#clappster (oc)
kitsumidori · 1 year
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So this morning when I posted those pictures from the BL3 art book, one of them showed a concept for Claptrap in 3, where he looked more beat up and had to use parts from different robots to repair himself.
Then I remembered that I actually had a claptrap OC with the same idea, hell he was my earliest Borderlands OC I made back when I got into this fandom.
I didn't have a specific name for him and I just referred to him as Clappster and his original design wasn't really much (at best, he's a CL4P-TP unit with an excavator for an arm) here I made him look like he got all his parts from the scrap yard. Keep the excavator arm, change his wheel to treads and make his paint job so old that the rust that was covered by it is starting to show.
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