#clay definitely goes by the worst fake names but everyone's just like nahhhhh couldn't possibly be him
hoperays-song · 2 years
Currently in a HUGE mood for Clay stuff, so how about some Clay Calloway headcanons? Bonus points if it includes Ash
(Yes I did finally watch the full movie for the first time in months, why do you ask)
Yay!! Absolutely, I hope you enjoy!
Assorted Clay Calloway Headcanons:
He was born and raised in southern Louisiana.
His favourite color is navy blue and forest green depending on when you ask him (he gives everyone a different answer).
Being a huge prankster his whole life, he did get in trouble a lot when he was younger for said pranks.
He competes occasionally in a paintball league in Redshore under the name Ray Malloway (yes they all know it’s him, they’re just not paid enough to rat him out).
Clay’s a really good chef and cooks a lot of cajun and family recipes.
His love languages are gift giving and acts of service, so he will cook for people he cares about.
He sees Ash as a daughter and treats her like such, but will never admit it to her face.
On holidays, he sets out an extra plate in honor of his late wife.
Out of the troupe and their family members, he hangs out with Nana (they had run into each during their youth a few times since they were celebrities) and Marcus (he can relate the most to losing a spouse and can fix his bike for cheap). 
He used to call his wife Rose/Rosey after her favourite flowers.
Clay identifies as a bisexual trans man and was one of the most popular LGBTQIA+ celebrities in the 80s-90s.
He has all of his old stage costumes hidden in a box in his closet. Ash likes to tease him about some of them along with his mohawk phase. He does not appreciate all the photos of both of those things she keeps finding on the internet.
He can speak Louisiana Creole and English fluently, as well as Maori, his wife’s first language.
He will race Ash on their motorcycles whenever there’s free time, as well as taking her to paintball with him.
He’s the worst prankster on staff, constantly messing with the others and always getting away with it since Buster doesn’t believe the kids when they say it was him.
His favourite hobby is gardening and he spends a lot of his free time tending to his flower and herb gardens.
Clay’s favourite food is fried okra with spicy ranch sauce for dipping.
He honestly would have adopted Ash if Buster hadn’t the year before ,but he has taken over the role of her mentor from Nana, and she now is the only person in the world who can actually list themself as Clay Calloway’s protogé.
Clay proposed to his wife with a song.
He got the scars on his nose as a young musician, when he got into a fight with a group of people who were messing with a kid at one of his shows.
Hope you enjoyed! I’ll send you more later more than likely! <3<3<3 
- <3 Gooseless
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