#clipper and his adike
clipperandhisadike · 1 year
The  perils of raising Jetti’ade when you are as force-sensitive as a brick.
Raising three force sensitive empaths, Clipper realized, was a lot more difficult than life as an assistant creche-master had made it out to be. He was starting to respect Crechemaster Leeta's eternal optimism and ability to handle anything thrown at xem, and xir ability to deal with... Well. Three force sensitive empaths. Except xey had had over twenty force sensitive empaths to take care of, and a minimum of staff to help because of the war. All xey had had was a crippled clone trooper who should have been decommed, four nanny droids - what Clipper wouldn't give for one of those right now - and the Temple guardians, all of whom had come to the infant creche between shifts to cuddle the babies and spot Leeta long enough for xem to take a nap and hop in the fresher.
Clipper had exactly zero help on that front, severe battle shock, a janky leg that barely held up in his broken brace most days, and debilitating migraines.
And the kids had picked up on his misery already and were all wailing in unison. It was going to be a long day.
He picked up the oldest, a little Dathomiran Zabrak he'd named Yuula - he wasn't sure if that was actually a Dathomirian name or even a Zabraki name, but he'd done his best so sue him - and cuddled her - them? How did natborns even pick a gender anyways if they weren't assigned one? - to his chest until Yuula stopped crying and snuffled into his chest, sucking her - their? his? Kriffing natborn banthashit - thumb. That meant it was safe to put Yuula back in the crate he was using as a large cradle, and Hero had to be picked up next because otherwise Leeti would start screeching, the little menace.
Yuula knew what to do, though, and flopped onto her belly to crawl over to Leeti to cuddle him while Clipper soothed Hero. Leeti was a valiant little protector for Hero, and Clipper hated to admit it, but Hero was the one most in danger, even if Clipper could teach all three of them to hide their Force signatures - however the sith hells he was supposed to do that - and not use their abilities where an Imp could see them. Twi'lek were regarded as too attractive by the galaxy at large for anyone to leave a Twi'lek ad'ika alone. Kark.
He was going to need to teach Hero how to fight to get away as soon as the little Twi'lek could stand up and toddle around.
Hero went limp in sleep and Clipper sighed, kissing his ad'ika between the stubby little lekku before putting the baby back in the cradle and finally, finally picking Leeti up. Leeti flopped against his chest and clung like a tooka kit, content to be held while Clipper hummed an old drinking song they'd always used at 79s. ...Kriff. His brothers.
 His brothers, who were the reason he was looking after three orphaned jetti'ade. What had happened? And more importantly, how did he protect his ik'aad when he couldn't even tell if he would soon be marching far away while his body continued on without him?
New order of business, he decided as he put Leeti back down with his siblings for their third nap of the day. He'd have to find some way to hide them, and preferably within a group that was known for taking on small children at the slightest hint that they might be free to a good home.
Well. Buir - Prime - had been a Mandalorian, even if he was a shabuir to the end....
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clipperandhisadike · 1 year
Clipper: It was honestly a miracle that my adike made it to their verd'goten.
Yuula: We got to stay in a Covert with other Mandalorians that year!
Leeti: The tank you're in love with almost found out.
Hero: Screw that, the tank's buir almost found out!
Clipper, tiredly: And we could have gone undetected longer if you three could go FIVE MINUTES without picking on each other.
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clipperandhisadike · 1 year
On Helping Your Children with Self-Actualization (or, Clipper learns about choosing pronouns)
Clipper is reading a holobook - on child rearing, because he is definitely man enough to admit he has no idea what he's doing, even if his oldest menace is now almost seven - when one of his children bursts through the door, screeching in utter misery and sobbing. The crap on his desk starts rattling and Clipper drops the holo immediately to gather Yuula into a hug, humming against her hood.
"I'M A BOY!" Yuula screeches into his neck, and then breaks down sobbing again. Clipper freezes for a bare moment, then resumes cuddling his....son. His son. Whom he has been calling the wrong thing for the last seven years. Shit. All the parenting books have said he's supposed to be supportive of his ade's choices when they don't involve things that could cause them physical harm. They have said nothing about being wrong about his poor kid's gender, but....choices. Pronouns are a choice for natborn, right?
"K'uuir, k'uuir," Clipper hushes, rocking Yuula gently as Leeti and Hero tumble into the room after their big brother. "Have I been calling you the wrong thing, cyar'ika?"
Yuula hiccups against his neck and nods frantically. "I'm a boy!"
"Okay," Clipper hums. "I'll  get your chain code edited, cyar'ika. Dry your eyes, there's a good boy." Yuula sniffles wetly and lifts his mask up to wipe his eyes until they're dry. "Do you need a new mask, little one?" Yuula's mask is pink and has flowers, and it had seemed like a good idea at the time.... Yuula nods again and takes his mask off, and then - uncharacteristically for his big, brave boy, starts sucking his thumb. He hasn't done that since he was three and decided he was too old for that. (Not the plush tooka, though. That's still in his pack and has caused more than one fight.)
He looks at Leeti and Hero, who are currently clinging to his knees and staring at their big brother with wide eyes. Clipper sighs, feeling a headache - a normal one, this time, thank the Ka'ra - coming on.
 "Am I calling you two the wrong things as well, adike?" he asks softly, rocking them. Leeti looks at him, then at Yuula, and after a few seconds, nods shyly.
"'m not a boy or a girl," Leeti says, with all the confidence a five year old can muster. "I'm a menace! ....just not a boy or a girl."
Clipper laughs and ruffles Leeti's hair after they pull their mask and hood off, drawing a disgusted noise from his middle ad.
Hero stares up at him with huge eyes, still not saying anything. Even at four, the little Twi'lek is quiet. All the Twi'lek Clipper's met in his admittedly short life have been absolute chatterboxes. Maybe it's his fault Hero is so quiet...
"'m a boy," Hero lisps finally. Well. At least that's one kid he got right on the first try. Clipper bends down, still cuddling Yuula, and kisses Hero between his stubby little lekku. "Okay, cyar'ika," Clipper says. "You're my brave boy, and I'm glad you told me what to call you." He looks at Yuula and Leeti, and pulls all three of his ade into a hug. "We'll get your chain codes corrected, and then we'll go get something nice for latemeal, alright?" That gets him a ragged cheer from his little Jedi, and Clipper decides that he hasn't messed up too badly. The parenting books got that right, at least.
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clipperandhisadike · 1 year
Clipper: Why is this dish called a "surprise"...?
Hero: uhhhhh....
Leeti: Because the ingredients are a secret!
Yuula: It's called a surprise because it's surprising neither of these di'kut have managed to give anyone food poisoning. Yet.
Hero and Leeti: Why are you so mean????
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clipperandhisadike · 1 year
When life gives you lost, traumatized children, adopt them!
Old Mandalorian proverb (probably)
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clipperandhisadike · 1 year
Clipper, watching his adike build lightsabers: I'm sure that's now how this works.
Clipper: I don't think that's how any of this works.
Clipper: But the kids are happy and it hasn't gone wrong yet.
Clipper: *sips caf as something blows up and catches on fire* ...Yeah, okay, that's about normal for them.
Kyr'Tsad who volunteered to help today: Clipper. Clipper. What the *fuck* Clipper.
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clipperandhisadike · 1 year
Yuula, attempting to describe Force healing: It's like...weaving. I have to make sure all the threads go in correctly or it won't look right. ...And you might end up with cancer.
Hero: So I'm like a fine tapestry!
Leeti: More like a rug that gets walked all over.
Hero: *kicked tooka face*
Yuula: And you're like a dishrag, Leeti. A used one.
Clipper, tiredly: Kids, stop picking on each for five minutes, okay?
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clipperandhisadike · 1 year
How to send your kids to school, Mandalorian Style (or something)
"And you remember what to do if the Imperials come to school?" Clipper asked, anxiously checking his adike’s bags again. He could already feel the irritation pouring off the school minder at the gate. But he was pretending to be a Mandalorian like Prime, and this was Alderaan. Of course a normal Mando buir would be anxious about letting some aruettise near their ade. He hoped.
Hero nodded, lekku bouncing. "We don't speak Basic, and if we lose our masks, we start screaming and bite them." Clipper kissed Hero between the eyes, right over the metal nosebridge of his mask. There were worse things than pretending to be a less weird member of the Kyr'Tsad.
 "Good boy, Hero," Clipper said. "Go to the gate, wait for your siblings." Hero trotted away, hitching his bag up higher. Leeti was next, and Clipper swallowed back his sadness for Leeta. Leeti was their own person. "Leeti?"
 Leeti pushed their mask back up, eyes big and glossy in the light. "Don't talk to strangers," Leeti said, lisping only slightly. "An' if they ask questions, I don't speak Basic an' I get to kick them." Clipper laughed, patting Leeti's shoulder. Leeti was too big at the tender age of five for a kiss from their buir, so off to school without one. (He still kissed Leeti's head when the little Mirialan came scampering back, apparently not too big for a kiss from buir before school.)
The last one was Yuula, a zabrak and Clipper's biggest headache after the migraines. He was already rolling his eyes as Clipper turned his attention to him. At the age of seven, he was the oldest of Clipper's ade and also the most likely to talk back.
"I don't speak Basic if the Imperials show up, and I get to gut them if they touch my mask," Yuula says, grinning sharply behind his veil. Clipper nodded, wincing a bit as the motion jarred the coronas of light starting to reflect off everything. It was a migraine day today, he'd known it when he woke up. Yuula's cockiness faded for a moment, and he touched  Clipper's head. "I'll be okay, buir," Yuula promised. Clipper tried to pretend he didn't feel Yuula using the Force to cure his headache. "Any Imperial who tries to take me is getting a desk in the face."
Clipper sighed. "That's what I'm afraid of. Okay, go to school, ad'ika," and he pressed a kiss to Yuula's head before the zabrak could protest. Yuula protested anyways, loudly, the whole way to the gate. Thankfully, all in Mando'a. Clipper crossed his fingers in his pocket, and prayed that the minder at the gate didn't know that half of those were cuss words.
Judging by the look, they did.
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clipperandhisadike · 1 year
Clipper (and his adopted disaster children)
Clipper, CT-0303: The head of the family of (totally real and absolutely not faking it) Mandalorians. Absolutely average clone of Jango Fett. His only distinguishing mark (prior to Umbara and Order 66 respectively) was a scar on his chin from a shaving accident with a pair of clippers. His batch has never let him live it down.
He is currently on the run from the Empire with three children in tow, and is pretending to be a traditionalist Mandalorian to hide the fact that he’s a clone and to hide his childrens’ Force signatures.
Clipper’s Mandalorian armor is blue, green and gray.
Yuula: The oldest of Clipper’s adike. He is a Dathomiran Zabrak, and the epitome of both an MMO Healer and the phrase “trans rights or trans will bite”. He lovingly bullies the crap out of his younger siblings and keeps them patched up as only a Force-powered healer can.
Yuula’s Mandalorian armor is teal, white, and red.
Leeti: The middle of Clipper’s adike and a Mirialan. They identify as both a problem and a threat. If they had any other profession, it would very likely be professional daredevil. As it is, they are A Problem (and the Empire’s problem specifically). Will throw themselves into danger at the slightest provocation, and if there is no danger, will make some.
Leet’s Mandalorian armor is orange, red, and black.
Hero: The youngest of Clipper’s adike and a Twi’lek. He is built like a tank and looks like he could rip them apart with his bare hands. Roughly the size of four adult twi’lek, and lifting armor, weaponry, and his older sibling’s shortcomings has made him very strong.
Hero’s Mandalorian armor is blue and green.
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