#clive is beautiful
rosfieldx · 4 months
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romance & relationship headcanons! // @eddaschild asked: 11. how comfortable is your muse with their appearance and their body?
Tough question. Just like I say in a lot of my post.. it was a lot different when Clive was younger. It's like he was a whole lot of person. Though he felt he was stuck in a prison of insecurities, he had more confidence that people thought. He thought he looked quite charming, and was proud of it.
Older Clive, has some pride in certain features. Overall though he has more confidence in himself rather then his body. He just sees a skin of scars that are a reminder of his past and present traumas. His body is a record of it all. So he rather not focus on his appearance and more on morals and everything that builds up his character.
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