, and Lana fucking jump over to wilds time desperately looking for help and safety because their world is completely taken over now :( Cia has... taken over everything there and nothing can leave or enter without her knowing, and it's there that they're all being held.
Uhhhhhhh alot more shit happens but that's like,,,, so fucking long,,, I still cannot believe that Wild gets his memory messed with for a SECOND TIME-
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