#clips ep1s2
somilkyshaky · 4 years
Skam España - Season 2 - Episode 1, Clip 6: Las amistades peligrosas
Hey you! Finally, we’re finishing the first episode! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go check this post; here you go for the first clip and here for the last I posted, the fifth clip.  
Well, let’s go for a 7 minutes clip (prepare yourself a lot of time, it’s going to be long, but like LONG).
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Hi everyone! Today we’re here for a new tutorial: “How to prepare yourself for a date with your crush?”. I’m sorry, but the music and the fact that it almost takes 30 seconds of the clip is clearly here to take it with humor, and tbh, I live for this shit.
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What I love is that it’s so accurate. For example, we all screamed to our mother to not go open the door for the person ringing (what I mean is that it’s great because the viewer can immediately relate to Cris).
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Another touch of humor, we discover she tried, like, A LOT of sweater. I mean, at this point I can’t say anything but that I love Cris. (Oh, and poor teddy bear who doesn’t know his fate yet.)
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“Breathe, you’re great.”
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The music stopping and coming back and stopping again when the door closes, the teddy bear and this face. You don’t know how much I’ve laughed with this clip; everything is meant to be funny.
“Now is the moment of your life.” god this song xD
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Look at her breathe out again, I love her (and wow, this door is... dark).
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Yep, you’re right my dudes, she checks her out.
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No but more seriously, look how chill she seems. The chin is high, hands in the pocket, her shoulders are opened, and I mean, this look (+little bonus for the left raised eyebrow), 100% confident; BUT I can’t help myself thinking that she must be freaking out internally (we can notice the movements (swings maybe?) she does with her body, most of the time, we let out our “anxiety”, our stress with these kind of gesture, so yeah).
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“Hello, I’m awkwardness! I’m the one who makes you pose as a dummy. I’m sure you’ll love me!”
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“OMG THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS A DUMBASS, AND SHE IS CLUMSY AND AWKWARD AS FUCK, MARRY ME ALREADY!” (I’m sorry, sometimes I think I’m funny even if I know I’m not.) 
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“I hate myself.” (relatable btw)
Everything in this clip is brilliant. It’s such a funny way to show something real and still be accurate. I’m sure we all had the opportunity to see ourselves in Cris at the moment, this clumsiness/awkwardness; I’m sorry but I’m a gay mess like Cris, I’m just happy to have my representation. (Oh, and the little “vale” from Joana is cute af, it’s not awkward or anything, it’s perfectly in character: confident but reassuring)
Okay so… the next sequence is like… we’re going to have a lot, but when I say a lot, I mean A LOT of things to say, because these two are a fucking goldmine. What I’m trying to tell you is that we’re here for a loooong time together (but I’m sure deep down you like it).
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Cris being like “Okay, does she like my room? How does she react?”
Btw, her room is like, wow. They really did a good job with the decoration. Yes, I know, we all saw it, the “LIPS”; “KISS”, I know. Oh, and I love her laptop. I’m sure I can’t see a lot of references but, yeah, we already have too much to say x)
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I love how Joana is looking at the entire room. Joana is me. I already said it in other clips, but Joana “sees” thing, she is observant (to me it’s a quality).
I’m so bad at catching it, but Cris’s reaction at the length of the film kills me. Plus, am I the only one laughing so hard as she tries to do small talk? xD (which btw doesn’t work at all because Joana doesn’t complain about the film)
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Joana, a complation: Confused Joana – “Meh” Joana – Shocked Joana. 
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God… This face kills me. More seriously, at the moment, they really aren’t on the same wavelength. Cris complains about the film, when Joana just says she likes it. Cris’ all reaction is really interesting. It’s like the “typical” teenage reaction in front of a school work, but at the moment, there’s also this need to just- say something; because she’s like this, she’s the one who talks for the sake of talking. She talks without really thinking about it; but let’s keep this for later okay? (Oh, and yes, Joana’s gaze, but it’s going to be like that in the rest of the clip so…)
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Some teasing. I like that. There really is a chemestry between these two that I love. I like how Joana is like “Oh I see, she’s going that way” and Cris is completely in character and is just “pitching into” her, in a way? (trying to translate a french thought in english is a disaster, believe me).
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Thank god, I like to see some repartee. It’s so fluid, you need to remember that they know each other for literally, 2 DAYS, and we already have this kind of complicity. Brilliant.
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Look at these happy girls.
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I don’t know how to interpret the fact of Joana’s smile slowly fading and then her gaze quickly going back to the laptop, as if she was realizing something or I don’t know. It’s impossible to catch it in pictures, but just look at her after the joke. Plus it’s hard to interpret it because we have a “jump cut”:
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We see her smiling and looking at Cris. So… I don’t want to misinterpret things so I’m just going to shut up and continue. Even if maybe (and I say maybe because the rest of the clip proves me wrong until the end), there’s Eloy and the fact that she knows she shouldn’t get to close from Cris even if she wants to.
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“Guys, you’re annoying, I’m on a date.”
More seriously, the filming is pretty nice; we have the camera moving from a shot where we have both of them to a shot with only Cris and her messages, maybe to show that she doesn’t pay attention at what is Joana doing anymore (which also means that the rest of the time she was indeed paying attention at every single movement of Joana).
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To support my thoughts, when her mother interrupts them, we come back to a shot with the two girls; she isn’t “captivate” by the messages anymore.
Little bonus for the “please Mom don’t say something stupid, don’t ruin this” face.
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I live for this shit.
Joana still being a meme + the iconic “My friend heard you” because it’s so fucking accurate (don’t lie, we all said it once + send some love to your mom btw, she deserves it, even if most of the time she embarrasses you).
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Joana’s face be like “I was laughing, but I’m trying to not show it because I know it’s already awkward enough, so I’m just going to smile and be reassuring.”
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“Stay chill. Don’t panic. Don’t panic. Stay calm. Stay fucking calm. OMG is she really doing this? There’s so much tension. Send help. Please.”
I’m sorry but the “We’re good with what we have.” ? I don’t know if it’s the exact translation, but it’s so ambiguous. I love that.
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“Don’t show anything. You’re not destabilised. Stay chill. WtF the TeNsiON. I’m FucKiNG DEstaBiLIsed.” + Joana clearly looking at how Cris is reacting, she’s such a tease (not in the bad way though, I’m not insulting her calm down). Yes, don’t worry, I didn’t forget. BOLD+1500.
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Come on, just look how proud she is, while Cris is dying internally xD I’m dying too btw.
Some interesting body language though, the fact of Cris trying to get back her shit together by sitting straight and Joana having her chin really high and her shoulders open; it clearly shows who is at ease and who isn’t imo x) + (yes there’s a lot of things happening) Cris crossing her arms in front her is a way to “protect herself” (not from Joana, but from the overwhelming) and most importantly to “control” herself and kind of find a way to seem more confident or at least not affected.
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Cris coming back with her small talk and Joana being like “Yeah, act as if nothing just happened, I saw you panicking anyway.” But more seriously, it’s interesting to see that Cris is a fucking mess. I mean, she tries her best to sound and appear confident, but FUCK she isn’t xD And btw, one of Cris’ most important characteristic is her joking all the time to get rid of every “problematic” situation (it’s not something bad, but I don’t think it’s good either, as we could see in the last clips).
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Joana just laughing at Cris’ “joke” and not continuing the conversation is me in 90% of the interactions I have with people (but it’s not what’s important). The most important is that, in a way, it reinforces the fact that they still aren’t really on the same wavelenght, and I think Cris can feel it because of this little look:
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It’s also clearly a moment (before this look) where Cris is trying to get back her composure + this little look is there to check if Joana is still in a “teasing mode” or not with her (I think); but tbh, I don’t feel a lot of awkwardness in all of this.
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Her phone saving her, just look how fast she grabs it xD (Nope, I didn’t miss Joana’s thing she always does with her nails/fingers, don’t worry.)
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Yes guys, you’re used to it now, this is “worry”; not the BIG worry though, but the mouth dropping a little, the eyes openning, the movement backward. It’s not a lot, but it’s here.
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“My crush or my friends?”
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Joana, baby girl, it’s not really allowed to look at someone else’s phone/messages. She is so sneaky xD
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But yes, a sweetheart.
(I don’t talk a lot about the movement both girls do with their legs, but, well no, I don’t want to say it’s “anxiety” because in the moment it’s not, but it’s still a way to let the “pressure” out, you know? I mean, we all do this kind of things unconsciously when we are with people, especially when we “like” them. Anyway.)
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Joana smiling as she looks at the bowl (+shaking her head) because Cris just placed it between them is PRICELESS.
Btw, Cris not answering for a party is… wow? I mean, they didn’t place all of this in this clip for nothing. It allows them to show that Cris is maybe, yeah no, clearly interested by Joana. It just reinforces things.
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Cris’ little glance at Joana (did I already say she’s clumsy? No? She’s so fucking clumsy and I love that).
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Joana noticing the glance, but she doesn’t glance, no no no, she STARES guys and we’re here for this shit.
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She notices Cris’ discomfort and embrassed smile, but keeps staring.
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And then we have THIS; but this time, there’s nothing awkward, to me it’s just really cute. Oh, and of course, all this dynamic with their glances and stares shows even more that Joana is way more confident and at ease than Cris.
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(I’m wondering if it’s really acting or just Tamara and Irene messing around, trying to hold a laugh and just being two dumbasses. Nah, I think they’re just amazing at representing simple things. Yes, I’m having a debate with myself, just keep reading!)
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That’s cute.
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Look at this proud and happy Cris. We’re finally seeing her a little more at ease, her chin is higher and her shoulders starts to open, because yeah, during the past 2 minutes (more or less) we have her shoulders really tensed and closed with her head really low, kind of forming a “protection” around her; but now yeah, she’s finally relaxed thanks to Joana being all the time so chill, smiley, not awkward and reassuring in her own way.
2:50 of the clip and I already have 23 pages on my Word. We’re not even at the HALF of the clip, I’m already dying. Anyway, I already haven’t said a lot of things but everything is brilliant, so let’s continue and start having some real conversation between these two.
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FIRST. How did these two end up in this position? One of the other mysteries of Skam España.
A thought just like that, before this shot the movie was only a music, whereas here we have a conversation; maybe it’s showing that Cris finally pays attention too what is said (I don’t know).
(Little disclaimer, I never read “Les liaisons dangereuses” (because yeah, it’s French) but I tried to understand the story to be sure that I’m not missing too many things about what’s going to be said. Anyway.)
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Look at how Joana seems so interested by the movie, so “in it” (French thoughts sorry). Plus, I think it’s the first time we see it (it’s going to be recurrent later) but she plays with her necklace. It’s the first time they want us to notice that necklace btw. We know that the movie is about relationships, love, etc… and the particular moment they’re watching is important because it’s a “““break-up”””. I find it interesting to make her play with her necklace at this specific moment because it’s one of the first hints about BPD. She feels more affected than others by this kind of scenes.
And YES, Cris’ stare. Plus, we go from this shot to this shot:
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Here we literally have Cris’ point of view, what she sees + this close shot gives something really intimate. I love it.
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She can’t stop staring, that’s… wow.
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Joana noticing the stare and looking up.
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Cris looking back at the laptop. It’s not really an embarrassed smile though, there’s nothing awkward here. Yep, Joana looking at her lips.
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Joana shaking her head in disbelief is the entire fandom in front of Cris being a gay mess. CRIS’ SMILE THOUGH. And yes, there’s NOTHING awkward, that’s super cute I’m dying.
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“Is she really…?”  (I love how the close shot, which represent intimacy, is thrown away and we come back to a larger shot when the mother interrupts the intimacy)
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“Yes, she is…” + Joana being a cute adorable dork when she laughs + thank you for giving us some representation with our periods! (and yes, I’m not that surprised by this situation, my mom is literally the same.)
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(yes, Cris is looking again at Joana, but come on I can’t put every gaze in picture xD) The famous “No puedo evitarlo”… Let’s be completely transparent; this whole clip is a HUGE foreshadowing for their entire relationship, and I’m here for it.
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Cristina “seriously?” Soto Peña or Cristina “I’m judging you; a lot” Soto Peña, choose your fighter.
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Disappointed Joana (+ a bit annoyed).
Btw, Cris dropping her opinion on the characters with no argument and just saying that he is a son of a bitch and that she is an idiot, is so much in character + “I would tell him to fuck off”, well darling… you won’t... and you will, in a way.
What I love about all of this, is that this clip is here to show what is Cris’ vision of love and relationships at the start of the season because they need a starting point to show how much she is going to grow through this season.
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Still “not impress” Cris, and yes, another hint for Joana’s BPD (the fact of not being able to control the feelings, even if in this case, it touches everyone and it’s just Cris who doesn’t realize it. It’s hard to act coldly and we have here another characteristic for Cris and Joana, they’re different on this point, we have a more “mature and rational” Joana) + It’s really discreet, but Joana glances many times at Cris lips (yeah, that’s it).
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OUF. Disappointment. Again. It’s really hard to catch Joana’s “annoyance”, but her rolling her eyes at Cris’ joke is priceless. They really aren’t on the same wavelength (at least, for the movie, they really are at ease with each other, but not on their thoughts/belief). Oh, and Cris still joking about everything… (though, I think it’s just her way to “flirt” maybe) just let’s keep it for later.
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“No, I’m serious” and we go from a wide shot to a close shot. Joana brings back some intimacy; the shot makes the viewer understand that it’s going to be important in the next seconds. Brilliant.
And oh wow… we never saw Joana like that before. The head is forward, the jaw is a little clenched (what I mean is that her mouth is “hold”, it’s not dropping), the gaze is straight ahead, the eyebrows are a little frown, and maybe the nostrils are a little wider (not sure) + the tone is- I wouldn’t say “harsh”, but there’s still some anger/annoyance behind it + the big annoyed sigh before she starts talking + the gestures/movements she does with her head to reinforce what she says, they are quick and short (btw, when she said “the count is a son of a bitch”, the movement with her head says no, she doesn’t agree with what she says, yes guys, the details, it shows a great acting too) + the “right?” to end her sentence. She’s confronting Cris, no jokes allowed; and tbh, I like that, I like this part of her character.
(Okay, maybe you’re right, having such a deep conversation about love at the first date is a little bold; bold+1502)
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(Just look at when Joana sits up) she was smiling, and now we have… a destibalized Cris (yep, again). I like how she looks up, a little to the right, it means that she’s really thinking about it + yes, she’s clearly avoiding Joana’s gaze (it takes her 6 seconds to look back at her). Oh, and I LOVE how the camera is moving between their two faces. When Joana talks, she is in the shot because Cris is looking at her; when Cris is talking and NOT looking at Joana, we only see her on screen, but when she finally looks back at Joana we have this shot :
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I already said it no? BRILLIANT.
Yep, Joana seems “calmer” (good job, you see, you’re making progress!); the eyebrows are a little raised, the mouth is slightly curved, and wow, she’s like, really listening to what Cris is saying, just look at her eyes, she’s so attentive.
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Look at Joana slowly starting to smile again, we see you girl.  Oh, and Cris thinking she’s bad and talking about her grades starts to show some insecurities, even if she’s joking about it + she’s right even if Joana doesn’t confirm it, there’s revenge in the story (and btw later in the season too, so much foreshadowing).
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I don’t know why, I just like this shot/scene in general. It’s intimate, they’re really listenning to each other (those gazes god…), and their conversation is pretty deep.
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Yep, looking again at her lips.
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I love how they “exchanged” the shots, let me explain; now, when one of them is talking, we have the camera focused on the other, we literally see how they’re looking at each other and it means so many things: the most important isn’t their face anymore, it’s the words of the other, it’s how they’re touched by them; it’s deep because what we see on screen is Cris (okay), but it’s also Cris “seeing” herself react to Joana, how she feels about Joana’s words (you see? Yeah I know it’s really far from just looking at the body language, and maybe I’m completely misinterpreting, but it’s important). GOD I REALLY LOVE THIS SHOW BECAUSE IT’S BRILLIANT.
Oh, and on a more “down-to-earth” analysis, the frown shows that Cris is really focused, she’s attentive, even if her eyes and the curves of her mouth are more like “I’m not sure I’m following you.”
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Guys, I’m not joking. Find someone who looks at you like that when you’re talking. This is beautiful.
God… on close shots like this, so many things are happening; when I said “goldmine” earlier, I wasn’t joking guys; I really invite you to do the same, just take the time to look at the details (if you noticed the little eyebrows relaxing, and then raising really quickly; and her mouth opening a little and also relaxing around the words “happy/love story”, I’m proud of you!)
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“I don’t really agree with you, honey.” The raised but at the same time frowned eyebrows, and the little movement of her head shows “surprise”, or more like “um- wait.”
“But what kind of love is that?”, thank you Cris. Wow… finally we have Cris having a deep and serious talk. And I like her vision of love (because yes, she has one!); she doesn’t understand the point of suffering: “all the count does is make her suffer”; we have a really sweet and soft Cris here.
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Lips again, it’s getting redundant baby girl + when the camera was moving from Cris to her, she was already looking at her lips.
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Exactly the same face from earlier, still in the “confrontation”, but this time I also see a little more “disgust” maybe, or “disbelief” (the mouth is a little more opened and the eyes are wider) but in my head it means some kind of “are you serious?” but weaker (you know? God, I really don’t have the level to do this kind of things in English).
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I don’t know how to interpret the return to this shot; but I think it’s because they want to include these two in the same shot because the “when you love someone, blah-blah…” will have a real meaning for both of them later in the season, because they will both suffer of the absence and of being ignored by the other. And YES, Joana queen of foreshadowing.
I’m not talking a lot about what is said, because I don’t really like this vision of love. I know that suffering is a part of it (but it’s not love which makes you suffer, it’s how you deal with it) and that Las amistades peligrosas have a really “complicated love story”, but to me, it’s clearly not healthy. Maybe it’s love, but not the “good kind” of love, you know? Also, OF COURSE, it’s a new hint for Joana’s BPD; they suffer way more than others when it comes to not being able to spend time with people they love + all this conversation shows “something new” about Joana; I mean, it seems that she way more experienced than Cris about relationships, etc.
(Yep, Cris is a little taken aback by the “and?”)
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To me, Joana’s face means some kind of “You really don’t understand what we’re talking about, don’t you?” (but soft). It’s like she’s trying to find something on Cris’ face or in her gaze (it’s really a feeling I have, I don’t know why? what? how? I just follow it and I don’t think I can interpret it; I only can notice it and share it with you).
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Lips, AGAIN (and yes, her head is leaning forward). And this time, yeah, Cris was staring at her eyes she can’t have missed it; and guess what?
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“Let’s look away and try to talk about something else” (yes, you’re good, you noticed that Cris’ mouth is way more opened, congrats! A little before she moves her gaze, you can see it slowly opening, even maybe her chin “trembling” but it’s really discreet).
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(Do you realize that that there are so many things happening each second?) When Cris starts talking, Joana’s chin quickly rises, kind of a “come back to reality” – LIPS. AGAIN. – “What is she talking about?”.
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Okay, that’s cute.
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But with this joke, we come back to a wider plan; the intimacy and depth are gone.
Wait, I just realized this now but, look at their legs, they are SO close, omg.
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“Oh, maybe I was wrong, my future wife is brilliant.”
Again guys, find someone who looks at you like that when you’re talking + this “Sí”; I’m dying + on the shot before Joana looks at her lips (it’s not surprising anymore) + just look how attentive she is, it’s really cute + yes, we’re back with the “intimate shot”, and the fact that we see the reaction of one girl when the other is talking.
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“Excuse me, what?”
Look at her, she is so unconfident about everything she says, she can’t believe Joana likes her idea.
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Yep, we’re back with that. “I said it just to say something”, one of Cris’ most important caracteristic. She thinks what she says isn’t important, or serious. Joana is, right here, the only one who takes what she says seriously. We thought that Cris is someone really confident and everything, but with this first episode we already have A LOT of hints showing that she maybe doesn’t have a that strong self-esteem as we thought, and this is a really important point.
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Joana, queen of reassurance.
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Can she be cuter? Come on, that’s amazing she’s so proud of herself, thanks to Joana. They already have so much “power”/effect on each other. 2 DAYS GUYS, 2 DAYS. And, yes, close shot again, we keep jumping between intimacy and “normality”, it becomes more and more fluid and natural between these two (I love this show so fucking much).
“Vale”- “Vale”; just go dig my grave.
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Happy girl.
And OMG we’re playing again with the shots, Joana is looking at Cris and then we have this:
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And then the camera isn’t moving anymore, we only have cuts to show each girl, the rhythm is a little faster.
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Lips + LIPS guys, no subtlety anymore xD
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“OMFG iT’s HApPeNiNG!”
No but more seriously, I can’t catch the reaction in one picture; but the mouth and the smile dropping in the blink of an eye + her eyes widening + her body slowly going backward and raising a little.
The funniest is that we don’t see Joana at the moment, we only see Cris’ reaction and it only gives more “suspense”. This is BRILLIANT.
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The camera moving with Joana, WHILE she looks at Cris’ eyes + Her gaze shifting between her eyes and her lips + Cris being completely somewhere else, trying to look away; she doesn’t process at all what’s happening.
This is cute, but at the same time I can’t help but laugh and I don’t know why xD (it’s not awkward though). Yes btw, bold+1550.
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THIS. It doesn’t last long, but wow… There is so much intensity; and at the same time, it shows so many things about how they both feel. Cris is completely lost, her mouth, her jaw and her eyes, she has no control of it (wide eyes, mouth a little open; you can see this expression even more before the eye contact, because there Cris already had a little movement with her chin, kind of realizing what’s happening) + she doesn’t move at all.
At the opposite, we have a “determined” Joana, she knows what she’s doing; I mean, everything is in her gaze + the mouth and the jaw, she has a total control of it + well, she is leaning, like LEANING forward; and we stan.
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This is cute; these little smiles, it takes all the rest of the awkwardness away (and there wasn’t a lot left).
It’s hard to describe everything, so I’m giving you some leads: Joana doesn’t have a lot of things to say here, her face isn’t moving a lot, everything is in her eyes, and of course some movements with her lips. On the other hand, Cris is WOW; her eyes shifting all the time and her mouth are SO EXPRESSIVE; take your time to look at everything, because in what? 5 seconds, there’s a lot.
(I’m wondering if the smile is maybe more Irene than Cris, because it quickly goes back to something a little more “apprehensive”; just a thought like that, no real analysis just a feeling.)
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This last gaze… at this point I just let myself be carried by so much intimacy and tension.
Just a quick remark, it’s not a secret but Joana is so much more at ease, because Cris really can’t “stabilize” her gaze and keep the stare as Joana does.
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And yep, we’re back to the same situation than in the second clip. We have Cris who immediately breaks the connection, while Joana stays in it. In any case, I don’t know if she really was ready for a kiss (let’s wait 3 long weeks now xD).
When I first watched this clip, I wasn’t really surprised by the mom coming; I mean, they didn’t make her interrupt them multiple times for nothing.
Oh, and bold+1600 just for remaining so chill and keeping this little smirk during all the “leaning forward” thing.
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“For fuck sake.”
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We stan a queen rolling her eyes 24/7 – We’re used to it now guys, worry, again. Her face is really like “No come on, don’t tell me you’re leaving.”; that’s cute.
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(Okay, quick remark again with the shot, we have Cris’ pov who’s looking at Joana, blahblah, you understood.) A lot of people think “Now we know it, it’s Eloy texting her, she knows she almost fucked up and she’s just fleeing”; and I’m not so sure about that. First, yes of course, worry and annoyance: the worry is here with the openned mouth just before and the huge breath she takes, and annoyance, with the loud sigh, the thing with her lips, her eyes and the cold “I have to go”. Here is my opinion: if it really was Eloy, that she was supposed to meet him for exemple, why would she had asked Cris to watch the movie, perfectly knowing the length of it? No, I think it’s maybe her parents asking where she is, because maybe she hasn’t told them she was out because her reaction is close to a “I’m screwed” + a quick reaction and decision like that, I think hints again for BPD (when I say hints it’s stupid because it’s just her reacting to the world around her, but I think you understand what I mean).
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Cris being so desperate: “Already?”; “Um, shouldn’t we finish the movie?”; it’s cute though, she doesn’t want her to leave, but damn it’s so clumsy xD
New aspect of Joana, she is a little destabilized and we don’t have her usual confidence. She is really avoidant with a quick, low, and weak “yes”; she is already grabbing her jacket, kind of fleeing Cris. A messy excuse “I’ve already seen it” (why are you here then? xD I mean, I know it’s not a lie because there’s a chat about it, but it just makes me laugh) + her voice is “different” you know? Yeah, really, we have a completely other Joana here.
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“I’ll walk you out”, Cris really tries xD
And damn we really have Joana “pushing her away”; it’s like in the blink of an eye, she completely changed even if she’s really polite and everything, and it’s brilliant
+ Here (pictures) we have Joana with the joke and this cute smile which gives her back some confidence - but then we have the other gaze with all the “composure” she tries to keep fading again.
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Some hope with the “Well, I’ll see you on Monday, right?” + You even can see (before the picture) on Cris’ agreement, we have a smile forming and she seems so relieved, that’s cute (an yes, close shot on Joana, so Cris’ pov).
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Fuck, those pupils.
Cris’ emotional journey be like:
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“What the hell just happened?” – Queen of eyes rolling (god, this sigh).
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“It’s so unfair!” (her eyes shifting everywhere, kind of processing the situation) – The most interesting face, because I’m not sure how to interpret it. I hesitate between two things: a movement to bite her lips or cheeks or whatever; OR it’s a “common” movement, we do this kind of thing when we’re speechless, when we want to talk but nothing comes out, as if our mouth follows our thoughts but our throat doesn’t; it helps us to regain our composure in away (+ there’s so much frustration; again, all of this is here to add some humor).
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We have a movement backward, to breathe a little, to let things out; and just look at this adorable gay mess, she’s so cute + “Well… at least we spent some time together, it’s not that bad…” – “Fuck, of course that’s bad! I hate my life.” + Cris closing her eyes as the ending screen comes, come on, stop being so on top…
Bold score: 1600 (congrats Mrs. Bianchi).
What I love with this clip is that it tells us what’s going to happen (they’re going to have the “No puedo evitarlo” and the “don’t you love me?”; they’re going to suffer; Cris will go through all the stages of what she calls “idiot” here). It just allows us to have a starting point for Cris and Joana’s growth through the season; and this is brilliant. And yes, we are fucking clowns.
Anyway, we finally finished this first episode! It was long, but so interesting to do. We already have so much information about Cris and Joana, that’s brilliant. Again, a quick reminder, I don’t pretend to be an expert or whatever, I just share with you my thoughts, and of course there must be a lot of mistakes and I’m sure I forgot a lot of things.
I’m going to take a little break with Skam España, which means that the next analyses won’t come soon, and I’m pretty sure I won’t do all the clips because it takes me too much time; but yes, definitely, I’ll write other reaction, don’t worry about that!
I hope you enjoyed, thank you so much for reading!
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somilkyshaky · 4 years
Skam España - Season 2 - Episode 1, Clip 3: Éxtasis.
Here you go for the first and the second clips.
This is the last clip for today (don’t worry I’m not spamming anymore ^^”).
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This is beautiful.
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I love how we go from this cold blue when Dani hasn’t let his anger out, to this dark orange when he starts getting really mad at Cris (oh, and she is the one to press the button for the light, of course).
Okay, now the verbal: Cris trying to joke to calm her brother is relatable. I mean, we all tried once to joke with someone who’s mad at us (even if we know it rarely works). But it’s here where we have Cris’ “problem”. She tries to joke, which shows she doesn’t realize the situation. She tries to find all the excuses in the world or to avoid the real problem: “I thought the pills were yours”; “It’s not my fault if the dude’s jacket is the same as yours”;  “You don’t have to talk to me as if you were dad”; etc.
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She doesn’t accept her own faults, she doesn’t apologize either. She is in confrontation with Dani, she doesn’t understand why he is so mad at her (“Relax, all right?” with a curtly tone).
The whole conversation, I’m on Dani’s side, even if, yeah, you can explain it to her without “yelling” at her, but I really love the: “If you’re old enough to take pills, then you are too for assuming the consequences!”. The: “Well, I don’t care” after she tells him she doesn’t have the pills is so realistic. He doesn’t want to help her; he wants her to fix things on her own (even if, I won’t lie to you, I would help my little sister about something that big and don’t let my friend, here Ruben, take care of that).
And of course, the role of the “moralizer” with the: “Open your eyes, grow up” (it’s not just for Cris by the way, but for all the young people who watch Skam; they will grow with her during the whole season), which again shows Cris immaturity: “don’t talk like dad”, she still doesn’t apologize or accept her faults.
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And then he gives up. Look at his eyes, he’s even “sad” that her sister doesn’t realize what’s happening. He leaves the shot while she stays in it, he literally lets her alone in this situation (at the very moment, and with the pills).
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She’s dazed that her brother doesn’t support her anymore (he left the shot). Her eyes are teary, she knows she isn’t in a good situation, at all, and I think it’s also a bit of sadness because she just argued with her brother. Then she leaves the shot, the conversation is closed.
This song isn’t subtle but well, that’s the point! Even when she tries to fix things, we have Joana in the back of her mind. “I can’t see inside your mind”; “You can’t deny”; “Somehow I want to start again”; “It’s not the end”. 
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“I wanna see you again” when THE photo appears on the screen, so meaningful (oh, by the way, we have Cris who clearly avoids the problem again by looking at her phone).
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“Come, take my hand” when she zooms on Joana and “Don’t be afraid to show me your way”, I mean, I can’t xD (by the way, who does that? I mean, who has the BOLDNESS to place herself on a photo and look straight at the camera? I don’t think it was intentionnal from Joana; but this photo makes me laugh every fucking time).
By the way, I asked myself in the second clip reaction why we hadn’t seen Joana in the first clip. Well, with this photo, we know she was in the nightclub during the first clip. It confirms a bit more what I thought about this “poetic cinema” thing that the second clip is the first time Cris notices Joana.
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“What the hell am I doing?” (Stalking baby girl)
Then “The heart speeds up…” shows that her interaction with Joana clearly confused her.
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“That’s bullshit. There must be something else.”
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She clearly doesn’t find what she was looking for when she looks at the drug’s effect; you can see her frustration, she isn’t reassure or relieved, at all.
I’m showing you all of this, because as a lesbian, I know I went through all these stages, even unconsciously and this scene is really, really, really realistic (and now to me, it’s really funny, because when you know how things are, the only thing you can do is laugh at your confused younger gay self).
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And to perfectly end this clip: “I know it’s not the end” while Cris stares at Joana. It’s just… amazing xD
In only 3 clips we already have a great glimpse of Cris’ character and I really love it. To me, Skam España really started this season 2 on top.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked these three “reactions”. Tell me if it’s worth continuing and, maybe see you soon :)
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somilkyshaky · 4 years
Skam España - Season 2 - Episode 1, Clip 2: Yo no noto nada.
(If you don’t understand why I’m posting this, here you go) + The first clip if you missed it.
Well. Their meeting. Obviously, there will be a lot to say.
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Cute, drunk/high dumbasses. I stan this duo + Dani being a big brother + Ruben and the stare.
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I mean. STARE. I love Skam España for the details. Like, I know there’s a shot some seconds later where we clearly focus on his stare. But here it’s on the background and yeah, I just love details + I love how Cris intentionally lets Eva with Cristian, I mean, friend’s duty (+ the wink, I’m falling).
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Um yeah, Viri being the third wheel. I mean, their positions are so meaningful. Nora is clearly enjoying talking with Alejandro (which is reciprocate, of course), BUT we still have Viri in the middle of them, BUT the fact they’re only talking to each other bring the thing that Nora starts to forget about Viri and her clear feelings (+ Amira still being really bored, I love her so much + I won’t talk a lot about Norandro, I really will focus on Cris).
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Can we just take a second to appreciate this beauty? Thank you, we can continue.
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Okay first, hello Joana. Then, can we just say that on the FIRST FRAME where we see her, she’s already staring at Cris? I know some seconds later they affirm she already knows Cris, and there’s this whole thing about the “heart skipped a beat” post and I fucking stan; but my simple ask is: What’s happening in her head at the very moment? A mix of excitement and gay mess I suppose? + I haven’t noticed before but, why didn’t we see her before in the party (in the first clip)? Is it some sort of a “poetic cinema” thing to show that this is the first time Cris notices her? If it is, that’s brilliant.
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Can we just take a second to appreciate this beauty? Thank you, we can continue.
Oh, and can we just talk about the colors? They are surrounded by blue and orange-yellow. It gives so many vibes at the same time. Cold and warm colors. As if two worlds were colliding. Love it.
Plus, funny how we discover an entire new Cris, “alone” outside the nightclub, she seems so calm. I mean 10 seconds before she was laughing with everyone and now, she seems so peaceful. Two facets of Cris that may be one at the end of the season? (We’ll talk about this in the clip Iftar huh?).
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Can someone explain me how Cris doesn’t notice the stare? I mean. Come on girl.
Let’s start the “Joana being bold” challenge.
She is the one to say hello, even though the girl in front of her didn’t notice her (Bold+1).
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 This makes me laugh every time. Cris’ clumsiness. I can’t.
“I’m Cris.” - “I know.” (Bold+2)
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Okay, so they’re saying hello, that’s normal, BUT we have Joana clearly kissing Cris’ cheek, and I DON’T kiss the cheek from a girl I just met, sooooo BOLD+10. Plus, I just love Cris’ face some frames later, she seems so confused, like “uh okay, I’m not used to this but I don’t mind either.”
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Okay so now we have THIS. I have nothing else to say. Just THIS.
Well, in fact I have something else to say, around this moment, the music is so low that we could think it disappeared; I think it shows the start of the conversation, or even, the start of the connection between these two.
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Cris caught in her staring + the BEST GAY PANIC EVER of my entire life. I live for this shit, seriously.
Joana’s famous biting/liking lips, I can’t, I should count them.
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Joana’s little smile when Cris tries to find her tobacco, which clearly means, “here’s my opportunity to continue the conversation”. No but, more seriously, I think she’s just making fun of Cris in her mind and that’s cute.
I just love her posture, kind of hugging herself. She looks so small, and if you look her right hand, you can see she’s already doing this thing she always does with her nails/fingers. That’s amazing how, in what? 20 seconds? We already have so much information about Joana (new girl from literature, clearly nervous and bold, etc. but anyway).
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Then Joana’s stare. She takes the opportunity of being close to Cris to look at the details (I do it myself, so yeah, I can relate). I mean, you can see she’s not just staring at her, she’s carefully looking at her, even watching her. 
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Cris starting the conversation. It doesn’t feel awkward or anything, she really wants to say something in the very moment, or maybe it’s just Cris being really at ease with everyone she meets + Joana reacting to THE song (which appears just when Cris starts talking to her, coincidence? No). Dude, seriously, when I saw this clip for the first time, the first thing I thought was: “Nooo, they didn’t, right?”.
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Joana being bold by mentionning “Blue is the Warmest Color” Bold+11 (you feel it coming huh?) + I’m sorry but there is a real chemistry between these two. I mean, their smiles? And they laugh with each other so normally. It feels so fluid between them.
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This look: “What the hell is she doing?” oh and BOLD+1000. I’m sorry but I just fucking laugh every time I see this scene.
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And the way she holds her hand, I mean, I seriously want someone to hold my hand the same way.
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And here we are. The connection. This is the first time they stare at each other at the same time. And yeah, Cris seemed a little dazed by Joana’s move at first but then, just look at her. She is listening to Joana; she completely enters the conversation and keeps the connection. Oh, and Joana gets a little closer from Cris, just saying but bold+1001.
Cris has a little movement with her lips as if she was trying to answer Joana’s question (bold+1002 for mentioning the heart beat), but it was clear she was going to stammer something more than anything (gay mess, we all know it guys). She doesn’t push Joana away when she rests her hand on her chest, though. At the very moment she stares at her hand, it feels like she’s trying to process what’s happening and it’s so damn funny. And then…
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Look at this precious smile.
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I will never get over these English subtitles, really. It says everything. Even though, I just noticed that both of them clearly get closer again during the stare. This is super intimate. 
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And then the connection breaks. We even have something a little “sad”; let me explain. We have a panic from Cris and kind of a “return to reality”, but most importantly, we have the “relief” of leaving the connection with Joana, as if it was something she wasn’t allowed to do.
And just, guys, Joana taking all the time in the world to remove her hand is so damn funny, bold+1010. She doesn’t want the connection to break though: Cris completely turns her body to face Ruben; but Joana, she doesn’t change her posture. Her body and her head are still turned to Cris, only her eyes move to look at Ruben.
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(I’m sorry, the pictures are shit) Joana, we all saw you rolling your eyes girl. Look at this frustation xD Oh and guess what, here we start with her “bitting nails” thing. I don’t know if it’s because there’s the famous Eloy in the equation and she thinks about it, or just because she’s upset because of Ruben. Personally, I choose option 2.
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THIS. I mean, guys, I have no word. It’s so fucking funny.
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Bold+1050 and the girls mocking Ruben. Love it.
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They’re exchanging their last little smiles and gazes, and it’s still not awkward though, even if Cris’ gaze is a little shifty, it’s really warm and even conniving (when I say it’s not awkward, I mean the two girls, not the situation with Ruben next to them xD). But, that’s true, we have a dazed, or at least a confused Cris after what just happened.
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I just love to imagine Joana and Ruben’s conversation before entering the nightclub after Cris and Eva left. I mean, I’m laughing alone like an idiot, but yeah.
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Am I the only one to feel attacked by the nightclub colors? And the music is so loud and yeah… aggressive. Everything’s fast, everything’s going wrong and you feel the tension in the atmosphere.
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Boom. Just look at the difference between the two pictures. When Joana appears, the colors become “soft” again, or at least, there’s not this “fog” in the room anymore. And we also have a color changing when Ruben enters the shot. Fuck, that’s just brilliant.
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Cris reaction though, even if she isn’t defendable because well, I’m sorry but everything is her fault, all this self-control, wow (Oh, and surprise the fog appears again).
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My god this look. I mean, wow (Tamara is brilliant). There isn’t anger, but a really stern and closed face, but if you look closer her eyes, you see concern and scare (which, I suppose, are for Cris at the very moment). I don’t think she would’ve intervened, but clearly, there’s the protective mode activated here.
Of course, we have Ruben the white knight coming to save Cris, but well, we all know it was necessary in this situation.
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Cris protecting Eva. Really, I love it. I’m not doing the reactions of all the people around them, but damn, everything is in character, Jorge, Hugo, Amira, Alejandro, the girls, everything is in the details (I really could stare at every frame of the clips so the actors are involved and god, all these details, that’s amazing).
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And then... The last shot with at first the focus on Joana’s worried face who then looks at Cris, which make the focus goes on her is WOW.
Having Cris in the foreground and Joana in the blur in the background is beautiful. Cris, in the foreground of her mind (represented by the red), knows she fucked up and we clearly see shame/embarrassment (lowers her head and hides her face), but it’s like there’s still this girl, Joana, even in all this mess, in the back of her mind (represented by the purple and the blur). But here, everything is overwhelming, the fight in front of her and the thought of Joana (the colors guys, red and purple, they assemble each other but not in the good way; but to me, purple is way more welcoming than red). Yeah, poetic cinema. Also, Irene’s acting, it’s another level.
Okay, this was super long, but I love doing this. I’m not saying that I perfectly understand or interpret things. That’s MY thoughts of it, and if you don’t agree, feel free to correct me!
Oh, and bold score: 1050. (Plus, I really should write something about Joana’s clothes. I really think there’s a meaning behind all her outfits.)
Anyway, thanks for reading, the third clip is coming!
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somilkyshaky · 4 years
Skam España - Season 2 - Episode 1, Clip 5: La deuda
Hey! Yes wow, I’m posting regularly (spoiler, it won’t last).
Here you go if you haven’t seen the fourth clip I posted maybe two or three days ago; and here for the first clip. If you don’t know why I’m posting all of this, just go check this post.
Finally, a “short” clip. Not the most important one, but you’ll see, we’ll find things to say, don’t worry.
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I’m sorry but this is so beautiful. I love the cinematography of Skam España; some shots like this one are stunning; it’s just simple but efficient and not “too much” like *cough* another remake *cough*.
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She isn’t confident, AT ALL. She tries though: the hands in the pocket, she’s looking right in front of her, she stands straight; but we have her chin a little low, so yeah. Plus, just the eyes, I think y’all can see it + her eyebrows are a little falling like her mouth (if you look closely, it’s already a little open, as if she was ready to speak and explain herself, she must have rehearse A LOT in her head what she’s going to say).
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On the shot before, we have Cris already looking at Ruben, so this shot, is her pov, what she sees. That’s all, that’s great.
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Confidence? 0% (looking down, the chin low, the muscle of the neck really tensed, but she prepares a smile, because yeah, it’s what helps her the most). More seriously, she takes a look at Ruben a first time, then she does this and says hi and then she goes back to his gaze, clearly not confident even if she tries to keep it cool.
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No hello, nothing. He isn’t here to joke. Stern face, his jaw a little clenched.
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Everything falls apart in a second. Look at her. Her mouth just dropped, and her eyes are a little “scared”? She realizes the conversation isn’t going in a good way, in her favor. Her smile won’t be enough.
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THE GULP. Plus, now she is sitting, she is at his height (even a little shorter) she isn’t “superior” anymore.
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Ruben’s reaction is priceless. His eyes rolling and now he rises his chin, he sits up straight. Every sign of annoyance + during the entire next minute, he’s going to always look in front of him instead of Cris, it’s kind of a sign of “superiority” (not really but I think you understand), it’s like “I don’t need to look at you, you don’t deserve it.”
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But then “oh… she really did all of this?”.
The fact she really tried to find them is something I like about Cris. She did everything she could; well, you could tell me “she doesn’t really have the choice” but I don’t know, not everyone would have done it, believe me.
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I’m a little confused by this part, it’s like her entire face says “Well, maybe a little…” I think I’m misinterpreting so I’m not going to develop.
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Plus, yeah, come on, she looks so small at the moment (her head in her shoulder, which makes her look even shorter, her eyebrows a little raised, her eyes filled by “anxiety”, her mouth dropping a little, she doesn’t control anything). She seems pretty sincere. Oh, and btw, SHE DOESN’T APOLOGIZE. AGAIN. To me “I fucked up…” is a good start, she realizes it, but saying “I’m sorry” is another thing.
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Still stern af. And dude, I haven’t really paid attention but… these EYEBROWS.
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I don’t have a lot of things to say about all the part “I’m going to pay you”, because we have an angry/annoyed Ruben and a small Cris. Even if to be honest, Cris makes me laugh, a lot. All these little sentences: “It will take me a while, because I don’t have anything saved but…”; “In… a month? more or less… Maybe two…”; it first shows a little more about her character, but most importantly it’s funny because she’s so out of the situation, she doesn’t realize what all of this really entails.
And then…
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Boom, soft. Look at his chin, it slowly relaxes, plus the eyes are less threatening and his eyebrows are a little higher.
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Shocked + confused, but no anxiety anymore (I don’t know why I’m showing you this though)
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And then, she immediately sits up straight, the chin is high, the mouth doesn’t fall anymore, the eyebrows are even a little raised. She even takes back “her voice” and she jokes. The confidence is back my dudes.
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Little bonus for this “yes”. First, I hate it. Look at him trying to hold a proud smile for being the white knight (again). Second, yeah- maybe, he is nice, I admit it.
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Of course.
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Tbh, I love her reaction. This little movement backward and this “Oh… He’s bold, I like it.”
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This smile. I can’t.
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Happy boy.
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Do you like awkwardness? I love awkwardness.
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It’s blurry, I know, but just look at Ruben. Yeah. Raise your eyes soldier.
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Blurry again, BUT yeah, just the fact of him turning back and not Cris is so meaningful; she doesn’t really care about him + we have Joana’s message at the same time + I’m sure it’s not intentional, but the fact of having Cris’ head turned to the messages, yeah. Oh and, yes of course, a smile when she answers, but… who answers a “ok”? Come on, who?
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We end the clip as it started with the camera following Cris, but this time we have relief: the hands in the pocket, she’s looking right in front of her, she stands straight, and her chin is high + little bonus we have a smile. Everything’s fine; she solved the pills’ problem and she has a date, well no, two dates. I mean, what else? Where’s the lie?
Thank you so much for reading!
It wasn’t a really important clip, but it was interesting to see Cris’ apprehension and “vulnerability”.
BTW, the funniest thing of all of this, is that we NEVER heard about the money again. One of the other MANY mysteries of Skam España, I suppose.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, see you soon guys!
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somilkyshaky · 4 years
Skam España - Season 2 - Episode 1, Clip 1: El fiestón de Hugo.
(If you don’t understand why I’m posting this, here you go)
I suppose it’s the perfect day to post this xD. The second and third clips will be post in a row and then I will do the other clips, well, when I want and have the time for it. Plus, I know what I’m doing isn’t that amazing, but you’ll have a glimpse of what I want to do, so tell me if it’s worth continuing or not! I plan to do every clip, but right now, I think it’s gonna be really long, so maybe I will only do the “important” clip, even if, of course, they’re all damn important.
ANYWAY, first clip here we go.
First, they start the season with Cris at a party. We know the characters with season 1 and everything, but for example, I couldn’t watch season 1 before season 2, so, it’s important to remember that they need to show the characters’ personalities really quickly for the people who join the show along the way (I mean guys, we all know a lot of the fandom only watch the “Isak”’s seasons). Clever.
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Guys, this is soooooo a teenage thing and I see my friends 3 years ago and now it really makes me laugh like an idiot and I don’t even know why.
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We really have a parallel between Cris and Amira. I mean, Cris is literally talking to EVERYONE and on the other hand Amira is sitting on a couch, being bored, clearly not feeling at her place + Amira trying to talk to Cris, and this lately clearly not hearing her. We have a foreshadowing on the misunderstanding between these two in the next episodes and Cris being a little “reckless” in her relationship with Amira, letting her feel left apart by her best friend. Love it.
Cris going in the men’s toilet? Cris is me.
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Cris and Hugo, and the “after a few shots” = Skam España showing in the first clip that they won’t go that way. Clever.
Lucas/Isak and the boy squad in the toilet with a joint? Cool they kept it; they show they don’t forget the og (we all know that now, but anyway).
The guys being “supportive” with Lucas’ sexuality (by the way, I love Lucas’ channel, please give me a video with Joana and her MI, that would REALLY sensitize people, even if they already did all these Instagram accounts). I clearly see my friends joke the same way with me in this clip, so I liked this little conversation.
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Just for fun.
Cris flirting with the barman, I can’t, I love her.
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Cris doesn’t give a shit about Ruben since their “very first” interaction, I just noticed now xD Plus, look at his face, we know. Skam España are good when they want to show what they will do with their characters, here Ruben being a “love” interest (not really but you understood). Oh, and by the way, hello Dani.
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Viri = Queen of foreshadowing.
Oh and “I’ll give you the money later”? I know, I love foreshadowing (I don’t think it’s really that but I like to think it’s already hints about it).
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Skam España, this isn’t subtle, at all.
Cris and Eva being dumbasses and reckless af with the pills. Dude ask your brother if he is okay about you taking his pills (especially when it’s not his, lol). But again, it fits with Cris personality, she IS reckless and not realizing what she’s doing. But I won’t lie the “it tastes like ibuprofen” makes me laugh every time.
I’m sure I forgot A LOT of things, but anyway, I already love doing this! I’m sorry if my English isn’t fluid and hard to read; I’m doing my best to be understandable. Please, don’t hesitate to give your opinion, I love debates.
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somilkyshaky · 4 years
Skam España - Season 2 - Episode 1, Clip 4: El monotema
Oh, hey you! Yes I’m back with my analyses (don’t get too excited though).
Okay, so I already did the first 3 clips (a month ago, I know, but here I am), so here you go for the first one. And if you don’t understand why I’m doing all of this, just go read this post.
It’s a 6 minutes long clip and there’s so many things to say, it’s gonna be reaaally long so, prepare yourself.
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First, I love the camera tracking Cris from behind, that’s it, we can continue.
There’s sooooo many things to say about the conversation between the girls. Amira and Nora being moralizing, Viri always being like “yeah it wasn’t nice” (love her) and Eva laughing BUT knowing they fucked up.
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First, yes, Amira is right; but I want to catch your attention on the girls’ position (btw, Nora, sweetie, you can’t wear leopard patterns, I’m sorry):
- We have Eva in the background, not really facing the girls and clearly lying lazily: she is in the conversation, but she stays away and knows that she isn’t in the best position to say something; she fucked up, she isn’t “allowed” to say something (“Yeah, okay, we were idiots and that’s it, but it’s not so bad.”).
- We have Amira, the voice of reason, “drinking is one thing, but pills…”. She is the one who “reprimands” the girls. Her position is meaningful, she is the “highest” of them? (I don’t know how to say it), AND most importantly, she is almost at the same height than Cris, even if she’s sitting. She is the one who can face her and really make her listen to her (friendship goal).
- Nora and Viri are at the same height and doesn’t have a “big influence” in the conversation. Nora follows Amira; she is holding her leg, she “rests” on her. Viri is looking at Amira, she follows what she’s saying, she agrees.
- And then Cris. She is alone, facing all the girls, but she is the only one standing. Don’t forget one thing, we have HER point of view. The fact of her standing in front of them shows that she thinks she is right, and in the same way, she isn’t really going to listen to them; or at least, she is going to listen to them by how they are positioned. We haven’t listened to their conversation yet, but we clearly have a “foreshadowing” of what’s going to happen in the next minute.
Okay, now the conversation.
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Oh yes girl, you know you have to face your friends. A small smile appearing on her lips, she’s preparing herself to joke with whatever they’re going to say, even if I think she knows deep down (really deep) that she fucked up.
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Cris and her “Come on, it wasn’t such a big deal.” and her laughing with Eva. She really doesn’t take it seriously.
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Yep, defensive mode activated. The first one to talk: Viri (remember she is the “lowest” in the girls’ position), and Cris immediately finds something to retort, she is “superior” in the moment, she isn’t listening to her.
Then she turns to Eva: “But no!”, she finds some complicity, it comforts her in the fact that she is right and that she has done nothing wrong.
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Amira’s “Cris, girl, you think everything is joke… This is serious.” clearly makes her doubt in one second. They have so much “power” on each other. Amira knows how to talk to Cris and this is really brilliant to go from Viri to Amira and see the different “degree” of friendships Cris has with the girls.
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Ooooh yes. It’s time to realize that this is a shitty situation for her. Everything was going fine in her head until these messages. The jaw is a little falling, no smile anymore, her frowned eyebrows are now relaxed but it’s because she hasn’t realized it yet.
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And then, here we have worry, guys. Irene’s acting as always *chef kiss*.
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Just a little message and she is completely destabilized (I mean look at her wow) BUT yes, she takes back her composure really quickly (mostly because of the girls’ pressure tbh).
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“Apologizing? No, I don’t know what it is.”
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Nora following Amira (still holding her leg btw AND just the two of them appear in the shot), but a little more, you know, spiky? sharply?
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Cris’ all reaction is… wow: “No, dude, there’s no need.”; “But it wasn’t me, it was that guy.”; “Then you go.”; “You fucked up as much as me…”. And the “don’t look at me like that” from Eva, thank you girl. I mean, the real love story from Skam España is between Cris and denial x) (Btw, I love Eva, “I’ll be your moral support” and the fact she can’t help herself but laugh at the situation? She is in fault of course, but to me, she understands why it’s important to apologize, Cris doesn’t).
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A gaze meaning: “I know you’re right Amira; and the worst is that you know I know you’re right.” (+small bonus for Nora calling her Cristina, it shows a little more Nora’s character, she is “mothering” the girls sometimes).
And then: “I’m going, but just so you guys shut up, alright? And against my will.” She always tries to find excuses to not accept she is wrong; that’s really one of her “bad” characteristic, and I love how they’re showing it, because A LOT of teenager have the same vision. It’s important to talk about it.
But of course, nothing goes as it should because Cris is REALLY BAD at communication and we’re going to see it during the whole season (I already said it in the first 3 clips, but this first episode really established everything we have to know about Cris, and to me, I think it’s brilliantly done):
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“Wow two slices, huh?” a joke, she doesn’t’ know how to start the conversation, so she just comes with her bright smile and hope it’s going to work.
An awkward silence during 8 seconds! (love it)
Her speech is so messy. The party, the dude, the FAMOUS jacket which is her number one excuse… and then Hugo who just tells her it’s okay (sweet boy). AND YES guys, she hasn’t apologized, and it really kills me how accurate all of this is.
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She tried though, like really.
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Meaning: “Yeah… chill...”
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Look at her, trying to show the girls she apologized, but she didn’t and she kind of feel guilty? That’s where we can see that Cris is someone nice and caring; she’s just really bad at understanding things and letting things out.
“Does Hugo have a girlfriend?” Oooooooh Viri… if you knew.
And then…. “Hey! I don’t have anybody either!”; Cris’ gaze falls on this:
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Subtlety you said? + “Nora, you and I…”; Noreva, etc. while we follow Cris’ gaze on Joana… I mean, where is the lie?
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Well okay, here we have something soft, she’s just looking at Joana; no special emotion in it, but then…
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The frown. Meaning: “Nah.”
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She is so pensive; I mean, she’s the first one to gossip about all this kind of things (ship, etc.), but right now, she’s just silent. I don’t know if it’s about Joana at the party, or if it’s about the pills, or maybe both at the same time, but yeah, she’s clearly overthinking things.
We go back to Joana, and then the camera moves with Cris gaze to the girls (I really like their way of filming).
Oh but. Wait.
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You really thought she had taken her eyes of Joana, huh? LOL. Nope.
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Tbh, it’s really hard to catch Cris’ gay panic on the word “lesbian”, but it clearly messes her mind up. Look at her… she looks so lost, too many things are happening in her head and I’m pretty sure she clearly doesn’t understand anything.
We have a quick come back to reality on screen from Cris when the girls start to leave, which proves she was clearly on another planet. Anyway, discussion with Eva.
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We don’t know it yet as a viewer, but right now, Cris is looking at Joana; and just after that she tells Eva “Ok, it’s fine, don’t worry”; I think she just had the idea to go talk to Joana to know if she saw something. Btw, Eva saying “No, I’ll help you.” and Cris trying to not involve her more? (I mean, friendship goal)
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I think it’s the biggest mystery of Skam España. Who the hell is this guy? Why don’t we see him in the rest of the season? Why is she even talking to him? And my simple answer is: they just needed her to stay in the area, to stay “on screen”, because they needed Cris to have the idea to go talk to her about the night before; so, they just made Joana talk with someone random to keep her there. Plus, it shows she is really tactful with everybody, I mean, who touches chests like that all the time besides Joana? (Yes, bold+1051)
Okay so, we haven’t yet seen Joana and Cris interact, but it’s already soooo long because there’s so many things to say about Cris, because she is an amazing character, and it shows that Skam España s2 isn’t just about a love story, it’s about a character growing through her life and her relationships. Plus, I know, I must have already missed and forgot a lot of things, but we still have to watch 2 INTENSE minutes of the clip, so let’s go, shall we?
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I forgot that Cris is sneaky as fuck. Btw, Cris going to talk straight to Joana about the pills shows she really wants to do something about it and have information; that’s something important to notice, she takes her responsibilities. I really doubt she goes to talk to Joana, just to have the opportunity to talk to her. Plus, you’ll see it later, she wasn’t planning on sitting next to her, so yeah, right now, she’s not that interested by Joana (she is surely unconsciously though), she’s more like really confused about her, that’s it.
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After “Joana being bold”, let me introduce you “Joana being confused as fuck”. Btw, her “si, dime” (if I’m correct) is so fucking soft.
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What are you looking at baby girl?
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This girl is a fucking meme. We talk about Cris, but Joana guys, it’s another level.
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Joana, come on, we all saw your smile.
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Yes. Joana’s eyes. Raise your gaze soldier.
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Come on, what did I just say? Yeah sure, her t-shirt is great, but it’s not an excuse.
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It’s hard to catch it with one picture, but just look at her eyes widening when Pedro mention a work in pairs (+ she gulps). I don’t know if it’s a rush of anxiety, or a thought like “Damn, I can’t be so lucky in one day”; I choose both at the same time (Yes, Cris is cute af x)).
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Happy girl. (Oh, and this little movement she always does with her mouth? I’m dying. Do I like Joana? What are you talking about? It’s not the subject of the conversation.)
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“Come on Joana, stop staring at her lips she’s talking to you”
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Yeah. Meme + confused af.
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Cris’ little movement with her eyebrows = “Yeah well… Tell me about it.”
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I’m sorry, I’m just laughing so hard when I see that. Don’t ask me why, I’m just tired.
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The focus going from Joana to Cris to show her smiling at what Joana just said *chef kiss* + Cris: “Oh I see… I won’t complain.”; oh, and bold+1055.
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Joana asking if Cris is okay about it; I mean, guys, she is so sweet, and soft, and whatever you want + Yeah, I don’t need to talk about it, just, THIS.
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To be honest, I don’t know all these books, but there must a be a meaning behind them, or just I don’t know, a reference? If you know it, don’t hesitate to share it (and omg those black nails are wonderful Ms. Bianchi).
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I mean... What can I say?
“One that has a movie…” I think we all said it once in our life + it shows something new about Joana, she likes reading and she clearly has a nerdy side.
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Cris caught in her stare and her gay panic is… I mean, it makes me laugh everytime so she is clumsy.
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I love them. This “okay” thing, it really kills me.
I found the poem of the scene (Greece, by Oscar Wilde); I don’t really know how to interpret it. I’m asking myself if it’s maybe Joana’s pov at the moment, because first, it starts just after Cris’ laugh + we’re talking about “sapphire colored”; “blue lands” = Cris’ eyes? + I really feel that this poem is “soothing”, maybe it represents Joana’s state of mine at the moment? + we all know later that she loves poetry; so yeah maybe Joana’s pov, who knows? (I put in bold everything in the poem that might be relevant, I don’t know tbh)
The sea was sapphire colored, and the sky
Burned like a heated opal through the air;
We hoisted sail; the wind was blowing fair
For the blue lands that to the eastward lie.
From the steep prow I marked with quickening eye
Zakynthos, every olive grove and creek,
Ithaca's cliff, Lycaon's snowy peak, (it stops here in the show)
And all the flower-strewn hills of Arcady.
The flapping of the sail against the mast,
The ripple of the water on the side,
The ripple of girls' laughter at the stern,
The only sounds: -when 'gan the West to burn,
And a red sun upon the seas to ride,
I stood upon the soil of Greece at last!
Oscar Wilde
“quickening eye” because, yeah, I mean, they can’t stop looking at each other with those shifting eyes, even if tbh Cris moves way more than Joana, not just her gaze, but her entire body, she’s really “agitated” compared to Joana.
“girls’ laughter” because, well, I think it’s obvious.
“at last!” because we all know Joana noticed Cris when she arrived, and the blonde coming to talk to her is like, yeah, “finally”.
I can’t put everything I see because I would clearly stop on EVERY frame, but let’s get some cute things.
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Can they look/be happier?
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This lips thing… but none of this is awkward though, there’s so much complicity between these two. And FUCK Joana’s gaze, I can’t.
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They can’t help but smile, laugh and look at each other all the time; in just a few seconds they exchange a gaze, 4 times.
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Look at them looking forward and holding a laugh (love it) + the fact of looking forward together at the same time could have a meaning, kind of: “It’s only starting, and there’s a lot to come.”
Wow, finally, we get to the end of this BIG clip. I really enjoyed doing this. I didn’t say everything and I certainly forgot a lot of things, sorry.
Funny how when there’s Joana on screen, everything works with their expressions, I illustrate everything with pictures because wow, there so many things happening each second. The acting is… I don’t have word for that, I just “feel” them.
Btw, bold score: 1055 (not bad, but could be better).
Anyway, thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed! See you soon, because yes, I’m going to continue, at least I want to finish the first episode, and then I’ll see.
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