#cindy needs to move on from that stupid monkey and get with someone that treats her with respect
androdetective · 1 year
Basic notice: I'm aware the show isn't serious and is basically just jokes. It's just fun to psychoanalyze
Cindy as a character wasn't developed much past being Tulio's girlfriend (and/or ex 💀) Which is really unfortunate, as the show doesn't have as much developed female characters. This is really unfortunate as from what we've seen of her, she seems like an interesting character with more to bring. And even more unfortunate was that over time she was made into the "spiteful obsessive ex lover" character. From what we're aware of her, in the beginning of the second season she had a summer fling with Tulio. She took it very seriously and was head over heels. When Tulio was trying to host the news, he would be interrupted by many incoming letters for him. They were all sent from Cindy trying to get his attention. They got so invasive that he couldn't continue on with the news. Eventually she gets inside the studio and manages to talk to him. Tulio, embarrassed, by all the attention he's getting from Cindy and his friends cooing at him, tries to get her to leave and deny things that happened between them. He then says something rude to her that gets her to break up with him and leave. Tulio only did this to impress his friends, and has now realized his mistake and wants Cindy back. Later, Cindy does give him a chance to make it up to her. Initially, he fucks it up stupidly bad, but then wins her over. (Bc he remembered her cell phone number, which is insane)
The next big appearance she had was in episode 33. She arrived at the studio, saying she was upset at tulio for lying about the show being educative. Tulio again tries to win her back, this time by reenacting a play of Don Quixote. It went badly and Cindy left him. (I'm amazed by how bad Tulio is)
The last bigger appearance she had in the show was in season 4. She pretends to be a dangerous, escaped criminal who wants revenge on Tulio. She is aided by the help of the other studio members to teach Tulio a lesson. Tulio, the entire episode, is scared shitless. Until in the end, it's finally revealed to him it was actually Cindy. Cindy tells him the reason she did this was because he forgot her at a restaurant 6 YEARS AGO. and to make matters worse, a TV in the restaurant was playing a live interview Tulio was doing. In it, he said he "would never miss a chance to talk about himself" and "he had nothing important to do." After that, she reasonably held a grudge towards him. But to have such a strong grudge for six years seems depressingly desperate. She evem had pictures of Tulio she'd throw sharp objects at. Why did she hatch such a dramatic plan to get back with such a shitty guy. A guy that forgot about her for six years. We're aware that she loves people strongly, to the point of it being excessive. But to do that with such an awful partner is concerning. We don't know her background, but I do wonder if if she was given one, would it explain why she attached herself to someone so quickly? Does she not have other better people in her life? Why Tulio of all people?? At the end of it, Cindy just wants to be loved and have attention. She does it in unhealthy ways, though, and attached herself to an overall bad partner. Tulio is far from mentally healthy and has rocky relationships with everyone. He has a push and pull relationship with people in his life. This generally isn't Cindy's fault. If either were more functioning, they'd communicate their unhealthy habits and reach a mutual conclusion. But they're not that at all, so that's never gonna happen. Tulio ended up hurting Cindy, a lot. This isn't unusual with the closest people in his life, but this feels particularly egregious. I hope Cindy ends up leaving Tulio for good one day, manages to recover from him, and evolve mentally.
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