Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー Laito [Heaven Scenario]
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ー The scene starts in the hallway of the Sakamaki manor
Yui: ( Actually, we have to hand in an assignment by the beginning of next week, don’t we? )
( It’s a pretty tricky one, I haven’t been able to finish it quite yet. Perhaps I should go to the library sometime soon... )
Yui: ...Hm? I believe I heard something fall just now...
Yui: ( Again...It’s coming from the living room, what could it be? I suppose I’ll go have a look. )
Yui: Uu, well that wasn’t fun...
( I didn’t think I’d end up soaking wet... )
Laito: Hey there, Bitch-chan~!
...Wait, what happened to you!? You’re pretty drenched. Did you go for a swim with your clothes on?
Yui: That’s not it...
I could hear noises coming from the living room so I got curious and decided to have a look. 
Then Ayato-kun threw water over me as part of a prank.
On top of that, it got poured on me from above...
Laito: Heeh, I see. Ayato-kun never grows up, does he?
Yui: I did reprimand him, but it didn’t seem like he was listening at all...
Haah...I wonder what we have to do to get him to stop pulling pranks...?
Laito: Stop? Ayato-kun? That’s obviously impossible.
Pranks are Ayato-kun’s hobby, or perhaps you could even say they’re his purpose in life? Something similar to it at least.
Yui: ( I wish he’d look for a different purpose in life... )
Laito: Anyway...Fufu~
Yui: ...?
( I can feel his gaze burning into me... )
...What’s wrong?
Laito: Ah, sorry, my bad. It’s nothing. I guess you shouldn’t stay like that.
Laito: Come on, this way.
Yui: Yeah...
ー They start walking
Yui: ( He grabbed my hand and started walking but...Will he take me to the bathroom, perhaps? )
( Fufu, Laito-kun’s such a gentleman. )
Yui: ( H-Huh? We walked past the bathroom...? I wonder where he’s going? )
Laito: Hm, hm, hm~
Yui: ( He seems to be over the moon...I guess I’ll just follow him for now. )
ー The scene shifts to Laito’s room
Laito: And we’re here~
Yui: ( His room? I wonder why he brought me here? )
Yui: Eh? The door? Why would you lock it...?
Laito: Nobody can get in this way, right?
I can take my sweet time observing you~
Yui: Observe?
Laito: Hmー...
Haah...It’s so lovely how your clothes cling onto your skin.
You can see all your curves which are usually hidden. 
Yui: Eh!? W-What are you saying...?
Laito: Personally, I’d rank your waist the highest. It looks surprisingly easy to sink my fangs into.
Yui: N-No more looking!
Laito: Ehー? Why are you hiding it? It won’t hurt you, so why not show me a bit more?
Yui: That’s not the issue! ...Did you bring me here so you could look at me, perhaps?
Laito: Oh geez, that’s not the only reason!
Yui: Don’t tell me you’ve got something planned...Achoo!
Laito: Oh dear, are you alright? Did your body cool down from getting wet?
It must be cold for you at this rate, so let’s get you heated up.
Yui: ( Uu, I have a bad feeling about this... )
I-I’m alright! I’ll go back to my room and change into a fresh pair of clothes, okay?
( I gotta get out of here real quickーー )
Laito: Woah there, Bitch-chan? No running away now~
ー Laito grabs hold of her
Yui: Kyaah! 
Laito: It’ll only take a second, so keep still for a bit, okay?
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: H-Hold on, Laito-kun!? Why are you trying to take off my clothes!?
Laito: Because you’ll catch a cold at this rate, duh?
I don’t want my precious Bitch-chan to suffer~
Yui: ( He’s definitely lying! He’s smirking after all! )
L-Laito-kun! That’s enough...!
Laito: I won’t take everything off. It turns me on more when you’ve still got something on you.
Look...Your skin is peeking out from underneath your clothes?
I guess it’s because you got wet, but the fabric looks very moist...I wonder if it feels different too? 
Yui: Wha...?
Laito: You’ve got water dripping from your hair as well...It’s sticking to the back of your nape.
It’s so sexy...I can’t help but want to kiss you...
Yui: Uu...
( N-No...How embarrassing...! )
Laito: ...Hm? The scent of your blood has grown sweeter...?
I guess it’s because you’re getting flustered? 
Yui: T-That’s not true!
Laito: Liar, liar, pants on fire~ ...Say, Bitch-chan. Shall I embarrass you even more?
Yui: Nn...
( His breath is hitting my ear...It tickles... )
Laito: Look at you twitching. How cute. I’d love to have a little fun like this butーー
...I guess it’s about time to warm you up.
Yui: Warm up...H-How exactly?
Laito: By doing this, obviously...Nn...Nnh...
ー Laito bites her
Yui: ( He sunk his fangs into my nape...! )
I won’t get warm like this!
Laito: Don’t worry. You’ll feel warm and cozy in no time...Nn...Nnh...
Yui: ...Ah...
( His fangs are...sinking into my shoulder...It feels nice...even though it hurts as well... )
Laito: Nfu~ Geez, Bitch-chan, look at you enjoying it...
Your skin feels different from usual as well because you’re wet...
Perhaps it’s because you’re worked up, but you taste different as well...I have to be careful or I’ll get carried away and suck you dry...Nn...
Yui: Nn...Aah...
( It’s no use...I get overwhelmed by waves of pleasure every time he sucks my blood...My body...is burning... )
Laito: Fufu...Seems like you’ve heated up...
Yui: ( Eh...? He moved away...? Why...? )
Laito: I’d love to continue indulging in your blood butーー
If you want more, you’ll have to beg for it in a cute way.
Yui: Eh? 
Laito: If you can’t, then it ends here. 
Why not go back to your room to get changed? 
Yui: N-No way...
( It’s way too embarrassing to ask for it myself...! )
( But my body is so hot...I don’t want to get thrown out like this... )
...I’m begging you. Please...Suck me more...
Laito: Well done~
As a reward for your efforts, I’ll suck you plenty...Nnh...Nn...Phew...
Yui: ...Aah...Nn...
( His fangs are thrusting in even deeper than before...It feels amazing... )
( My mind’s...going blank...I can feel my consciousness slipping...away... )
Yui: Nn...
...H...Huh? When did I...?
( Did I pass out while having my blood sucked? )
Laito: Zzー...
Yui: Laito-kun...?
( He’s asleep next to me but...Could it be that he carried me to bed? )
( Furthermore, my hair and body have been wiped dry, so Laito-kun might have done that as well. )
...Thank you, Laito-kun. 
Laito: Zzー... Zzー...
Yui: Fufu, he seems to be sleeping soundly.
( I’d love to simply watch him sleep but... )
( ...I want to kiss him. He’s asleep right now, so he probably won’t notice, right? )
( ...I’ll just go for it...Quietly... )
Laito: ...
Yui: ...
( It’s no use, I can’t after all... )
Laito: ...Fufu.
Yui: Eh? 
Laito: Good morning, Bitch-chan~
Yui: ...!? Y-You were awake!?
Laito: For a while now, you see. I figured you might try and pull something, so I decided to wait and see.
Right when I thought I could feel your face getting closer to mine, now you’re sitting there red as a tomato...
I wonder what you were trying to do to me~? 
Yui: G-Geez! You know exactly what I was going to do, don’t you!?
( He should have just told me he was awake. I can’t believe he pretended to be asleep... )
Laito: Oh come on, why are you turning your back to me~
Yui: ...
Laito: Oiー Bitch-chanー?
Yui: ...
Laito: How cruel of you to ignore me. How・e・ver...
ー He approaches
Laito: Don’t you think you’re leaving yourself a little too vulnerable by turning your back to me like that? ...Nn...
Yui: Hyaah!
Laito: You finally turned my way, didn’t you?
Yui: I mean, r-right now, on the back of my neck...!
Laito: I kissed you~ Your nape is so pretty, I just can’t help but want to kiss you there.
Yui: Even so, out of the blue...!
Laito: Your fault for turning your back to me?
Yui: But you were at fault first for pretending to be asleep!
Laito: In that case, I think it’s pretty rude for you to leave me hanging after nearly kissing me too~
Yui: ( Uu, I guess he realized what I was trying to do after all. )
Laito: Such naive reactions as per usual. Personally, I enjoy those very much of course.
Yui: E-Enjoy...?
( This guy is much tougher to deal with than Ayato-kun and his pranks... )
( Hm...? Right, my wet hair! )
Hey, you’re the one who dried my hair, right?
Laito: Yeah, I did. That’s the least I could do as your boyfriend.
Yui: I knew it. Thank you, Laito-kun.
Laito: You’re welcome.
Yui: ( He’s quite the handful at times, but I really do love how he can be so incredibly kind like that... )
Laito: Ah, right. I tried so hard for you, so I’d like some kind of reward in return~
Yui: Eh? A reward? 
Laito: Hey, Bitch-chan. A reward...Pretty please?
Yui: Uu...
( He’s playing it dirty. But it’s true that he did a lot for me... )
Sure, is there anything you’d like me to do? 
Laito: Of course. I’d like the kiss you teased me with earlier.
Yui: Eh!? T-That’s a little...
Laito: Ehー? It wasn’t easy to dry your hair, you know!?
Yui: Uu, fine. Keep still, okay?
Laito: Nfu~ That’s more like it.
Yui: ( He closed his eyes...He really does have a pretty face. )
( O-Oh no. Don’t be charmed, a kiss...Kiss him... )
( Uu, it really is embarrassing to initiate it. )
Laito: ...Hey, could you please stop keeping me on the edge of my seat? I can’t wait any longer.
Yui: Eh!?
Laito: Nnー ...Nn.
Yui: Nnh!?
Haah, haah...Even though you asked me to kiss you.
Laito: My bad, you are just so adorable, I couldn’t hold back.
Thanks for the snack~ But next time I want you to take the initiative, okay?
Yui: Uu...I’ll try my best.
Laito: Yeah, best of luck~
Yui: ( Geez, he looks so pleased...He really is a troublesome boyfriend but... )
( But it’s during these moments that I realize that I truly do love him. )
( I mean, despite everything, he helped me dry off when I was having a hard time after getting drenchedーー )
( Wait, one second. )
Hey, who changed my clothes...? 
Laito: Hm? Me, of course?
Yui: Eh? ...Eeh!?
Laito: I had a pretty hard time because your clothes kept sticking to your wet skin, you see? Ah, I put them in the laundry basket, don’t worry.
Yui: Y-You changed my clothes...So, you took all of them...
Laito: I can’t believe you’re blushing over something so trivial. We’ve done much worse things, haven’t we?
Yui: That’s not the problem and don’t say such things like it’s nothing!
Laito: Ehー? This is just some harmless fun between lovers.
Yui: ( I take back everything I said before! I really wish he would cut down on doing things which will only trouble me, honestly!! )
ーー THE END ーー 
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