#citd answers
I was rereading the Batfamily as Yanderes series again and I was wondering: how did Mrs. Wayne feel about Bruce having a child with another woman?? Was she upset? Heartbroken? Or did Bruce lie about it?
First off I'm glad you like my work enough to read it the first time let alone re-read it. 😁😁💕💕
She was heartbroken, but once Bruce explained that he was drugged she was still upset but a lot more understanding.
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What would Jason do if his darling went insane after being diagnosed as barren, to the point of thinking a doll was their child?
Oh well let's just say that a baby is going to come up missing in Gotham Hospitals maternity ward. He's going to be careful to leave it in the crib where the doll was, and refuse to acknowledge that it might not be the same baby.
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ok but jason’s daughter having yandere tendencies like her dad but their son is 100% normal like the darling. jason would help her stalk her crutch and darling and her son would do normal family stuff.
I love this ❤️ ♥️😍😍😍♥️♥️
Jason and Elizabeth come home from a night of stalking.
Atticus curled up with his mom watching a movie, because he's a big ole Mama's boy: Hay sis how did the stalking go?
Elizabeth flashing a big grin: awesome, dad even helped me find a better angle to see into her bedroom!
Darling: that's nice dear now both of you go get ready for bed.
Both kids: Mom we're sixteen, do we really need a bedtime.
Jason: Listen to your mother, it's two in the morning, you don't want to be dead exhausted tommorow.
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sense gotham’s elites children are just as popular as their parents, the week behaved/trusted darlings are allowed to take part in he interviews. The newer darlings/disobedient ones are sent out to kansas and are on a “group vacation getaway”. The batfam would throwhands with people who write articles like “ranking the wayne families wives” and stuff like that. their kids would also be like models and they would be called the ‘ideal family’. But Imagine: 19 kids and counting with the bat family
Yes, all of this.
I raise you, Tabloids right after Bruce and Mrs. Wayne get married VS Tabloids on their 30th wedding anniversary.
The ones right after they get married have titles like The New Mrs. Wayne, Gotham’s Very Own Cinderella, but they’re all filled with thinly veiled accusations of gold-digging. Once Bruce leaves, some of them even accuse her of killing him and hiding his body.
The 30th-anniversary ones seem a lot more forgiving of the marriage itself but are filled with scorn over their parenting because I feel like that would be something the Media would have a field day with.
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one thing that bugs me about your yandere Damien is that for him to be alive it means that Talia and bruce had sex and I don't think Bruce would cheat on his darling so I'm curious as to how that happened in your au (I'm sorry for the grammar errors I'm not American )
I was going with the Taila drugged Bruce storyline. Also there's no need to apologise to me about grammar, my dad's family is from Mexico. I'm never going to get on somebody's case about proper English when I only know like three words of Spanish.
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a reporter ask mrs.wayne if she killed bruce and she looks into the camera like she is on the office and says “i wish i did”
Omg yes 😂😂😂💀
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lol imagine the batfam has to do an interview at their manor (like Vogue's 73 questions on youtube) any batfam member: yes as for the charity you see our family b r e a t h justice and we ALWAYS try our very best fighting against injustice for so that everyone can- * distant screaming for helps from their darlings who got locked in the upper floor * awkwaaaard 😂😂😂😂😂
Bold of you to assume that the Darlings wouldn’t be on a very secure farm in Kansas during the interview. Though if for whatever reason Clark couldn’t take them, Bruce would probably just pay off the interviewers. It’s Gotham, after all, everyone has their price. 😅😀😁
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mrs.wayne was hoping at some point in her life that she would get normal kids to parent, like helping them ask someone out, prepare for the first date, meet the parents, classic stuff. but you know what she got? 10+ kids with severe mental issues.
I doesn't help that even in the ones that could have been normal Bruce instilled said issues. Poor Mrs. Wayne 😅
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ok but like imagine if terry or jason’s kids got into a fight at school and the teacher ask if their is any violence at home and the darling gets *war flashbacks* before stating that it must be their uncle who teaches karate
Alternatively, "their grandfather has been paying for them to take self defense classes, I'll have to have a talk with them about when it's appropriate to use."
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i feel terry would go to jason when he needed advice on what to do after. he did the same thing, just with more gore. mrs.wayne would be so HYPED to have another little kid in the manor. Mrs.Todd would talk to terry’s darling about what to do.
After the impromptu adoption of Abagail McGinnis, the entire family was called in to sort everything out. Much to Mrs. Wayne’s joy because the manor was full of life again, she knew that her children all had their own lives to lead and that she couldn’t force them to move back home, but watching her younger grandchildren and great-grandchildren play with their newest cousin almost made her wish they didn’t. Her family would be staying at the manor for the rest of the week.
Mrs. McGinnis spent a lot of time talking to Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Wayne about how to handle the situation, Mrs. Wayne being the foremost expert on husbands, suddenly bringing home children.
Jason spent a lot of time with Terry helping out because he’d been there himself, though Jason had to admit his situation was much easier because the twins had been babies when he’d gotten them. In fact, if it hadn’t been for them sneaking through the bat computer as teens, Elizabeth and Atticus would have never even known they were adopted.
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whoever’s kid it was the yandere would high give them but would tell them to n e v e r do it again. the darling would be unfazed.
Jason to his daughter: Elizabeth we've discussed this, wait until there's no witness or cameras.
Darling: looks at camera like she's on the office.
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mrs.wayne to bruce after terry cane song: how come you never go a tattoo with my name on it?
Who said he didn't, he got it while in China. It's the Chinese characters for your name along with a magpie, a symbol for marital bliss. 😊
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So out of the batfam who would be ok with their darling having kids from a previous relationship
I can't see any of them having a problem with it, so long as the ex isn't around. They were all adopted after all :)
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bruce’s darling drawing over it with sharpie as it starts to fade because he can’t get it professionally done due to his scars
Bruce would love that, firstly it shows that his darling love's him just as much, secondly he touch starved af so his girl touching him in anyway is going to make his heart flutter.
Bruce glares at anyone who starts to tell her that not being able to Tattoo over scars is largely a myth, lol😆😁
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I absolutely love the growing up yandere series!! 🌸💞
Thank you 😊
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I would never let Jason name our son Atticus. I’ve thought about fucking Atticus Finch way too many times to be comfortable with that.
Fair enough 😂😂😂 insert new literally name here
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