donewith-ev · 5 years
♚ & ♞
Прошлая ночь была чудесной. Я не могу ходить в течение короткого времени, хотя. Себастьян иногда агрессивен; в основном в особые ночи, подобные этим. Если я за это, конечно. Прошлая ночь была одной из лучших ночей. Он заставил меня чувствовать, что я летал. Это было так хорошо.
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donewith-ev · 4 years
TW (probably just ignore this).
I felt really bad today. I still feel really bad. I relapsed, or I feel like I relapsed at least. I didn't cut this time. How do I put this -- I put my fingers in me for the sole purpose of harming myself and to make myself uncomfortable because I deserved it. I.did it twice and the second time I made myself bleed from it. And I know I deserved it. Not just for skipping my school work but just everything. I'm just. I guess it's not as good of a night as I thought it was. I wish I didn't have some many fucking problems. I'm beyond disgusting.
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donewith-ev · 4 years
Call me baby, call me prince, call me angel. Buy me things and let me sit on your lap, play with my hair and treat me like a precious little angel. Touch my thighs like you can’t get enough, kiss me and love me forever.
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