cotlove · 4 years
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cinema kitchen「プロジェクトFUKUSHIMA!」×監督藤井光トークより
From a conversation with Hikaru Fujii about Cinema Kitchen “Project Fukushima”
About our food, we don’t eat whatever we can eat but rather we select it everyday. First of all, we question ourselves about what we want to eat. For instance, Chinese food or Japanese food? Beside it, for some people who have specific preference they select the producer. For some other people, they became more aware about the area of the productions after the earthquake. Then, for some who like richly tasty food they naturally carry out careful selections of food.
Producers and the consumers have gained higher awareness about taste through the intense selections of food by eliminating poor ones.
Images are also the ones that are to be consumed to our body and they are undeniable, like the ones in out life such as images on the Internet and displays in your neighborhood and the ones in YCAM. When we think about our ability and habits for careful selections of them, I surprisingly find that we consumed them without much difficulty. Images are the ones pouring into us when we open our eyes and they are one-way communicational media. I wish we improve our habit and culture for careful selections of images.
So, let’s think about habits to enjoy careful selections of images. When we look at food and images we can compare differences in them. Thinking about “should or should not”, careful selections of images give us wider understanding and more fun. This is not about superior or inferior but this is about getting to know out choice of selections of images and this gives us chance to see different opinions and we can enjoy such differences themselves.  When we watch TV it is like consumption of intense and stimulating images into our body and our sensitive abilities, such as taste, visual and hearing ability, decrease, even though these abilities are potentially much higher.
It’s probably interesting to watch together video work like ???????, fixed shooting, no zooming and 1 minute shooting. However, when broadcasting it through TV, our body can’t endure it since our body is full of consumptions of stimulating images. I hope we improve our body to catch up with both speedy images like Hollywood movies and images by such fixed shooting.
Hikaru Fujii (Film Director/Artist)
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lifeandeatclub · 7 years
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おはようございます。 本格的な寒さ到来の山口、お家で手仕事の季節になりました。昨日は初回のニット会をおこないました。6月のN3ArtLabのチャリティカフェで募った毛糸玉をどんな作品に仕上げていこうかとニットにまつわる映像作品の鑑賞をおこないました。鑑賞後は8トラの食事を囲み作品の感想で大変盛り上がりました。創造的な大変ユニークな意見も上がっていました。次回は12月19日(火)です。会場は決定次第こちらでご連絡いたします。
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