#hyrules curse
thebleedingeffect · 8 months
Hyrules Curse, Intro I: A Soldiers Sacrifice, A Heroes Loss
[cross posted onto ao3 here if you prefer to read stuff on there]
The one thing more terrifying than the sounds of war is the silence beforehand, before the sounds of agony, blood pooling underneath the cascade of ash-stained boots, and the deafening ring of steel against flesh. The world falls to a standstill, waiting with baited breath until another scar rips into the wartorn earth and stains the puddles of disgusting muck with the color of misery and entrails. Terror weaves itself through the crowds of soldiers below, the bravery that once burned bright now only leaving desperate, bitter husks that all looked into the battlefield’s horizon. - The flames of death and Impa's capture lead the visages of Hyrule to the entrance of the Valley of Souls. Zelda glares over the horizon with the blood of her people still staining her dress and Cia's hands, as Link stays close to her side.
War is an unforgiving thing, Link knows this, he can feel it within the grime that covers him and the blood of his comrades that he has killed. But yet, a final confrontation beckons them even further within the maw of the valley.
Or: A much different re-telling of Hyrule Warriors, all of the timelines never came to their aid and Hyrule is on the brink of destruction.
The one thing more terrifying than the sounds of war is the silence beforehand, before the sounds of agony, blood pooling underneath the cascade of ash-stained boots, and the deafening ring of steel against flesh. The world falls to a standstill, waiting with baited breath until another scar rips into the wartorn earth and stains the puddles of disgusting muck with the color of misery and entrails. Terror weaves itself through the crowds of soldiers below, the bravery that once burned bright now only leaving desperate, bitter husks that all looked into the battlefield’s horizon. 
Silence reigns in the glow of dawn, and the only thing that Link could see through the ash and grim covering the earth was Zelda’s blazing fury that followed her every step. Link could feel the anger radiating from her, by her side as he was, but the tension tightening around her shoulders and her clutched palms kept him quiet. The silence fractures the slightest underneath the sound of his own breathing and Link can’t help the tight knot of unease as Zelda continued to stare forward, hardly sparing even a glance.
Link doesn’t dare to make another noise, not as he glanced at the painfully empty spot by Zelda’s opposite side.
The absence of Impa is a heavy thing and beside Zelda, Link dares to think he’ll be crushed by its deafening weight.
“You know that we cannot lose this battle.” The words are hardly a whisper, carried lightly through the suffocating, putrid air as Zelda glanced back to where Link stood. The uncontrollable urge to avoid her piercing gaze nearly overwhelms him, the desperation and fury in her eyes twisting her expression until it’s as dull as the blackened sky and as ragged as the scraps of her dress. Tattered pieces of pink fabric that once made up her brilliant dress sway in the breeze, the dull shine of the armor that now enveloped her instead catching his eyes before he forced himself to nod. 
“...You will be responsible for defending the west side of the valley, Lana will be responsible for the east. I will be at the forefront of the battle towards Cia’s fortress.” Warrior stilled, the words slowly registering until he couldn’t help but step in front of her glare towards the fortress sitting along the horizon. 
“Princess Zelda.”
“Princess- you’ll be at the very front of the battle without someone by your side, it’s- it’s suicide, Cia will be expecting you. Trying to break through the front gates isn’t going to work-”
“And what other plan has?!” Zelda’s voice erupts then, anger sparking into a blazing fury until Link takes a single step back, withholding the urge to worry at the wounds still littering his bandaged hands to instead meet her with his own glare.
“Anything else but this! This won’t be a battle, it’ll be a slaughter. Cia… She’s already recruited half of the army, and we’ll barely have anyone left if we give them more of a reason to be on her side.” Link's voice falls to a whisper, quiet enough that only she can hear the frantic urgency in his voice, the tone of desperation that works itself down into his scarred, white-knuckled grip around the master sword. 
The truth rings loudly in the darkening air between them, enough that Link takes the tense stalemate to give a brief glance towards the tents below.
The sight makes Link choke on the stubborn knot of anger building within the inside of his throat, the tattered remains of tents billowing in the dead breeze still stained with dried, old blood. Misery weaves itself through the crowds of soldiers below their feet, so much that Link forces himself to look away with a weary gaze. The flayed remains of dead soldiers and monsters alike drift on the breeze, hidden within the shadow of the mountainside, rotting alone. Link doesn’t notice the taste of rot on his tongue anymore, but the gruesome sight made him wish that he could at least remember the scent, as penance for all the blood spilt.
Blood still covered his sword, some of which used to be his own comrades, before unrest and fear swept through the ranks as fiercely as death itself. Link couldn’t find the will to blame them for becoming traitors, for coming to resent the crimson horizon that currently enveloped both him and the princess in a blood-soaked glow. Link glanced back down at the pile of corpses, their faces burning a place behind his eyes. 
The scent of rotting flesh had corrupted the ground beneath them until there was no escape from the stench. An inescapable smell that weaved up from the canyon’s ground and pervaded the skin of every soldier still alive with the scent of death.
Could Link truly blame the traitors for cursing them? The beacons of the goddesses glory that has continuously failed them at every turn? Another glance at the ever thinning group of soldiers told him, no, he truly couldn’t blame them in the slightest.
Fury pulled Zelda’s lips together, the near uncontrollable urge to collapse and scream in misery drawn painfully across every scratch and scar that littered her pale face. Link could only give an empathetic grimace, slowly lowering the master sword to his hip and absently wiping the dirt and blood onto his beyond-ruined pants. 
“Impa… She would hate this-”
“If there’s a chance she’s alive then I must take it, there’s no other choice to be entertained.” A cold determination melted onto Zelda’s shoulders, staring out onto the battlefield with an unflinching stare as Impa’s name hung in the open air. 
“Without her, we won’t win this war, with or without the master sword and Lana’s guidance.” Link couldn't say he disagreed, he might’ve been worthy of the master sword- despite how little he truly believed that fact- but Impa was the true image of a leader, of stability, of guidance that meshed beautifully by Zelda’s side. Everything that Hyrule had desperately needed was embodied in the pair.
And Impa was gone, and Link was only a weapon to be wielded after all.
“...I can’t leave here without trying, I can’t just leave her behind.” Sorrow enters Zelda’s voice then, Impa’s name brittle and cracking horrifically underneath her breath. All of the fight leaves Link then, the anger, the fear, all of it he pushes to the side despite how the fortress's shadow has begun to stretch over him. 
The image of Cia giggles playfully in his mind, a sadistic twist to the edges of her lips that he knows she looks down at them all with, atop her fortress with an excitement that he dreads. 
Part of Link wanted to fight, fight and scream to not have to meet her again, but that was an impossibility that he knew he would never be afforded. Not when Impa’s life was still in question, hidden within that damned fortress that he despised and feared in equal amounts. The fortress that has haunted his dreams for countless nights, playfully reminding him of her with every blink. 
Impa was stronger than him, more courageous, always so much more than he could’ve ever hoped to be, but more than anything else, he knew how important she was. 
Link stared at Zelda, her shoulders straining against the impossibility of their victory and the thousands of the dead already weighing her crown until she could only just bear the anguish. The agony that he knew she shared by Impa’s side, the person that Zelda and Hyrule needed.
Hyrule didn’t need him, the goddesses had simply chosen wrong, they had taken one of the countless, unremarkable soldiers that filled Hyrule and it so happened to be him.
Hyrule didn’t need a sword, it needed a leader.
Link stepped back, falling back just beyond Zelda’s sight with a final exhausted, but resolute sigh. 
“Please, just promise me one thing.” Zelda’s gaze fell back onto him, a subtle curiosity swimming in her eyes that Link was unable to meet where he stared at the growing size of the fortresses shadow. 
“If Cia appears… don’t approach her, not even if it seems like you have the chance. It’s just a lie. Do what you must, just… anything but her.” Link's words felt hollow even to his own ears, his voice listless as Zelda stood in muted worry before a grim understanding twisted her expression moments later. Tense seconds passed, each one heavier than the last until Zelda gave a single controlled exhale.
“That’s a hard promise for me to make, you know that.” 
“I know, that’s why I ask it of you.”
The strained line of Zelda’s shoulders tightened, the light of her armor catching in Link's eyes for the briefest of moments before turning back to the mountain’s edge. Link silently stands, holding the baited breath back as he fought his lungs to keep his heartbeat to an halfway acceptable tempo. The high arch of the morning’s sun framed Zelda’s head in a golden halo, the image near ethereal despite the grim and filth covering them both. Blood streaked itself through her golden hair, but she still glowed despite it. 
The sight brings a smile to Link's face, the brief distraction just enough to tear him away from the fear of the battle that awaits him. Link quietly coveted the sight, letting the image sit beautifully in his mind before Zelda looked but with a grim, but accepting expression.
“I would hate if I allowed you to be hurt when Impa wasn’t here to be by your side, she would never forgive me.” The admittance brings with it a chuckle from between Link's lips, the rare expression of mirth lifting the dread from both of their eyes as Zelda gave a chuckle of her own. 
“No, she really wouldn’t, would she?” A slight blush colored Zelda’s cheeks, her eyes distant in a way that told Link that for once- she was lost in much happier memories than the misery that awaited her in the present. 
The moment brings with it a kind of reconciliation that had been desperately absent, weeks passing without hardly meeting the other’s eye or to simply be by each other’s side. Link's smile widened the slightest amount, a touch of happiness tinging his chest before he continued. 
“If you promise to be safe, I’ll do whatever it takes to bring Impa back. I… I don’t think she’s dead, she’s there, somewhere.” If there was only one thing that Link was sure of, it was those words, a promise that drifted between them. 
Battered mountains closed in on all sides, corrupted magic practically ripping the very earth itself apart until nothing but the howling wind remained. But, Link felt the plea in his words just as much as the dried blood underneath his palms.
If Impa was going to be anywhere, it was here, and Link found that he couldn’t leave her behind. 
“...I’ll continue to lead the frontlines, we’ll slowly capture each keep until Cia has nowhere to run except for the fortress itself. But, rescuing Impa is our true mission, remember that.” Link could only nod, the familiar determination returning to Zelda’s eyes as she swept her eyes over the remaining army with a keen gaze.
“And if Cia is truly waiting for us, then we’ll answer her call.” A venomous glare, tinged with fury, stared at the fortress that had begun to be overshadowed by the morning’s light. Link made an agreeable noise, the energy for words failing him as Zelda walked past him. Zelda gave a single look back, their eyes meeting for a moment before she gave a nod of her own, starting down the mountain side with a grace that continued to stun him.
The crunch of gravel slowly dissipated, falling into muffled echoes until even the echoes fell apart to the consuming silence of the canyon below. Link sighed, a shaky thing, full of fear and unease as he turned an apprehensive gaze towards the wide valley before the fortress's shadow. 
The master sword was a heavy weight in Link's palms, but despite the fear coursing itself through his veins, the blade glowed a soft, ethereal shimmer that brought a shaky smile to his face. Distantly, he wondered if the master sword had etched itself into his palms, if every divot and crevice had been specifically crafted to wield a sword that he was not worthy of.
The glow dimmed, the shimmer softening until it died back into the blade. Link curiously watched the dying glow until his eyes drifted back onto the valley. 
Or more specifically, where Cia was waiting.
Link didn’t bother to hold back the fearful shiver, knuckles tightening over the master sword’s hilt for a moment before slowly returning it to its sheath strung across his back. Soft wind whistled in his ears, the taste of rot and magic drifting alongside it until the repulsive stench began to comb through his untamed golden locks of hair. An uncontrollable shiver worked itself through Link's body at the feeling, the quiet moment of fear being the only thing he would ever allow himself, even alone as he was. 
The wind was his only witness to his fear, such fear unfitting for a hero, a fact that he more than knew and despised himself for countless times before and did now. Link swallowed the taste of bile, of fear, of things that he didn’t want to think of or name- and turned back to begin walking down the mountain side. The fear that had consumed his expression only moments before had fallen away, instead only reflecting the face befitting of a hero.
Quiet, empty, carefully neutral in every way.
Link walked forward, leaving every scrap of fear to shuffle weakly on the absent breeze, the fear that he knew would cost him if he allowed it to consume him. 
Rot followed him instead, following his each and every step with the first echoing rings of warhorns blaring throughout the canyon’s walls. Link squeezed his eyes closed before opening to the color of crimson staining the horizon.
The battle was ready to begin.
Blood has long since stained Link's clothes, coating every scrap of fabric in all of the disgusting gore that painted the insides of every monster he striked down. An repulsive stench weaved its way through the countless surviving soldiers and the fallen bodies that littered the land below, a smell so potent that Link feared it seared itself into his skin. Despite this, the gleam of the master sword glowed still, the soft light dancing with every spray of blood and viscera that tarnished the brilliant white of the blade. 
Link pushed forward, not sparing a glance towards the countless bodies, allies and foe alike, that covered the valley’s ground. Magic hummed loudly in the air, the sheer malice within it making the air unbelievably heavy as Link gritted his teeth against the sensation and continued to run towards yet another keep. The roar of war echoed through the canyon’s walls, the indescribable noise of his fellow soldiers charging along beside him not enough to pull his eyes away as he plunged the master sword through a monster, and then another.
Countless monsters fell before Link's eyes, divine power sparking alive with every thrust and sweep of the master sword through the hoard of monsters that had infected the keep. Blood dripped inbetween Link's knuckles, the dark, near-black blood barely doing anything more than drying atop his already crimson-soaked gloves. The clashing of swords echoed for a deafening moment, until Link stood silent with a heaved breath as the final monster fell to his feet with a disgusting gurgle. 
Link stared down at the flinching corpse, the monster's wide eyes still painted in hatred and bloodlust even in death, and took another deep breath before stepping away. Silence hung in the air for a brief moment, before the clash of iron was replaced with the sound of cheering, the dark magic finally loosening from the keep until only the stench of death remained. Link glanced at the cheering that surrounded him, the familiar misery that had painted the faces of his fellow soldiers lightening for the briefest of moments as the sounds of war ceased.
Link took another, even deeper breath, the force of it nearly rattling the low thrum of adrenaline still burning in his chest as he looked away and ran a blood-soaked hand through his hair. Blood clumped the golden blond locks together, but Link couldn’t find the strength to care as he passed a cautious eye out from the keep’s entrance. The low sound of iron and war echoed farther from the east, but even now Link could tell that the fighting was dying down with a surprising speed. 
Unease filled Link, his mouth worrying into a deep frown as the shadow of Cia’s fortress stretched far over the valley’s ground and towered over the horizon. The vibrant purple hue of Cia’s magic infested the land, pulsing with an unnatural energy that had Link standing on edge the more that he stared.
Soldiers pushed past Link, hardly caring of his silence as they celebrated, before one of the many captains rushed to Link's side. 
“Sir! I’m pleased to tell you that every keep on the western side has been captured and all of the monsters we’ve been able to encounter have been slain. Should we go ahead and help our fellow men in the east?” Link glanced at the field of soldiers, unmarred and injured alike, cheering amongst the sea of bodies and blood. The cheering only grew louder, the east joining with their own shouts as Link dragged his gaze upwards towards the crimson horizon.
“...No, I don’t believe that will be necessary, captain, it seems like it has already been dealt with. Take a good portion of the men and head towards the northern front with Princess Zelda, if she asks- tell her I gave the order.” The captain gave a curt nod, hardly voicing an agreeable noise before turning back to the army of soldiers with a sharp tone. The orders quickly became a distant mummer as Link took another step out of the keep, quiet and uneased. 
Confusion burned brighter with every blink, the master sword falling to his side as he gave a long stare to the land around him, completely devoid of any enemy. Link breathed in the sudden peace, empty of the sound of swords clashing or the growls of monsters littering the air.
It was quiet.
Complete and utter quiet.
Link pushed down the disbelief that felt more overwhelming than any surge of adrenaline, the feeling threading ever closer to becoming uneased. Cheering seemed to echo through the canyon, the sound reverberating off the crumbling spires of rock as he forced himself to take a steadying breath. 
 Link's face hardened, the quiet doubt from moments before disappearing underneath the blank expression as he began to run towards the east. A crescendo of cheering rushed to meet him, the sound reaching a fevered pitch with every hurried step until he was weaving inbetween the mass of soldiers with a speed that burned at his heels. 
Blue hair flashed at the very corner of his eyes, not bothering to hold back the sigh of relief at the sight as he slowed to Lana’s side with concern lighting again at the tight expression drawn across her face. Blue magic glowed softly, the flesh underneath her palms stitching itself back together where an injured soldier laid gasping against the bloodied dirt. Tense moments passed, until Lana leaned back with a relieved, but exhausted grin.
“There you go! That should be enough for now, rest easy, you’ll be taken care of more thoroughly once the battle is over.” The soldier gave an appreciative grunt, barely moving before another two soldiers came into view and helped drag the man away on stumbling legs. Silence reigned in the sudden absence, the unease beginning to tighten once again around Link as he gave a wordless stare to Lana. 
“...I know, something isn’t right, I know- this was hardly a battle. Cia wouldn’t go down without a proper fight.” Lana shot up, stumbling for a brief moment before Link steadied her with a gentle hand. Lana smiled, the warmth melting away the worried expression before she centered herself with a deep sigh and met Link's eyes. 
“This can’t be it, nothing about this is right- I, I just can’t believe it. First she kidnaps Impa, drags us into countless and pointless battles- all the way up to here and there’s… barely anything, hardly even a fight!” The worry bled back into Lana’s expression, her already bloody lip split open again underneath her teeth biting anxiously away at her skin.
“Cia… maybe, she’s done fighting?” The worry paused in Lana’s eyes, looking sharply back to Link from where her gaze had drifted in thought. 
“Has she stopped?” A blinding hope took its place within her eyes, an expression that Link couldn't stomach as he avoided her gaze. Lana stepped away, instead looking around the sudden peace with a dawning, scared hope that Link could only squirm uncomfortably from before her gaze snapped back. 
“I have to go, there has to be a reason behind all of this. I need to go, do something about Cia- stop all of this-” The words stumbled from Lana’s mouth, each one more hurried than the last as she began to run towards the mass of soldiers, sparing only a wide wave back before disappearing. 
Link could only stand silently, the sick taste of unease weighing increasingly heavier in his chest until he stumbled back, sparing another glance towards the fortress that seemed to tower even higher in the sky now. Hesitantly, Link sheathed the master sword, glancing at the fortress with another untrusting glare before following after Lana. Soldiers stumbled past either side of Link, their stares burning along his skin with either curiosity or bitterness that he could only stare forward. If he dared to look into any of their eyes he feared he would crack, so he stared forward until the blinding glow of Zelda’s figure split the army apart effortlessly. 
Zelda stood straight, a commanding aura practically bleeding beside Lana’s soothing voice, the words indescribable as Link slowly approached from where they stood before the fortresses gates. An oddly cool expression covered Zelda’s face, a pensive glare to her eyes as she sharply glanced at Link's approach before looking back to Lana.
“-This has never happened before! We can’t risk this opportunity, if we just charge forward then we might throw away the only chance we have at ending this war peacefully!”
“Peacefully?! Cia has the blood of Hyrule on her hands, thousands of my people are dead at of her command and her hoard of monsters-” 
“Yes! Yes she does, but how do we know that we might prevent a thousand more deaths by taking advantage of this opportunity and talking to her!” An anger sparked to life between the two, the once cool expression of Zelda’s face twisting into one of fury and Lana’s turning into one of desperation. Zelda reared back, face painted in disgust at Lana’s suggestion before shifting into an even colder expression. 
“Cia is not someone who cares about mercy, We’ve fought and bled the entire way here to put an end to this war! Do you really expect any sort of peace to be made with the one who’s killed so many of my people?!”
“No! But we have to try! Princess, this may be one of the only chances we get to rescue Impa without putting any further risk on her life-” Zelda snapped towards Lana, her eyes darkening even further before Link stepped inbetween them. Link felt how their gazes fell on either side of him, just barely withholding the urge to cringe back from the combined weight of their burning gazes.
“How do we trust this, Lana? Even if she does… mean well, wouldn’t she have done something by now?” Link didn’t bother to hide his distrustful glance towards the fortresses gate, the thick, intertwined bars hardly offering any peace of mind. Zelda gave an agreeable hum, her eyes still sharp as Lana began to speak. 
“I’m not sure, but the worst thing any of us could do to ruin our chances would be to just attack. We have to consider the possibility instead of just charging forward!” Lana’s voice turned into something closer to a plea, the hopeful sheen in her eyes turning watery beneath Zelda’s dark glare.
“And you consider that possibility worth enough to risk my men and Impa’s life-”
“What if only one person went?”
Link felt the words stumble out from his mouth, a familiar fear beginning to burn back to life underneath his skin as he looked away from Lana’s and Zelda’s surprised stares. Hope began to bloom back onto Lana’s face, the expression bright and near blinding while concern began to crack at Zelda’s hardened expression. Link refused to meet her eyes, biting his tongue until the taste of blood flooded his mouth to only just keep himself from buckling beneath the fear.
Link more than hated the idea, the very idea of scouring the fortress completely alone somehow more terrifying than any battle he could imagine.
But… Lana was right, what if it was one of the best opportunities they’d ever have at rescuing Impa alive? Was risking Impa’s life even further worth it? If she was still alive that was, but he refused to voice that thought.
Link had to take the chance, it was likely one of the last chances they had.
“I’ll go alone, I’ll find Impa, and I’ll bring her back, right here to the gates. If Lana is right, if anything happens… I’ll try my best to reason with Cia.” Terror filled Link, but he forced himself to give a confident smile, a smile he couldn’t feel when he was too busy making sure his hands didn’t shake. Zelda’s face twisted even tighter, the dark glare that had marred her face moments before instantly falling away to concern instead.
“That’s dangerous and you know that, both of us do. For all that we know, it could be a trap and Cia is simply biding time for us to make the first move.” Zelda stepped closer, placing a firm hand on his shoulder as her voice quietened to where only Link could hear. A sliver of worry had worked itself through her commanding stance to strain against the frown that had appeared on her face. Link forced his body still, willing himself to not shake as he met her eyes. 
“If that’s true- then it’s better for me to go alone either way. It’s this, or risk those that we have left.” Link's confident smile dropped, his gaze falling away from where Zelda’s frown had only deepened at his response. 
A tense minute passed as Link felt her gaze leave him and instead turned to glance at the army of soldiers barely able to stand despite the short battle. The cheering had fallen away and the familiar haggard expressions had once again painted themselves onto the soldiers in varying hues. Bruised and split blood littered the skin of every soldier, some barely able to do so much as breathe past the scent of bile building up in their throats at the amount of death that surrounded them.
War was drawn onto every figure, exhaustion and terror long since drawn deep into every line of their faces, the image of their misery burning a place behind her eyes as she turned to Link once more.
“...I don’t want to ask this of you.” 
“I know.” Zelda’s expression shifted into something agonized, regret pulling her eyes away from Link's for several moments before she willed herself to look back.
“...If I allow you to go alone, will you promise me that you’ll make it back?” The words were quiet, a plea uttered so softly within the mutter of Zelda’s voice that the small smile that stretched along Link's face came naturally.
Link gave a single nod before he began to pull away, the heavy weight of her hand on his shoulder falling away slowly as he turned back to Lana, still standing but quiet. A conflicted expression was drawn over her face for the briefest of moments, before it disappeared at Link's approach.
“Thank you. Try not to worry about Cia, finding Impa is the most important thing here and I don’t want to burden you with trying to reason with her all by yourself. I know- hope- that Cia has come to her senses about this war, but I won’t be able to forgive myself if she did something to Impa. Just… if something happens, please take this.” Lana shifted uncomfortably before letting out a steadying breath, her eyes gaining a determined glint as she lifted her empty palms between them. A small blue glow began to hastily form in the air before solidifying in her hands, the light flaring to life until it steadily dimmed and left only a brilliant blue crystal. 
“I’ve been working on this for a bit of time now. If anything happens, just break the crystal and it’ll give me an immediate signal to come to your side. Hopefully… it doesn’t come to that, I only ask one thing of you.” Lana stared into Link's eyes, forcing the stone into his hand and clasping his hand around it with her own.
“I want to believe that there’s hope for Cia, I know that all she’s done is unforgivable and beyond help, but- just, I know it’s selfish, but I ask that you don’t hurt her.” The quiet words muttered softly underneath Lana’s breath, her hand still tight over Link's own before she gave a final squeeze, the grip white-knuckled and bereft of nothing but a single plea. 
“Of course, I doubt it’ll be as simple as that, but I can hope.” Link swallowed past his own tongue and the bile that threatened to choke whatever words he dared to speak, willing himself to instead nod back at Lana. 
Lana smiled, a hesitant, small thing, but endlessly warm nonetheless, breathing out a single sigh before stepping back from Link's side.
“I can open the gates, just a bit of magic should work, but I’ll have to close it behind you. Just a precaution for any monsters that could slip through. Are you okay with that?” 
“...Yes, I am.” Link began to walk as he unsheathed the master sword with a graceful flourish, the blade still glowing brightly even in the crimson smog. The dull click of heels followed him as she quickly approached the iron bars of the gate, the low hum of magic sparking to life in her palms only moments later with the screech of metal. The heavy iron bars moved inch by inch, the purple magic covering them sparkling dangerously before stopping with a click. 
Link didn’t allow himself to look back as he easily slipped through the small gap, only turning to look as the crash of iron snapped back into place.
The familiar magic of Lana’s faded away, with only a sliver of her left visible through the thick, branching bars that separated them. 
“If anything happens, please- just use the crystal. Zelda and I will be waiting for you and Impa right here, so don’t worry about us.” A comforting smile stretched across Lana’s face, casted in the hues of Cia’s magic that still shimmered brightly off the gate. Link bit back the fear that threatened to squirm its way past his chest and force itself from between his teeth with a scream, instead he just smiled back. 
Link hoped that the veil of magic hid the fearful edge to his smile, distorted and fake as it was, but just hidden enough to bring Lana to ease.
Link didn’t know, didn’t allow himself to check, not when his own feet began to pull him away and the shadows that littered the fortresses walls beckoned him closer with a teasing sneer. Dirt crumbled beneath his boots, the uncomfortable, sudden silence buzzing harshly in his ears as he raced into one of the fortresses several keeps.
Link couldn’t allow himself to think.
Not with so much at stake.
Link's footsteps echoed through the empty keep, each one louder than the last as he hesitantly ran the slightest bit faster through the adjoining hall. Silence weighed heavily on the stale air, with only the occasional crackling of magic flickering in the air to disrupt the tense quiet. 
Link ran a nervous hand through his hair, willing himself to breathe past the thick knot of unease settling in his stomach to instead continue deeper inside the fortress. The echoes of his own footsteps were the only sound that accompanied him, nothing but the muffled thud against stone ringing louder in his ears as he passed yet another empty keep.
And another.
And another, another one.
And one more after that. 
Link slid to a stop, willing himself to breathe after he had fallen into a desperate run through the fortresses' halls that resulted in nothing but empty keeps and barred doors. Magic had hummed loudly along every door, hardly reacting with anything more than a brief flicker at Link's attempts at breaking them. Silence was all that echoed behind the barred doors, enough so that Link had found himself passing each door with an uneased glance at the magic covering them. 
Where else was there to go? Besides the top of the fortress, of course, but Link could only pull the sharp exhale back inbetween his teeth at the idea. No, no, Impa wouldn’t be there, wouldn’t she?
But where else could she be?
Anywhere but there, Link could only desperately plead to the emptiness surrounding him with nothing but a grim glare to the last keep that stood before him. Link forced out a steading breath as he walked through the large, near destroyed doors, his eyes shifting over the empty keep. The exhausted sigh did little to make him feel any better at the sight of complete nothingness, not even the growl of monsters daring to whisper in the air.
Link would almost appreciate the sound, almost.
Link walked forward, untrusting eyes drifting from where the purple haze of magic absently swirled in the air to the scarred stone floor below him. Echoes of his own footsteps followed him as his eyes fell onto the last set of iron doors, giving a half-hearted shove before he stumbled forward. A rush of stale, putrid air was the first thing that pushed past the jolt of shock, then the all-consuming darkness that hung right beyond the doorway and down, and even further down. 
Stairs followed the way down into the darkness, the outline of stone quickly giving way to the shadows that choked out any lingering light that was casted down from the doorway. Link didn’t bother to hide the wary glare directed down into the depths of the darkness that sat just beyond him, quickly straightening and stumbling back from the sight. Silence ringed heavily, but Link dared to look deeper down into the darkness with a single thought that stilled him.
Where else was there to go? If not up, then why not down?
Link couldn’t muster up the fear that he should’ve felt as he stepped forward, the first few tendrils of darkness crawling over his legs as he stared down onto the stairs below. The stale taste of the air pushed itself from inbetween Link's teeth as he walked further into the darkness, the shadows steadily wrapping around his limbs with every step. Link willed himself to not look behind at the rapidly fading light that had begun to wither away from sight, each step carrying him further and further into that endless darkness.
The crumbling stone of the stairs' walls groaned with every one of Link's steps as he continued deeper into the fortresses depths, the air progressively growing more and more foul until the scent of decay had practically weaved itself into the damp stone. Link only allowed himself to grimace once at the unbearable smell, something close to the scent of death hidden away from the light of day. 
A type of rot left to fester alone within the earth. 
Link couldn’t help the disgusted gag that threatened to distract him from his unease as he descended deeper, the stairs below his feet barely more than crumbled stone and wood that stunk with the same decay that infested the air. The soft blue glow of the crystal and the shimmer of the master sword that reflected off walls followed him as he walked, the combined glow of both bringing a slight smile to his face. Link couldn’t help but appreciate the near unnatural warmth that radiated off the crystal, especially when he began to shiver as a chill weaved itself through the tightening stairway. Dried blood flaked off his skin, falling into the impenetrable darkness only broken by the divine light that he could only cling to. 
Distant echoes of crumbling stone rumbled below him, the sound unearthly and strange as Link stumbled onto the last step, shifting a cautious glance through the darkness before continuing forward. The brilliant blue light of the crystal shone brightly, casting the withering walls and the iron door that stood above him into flickering shadows. 
Link continued forward, the screech of iron against stone ringing in the open air only moments later until he blinked at the long corridor, bathed in the same darkness. 
The heavy clunk of the door echoed off the corridors walls, but Link didn’t dare to glance back at the door closing behind him, not when he could only stare at the sight before him. The outline of iron bars dimly shimmered underneath the thick layer of grim that covered each and every surface in disgusting muck, only just illuminated by the blue glow. Link couldn’t help the thread of unease, giving each of the empty cells that surrounded either side of him a distrustful glance before falling back into the darkness that followed at his heels. The sight of unmoving shadows clung to the farthest corners of each cell, the outline of limbs only just hidden from Link's sight before fading back into darkness.
Link couldn’t work up the feeling of disgust, terror, or even anger, just the cold, bitter feeling of exhaustion as he forced himself to stare forward. Quiet footsteps ring in the deafening silence, each one barely a sound before Link stopped at yet another iron door. The screech of iron against stone echoed as he gingerly stepped forward, the same darkness welcoming him as the door closed with a final screech. The sight of burnt-out torches flicker in the corner of his eyes, only just illuminated by the dim blue glow, before crackling to life with a snap. 
Link draws the master sword close, adrenaline racing along the upbeat of his heart as torches light the following corridor, the blazing fire dwarfing the blue glow of the crystal. The sudden light only flickers at the weight of his glare, the fire filling the silence that had rung in his ears only moments before.
Link drops the glare with tired huff, slipping the crystal into one of his several pouches to instead hold the shield still strung across his back. 
The scent of all-consuming rot still hung heavily in the air, the smell of viscera and misery a near palpable thing as Link continued forward through the corridors opening. Echoes follow Link's footsteps as he lets his eyes wander across the large room, the ceiling lost to darkness even amongst the steady torch-light that encircled the space. His eyes wandered, until falling onto a lone figure, a figure that glared from the opposite side of the room.
The master sword hissed to life as Link's eyes sharpened, stepping back with bated breath as the figure approached. Link's eyes sharpened even further, a glare burning within them as torch-light flickered dangerously.
“I didn’t expect you to come alone, but I shouldn’t be surprised that such a rash decision would come from you of all people.” An oddly contemplative sound lingered alongside the growl in Volga’s voice, a sound that only caused Link to stiffen further.
“I’m not here for you, Volga.” A huff of laughter shook Volga’s shoulders, the sound closer to a scoff before he met Link's eyes. 
“Of course you’re not, I’m more than aware of my place in your eyes.” The words were flat, near empty, but Link could only grumble in confusion and impatience as he stepped closer.
“Then why are you here?”
“...I’m here to give you a warning, and to give you what you actually came here for.” Link stumbled back in shock, his tight grip on the master sword loosening the tiniest fraction before backing up further in distrust.
“A warning? From you?” 
“Any reason I give will be lost to you, as I know that you will not believe me no matter what I say. But, I will share one thing, whether or not you choose to listen.” Volga’s gaze deepened, sharpening with an emotion that Link couldn’t place.
“Cia does not care much for the whims of others, what she wants, she gets, and if she doesn’t? She’ll simply tear apart whoever dares to get in her way. I’m sure you’ve realized that.” A knowing glance met Link's eyes, causing a shiver to run down his skin as he raised the master sword threateningly.
“...None of that matters, not when you haven’t even given a reason to why you’re here.” 
“Leave your commander behind.”
Link's eyes darkened, sharpening into a fierce glare only illuminated by the dawning glow of the master sword that sung with a hum in his ears. A sneer split the tight frown that had drawn itself across his face, the glare only deepening further as Volga stared unflinchingly at the threatening gleam. 
“Leave her behind, go back, she’s not worth what waits for you beyond this point.” Volga’s words were blunt, unforgiving in their harshness as he did little more than fall back into silence at Link's growl of frustration.
“Is that what Cia told you to say, or is that from you alone?” Volga’s eyes narrowed dangerously, the low-light of fire dancing behind his teeth flashing to life for a brief moment before he bit back the fire with an amused huff.
“Of course, only the hero would be so difficult as to- no matter. Listen to me now, if you refuse to do anything else… despite our conflicts, our differences… I can’t help but admire your tenacity up to now.”
“Every battle, every war, everything I’ve thrown your way, you’ve lived. It almost makes me happy to see that you’ve survived long enough to be here beside me.” A humorless chuckle rumbled from Volga’s chest, his eyes quietly distant in a way that had Link slowly lowering the master sword. 
“It’s only because of these things that I tell you now, give up, swallow your own pride from between your teeth and return to your princess- tell her that you failed. Whatever waits for you from here is not worth it, this is the only warning I will give you.” 
“But… I believe you’re not listening to me, even now.” Something close to a defeated sigh escaped Volga’s lips, an incomprehensible emotion filling the sound that had Link staring in confusion. 
“From here is another corridor, go to the very end and there will be a single cell, where your commander has been wasting away. Travel the same way that you came, I can promise you that no monsters will come to harm you until you return to the surface.” 
Volga strode forward, the defeated tone that had filled his expression only moments before having been wiped away as he came to Link's side.
“This conversation never happened, for all Cia knows I am waiting at her command just beyond the fortresses walls. You are looking hopelessly for your commander and she will be left to die underground, this is what Cia believes.” Link felt the master sword fall to his side, his limbs numb with muted shock as Volga brought up a hand between them. The glimmer of a key shone in Volga’s outstretched palm, unassuming and dull, but Link felt his eyes widen at the sight of it.
“...I believe we’ll meet again, and perhaps you’ll understand me then.” Slowly, Link took the key into his own palms and stared into Volga’s silent gaze, the moment heavy with an emotion that Link couldn’t place. Link could only blink as Volga began to walk into the same corridor, barely sparing another glance back before disappearing into that familiar darkness. 
Curiosity ebbed at the anger that had flared to life, slowly dying until only the dull feeling of shock remained. Link shook his head, pushing down the urge to follow and instead focused before him, quickly pushing past the lone door and ignoring the deafening screech of iron. 
Unease curled around Link's chest, the slight hum of the master sword and his own breaths his only companions against the suffocating silence. Uneven stone sat beneath his feet, the echoing thud of his own rapid footsteps following him as he hurried into the darkness. 
Link didn’t allow himself to slow, going so far as to fasten his steps as the dim glow of the torchlight surrounding him illuminated the stone smoothing slightly beneath him. The torchlight glared against the darkness as he strayed to one of the many lights, lifting a careful hand as he brought it to his side and sheathed the master sword. 
The fire’s glow danced chaotically, each crackle throwing another shadow onto the walls as he continued forward with a determined step. Link swallowed down the doubt that stubbornly sat in his chest, Volga’s words only making the feeling all the more sharper until he shook himself with a frustrated huff.
Giving up was not an option, not now, not when he was so close.
How could he ever hope to meet Zelda’s eyes again when turning back meant accepting the inevitable look of disgust and betrayal in her gaze?
No, no.
He couldn’t, he wouldn’t dare.
How could he live with himself?
The echoing of his footsteps against the crumbling stone was his only answer, the silence near suffocating until the dull shine of iron glared back in the dim firelight. Iron bars stretched side to side of either wall as Link rushed forward, just barely remembering to place down the torch down only the stone before peering into the darkness. 
“...Impa?” Stale air swirled in the cramped room, the putrid scent near unbearable where the disgusting smell of long-rotted bones and flesh was trapped underneath the earth. Link barely paid it any mind, not when the shadows at the farthest edge of the cell shifted underneath the fire’s glow. 
The key burned at his palms as he forced it into the cell’s lock, etches of runes interwoven into the chains briefly burning a menacing purple glint before dimming. Link ignored the shiver of disgust at the feeling of magic curling around his fingers for the briefest of moments before the deafening metallic click of the lock echoed. The clatter of chains falling onto the stone floor pierced the silence, the sound shrill in Link ears as he stared worryingly onto the unmoving shadows.
The shadows stayed still as he pushed open the rusty cell door, the screech of iron against stone painfully loud as he shuffled closer, an uncomfortable, uneased emotion filling him at the silence. Link pushed down at his nerves, forcing his hands to still as he settled onto his knees and looked closer into the unflinching darkness.
“Impa? Is… is that you-” The silence lapsed as a rush of air and cold stone slammed onto his back, the dull throb of pain lighting across his skin as the sharp edge of a blade was pushed up against his neck. The air punched itself out of his lungs as Link seized forward, the edges of his fingertips just barely wrapping around the master’s sword hilt before a bruising grip slammed him back onto the stone floor. 
A snarl echoed from above him, the adrenaline in his veins alighting even brighter at the sound as he answered with a snarl of his own and kicked at the weight pushing the blade deeper. Link felt how the body hardly flinched, the realization bringing another frustrated snarl from him as he opened his eyes with a glare. 
Dirtied white hair and red eyes filled with rage stared down at him, the expression quickly shifting into one of pure hatred as Link stilled and gasped in pain at the blade digging deeper. A thin line of red ran down the muddied blade, the fragile skin of his throat splitting around the dull edge, but he hardly cared as Impa snarled louder above him.
“I don’t have any sort of patience left for you, why are you here again sorceress?” The blade pushed itself even deeper, the once thin line of red now bubbling thick droplets of blood down his skin. Link paused in his shock, the feeling melting away to confusion as he stared, completely dumbfounded as he forced himself to still completely under Impa’s dangerous glare.
“Impa, it’s me-”
“You’re awfully uncreative, for all that you love to gloat and mock me, you’re nothing but the same tricks, played again and again.” The blade dug deeper, the dull edge pulling against his neck as he leaned back from the blade in dawning horror. 
“Zelda, Zelda sent me- she refused to leave you behind, but couldn’t come to save you herself because she couldn’t abandon the piece of Hyrule we still have left. You were captured three months ago, you’re the top commander of the Hyrulean army, the right hand to Princess Zelda herself- and she asked me to rescue you when she couldn’t.” The words were quiet, frantic even as Link breathed against the dangerous edge of the blade and stared pleadingly up at Impa’s glare. 
Crimson eyes stared down in shock, the feeling of the edge against his skin lightening the tiniest amount before the expression passed and a fierce glare replaced it. Link could barely do anything more than gasp underneath Impa’s unflinching hold, the painful grip overlapping both of his wrists and the knee digging into his stomach close to bruising.
Link would not be surprised if he was already bruised, but it wouldn’t matter much if he was dead.
“Zelda refused to give up that you were still alive somewhere, and I- I couldn’t.” Link swallowed around the vulnerable tone that had entered his voice, something close to a mix of desperation, fear, and grief as he stared up at the dawning realization in Impa’s eyes. “...I’m sorry that I took so long.”
Heavy silence pushed down on Link's chest, each second tightening the knot of dread before the blade was fully pulled away and he was hastily pulled up to meet Impa’s disbelieving eyes.
“Is- is it actually you?” Impa’s bruising grip unlatched itself from Link's wrists, an ache already beginning to pulse to life as he sat up with a smile.
“Yes, I promise you.” A surprised gasp tore itself from Impa’s lips, the sound shaky and uneven as she stared forward in shock. Quiet seconds passed, the silence more solemn as Link watched the anger drain from her limbs and the muted shuffle as she stumbled to her feet. 
Link rushed to her side, easily throwing one of her arms around him before beginning to stand. Impa stood shakily, drawing in a harsh gasp of pain as she leaned against his side.
“I can walk, just, just give me a moment.” A deep, exhausted sigh escaped Impa before her eyes flared with determination, settling onto her own feet as she stumbled and reached down for the abandoned torch. Shadows threw themselves wildly across the tight walls, the dim glow just barely illuminating the sheer amount of blood and filth that the both of them were covered in.
“...Zelda, is she okay?”
“Reckless, but okay. She’s as safe as she’s allowed herself to be.” An amused huff left Impa as Link settled by her side, beginning a slow pace back through the corridor. 
“Of course, why am I surprised? I shouldn’t be, and yet.” A displeased frown twisted her expression, her gaze dark in thought as she glanced at the flickering shadows.”She’s nearly torn herself apart over me, hasn’t she?” Link didn’t reply as Impa looked down at him, a despairing gleam to her eyes that flickered in and out of sight from the fire’s glow.
Silence fell once more before Impa forced herself to stand alone, heaving a deep breath before she stalked through the winding corridor and Link followed close behind. The crackle of fire was the only thing that accompanied them as Impa fell into a pensive silence, even still, Link kept close every time she stumbled or gasped in pain. 
Neither dared to utter a word of the countless injuries that lay hidden underneath the thick layer of grim, or of the uncontrollable shake to her limbs as a pained gasp whistled through her teeth. Link more than understood the impulse to worry at wounds alone, and how such unwanted attention would only make the feeling of weakness pervade your thoughts. 
Link kept quiet as they walked through the final corridor, the door screeching before falling silent behind them. The smell of death poisoned the air as the sound of their footsteps echoed, the twist of Impa’s frown deepening as she slowed and stared into the countless cells surrounding them. 
“The smell is worse now.” Link only allowed himself to hum in acknowledgement, the stench of rot and decay already biting at the back of his heels as he walked past her. Impa’s eyes darkened, straightening with a hiss as she gazed past the dirtied iron bars.
“Do you know who are in those cells?”
“Better that you don’t, traitors don’t deserve to be remembered.” 
Contempt colored Impa’s frown just as the taste of grief soured Link’s tongue, something close to a dull ache beginning to beat against his chest as he refused to look into the darkness. The dull gleam of armor shimmered just barely from the torches flow, the silverish sheen covered with a thin veil of blood just enough for an agonized expression to overwhelm him. The screech of iron against stone drowned out the feeling as Impa pulled open the final door and passed through without another word, sparing only a glance back as Link followed. 
The ascending staircase climbed into the darkness above, barely broken by the flickering glow as Link approached Impa’s side, drawing her arm around him as another pained groan escaped her. Each step echoed piercingly, the master sword a heavy weight on his back as the staircase slowly ascended around them. Link pointedly ignored the feeling of blood on his hands and the sheen of sweat rapidly appearing on Impa’s face, but she persisted forward and he didn’t dare to slow.
If anything, Impa would start dragging him along, the thought brings with it a slight smile that warms him despite the scent of rot pervading the air. 
The top of the staircase arrives both faster and slower than Link could’ve ever expected, the low screech of iron fracturing the silence as the first glimmer of light shone through the cracked door. The deafening sound echoed through the empty keep, a final squeal of iron against stone before the silence returned. Link grimaced at the heavy intake of breath by his side, the sound desperate as Impa harshly coughed and leaned away from him.
Link let her go, slowly unlatching his hand from around her as she took a stumbling step forward, and then another, before taking a shuddering breath and glancing back at Link’s worried gaze.
“I’m fine, we must continue. Where’s the princess?” The cool, calculated edge had returned to Impa’s voice, a tone that had Link straightening on instinct with an affirmative sound.
“They’re right by the fortresses gates, Zelda and Lana both should be waiting for us there-” Impa paused, her gaze flickering back to the keep’s entrance as she fell silent. Link quietened, the silence echoing with only the sound of their own voices reverberating through the countless halls and keeps before he felt it. 
The ground was shaking.
A threatening rumble groaned dangerously through the air, the land itself shaking more and more violently by the moment as Link rushed to Impa’s side. The floor rumbled roughly below them, the sound resembling something closer to a growl as the taste of magic filled the air and pressed onto their sides. 
Link breathed in the taste of ash, the weight of the master sword an ever burning weight on his back as adrenaline pulsed sharply with the whisper of squeals and roars filling the fortresses' halls. Echoes of monsters reverberated off the enchanted walls, the once dim, quiet wisps of magic lining the fortress thickening into a purple haze that pulsed with the approaching roar of battle. 
Link could almost taste the blood that would be quick to fill the air, hylian and monster alike, all of it mixing together until he could just barely push against the panic breathing to life. Impa stood by his side, heaving a single breath before collapsing against the ash-stained wall of the keep. Underneath the several burnt out torches that lined the wall, Link couldn’t help the worried stare at the sheer amount of wounds littering her skin and the limp she couldn’t quite hide.
Sweat mixed with the dried blood staining Impa’s temple as she gritted her teeth against the low, pained sound forcing itself inbetween her teeth. Link glanced down at one of his many pouches, just barely beginning to rustle around them before Impa spoke up. 
“Don’t bother, a potion won’t help much for this many injuries- I’ll be fine until we find Zelda, I refuse to stop until then.” Impa’s eyes burned into Link’s, a fierce determination burning within them as he hesitated before nodding, regretfully putting away the single lone potion that he had left.
“We’ll need to cut through to the closest entrance and return to our men, then we’ll regroup and begin to focus on fighting back against the hoard-” Magic crackled through the air, the sound shrill as the air seemed to still for a terrifying moment, the rush of air echoing as the earth cracked beneath them.
Link hardly thought before he harshly pulled Impa back, pushing the shield in front of the both of them as the magic splintered the stone along the crack. Purple magic began to bleed from the fractured earth, bubbling dangerously before their shocked expressions.
“She’s tearing the fortress apart, she’s destroying everything.” Impa’s voice was deceivingly even, even as the chasm began to eat away at the ground below. Link was grateful how the shield hid his face from view from her, just so she couldn’t see the dawning horror over his face.
“Cia has to be somewhere in here, but there’s no time left for that. We have to leave, now!” Impa spun, pulling Link to her side before running past the crumbling chasm, the floor beneath lurching dangerously before falling away the moment they passed. Ash weaved itself throughout the air as they sprinted through the countless halls, only pausing for Link to mercilessly cut down another monster before continuing.
Fresh blood began to spill down the master sword, the blackened gore of the monster’s guts already beginning to seep inbetween his fingers and stain the hilt. Link refused to ponder on the sensation, instead cutting down another monster that strayed too close. Impa lingered by his side, gasping in pain and clutching her side for a brief moment before continuing to run.
Link glanced anxiously at the magic that had begun to seep through the very walls of the fortress, the once ancient, chipped stone now glowing a bright, encompassing purple. Monsters began to trickle into the halls, each one daring to glance their way before being cut down as Impa placed a solid hand onto his shoulder. 
“There has to be a keep nearby, this fortress won’t survive whatever it is that Cia is planning.” Link knew what Impa had said was true as the walls began to fracture before their eyes, cracks of an otherworldly magic spilling from inbetween the decaying stone. Two sets of  hurried footsteps joined alongside the harsh echoes of monsters being dragged back to life, the sound piercing and encompassing until Link saw it.
The faintest glimmer of daylight.
Impa pulled Link behind her, falling back beside one of the crumbling walls as they watched countless monsters trudge through the keep’s exit. Their lumbering sounds echoed menacingly off the walls before disappearing into the valley below. Impa’s expression twisted further at the sight, a grim frown drawing itself tightly across her face before kneeling forward with a gasp of pain. Link kneeled beside her, his eyes frantically moving from meeting her gaze to nervously staring down the corridor that was blessedly empty.
For now, that was.
“Damn Cia, damn this war, damn my body- how can I expect to return and protect the princess when I’m this weak.” The pain had etched itself into the tense line of her shoulders, the constant agony weighing down her injured limbs until she could only growl in frustration. 
“I’ll take care of the monsters, just stay here and I’ll get you back to her. I promise.” An exhausted glare drifted onto Link, a considering gleam lingering in her gaze before she breathed an amused sigh.
“A promise? Hm, Zelda was right, you are the noble type.” Link couldn’t help the embarrassed blush at her tease, the light pink dusting his face bringing a slight chuckle to Impa as she rose with a pained smile.
“But promise or not, you’ll have to be the one who deals with that hoard. Can you handle that by yourself?” A challenging glint burned in Impa’s gaze, the smile turning into a smirk as Link nodded, the blush disappearing as his eyes sharpened. The low hum of the master sword glowed alight, the soft blue hue contrasting harshly against the blinding purple bleeding from all around them.
The air whistled as Link rushed forward, the echoing snarl of monsters reaching a deafening pitch as the master sword began to slice through flesh and bone alike, cutting a bloody path as he plunged the sword into the snarling fray of monsters. Link could almost swear that the master sword sang in his hands, humming along with the adrenaline in his veins while slashing through the gore surrounding him. Impa’s gaze was a heavy one, calculating and sharp as she watched his every move and as he thrusted the master sword into the guts of the keep’s captain.
The monster gave a disgusting gurgle, a watery hiss through its own blood and its own final groan of death before slipping back onto the blood-soaked ground. Link stumbled, just barely catching his own feet from under him before Impa’s steady presence approached from the keep’s entrance. 
“You did well, now, it’s time to go-” The crack of magic splintered in the air, the sound sharp as Link grimaced at the high-pitched whine of the keep’s walls beginning to buckle. Purple wisps of magic spilled from every crack of the walls, the air itself crying out as the howls of monsters began to fill the air once more. 
Blackened smoke swirled thickly, the mangled bodies of monsters still littered at their feet collapsing into ash and melting back into the darkening cloud. The familiar hiss of monsters began to surround them, the smoke beginning to cut off near every sliver of sunlight as they watched in horrified shock.
“Again? So soon? How- she’s never been capable of this before.” The muttered words spilled from Impa, so quiet that Link could only just barely hear from where he stood by her side. 
Link felt the brush of monsters forming by their side, and stared at Impa.
There was a promise that he was entrusted to keep, and he couldn’t live with himself if he failed.
A slight shake had begun in his hands, the panic and fear rushing up to his tightening throat and shuddering against the sharp, painful throb settling in his chest. Link spun, pushing the feeling down just enough to meet her eyes.
The faintest glimmer of sunlight still shone through the darkening cloud as Link forced the master sword and shield into Impa’s arms and ignored the stunned look that she gave.
“Take these, use every ounce of strength you have left and go to the front gate. Lana should still be waiting there, tell her that I made this decision because… Hyrule needs you, Zelda needs you.” 
Link was careful to keep his face blank as Impa’s sharp inhale echoed in the small space between them, the sound nearly drowned out by the growling of monsters swirling to life around them. The black haze thickened further, with flickering eyes full of senseless malice and bloodlust. But Link didn’t bother to spare them a glance, not as he stared unflinchingly into Impa’s stunned gaze. 
“I’ll distract them and give you just enough time to reach them, but you have to go now .” An anguished expression overtook Impa as she stepped away, her eyes darkening as she glanced at the monsters being reborn around them. 
“I will go, under one condition. I expect to see you alive after this.” 
The haze of fear lifted for the slightest of moments, enough for Link to feel a surprised laugh force itself from inbetween his teeth before he could stop it. A paralyzing moment followed the sound as he felt the order bleed and sink into his skin, tearing his eyes away from Impa’s glare pinned him.
“Survive. You’ve done it before and I must ask that you do it again by my command, I demand this from you.” Impa’s glare burned along his skin, a violent blaze of desperation and fury that made the air in his chest rattle under the intensity of her stare. 
“...I understand, commander.” 
The growling had begun to reach a deafening pitch, gnarled, twisted limbs that began to twitch with life as Impa started to walk backwards on unsteady legs. The black haze thickened as he watched her turn, the glimmer of the master sword only just shining above the darkness.
“-Wait!” Impa sharply turned, the faint edge of worry lingering in her gaze as she stared at Link who rushed to her side. 
“Please, take this, if anything happens from here- just break it and Lana will come to your aid. If I can’t be by your side, I can just hope that this will be enough.” Link’s voice fell into a whisper as he placed the blue crystal into Impa’s hand, dutifully ignoring her gaze as he ran deeper into the keep.
“Please, go, just go- I can buy you just enough time, but you have to go now .” Desperation wrapped itself around Link’s throat with the edge of fear just beginning to drag itself down the length of his back with a sharp, keen eye. Link’s hands shook as he watched Impa pause, something unreadable flashing to life within her eyes before she turned with a pained noise and ran through the keep’s doors. 
Purple wisps of magic hissed through the air as the faint glimmer of light that had managed to bleed past the wall of darkness died all at once, and he found himself surrounded by shadows. All at once, the air itself snapped underneath the pressure of the countless monsters growling to life, their deafening growls pausing as their gazes fell onto him. Link sprinted back, their enraged howls of malice following him as he retreated deeper into the fortresses’ countless halls.
The threatening growls of monsters hissed to life with every step that he took, bony limbs, disgusting viscera piecing itself back together from the fortresses floor, all of it, every single sound sunk itself into his skin. Link hurried faster, the desperation of his own footsteps burning brighter, louder even, as the deafening crash of a hoard raced at his heels. Purple wisps of magic clogged the air, the sight of the walls cracking and crumbling beneath the sheer amount of magic sending another bolt of fear through him as he raced forward. 
The sound of claws and nails tearing at the stone floor echoed sharply behind him as the vague shape of a staircase emerged from the smoke and Link threw himself over the railing with a heaved breath. The stone crumbled with every step as he raced forward, the scrap of claws ghosting the tip of his heels as the hoard followed with a furious howl. 
Link drew in a desperate breath, glancing up just in time for the faint glimmer of light to catch his eye from the sliver of a doorway that sat just before his gaze. The heavy door flew open as Link crashed into it with a pained hiss, his shoulder screaming in protest at the action before slinging the door shut with a deafening click.
The thunderous boom of several bodies crashed into the door moments later, the iron door waning painfully underneath the onslaught of monsters and their frenzied screeches. The door groaned, but stood firm, the dull echo of the monsters trapped within howling pitifully as Link took a stumbled step back. 
A sudden breeze drifted over his skin as he stilled, slowly turning and stumbling forward as he emerged onto the top of the fortress. The red expanse of the sky glared down at him, the sudden darkness lingering on its horizon plunging the knot of dread deeper into his stomach as he dragged his gaze downwards.
The howl of monsters ringed deafeningly through the valley, the familiar wisps of purple magic filling the land below as the clash of iron quickly began to accompany the horrid chorus. The sight burned itself behind Link’s eyes, the sounds of war raging even louder as a horrified stare washed over him.
Magic choked the valley, saturating the air with a visceral bloodlust that carried the vile taste of death along with it.
It wasn’t the scent of death that made the anguish twist even tighter in his chest.
It was the taste of blood in the air that nearly dragged a sob from inbetween his teeth as he snapped his gaze to the very top of the fortress. 
The air seemed to pulse, but startlingly, the ground seemed to calm as he raced up the final set of stairs and ignored the fastening beat of his own heart. Fear clogged Link’s throat, but he stubbornly swallowed past it, just enough for him to set a determined glare onto the sight before him. 
The thud of his own footsteps followed him as he gagged at the putrid scent practically saturating the air, the heavy, unearthly taste of dark magic swirling within it and curling around his limbs. The magic tightened and Link couldn’t help the nauseating taste of horror that seared itself onto his expression as he wretched his limbs from its grasp. A purple haze descended, pulsing to life with a hum that drove every single one of his nerves to the absolute edge. Link forced himself to continue forward, not trusting himself to even spare a glance behind his own back.
Link knew that the sight of the only exit being enshrouded in the very same magic that he had come to fear and hate in equal respects would shake the vestiges of courage he had left.
He walked, the dull echo of the fortress falling apart from under him melting away, along with the last few rays of light that had managed to follow him.
Decayed stone sat undisturbed by his feet, each step of his echoing louder than the last until a flicker of blinding light cut through the haze. Link carefully walked forward, the purple haze seeming to shadow his step until the flicker of light grew into a blazing fury. Dark magic swirled tightly in a never ending spiral, the vibrant hues of purple circling alongside it as well as the unreadable runes that shimmered along its edges.
Link took another step forward, just barely withholding the gasp of surprise at the first pulse of power that practically shook the air around it. Complete darkness sat in the very middle of the swirling portal, blindingly pulsing with untamed, violent magic that clashed with the very air itself as it shuddered beneath it. 
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? True beauty, unlike anything the goddesses would ever dare to create, unlike me, of course.” 
Fear was the first thing Link felt above all else.
The kind of fear that he felt for the first time when he went onto a battlefield, in the midst of true war. No amount of training or diligence is enough to ever prepare you for that first consuming rush of fear that runs itself through you just as cleanly as any sword. The fear that ties your feet to the earth and pushes out every thought of grander or salvation in the face of absolute carnage.
The kind of fear that you never forget and never wish to feel again once you grace the battleground for the second time, limbs and swords already seasoned with the blood of enemies and blood alike.
Link recognized that same fear as Cia’s voice emerged from the purple haze of magic, somehow darkening the air around them even further as she approached with a pleased smile.
“It’s my own creation, but I’ve taken some inspiration from a time eons before you. So long ago but I still remember it so well, just as I remembered you despite all those thousands of years that separated us.” Cia’s gaze was a heavy thing, deceivingly light but he could feel the absolute crushing weight of her focus encircling him, pinning him to the ground where he stood.
“Ah, you look even more beautiful here, somehow. I should be envious, but how could I be? Not when my dear hero is finally here to grace me with his undivided attention.” Link’s face twisted into a sneer as he stepped back from her and the ominous glow that still burned along his back, bathing the both of them in that purplish glare.
“How sweet of you to remember my name.”
Link’s sneer deepened at the sadistic twitch curling at the edge of her lips, an unrepentant glee written into her expression as he forced himself to stand silently. Cia hummed, a pleased note entering her voice as purple wisps of magic swirled playfully around her fingertips and blocked out the last glint of sunlight that streamed onto them. Impossibly, the tightening space between them grew even darker, until he could only feel the unnatural, terrifying warmth of the portal stretching over his back.
His back felt painfully bare and his hands twitched around the open air, the grounding weight of his shield gone and the unyielding force that was the master sword long since vanished. It was a nauseating weightlessness that dulled the threatening sneer on his lips, the anger slipping through his fingers the longer that he stared at Cia. An intimately familiar feeling of helplessness rushed over the length of his body and told him to do the unthinkable.
To run.
Just run, however far he could.
Link swallowed down the bitter, revolting taste of his own fear that was rapidly melting away at the bare semblance of courage that he had held onto all this time. The dim, faraway feeling of a comforting light stretched over his palm, the golden light of the triforce shimmering brilliantly through the suffocating cloud of magic.
Cia’s eyes flickered down at the sight, the calculating weight of her stare dragging a hiss of anger from inbetween his teeth as he held his hand closer to his chest. Like countless times before, the golden light attempted to sooth him, but not even the fear fractured beneath its startling strength.
Link dug his nails into the fragile flesh of his arm, willing the pain to drag him back down to reality as Cia took another step forward.
“But… Despite how happy it makes me to finally have you here, all to myself as you’ve so graciously gifted me. There are other things that must be discussed, such as how you’ve made things so, so much more difficult than they ever had to be.”
”Difficult? Difficult ? You’ve killed thousands, Cia, you destroyed Hyrule-”
“All of what I’ve done could’ve been avoided if you had simply done what was expected of you. The war, all of the death, what purpose was it all for? When you’ve known this whole time how to stop everything, how to stop me.” A cruel, pitying smile drew itself across Cia’s lips, the steady gleam of the specter gleaming threateningly in her hands as the hilt was slammed into the ground with a deafening ring. 
“If I’m to blame, then so are you for never handing yourself over sooner. All of your fighting, your pitiful attempts at refusing me- none of them ever mattered! Because here you are, finally.” Cia laughed, a deceivingly innocent sound despite the cruel words pushing themselves further and further into his chest. Cia’s laughter trailed off, falling back into pleased silence as her eyes took on a depraved gleam at his horrified stare.
“I- I never wanted this! I never wanted you! I didn’t ask for a war to begin in my name! I never wanted thousands to die and for Hyrule to suffer because of me!” The anger, the desperation, Link felt all of it as he screamed out the words and ignored the terror scratching away at his chest. 
The damning weight of his words weighed crushingly onto the steadily tightening space between them, the silence painfully thick until he felt the tight grip of Cia’s hand digging into the bones of his jaw.
“But it doesn’t matter what you want, doesn’t it? Such a poor excuse of a hero, so scared, so selfish… so unbecoming of their blessing.” A sneer marred Cia’s face, her eyes far away and distant for a moment before Link wretched himself from her grasp. Lines of blood ran down his face, the blood bubbling to the surface bright red against the dirt and grime that covered his skin. 
Link stared at the blood that filled Cia’s nails, the blood that was steadily dripping onto her dark skin and pooling onto her palm as he gasped and stumbled back. A deafening silence filled the air, somehow even more terrifying than the war that raged below, but he felt the furious glare that burned along his skin. 
A sharp, blinding pain enveloped his knees, the world beneath him falling for a brief moment before his knees slammed onto the unforgiving stone. Link couldn’t hide the pained whimper as he felt his bones crack against the ground, another few droplets of blood further staining his tunic as the air punched itself from his lungs. Bright pain scratched down his face as Cia’s bruising grip once again tightened around his jaw, but now he could only shiver against the sensation of his teeth grinding together.
“Those goddesses who have damned you, have damned me, and have abandoned us both… the very same goddesses that demanded for fate to eventually bring you to me. I could even thank them!” A scorned growl fell from Cia’s lips, the once mocking display of pity having long since vanished and instead was filled with contempt.
“I won’t, I would never dare bend my knee to them, not again. But… even if you are just a shadow of a hero, you’re my hero.” Link tried desperately to pull his face away from Cia’s grasp, but her nails dug into the fresh wounds lining his face, forcing more blood to bubble around her fingertips.
“No. Just kill me and end this, if that’s what it’ll take for you to stop.”
Images of Cia’s specter caked in the viscera and gore of his own battered body flashed behind his eyes, the phantom sound of his bones shattering underneath her heels roaring below the rush of blood filling his ears. The taste of death had long since stained his tongue as the grip around his jaw tightened impossibly further.
Link grimaced against the feeling of Cia’s nails piercing his skin and digging deeper into his flesh, the once droplets now turned to rivulets as blood stained her palm. The steady drip of his own blood onto the stone floor below him echoed in the suffocating silence as the ache of his body fell away as he waited for death.
Link ignored the tiny, selfish part of him that was happy to die if it meant he could be free.
The war, the goddesses themselves, fate, all of the pain and suffering that surrounded him- all of it, just enough to make it all stop . 
The familiar golden light of the triforce burned brighter just at the very edge of his slitted eyes, but he didn’t bother to grace the sight as his eyes fluttered shut.
If he could ask Hylia herself for a single blessing, it would be that he would never again have to see his own reflection in the shine of Cia’s eyes.
The oppressive silence sat heavily in the air, as only the slight crackling of magic weaved itself through the thick haze that surrounded them and blocked out the world from sight. Link breathed, willing his hands to not shake as her eyes became blank, the anger that had filled them only moments before disappearing in an instant. 
“Is that why you surrendered yourself to me? You intend to make yourself a sacrifice, all for that pitiful excuse of a princess and kingdom.” Link’s eyes gained a dangerous edge as he glared into her, a familiar anger burning at the back of his throat as he snarled.
“ Yes .” 
An unidentifiable, strange emotion filled Cia’s gaze as she hummed, an eerie tune splitting the silence between them as she met his furious glare. Link couldn’t help the shiver of unease at the feeling of magic weaving itself over his limbs, the once misty, purple haze that now threatened to choke him where he kneeled on the ground. 
Power pulsed chaotically in the air, the strange glow steadily growing until it shone brightly enough to illuminate the cruel edge of her smile. A heavy click echoed off the stone floor, the heavy air moving around the sound as he drew his eyes upwards to the sight. 
Cia’s specter glinted dangerously in the air, the gleam of the purple crystal adorning it not enough to distract him from how she further, and further, rose it onto a high arc above her head.
Part of him wanted to look away.
Part of him doesn’t.
The phantom crunch of his own skull giving way underneath Cia’s hand almost drowns out the sound of the magic surrounding them reaching a fevered, desperate pitch.
He doesn’t look away.
The breath that had stilled in his chest gives way as a blast of pure dark magic rushes past his shoulder, the air itself echoing around him. Link released the fearful breath from his lungs, the harsh clack of his own teeth ringing in his ears as he swallowed down the nauseating rush of adrenaline. A sharp shudder ran itself down the length of his spine, another breath pulling itself from inbetween his teeth as the magic began to curl around him with a terrifying gentleness. 
Link harshly flinched against the sensation, the slow, creeping magic over his limbs washing over him that was only deafened by the sudden clasp of Cia’s hands on his face. The feeling of nails digging into his flesh had disappeared, but the fond look that had instead taken its place only made the heavy feeling of pure dread sink deeper into his chest. 
“Perhaps… I had spoken too harshly, I hope you can forgive me for my carelessness. Such a selfless hero you are, so noble… How could I ever kill you? My dear hero, do you really think so low of me?”
“You have slaughtered thousands-”
“But, none of them have been you .”
Any words Link had died on his tongue, the color draining from his face as Cia glanced at the wounds still littering his face with a mock, pitying hum.
“I don’t believe you understand me, none of them matter, none. What do they really matter when this is all simply at the goddesses whims? Any blood I’ve split is child’s play compared to the consequences of their actions, so yes, I don’t much care about them .”
“But you…”
Cia’s hands were tender, affectionate even, the bruising grip that had grinded his teeth together only moments ago having been traded for a loving touch. Link felt pure nausea burn at the back of his throat, the soft touch somehow even more disturbing as he saw his own blood further stain her hands. He couldn’t imagine the sight that he made as he sat at her feet.
The sight of a hero kneeling into a pool of his own blood, defenseless and beaten.
“Oh, how sad is it that they doomed you into trying to fix the problem that they created? Doesn’t it make you angry? Thousands of years, so many lives, and yet you’re still here!” Link’s eyes squinted in confusion, the feeling only just briefly distracting him from the pure dread and horror pooling in his stomach. Cia’s eyes became distant, pensive as a glimmer of something pained flashed and disappeared just as quickly.
“...Cia, what are you talking about-”
“A hero in every era, a hero for Hyrule, a hero for the goddess reborn, a hero against all of the odds- a hero for the world itself.”
“...But, never one for me .”
The magic behind Link’s back burned brighter, so close to blinding that the golden light of the triforce had begun to be drowned out by the purple glare. Something dangerous hissed into the open air, a growl made of malice and darkness as it retched itself from the portal and spilled onto the earth below. The howling of monsters reached a shrill cacophony, an ear-splitting sound that breached even the thickening purple haze around them. Link felt the dread dig its claws down into his back, the squeal of monsters roaring even louder above the clash of iron that echoed through the valley.
He didn’t dwell on the consequences of ripping his face from Cia’s hands, ignoring the sight of his own blood as he moved to place his legs under him-
And couldn’t move.
“I don’t believe you realize just how long I’ve waited for this exact moment, so much time, so much patience, and now it’s finally here- do you understand? You will, I’ll make you understand if that’s what it takes.”
Link willed his limbs to move, each second passing by slower than the last as the roar of battle rang in his ears and the hum of magic became piercing. Darkness enveloped the sky as Cia watched him struggle with a keen, amused smile, the expression only growing as her magic grew heavier, more solid where it had begun to properly wrap itself around his limbs.
“Cia- Cia, please, don’t hurt them- this isn’t about them, it’s me that you want, right? Just let them go, please-”
“You and I both know that I can’t do that. But, you don’t need to worry about them anymore.” The world sharply tilted, the air punching itself out of his lungs as the magic all-together tightened and dragged him across the ground. Link willed himself to fight, kicking against the rubble that littered the floor and struggling with a frustrated, pained growl against the unflinching hold that binded him. 
The warm glow of the portal flickered over his back, the feeling of dark magic licking up his sides bringing the vile taste of terror back onto his tongue as he began to shake. The distant sounds of war were drowned out by Cia’s steady approach, the loud click of heels against stone ringing in his ears as he hopelessly fought beneath her gaze.
“What are you doing- Cia, stop, please .”
Cia didn’t answer, and neither did the deafening roar of magic allow him the solace of silence as he felt how the portal finally reached out, retching him backwards with a final, merciless tug.
Darkness swirled in Link’s vision, the light dimming until all-together dying as the last glimmer of Cia’s figure disappeared from sight. A panicked gasp of breath from his own chest died as the last glimpse of the world fell away underneath the flickering abyss that awaited him and his rapid, agonized heartbeat. 
A complete darkness rushed around him, the burn of an unwelcomed sleep forcing itself behind his eyes as he felt his gaze flicker shut.
And he fell.
War roared in Lana’s ears, the horrid mix of gore spilling onto the ground, the sickening clash of iron against flesh, and the sounds of the dead and dying melded together into a horrific cacophony around her. The battlefield roared before her gaze, the brilliant, bright hue of her own magic razing the battered ground as another wave of monsters were crushed underneath her hand. 
Lana cursed, the sound brittle and sharp even to her own ears as the pull of magic sunk into her very core and throbbed painfully with her stuttering heartbeat. Pinpricks of agony vibrated underneath her skin as she bared her teeth against the feeling and tore through the nearest body, withholding a whimper at the sensation of bones breaking underneath her hand.
The taste of defeat had already begun to poison her tongue as true despair washed over her as she stared over the battleground. Her gaze broke away as the sheer number of monsters steadily grew, a steady wave of darkness that was quickly choking the valley. 
Perhaps, if Link and Impa were by their sides, they could survive. 
Lana looked to the fortresses gate with an undisguised plea lingering on her lips as the space beyond those iron bars stayed traitorously empty.
The goddesses had seemed to ignore her pleas.
“Princess- Princess! We must fall back, we’ll be slaughtered if we dare to stay here a moment longer!” The resounding screech of one of the captains filled the air as they emerged from the growing crowd of blood, iron, and misery, with streaks of viscera covering their armor. The clash of iron echoed as frantic eyes begged into Zelda’s own, who somehow still looked ethereal covered in the blood of her people.
“Cut a path through the south! The east and west keeps are unsalvageable, take our remaining men and move through the heart of the valley!” Gore stained the holy rapier clutched in Zelda’s white-knuckeled palms, but even now, the triforce gleamed brightly before Lana’s gaze.
The traitorish thought rushed up to her before she could stop it, the thought that she felt completely and truly alone at that moment.
The last symbol of the goddesses glowed bright in the middle of a damned battlefield and Lana could feel with an aching certainty that the goddesses had abandoned them.
“We don’t have enough men for such an aggressive frontal assault! Our only hope is to cut through the fortress itself and attempt to escape through the valley’s north entrance-”
“Cia waits for us within the fortress, not salvation! The north entrance is not an option, captain, I will lead the offense and our men-”
The earth roared beneath their feet, another tremor bringing Lana to her knees before she hastily pulled herself up and ran to Zelda’s side.
“Zelda! Let me go after Cia, I’ll make her stop all of this-”
“I’ve already listened to you once today, Lana! I don’t intend to make such a mistake again now that they’re both gone thanks to you!” Fury burned in Zelda’s voice, a pure, unflinching grief that filled the grim line of her shoulders as she glared into Lana’s eyes. Lana bit at the inside of her mouth, the taste of copper barely sullying the grief filling her chest as she felt herself crack underneath Zelda’s unrepentant glare.
“They’re still in there! I know they are! If you just let me search for them and confront Cia, I can-” Lana paused, her voice trailing off into silence as she peered past Zelda’s furious expression. The faint glimmer of blue shined through the suffocating haze, the magic within it staining the air a vibrant, menacing purple.
All except for the flicker of blue that shone like a beacon through the fortresses gates.
Lana rushed forward, crackles of her own magic following her as she ran up the fortresses steps and stared through the thickening purple haze. The faint, warm glitter of her own magic sung through the mist, a comforting brush against her very core as the gate began to burn beneath her hands and the violent glare of blue burned to life. 
Magic wrapped itself around her arms, the shrill sound of the gate roaring over the sound of death for a deafening moment as she gritted her teeth against the sound and pushed forward. The iron twisted itself from her palms as an ear-splitting screech echoed before the silence lingered, and all-together crashed forward into a mound of twisted iron and magic.
The faint blue light shined through the smoke, before rushing forward. 
Lana was ashamed of herself to admit that her gaze fell to Impa’s side first and not Impa herself. 
Impa stumbled forward, and the very next thing that Lana noticed is that she should not be able to walk, or be clutching the bloodied hilt of the master sword itself.
The master sword does not hum and Lana doesn’t have time to address the glaring absence slowly growing at Impa’s side as Zelda rushes past her. The sob that escapes Zelda is one that breathes of misery and relief as they fall into each other’s arms, wrapping around each other with a desperate ferocity. Neither seemed to care of the amount of grim and blood that the other is covered in as they met for a consuming kiss before breaking away with a gasp.
“You’re alive! Thank the goddesses above, you’re alive . I- wait, where’s-”
“Link is still in the fortress, but there’s just enough time. We need to push back at Cia’s siege and regain our hold just far enough to rescue him-”
The rumble that fills the air feels deeper, threatening, something truly dangerous as Lana felt her gaze snap onto the darkening horizon and the fortresses shadow that stretched beyond it. The vile taste of dark magic poisoned the air, the weight of it pushing down onto her shoulders as the sheer darkness weaved and circled the peak of the skies horizon, bathing the land below in a crimson hue.
 For a paralyzing moment, she could swear that she felt Cia’s glare from the heavens above.
And then the sky erupted.
A pillar of light screeched through the valley itself, climbing further, and further, into the dull crimson of the sky above before disappearing from sight. Magic pulsed through the air, the deafening chorus of soldiers and monsters alike being bathed in that same suffocating hue that Lana recognized so well as she gazed up in horror. A moment of paralyzing silence followed the sight, before the sheer, consuming wall of darkness shot down from the skies above and seized the earth.
A violent pulse of energy tore a gasp from Lana’s lips as she spun to her side and looked to the set of horrified gazes so similar to her own. Zelda and Impa stared at the approaching wall of darkness, their faces painted in all the shades of terror and that crimson glow that bled onto the ground.
The earth seized from under them, cracking and splitting apart underneath the pillar of magic as the land was physically torn apart from under it. 
“Impa! Zelda! Gather around me!” Lana’s magic rushed to her palms without another thought, the very air itself seeming to wave and shift violently underneath the crushing wave of power rushing towards them. The barrier weaves itself from her fingers and envelops them just as the world outside goes completely, utterly dark.
Lana seizes, but she refuses to break, not here, not now. Not when the very essence of Cia’s magic instantly kills hundreds beyond a shadow of a second, not when she can feel how the land dies at Cia’s very touch.
But, Lana can feel how the terror wraps itself around her chest when she feels time itself bend to Cia’s command.
The cry that rips from her throat is drowned out by the deafening roar of time itself tearing apart at the very seams, every fragile strand caught, twisted, and torn . The tremble of the earth itself shuddered beneath her palms, her knuckles whitening as the harsh sob caught in her throat as she fell to her knees in defeat. 
Lana could only will a single thought. 
Cia, what have you done?
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asweetprologue · 9 months
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did you guys know that octoroks appear in every zelda title except Twilight Princess
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spooksier · 4 months
relistening to tma and losing my mind more with each episode. anyways. today we're talking about how there are three characters in the show who are meant to be/groomed to be "the chosen one" for some specific purpose (agnes for the lightless flame, gerry to carry on some esoteric bloodline, jon for the watcher's crown/the web's escape plan) and all three of them have that running theme of being completely powerless in every aspect of their lives despite being made to be something powerful. we never get agnes' own perspective on her own life, gerry dies and is kept in limbo for *years*, and jon is marked to be the antichrist from age 8, like all of them were used as tools rather than people and if you couple that with all three at some point expressing that their fantasy is to live a normal life and be a normal person but they were trapped by divinity......fucked up if true
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la-sera · 4 days
Warning: Blood
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Hyrule is used to seeing wounds and blood but panics 1000 times more when he sees his own blood.
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cursedlinkeduniverse · 8 months
back with my shitposts
warning: very loud so make sure to turn down your volume. like by a lot lol
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lunawolfiefoxy · 27 days
Because of a funny "Christian Curse words" video, have a mini headcanon
When Twilight gets upset, he'll shout "Son of a motherless goat" just loud enough that all the boys know.
Once, Wind got in trouble for cursing so much, so the next day, Legend, while looking Time in the eye, said smugly "I call bullshavict on that"
Sky got really upset once and Legend was getting in his face shouting "say fuck! Say fuck!" And Sky went and said "ffffffffffffartknocker!"
Wild got upset once and said in a passive aggressive voice "May Hylia bless your heart."
Four has before shouted out of excitement "Shut the front door!" Before rushing off to who knows where.
Hyrule was adventuring outside of the path and was caught by Warriors. Once he was caught, Hyrule shouted "You mangy bog rat!"
Warriors, anytime someone does something stupid, he glares at the person and mutters "May Bokoblins invade your space and stab you in a non vital place."
Wind has, on the odd occasion, shouted "Great sea lion's skeletal asphalt!
Time once with Malon accidentally cut his finger while cooking and grunted out a small "One-eyed one-horned spotted purple people-eater"
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kikker-oma · 2 months
Thought I'd share this cursed thought with everyone since I tortured @skyloftian-nutcase ( @luinhealthcare ) with it already hehe
Lofty's still on hiatus but that just means she'll get to revisit it when she's back in April😈
Enjoy Healthcare Hyrule with the ✨EMS Mustache✨ (featuring Mo🤭)
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lennsart · 3 months
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Most of the wips I write these days can be summarized by "Legend gets hurt in fucked-up ways, and then he gets hugs" :)
(I'm fine shhh)
But I had this sitting in my drafts, and it's like the comfort part to a hurt/comfort, except I didn't like the hurt part, so posting this probably doesn't make sense, but.. I just wanted the boys to hug
Context + snippet under the cut !
Basically, Legend has been abducted for ransom (I think it was inspired by a whumptober prompt) and he didn't have a stellar time there. The rest of the chain rescues him, but they're worried he'll wake up confused at night, so they decide to watch over him. And they're supposed to take turn, but they all kinda end up sleeping next to him :)
Have this little Four POV that I quite like and feels like it can be posted without context :
Four expected to see two people in the room. One awake, that he would be about to replace, and the other asleep, that he would watch.
He hadn't expected three sleeping dudes.
He had to pause and go back to the hallway to laugh, muffling his chuckles in his sleeve. Of course Sky would have wanted to hug Legend and would have fallen asleep. Of course Hyrule would have let them, and promptly fallen asleep as well.
When he came back in and carefully closed behind him, he noticed with fondness that Legend, at least, looked perfectly content. He was sleeping on his back, Sky hugging his right arm, and he held Hyrule's hand with his left.
The traveler was mostly on the ground, head and arms on the mattress. Four winced ; that couldn't be comfortable.
Alright, he gave up (as if he hadn't as soon as he noticed them). He'd watch them three sleep, if only to gush about how cute they were tomorrow.
(He hoped Wind would bring his pictobox for his turn of watch in the morning.)
He got on Hyrule's side, and gently nudged him. This one hummed sleepily.
" - Shh, don't wake them up. " Four whispered. " Hop in.
- What...? " the traveler asked in confusion.
Four bit back a laugh at how asleep he sounded.
" - Get in the bed. " he ordered.
Hyrule may not really understand what was happening, but he didn't need to be told twice. He climbed in, wincing when he moved his legs, and abandoned Legend's hand to hug his waist, resting his head on his stomach.
The veteran softly hummed, but didn't fully wake up.
Four sat on one of the scarce empty spots of the bed, giggling to himself. He was happy that this watch had taken such a sweet turn ; he had expected to get lost in his own mind, trying to understand how they could have let one member of their group go through that. 
Instead, he had three sleepyheads cuddling, and he would trade for nothing in the world.
The last free spot on the mattress, above Hyrule and next to Lege, was probably too small for someone to sleep there.
...Well. He was small too, and mostly slept curled up anyway.
But, no ! He had decided he'd stay awake. No matter how comfortable those three looked, no matter how much he'd like to hug the vet, too, he would fulfill his mission.
Legend's hand opened and closed in his sleep, and he extended it further. Four blinked, and reached with his left hand. 
In a second, he was trapped, Legend satisfied with the hand he found and holding tight onto it.
Alright, that wouldn't be comfortable to stay sitting in this condition. Plus Legend looked like he wanted the smith to stay, and his goal had always been to watch for him, right ?
He curled up in the little free spot, his hand still in Legend’s, and definitely did not fall asleep in a matter of minutes.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 9 months
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behold: my least favorite string of words in the entirety of Tears of the Kingdom.
#totk critical#totk#tloz#gerudos#when will my brain return from the imprisoning war....#I just stumbled upon it again doing research yesterday and....#there's so many layers as to why it aggravates me#that it's spoken from the perspective of a masked woman as to embody all gerudos while removing her own identity#in the context of her loyalty to rauru as well#that giving birth to a bad man makes you responsible for his actions (he's not a toddler anymore he's an adult ok)#or more metaphorically that your initial conflict with hyrule makes you Sinful and cursed and you must Feel Bad Now *shame shame*#that she's passing on that ageless guilt with no expiration date onto the shoulders of *a teenager* and it's considered GOOD???#(wind waker shaking crying right now)#ALL OF THAT to prop her up to swear her loyalty to the people planning to go murder their ancient king (sure he's a Bad but still???)#using some sort of weird ass original sin scenario that is arguably not any gerudo's fault but Ganondorf's#(or if it is then it's not shown so ???)#the vibes are so so so off I just really !!!!! don't like#this is stuff like this that makes me reject that it's a good story about alliances being formed in good faith#because this is just manipulative#maybe the alliance angle everyone's stronger together was the intention but the execution is another story entirely#gerudos never benefited from ganondorf's actions also#so it's not even a case of making reparations for the way you benefit from systemic oppression due to your ancestor's actions#gerudos won literally nothing in ganondorf's war#apparently he even subjugated them if they weren't on his side (like.... a king would.... not to excuse it but the double standard here)#so it just instrumentalizes the ageless sin of motherhood + suffering under a bad monarch billion of years ago for war#so uhhh.... yeah that's not... that's pretty bad imo#the gerudo girl could have went “hey girl this man used us and still hurt us to this day let's kick his ass once and for all”#and this would have been a different story entirely#a little cheap but not.... That Bad
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occasionallyprosie · 2 months
Have a lil ficlet
"Round Five"
He was eight the first time, ten the second, twelve the third, and then sixteen the fourth. He's seventeen now and he is ready for round five.
Aka, Legend runs into Ganon... again.
This is crack, this is pure, badly written crack.
Inspired by this
To be honest, the last thing Legend expected to see when they finally tracked down the being that was being the Shadow... he shouldn't have been surprised, but he really was when he saw a mage and they'd arrived just in time to see the mage use The Shadow to revive Ganon.
Ganon, in all his blue, pig faced not-glory, stood before them. Legend heard Four hold his breath, he saw Hyrule freeze, he noticed the other heroes tense, but he just laughed.
Ganon, freshly revived, fully revived, landed his gaze on Legend who pushed the other heroes back with the flat of his blade.
"You want to go for round five?" He called across the room, grinning.
Ganon groaned. He actually groaned and glared at the mage. "Really? That one? You had to bring that one here? I kill one hero and now I'm just cursed to be killed over and over by this brat."
"Vet?" Four hissed.
"I got this," Legend promised. "Handle that wizard guy and make sure the Shadow's dead. I call pig face."
Ganon just sighed and hefted up his huge blade. "How old this time?"
"Seventeen. Next time we'll have our ten year anniversary date," Legend replied wryly, he heard someone make a slightly scandalized noise, probably Warriors frankly, and someone else snorted and laughed, that sounded like Wind. "When will your lackey's learn that it's just not worth it to bring you back as long as I'm alive?"
"I don’t know," Ganon glared at the mage, who withered under the glare. "Sooner rather than later." He looked at the other heroes. "Wait you’re here too?!"
Four cleared his throat and waved awkwardly. "Umm, hi."
"There's only one of you this time... but--I don’t care. Let's just get the fight over with. It's not like Din ever lets me win."
"If you weren't going to destroy Hyrule in the aftermath I'd let you live," Legend said casually.
Ganon paused. "Deal."
They all stopped.
"Huh... Okay."
"You can't agree to that!"
"I just did, deal with it. Hey can you pick apples from trees without squashing them or am I dumping you on the Gerudo?"
"They'd kill me for last time."
"Fair enough. Guess Ravio's got a new employee."
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acetolightning · 11 months
Headcanons of who is the easiest to corrupt to hardest
While he is a calm and collected individual with a heart for heroism, the scars of the Four Sword has left its mark on his soul. Cracks that have never been filled make corruption pretty easy to happen. Hence, his hesitance for dark magic.
The Colors can help keep evil at bay, but having something full in the cracked soul is relieving, no matter how much darkness it contains.
The curiosity Four has with dark magic, even if he hates it, is another reason for his placement. I mean, part of him did betray other parts of himself! That along with the interest that Four likes to claim isn’t there anymore is a breeding ground for dark thoughts and influence.
Having been cursed definitely doesn’t help Hyrule’s placement. Having the blood and curse of Ganon running through your veins means a stronger connection to all dark magic and corruption.
One would think being part fairy would stave off corruption or dark influence and, granted, it does somewhat. However, even the lightest of beings can have evil change their light.
Of course, my headcanon of Hyrule being controlled by Ganon because of evil’s blood also is why he placed very high here.
Ah, the champion. His was difficult to place, but I did see it in two ways. Right after he woke up, he was very susceptible to malice and darkness, even if it wasn’t able to reach him as easily up on the plateau. Gaining some memories back throughout his adventure did help with a stronger soul.
Resentment from his growing up still stays, causing dark thoughts and corruption to try and make a home within him. Luckily, thinking of the Champions helps keep darker thoughts at bay.
Dark crystal and shadow magic. Though shadow magic isn’t exactly the same, it still is a cousin of the more well known dark magic. It takes a significant more amount of dark magic to try to corrupt, as he has dealt with its cousin.
Using shadow magic does mean that when he gets hurt by dark magic, injuries are harder to heal from. The cousins don’t like each other much.
The man, the myth, the Legend. Having many magical items is a sure way to keep anything related to evil at bay, must I say. While constant adventures for Hylia isn’t something he enjoys, it’s not like he’ll betray his duty….right?
No, nothing to worry about! No matter if he cursed out Hylia when he’s alone, or has thoughts of extreme hatred for destiny and the likes. He’s someone who evil can’t quite get its hands on.
This is a guy who knows who he is (does he?) and what he needs to do. Though war is not pretty, Warriors has used his encounter with enemies and evil alike to shape his person. He keeps core values close to his chest, no matter the situation or people involved.
Does this mean perfection? Not quite, no. Fears of failure, death, and obsession have been and perhaps always will be within himself. It’s something that could be used to corrupt the captain, but would be hard to do nevertheless.
Perhaps it’s the influence of the Deity, but it’s almost like a protection from evil stays around his whole body. Being raised by the Great Deku Tree could also be why evil barely attempts to sway his hardened soul. It sees attempts as frustrating at the least and near impossible at the most.
Time is the one who would help his brother in arms more than be the one in need of help. Having to experience the Deity has made him well aware of possession and the feeling of power right under your fingertips.
Mischievous but kind, Wind has too bright of a soul for evil to even look his way. His love of family and need for adventure keeps influences of the darker variety not even try. It knows that trying to corrupt someone so bright would result in failure.
Though, thoughts of inadequacy brush his mind’s forefront, often with the goal of making him feel weaker than the rest. Sometimes it works, though not for long. After all, he’s the youngest and can already keep up with a lot of the heroes!
The original, the one to start it all. His love for Sun is as pure as love can be, and he is Hylia’s original chosen. Trying to corrupt him is asking for trouble. He knows his loyalty, his goal, his love.
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thebleedingeffect · 11 months
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The only reason Warriors isn't here is because the meme format was only four, but just imagine Warriors messaging Twilight to please get him a snack since he's down there
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luwyv · 1 year
(startings clipping links together and making silly fusions) have you considered WildTime and TwilightHyrule? They would have no idea how to interact with each other imo
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needfantasticstories · 5 months
I was trying to write fluff, but came up with this blurb draft instead.
(born from convos about Hyrule cursing and monsters from his world).
“Fokka!” Traveler gasped.
Wind froze. “Did you just say—”
Four smirked. “Wind, did you teach bad words to—” 
They were both interrupted by a frustrated Hyrule. “No! Duck!” he yelled. 
Behind him, Legend laughed. “Hyrule, the word is—”
“Get down!” Time bellowed as he saw what Hyrule had seen, and just in time. The others caught on quickly, and dove or rolled out of the path of two enormous bird-men.
“Why are they out here? They only appear in dungeons!” Hyrule yelled in frustration and raised his enchanted silver sword and shield.
“Well, f*ck,” Legend mumbled.
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la-sera · 2 months
I Read too much LU Febuwhump
So, can I draw a whump?
This just happens to match the Febuwhump 2024 prompt day 19: Please don't.
Characters: Legend and Hyrule.
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TW blood, knife, human sacrifice
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Just consider this a nightmare.
Why I like making Hyrule apologize and Legend cry..?
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cursedlinkeduniverse · 8 months
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