Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー Laito [08]
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ー The scene starts in the forest
Laito: You’ll be giving her back to me, Ayato-kun, Kanato-kun.
Kanato: What is your problem...? First you appear out of nowhere and now you’re giving me the evil eye. 
I am free to do with her as I please. Now could all you nuisances please back off?
Laito: I’m afraid I can’t let that one slide~ I don’t recall handing her over to you after all. 
Ayato: Hah! Funny comin’ from the same guy who agreed to lettin’ us have her blood the other day.
Laito: Exactly...I made a huge blunder. I’m such a fool.
However, I won’t make that same mistake twice. 
Yui: Laito-kun...
ー Laito approaches them
Laito: Listen, Kanato-kun, that branch...Could you please stop pointing it towards Bitch-chan? 
What if you burn her? Or set her on fire by mistake?
Kanato: Stay away from me! All I’m doing is ‘preparing’ her so her blood will turn out more delicious. 
What did I do to deserve this!? Why are you looking at me with those eyes full of pity!?
Laito: I mean, are you going to burn someone alive again? Just like you did to that woman after she fell down from the balcony.
Kanato: The balcony...?
Uu...Ah, why...?
Laito: Woah there! That was close. If you had dropped it there, the flames would spread in no time. I better extinguish the fire real quick.
Ayato: Oi, Kanato, what has gotten into you!? Fuck, what did you do, bastard!?
Laito: I’d like to pose you that question instead. Back then...You were the one who attacked her, no?
Ayato: Hah? What are you...?
Uu...Guh...This shit again...?
Yui: ( Both of them started wincing in pain. Just like Laito-kun...They’re having dizzy spells. )
Laito: I guess we are triplets after all. We suffer at the hands of the same memory...
But it doesn’t seem like the two of you remember just yet.
Kanato: What nonsense are you spouting...? Uu...
Laito: Don’t you think it’d be in your best interest to simply retreat?
Laito: ...I’m pretty sure that in your current condition, even I could cut you down?
Kanato: Ayato...
Ayato: Che...Let’s fall back for now.
Yui: ( They both left... )
Laito: Phew...
Yui: Ah...Laito-kun...
Laito: I’m sorry it took me so long to come save you...Yui-chan.
Yui: ...Ah...
You know...who I am?
Laito: Of course.
Yui: ( He remembered. His memories ーー They’ve come back... )
ー She runs up to him
Yui: Laito-kun!!
Laito: Woah there...Look at you jumping into my arms like that. Such enthusiasm!
ー He loses his balance and tumbles over
Yui: Kyaah!
Laito: Owow...My legs gave in. Guess I’m not back into tip-top shape just yet...
Yui: M-My bad. I completely forgot you were feeling unwell until just now and acted on a whim...!
Laito: No biggie~ I’m no longer dizzy after all. I’ve just got that slight hazy feeling lingering inside my head.
Ahーah. I came all the way here to save my Princess but look at me putting on this lame display.
Yui: Your memories are back, aren’t they?
Laito: I’m not sure if that’s the right way to put it, but yeah.
I can remember everything now, as if the cover which had been put on my mind was lifted at once.
That Ayato-kun and Kanato-kun are my brothers. As well as that we’re dating...All of it.
Yui: I’m glad...Truly. 
Laito: I’m sorry for causing you so much worry. Even though you told me about my memories so many times...
I wrote it off as a bunch of fantasies without even trying to make sense of it. ...I hurt you, didn’t I?
Yui: No, it’s fine. None of that matters at this point. 
All I care about is that you remember now...
Laito: Even so, that won’t take away from the fact that I put you through  unpleasant situations. 
I let those two as well as other guys suck your blood for my own personal enjoyment. 
Yui: Ah...About that...
→ I won’t forgive you (♡)
Yui: I’ll admit, I have a hard time letting that one slide...I don’t want anyone but you to suck my blood.
Laito: Yeah, my bad. I won’t ask you to forgive me. Punish me however you see fit?
Yui: I-I can’t do that. Besides...
You saved me earlier so...We’re even.
Laito: I’m not fine with that though. I can’t do anything for you in return if you put it like that.
→ I don’t mind (🖤)
Yui: I don’t mind. That’s in the past now.
Laito: I wish you’d mind a little more. I mean, even I hate myself for putting you through that. 
However, if you say so, I won’t mention it from here on out.
Laito: But you know, Bitch-chan? Why didn’t you tell me? 
Yui: Eh? Say what...?
Laito: About her.
Yui: ( Her...He’s talking about Cordelia-san, right? )
Laito: You realized that I was very close to remembering her, didn’t you?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Laito: My memories might have come back if you had mentioned her name.
Yui: ...I thought that you’d suffer if you remembered her.
I couldn’t bring myself to drop her name, realizing that all those painful memories would come back to you.
Laito: Per usual, you are too good to me. Still, I’m glad to know you treasure me that much.
Yui: Laito-kun...
Laito: I guess in the end, it was for the best.
When you were nearly burnt to a crisp by Kanato-kun, I was completely shaken up by an intense flurry of past memories. 
In the heat of the moment, I found a way to drive the two of them off. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have won if I had to fight them fair and square.
Yui: Ah...Speaking of which, were they okay? They seemed to be dizzy...
Laito: I wonder? They might have their memories back just like me but...
I know from experience that a small trigger isn’t enough to fully retrieve them.
Yui: Then, they still haven’t...
Laito: I’m pretty sure they’re suffering, stuck inside a world of fake memories.
Yui: I see...
( I hoped they would remember as well, but I guess that would be too much to ask for... )
Laito: Don’t worry. All three of us are pretty sturdy. Don’t worry about it. 
Yui: ...Yeah.
Laito: Well then, I’d love to hold you in my arms a little longer, but we should probably head back to the manor soon.
Even though those two left, it’d be bad if we were to run into one of the other guys.
Yui: Ah, good point. I’m sorry, I’ll move right away.
Laito: I have to say, this was quite a nice position, almost like you had me pinned down.
Yui: G-Geez, there you go saying that sorta stuff again!
Yui: ( Still, this feeling...It’s the Laito-kun I know and love. He actually came back. )
( The feeling of relief has me feeling weak in my knees...I didn’t realize I had been so tense this whole time. )
Laito: Huh? ...One second. Show me your arm.
Yui: Eh? What’s wrong?
Laito: I knew it. You’re burnt right here...
Yui: Ah, this is...The fire scraped across my skin when Kanato-kun pointed it towards me. 
But it’s only a light burn, I’ll be fine. 
Laito: Don’t be like that. It might leave a scar. You’re a girl, so you need to be more concerned about that sorta thing.
Keep still for a second, okay?
Yui: S-Sure...
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Laito: I can easily heal a burn by doing this...Nn...
Yui: Hyah...
Laito: What did I say? Don’t move. I’m only treating your burn.
Yui: B-But, we’d have access to actual medical equipment back at the manor, so you really don’t need to do this...
Laito: Let me do it. I have to do this much or it won’t sit right with me.
Besides, we shouldn’t use our supplies unnecessarily. A Vampire’s saliva has healing effects anyway.
It’s much better to use this method to fix small injuries. Aah, your cheek as well.
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“Don’t pretend to be okay. I want to do everything within my power for you.”
“Mm. It’s me. I’m right here, I promise. I’ll hold you close whenever you want me to.”
Laito: ...Nn...You’re so soft. I’m afraid I might just want to gobble you right up at this rate.
Yui: U-Uhm, I promise I’m okay now?
( I guess it’s because we haven’t been affectionate in a while, but for some reason it’s really embarrassing...! )
( Besides, I can feel the wound aching every time he kisses it... )
Laito: Look at you turning as red as a tomato (1). Seems like it’s not just from embarrassment, huh?
Does it feel good when I stimulate the wound...?
Yui: ...I-It doesn’t.
Laito: Is that so? Then you don’t mind if I continue treating you, correct?
Nn...Muah...Haah...Has it gotten a bit better? 
Yui: I-I think that one should be fine now.
( It really does make...the wound tingle in a weird way. )
Laito: You’re so sexy when you’re trying to endure it. When I kiss the opening of the wound...Nn...Muah...
Yui: ...Ah...
Laito: ...See? The scent of your blood got sweet. You can try to hide it all you want, but I can see right through it?
I can’t believe you’re getting all ecstatic when I’m only trying to tend to your wounds...What a troublesome Bitch-chan you are~
Yui: Y-You’re wrong, this is...
Laito: Fufu, you’re looking at me with those dreamy eyes.
I couldn’t ask for more. I want to do everything I can for you, to make up for everything I’ve done up till now.
Yui: Ah...
Laito: The burn seems fine now. But I haven’t healed the scars I left behind on your heartーー 
Yui: ( Such gentle actions...Like he’s trying his very best to show his appreciation for me... )
Laito: I promise that I will never...do things that could make me lose your love.
Yui: Yeah...
Laito: Well then, let’s head back to the manor together. Your hand please, Princess? 
Yui: Thank you.
Yui: ( I’ve felt his touch so many times before, and this isn’t our first time holding hands either. )
( They I feel as if it’s been together since we’ve walked hand-in-hand like this. )
( Happiness lies in these little things... )
Weaving our way through the trees,
we talked back towards the manor,
which had started to feel like home at this point. 
We have not yet broken free,
from this chaotic situation.
We do not even know where to start yet. 
Even so, the feeling of someone,
holding onto one of my hands tightly,
that alone is enough to take away the fear,
no matter what the future may hold for us.
Translation notes
(1) In Japanese, he says that she turns red like an apple, but in English that didn’t sound quite as natural.
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