parrotfishteeth · 7 years
i accidentally scraped my wrist today and put a plaster on it
and my mom responded by laughing and saying “it looks like you’ve been slitting your wrists now” like............ the fuck mom
she literally knows i used to be suicidal and self harm, and she also knows i’ve been really depressed for the past month or so
and that is her idea of a funny joke?
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
in “there is a light that never goes out” by the smiths
the line where he says “and if a double decker bus”
i stg each time i hear it as “deviled egg”
...and if a deviled egger bus crashes into us....
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
trying to figure out how to force myself to do work
when im so depressed that i cant even force myself to do things that i enjoy
The Struggle™
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
i can’t wait to get to the point in my life where i put on obvious makeup and folks go “is that a guy wearing makeup?”
like.... The Dream
Not saying I want that particular hassle, but... Being undeniably masculine to the point where that’s the general assumption!!
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
I sleep... Night all 😴
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
Fellas is it gay if you wish to smooch a guy whilst being held in his tender embrace 🤔
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
a fun thing i noticed today:
theres this old man and his dog i almost always see on the bus
and i always think it’s cute because you can see how much he loves his dog in the way he kisses her and interacts with her
anyway today i noticed he was playing with the dogs toes while he had her on his lap
and i thought “aw i do that with my dog too”
then i looked more and realised his dog is a polydactyl!
she has an extra toe on each foot!
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
i can never decide whether i want to be the kind of person to say something like “this is so good im nutting” about something entirely nonsexual
i mean. i absolutely could be that person. i used to be that person a few years ago.
but *should* I be that person?
it’s hard to say
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
Hey!! I wanna get better at drawing people.
If you wouldn’t mind me drawing you (BUT you won’t get upset if I never get around to doing it) Then please let me know by commenting on this post with your selfie tag!! (or just send me one or something) If I draw you I’ll send you the result :3
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
Nyello today I did some good work and then I treated myself by playing starbound It’s hard but I’m liking it! One of those games I’ve had sitting in steam unplayed for a while, but I’m glad I bought it now for sure
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
can i just say i bought shorts from the mens section for the first time the other day and MY GOD what a revelation, folks aren’t exaggerating when they say they’re so much better
these are comfortable with big ol pockets i can actually fit my phone in and most important of all they actually cover my danged ass and a good portion of my thighs heck
my mom wasnt there so she doesnt know theyre mens or else she wouldn’t approve lol but she even complimented me on them so ha!
i was very happy with my purchase even though its still freezing cold and i probably wont get to wear them for months yet
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
Grrr I’m hungry My mom promised she’d show me how to reheat my potato so it doesn’t go gross and crusty but she’s gone to bed
What do i do now lads Eat a gross crusty potato.... or just eat nothing (or just junk) *sobbing*
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
I think I have a bit of a thing for short guys because I myself am a tiny little dude
it hurts my ego when folks are too tall *grumpy face*
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
OH also i’ve been kinda depressed because of family crap (Which is why I haven’t been so active here much lately)
BUT my coping methods have gotten much better and so that’s great
instead of being self destructive I ended up obsessively sewing to distract myself and ended up making two very lovely embroidered patches One of which I’m going to sew onto a shirt this week and look extra fancy The other I made as a gift, which is also nice
and then i’ve been obsessively playing Stardew Valley and having a real successful farm
So yeah! I mean, still not the ~healthiest~ to throw myself into things with such intensity... But a huge improvement on the way I used to react to stress so I’m pretty pleased with myself!
And did I mention how successful my farm is??? Because it totally is
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
Having a real bad time at home lately, but I have remained strong
Intense feelings of helplessness and self hatred but I have not (will not) hurt myself
So I feel bad but I know I am still in a better place than ever before
I can do it, I can do this
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parrotfishteeth · 7 years
I’ve had this lip balm for like... Two years now
And this whole time I never bothered to read it properly and I just assumed it said “lip tschüss!” Like... “lip bye!”
Which makes no sense since it doesnt... Erase your lips...
But anyway I read it properly for the first time today and apparently it says “lip lishuss!”
... I think I prefer my version
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